Thursday, June 19, 2008 • St. Mary’s County

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Thursday, June 19, 2008 • St. Mary’s County, Maryland

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Established 2006 • Volume 3 • Issue 24

Residents Of Hollywood Picking Up The Pieces After Another Storm By Guy Leonard and Andrea Shiell Staff Writers

– Leonardtown Boys’ Lacrosse Coach Matt Chew Photo Courtesy of

Commissioners To Hold Tax Credit Public Hearing The St. Mary’s County Board of County Commissioners will hold a public hearing July 15 to allow a property tax credit for home owners with certain sprinkler systems. The meeting will take place at the Potomac Building in, 23115 Leonard Hall Drive in Leonardtown at 6:30 p.m. The ordinance that would put the tax credit into affect states that the measure was designed to encourage homeowners to install sprinkler systems for fire suppression in their homes. The current proposal would give a tax payer a onetime credit against the county property tax between Feb. 1, 2008 to Feb. 1, 2011.

Runners and Walkers Join in for nd 2 Annual Run Fun Walk for Walden

Photo by Guy Leonard

Brendan Weigle, 8, Alyssa Weigle, 7 and Ian Weigle, 4, sit atop a tree that snapped at their Hollywood home and smashed their father’s truck. Reports of tree and other storm damage were common in Hollywood after a June 14 thunderstorm.

Heavy thunderstorms, pounding wind and rain over the weekend all added up to plenty of downed trees and concurrent damage for county residents, particularly those in the Hollywood area. The June 14 storm comes after two other storms that hit Southern Maryland the previous week when heavy rains and winds knocked out power and sparked fires, one even destroying a home in Hermanville. But there was no severe damage to homes reported, according to the Department of Public Safety’s emergency management division. Despite some fears of tornadoes touching down in the Hollywood area, See Storm page A-

Police: Missing Celebrating Flag Day Mechanicsville Youth Killed In Virginia Crash Andrea Shiell Staff Writer

Students from George Washington Carver Elementary and Piney Point Elementary sang their hearts out Saturday during the St. Mary’s County’s Flag Day festivities, even

as dark skies loomed overhead, claps of thunder deafened the crowd and storm winds whipped each flag. Spirits seemed high as attendees filed into the air-conditioned safety of the Leonardtown Recreation Hall near the governmental center to conSee Flag Day page A-

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer A 17-year-old from Mechanicsville who went missing May 25 was killed just the next day in a high speed pursuit with a Virginia law enforcement officer, according to the latest information from the Albemarle County, Va. Police Department. The department released the information on the death of Quentin Aaron Lewis June 12 after a twoweek investigation. “The pieces came together and the Medical Examiners Office was able to identify the 17-year-old juvenile,” said Lt. Todd Hopwood of the Albemarle County Police Department. Investigators with the Maryland State Police, who along with Virginia law enforcement worked to identify Lewis, said that Lewis might have run away See Lewis Death page A-

Photo by Andrea Shiell

India King, Analysse Gammon, Brandon Hughes, and Alyssa Carter enjoy the Flag Day festivities in Leonardtown.

St. George’s Island Restaurant Springs Back To Life By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

About 200 walkers and runners came to Greenwell State Park on Saturday morning to participate in the 2nd Annual Run and Fun Walk to benefit Walden/Sierra. Money collected at the event will go to benefit programs for thousands of people who seek services from the company, including in-patient and outpatient substance abuse treatment, counseling, and help for domestic violence. Though some runners and walkers came to benefit Walden, others took the morning’s event as a chance to practice, like members of the Leonardtown High School Cross Country Track Team, including Michael and Sean Hageman, and Jessica Gass, who said “It’s just a run, an opportunity to practice.” “We just wanted to start a community event where anyone can come out…we’re hoping it will grow,” said event director Valerie Colvin.

See Evans page A-

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The new Evans Seafood restaurant on St. George’s Island is open for business, just six months after the construction started, and with its resurrection St. George’s Island has once again become a dining destination. The restaurant re-opened June 11 quietly with no advertising. But the owners of the new seafood house, Chuck and Julie Kimball, said they have been flush with customers since their opening and say that so far they have only met with satisfied diners. There is an abbreviated menu to start out with since opening, but diners can still get steak, crab legs, shrimp and premium crab cakes to satisfy their seafood cravings. Even with fewer choices, the customers just kept coming, said Chuck Kimball, especially over the weekend.

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Friday T-Storms 80° Saturday T-Storms 84°

Photo by Guy Leonard

Jocelyn Henderson, a member of the Evans family and a waitress at the newly reopened Evans Seafood restaurant on St. George’s Island serves up a tray of crab legs.

Weekly Specials Inside!

Section A -

The County Times

Gun Thefts Among The Most Worrisome Of Burglaries By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Investigators with the St. Mary’s County Bureau of Criminal Investigations have retrieved most of the firearms stolen during a burglary at the Tackle Box sporting goods store in Lexington Park more than a week ago, but the number of times the store has had firearms stolen worries police. “I wish there were better security there but I can’t go into specifics,” said Lt. Rick Burris,

commander of the investigative unit. “We’re certainly concerned with security at any place that has weapons.” Burris said there was a firearms theft there in 2006, and that several guns were stolen during an armed robbery in 2007. One of those firearms, a Glock 19 9mm handgun, was used by Johntonna Young, one of the armed robbers, to kill former U.S. Navy sailor Kenneth James Walter when he caught Young attempting to steal items from his car. So far, the June 6 burglary at the Tackle

Box has been the only one this year. Burris said investigators area still looking for a couple of the firearms that were allegedly stolen by David T. Dillow, 23, of Hollywood. “Thefts from gun shops are serious to us because of what the results can be,” Burris said. “We saw that with the armed robbery in 2007. “We hope that gun shops would do everything they could to make the weapons secure.” Ken Lamb, owner of the Tackle Box, said his business has an alarm system, and that every time his store has been burglarized or robbed law enforcement has always had a rapid response time. This latest incident has forced him to replace the doors he had on the front of the store

Thursday, June 19, 2008 since 1974, he said, but these are much stronger than the old ones. Lamb also said he is considering installing a folding metal screen that would come down over the door once the store is closed for the night. Lamb admits that guns at his store make a tempting target for thieves. “When you have guns it goes with the territory,” Lamb said. “We’ve never had a breakin, burglary or armed robbery where [law enforcement] didn’t find the culprits and most of the guns have been recovered.” Lamb said gun stores weren’t the only targets of thieves seeking weapons; private homes were just as much in danger. “There’s not a week or so that goes by when someone brings in a list of stolen guns and says ‘Hey, would you look out for those guns,’” Lamb said. “It happens often.”

New Barn Unveiled For Man Gets 30 Years Tri-County Animal Shelter For Assault, Burglary During Home Invasion Andrea Shiell Staff Writer

accommodations. She explained that the recent downturn in the economy was forcing people to give up

The sun broiled the landscape in Hughesville on Friday as a casual gathering of county commissioners and animal lovers from Charles, Calvert and St. Mary’s counties congregated to celebrate the latest collaborative effort for the Tri-County Animal Shelter, unveiling a new barn facility for farm animals. Those visiting the shelter may not be aware of the number of pigs, emus, or ponies that pass through, but employees and animal control officials at the shelter have counted 75 in the past year, in addition to over 13,000 cats, dogs, rabbits, squirrels, birds, hamsters and others. Though the number of farm animals has stayed consistent, housing these animals has been a problem in years past. What used to be a shell of a barn with dirt floors, partitioned with chain-link fences, was described by Assistant Shelter Supervisor Photo by Andrea Shiell Tommy Scott as “a roof with three sides and a Another animal to benefit from the new facilities at storage room,” but has now been transformed the Tri-County Animal Shelter is this silver pot-belover the last year into a facility that can accom- lied pig, Scrappy. modate anywhere from 20 to 30 animals with their farm pets. electricity, concrete floors, adjustable parti“With the way the populations are going tions and a storage level upstairs. with the economy, a lot of people can’t afford “This barn was terrible,” said Calvert to keep them,” she said, adding that groups like County Commissioner Linda Kelly, who had the Snowflake Society in St. Mary’s County, brought two pigs in her van that morning. “We Bunny Magic Rescue in Lusby, and the Calwould have cited a homeowner for keeping vert County Humane Society rescue many anianimals the same way.” mals that are not brought in by their owners, at In the last year, Kelly had checked line which point they are brought to the shelter. items to make sure that funding was allotted In addition to the new barn, air conditionfor the project, as did commissioners from ing was added to some of the smaller rooms Charles and St. Mary’s County. Each of the in the shelter itself, which Scott described as a three counties contributed $15,000 for the projblessing as he fanned himself outside. ect, a modest sum when compared to the com“The major units don’t have it yet,” he said, fortable accommodations it achieved. adding that retrofitting a building that old for “This is beyond our expectations,” said air conditioning may be next to impossible. Kelly. “Now we’ve got a place to put them.” Still, with summer baking the facilities Shelter Supervisor Kim Stephens smiled and the animals in them, he remains hopeful. and fanned herself as Scrappy and Max, two “The next hopefully big thing will be air of the pot-bellied pigs brought by Kelly, scufconditioning.” fled in the hay behind her, enjoying their new

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Circuit Court Judge C. Clarke Raley sentenced a Great Mills man to 30 years in prison for his role in a home invasion that took place on Medley’s Neck Road in July of last year where he and his accomplice kicked in doors at a boarding house looking for drugs and money. Derrick R. Medley, 23, was convicted in February during a two-day trial when 12 jurors found him guilty of three counts of first-degree assault and three counts of first-degree burglary. His accomplice, Trey D. Barnes, pleaded guilty to robbery charges in the case before Medley’s trial. “This was a very serious case, a very dangerous situation,” said Deputy State’s Attorney Ted Weiner. Medley’s trial earlier this year revealed that after a night of heavy drinking and marijuana use, he and Barnes went to the Medley’s Neck Road boarding house looking to rob Jeb McWade, who they believed had money and drugs. Both Medley and Barnes entered the boarding house and proceeded to kick in doors on the second f loor and, according to testimony from victims, pointed guns at them demanding to know where McWade was. Once they found McWade in his room a struggle ensued between McWade and Medley and Barnes fired a shot down the hallway, according to court testimony. After the shot was fired both Medley and Barnes ran down stairs, and one of them, according to the boarding house proprietor Walter Francis Duke, pointed a gun in his face telling him to get out of their way.

Both Barnes and Medley were arrested soon after at Medley’s girlfriend’s home. Investigators found two handguns and ammunition they believe were used in the home invasion by the defendants. Throughout the trial and even during his sentencing hearing Medley maintained his innocence, saying that he was a victim of circumstance in the wrong place and the wrong time. “I never had a weapon, I never kicked in any door and I never robbed nobody,” Medley told Raley. He testified during the trial that he was just looking for more marijuana, and that Barnes initiated the incident. But statements given by Medley after the crime to criminal investigators seemed to show he knew beforehand that Barnes had intended to commit robbery. Raley said that the evidence presented at trial was more than enough to convince the jury that Medley was an active participant in the robbery, however. “You abetted the main perpetrator,” Raley said. “It doesn’t matter really who has the guns. “And in fact the jury believed you had the gun.” Raley said that Medley’s attitude from the beginning of the case in his court, through the trial and then the sentencing showed he did not appreciate the gravity of his offenses. “He just doesn’t take a serious view as to what his conduct is,” Raley said. “He never has.” After Medley’s lawyer, Public Defender John Getz, told his client his post trial rights in open court he was taken into custody by sheriff’s deputies. “I’ll see you in two years,” Medley said confidently to the court as he was taken to holding.

ACLU Challenging Local Campaign Sign Ordinance Andrea Shiell Staff Writer

Photo by Andrea Shiell

From left to right: Jack Russell, Wilson H. Parran, Linda Kelly, Reuben B. Collins II, Wayne Cooper, and Kim Stephens cut the ribbon for the new barn at the Tri-County Animal Shelter in Hughesville.

Residents wishing to display political campaign signs too soon or too far after the general election may face penalties according to an ordinance that was recently challenged by the Maryland American Civil Liberties Union. Article 6, chapter 65 of the St. Mary’s County Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance prohibits the display of political yard signs on private property until 45 days prior to an election, 15 days after a primary election if the candidate is does not advance to the general election, or 15 days after a general election. The ordinance is similar to a recently invalidated Baltimore County law that imposed similar restrictions. In Bell v. Baltimore County, Judge Catherine Blake ruled the regulation to be an infringement on free speech, noting that many courts have recognized “the importance of official campaign signs and the message they provide,” and ruling them a form of protected speech. Though the St. Mary’s County ordinance has not been officially challenged in court, officials from the ACLU have sent out notices to this and neighboring counties with similar laws about the issue, charging that the enforcement of these laws is unconstitutional, as it violates the First Amendment. Legal Director Deborah A. Jeon

wrote in a letter to St. Mary’s County Commissioner President Jack Russell that, “even if you are not actively enforcing your sign law, the continued retention of a law that unconstitutionally limits speech has a chilling effect upon residents.” Jeon explained in a telephone interview that she hopes to see more attention given to the ordinance and for counties with similar restrictions to respond by updating their own laws. Similar laws exist in Harford, Washington, Charles, and Talbot County, and can be enforced by fines or citations. Homeowners associations would of course retain their own rights to enforce whatever restrictions they felt appropriate for the display of signs or f lags, and Jeon explained the repeal of the St. Mary’s County ordinance would not affect them. Russell said he would not be opposed to updating the county code. “Maybe it’s a good reminder for two years hence,” he said, explaining that local elections could be hurt by the existing law, as well as national elections. “I saw the letter…but we have other things to deal with right now.” Russell added that the courts would ultimately have to rule on the issue.

The County Times

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Section A -

Weekend Dinner Specials Fully Prepared In Our Kitchen Whole Rotisserie Chicken • 1 lb. Redskin Potato Salad • 1 lb Store Made Cole Slaw • ½ doz. Fresh Dinner Rolls • 2 ltr. Coke or Pepsi Price Effective Friday, June 20 - Sunday, June 22 11a.m. - 7p.m.

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Route 5 & Mohawk Drive Charlotte Hall, MD 20622


The Shops at Breton Bay Leonardtown, MD 20650


Route 245 Hollywood, MD 20636


Wildewood Shopping Center California, MD 20619


The County Times

Section A -

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Editorial & Opinion Local Flavor, Local Fare Once in awhile a promotional event comes along that is such a winner for everyone you just can’t pass it up. This year’s first ever “Local Flavor, Local Fare” event to be held June 24th on the square in Leonardtown is one of those events. This prelude to the upcoming Buy Local Challenge will benefit Patuxent Habitat for Humanity while supporting our local farmers. From 5:30-7:00 p.m. you can enjoy a delicious sampling of dishes and wines all prepared from ingredients from area farms, waterways and vineyards presented by some of our favorite local restaurants and wineries. Participating in the event are Blue Wind Gour-

met, Café des Artistes, Corbel’s, The Good Earth Natural Food Company, Brome Howard Inn, J.T. Daugherty Conference Center, The Tides Restaurant, Morris Point Restaurant, Quality Street Catering, Perigeaux Vineyards and Winery and Solomons Island Winery. In today’s struggling economy, keeping our local farmers in business is a major challenge. By buying local you will not only be eating fresher, more nutritious foods but supporting many of your friends and neighbors who rely on farming for a living. With this event you will also be supporting a local organization, Patux-

To The Editor: Dear Editor:

ly passed budget, the only specific plan he offers is In his June 6 newsletter his hope to extend unemto constituents, Congress- ployment insurance benman Steny Hoyer notes all efits. Is that Congressman the obvious problems in Hoyer’s total package to stimutoday’s economy including rising prices, unem- late the economy? During ployment, and the housing these difficult economic crisis. “These grim con- times, I’d like to think I ditions” complains Hoyer could expect more from “are further proof that the the Majority Leader of current Administration’s Congress. Contrast this with what misguided economic polihappened the last time a cies have failed the American people by weakening new party took over Conour economy and leaving gress during the Adminishundreds of thousands of tration of a President of the people looking for work other party. I refer to 1994. and struggling to make Congress made no excuses that year about the inabilends meet.” As the Majority Leader ity to get things done with of Congress, this response the opposing party still ocby Congressman Hoyer is cupying the White House. The Presisimply a pathetic admission of impotence. Where dent was even labeled, by I come from, a leader ac- some at the time, as being cepts, rather than deflects irrelevant. Today many voters are blame, then immediately disgruntled with politics responds with a plan to and politicians. Some have turn things around. In an attempt to further even left the ranks of those bamboozle his constitu- that vote. Perhaps these ents, Congressman Hoyer voters now have reason for then trumpets passing the optimism. There is a caneconomic stimulus pack- didate for Congress in our age. Only a lifelong poli- district, Collins Bailey, tician would think to label who offers a change from a policy that taxes Ameri- politics as usual. Mr. Bailey, who curcans 50% of their income on April 15, then gives rently is serving his fourth them back 5% on May four year term on the Charles County School 15th, a Board, speaks the truth and stimulus package. He sticks to his beliefs. Colfurther gloats about passlins Bailey does not coming legislation to suspend promise his principles and filling of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Incred- he lets you know where he ibly, this legislation is his stands. Perhaps most imentire response to the gas portantly, Collins Bailey price crisis. If this act is a strong believer in foldoes anything to combat lowing our Constitution, higher gas prices, it’s ef- something that is all too fect will be miniscule and rare nowadays. With Congress’s apwill be entirely temporary. This crisis requires bold proval rating at an all time and permanent steps, not low, it is time to realize the least of which would that those in power in this be to shore up our plung- institution - especially it’s ing dollar, which is the ma- leaders - need to hear from jor culprit in rising prices the voters that we’re simof ALL kinds. Of course, ply not going to stand for business as this would require the government to end it’s massive usual anymore and we’re spending ways, something not going to accept excusthat Congressman Hoyer es for inaction. Do yourand his Congressional co- self an enormous favor and horts are unwilling or un- check out Collins Bailey at www.baileyforuscongress. able to do. And what is Congress- com, and let’s send Conman Hoyer’s response to gress a message that they the economic downturn? will never forget. After making some vague Gary Rumsey reference to investing in Leonardtown, Md the economy in the recent-

ent Habitat for Humanity that directly impacts local families who would otherwise not realize the wonderful opportunity of home ownership. Patuxent Habitat for Humanity partners with local volunteers and businesses to build homes with no interest loans for qualifying families. Since 2003, Patuxent Habitat for Humanity has built homes for nine families in our area that may never have been able to own a home otherwise. The need for helping families realize this dream is growing each and every year as we see making ends meet become more and more challenging for families. Buy Local Challenge Week is held the last week of July each year. This year’s challenge is to be held July 1927th. The challenge is a state wide ini-

Dear Editor: Thanks to Frank Cameron for his critique of the Letter to the Editor regarding the state of our country since the 2006 elections which installed the Democrat-controlled Congress. Opinions, polls, data collection and charts are like noses...everyone has one, and everyone has a favorite--some smell sweet, others just smell. The Annenberg Policy Center produced Frank’s quotes. Aside from picking a nit here and there, their report made an interesting conclusion regarding the power of Congress to influence the price of gasoline, I quote: “Despite what this e-mail (mine) implies, Congress little (sic) or nothing to do with setting the price of gasoline. Gas prices rise and fall with fluctuations in supply and demand. Prices go up when the supply decreases or the demand increases. Prices fall when supply goes up or demand goes down. There are those who believe that oil companies are manipulating supply, but if so that’s the doing of oil-company executives, not Democratic senators or

Why are Gas Prices so High? Have you ever wondered why gas prices are so high? It must be the greedy oil companies! And why are food prices going up suddenly? It must be the scheming “agribusinesses”! How about manufactured goods that are also starting to go up after nearly a decade of Wal-Mart advertising “Watch for falling prices”? It must be the evil Chinese! In reality of course, the oil companies were just as greedy when oil prices were below $20 dollars per barrel (less than 10 years ago), the “agribusinesses” were just as scheming when corn, wheat, and soybean prices were much lower than they are now, and (if anything) the Chinese communist regime was more evil in the past than they are now (as little as 30 years ago China was basically a clone of totalitarian North Korea). No, the common denominator of all these price increases is not greedy, scheming businessmen, or evil Chinese but the fact that the dollar is suddenly worth a whole lot less now than it was in the last few years. Why is the dollar worth less? Has everyone in America suddenly decided to quit their jobs, stay home, and play video games all day instead of going to work? I don’t know about you, but everyone that I know is working just as hard today (if not harder) than they did just a few years ago. America has not had a catastrophic shift in economic output. Instead, we must look to the economic law of supply and demand for the answer to the declining value of the dollar. The law of supply and demand is simple to state: everything else being constant, more of something on the market will cause the price to fall, while less of it on the market will cause the price to rise. Thus, a bumper crop of corn will generally result in a lower price per bushel than if the harvest had been poor. The same is true of the “price” of the dollar: if too many dollars are chasing too few goods then the dollar’s “price” will go down. What does the “price” of the dollar mean? A few quick examples will make the point. Ten years ago the price of gas was right around $1/gallon (remember those days?). Now the price of gas is right around $4/gallon (yuck!). So ten years ago the “price” of a dollar was one gallon of gas. Today, the “price” of a dollar is one quarter of a gallon of gas. The “price” of the dollar has gone down (by a lot). We could also look at food. Ten years ago you could routinely buy a loaf of your favorite bread for $1 per loaf. Now the price of bread is around $2-3 per loaf (depending on what and where you buy). So ten years ago the “price” of a dollar was one loaf of bread. Today the “price” of a dollar is somewhere between one half and one third of a loaf. Again, the “price” of the dollar has gone down (by a lot). So, the law of supply and demand tells us that if the “price” of the dollar is going down it is because the supply of dollars is greatly exceeding demand. There are too many dollars chasing too few goods. Where did all these extra dollars come from? And why are they suddenly showing up now? The answer lies with the federal government. In particular the deadly combination of large budget deficits and the Federal Reserve System lowering inter-

tiative that asks all residents to take the challenge: “I pledge to eat at least one item from a local farm every day during Buy Local Week”. The goal is that you will discover the benefits of buying from local farms, farmers markets, wineries and grocers and markets that carry genuine local products, and dine at restaurants that serve locally grown products and will continue buying local year round. Visit or for more information on the upcoming Buy Local Challenge. For more information on the “Local Flavor, Local Fare” contact Patuxent Habitat for Humanity at 301-863-6227 or email A donation of $25.00 is requested for the event. Join us on June 24th to support two very worthwhile local causes.

House members, some of whom in fact are calling for yet another investigation of oil-company practices.” “Little or nothing to do...”? This Democrat-controlled Congress rakes in 18% of the price of gasoline (effort-free)--tax. This Democrat-controlled Congress (and Slick Willy’s veto in the last Democrat regime) has prevented the use of our own U. S. owned resources in Anwar, Alaska, internal CONUS, and 50-100 miles off the pristine coasts of California, the Eastern shore and Florida, where coincidently, China doesn’t seem to have our same hesitance in drilling. This Democrat-controlled Congress is not shy when it comes to “investigations” Annenberg’s quote on more grilling of oil company executives. Bottom line--Supply is available...demand is increasing...Democrat control is the stumbling block...nay, stumbling boulder. Larry Lutz Lexington Park, Md

est rates to “let the good times roll” causes the price inflation we see today. When the Congress and the President spend more money than the government collects in taxes (known as deficit spending), that “extra money” gets borrowed on the open market. (Families do this too sometimes when they aren’t able to keep their monthly spending in line with their monthly income and charge some of their bills to their credit cards. This is OK if you do it once. This is not OK if you do it month after month after month without end.) However, when the government borrows hundreds of billions of dollars per year the amount of borrowing is so large that it puts huge upward pressure on interest rates, which would ordinarily choke off other borrowers, such as mortgages for home sales, loans for new businesses, etc. That’s when the Federal Reserve System steps in. It provides “new money” to selected large “money center” banks in New York (and other large cities) to keep interest rates artificially low and mask the impact of government borrowing on the market. This is a good deal – for the large “money center” banks in New York. Unfortunately this is not a good deal for the rest of us. By the time this “new money” ripples through the economy to ordinary people, all its value has been used up and fully priced into the market as higher prices. So what you see as a result of this “new money” is higher prices for gas, higher prices for food, and higher prices for almost everything else. What can we do about it? The problem is caused by politicians in Congress and can only be fixed by fixing Congress. The Constitution gives Congress (not the president) “the power of the purse”. Congress passes spending bills every year that routinely spend much more than the government takes in. The Federal Reserve System then obligingly creates all that “new money” that results in higher gas and food prices for all us ordinary citizens. Has my explanation above caused your eyes to glaze over? “Wow, that’s so complicated!” you’re probably thinking. And that’s just what incumbent members of Congress want. They want ordinary people to be confused and just give up and blame anyone else while they continue to get re-elected time after time, all while they steal your money through the hidden tax of inflation. But for voters in Maryland’s Fifth Congressional District, there is something you can actually do to make a real difference in this situation. Collins Bailey is running for Congress against the incumbent Congressman and he understands these issues on a deep level. Just look at his campaign slogan: “Cut Spending, Obey Our Constitution, Limit Federal Government” ( Elect Collins Bailey to Congress this November and we can help bring an end to this inflation that is steadily eroding the purchasing power of the money in your wallet and bank account. Sincerely, Osa Fitch Clements, Md

Letters to the Editor If you wish to send a letter to the editor, please include your name, address and phone number for confirmation purposes. We will only publish your name and city of residence. We can withhold your name by request if circumstances merit it. We must receive all letters by Monday morning for publication in the next issue. Any letter received later than Monday will be held for the following issue.

The County Times

James Manning McKay - Publisher Tobie Pulliam - Office Andrea Shiell - Community Chris Stevens - Sports Correspondent...............

P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636

Guy Leonard - Government

News, advertising, circulation, classifieds: 301-373-4125

Kara Fernald - Advertising

The County Times

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ramblings of a Country Girl

Section A -

A Newspaper That Serves St. Mary’s County With All Of The Community Based News That You Care About!

We are at your service with: How Does One Read The Newspaper?


g Terri Bartz Bowles Everybody has their priorities and their quirks and their personal preferences in regard to just about everything including how one reads the newspaper or a magazine. I suppose it says something about you, good or bad, how you read the various publications. I’m sure someone could get their doctorate degree with such a thesis. Of course, there are folks who don’t read the newspaper at all. That’s kind of odd to me. The newspaper has always been part of my household. My folks read the daily paper and I’ve always had a subscription. There are a number of folks who get their news from radio or television and I do that, too. But the newspaper has so much more than the news. And you’re going to get much more in-depth on any subject in a newspaper than you’re going to get on the 5-minute radio news update or even an hour of television news. Besides the in-depth coverage, there’s also the continuing coverage, the follow up that’s as interesting as the initial news story. And of course, there are lots of small news stories that you’re only going to see in the newspaper. Human interest stories, continuing series, just all kinds of good stuff you’re only going to see in the newspaper. I’m not saying television and radio news isn’t good, I’m just saying by their very nature, they just can’t give you the same amount of information as a newspaper. You also can’t get the store ads every week unless you get the newspaper! Or the coupon sections, I clip coupons every Sunday. There’s a television guide, community event listings, movies and plays; all kinds of stuff. Now some of you are going to say that you can get all that information off the internet. And you’re right, you can. But I don’t think you’re going to find it all in one convenient place. You’re going to have to search for it in multiple places. No, give me the good old newspaper any day of the week. Actually, give it to me every day of the week; I need my daily paper. One reason I need my daily paper is the funny papers; I need my daily comics! A dis-

Flag Day Continued from page A- tinue with this year’s 22nd annual celebration. “Ladies and gentlemen welcome to plan B!” said County Commissioner president Jack Russell. Next to him were Commissioners Lawrence Jarboe, Dan Raley, Sheriff Timothy Cameron, Senator Roy Dyson, Delegate John Wood, Superintendent Michael Martirano, School Board members Mary Washington, Cathy Allen, and Praveen Ramaswamy, among others. All took the evening’s ceremonies as a chance to reflect on what Flag Day meant to them. Historically speaking, the holiday was born when President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation in 1916 establishing the holiday on June 14, the same day that the Continental Congress had adopted the flag in 1777. The idea for the holiday originated in 1885, when Bernard Cigrand, a school teacher from Waubeka, Wis., set up a day for observance at Stony Hill School, a site that has been restored. Flag Day was officially designated a national holiday by Congress in 1949, and has since become a celebration of the spirit of the stars and stripes as much as of the flag itself. The Continental Congress did not leave any records to show why red, white, and blue were chosen, but in 1782 the Congress of the

cussion ensued this morning about which section of the newspaper various people read first or even read at all. During the week, I go for the Style section first, I’ll admit it in public. I like the funnies, the crossword, the daily advice columns and Heloise. Some of the popular culture stuff is interesting and there are also columns about television, movies, art exhibits, etc. Mainly, I need my funnies and the crossword. Also, you have to peruse the obituaries and death notices. Some people think it’s slightly morbid, but better to read the obituaries and make it to the funeral or know to send a card, than to not know about a death at all. It was hinted at that a person who goes for the Style section first may be shallow. How silly! Just because I read the Style section first doesn’t mean I’m not interested in the other stuff. I don’t avoid the heavy news, I just delay it. Going for the Style section first is no different than going for the Sports section first. My other favorites include the Food section and the Home section. I also enjoy the special weekend sections and some special inserts. And why is it any worse to read the Style section first than to grab the Business section and check to see what your stocks are doing every day? Every day? Get a life! The bottom line, I think, is that reading anything is better than reading nothing at all. And reading something you enjoy first just makes sense. It makes sense to me anyway. And being judgmental about someone else’s reading habits is just, well, just a little snotty. So read what you want, when you want and please yourself.



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Confederation chose the same colors for the Great Seal of the United States and listed red as a symbol of valor and heartiness, white as a symbol of purity, and blue as a symbol for vigilance. Legend has it that George Washington interpreted the famous stars as taken from the sky, the red from the British colors, and the white stripes symbolized succession from the home country. Whatever the case, those attending the observance on Saturday were happy to reflect on what the flag meant to them. “You can go anywhere, and everyone recognizes that flag wherever you go,” said Raley. “You’re all still here because you know what that flag stands for.” “This symbol, our flag, has been a witness to our history,” said Captain Andrew Macyko, Commanding Officer at Patuxent River Naval Air Station. “The stars and stripes have certainly seen us through.” The storm passed in waves over the recreation center, but the sounds of thunder grew fainter outside as the ceremony drew to a close and people carried their flags home.

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301-373-4125 Senator Roy Dyson with Ann Raley at this year’s Flag Day festivities.

Photo by Andrea Shiell

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The County Times

Section A -

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Enjoy Fireworks In A Safe Manner One may be hard-pressed to find a person who doesn’t enjoy a breathtaking fireworks display. These pyrotechnic delights are one of the hallmarks of the summer season. Parks, area beaches and many other recreational areas feature fireworks displays to light up the nighttime sky. Fireworks are also very popular for personal use, with peak use around big holidays, such as Independence Day or Canada Day. Consumer fireworks, if used in accordance with their instructions, are very safe, says the National Council on Fireworks Safety. Injuries from consumer fireworks have dramatically decreased over the past twenty years, despite an increase in usage by consumers. Today, some form of consumer fireworks are allowed in 45 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. But some fireworks can be dangerous. It is recommended that you only buy consumer fireworks from a licensed store or stand. Never buy fireworks from an individual’s house, or from someone on the street. Such fireworks

are likely to be illegal explosives that can cause serious injury. Consumer fireworks regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission are packaged in bright colors and have safety warnings on the packaging. The packaging sets forth the country of origin, normally China. Typical consumer fireworks include fountains, cones, sparklers, fire crackers, bottle rockets, and multiple tube products. Illegal explosives are often unpackaged and are wrapped with plain brown paper. They are unlikely to have any safety warnings, or place of manufacture. Many of them are handmade in basements or illicit factories. They go by names such as M80, Quarter Stick or Cherry Bomb. If someone approaches you to sell one of these illegal explosives, politely decline and then call your local police department. If you’re planning on enjoying fireworks at your next party or event, follow these safety tips. • Only use fireworks if they

Continued from page A- emergency management officials say there were none. At his home on Jones Wharf Road, Jason Weigle and his family came home after an evening of shop-

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• Fireworks are for outdoor use only. Do not light them indoors and then carry them outside. • Follow the instructions for fireworks usage on the packaging. Use them only as intended. Do not try to combine fireworks to get a bigger bang or light display. • Keep water in a bucket and a hose nearby for safety reasons.

• Point fireworks away from homes, and keep away from brush, leaves and flammable substances. The National Fire Protection Association estimates that local fire departments respond to more 50,000 fires caused by fireworks each year. • Never throw or point fireworks at someone, even in jest.

• Don’t hold fireworks in your hand or have any part of your body over them while lighting.

By being safe, you can ensure that this summer fireworks season will be enjoyable and a delight to behold.

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• Sparklers can be beautiful but also dangerous. Do not let children under the age of 12 handle sparklers.

• Be respectful of others. Do not shoot fireworks off for a long duration into the wee hours of the night. Neighbors may be trying to get some sleep.



• Don’t try to re-light a “dud” firework. Wait 20 minutes or more and then extinguish the dud in a bucket of water.

• Fireworks should be operated soley by an adult. This adult should wear safety glasses. Spectators should keep a safe distance. Always let common sense prevail.

ping at Wal-Mart to find that 10 trees had fallen right around their home. One of them landed squarely on his truck, smashing into the back passenger seats. “We came home and we saw all that carnage,” Weigle said. “That tree could’ve angled anywhere else but was going for my truck. “Some of the trees around the house were uprooted and some just snapped.”

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Weigle said he saw evidence of trees down all along Jones Wharf Road that evening driving back as trees and been cut and moved to the side of the road. “Somebody thought there may have been a tornado in Sandgates,” said Michelle Lilly, head of the Emergency Management Division. “There was some flashing, but there were no extended power outages.” Somecountyresidentsseekingexcitingnightlifeas thestormcamethroughgotmorethantheybargainedfor. “We were driving to a [local restaurant] Seabreeze and the wind started to pick up,” said Debbie Tudor of Leonardtown. “My van was actually shaking… the hail was bigger than nickels. “I’ve never been out in a storm like that; it was shocking seeing the rain and wind go one way and then change directions.” The owner of Snellman’s General Merchandise store on Sotterley Road said he saw beach-goers seeking cover from the storm and some were even hugging trees for safety. “The sky got dark, the wind picked up, and got kind of scary because it got light out and it started to

hail,” said Will Snellman. “There were some customers that ducked in here for safety.” One of his customers who had been on the water as the storm hit, Snellman said, was terrified by its wrath. “His eyes were still bugging out when he was here talking about it,” Snellman said. The downed trees in the Hollywood area kept some cleanup services busy, especially since they were still dealing with the previous week’s storms that hit northern Calvert County. “We’re starting to get calls [Monday] about Saturday’s storm and we’re still getting a lot of calls from Wednesday’s with the tornado at Chesapeake Beach,” said Jennifer Groat at Jeff’s Tree Service, also located in Hollywood. While heavy rains and winds have pummeled St. Mary’s several times since May, one benefit has been the much-needed precipitation. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, the entire state of Maryland has shed the drought that has plagued it since the summer of last year.

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Photo by Andrea Shiell

Hollywood was hit hard with Saturday’s storm, causing tree damage along Sotterley Road.

found it more convenient to just buy and eat their seafood there on the island. Over the years the restaurant grew and grew over nearly 40 years to meet the growing Continued from page A- demand for seafood and Evans helped put St. George’s Island on the map as the place to go It made running the store a little tight, he in the county for the best seafood. said. Kimball took over the business in 2004 af“We ran out of food Saturday night,” Kimter the family could no longer run the business; ball said. “We ran out of all kinds of stuff. in 1994 “Bugs” Evans died and his son, Ron“But we did very well Sunday, I guess it who took over the business, later develnie, was because of Father’s Day.” oped Alzheimer’s disease and had to be under Kimball closed down the restaurant Monhis wife’s full-time care. day to make sure everyone on staff had a Carol Evans, “Bugs” Evans’ daughterbreak. in-law, who was an integral part of the res“We knew it [would be good,] but nothing operations for nearly 20 years along taurant’s like this,” Kimball said after the restaurant’s with husband Ronnie, had high hopes for the first week. “We did not have one negative comrestaurant’s resurrection. ment the whole weekend.” “I hope we can keep a good restaurant Church and business groups have already down here,” Carol Evans told The County Times. “I wish them well; we need more restaurants.” Since Evans’ inception more than 40 years ago, it has not only been a valuable commodity for bringing in hungry tourists and travelers but also to the local job market. Many in the Piney Point area and St. George’s Island could get summer jobs there; during that season as many as 50 to 60 employees earned a paycheck there. “I’m so glad they’re finally open,” Carol Evans said. “It definitely will help the whole area and all of St. Mary’s County.” The owners’ decision to have a quiet Photo by Guy Leonard opening was a smart one, she said, that alNeal Reilly, head chef at the new Evans Seafood restaurant and Delores Morgan, a veteran of the previous sea- lowed word to circulate about the restaurant’s food house, get food ready for hungry customers. return to ensure a grand opening did not fall flat. booked space at the restaurant after word of “They’re doing it the very best way,” Carol mouth spread, Kimball said. Evans Seafood got its start back in 1962 Evans said. “The rumors are all around the when its then owner Robert “Bugs” Evans county, people are whispering ‘Evans is open, started out with an oyster shucking shack that Evans is open.’” “Word of mouth is the very best quickly turned into a restaurant when people advertising.”


The County Times

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Section A -

The Future Of Automated Test Equipment For The Navy And It Is Called eCASS.

a program to deal with obsolescence and technology issues,” added Ross. “CASS first went into production in 1990, and these stations have been well used. Our plan is to base a modernization program on the emerging Department of Defense Automated Test Systems Framework and What will the Electronic Consolidated Au- for almost every Type/Model/Series aircraft al on the street for an award in early 2009,” we expect that industry will insert the test tomated Support System benches bring to the in the Navy and Marine Corp inventory. said Belcher. “The System Design and Detechnologies demonstrated in the ongoing fleet? A lot of capability in a smaller, smarter “CASS has been an extremely successful velopment phase with Engineering DevelopReconfigurable-Transportable CASS (RTpackage. It starts with a much smaller footprint program,” said Captain Mike Belcher, Avia- ment Models will last until approximately CASS) development program and recent joint with more capability, faster run times, multi- tion Support Equipment Program Manager 2012. Then we’ll build some Low Rate Inilingual test environments; it preserves the (PMA 260). “CASS replaced 30 different tial Production stations and enter Full Rate services technology demonstration projects.” $2 billion investment in CASS Test Program legacy testers with one family of ATE and Production in 2014. Full up eCASS units “eCASS will be a product of all of its predeSets; it facilitates factory-to-field migration of eliminated all of the logistics requirements should be arriving in the fleet by 2015.” cessor testers. The test capability inserted in Test Programs; it’s more interoperable with associated with maintaining all of those dif- “We’ve hit our peak in terms of CASS re- the previous testers will flow into eCASS and other Services’ Automated Test Equipment; ferent test benches. However, because most quirements aboard the carriers. The typical it is expected that as additional new weapon it’s more scalable to fleet needs; it reduces of the CASS components are Commercial- carrier today has 19 CASS stations aboard,” system test requirements emerge in the future, acquisition and support costs; and it brings Off-The-Shelf items, obsolescence is going said Bill Ross, Senior eCASS Program Man- those too will flow into eCASS,” stated Ross. “Smarter” test concepts with faster and better to become a huge issue for us to overcome. ager. “Our studies show that by 2020 we can “The CASS systems have avoided almost $3.8 diagnostics and reduced no-defect found rates. With the newer test technologies, the time is reduce that number down to 15 eCASS sta- billion in total ownership costs for the Navy by Currently, CASS performs functional test- right to modernize our ATE family of testers.” tions to support the air wings of the future.” consolidating the functions of 30 different test ing, fault detection, fault isolation, and align- “The plan we are working on now calls for “We are committed to keeping our current systems into a single system, and eCASS will ment or adjustment of avionics components getting the competitive Request For Propos- CASS Family modern and are embarking on continue to contribute to this cost avoidance.”

Naval Air Systems Command Press Release

NAVAIR Delivers Growler Aircrew Trainer Five Months Early Naval Air Systems Command Press Release NAVAIR’s Aviation Training Systems Program Office delivered the first EA-18G Growler aircrew trainer five months early to Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash. Installation work began at NAS Whidbey Island on April 21, 2008 for this first EA-18G Tactical Operational Flight Trainer. “Our original goal for the program

high performance and decorum centric Integrated Program Team. The team consisted of Boeing St. Louis, L3 Communications, NAVAIR’s Aviation Training Systems Program Office (PMA205) and the F/A-18 Hornet Program Office (PMA265), Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD), Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s Air Combat

U.S. Navy photo by MC2 O’Brien.

“The Honorable Donald C. Winter, Secretary of the Navy, ‘flies’ the EA-18G Growler trainer.”

U.S. Navy photo.

“A wide view of both the front and back seat of the first EA-18G Growler Tactical Operational Flight Trainer.”

was to provide an operationally representative trainer in time to support the Growler’s Operational Evaluation (OPEVAL) beginning September 2008 and we exceeded that goal,” said Capt. Spike Long, Aviation Training Systems Program Manager (PMA205). “The trainer arrived at Whidbey Island almost five months before OPEVAL. No other organization has ever delivered an aircrew trainer with this level of aircraft concurrency prior to the aircraft’s OPEVAL, and it is a true privilege to lead such a forward leaning group of professionals.” “This accomplishment was a complete team effort,” added Long. “And was made possible by aligned, committed and self less folks populating a

Environmental Test and Evaluation Facility (ACETEF), and the EA-18G Fleet Introduction Team.” “The Naval Air Systems Command is extremely proud of the EA-18G program,” said Capt. Mark Darrah, F/A-18 and EA-18G Program Manager. “We consider it to be a ‘model’ program in terms of executing better than plan. A solid government and industry partnership is the foundation of our success and a critical reason the Growler has remained on cost and schedule for the Warfigher. Delivering the Tactical Operational Flight Trainer (TOFT) early allows the f leet more time to get accustomed to the aircraft and ensures a smooth f leet transition.” “The first operational EA-18G

Growler simulator was delivered to NAS Whidbey Island and was up and running prior to the first Growler being delivered to the f leet. This is unprecedented for a newly fielded aircraft, but par for the course for the highly successful Growler program. The EA-18G remains on cost, on performance, and ahead of schedule. More importantly, this simulator delivery ahead of schedule marks the first step in the f leet transition of the Growler which officially began on June 3 during the official arrival ceremony in NAS Whidbey Island,” said Cmdr. Frank Morley, deputy program manager for spectrum dominance. “Since the Growler is a new platform with a new mission (combining the mission and capabilities of the F/ A-18F Super Hornet and the EA-6B Prowler), NAVAIR wanted to provide a trainer for the Fleet Introduction Team to become familiar with the aircraft before OPEVAL and to stand-up of the Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS),” said Cindy Conger, EA-18G Training Systems Program Manager (PMA205). “The first EA-18G aircraft (G4) for use by the f leet arrived at NAS Whidbey in an official welcome aboard cer-

emony attended by the Secretary of the Navy, the Honorable Donald C. Winter, on June 3, 2008,” added Conger. “SECNAV requested to “f ly” the trainer during his visit, which he did for nearly an hour.” The EA-18G (TOFT) is designed to support training for Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS) students and Fleet aviators. The trainer emulates the basic f light mechanics and procedures, including instrument f light, and weapon systems procedures. The emphasis is on advanced weapons systems employment and mission rehearsal for post-FRS training. The EA-18G trainer is a baseline F/A-18E/F trainer that has been modified to add the Airborne Electronic Attack weapons systems and capabilities of the EA18G aircraft in order to accomplish a number of different missions including FRS, Advanced Operational training, f light and navigation training, AEA tactics and mission integration training, and AEA mission rehearsal training. A total of three Growler trainers will be installed at NAS Whidbey Island to support the EA-18G Growler aircrews.

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Fri. June 20


4:21 a.

11:08 p

5:06 p.m.

Sat. June 21

10:48 p.

4:58 a.m.

11:43 a.m.

5:43 p.m.

Sun. June 22


Mon. June 23


Tue. June 24


7:19 a.

Wed. June 25


8:17 a.m

Thu. June 26

3:18 a. LOCATION Breton Bay Bushwood Wharf Colton's Point Point Lookout Piney Point Wicomico Beach Solomons Island

5:39 a.m 6:26 a.

9:19 a.m HIGH "+31 min." "+45 min." "+50 min." "-21 min." "+9 min." "+58 min." "+25 min."

12:20 p.m

6:24 p.m.

1:00 p.

7:11 p.m.

1:43 p.

8:03 p.m.

2:31 p.m.

8:58 p.m.

3:21 p.m.

9:54 p.m.

LOW "+29 min." "+45 min." "+24 min." "-31 min." "-8 min." "+63 min." "+13 min."

The County Times

Section A -

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Man Convicted Of Near Death Beating Lewis Death Of Grandfather Wants A New Trial Continued from page A-

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Kristopher Cusick, the man who pleaded guilty to almost beating his grandfather to death in 2006 wants a new trial, claiming that he was inadequately represented by then county public defender William F. Renahan and that he did not fully understand the sentence that he was accepting by taking a plea deal to attempted second degree murder. Cusick also claimed at his post conviction hearing June 10 that Renahan did not seek out evidence that he claimed could have helped him make a defense. “He failed to investigate anything,” Cusick said. “The weapon claimed to be used had no blood on it.” Cusick, along with his attorney Public Defender Autumn Lovato, argued that he agreed to a sentence of 20 years in prison as part of his plea agreement. What he did not know, Cusick claimed, was that the sentence he agreed to was actually 30 years of incarceration suspended down to 20 years. If Cusick completed 20 years of his sentence and violated his parole he could face another 10 years in prison as a result of the plea agreement. Deputy State’s Attorney Ted Weiner argued that Cusick got exactly what he bargained for when he made the agreement.

“So you’ve got what’s called now buyer’s remorse,” Weiner said. Renahan said that he court staff could not find the files that contained exactly what the agreement back in 2006 between his then-client and the court was. He said his testimony relied heavily on the memory of the case. “I can’t tell you the exact terms of the agreement,” Renahan told Weiner from the witness stand. “But I would’ve withdrawn the not guilty plea if [Judge Karen] Abrams had handed down a sentence outside the agreement.” Circuit Court Judge Michael J. Stamm, who presided over the hearing, said he would render a written decision in Cusick’s case soon, but did not make a ruling on his motion that day. According to court testimony Cusick was out on a fraudulent work release from incarceration in 2006 when he allegedly nearly killed his own grandfather in a severe beating. The beating was apparently over a disagreement about money. Cusick was supposed to be working on the release from jail but did not go to work, netting him an escape charge. Cusick was originally incarcerated for robbing his grandfather in 2002.

“Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America 1789-1989” by Michael Beschloss c.2007, Simon & Schuster $15.95 / $18.99 Canada 448 pages, includes index By: Terri Schlichenmeyer Comtributing Writer According to the U.S. Constitution (Article II, Section 1, Clause 5), anyone can be President of the United States, as long as he or she is a natural-born citizen, age 35 or older, and has lived the last 14 years in this country. Anyone child born in this country can grow up to be President. But would they want to? To be President, one must have diplomacy, tact, and be willing to go without sleep. Bravery has been an important asset in the Presidency, as has a sense of humor. Author Michael Beschloss says being a good leader also takes “Presidential Courage” and in his book with that title (newly released in paperback), Beschloss gives many good examples. Beginning with the Father of Our Country, it’s taken careful thought and caution in diplomacy to be America’s leader. George Washington faced not one, but two scandals that could have ended his career and changed the course of history. Even so, he stayed the course, supported an unpopular Treaty, and made peace with England. In refusing to recharter the corrupt Bank of America – though the House and Senate wanted it so - Andrew Jackson set the stage for widespread use of one of the Presidency’s most change-making abilities: the veto.

Abraham Lincoln knew that his life was in danger, but he still signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was forced to consider Americans’ reluctance for war, all the while holding conversations with Churchill about U.S. support for Great Britain in defeating Hitler. Harry S Truman all but ignored anti-Semitism in America – and in his own home – as he “helped create the state of Israel.” Despite that much of the South was against it, John Kennedy worked for Civil Rights. Ronald Reagan helped end the Cold War. The word “hero” should come to mind right about now, as it will when you’re reading “Presidential Courage”. The word “Huh?” will also enter your brain. On the good side, this book will thrill any historian and delight any minutiae maven with little-known factoids, including that Martha Washington named her pet tomcat after Alexander Hamilton because of Hamilton’s propensity for “tomcatting around”; that FDR, who had at least one mistress, also had a distant cousin who was smitten by the charismatic President; and that JFK donated his entire $500 Pulitzer Prize winnings (for Profiles in Courage) to the United Negro College Fund. On the flip side, author Michael Beschloss will surprise you with his choices and with the reasons he chose the men whose stories he tells. In some cases,

you’ll disagree. History shows other passionate, courageous Presidents, and I was a bit baffled by their omissions. Could there be another book in the works? Far from light fare but engrossing (and possibly controversial) nonetheless, I think reading this book is a good way to spend a pre-election summer. It will certainly give you food for thought on the next generation of candidates. If you’re interested in politics, either now or in the past, “Presidential Courage” deserves a “yea” vote.

from home. Lt. Rick Burris, commander of the Bureau of Criminal Investigations said that Lewis had taken the family vehicle to Virginia and left it there when it ran out of fuel but it was unknown why he left so suddenly. “We can’t really speculate as to why he left,” Burris said. According to police reports from Albemarle County a deputy from neighboring Louisa County began a high speed chase in pursuit of Lewis, who was driving a 1993 Geo Metro that had been reported stolen from Caroline County. Police were pursuing Lewis for alleged reckless driving violations that occurred in Louisa County, reports stated. Hopwood said that since the vehicle had no license plates, investigators had to use the vehicle identification number to find out its origins. According to police reports Lewis was traveling west-bound on Louisa Road when his vehicle drove off the right side of the road and crashed into a tree. Lewis died at the scene, police reports stated. Accident reconstruction reports stated that excessive speed and driver error were the main causes of the crash. Police reports said that Lewis was not wearing a seatbelt when the car crashed and the subsequent vehicle fire made identification very difficult. Kaitlyn Fernald, one of Lewis’ classmates at Chopticon High School in Chaptico, said that the young man was mostly taciturn only coming out of his solitude rarely. “I always thought he was really cool, but he always kept to himself,” Fernald said. “He was quiet, but I never thought he’d run away.” Fernald rode on the same school bus route as Lewis, she said, and he would occasionally talk to her and her friends but only for a short time. “He would make comments sometimes about what me and my friends were talking about,” Fernald said. “Or he would try to jump into the conversation.” On one occasion, she said, Lewis played a lunchroom stunt at Chopticon High School that gave him some brief notoriety, showing that he had a sense of humor that

belied his quiet nature. “He drank a whole family sized container of taco sauce,” Fernald said. “The whole lunch room saw it and the said ‘Chug! Chug! Chug!” Fernald said the news of his death shook her badly. “I was just in shock,” Fernald told The County Times. “When a 17-year-old dies like that it’s a total schock. “I felt guilty because I never really reached out to him.” Lewis is the fourth student attending Chopticon High School to die in an automobile crash in the last three years. Last year 16-year-old Ethan Chewning was killed in a car crash on Sunnyside Road when his friend, the driver of the car who was allegedly driving too fast, lost control of the vehicle and crashed into an oncoming car. In 2006 both Tiakeshia Thompson and Christina Quesenberry were both killed in separate car accidents. Funeral services for Lewis were planned for June 18 at the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home chapel. Interment for Lewis was planned to take place at Charles Memorial Gardens in Waldorf. Attempts to contact Lewis’ family were unsuccessful.

Quentin Lewis

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Burris’ Old

The County Times

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Section A -

Obituaries George Robert Briscoe, 60 G e orge Robert Briscoe, 60, of Loveville died June 11 in St. Mary’s Hospital. B o r n June 28, 1947 in Great Mills, he was the son of the late George Washington Briscoe and Martha Brooks Briscoe. Mr. Briscoe worked for the St. Mary’s County Board of Education for more than 30 years. He is survived by his wife, Helen Theresa Briscoe of Loveville; daughter Roslyn M. Briscoe; two sons Wayne L. Briscoe and Marvin Banks all of Lexington Park; six sisters Dorothy Wiggins of Greensboro, N.C.; Barbara Jean Berry of Clinton, Md.; Lorraine Williams of Lexington Park; Connie Baldwin of Jacksonville, N.C.; Rose Briscoe of Lexington Park; Brenda Briscoe of Park Hall; two brothers Larry Briscoe of Jacksonville, N.C.; Raymond Briscoe of Havlock, N.C. and two grandchildren. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his sister Diane Briscoe. The family received friends Wednesday, June 18 from 9 – 10 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Morganza with a Mass of Christian Burial celebrated at 10 a.m. The Reverend Keith Woods was the celebrant. Interment followed in the Queen of Peace Cemetery, Helen. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown.

Anthony Ray “Tony” Bryant, Sr., 45 A n thony Ray “Tony” Bryant, Sr., 45, of Lexington Park died June 5 at Medical University of South Carolina Hospital, Charleston, S.C. Tony was born July 17, 1962 to Shirley Johnson Bryant and the late Ray Bryant in Beachville, Md. From the age of 7 months, his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carrroll raised him. Tony attended Great Mills High School where he earned his diploma in 1981. After graduation, Tony enlisted in the United States Army where he served four years from 1981 through 1984. Tony was employed by the BAE Systems, Building 8165, NAWC, Paxtuxent River/Webster Field Annex as a Production Operator Master. Tony leaves to cherish his memory: wife, Deidre W. Bryant, whom he married Nov. 7, 1998; son Anthony Bryant, Jr.;, daughter Laprea N. Bryant; mother, Shirley Ann Johnson; step-father, Rubin Johnson; grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Carroll; sisters Myshonda Bryant, Catina Bryant, Karen Bryant, Sherrie Henton and Andrea Haynes; two brothers Jeremy Bryant and George Holly. He is also survived by his Mother in Law, Alice Winters; brother in law William Winters (Cindy) and Francis Winters; two god-children, Quentin Bryan and Kenyon Berry as well as a host of nieces, nephews, cousins and close friends. Tony is preceded in death by his father Ray Bryant and his son Demario Raquon Bryant. Tony enjoyed watching the Washington Redskins, fishing cracking jokes and loving his family. Tony will truly be missed. Relatives and friends attended Tony’s Life Celebration at the Gospel Tabernacle of Prayer, Clements, Saturday, June 14 from 9 – 11 a.m. Elder William H. Williams, Jr., pastor of Greater Morning Star Pencostal Church, Lexington Park, officiated. Interment followed in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown. Serving as pallbearers were Kelly Holt, John Berry, Bobby Hall, Wesley Thomas, Isiac Taylor and Lloyd Brothers. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brins- Funeral Arrangements provided by Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown.

Delores Elizabeth Knott Goodwin, 84 Delores Elizabeth Knott Goodwin, 84 of La Plata, M., and formerly of Jacksonville, Fla., died June 4 in the Charles County Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. Born March 29, 1924 in Baltimore, Md. she was the daughter of the late Martin Webster and Ruth Elizabeth Knott. She is survived by her children Connie Wright and her husband Joe of Mechanicsville, Charles H. Moore, Jr. and his wife Leneta of Jacksonville, Fla., and sister in law Eunice Knott of Ridge, as well as her six grandchildren; Julie Fuller, Tracy Hammonds, Robert L. Moore, Jr., David Moore, Martin Moore and Christine Moore and five great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her sons Robert L. Moore, Sr. and John P. Goodwin and her brother Julius M. Knott. She was employed as a bookkeeper for 19 years, retiring in 1985. The family received friends Saturday June 7 from noon – 1 p.m. in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, where a funeral Service was held at 1 p.m. with Rev. John Ball officiating. Interment followed in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown. Pallbearers will be Joe Wright, John Hammonds, Lee Hammonds, Joseph Hammonds, Carl Hammonds and Katlyn Hammonds. Contributions may be made to Charles County Nursing Home, 10200 La Plata Road, La Plata, MD, 20646. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

For funeral arrangements please call Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown, MD at 301-475-5588 or condolences to the family may be made at

Evelyn Scott McDaniel, 84 Evelyn Scott McDaniel, 84, of Valley Lee, formerly of Lynchburg, Va., died June13 in her residence. Born Sept. 3, 1923 in Lynchburg, Va. she was the daughter of the late Raleigh and Mamie Scott Terry. She was preceded in death by her husbands: Thomas White, Joseph Sanderlin and Mac McDaniel. She is survived by her children: Carol Latz and Tommy White both of Baltimore, Md., Sheila Simms and Randy Sanderlin both of Drayden, Md. and Sandy Billings of Sisterville, W.V.; siblings: Corretta Davis of Eldersburg, Md., Tillie Hunter and Betty Bingham both of Lynchburg, Va.; 18 grandchildren, 19 great grandchildren and two great-great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her daughter: Diane Ferguson; siblings: Vernon Terry and Roger Terry. She moved to St. Mary’s County in 1985 from Sykesville, Md. Ms. McDaniel was employed as a nurse’s aide for the State of Maryland for 30 years until her retirement in July of 1985. The family received friends Monday, June 16 from 5 – 8 p.m. in the Callaway Baptist Church, where a Funeral Service was held Tuesday, June 17 at 10 a.m. with Pastor Daniel Moore officiating. Interment followrf in St. George’s Catholic Cemetery, Valley Lee. Pallbearers were: Eddie Latz, Doug Gardiner, Wayne Latz, Scott Latz, Bobby Ferguson and Danny McLung. Contributions may be made to: Hospice of St. Mary’s, P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650 and/or Callaway Baptist Church, Point Lookout Road, Callaway, MD 20620. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Isarel Paul Lawrence, 77 Isarel Paul Lawrence, 77, of Falling Water s, W.V. died June 8 in the V.A. Medical Center, Wa s h i n g ton, D.C. Born Jan. 18, 1931 in Callaway he was the son of the late John Paul and Nellie Stewart Lawrence. He was the loving husband of Rebecca Swindell Lawrence whom he married Dec. 23, 1985 in Dillion, S.C. He is also survived by his sisters; Inez Ivey of Washington, D.C., Rossetta Smith and Myrtle Johnson, both of Callaway. He was preceded in death by his siblings; May Johnson, Mary Lawrence, Thomas Lawrence, Adele Harris, Henrietta Ball and Alexander Lawrence. He was a retired Mail Clerk for the U.S. Postal Service. He served in the U.S. Army from June 1949 – June 15, 1955 and received a National Defense Service Medal. The family received friends Saturday, June 14 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. in Bethesda United Methodist Church, Valley Lee where a funeral service was held at 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Irvin Beverly and Rev. Alfred Statesman co-officiating. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Greg Barnes, Leon Barnes, John Brown, Jr., Lamont Saxon, Sam Taggart and William Thompson. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Jean Gaston Ledford, 92 Jean Gaston Ledford, 92, of Clements died June 11 in his residence. He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Helen Holmes Ledford, of Clements and a son, Bruce Ledford, of Waldorf, Md.

Carol Joanne MillerKarel, 50 Carol Joanne Mille r-K a r el , 50 of Ridge died June 7 in the Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C. Carol Karel was born Carol Miller to Frederick John “Jack” and Joan Miller in Selma, Ala. May 3, 1958. Her father was an Air Force officer and frequently moved across the United States. She graduated from La Reine High School in Suitland, Md. Carol met her husband Steve at Andrews AFB and the two were married in September 1978. Since Steve was active duty Air Force, they were stationed at a variety of places to include Colorado, Germany, California, and Virginia. She worked as a bank teller, slot machine cashier, and payroll clerk. No matter what the position, she always had a warm and generous heart and appreciated the needs of her customers. Carol earned her Associates Degree in Liberal Arts at Alan Hancock College, Santa Maria, Calif. in 1991, followed by her Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, graduating Cum Laude, from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va. in 1994. After Steve retired from active duty, Carol was hired in 1996 by Naval Air Systems Command at Patuxent River as a Software Engineer for the S3B Viking program. One of her major accomplishments was getting flight certified and she was one of very few Software Engineers to actually fly in the aircraft she developed software for. Since Carol was great at giving nicknames to everyone else, it was appropriate her call sign was (Carol)2. From 2001 on, Carol worked on the P-3C

Orion project. She served in various roles, including software development, process improvement, fleet support, and as the liaison between the Software Support Activity and the Program Office. Carol put harmony in her life by going camping with friends and family, but especially her two beagles, Ashley and Honey Bunch. She considered her trailer her “hotel on wheels that always accepts my pets.” Carol was always active. She loved aerobics, water skiing, snow skiing and riding roller coasters. Carol lit up any room with her zest for life and bubbly personality. She loved and was loved by her parents, brother and sisters and good friends. She always put the Fleet first, above all else, while at the same time living and advocating a balanced life. The memory of a good person is a blessing. Proverb 10:7 A Memorial service was held Thursday, June 12 at 10 a.m. in the Patuxent Presbyterian Church, California, with Reverend Michael Jones, pastor of the church, officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Beagle Rescue of Southern Maryland, Inc., P.O. Box 983, Waldorf, MD 20604. Condolences to the family may be made at Arrangements provided by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown.

Mary J. “nee” Brizzi Nardinocchi, 94 Mary J. “nee” Brizzi Nardinocchi, 94, of Solomons, died June 10 in Solomon’s Nursing Center. Born Aug. 10, 1913 in Washington, D.C., she was the daughter of the late Domenico and Pasqualina DiSilvestri Brizzi. Mrs. Nardinocchi retired from the Department of Agriculture in Washington, D.C. She was an active member of Holy Rosary Catholic Church serving on the Church Council, Altar Society, Sodality, Casa Italiana Foundation Club and Villa Rosa Italian Festival Committee. She is survived by her beloved husband Natale Nardinocchi; son, Lawrence Nardinocchi; guardian niece, Katherine Powell; sister, Rose Pippi; one grandchild; several great grandchildren; sisters-in-law, Lena Galanti and Lina Brizzi; nieces; nephews; relatives and friends. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Friday, June 13 at 10:45 a.m. in Holy Rosary Catholic Church, 595 Third Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. Interment followed at Gate of Heaven Cemetery, 13801 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, MD 20906. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice House c/o Hospice of St. Mary’s, Inc., P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown.

Rita Carole Ortman, 68 R i t a Carole Ortman, 68, of Cal ifor n ia died June 9 in Anne Arundel Medical Center, Annapolis, Md. Bo r n Aug. 23, 1939 in Washington, D.C. she was the daughter of the late Horace Landolph Gray and Gertrude Catherine (Howard) Gray. Rita worked at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station Commissary. Rita is survived by her husband Raymond G. Ortman, daughter Cathie Cage of Edgewater, Md., son Raymond “Donnie” Ortman of California, three grandchildren, and five great grandchildren; and brother Roland Gray of Hartsvillle, S.C. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by a brother, Milton Gray. Family received friends Sunday, June 15 from 2 – 5 p.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home, 22955 Hollywood Road, Leon-

ardtown. A Funeral Service was conducted Monday, June 16 at 11 a.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home. Pastor Stephen Updegrave conducted the service. Interment followed in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown. Condolences to the family may be made at Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. Leonardtown.

Armando Arthur “Mondo” Puchetti, 85 A r m a ndo Arthur Puchetti, “Mondo,” as he was affectionately referred to by his late wife, Dorothy Yvonne Puchetti, was 85 years old, and a long time resident of Piney Point, when passed away quietly at St. Mary’s Hospital June 9. He was born May 18, 1924 in Baltimore, Md. to Anna Matilda D’Ambrosio (Puchetti) and Nicholas Puchetti, both of Italy, who had only been in the United States since 1920. He is survived by two sisters, Ann Breslaur of Piney Point, and Rose O’Brien and husband Jack of Annapolis, Md. He grew up in Washington D.C. along with his two sisters, Ann and Rose. He spent many summers in Piney Point, where he eventually made his home. Arthur married Dorothy Yvonne Martin, who preceded him in death and was laid to rest in February 1998, in March of 1943. They were married for almost 55 years. Arthur lived a full life beginning by meeting his beloved wife at the age of 14 years old, to enlisting in the United States Naval Reserve at the age of 18 to serve in World War II. He is honored veteran who survived the Invasion of Normandy. He returned safely home in September 1945 to his wife. Dorothy and Arthur have three children, Barbara Ann Raley, Gay Darlene Brittian and Nicholas Puchetti. Arthur was a skilled tradesman, who spent most of his life as a Photo Engraver, a trade he learned from his father who owned and operated D.C. Engraving Co. in the late 20’s. Arthur also became a private business owner of Oakwood Lodge Bar and Restaurant from about 1958-1974. Our fondest memories of him were his years working on the Potomac River as a waterman. He spent many mornings telling sea stories at Swanns Restaurant. He was a hard worker with a happy spirit, and a kind hearted person. He loved people, and people loved him in return. Arthur is survived by his three children, Barbara, her husband Clarke, Gay and her husband Robert, and Nicholas and his wife Julie; seven grandchildren; Charles Christian Raley, Jeanne Marie Christensen, Heather Raley Perkins, Michele Ann Coberly, Nicole Sara Brittian, Amanda Marie Puchetti and Nicholas Armando Puchetti; 10 great grand children; Charles Christian Raley, Jr., Katherine Elizabeth Raley; Benjamin Gerard Raley; Alexandra Marie Christensen; Sara Brittain Coberly; Abigail Yvonne Coberly, Elizabeth Catherine Coberly; Zachary Clarke Perkins, Noah Timothy Perkins, and Colin Chase Raley Perkins. He also leaves behind numerous nieces and nephews, as well as his dearest closest companion, Susanne Poe, who has been at his side for the past 10 years, and her surviving children and grandchildren. The family received friends Wednesday June 11 from 5 – 8 p.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home, Leonardtown. Mass of Christian Burial was offered June 12 at 11 a.m. in St. George’s Catholic Church, Valley Lee. Monsignor Karl A. Chimiak was the celebrant. The burial followed at St. George’s Episcopal Church Cemetery, Valley Lee. A Memorial Contribution can be made in Arthur Puchetti’s honor to the Hospice House c/o Hospice of St. Mary’s, Inc., P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650.

Dinah K. Somerville Dinah K. Somerville, daughter of Mary Artina Dotson-Miles and the late Joseph Edward Miles, was born Aug. 7, 1953, in Mechanicsville, the fourth of nine children. On Sunday, June 8, Dinah, 54, of Hollywood, departed this life at Howard University Hospital in Washington, D. C., after a long illness. She attended Immaculate Conception Church and later became a charter member of the Ladies Auxiliary 359 and served in the position of Financial Secretary. In 1995, she relocated to Hollywood, whereby she became of member of St. John’s Catholic Church. Dinah grew up in St. Mary’s County and attended White Marsh Elementary School, Banneker School, and graduated from Chopticon High School in 1971. During her freshman year at Chopticon, she met Charles (Charlie) Webster Somerville and they began to date. They remained a steady couple for the next 13 years until deciding to declare their love before God, their family and friends Nov. 25, 1978, in the Immaculate Conception Church in Mechanicsville. This loving union brought forth two sons, Charles Webster II and Damion Edward. Dinah was employed with the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services for more than 20 years. She was a dedicated Federal employee for more than 30 years. Also, Dinah spent time with the Smithsonian Institution and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Dinah held various part-time employments with the Hecht’s and Food Lion companies. In her spare time, she loved spending her Sunday afternoons at her parents’ home, laughing, talking and joking with her siblings, nieces and nephews, and with any family friends that would visit that day. In 2003, Dinah’s health began to fail. She subsequently endured a continuous and embattled struggle with a difficult and elusive illness, which prevented her from resuming her normal daily life at work and at home. Thus, on June 8, 2008, in the shadow of the afternoon summer sun, God called to Dinah telling her to come home, ending her suffering. Surrounded by her loving husband Charlie, her siblings, and her friend, she took her last breath and her soul was released. Dinah was a dedicated wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and aunt. She leaves to cherish her loving memory her beloved and devoted husband of 30 years Charles Webster Somerville, Sr.; her two sons, Charles Webster Somerville II and Damion Edward Somerville; four grandchildren, Lexus Friend, Charles Somerville III, Krystalee Somerville, and Landon Somerville; a devoted mother Mary Artina Miles; 11 siblings, Joseph Miles, Jr., Clementine Somerville, Garnell Miles, Laura Miles, Charles Miles, Paula Miles-McDonald, Shirley Miles-Jones, Jacklyn Miles-Chesley, Ernie Miles, Clara Tyson, and Diane Reed; mother-in-law Mary E. Somerville; life-long friend of 30 years, Veronica Miles, as well as a host of in-laws, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. The family received relatives and friends Friday, June 13 from 9:30 – 11 a.m. at St. John Francis Regis Catholic Church, Hollywood. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated at 11 a.m. with the Reverend Ray Schmidt as the celebrant. Interment will follow in St. Mary’s Queen of Peace Cemetery in Helen. Serving as pallbearers were her nephews, Ernie Miles, Roy S. Chesley II, John Tyler II, Jermaine Barnes, Thomas Somerville, Jr., and Roy Person. The honorary pallbearers will be Dante’ R. Chesley, Javante Fenwick, George Somerville II and Carlos Young. Condolences to the family may be made at Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown.

The County Times

Section A - 10

Thursday, June 19, 2008

we’ve got a new attitude... Patuxent Plaza 13920 Solomons Island Road South Solomons, Maryland 410/326/3999 Store Hours: Monday-Saturday 8am until 9pm • Sunday 8am until 7pm Prices good June 20-26, 2008. Not responsible for typographical errors. All items may not be available at all stores. Photos are for representation only and may not be actual product.

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Selected Varieties

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#2 save the planet Organic foods help sustain small farms and safeguard the environment, protect the earth’s soil, and preserve water quality. #3 protect the next generation Growing bodies are susceptible to pollutants. We’ll keep unpronounceable ingredients out of our food and away from your family.


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Wild Harvest Organic & Natural products are created to bring you and your family wholesome and nutritious foods with environmental responsibility. We work with farmers and manufacturers who share our values and our commitment to environmental stewardship of our planet and the well-being of the consumer.

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Assorted Varieties

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream




White or Wheat

European Crusty Bread




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