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I asked a group of farmers recently and got mixed reactions The usual responses of “you can’t farm by numbers”, but also some quiet nods

Farm data is a powerful tool that can help farmers significantly improve their operations in a variety of ways Could farm data be the latest input used by farms?

With the right systems and detailed analysis, the returns can be close to that of a decent NP&K application

One of the most significant benefits of using farm data is improved yields With last harvests’ grain prices, having an extra tonne per hectare to sell makes a huge difference to the bottom line The average spread of yield within a farming operation is around 40% Meaning with an average yield of 8 tonne, one field will yield 4 8 and another 11 2

Working with a farm this season, their yield was higher than average, but their spread of yields achieved was far wider The analysis showed that a contributing factor to the wider yield spread was an extended drill window of 6 weeks for winter wheat By narrowing that to 2 weeks they could achieve a far tighter range of yield, also reducing the risk of adverse weather whilst maintaining a higher overall output Financially, the data showed it was viable to invest in a second-hand drill and still see an increased net margin.

As we see input cost inflation, any efficiencies that can be found to optimise inputs are worth exploring Working with another farm, we analysed their chemical pricing versus the wider market They were purchasing their chemical at a decent price and using a fair split of R&D vs generic brands Digging into the detail, their application rates were on average 16% higher than similar farming operations achieving similar yields

With farms on average spending £200/ha on chemistry, that’s £32/ha efficiency to explore Continuing with the farm, we unearthed several factors leading to their higher rate - but paramount was a desire for a low-risk crop However, with the financial data revealing the cost of this approach, they adjusted for this season, aiming for a far lower cost of production

Evidently, farm data is a valuable resource that can help farmers make more informed decisions and improve their operations. Is it as valuable as fertiliser? I think that may depend on the farm However, the benefits of using farm data are clear From improving yields to optimising inputs and reducing costs, the potential returns of using farm data are substantial

Ross Dawson Customer Success Manager 07496 416032 rd@yagro com

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