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High input costs affect farmers' mental health
Spiralling production costs are affecting farmers’ mental health – prompting reminders for growers and livestock producers to take care of themselves.
Some 68% of farmers responding to an NFU survey said soaring input costs – including the cost of energy, fuel and fertiliser – had affected their mental wellbeing. Although some costs have eased, they still remain stubbornly high..
Culture change
At the same time, 61% of farmers feeel unfairness in the supply chain is negatively impacting their mental health. Almost 50% say rural crime is taking its toll – as evidenced by the rising number of tractor GPS thefts seen in recent months.
The NFU published the data ahead of a parliamentary event to “kickstart the conversation” about the mental health of the nation’s food producers. The global turmoil of the past 18 months had contributed to the challenges faced by farmers, it said.
During the event, MPs had the opportunity to speak to and learn from farming charities and campaigners, helping farmers out in the field day-to-day, and farmers with their own mental health experiences.
NFU vice-president David Exwood said: “Working in the farming industry is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. But as has been shown by our distressing survey results, the pressures are incredibly challenging too.
“Our survey pinpoints some of the root causes affecting rural mental health – economic and political uncertainty – and we are calling on government to continue taking steps to address these issues to reduce the stress farmers are facing.”
This is backed up by a recent report from MPs on the House of Commons environmental select committee which called for greater joined-up rural mental health planning and action from government, and we agree with these calls.
“While we are starting to see a culture