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Thursday, October 25, 2007 • St. Mary’s County, Maryland

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Established 2006 • Volume 2 • Issue 43 • FREE

Computer Smoking Ban Approaches Amid Uncertainty Glitch Muddies Sex Offender Registry County On The Lookout For “Super Bug” By Adam Ross Staff Writer

One thing is for sure: when Feb. 1 rolls around, Maryland bars and restaurants will be smoke free. Everything else is as cloudy as a puff of smoke. The Clean Indoor Act of 2007 was signed into law May 17, but the rules are still hanging in the balance. Restaurant and bar owners will likely have little choice but to comply with the new law, unless they qualify for a hardship waiver. The specifics to the waivers are still being worked out, and are open for public comment. However, the current configuration allows businesses proving they have lost 15 percent in gross sales over two months, as compared with the same two months from the previous two years, to avoid

the smoking ban. Also, if a business has initiated a capital improvement project to provide a smoke free facility and is unable to recoup the cost of that improvement, than a waiver could be granted. Other possibilities include showing how compliance would be an unreasonable request for a business. Whatever the final outcome is, hardship waivers can only be granted until Jan. 31, 2011, and then bars, taverns and restaurants must comply. The law currently defines “indoors” as any public area containing four walls and a roof. Unlike other states that have implemented smoking bans, there is no setback from a businesses front entrance for smokers to comply with. Businesses will likely be able to direct smokers outside, in some cases onto a deck or extended premises, so that they can keep their drinks. In order to do this however, business owners will have to submit information to See Smoking Ban page A-

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

Investigators and technicians in the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office are working to correct a computer glitch that stops the system from properly updating on-line files on the addresses and status of convicted sex offenders living here. A records investigation by The County Times last week showed that sex offender files on the county sheriff’s Web site did not always match those in the state’s on-line registry. Some offenders on the county Web site could not be found on the state registry or could only be found there when entering in a zip code. However their names did not return a hit from the search prompt in at least one case. In one case, a convicted sex offender living in the Great Mills area still appeared on the county Web site even though he was deceased, according to Detective William Raddatz, who coordinates the tracking of sex offenders for the sheriff’s office. In the case of Frank Allen Kendall, 47, of Mechanicsville, the convicted sex offender was on the state registry but not on the county Web site.

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

Photo by Guy Leonard

Ellynne Davis, of Leonardtown, sets up her presentation of Maryland Golden Oyster Chowder that got her a competitive spot at the National Oyster Cook-Off held at the St. Mary’s County Oyster Festival this past weekend.

See Glitch page A-

See Oyster Cook-off page A-3

County health officials are taking precautions against the spread of a strain of bacteria so virulent that it has threatened the lives of 94,000 people in the United State since 2005 and killed almost 19,000 in that same time frame according to data compiled by the federal Centers for Disease Control. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureas (MRSA) has become a growing health concern around the nation. The bacteria recently claimed the life of a 17-year-old Bedford County, Va. football player and students from neighboring Calvert County have been found infected See Super Bug page A-

School Officials Looking To Curb Rumors Spread By Cell Phones By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Officials with St. Mary’s County public schools will be looking at ways to preempt incidents like last week’s false rumor of an impending shooting at Great Mills High School that had students text messaging each other and their parents to come get them out of school. They said they want to find ways to ensure they can get the word out about false dangers before students do and avoid the huge disruption that resulted in the school’s parking lot being jammed last Thursday with parents arriving unsure of the situation. The incident caught the school system off guard as well. “This is the first time we’ve had a rumor expand so exponentially it actually disrupted school activities,” said Scott Smith, director of Secondary Schools. “The question is how will we get the message out before children do.” Smith said principals would meet today to discuss issues in the system and the incident at Great Mills would probably be the number one topic. SMCPS has a phone system that makes automated phone calls to parents Photo by Guy Leonard

See School Alert page A-

Inside Op.-Ed .......... Page A - 4 Obituaries..... Page A - 8 Community... Page B - 3 Police ............ Page B - 5 Games........... Page B - 6 Classifieds..... Page B - 7

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Parents wait outside Great Mills High School Oct. 18 to pick up their students after a rumor of an impending shooting there, spread by rampant text messaging, proved false.

St. Mary’s Leads the Way on Emergency Action Planning By Adam Ross Staff Writer St. Mary’s became the first county in Maryland this month to have it Debris Management/Operations Plan approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), a comprehensive 90-page manual with procedures for mitigating the impact of natural disasters. “Whether it be flooding, tornado, hurricane, or tropical depression we have a plan in place coordinated with [county government],” said George Erichsen, director of Public Works and Transportation, and the creator of the manual. “It starts from tracking the storm, to how you track it, to when do you bring our people off the road, to when you suspend STS operations, to where do you go from shelters and how to move traffic.” Erichsen attempted to leave no stone unturned, thinking about what has worked and what has been over looked – things like where family pets are supposed to go when flood waters threaten, or who picks up shovels for filling sand bags. Whether small or big procedures, Erichsen has tried to address them in this plan. And because FEMA

approved the plan, the county is eligible for federal cost share reimbursement under the Public Assistance Program, which kicks in if St. Mary’s is designated eligible for federal disaster assistance. The Public Assistance Program is provided to states, local governments and for certain emergencies that are declared by President George W. Bush. “What’s good about this plan is that it’s tailored specifically to St. Mary’s County,” Erichsen said. “It hasn’t come off the shelf somewhere.” Erichsen said he spent several nights outside of work developing the strategy, which observed the county’s successes and failures in handling storm management. The county does have other emergency planning in place, but nothing as comprehensive as Erichsen’s manual. Erichsen also cited high turnover as motivation to get the plan done. When staff from emergency management or public safety change, it can stall the process, according to Erichsen. “I took the reigns and put it together,” Erichsen said. Erichsen agreed to share the plan with other Maryland See FEMA page A-

The County Times

Section A -

Drill Will Simulate Accident At Calvert Cliffs By Guy Leonard Staff Writer County government and emergency responders are readying themselves for a biannual drill next week that will test their ability to respond to a catastrophic accident at Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant. The county has already done a dress rehearsal of the drill, said David Zylak, public safety director, and is preparing for a tough eight-hour simulation Oct. 30. “It’s stressful, it puts people through the ringer sometimes,” Zylak said. “But it gives us a great basis for any emergency operation in the county.” The operators of the plant will simulate various unknown failures or accidents at the nuclear plant to include radiation leakage, according to emergency response trainer Rick Woods of Constellation Energy. Everything in the simulation, the Calvex

drill, is geared towards protecting public safety in the event of the unthinkable. “That’s really the bottom line,” Woods said. “It’s a FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] requirement for the county and it’s an NRC] Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirement for the utility.” During the simulation, five different aspects of county response will be graded by FEMA observers, Woods said. Those include speed of mobilizing emergency responders and managers, deciding how to respond to the emergency, implementing those decisions, measuring simulated radiation contaminants and emergency notification of the public. A sixth aspect of the simulated catastrophe, sheltering and mass casualty treatment, was already completed back in July to allow for more time to grade critical parts of the test given its large scope, Woods said. While most of the drill will take place at the county’s emergency operations center

Thursday, October 25, 2007

in Leonardtown, there will also be field exercises associated with it. Deputies with the sheriff’s office will run emergency routes throughout the county, timed by a FEMA observer, to see how quickly they could get out the emergency word if sirens that would normally do the job failed. Public information officers would have to also perform for FEMA test graders a simulated public announcement about the plant accident and what the public needed to know. Additionally, emergency responders will be issued radiation detection equipment to track down simulated contaminants in the atmosphere. The radioactive fallout can be carried quickly by the wind, Woods said, and detection was key to protecting public safety and determining whether to evacuate affected areas or not. “We tell folks that zeros [on the detection gear] are just as important as any other number,” Woods said. “We want to know where this stuff [radiation] isn’t.” There are two zones in St. Mary’s County that are within a 10-mile radius of Calvert Cliffs, Woods said, and already have immediate protective action plans set up in the event of an accident. St. Mary’s County will take part in the

simulation with Calvert and Dorchester counties, the three closest to the reactors at the plant, the day of the simulation. However, the rest of the county was in no less potential danger if a radiation leak occurred, Woods said. Zylak said one of the key elements in the emergency response simulation has been with the county board of education to ensure they have plans to evacuate schools in the 10mile critical area around the plant. There are five county schools in that area, Zylak said. Revising emergency response plans among law enforcement, fire and rescue as well as with the board of education has been in the works for months leading up to next week’s drill Zylak said. The emergency operations crew will not know exactly what problems or disasters they will face during the simulation, Zylak said, but preparing for the unknown helps keep the ability to respond sharp. If the county gets a deficient rating in any of the response categories of the simulation they could be made to reenact that portion of the drill to get it right Woods said, although that has not been a problem in the past. “The county’s done well with these exercises in the past,” Woods said. “St. Mary’s County is very well prepared for this.”

Welcome aboard to our “Money for Nothing” new sports reporter Chris by Edward Ugel Stevens from the publisher & c.2007, Collins $24.95 staff of The County Times! / $28.95 Canada 238 pages

The County Times new sports reporter, Chris Stevens

ied Pipers r Orchest The P Brooks Tegle ra


Saturday, Nov. 3, 8:00p.m. Great Mills High School Ticket price - $25 ($15 for students) For reservations call

301-475-3225 (This program is presented by GFWC Woman’s Club of St. Mary’s County)

The County Times

All it takes is one dollar. Just a buck. A Washington. One single dead president. Four quarters, if you can find them between the sofa cushions. For one dollar, you can buy a lottery ticket and if you win, you’ll have lots of those Washingtons to spread around. You’ll be living on Easy Street, able to afford everything you’ve ever wanted. Flashy cars. Big houses. Jewelry. Vacations. Yes, life will change. But will it be for the better? Paying that first dollar down is just the beginning, and you’ll have to watch yourself if you hit it big. In the new book “Money for Nothing” by Edward Ugel, you’ll see that you’re also going to have to watch your wallet. It all started after college. Ugel says he was a short-order cook and bartender in Portland, Oregon, where five video poker machines constantly tempted him from the back of the room. Ugel says he fed his paycheck into the machines as often as possible and soon began taking his increasing problem to places on

the outskirts of town, so nobody he knew would see him gambling. He lost his girlfriend. His job turned sour. At age 26, broke and addicted to gambling, Ugel moved back to the east coast to his parents’ house. Although he wasn’t looking for any kind of job in particular then, it came as no surprise that Ugel found employment in a company that dealt with lottery winners. The Firm, as Ugel calls it, was in the business of “helping” lucky winners who had rapidly gone through their annual annuity and needed money, fast. By offering to buy up the remaining annuities – at considerable discount – The Firm gave lump-sum payments to millionaires who were broke, and made money for its investors and its employees at the same time. A job in that kind of industry was good news for Ugel, but in the long run, bad news for the winners who were legally fleeced of their lottery money. Ugel was good at what he did and his salary was incredible, but his

conscience kicked in. He left The Firm, only to (reluctantly) return a few months later. The second time around, though, there was a twist in the industry that Ugel had never gambled on seeing. Tis the rare person who hasn’t dreamed of getting scads of cash with no strings attached, but “Money for Nothing” shows you that you should definitely be careful what you wish for when buying a lottery ticket. Author Edward Ugel pulls the tabs off the lottery industry and that which preys on winners, and he doesn’t candy-coat what he reveals. Subtly, he also offers cautions for you to remember, in case your Washington brings you some extra luck this week. If you’ve ever participated in lottery-as-retirement-plan or if you’ve ever dreamed of having wads of cash to flash, pick up “Money for Nothing” on your way to the casino or ticket counter. It’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll want to read this book first.

The County Times

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oyster Cook-off Draws Contestants From Across The Nation By Guy Leonard Staff Writer While she did not take first place, she did finish third in her cooking division. But for Ellynne Davis of Leonardtown, just getting to the National Oyster CookOff held Oct. 20 was a victory unto itself. She had in years past entered recipes using the perennial favorite of seafood aficionados as the main ingredient, she said, but this was her first time actually cooking for the judges of the contest and the public. “Three times my recipes made honorable mention and into the [cook-off’s] cookbook,” Davis said. “That’s all I thought would happen this year.” But last Saturday she found herself competing against eight other amateur cooks, two others in direct competition in the soups and stews category of the cook-off. She was busy preparing her Maryland Golden Oyster Chowder with fresh ingredients on a small stove. The aroma of the sautéing oysters was maddening just before she placed them in the creamy stew simmering and nearing the brim as she crammed in as many as she could. The whole object of the contest was to see who could best make the oyster the predominant element of the meal and not let it be overshadowed by any other seasoning or ingredient. “I’m just hoping and praying I don’t get an oyster shell in there,” Davis said. “That’s as bad as getting a crab shell in a dish.” She was joined in competition by Nancy Dentler of Greensboro, N.C. and Veronica Callaghen of Glastonbury, Conn. who were each preparing their signature dishes of Ale House Oyster Stew and New England Style Oyster Pot Pies. The smell of fresh, sweet sherry wafted from Callaghen’s oyster pie filling while the cheese, onions and bacon mounded on French bread that would go with Dentler’s creamy stew looked like a meal all on their own. They both came because they loved cooking, oysters and the cook-off, held against the backdrop of the St. Mary’s County Oyster Festival. “It’s just such a wonderful event,” Dentler, who would take first place in the soups and stews category, told The County Times. “Everything I heard about it was true. “I just wanted to be a part of it.” Not only was this was Dentler’s first trip to the oyster cook-off, this was also her first go at submitting a recipe for consideration. She was just one of the nine who were whittled down from all the recipes to get the invitation to the county fairgrounds. She had only been cooking competitively for the past year and only cooking oysters for two years. “It’s a new favorite,” she said. Callaghen, sweating from the heat in the kitchen but loving the competition, had been to Leonardtown for the cook-off two years ago. Something of a self-admitted perfectionist, she was not all that pleased with her showing in that event. “I took 2nd place but I’m pretty sure that’s because one guy didn’t show up,” Callaghen said with a smile. “This time I was happier with the way it came out. “I love competing in cooking contests; it’s a lot of

fun.” Callaghen took second place in her category this year. The oyster, she said, was a popular and universal food. “I think it appeals to people in Connecticut the same way it does to people in

Maryland,” Callaghen said. At the end of the day it would not be anyone from Maryland who would take the top honor for best oyster dish. That accolade, and a silver serving tray, went to Lisa Grant of Cherry Hill, New Jersey for her Oysters

Saltimbocca hors d’oeuvres. But Davis, along with the other contestants still received prizes for their efforts and the satisfaction of knowing their oyster recipes were counted among the best. “Everyone’s a winner,” Davis said, adding that the contestants who came from

Section A - all over the country put out the most effort. “I don’t know how these other people are doing it,” Davis said. “They had a real tough job and it’s great that they’re doing it.” Perhaps the real winners though were the judges and the public who got to sample the contestants’ delicious delights for free, even if it was only in small servings. “If you don’t like oysters it would be a terrible job,” said Sandra Martin, one of the judges that day. Judges not only judged

on the taste and predominance of the oyster in the dish but on the quality if the presentation and the innovation contestants used to bring their creations to life. This year, as in years past, the judges were not disappointed. “Every year they come up with new ways to cook them,” said Anne Hopkins, another judge. “It’s unbelievable.”

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The County Times

Section A -

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Editorial & Opinion Spending Taxpayers Money Has Become An “Emergency” For Commissioners On Tuesday, October 16th, the St. Mary’s County Commissioners showed us how quickly government can make business happen! Commissioner Thomas Mattingly made a motion to create a new full time position in County government, that of Chief of Staff, and to approve the necessary budget amendments to fund the position from the County’s Emergency Reserve account. Just moments later an applicant was awarded a contract for the new position. Not much discussion ensued as to the need for this position to be established. Why? Because the decision to create the new senior level position had already been made. The person to fill the position had already been selected, with salary and benefits already

agreed upon. All agreed upon behind closed doors, just the thing that Maryland’s Open Meetings Law forbids. The Open Meetings Law does allow for personnel discussion to take place behind closed doors, so long as it pertains to a particular person or persons and involves personnel matters. Any discussion and decision to create a new position in County government is not only required by law to take place in an official open meeting, it is forbidden from being discussed and agreed upon otherwise. Last Tuesday’s action to create the position, have a budget amendment prearranged, and have the person to fill the position already selected with employment contract in hand was nothing more than a pub-

To the Editor: Thank You The Board of Directors, counselors, and clients of the Pastoral Counseling Center of St. Mary’s, Inc wish to express our gratitude for the volunteer contributions to the 10th Annual Day of Caring Campaign for United Way of St Mary’s County. We appreciate volunteer efforts by Lou Kendrick and Darrell Scott in assisting counselors to remove furniture and equipment from our offices and return the furnishings after the work projects of stripping and waxing floors and touch up painting of walls was completed. We deeply appreciate the generosity of St Mary’s Hospital by donating time and labor of three employees. The employees who provided this assistance are Marcia Chase,

Barbara Hendricks and Bernard Tolson. We are deeply grateful for these employees’ willingness to participate. We appreciate Marcia and Barbara’s creative response to their lack of knowledge about the task of floor stripping and waxing by recruiting assistance from Bernard. Their enthusiastic, energetic and competent efforts in cleaning our office floors and touch up painting was deeply appreciated by our counselors.

Established in 1983, the Pastoral Counseling Center is a non-profit organization supported by local businesses, churches and the United Way of St. Mary’s County. The mission is to provide professional, Christian counseling within a caring environment and at an affordable cost to the local community. A client assistance plan aids those who are unable

lic rubberstamping of what had been previously agreed upon. How could a person be selected to fill a position that hadn’t even been created? Sometimes the Open Meetings Law may seem to some to be more of an obstruction than facilitator of good government. But we should remember, this is the public’s government and the public deserves to hear the pros and cons discussed and the public deserves the opportunity to voice their support or opposition. Good public servants want to hear public comment before making final decisions. The practice of making decisions behind closed doors is done to intentionally keep the public from hearing the discussion and being informed, why else would the Commis-

to pay full fee. The Pastoral Counseling Center provides vital counseling service that assists individuals and families to negotiate life’s difficult challenges in a positive and healthy way. Counseling is a process of exploring and facilitating choices that ultimately impact the community in both the family and work environment. Counseling is about enhancing quality of living on a day to day basis. Individuals, couples and families from area churches and communities have enhanced their quality of living thorough counseling at PCC. Again, thank you from all those who benefit. Betty Joanne Scott Director Lexington Park, Md

Correctional Officer Of The Quarter The following officer was recognized as Officer of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of 2007. He has proven himself to be a valuable member of the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office. Corporal Jeffery L. Kreps has been assigned to the Transport Unit of the St. Mary’s County Detention Center since February, 2005. He organizes the inmate transports utilizing time management and logistical skills to ensure the efficiency of his staff. Corporal Kreps keeps the Shift Supervisors well informed of activities and availability of the Transport Unit as related to the daily activities of the Detention Center. His communication and cooperation with the Shift Supervisors is greatly appreciated. Along with the standard duties, Corporal Kreps has done an outstanding job researching and designing the proposed transport vehicle. Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron takes great pleasure in recognizing Corporal Jeffery L. Kreps as the Correctional Officer of the Second Quarter of 2007 for his commitment to the agency and the citizens of St. Mary’s County.

sioners want to do business that way? This is especially true when there is minority opposition and the majority wants to limit the minority’s opportunity to create public opposition by way of a full public discussion. Commissioners Mattingly and Raley often complained about communications under former President of the Board Thomas McKay. But McKay always allowed full opportunity for any Commissioner to communicate at Board meetings that were open to the public. It was McKay’s insistence that public policy not be discussed behind closed doors that frustrated Mattingly and Raley. It appears that new Commissioner President Jack Russell prefers public policy behind closed doors. Wheth-

er you prefer it or not, whether you agree with it or not, it violates Maryland State Law and that should be troubling to all citizens. As for the new position, Chief of Staff: since this position was created so secretly with little public discussion, it is difficult to tell exactly where the position falls onto the official organizational chart of County government. It is believed that the position reports to County Administrator John Savich. Savich was recently appointed to his current position after the Commissioners let former County Administrator George Forest go. Under Forest and the McKay Board of County Commissioners, a major re-organization of County government took place. The number of senior managers reporting to the County Administrator was reduced from 17 to 11 with a similar position, that of Deputy County Administrator being eliminated along with several other senior level positions saving county tax-

payers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Just as important, the reorganization eliminated a level of bureaucracy and streamlined services to citizens. Now it would appear that the new Chief of Staff would report to the County Administrator with the 11 senior managers reporting to the Chief of Staff. The kind of government bureaucracy building that frustrates most citizens. And most disturbing of all is that after approving a double digit increase in spending for the current fiscal year, this group of heavy spenders are now dipping into the County’s Emergency Reserves to fund their growing bureaucracy. No wonder it was all done so secretively. Time will tell how this new position in County government will serve St. Mary’s County citizens, but the way the position was created and filled raises the question of what other behind the scenes deals are in the works?

American Red Cross

ners, the Red Cross is not a government agency, nor a United Way partner in As Service members and emergencies. The Red Cross Southern Maryland - we government employees pre- has a long, celebrated part- rely on the compassion, genpare to donate through the nership with federal agencies erosity and trust of people like Combined Federal Campaign, and the US military. We work you to give us the ability to do (CFC) the Southern Maryland side-by-side with the Depart- these extraordinary things in Chapter American Red Cross ment of Homeland Security to your community. You can reminds us that provide people with the help elect to support the Southern Together, We Can Save A they need following disaster. Maryland Chapter American Life. The American Red Cross We give donors the ability to Red Cross (#10266) with your is in communities nationwide, show they care by providing financial gift to the Combined providing federal workers, convenient blood donation Federal Campaign. Or, you Service members, and their opportunities at blood drives. may contact your local Red families with the ability to We provide Red Cross Health Cross chapter to make a doprepare for, and respond to, and Safety training to em- nation locally. Either way, emergencies large and small. ployees of government agen- your donation will help make Whether it’s helping people cies, such as the Federal Avia- an impact in many lives in respond to disasters, provid- tion Administration, giving Southern Maryland. When ing safe blood for patients them the lifesaving skills they you donate to the Southern in need, training people in need to use if called upon. Maryland Chapter you help critical lifesaving skills that Whether you’re stationed at Southern Maryland! allow them to act in emergen- sea or at military installations cies, or providing people with around the world, you can Mike Zabko, the ability to reach out with count on the Red Cross to be Chapter CEO emergency communication to there and help you reach out Serving all of Southern military personnel in urgent and connect with your loved Maryland situations, the Red Cross em- ones during urgent situations. powers people to perform ex- While we work hand in hand traordinary acts in the face of with our government part-

Letters to the Editor If you wish to send a letter to the editor, please include your name, address and phone number for confirmation purposes. We will only publish your name and city of residence. We can withhold your name by request if circumstances merit it. We must receive all letters by Monday morning for publication in the next issue. Any letter received later than Monday will be held for the following issue.

Do you have something to say? Would like your voice to be heard? Send us a letter telling us what’s on your mind! Send to:

The County Times P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636 Make sure you include your name, phone # and the city you live in. We will not publish your phone #, only your name and city

E-mail letters to:

James Manning McKay - Publisher Tobie Pulliam - Office Adam Ross - Government Chris Stevens - Sports Correspondent...............

P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636 News, advertising, circulation, classifieds: 301-373-4125

Guy Leonard - Community Eileen McDonald - Advertising George Schaffer - Advertising

The County Times

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Section A -

Lighthouse Up For Auction Has Preservation Requirement By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

Coast Guard no longer wants to maintain responsibility for it, though it will retain ownership of the aids to navigation equipment including the fog horn already there. Coast Guard personnel will also be able to have access to the equipment there at any time, according to GSA

Navy News

information. “A lot of these lighthouses are in ill repair,” Mote said. “It’s become a liability to the Coast Guard.” Mote said bidding on the lighthouse wouldlikely remain open for at least another week. No date has been set by GSA for closing down the bidding process.

The Point No Point lighthouse up for auction from the federal government has a catch that comes with it. As part of the list of the National Register of Historic Places the lighthouse comes with historical preservation covenants that must be obeyed according to information on the auction from the General Services Administration (GSA). “You can fully modernize the interior,” said GSA spokesman Gary Mote. “But for the exterior it has to maintain the exterior it has now.” The lighthouse was constructed in 1905 as part of the federal governments efforts to provide safe shipping channels up and down the Chesapeake Bay. Its aging condition, which may include leadbased paints and asbestos, means that it could take considerable effort to further rehabilitate the lighthouse if that is the intent of its sole bidder. “It’s not a weekend fixer upper project,” Mote said. “Just getting the materials out there by boat would be difficult.” The requirements laid out in the GSA requirements state: “Distinctive materials, features, landscapes, finishes, construction, techniques, and examples of craftsmanship that characterize a property shall be preserved including the historic setting.” The only bidder to enter the auction process is known only as Old Salt 2, according to the GSA Web site where the property is listed. Mote said the identity of the prospective buyer could not be revealed until the bidding is closed, the sale finalized and the paper work processed. That could take up to 30 days, Mote said. The entrance fee to bid is $10,000, with bids going up only in $5,000 increments. “That makes sure you have someone really interested,” Mote told The County Times. The lighthouse must also remain as a functional navigational aid, Mote said. Photo Courtesy of U.S. Gerneral Services Administration The old facility has been unmanned since the 1960s and the United States The Point No Point Lighthouse located in Dameron is up for sale by the federal government but it will have to be maintained as a historic site by whoever makes the winning bid.

New And Improved Hydraulic Power Supplies (Hps) Are Hitting The Fleet Amy Kaper Contributing Writer

ing and troubleshooting of the flight control and utility hydraulic systems of the aircraft. The current generation of Navy hydraulic power supplies was designed in the mid-1960s to provide hydraulic fluid flow at 3,000 pounds per square-inch (PSI). Newer aircraft hydraulic systems for the F/A-18E/ F, EA-18G and Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) require fluid flow of more than 4,000 PSI. The new units are capable of providing hydraulic pressures up to 5,000 PSI. The power supplies are used in conjunction with the Hydraulic Fluid Purifiers (HPF) to clean contaminated aircraft hydraulic systems. This project, managed by NAVAIR’s Common Support Equipment program office (PMA 260) will replace the existing HPS, A/M27T-5/5A (diesel) and A/M27T7/7A (electric) that are approaching the end of their useful life and are becoming more difficult to support. This project is part of CSE’s Reduction in Total Ownership Costs (RTOC) initiative.

The new and improved Hydraulic Power Supplies (HPS) are rolling off the production line and will soon be available for Fleet use. Hydraulic International Inc. of Chatsworth, Calif. is steadily producing the A/ M27T-15 diesel (DHPS), the A/M27T-14 electric (EHPS) and the A/M37M-11 Hydraulic Fluid Purifiers (HFP) at a record pace. The new HPS units will arrive at Fleet Training Commands (FTC) beginning this month with additional deliveries to the Fleet continuing throughout the next few years. The initial FTCs receiving the new HPS units are Naval Air Station (NAS) North Island, NAS Jacksonville, and NAS Lemoore. Current plans call for a total of 669 DHPS, 263 EHPS and 231 HFP units to be delivered. The Hydraulic Power Supplies are mobile units that provide a source of hydraulic power for the check-out, maintenance and servicing of aircraft hydraulic systems while the aircraft is on the ground. Otherwise, the aircraft would have to run its engines in order to check the hydraulic systems. All Navy and Marine Corps aircraft use ground hydraulic power supplies to support the maintenance, servicing, test-

Excerpts of this article were taken from a written statement by Cmdr. Rusty Medford, Common Support Equipment program office & Rob Koon, AIR 1.0 Public Affairs Officer.

NAVAIR Sponsors Unique Recruiting Event For Disabled NAVAIR Team Supports Landing And Launching New French Rafale Workers M Fighters From USS Enterprise Amy Kaper Staff Writer

Naval Air Systems Command hosted its third annual Disability Mentoring Day at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station Oct. 17. This is a unique recruiting event that pairs NAVAIR mentors with potential employees interested in the mentors’ professions. “Attracting and retaining the talent we need from the diverse people of America is critical to sustaining the Navy’s workforce,” said Jim Meade, executive champion and head of NAVAIR’s PEO(W) and AIR 1.0 Contracts Department, AIR 2.4. “Events like this one help potential employees from untapped facets of society learn about NAVAIR and help us learn from each of these community members.” The idea came from the American Association of People with Disabilities as a way to overcome barriers to hiring disabled workers. Event coordinator Elizabeth Strandberg, NAVAIR’s Aircraft Division program manager for individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans, worked with disability coordinators from St. Mary’s College of Maryland and the College of Southern Maryland, as well as the local office of the Maryland State Division of Disability Rehabilitative Services (DORS) to identify candidates whose experience or education met NAVAIR requirements. “Rural communities often have difficulty attracting new employees who are disabled because the communities lack the necessary infrastructure, like accessible housing and mass transportation, to meet

the needs of those disabled workers,” she said. “We’re trying to overcome those barriers by working with community organizations to identify qualified candidates already in the community.” She also said that in securing employment in their professions, qualified candidates can face difficulties in mindset even when a community has the necessary infrastructure. “There are a number of misperceptions about being disabled,” she said. “One such area is that Employers often think that because someone is disabled, they’ll be less productive or have a higher absentee rate than an employee without a disability. Studies show that neither is true but the misperceptions can make obtaining employment difficult for some people with disabilities. This type of event helps overcome misperceptions.” The Individuals with Disabilities Recruitment Team screened the nominations to ensure participants would meet NAVAIR skill needs and extended invitations to 20 of the 30 people recommended. Thirteen people, most with business backgrounds, accepted the invitation to the event. “In the three years we’ve sponsored Disability Mentoring Day, we’ve been able to recruit co-op students, interns and permanent employees for Test and Evaluation, Comptroller, and Contracts departments,” she said, noting that three of the nine participants in the 2006 event accepted positions with NAVAIR. Excerpts of this article were taken from a written statement issued by Elleen Kane, public relations officer.

Amy Kaper Contributing Writer NAVAIR’s Aircraft Launch & Recovery Equipment program office was a key part in a recent naval aviation milestone. On July 23, 2007, two French Rafale M multirole fighters landed aboard and launched from USS Enterprise (CVN 65). This was the first time the French Rafale performed an arrested landing and catapult launch from a U. S. aircraft carrier. Commenting on the historic event, Admiral Harry Ulrich, Commander, Naval Forces, Europe, echoed the sentiments of Vice Admiral John Stufflebeem, Commander, Sixth Fleet and Deputy commander, Naval Forces Europe, who wrote to Vice Admiral David Venlet, commander, Naval Air Systems Command, “…a short note of ‘thanks’ for the superb work in making the French embark possible.” “NAVAIR/ALRE (PMA251) staff should be proud of the extraordinary effort to facilitate an historic, first ever arrested landing and catapult of a French Rafale fighter onboard USS Enterprise. Mark Gajda (ALRE principal deputy) and team put forth a superb success in execution, in a severely compressed timeline over the last month, which enabled Enterprise/CVW-1 to safely complete the crossdeck event. NAVAIR’s ability to generate the launch and recovery bulletins on short notice enabled us to make an immediate and lasting positive effect on our enduring French partners. Well done to your team for all their hard work. Great support to the Fleet!” Commander Steve Kreiser, Commander, Carrier Strike

Group Twelve, Air Operations Officer said, ‘Everything worked as advertised. Nice job by all those who helped make it come together!’ A ‘Thank You’ from the commander noted the efforts of the NAVAIR ALRE team in ‘getting the French on and off of CVN 65’. Those comments were followed by ALRE program manager, Capt. Steve ‘Chewy’ Rorke’s additional Bravo Zulu to the team, ‘Thanks for pulling this together when it was crunch time’. Accomplishing the RafaleEnterprise operation resulted from the coordinated actions of the engineering evaluation of compatible aircraft-ship capabilities by NAVAIR’s support equipment program

(PMA251) has provided technical assistance and hardware support for systems aboard the French aircraft carrier Charles DeGaulle and the newest carrier Porte Avion (PA2).” Enterprise carried out the exercise while she was transiting the Mediterranean Sea enroute to the Persian Gulf to perform Maritime Security Operations in support of the Global War on Terrorism. Following the Rafale exercise she resumed her journey to the Persian Gulf.

office; certification of the systems by the ALRE program office; the ALRE program manager at NAVAIR Headquarters and ALRE technical support from the Lakehurst, NJ team members; coordination and oversight by Commander, Carrier Strike Group Twelve; crew performance by USS Enterprise and with the cooperation of the Mediterranean’s sunny summer weather. Relationships and cooperative efforts between the French and U. S. Navies have been ongoing. Under the auspices of the Navy International Programs Office Data Exchange Agreement and Foreign Military Support cases, NAVAIR’s program manager for ALRE

Excerpts of this article were taken from a written statement by Larry Lutz, ALRE Program Office & Rob Koon, AIR 1.0 Public Affairs.

St. Mary's City St. Mary’s City DATE Fri. Oct. 26 Sat. Oct. 27 Sun. Oct. 28 Mon. Oct. 29 Tue. Oct. 30 Wed. Oct. 31 Thu. Nov. 1

HIGH 2:07 a.m. 2:57 a.m. 3:47 a.m. 4:39 a.m. 5:34 a.m. 6:34 a.m. 7:37 a.m.

LOW 8:13 a.m. 9:01 a.m. 9:52 a.m. 10:46 a.m. 11:43 p.m. 12:44 p.m. 1:47 p.m.

HIGH 2:23 p.m. 3:11 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 4:52 p.m. 5:49 p.m. 6:52 p.m. 8:01 p.m.

LOCATION Breton Bay Bushwood Wharf Colton's Point Point Lookout Piney Point Wicomico Beach Solomons Island

HIGH "+31 min." "+45 min." "+50 min." "-48 min." "+9 min." "+56 min." "-7 min."

LOW "+29 min." "+45 min." "+24 min." "-47 min." "-8 min." "+63 min." "-9 min."

LOW 9:11 p.m. 10:03 p.m. 10:56 p.m. 11:51 p.m. 12:46 a.m. 1:43 a.m. 2:41 a.m.

The County Times

Section A -

Ramblings of a Country Girl

Things I Don’t Like Terri Bartz Bowles

I’m not against progress, I just don’t like seeing farms turned On numerous occasions, into housing developments. I’ve talked at length about I’ll never get past that. I don’t things I love about St. Mary’s like development when it lessCounty. There are a few ens the county, makes it less things I don’t like, believe it of the place it used to be. I or not. was born and raised here and Development. I know, I frankly, I’d be perfectly hapknow – we need development py if it stayed pretty much as and development can be good. it was. It just seems like it’s

Odd News

BOGOTA – A kidnapped Colombian dog was recovered on Friday after his abductors dropped him off at the Veterinarian, saying he needed a bath. The German Shepard was held for a ransom of $350,000, after being snatched from his home last month in a rich Bogota neighborhood. No ransom was paid, police said, and the dog was identified as Aldo de Fescol. The kidnappers did not harm Aldo, but were wounded in a standoff with police the next day. The police ambushed a fake meeting staged to pay the extortion money. The abductors had tried to levy pressure on the family by sending a proof of life video with a note saying, “This is how your dog cries at night.” Kidnapping in this region is big business. Drug-running leftists rebels have been fighting the government for four decades. It is reported that more than 3,000 Colombians are currently held captive, most by the guerrillas. ROME - Actor Gerard Depardieu has a look-alike that is reaping the benefits of stardom. The look-alike walked into a luxury hotel in Rome and left with a gift basket overloaded with freebies, according to local media reports on Friday. Depardieu was expected in the area for the RomaCinemaFest, to promote his film “La Abbuffata” – in which he plays himself. Police said the impersonator looked and sounded enough like the real thing that the staff members at the Hotel de Russie allowed him into the gift suite. He reportedly took a purse, a bikini, a pair of sunglasses, a cashmere sweater and a designer bra. When the error was discovered, the look-alike was out the door and gone. SOUTH BEND, Ind. – A swarm of fleas in a filth-ridden vacant house attached four officers investigating a burglary. The tiny bugs overwhelmed the South Bend patrolmen who had to be decontaminated and sent home early from their shifts. Cpl. Ken Stuart told the Associated Press that the bugs were all over the place and swarmed the men. To avoid infesting their cars, the officers endured a lengthy flea decontamination process. A van took them back to the station, and the men showered with flea/lice shampoo and soap. As many as seven officers helped with the decontamination process. One officer said the house’s tenants had recently been evicted, but returned periodically to feed a dog tied up in the backyard. The dog was also allowed to run through the garbage-filled house. PHILADELPHIA – Looking for ugly people? Look no further than Philadelphia, voted the least attractive people in the United States according to a survey of visitors and residents. The city of more than 1.5 million people was also found to be among the least stylish, least friendly and least worldly, according to the “Americas Favorite Cities” survey by Travel& Leisure magazine and CNN Headline News. About 60,000 people logged online and responded to the survey. Twenty-five cities were ranked in different categories that included shopping, food, culture and cityscape. Philadelphia just beat out Washington D.C. and Dallas/Fort Worth for unattractiveness. Miami and San Diego are home to the most attractive people, the poll found. Philadelphia has been deemed one of the fattest cities in America too. The American Obesity Association has had the city in its top 10 every year between 2000 and 2005.

getting a bit crowded around here, a little too much of a lot of things and not enough of other things. I don’t like whiny people who move here and then incessantly complain about it. I like to think that if one tries to make the most of any situation, it’s better and healthier. If you’re not happy, then do

something about it. If you don’t like it here, move. You came from somewhere, go back there. That may sound harsh, but if you don’t want to be here, we don’t want you to be here. When you bad-mouth the county, you’re bad-mouthing our history, our heritage and our culture. Oysters. I don’t care for

Smoking Ban

the smoking ban. Michael Strande, the Continued from page A- deputy director of states’ the alcohol beverage board for an extended premises permit. legal resource center for toTo build a deck also requires bacco litigation and advocacy, permits from Land Use and a non profit housed by the University of Maryland school of Growth Management. “Any Class D or B [liquor law charged with tracking the license holders] planning on law’s nuances, said calls are allowing or putting a smok- coming in about what kind of ing area on the outside of structures can be built to acthe establishment should be commodate smokers. “Business owners are thinking of coming in front of Alcohol Beverage Board prior very antsy to begin constructo February first,” said James tion projects, wanting to be Hayden, an inspector for the finished by the February imSt. Mary’s County Alcohol plementation date,” he said. “They want to get a jump on Beverage Board. Calls from restaurant and those projects, and they’re bar owners around the county frustrated not knowing what have poured into the Alcohol the final role will be.” A public hearing is schedBeverage Board office asking uled Nov. 8 from 1-3 p.m. at for the law’s specifics. “I’m limited on what I the state office complex aucan tell them,” Alcohol Board ditorium in Baltimore, and Administrator Patricia Insley comment will be left open until Nov. 12. Once the comsaid of the law. The state has also received ment period closes, the final a heavy call volume regarding details will be worked out.

Thursday, October 25, 2007 oysters. Yes, I’ve tasted them. I ate several fried oysters and the third one was no better than the first. And don’t even talk to me about raw oysters. Bleah. I know tons of people love them – raw, fried, stewed, as appetizers, stews and entrees. I can’t imagine how hungry the first person was who ever ate an oyster. What besides mind-numbing hunger would make you work to open that shell, gaze at the gray blob inside and then eat it? I don’t care for sweet potatoes, either. I can eat a slice of sweet potato pie but it doesn’t really do a thing for me. I don’t like them baked or candied or mashed. I think some people believe they like sweet potatoes but if they weren’t covered with a brown sugar glaze and marshmallow, they wouldn’t bother to take a bite. Sweet potatoes are tremendously good for you. Low in bad things like fat and high in good things like anti-oxidants. That’s great for them but it doesn’t mean I have to like them. Stuffed ham. Yes, I am a native who does not like stuffed ham. I’ll probably be asked to leave the county now. There are several theories about how it was invented and you have to admit, it’s pretty ingenious. A complete meal, all in one package, meat and vegetables. It’s a lot of work and it’s just not Thanksgiving

or Christmas to a lot of people without stuffed ham. But no thank you, ma’am. I can do without it. There are many variations, some people just use kale, some use kale and cabbage. Different seasonings, too – some people make it a little hot. I like ham and I like greens but I don’t like stuffed ham. Tasted it, didn’t like; been there, done that, don’t need to do it again. I could also live without the humidity. Boy, in the summer when it’s in the high 90’s and the humidity is in the high 90’s, it’s just nasty. Nothing good about it – it’s just oppressive. I do feel sorry for people who move here and have never experienced summers like ours. Even though I don’t think you get really used to that kind of humidity, at least you know what to expect. But if you’ve never slugged through the humid haze that is July and August here, it’s harder to deal with. So, a few things I don’t like but when I weigh it out, the scale tips to the love it, love it, love it side. There are so many great things I love about the county and the bad things can never outweigh them. You can email the Country Girl at

Other details still open to change including enforcement and penalties. The law is currently set up for dual enforcement authority, according to Strande. The Maryland State Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (DLLR) along with the Maryland Department of Mental Health and Hygiene, will head the enforcement efforts. However, those agencies will likely pass the buck to their local counterparts for fast and effective enforcement. “It sounds like the sanitary division that goes out and inspects restaurants will be the ones looking for violations,” Strande said. “Primarily this will be complaint driven, however.” The proposed penalty structure levies a written reprimand for a first violation, a $100 fine for a second violation, and no less than a $250 fine for subsequent violations. Deputy Emory Johnson,

the county’s alcohol enforcement coordinator, said he would report a smoking violation to the beverage board the same as an alcohol sales violation. “The health department would hold the individual accountable for the criminal action just like when a sales person makes a sale they are held accountable in district court,” Johnson said of his interpretation of the proposed statues. “Then it’s up to the alcohol board to take whatever action they want to take as far as on the establishment itself. Johnson said he if observed a patron smoking indoors, he would cite just the individual and not the establishment if there were no ashtrays and signs were posted. “I would bring it to the attention of the manger to ask them to leave… As long as the management is taking the proper procedures,” Johnson added of his intent to enforce the law from the local side.

Rural Task Force Brings Forward Final Recommendation By Adam Ross Staff Writer A group charged with finding alternative solutions to preserving agricultural land in the Rural Preservation District (RPD) advocated for an Installment Purchase Agreement Tuesday that could maximize the county’s dollars more so than any other alternative. To set up the Installment Purchase Agreement (IPA), however, would require a firm commitment from the Board of County Commissioners of $1.5 million, and possibly a $40 tax on every household in St. Mary’s County. “This should be done to preserve our heritage and identity, which we all believe is deteriorating,” said Phil Dorsey, vice-chair of the Rural Preservation Task Force, put together by the commissioners earlier this year. “Preserving our rural character is just as important as good schools, good roads, and solid waste.” It was the unanimous decision of the task force, which carries members from all walks of life -developers, county government volunteers, and farmers – that adding $40 dollars to peoples’ tax bills to supplement rural preservation was not too much to ask. Doing so would generate roughly $1.5 million a year, according to preliminarily analysis done by the task

force and Elaine Kramer, the county’s chief financial officer. The group also asked the commissioners to jumpstart the program by using $1.5 million of unallocated funds currently waiting for an agricultural preservation effort. “We respectfully request for immediate adoption and implementation using funds already available in fiscal year 08 budget,” Dorsey added, “and work to guarantee an ongoing source of funding in the coming months.” The commissioners wouldn’t guarantee starting the program in the next 30 or 60 days, as requested, but vowed to make the decision once more information came before them. They did, however, authorize the task force to continue meeting to hash out other land preservation questions that were raised but went unanswered. Dorsey said the task force had originally considered using floating zones for land preservation. With the implementation of the transferable development rights program, the group chose to wait and see how the program affected land preservation, before it proceeded. The IPA program’s purpose is to accelerate the preservation of productive agriculture land and woodlands that provide for the continued production of food and fiber for the citizens of St. Mary’s County, and to protect farm-

land from the impact of development. IPA’s became an option for local land preservation reforms in 2005 when the Maryland General Assembly passed legislation to give the county the ability to enter into general obligation IPAs. According to the task force’s report, IPA’s are an advantage for the landowner because it incurs tax-free interest, and a balloon payment after “x” years. The county meanwhile can purchase more land at today’s rate, which goes up significantly with each passing year. “This IPA opportunity is going to allow us to buy property in rural areas at today’s values and pay over time,” said John K. Parlett, a member of the task force, “instead of buy when we can afford it and watch land prices rise. The task force also supports the program because it is easy for landowners to understand. Several counties’ across the state have implemented similar programs and had success with them. The task force designed its IPA after Frederick County, which has a population of roughly 300,000 and is controlled by a commissioner form of government. However, the task force scaled down some of the requirements seen in other programs so that it fits better into St. Mary’s: properties must be at least 25 acres in size, and have 25 percent

USDA class I, II, or III soil capability to qualify for the program. Other requirements are that properties must contain subdivision potential, and all easements, as proposed, would have to have to be approved by the commissioners. “I’m convinced this is the appropriate way to move forward and to meet the challenges of costs of today’s easements,” said Commissioner Thomas A. Mattingly Sr. (D-Leonardtown). The commissioners unanimously supported allowing the county’s department of economic and community development to proceed with the IPA program, but the program itself was not improved just yet. That will likely have to wait until Dec., when land use and growth management Director Denis D. Canavan and others can bring more information to the board. “I’m going to support it but we need staff to come back to us with specifics… I want a good discussion on what the funding mechanism will be,” said Commissioner Daniel H. Raley (D-Great Mills). St. Mary’s County has lost nearly 100 farms since 1997, according to Dorsey. It has also preserved nearly 16,500 acres in other land preservation efforts. The commissioners have discussed preserving 60,000 acres for future generations.

The County Times

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Glitch Continued from page A- However, detectives with the Bureau of Criminal Investigations reported publicly that Kendall and two other sex offenders were arrested for not checking in with the sheriff’s office at a time appointed by law. Some sex offenders, who are currently incarcerated and were not on the state registry as a result, were still on the county’s registry. “There’s a glitch in the system and it’s being worked out,” Raddatz confirmed to The County Times. “[The website’s] not updating properly.” Raddatz said that even though the county’s Web site was not fully functional, BCI was keeping close track of all sex offenders residing in St. Mary’s County. Anyone who wanted to know the status of a particular sex offender could call him to get the public information. “They should call me,” Raddatz said. “That’s the easiest way to verify any sex offender information. “We’re glad to do it; it’s to keep our kids and society safe.” The state registry was also the best on-line option for the most up-to-date information, Raddatz said. “Their [system] is usually the more accurate,” Raddatz said. Raddatz said that information on sex offenders goes from county law enforcement to the state, where it is then put on the registry. The county registry then gets its information from the state archives. Sex offenders who come in from out of state, as did Kendall, who is originally from W. Va., or who are re-

FEMA Continued from page A- jurisdictions. Since 2003, the plan has been tested over three or four different occasions, and tested well, according to Erichsen. There’s also been storm surges that have reached Southern Maryland since the plan was first developed, testing it for viability. “We are proud of the plan and are going to continue to improve it,” Erichsen said. Erichsen added that the document was considered “the bible” for emergency preparedness. Several hurricanes have hit the area in recent years: Hurricane Floyd in 1999,

leased from incarceration, have five days to come to the sheriff’s office and give their complete residential information so they can be tracked, Raddatz said. Sex offenders must inform law enforcement in their home states that they are planning to move and that information is forwarded on to their new residence. If the sex offender doesn’t come in as they should, local law enforcement acts on the notice. “If they don’t come in we go looking for them or we issue a warrant,” Raddatz said, adding that sex offenders are required by law to register twice a year for the next 10 years to the rest of their lives, depending on the severity of their offense. Raddatz also said that detectives do periodic, random checks to make sure sex offenders are staying in their declared residences. “The majority of our offenders are life time registrants,” Raddatz said of the approximately 110 sex offenders living in the county. Keeping track of them all is a top priority for law enforcement, according to Raddatz, who believes that murder is the only offense worse than victimizing someone sexually. “There’s nothing more important to me than the sex offender registry,” Raddatz said. Lt. Rick Burris, commander of BCI, said that sweeps and checks for sex offenders were a continual process. “If they don’t contact us we’re going to contact them,” Burris said. “There’s no leeway with us, we monitor them very closely. “What they have to do [to register] is not difficult.”

Isabel in 2003, and Ernesto in 2006. The commissioners presented Erichsen with a framed letter commemorating his active participation in getting the plan approved by FEMA. Erichsen will continue to work for additional reimbursements. When the county has renegotiated its debris removal contracts it will be eligible for an additional 5 percent federal reimbursement, bringing the total reimbursement to 80 percent. Erichsen said the county would get there eventually. He did mention however that the plan would likely be scrapped if a category 3 hurricane, or higher, were to hit the region. When higher catego-

Oxygen Levels at Dangerous Lows in St. Mary’s River By Adam Ross Staff Writer Oxygen levels in the St. Mary’s River are dangerously low, killing organisms submerged in deeper waters, according to research conducted by the St. Mary’s River Watershed Association. For the last nine years, Dr. Robert W. Paul and partners have observed a consistent decline in the oxygen levels of the watershed, primarily during the summer months and in deeper waters. The research has also confirmed a depression in water clarity during each summer, which detours sunlight from hitting the bottom, causing other problems for submerged aquatic vegetation. Oysters cannot survive in these present day conditions. “Scientists have known this for some a considerable amount of time and there is no dispute this happens,” said Paul, vice president of the St. Mary’s River Association. “What is surprising to us is that it is so well established in the St. Mary’s River because we don’t have any large outfalls of sewage in the river.” That likely means the damage comes from residential and commercial development. Paul pointed primarily to the Lexington Park Development District, and areas surrounding the river that create storm water runoff. Between the years 1990 and 2000, the county has lost over 1000 acres of agricultural land, and almost 2000 acres in forest cover – in

that same period the county has replaced those natural habitats with residential development. More impervious surface means more runoff, and water quality is primarily controlled by runoff and landscape practices. “We need a balanced and comprehensive approach to restoring water quality in the area,” Paul added. “We are not saying to stop growth in the development districts, we can accommodate it, but need to be careful and provide opportunities to mitigate.” Paul and associates recommend maintaining wetlands, reducing erosion, and creating buffers between the river and development. The St. Mary’s River Watershed Association meanwhile, plans to complete a Watershed Restoration Action Strategy (WRAS) by 2009, which is a prioritized action plan. The cost of the plan is unknown at this time, but similar initiatives have cost roughly $140,000. The watershed association completed a WRAS on Breton Bay, which was funded by the state. Some of the environmental recommendations made by the Breton Bay WRAS have already been implemented, including changes to the county comprehensive zoning ordinance, according to Veith. Joe Anderson, president of the association, said he plans to submit a budget request to the commissioners for funding of the WRAS. Funding had been provided by the state in the past. Anderson

Photo by Adam Ross

ry hurricanes make landfall, the federal government takes a more hands on approach. The county would likely have to shelve its plans to a higher authority.

Photo by Adam Ross

Commission President Francis Jack Russell presents George Erichsen a framed letter from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency commemorating his work on an emergency plan that is a first of its kind in the state.


We are at your service with:

said the federal government mandates an updated storm water management plan after the count reaches a population of 100,000. The new WRAS would help develop that, and also help with obtaining future grant money. The Board of County Commissioners made few comments about the plan, instead reserving their time for questioning. Commissioner Daniel H. Raley wanted to know when the new storm water management legislation is to become law. Sue Veith an environmental planner in land use and growth management said the specifics of the legislation are still being worked out, but could be ready for implementation in the spring. The St. Mary’s River Watershed is the largest watershed located entirely within a county. It’s 45,336 acres stretch approximately 10 miles from the river’s mouth to the head of tide, with over 84 miles of shoreline. The watershed association partnered with St. Mary’s College to study the health of the river from a chemical and biological standpoint. The project was originally funded federally, but was picked up by the state when federal funds dropped off. “We’ve expanded our monitoring,” said Paul, of the team’s research of the years. “We are doing more with fewer dollars. We are pretty stretched.”

Dr. Robert W. Paul discusses the deterioration of water quality in the St. Mary’s River Watershed, as part of a report to the St. Mary’s Board of County Commissioners Tuesday.

The American Red Cross Southern Maryland Chapter Southern Maryland, Tuesday, October 23, 2007 — The American Red Cross is seeking Volunteers to work in our Emergency Call Center located in La Plata MD.. In order to volunteer people must be willing to talk on the telephone and operate a computer. Conversational skills with people in disaster situations are helpful. Work days may approach 12 hours and there may be no days off until the disaster in contained.

today totostart CallCall usustoday start making your making your advertising campaign campaign advertising a success. a success. Advertise Your (301) 373-4125 (301) 373-4125

Section A -

Reaching 11,000 households countywide weekly on Thursdays.

n A professional sales team n Creative ad design service n Competitive rates n A community service oriented publication

1 Volunteers must be in reasonably good health and willing to: Complete a Personal Statement of Good Health and a Pre-Assignment Health Questionnaire. These are self disclosure documents and do not require a physician’s signature. Certain medical conditions may prevent participation. Complete the ARC Disaster Services Human Resource System (DSHR) application. Complete a statement of understanding about the type of work they will be doing, the working conditions and the time commitment required. Complete the ARC Code of Conduct Form Work a minimum shift of 4 (FOUR) hours per day. Complete an on the job operational training program and complete other training as needed at the worksite. Start immediately. NOTE: State of Maryland employees may be eligible to volunteering under the provisions of the State Disaster Leave and may serve a 2 week assignment. Contact any of the Southern Maryland chapter offices for more information and to schedule your training. 888 276 2767 The best way to help the Red Cross assist

those affected by the wildfires is to remain patient, volunteer your time at our call center and help us keep our phone lines open for emergencies only. Please encourage friends and relatives in the effected area to register with the American Red Cross Safe & Well Program. WWW. <> About The American Red Cross American Red Cross disaster assistance is free, made possible by voluntary donations of time and money from the American people. You can help the victims of thousands of disasters across the country each year by making a financial gift to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund, which enables the Red Cross to provide shelter, food, counseling and other assistance to those in need. Call 1-800-HELP NOW or 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish). Donations are also being accepted at Coinstar machines at select grocery stores across America. To find the nearest Coinstar machine, visit Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund may be sent to your local American Red Cross chapter or to the American Red Cross, P. O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013. Internet users can make a secure online contribution by visiting <> . Your local Red Cross answers the call for help through the generosity and support of the citizens of Southern Maryland.

Together, We can save a life!

The County Times

Section A -

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Obituaries Winifred Edith Lamb, 84 Winifred Edith Lamb (nee Cullis), 84, formerly of Belcamp, Md. died on Oct. 10, at St. Mary’s Nursing Center, in Leonardtown following a lengthy illness. Born Nov. 28, 1922, in Sprucedale, Ontario, Canada, she was the daughter of the late Wilfred Llewellyn Cullis and Catherine Edith (Liddy) Cullis. She was the beloved mother of Bruce Christopher Lamb, Martha Catherine Lamb, Gwyneth Ellen Hein, and their spouses, David Burnett and Kurt Hein. Mrs. Lamb was the loving grandmother of Lucy and Thomas Burnett and Cecily Hein. In lieu of flowers the family suggests that donations be sent to the St. Mary’s Nursing Center Foundation, Inc., 21585 Peabody Street, Leonardtown, MD 20650 or Ashland Presbyterian Church, 116 Ashland Road, Cockeysville, MD 21030.

of Robert’s Refuse in College Park. Since 2004, he was an equipment operator for the Ranch Club in Lusby. He loved the outdoors and his family. Mr. Traas continued his gift of life by donating his organs. He is survived by his wife, Grace Tippett Traas of Piney Point, daughter, Jacqueline Traas of Glen Burnie, MD, John C. Burlison, Jr. of Little Rock, AR, siblings, Adrianna Taylor of Greenbelt, MD, John Traas of Lakeland, FL, Pieter Traas, Jr. of Colorado Springs, Color., and three grandchildren, Jared Hoffman, Summer Burlison, and Grace Burlison. Memorial contributions may be made to American Heart Association, P.O. Box 5216, Glenn Allen, VA 23058 or Lupus Foundation of America, Inc., P.O. Box 631047, Baltimore, MD 21263-1047.

Marie DeBala Strickland, 88 Marie DeBala Strickland, 88, of Lexington Park died Oct. 18 at her residence. Born Feb. 14, 1919 in Minneapolis, Minn., she was the daughter of the late Stephen and Anna

Robert H. Lococo, 73 Seigal DeBala. She was preceded in death by her husband Todd Strickland in 1984. She is survived by her step daughter: Charlotte Strickland Wise of Stamford, Conn., and former Step Son-In Law: Bela Rezman of Pennbrooke Pines, Fla. Mrs. Strickland worked as an administrative assistant for the U.S. Treasury Department for 30 years until her retirement.

Kathryn Louise Schmucker, 69

Bernard Edwin “Ole” Olson, 85

Kathryn Louise Schmucker, 69, of Lexington Park died Oct. 12 at her residence. Born May 31, 1938 in Washington, D.C., she was the daughter of the late Harvey Theodore Sharrow, Sr. and Mary Louise Zidek Newton. She is survived by her daughter, Jennifer A. Sullivan and her husband, Mickey of Lexington Park, siblings, June Demko of Dameron, Md., John Sharrow of Chevy Chase, Md., and Mary Frances Schmalgemeyer of Hollywood, Md., two grandchildren, Tamara “Tami” Spak and Mikaila Sullivan, and one great-grandchild, Destiny Davis. In addition to her parents, her husband, Lavon Eldon Schmucker, daughter, Cynthia Spak, and three siblings, Theodore “Teddy” Sharrow, Shirley Covey, and William “Billy” Sharrow, precedes her in death. The family received friends on Monday, October 15, 2007 from 5-8:00 p.m. in St. Cecelia’s Catholic Church, St. Mary’s City, Md. Prayers were recited at 7:15 p.m. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Tuesday, Oct. 16, at 10:00 a.m. in the church. Reverend Damian Shadwell was the celebrant. Interment followed in St. James Catholic Cemetery, St. Mary’s City.

Robert Jan Traas, 55

Robert Jan Traas, 55, of Piney Point died Oct. 13 in Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C. Born Nov. 28, 1951 in Roosendaal, Holland, he was the son of the later Pieter C. Traas and Jeanne A. (Maas) Traas. Mr. Traas moved to St. Mary’s County from College Park three years ago. He was the former owner

Robert H Lococo died Sept. 18 in The Villages, Fla., at age 73. Born Oct. 18, 1933, in Charleroi, Pa., Bob enjoyed hunting, fishing, trapping, ran track and played the baritone. Bob joined the Air Force following high school, serving from 1952 until 1956 with an honorable discharge as Airman 1st class. Bob married first wife Helen in 1955 and had three sons. They lived in Charleroi where Bob worked in a steel mill and was Justice of the Peace. The family moved to Piney Point, Md., in 1962 where Bob worked for Colvin and Borrows, accounting firm. Bob was Controller at The Harry Lundberg School of Seamanship, Controller at St. Mary’s College of Maryland, and retired as a financial analyst for the U.S. Navy, Naval Air Systems Command. While in St. Mary’s County Bob was very active with the Jaycees, achieving local, state and international offices. Bob was awarded the prestigious office of Jaycee International Senator. Bob then served in the Rotary Club. In 1990 Bob married Liz and moved to The Villages, Fla., in 1997 where he became an avid golfer. Bob became active in the High Twelve Organization of the Masons, holding office of President and was currently Treasurer. At the State High Twelve level, Bob was currently Vice President, and was slated to be State President next year. He was also a charter member and President of The Villages Shrine Club. Bob is survived by his wife Liz of The Villages, Fla. Children Bob of Olathe KS, Ricky of Portland Ore., and Brian of LaPlata Md. Grandchildren, Kelly of Tampa Fla., David of Valley Lee Md., Aaron and Ryan of Olathe Kan., Tiffany of Rocky Point N.C., and Amber of Leonardtown, Md. Great grandchild Aleicia of Tampa Fla. Stepchildren Claire Martemucci of Orland Fla., and Mike Homewood of Annapolis Md. Step grandchildren Cristen Martemucci of Orland Fla., and Haley Homewood of Annapolis Md. Brother Matt of Lake Placid Fla. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 p.m., Oct. 27 at Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Mary’s City. Memorials may be made to Trinity Episcopal Church, St. Mary’s City MD or Shriners Hospitals for Children-Tampa, 12502 Pine Drive, Tampa, FL 33612-9499

Bernard Edwin “Ole” Olson, 85, of Piney Point died Oct. 19 in St. Mary’s Hospital, Leonardtown. Born June 20, 1922 in North Abington, Mass., he was the son of the late John Valfried Olson, born in Skone, Sweden and Veronica Fern McLaughlin Olson, born in Bridgewater, Mass. He graduated from North Abington High School before enlisting in the U.S. Navy in 1940 to serve during WWII. He was a plank owner and served on the USS Straub DE 181. While in the service he met and married Hilda Elizabeth Lumpkins, his wife of 62 years. After the Navy, Ole was employed with the U.S. Gov., Public Works Dept., Diesel Power supplying electric power for the Patuxent River Naval Air Station for 28 years. He enjoyed the water and spending time with the family in Piney Point fishing, crabbing and feeding the ducks. He belonged to the VFW Post 2632, American Legion Post 162, the Destroyer Escort Sailors Assn. and St. George Island United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife Hilda Elizabeth Olson of Piney Point, MD, his sister Claire Olson of Abington, MA, his son Richard Glenn Olson of Town Creek, MD, grandchildren; Jennifer Lynn Olson and Emily Marie Olson, both of Great Mills, MD, John Glenn Olson of Lexington Park and Melissa Ann Olson of Town Creek, Md. Two great-grandchildren, Jeramey Kishan Bradshaw, Jr. and Ashley Lynn Hayden, also survive him. In addition to his parents, his brother Kenneth of Abington, MA, precedes him in death.

Edna June Zimmerman Tedrow, 98 Edna June Zimmerman Tedrow, 98, of Stoystown, Pa., died Oct. 15 in St. Mary’s Nursing Center, Leonard-

Embach whom he married in Leonardtown, Md. He is survived by his children: Charles W. Embach, Jr. of Parker, Colo., Kasondra L. Embach of Hollywood, Md., Robert L. Silver of Tucson, Ariz., Kevin D. Silver of California, Md., and Wendy L. Kozina of Bainbridge Island, Wash., sister Betty Wall of Ky., and five grandchildren. He was a preceded in death by his brother Bobby Embach. Mr. Embach moved to St. Mary’s County in October 1981 from Norfolk, Va. He was employed as a computer specialist for town, Md. Born June 15, 1909 the Naval Air Warfare Cenin Stoystown, Pa., she was the ter, retiring on January 2, daughter of the late Frank C. 1998. He entered in the U.S. and Florence M. Zimmer- Navy in May 1959 and served man. She was educated in for 26 years, retiring in June local schools and graduated 1985. Chuck was stationed in from Boswell High School in the following locations: May 1928. She went on to graduate 1959- July 1959 Naval Trainfrom Hood College in 1933 ing Center, San Diego, Cawith a degree in Zoology, and lif., August 1959-July 1960 obtained a Masters degree NATTC, Memphis, Tenn., in social work from the Uni- July 1960 – August 1961 NAS versity of Pittsburgh. After North Island, San Diego, Caa career as a social worker lif, December 1961-May 1963 in western Pennsylvania dur- VP 50 MCAF, Iwakuni, Japan, ing the Great Depression, she July 1963- December 1964 VP married Norman Paul (Teddy) 48 NAS, North Island, Calif., Tedrow in 1937 and moved January 1965-December. 1967 with him and their family suc- VX-1 NAS, Key West, FL, cessively to Hardwick, Mass., January 1968-December 1970 Wellsville, N.Y., Clarksburg, VP19 NAS, Moffett Field, W.Va., and Storrs, Conn., CA, January 1974- July 1974 where they lived 53 years. In VP30 NAS, Patuxent River, their retirement, they enjoyed Md., July 1974-May 1978 VP spending summers at a family 17 NAS, Barbers Point, HI, farm near Stoystown. Her life May 1978-October 1981 NAS, was shaped by her upbring- Norfolk, VA, October 1981ing on the farm, her zeal for May 1985 VX-1 NAS, Patuxthe rights of women to control ent River, MD. He fought in their own lives, her love of the Vietnam War and accrued music, and by a great compas- the following honors during sion for people in need or dis- his career; Air Medal, Navy advantaged. Until her death, Achievement Medal, Navy she never graduated from her Unit Commendation with role as wife, mother, grand- Bronze Star, Meritorious Unit mother, or great-grandmoth- Commendation, Battle “E” er. Her family was of utmost Efficiency Ribbon with Silver importance to her. She had a E, Good Conduct Award (5th buoyant, optimistic spirit that award), National Service Deshe applied to many volunteer fense Medal, Humanitarian activities in her church and Service Medal, Sea Service community. She is survived Deployment Ribbon, Repubby her daughter, Caroline Beth lic of Vietnam Meritorious D’Wynter (Gerald) of Avenue, Unit Citation and Republic of Md., four sons, Allan C. Ted- Vietnam Service Medal with row (Mary Jean) of Clifton 2 Bronze Stars. He belonged Park, N.Y., Paul M. Tedrow to the Fraternal Order of Po(Prabha) of Lexington, Mass., lice, the American Legion David C. Tedrow of Annapo- Post 255, VFW-Veterans of lis, Md., and James R. Tedrow Foreign War and the Fleet Re(Jeanne) of Raleigh, N.C., serve Association. His hobsister, Eleanor Kunsman of bies included helping senior Duncansville, Pa., two sisters- citizens at the American Lein-law, Blanche Purbaugh and gion, HAM radio operations Eleanor Romesburg of Rock- and repair, computers, finanwood, Pa., brother-in-law, cial operations for American John C. F. Tedrow of Edison, Legion Post 255, group social N.J., 11 grandchildren, 6 great- events with friends and famgrandchildren and 11 nieces ily as well as being an NFL and nephews. In addition to and NASCAR enthusiast. The her parents, her husband of family will receive friends on 62 years, N. Paul Tedrow and Wednesday, October 24, 2007 grandchild, Paul Michael Ted- from 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the row, preceded Edna in death. Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral A Memorial Service will be Home , Leonardtown where conducted Saturday, Oct. 27 the American Legion Post at 11:00 a.m. in the Stoystown 255 of Ridge, Md., will recite United Church of Christ on prayers at 7:00 p.m. A funeral Main Street. Memorial con- service will be held on Thurstributions may be made to day, Oct. 25 at 9:30 a.m. in the United Church of Christ, 206 Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral E. Main Street, Stoystown, PA Home Chapel with Deacon 15563 or the Storrs Congrega- Bill Nickerson officiating. A tional Church, 2 N. Eagleville graveside service will follow Road, Storrs, CT 06268. at Maryland Veteran’s Cemetery, Cheltenham, MD at Charles William 11:00 a.m. with Full Military Honors. Contributions may be “Chuck” Embach, 68 made to the American Legion Post 255, P.O. Box 237, Ridge, Md., 20680 and/or the Ridge Volunteer Fire Department, P.O. Box 520, Ridge, MD 20680. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Maurien Carlos Gantt, six days old

Charles William “Chuck” Embach, 68, of St. Inigoes, Md., died Oct. 18 in Washington Hospital Center. Born June 10, 1939 in San Francisco, Calif., he was the son of the late Matthew Philip and Kathryn Emerson Embach, Jr. He was the loving husband of Linda Lillian Chapman

Maurien Carlos Gantt, six days old, of Lexington Park, Md. died Oct.18 in John’s Hopkins University Hospital in Baltimore. Born Oct. 12 he was the son of Jolita Gantt of Lexington Park, Md. He is survived by his sibling Jerrius Gantt, grandparents; Dwayne Gantt, Sr., Gwendolyn Yates and Mary Forrest/ Gantt, great-grandparents; Emily Gantt, Geraldine Estep, Mary Hall and Adriene Hall, great-great grandmother Blanch Gough as well as his aunts and uncles; Raven, Ni-

cole, Craig, Dwayne and Nathan Gantt and Gregory and Dionta Taylor.

Marie DeBala Strickland, 88 Marie DeBala Strickland, 88, of Lexington Park, Md. died October 18, 2007 at her residence. Born February 14, 1919 in Minneapolis, Minn. she was the daughter of the late Stephen and Anna Seigal DeBala. She was preceded in death by her husband Todd Strickland in 1984. She is survived by her step daughter: Charlotte Strickland Wise of Stamford, Conn. and former Step Son-In Law: Bela Rezman of Pennbrooke Pines, Fla. Mrs. Strickland worked as an administrative assistant for the U.S. Treasury Department for 30 years until her retirement. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 10:00 AM in National Memorial Park / King David Memorial Gardens, 7482 Lee Highway, Falls Church, VA 22042 with Rev. Dr. Richard L. Sheffield. Interment will follow in the cemetery. Contributions may be made to: Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 339, Lexington Park, MD 20653. To send a condolence to the family in memory of Marie DeBala Strickland please visit our website at www.mgfh. com. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Mary Susie Somerville (Grandma), 97

Mary Susie Somerville (Grandma), 97, of Fort Washington, Md. died October 20, 2007 at St. Mary’s Nursing Center in Leonardtown. Born September 6, 1910 in Hollywood, Md., she was the daughter of the late Alfred and Mary Ann Kelly. She married the late Bernard Somerville and from this union, the late James Foley Somerville, Sr. was born. She was a life-long resident of St. Mary’s County. At ninety-seven years of age, Grandma knew the county from way back when -- before most of us were even a gleam in our parents’ eyes. And, if you ever had the opportunity to talk with her, she could tell you tales about how things use to be. In her early years, she worked with her family as a sharecropper. Since she was the eldest daughter she was the caretaker for her aging parents. She kept this caretaking spirit as she took genuine care of her husband until his final days. In the early seventies she once again opened her home and heart to take care of her ailing brother. Finally, in the early nineties, it was her turn to be a receiver of care and comfort. She spent most of the last 17 years living with her daughter-in-law, Loretta, granddaughter, Maxine, and under the watchful eyes of her grandchildren and devoted niece, Jeanette. Grandma leaves us the following words of wisdom: Next to God the most important thing in life is family; your most precious possession is yourself; you got to like your own self best; act like a lady or gentleman at all times; anybody that wants a dollar should go out and work; but don’t spend all your money – you need to save some of it; clean your house every See Obits page A-

The County Times

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Super Bug Continued from page A- with the bacteria. Dr. William Icenhower, head of the county’s Health Department, said that there are no reported cases of MRSA yet in St. Mary’s and that the infection, though becoming more widespread, is preventable. “The big things are hand washing and showering,” Icenhower said. “It’s passed by skin contact primarily but can also be passed by touching clothing or other objects that are contaminated.” MRSA is resistant to many strong antibiotics, Icenhower said, but there are other antibiotics that can halt the spread of the disease. In response to the spread of MRSA in other states, Icenhower said that local school custodians are using strong disinfectants to clean locker rooms and showers. Athletes and those in hospital care are especially susceptible to the infection because of the close contact they

have with other people. Icenhower warned athletes to avoid sharing any equipment, towels or clothing as a hedge against spreading the bacteria. Many of the people who have died from the infection were already suffering from other serious medical conditions, Icenhower said, but the young could also perish from it. “You don’t expect a 17year-old athlete to die from a skin infection,” he said. Local physicians, nursing homes and schools have been notified to look out for the infection and doctors are being asked to voluntarily report the infection to the health department. “People don’t need to panic about this but they need to take these protective measures,” Icenhower said. Indicators of the infection can include pimples or sores that have not healed in 24 to 36 hours, Icenhower said, as

School Alert Continued from page A- and guardians in the event of an emergency, but that system was not used early that Thursday morning to tell parents the rumor was false, Smith said. Instead, the system went into effect only after the situation had returned to normal; using the system earlier to cut short the rumor might have averted the disturbance, Smith said. Classes went on as scheduled that day after the disturbance, but some parents still came in to pick up their students. One mother took her son out of school even though she knew the rumor was false. “There’s too much chaos,” said Kelley Farrington of Callaway. “Nobody’s doing anything.” One parent talking to a student on their cell phone still inside the school refused to pick the student up after they had heard the rumor debunked by school officials. “Go ahead, go to class,” the man said. “Yeah, bye.” The situation had its genesis the day before the rumor started, Smith said, with students plotting to concoct

a story about an inevitable shooting during the sixth period lunch. The rumor spread quickly through the school and by about noon, Oct. 18, lines of parents who wanted to pick up their children went from the school’s front door to the parking lot. Smith said one student, to whom the initial rumor was traced back to, had been placed on suspension. Lt. Edward Willenborg, commander of sheriff’s Special Operations Division, said law enforcement would meet with the board of education to see if charges were necessary against the student. “To date, no one has been charged,” Willenborg said. Kathleen Lyon, director of Student Services, said that while some students may have taken advantage of the rumor to get a three-and-a-half-day weekend (students had that Friday off) some were genuinely concerned that a shooting was a real possibility. Just the week prior, a student at a Cleveland, Ohio, school shot and wounded two teachers and two students be-


field Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown.

Continued from page A- week so you have a nice home when your family comes to see you. And remember, people got to go when their time comes. You will miss me a long time but, you must move on. It takes time, but you gotta make the best of it and go on. Grandma leaves to cherish her memories her daughterin-law, Loretta, four granddaughters, Linda, Maxine, Darlene (Jim) and Wanda (Albert); four grandsons, Foley, Michael, Larry (Quanda) and Marvin (Dalphine); five greatgranddaughters, Michelle (Rodney), Felicia (Roland), Keisha, Eboney, Shelita, and Jasmine; six great-grandsons, Cory (Akeya), Michael Jr., Anthony, Brandon, Blake II and Albert II, thirteen greatgreat grandchildren, and a host of nephews, nieces, cousins and friends. In addition to her husband and son, she was preceded in death by two grandchildren, Phyllis and Xavier; two great-grandsons, Sean (Elizabeth) and Larry, Jr., her sisters, Elizabeth, Margaret, Etta and Jeanette, and her brothers, Johnson, Baden, Paul, Lee, and Anthony. The family will receive friends Friday, October 26, 2007 from 10-11:00 a.m. in Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, Lexington Park, Md., where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. Reverend Jack Kennealy will be the celebrant. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Arrangements by the Brins-

Alice F. Zamanakos, 93 Alice F. Zamanakos, 93, of Leonardtown, Md. died October 20, 2007 in St. Mary’s Nursing Center, Leonardtown. Born July 13, 1914 in Washington, DC, she was the daughter of the late George Jenkins Fleury and Alice (Fenwick) Fleury. She is survived by her beloved husband, Arthur S. Zamanakos of Leonardtown, brother, Albert Fenwick Fleury and his wife, Alice, sister-in-law, Mimi Fleury and numerous nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brother, George Jenkins Fleury. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated Wednesday, October 24, 2007 at 11:00 a.m. in St. Aloysius Catholic Church, in Leonardtown. Father John Dakes will be the celebrant. Inurnment will follow in St. Francis Xavier Cemetery in Leonardtown. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown.

George Edward Young, 58 George Edward Young, 58, of Avenue, Md. died October 20, 2007 at Bayside Care Center, Lexington Park, Md. Born July 10, 1949 in Avenue, he was the son of Gertrude E. (Armstrong) Young of Avenuevand the late James Edward Young. The family will receive friends Thursday,

well as increasing redness or a red streak running the length of the arms or legs in relation to a scratch or a laceration of the skin. The disease enters into its most deadly form when it gets into the blood stream, Icenhower said, where it can become a flesh-eating infection with concurrent damage to vital organs. Those kinds of infections have to be treated with intravenous antibiotics, he said. “That’s really when it gets serious,” Icenhower said. MRSA infections, which are more serious types of staph infections, have become a growing problem in hospitals according to the CDC. In 1974, MRSA infections accounted for two percent of all staph-type infections. In 1995 that proportion rose to 22 percent of all staph infections and in 2004 the rate reached 63 percent. A Journal of the American Medical Association study quoted by the CDC stated that 85 percent of MRSA infections were related to healthcare settings and not found in the general community. fore turning the gun on himself and committing suicide. “There are students on heightened alert… rumor begets rumor,” Lyon told The County Times. “When students hear rumors then they text their parents and other students. “Parents are going to protect their students and we understand that.” Willenborg said law enforcement could not afford to ignore rumors of violence in schools. “You’ve got to take them seriously,” Willenborg said. “No choice.” Smith said that while there were strict policies in the county public schools that no students are allowed to text message or use their cell phones during school hours, their just having them meant they would be used sometime. “It’s not a question of enacting a new policy,” Smith said. “It’s unrealistic to think we can stop students from text messaging.” Prohibiting students from carrying cell phones in school also would not be feasible, Smith said. “Parents would never stand for such a ban,” he said.

October 25, 2007 from 9a.m.11:00 a.m. in Holy Angels Catholic Church, in Avenue where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. Reverend William Gurnee will be the celebrant. Interment will follow in Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Bushwood. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown.

Lillian Jeanette Reed, 78 Lillian Jeanette Reed, 78, of Lusby, Md. died October 19, 2007 at her residence. Born February 7, 1929 in Washington, DC, she was the daughter of the late Lillian Watson Morris and James Lewis McDevitt. She is survived by her husband, Stanley Reed of Lusby, two children, Tim Reed (Elizabeth) and Susan Knight (Shelby), all of Mechanicsville and four grandchildren, Timothy Reed, Jr., Jeanette Reed, Matthew Knight, and Carmen Knight. The family received friends Tuesday, October 23, 2007 from 9:30a.m. to10a.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home Chapel in Leonardtown, where a funeral service was conducted at 10a. m. Deacon Somerville conducted the service. Interment followed in Charles Memorial Gardens in Leonardtown. Memorial contributions may be made to a charity of your choice. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown.

Section A -

SMADC Open Forum - November 10, 2007 “Saving our Rural Character beyond the Tobacco Buyout: Your Voice Matters” The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) will hold an open forum inviting farm owners and other land owners, trails partners, elected officials, related business people, and the broader community to participate in a discussion on the future of Southern Maryland’s rural character and economy. The forum is being held November 10, 2007 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (lunch served at 1:00 pm) at the College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus in the Center for Business and Industry (CBI) Building. The Southern Maryland region is entering the eighth year of the ten-year Tobacco Buyout program. In 2010, the first 558 farms in the Maryland Tobacco Buyout will receive their last check. The forum is intended to encourage discussion on how SMADC can best serve the community as the Tobacco Buyout comes to an end. Expected attendees will include area farmers, business owners, trails partners, elected and county officials, and concerned citizens of the five-county area (Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince Georges and St. Mary’s). RSVP is needed by November 1 to SMADC at 301-274-1922 or email Included in the forum will be a review of SMADC’s programs to date (for details, see attached). ·Land Preservation ·“So. Maryland, So Good” initiative

·Buy Local Challenge Week · “Southern Maryland Trails: Earth, Art, Imagination” ·Southern Maryland Farm Viability Grants or Grape Grants ·Cornelia and the Farm Band / Kids Cook programs ·Workshops /conferences on marketing, business, equestrian, grapes, land preservation, ·etc… ·Support for local farmers’ markets New possible initiatives to be investigated: ·Pension for Preservation ·Farm-Link: helping to find someone to lease farmland to keep it productive ·Building additional partnerships between local businesses, arts, farms and heritage sites ·Navigating the regulatory roadblocks affecting farm business growth ·Facilitating regional production of local meats, dairy products, nursery, other ·Other initiatives proposed by forum participants ·Priorities to best serve the Southern Maryland community “This forum is of critical importance to assist in the planning and future support for our local farms”, said SMADC chairman, Charles Rice. “With the end of the buy-out payments fast approaching, the Commission must hear and understand the needs of those vested in Southern Maryland agriculture so we can best plan for life after the buyout and be

positioned to offer assistance. The choices we make today will impact the future for all of us and our future generations”, continued Rice. The feedback will guide SMADC in its future work in Southern Maryland. A report summarizing the forum, as well as next steps, will be made available to forum participants, and will be posted on the “So. Maryland, So Good” website <http:// www.somar ylandsogood. com/> . Those who are unable to attend are welcome to download a survey and email or mail comments to SMADC by November 5. The Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission was established to promote diverse, marketdriven agricultural enterprises, which coupled with agricultural land preservation, will preserve Southern Maryland’s environmental resources and rural character while keeping the region’s farmland productive and the agricultural economy vibrant. In case of inclement weather or any changes to the scheduled forum, please call 301-274-1922; extension 29 for the “So. Maryland, So Good” hotline.” To learn more about this event and other programs offered, contact SMADC, P. O. Box 745, Hughesville, MD 20637; phone: 301-2741922; email; or visit www.somar ylandsogood. com <>

The County Times

Section A - 10

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Townes at Greenview West Grand Opening Event! October 27 & 28 11:00-5:00 New Construction with time to pick colors in sought after Leonardtown area for only $439,900 and $10,000 in closing help. Be close to schools and shopping. This home has 4 BR, 2.5 BA on a basement. Call us today to show you one of the best deals in St. Mary’s County. Prop. Location: 41824 Carley Elizabeth Lane

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