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STRATEGIC THEME 2 | Fiscal Management
Develop a sustainable financial framework to build safe and prosperous communities.
Key Outcomes:
2.a Develop sustainable reserve policies to aid in long-term fiscal and infrastructure sustainability and growth.
2.b Review tax revenue and assessment policies to meet the financial needs of the County, while remaining competitive.
2.c Review and implement organizational efficiencies.
Administration Activities
1 Review reserve policies (focusing on the Fiscal Sustainability Reserve) and allocation provisions to ensure efficiency and maximum return.
Planned Actions for Delivery
a. Align reserves with long-term planning of the County.
b. Review reserves to reflect uncertainty in market conditions.
c. Meet with departments to ensure reserves reflect Administrative needs.
Project Lead Timeline
Director of Finance Q3 2023 a. Align tax classes to be closer to expenditure classes. b. Compare mill rates with comparative municipalities.
2 Develop a tax and mill rate strategy to more accurately reflect differences amongst assessment classes.
Director of Finance Ongoing Q3 2023
Director of Finance Q3 2023
Director of Finance Ongoing
Director of Finance Ongoing a. Align future land needs and inventory with future economic development.
3 Develop a strategy to inform direction on surplus municipallyowned lands.
Director of Planning & Development Q1 2024 b. Incorporate municipally-owned land inventory into asset management.
Director of Planning & Development Q2 2024
Administration Activities Planned Actions for Delivery Project Lead Timeline
4 Conduct ongoing organizational reviews to ensure capacity can respond to growth.
a. Change management training for Managers and Directors.
b. Identify metrics and benchmarks for staffing and service levels and recommend policy implementation.
c. Conduct a facilitated organizational development session for Directors and Managers.
d. Develop a plan to deliver LEAN across the organization.
of Planning & Development a. Establish a framework for internal review of service levels. b. Internal analysis of service levels considering cost-benefit and needs. c. Review recommended service levels with Council annually. of Finance
5 Value for service that provides the highest value for ratepayer dollars.