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Thursday, May 31, 2007 • St. Mary’s County, Maryland

Established 2006 • Volume 2 • Issue 22 • FREE

Elementary Principal Will Retire After 40-Year Career By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Over the past three decades there have been many changes to Greenview Knolls Elementary School in Great Mills — such as improvements to the playground, additional building space and the curriculum taught — but one thing has not changed: It’s principal. After a 40-year career with the St. Mary’s County Public Schools and serving as the schools’ principal uninterrupted for 27 of those years John Hazuda, 61, is set to retire June 30. Hazuda said he is the longest serving principal currently employed by the school system. He’s seen a lot of changes in the way schools operate over his tenure, but he always enjoyed his job as an educator, first as a 5th grade teacher at Greenview Knolls in 1967, and then nine years as principal at

Navy Now on Board With Program By Adam Ross Staff Writer

tional $200,000 cut from its funding. Further, Carney said the school board was planning to exempt finance some new initiatives that they had initially planned to pay up front – a move to meet the $2.7 million in cuts made from its requested budget. Despite not receiving its full funding request, the board of education it did receive an $8.1 million increase over last year’s funding, 5.8 million more than the bridge to excellence funding agreement the two entities conjured up in years past. The board of education was perhaps the biggest loser in Tuesday’s finale, but it also had the most to gain after making a substantial request of over $20 million more from what it received last year from the county and state. “They have enough money for the [science, technology, engineering and math initiative], and the charter school,” said Commissioner Daniel H. Raley (D- Great Mills). “I think we can keep class size good and enough money for 65 to 70 new positions, but again that’s with less than 100 new students.” “A lot of people aren’t happy, but we deal with very good people in St. Mary’s County,” said Commission President Francis Jack Russell (D- Point Lookout). “Now we’ll get our parameters set for the next one.” Raley said he expected to meet with Superintendent Michael J. Martirano and the school board frequently over the coming years to avoid communication difficulties that he and other commissioners complained had negatively impacted this budget process. “Starting next week, we should get to know the super-

The county’s first ever Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) academies are staffed and have filled most of their student slots as the dream becomes a reality, according to Linda Dudderar, the school system’s chief academic officer. The STEM academies will be offered next year at Lexington Park Elementary School, Spring Ridge Middle School and Great Mills High School, in part because of the close proximity to the Patuxent River Naval Air Station, where local leaders hope a strong partnership can grow for years to come. Rear Adm. Steven Eastburg and Capt. Glen Ives have spoken in months past of the growing problem with hiring qualified staff to keep up with the barrage of new testing and technology at the Air Station, along with retention of those employees. While St. Mary’s County is home to some of the world’s most cutting edge military operations and equipment, retaining base employees has been a continual challenge. The STEM academies are the county’s first crack at “home growing” Pax River’s future. “We want to provide a workforce that is locally grown because the number of dollars being spent on recruiting at the base is huge,” said Dudderar, “and they are not reaping the benefits the base would like.” School Board Member Gary K. Kessler, who is also the senior executive director of flight test engineering at Pax River said last month that those coming from other parts of the country to fill the base’s jobs often don’t like the area or become homesick and leave after a couple of years.

See Budget Aproval page A-

See STEM page A-

Photo by Guy Leonard

John Hazuda, principal at Greenview Knolls Elementary School in Great Mills, looks at the plaque his school earned for improving test scores enough to be removed from the state’s watch list for underachieving schools. Hazuda will retire at the end of June after 40 years of service to the school system.

See 40-Years page A-

Commissioners Approve Budget, Public Schools’ Receive Largest Increase Taxes remain the same; fee added

Index Rewards A-2

Sailing Reward B-1

Op.-Ed ..........Page A - 4 Obits .............Page A - 6 Police ............Page B - 5 Classifieds.....Page B - 7

For Continual News Updates Visit: Local Weather Friday Partly Cloudy 89° Saturday Iso. T-Storms 87° Sunday Iso. T-Storms 83°

STEM Academies Ready to Set Sail

By Adam Ross Staff Writer After an arduous year battling increased expenditures and decreased revenues, the St. Mary’s Board of County Commissioners balanced and approved its budget Tuesday in part by assessing county residences a yearly $60 trash fee. However, the commissioners took other steps in the closing weeks to shore up their $185 million general fund, namely cutting an additional $200,000 from $2.5 million already cut to the board of education. St. Mary’s County Public Schools Chief Financial Officer Daniel Carney said Tuesday that the school board would cut pay raises to paraeducators in half, and cut $20,000 for a speech therapist in order to meet the addi-

Next Wave of Firefighters County Urges Graduates Grueling Class Residents to Local High Schoolers Complete be Prepared Tough Training Course for Future for Hurricanes in Fire Fighting and Rescue Work and Tropical Storms

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

Eight out of 11 high school students who signed up for an accelerated course in fire fighting and emergency medical training at the Dr. James A Forrest Career & Technical Center have completed the course and are ready to take their career paths to the next level. The program was designed to give high school students a rapid start in one of the most demanding and in-demand career fields as well as to get them college credit for advanced fire science and medical services degrees. Students who graduated from the program already have strong resumes that could land them jobs with paid fire or EMS companies on Patuxent River Naval Air Station or neighboring jurisdictions with two-tiered systems of both volunteers and paid personnel. Mathew Spalding, 18, of Hollywood, and a senior at Leonardtown High School, said he knew fire fighting was the career for him and he wanted

the best training he could get. He is already a member of the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department — applicants for the program must belong to a volunteer fire or rescue company and be at least 16 years old — and he wanted to take his abilities as far as they could go. “The guys at the fire station got me hooked on fire fighting,” Spalding said. “So I knew that’s what I wanted to do. “I knew this would look great on an application.” Spalding and his classmates went through hundreds of hours of training, according to one of their instructors, in just about every aspect of fire fighting and emergency medical procedures a firefighter/EMT could expect to encounter. “These programs are geared towards making them a well-rounded firefighter or EMT,” said Paul Wible, one of their instructors. “For someone taking this training in the evenings as a volunteer fire fighter [after a standard workday] it would take them five years to get this program.” See Firefighter Grads. page A-

By Adam Ross Staff Writer St. Mary’s County may not be a hotbed of hurricane activity like Florida, but in light of storms like Ernesto, whose winds and rain beat down the county’s infrastructure and flooded its coastline last year, nobody is taking any chances. With the arrival of the 2007 Hurricane season tomorrow - and models from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) predicting 13 to 17 named storms in the Atlantic Ocean from June 1 to November 30 – county officials are urging residents to plan accordingly. “Although no one likes to think about the See Hurricane Season page A-

The County Times

Section A -

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Myrtle Point Development Law Enforcement Goes Forward as Circuit Goes High Speed St. Mary’s Deputies Outfitted Court Mulls Case with Portable Computers to PRA Awaits August Decision in Battle Over Erosion Ordinance By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Environmental advocates with the Potomac River Association (PRA) and citizens of Myrtle Point will have to wait about two months for a Circuit Court judge to determine if the county government illegally issued permits to a developer to build homes in violation of its own soil erosion control ordinance. The PRA and their lawyer Douglas Hollman had their day in court against developer P.F. Summers’ lawyer Christopher Longmore and county attorney Christy Holt Chesser May 25 to present arguments. Erik Jansson, president of the PRA, said the outcome of the court proceedings was uncertain, but his group would continue their fight against harmful soil erosion they believe is caused by overdevelopment in environmentally sensitive areas. “We’ll ask them [the Board of County Commissioners] to tighten up the law if we don’t win,” Jansson said. “Mill Creek is already starting to fill up, and it’ll end up as a marsh and then hard land.” At issue was the county Board of Appeals’ decision to uphold an action by the Department of Public Works and Transportation

that allowed P.F. Summers to begin grading a sight in which six of the planned lots, had a slope grade greater than 15 percent. That decision took place more than a year ago, but the PRA, spurred on by current Myrtle Point residents who say the added development has caused massive soil erosion that despoils local creeks and waterways, immediately filed appeals. The county had allowed the grading permits based on its finding that enough of the land on the entire parcel met with the requirements of the law and on the whole was not too steep. Hollman argued that the county’s interpretation of the law was erroneous because it chose to ignore a key provision stating that the county had to give consideration to doling out the permits based on the lot upon which the primary structure was to be built. “Basically it negates the steep slopes law,” Hollman said of the county’s decision in favor of P.F. Summers. Jansson has said if the P.F. Summers development and the county action go unchallenged, all land in the county that is prone to erosion is in danger of inappropriate development. “This is to make the departments straighten up

their acts and read the law,” Jansson said. But the developers fired back saying that the county ordinance was a lengthy one and that the Department of Public Works and Transportation acted properly in their decision based on the entire law. “They’ve taken one sentence in a rather lengthy ordinance and ignored the rest the director [of DPW&T] used to come to his decision,” Longmore said. Judge Charles Raley, who heard the arguments, said his staff would begin research on the case and that he would likely render a decision sometime before August. Raley said there were no disputes in the case with regards to the facts but that “it does seem it’s all about the correct legal answer.” However, since no injunction was filed by the PRA against the developer, work at the Woods at Myrtle Point site has continued.

McKay’s Gives Out $60,000 in Community Rewards Program By Andrew Knowlton Staff Writer McKay’s Food & Pharmacy has always been known for its enthusiasm in giving back to the community. Last week at the new location in Leonardtown, the store’s Community Rewards Program wrapped up its ninth year of giving back by writing $60,000 worth of checks to organizations throughout St. Mary’s County. In total, 14 organizations were awarded over $1,000 and almost all of them were present to receive their check. St. John’s Church & School was awarded the first place prize, followed by Victory Baptist Academy, was and Immaculate Conception Church was third. The top three recipients were also given a bonus. St. John’s received a bonus of

$2,500, Victory Baptist was given a bonus of $1,500 and Immaculate Conception received an extra $1,000. Since 1999, St. John’s has received nearly $60,000 in Gold Card rewards. Victory Baptsist finished in first place the past two years. The organizations that were not present when the checks were handed out were mailed their checks the same day. Approximately 110 nonprofit organizations participated in the program this year. “Members sign up at the stores and then they are all given a number,” said McKay’ Chairman of the Board James M. McKay. “Every purchase that an organization makes under that number goes toward earning rewards.” When members of the organization use their Gold

Card, they are not only saving money on their purchases, but also earning money back for their group. The Community Rewards Program was started in 1999, when the McKay’s celebrated its 50th Anniversary. That year, they gave away $50,000, and each year since, the total amount rewarded has increased. Since 1999, the program has given back approximately half a million dollars, according to McKay. “We feel like our success is based on our communities part in the business and we owe something back to the people,” said McKay. “This seems like one of the better ways to do it. The organizations can have their purchases allocated to their benefits. It all depend on the organization and how much effort they put into it.”

Assist in Crime Fighting

Photo by Guy Leonard

Deputy First Class Jason Maletto works from his squad car on one of the sheriff’s office’s new Panasonic CF-30 Toughbooks that allow deputies to access criminal records and other police reports remotely at the touch of a button.

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The newest piece of equipment available to sheriff’s deputies to keep the streets of St. Mary’s County safe isn’t a new service weapon, TASER or pepper spray. It’s a portable computer. For the past two weeks sheriff’s deputies learned to use a Panasonic CF-30 Toughbook laptop computer that allows them instant access to information on suspects, stolen property and police reports at the touch of the button. The Toughbook looks like a standard computer laptop that has been armored against the toughest forms of abuse. Its oversized and strengthened body protects the computer’s circuitry and hardware from the elements and rough handling. “They’re built to military specifications,” said Robert Johnston, a civilian systems administrator who works for the Sheriff’s department. “They’re ruggedized.” Lt. Edward Willenborg, commander of the Special Operations Division, said deputies can now do warrant checks on suspects or access reports on stolen property instantly, meaning whatever situation they encounter they have the information needed to deal with it appropriately. Without the Toughbooks, deputies have to talk to a dispatcher back at the Department of Public Safety to get information on an emergency call or suspect.

That system, Willenborg said, takes more time than the Toughbook method and also takes dispatchers away from their task of routing emergency calls and responding to deputies’ requests. Deputies not only have access to local criminal or emergency information on file at headquarters, but also through the National Crime Information Center administered by the U.S. Department of Justice. With this system, deputies can check for warrants electronically from their own cruisers on suspects that may not have a criminal record in the county, but are wanted across the country. “It makes it easier to check vehicle tags and people instead of using air time,” said Deputy First Class Jason Maletto. The screens on the computer can pull up a picture of the suspect, any information on their criminal background and aliases so the deputy can see through any subterfuge. Currently, the sheriff’s department has about 70 Toughbooks assigned to patrol officers, Willenborg said, but the ultimate goal is to have a Toughbook for every deputy, especially those in the Bureau of Criminal Investigations looking to close cases quickly. Armed with these computers, investigators have quicker access to reports than in the past. In the past, the procedure has had patrol deputies type out reports that are then

reviewed by their unit superiors and copied by the records division before investigators can utilize them. Right now it can take three to five days for an investigator to get information he or she needs from a street patrol report. With the new technology, the investigator can have the report the same day it was taken. “Field reporting is the key, that’s the goal,” Willenborg said. “Right now it’s still a piece of paper that has to go through reporting and then to records… with [the Toughbooks] you can get on the trail before it goes cold.” Johnston said that deputies have been learning to use the Toughbooks while information technology personnel have been working out remote connection problems. “There are minor glitches being worked out and it’ll probably be that way for a month,’ Johnston said. “This is a really new system for us.” Willenborg said sheriff’s deputies in Charles County were already using the Toughbooks and that St. Mary’s deputies could have access to their records as well if the two counties come to agreement to use connecting software. But for all the perks they offer, the Toughbooks are not cheap. Each unit costs $3,800 plus extra for software and installation. The units currently in service were purchased by a law enforcement grant obtained by U.S. Rep. Steny Hoyer’s (D-MD 5th) office.

In the fall, the program will start its ninth year, according to McKay, and the store will continue to give back to the community with enthusiasm. “We owe that much to the good people that have been our customers throughout the years,” McKay said. “We owe it to the County.”

Photo by Andrew Knowlton

Second Place: Victory Baptist Academy

First Place: St. John’s Church and School

Photo by Andrew Knowlton

Though the program is in its eighth year, McKay’s has been giving from day one. Every year, the store has donated at least 300 gift certificates for particular school programs and their activities. Since the start of the Community Rewards Program, the gift certificates have come in addition to the money given back in the Community Rewards Program.

Photo by Andrew Knowlton

Third Place: Immaculate Conception Church

The County Times

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Section A -

In Your Community Golf Tournament The Bay District Volunteer Fire Department is hosting its 11th annual golf tournament Monday July 9 at the Wicomico Shores Golf Course. Shotgun starts at 9 a.m., in scramble – captain’s choice format. Cost is $65.00 per player, which includes fees, cart, lunch, beverages and prizes. Open to the general public. For more information call Joe Cooper at 301-863-5362.

moon bounce, dunking machine and a radar gun to clock just how fast those balls fly! So bring the family and watch girls’ lacrosse in action. Rain date: June 9,

ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAKFAST 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., June 3 at Bay District Volunteer Fire Department. Menu will include: Bacon, Sausage, Homefries, Scrambled eggs, Hot applesauce, Sausage gravy with Biscuits, Pancakes, Mixed fruit and French toast. Cost is $8 for adults, and $5.00 for children (ages 5-12), 4 and

session on June 4. If unable to attend, please obtain an application at the library. 301-8842211 x1004.

under eat FREE.

Summer Volunteers Training 6:00 p.m., Charlotte Hall Library, students in the 6th grade or older who are interested in helping with the summer reading clubs are asked to attend this short training

Ask a Master Gardener: Plant Clinic Drop in to the Lexington Park Library and ask a St. Mary’s County Master Gardener from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on June 5 your gardening questions. Bring plant samples and/or photos. Free.


Book Discussion Come to the Charlotte Hall Library June 5 at 7 p.m. to discuss Anita Shreve’s book “All He Ever Wanted.” The discussion is free and no registration is required. Call 301-884-2211 for more information.

Art Reception The Lexington Park Library Art Gallery will be holding an opening reception for the members of the Calvert Art Guild who have their artwork on display at library during the month of June. Reception is free, call 301-8638188 for more information.

Yard Sale A community yard sale at Dr. Samuel A. Mudd House Museum in Waldorf Maryland is being held June 2nd, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The house is located at 3725 Dr. Samuel Mudd Road. He cost is $15 a space, and sellers must provide their own tables and chairs. Proceeds will benefit the Dr. Samuel A. Mudd Society. For more information call 301-274-9358.

Parade The Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department and Ladies Auxiliary is having its 50th Anniversary parade June 30 starting at 3:30 p.m. Music and fireworks will accompany the parade. Music provide by the kings of classic rock, Great Train Robbery. Fireworks at dusk on the fire department grounds, food and refreshments available throughout. Fire related vendor space contact John Gatton, Jr., at 301-373-3602.

Crab Cake Dinner St George’s Episcopal Church will hold their annual Crab Cake Dinner on June 2nd from 1:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. The menu includes all you can eat Crab Cakes, Baked Ham, Chicken Salad, St. Georges Potatoes, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Pickled Beets, Rolls, and Beverages. The cost is $18.00 for adults and carry outs, $7.50 for children 6-12 and free for children under 6. There will also be a dessert table, bazaar and plant table. St. George’s Episcopal Church is located on Route 244 in Valley Lee, half mile from the Valley Lee Post Office. For additional information call 301-994-0585 or visit

Craft Show On The Green The Crafts Guild of St. Mary’s County is hosting ‘Craft Show on the Green’ on June 2, where talented artisans from throughout the region will offer their unique handcrafted wares for sale in a festive open-air setting. Mark your calendar for this free event and join us 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Old Towne Crafters, Route 5, Leonardtown, adjacent to the Maryland Antiques Center. Rain date: June 3, 2007. For more detail and crafters information, call Bonnie Gallant at 301-9971644 or 301-994-2621.

Graduation Cakes 8” Round 1/4 Sheet 1/2 Sheet Full Sheet

18.99 $ 20.99 $ 34.99 $ 45.99 $

SMGLL LaxA-Daisy Draw 2007 Lacrosse Tournament Come join the St. Mary’s Girls’ Lacrosse League for a day of family fun at the 3rd annual LAX-A-DAISY DRAW Lacrosse Tournament on June 2, at 8:00 a.m. at Chaptico Park. In addition to the elimination style game format, there will be a live DJ and music, raffle, food & drink vendors, lacrosse clothing for sale, face painting, a

Route 5 & Mohawk Drive Charlotte Hall, MD 20622

301-884-5636 The Shops at Breton Bay Leonardtown, MD 20650


Route 245 Hollywood, MD 20636


Route 246 & Great Mills Rd. Lexington Park, MD 20653


Wildewood Shopping Center California, MD 20619


The County Times

Section A -

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Editorial & Opinion Big brother knows what is best for you? Can government legislate what is best for you and your family? Are you better off when government decides how your money should be spent? Can government do a better job of raising children than parents can? How about the type of house you should live in, the cost of the home, the school your children are required to attend, the kind of car you must drive, even the kinds of food you can or can not eat? Over the past several years we have seen government at both the state and local levels continuing to take away from us choices about how we should live our lives. Often we hardly pay attention until we are told we cannot do that anymore, or we suddenly

have to pay an additional fee for something that use to be optional, now is required. For instance, the State of Maryland now believes the decisions we have made about what cars we drive have not been in our best overall interest and are going to require in the future that you only be able to purchase certain automobiles approved by the state. Thank goodness someone is limiting our choices, of course you will pay a pretty hefty premium for this state service. Just last year state government passed a law that forbids parents from allowing their children to ride in an automobile with a teenage driver. This puts to a stop parents deciding whether children

are responsible or not, government has decided for us, all teenagers are apparently irresponsible. What about Montgomery County recently banning the use of trans-fat in cooking oil, are we that irresponsible? Does this mean if we eat french fries not cooked with trans-fat can we enjoy more Hagen Daz ice cream? It only makes sense that government would follow through with legislation limiting our ice cream consumption to a few scoops on Sunday’s. It never seems to end, and the argument is not necessarily whether government is making good or bad decisions, it’s just that a free society must hold itself accountable, and people must be empowered to

make decisions that are best for themselves and their families. And almost always there is a financial component to these choices. And most often when government makes the choice for you it is certain to cost you more. Now the St. Mary’s County Commissioners are considering requiring fire protection sprinkler systems in all new homes in St. Mary’s County. Most people in St. Mary’s cannot afford the price of homes now, adding $5,000 here and $5,000 there only puts home ownership even further out of reach for most people. And don’t those who want home sprinkler systems have the choice to install them now? Why do we need big brother telling us if we must be rich

enough to afford the kind of home government wants us to have? Why can’t government just provide incentives for people to make decisions that government believes would be in our best interest? For instance, instead of requiring residential sprinklers, why not offer incentives for people to choose to have them installed themselves. The commissioners could offer to waive the fire tax for any residence that installed sprinklers. This would allow citizens to make their own decisions yet make it more affordable and attractive for homeowners. Homeowners would still pay the emergency services tax, which also provides a portion of the revenue

to local fire departments. This would also work to provide incentive for homeowners to install sprinklers in existing homes. Why mandate new homes when the majority of residents live in existing homes without sprinklers? While on the surface it may often seem as if one choice is best for all and government should make that choice and force us all to follow. But citizen choice and consumer choice are almost always better than government choice; our free society will only survive when we accept that fact.

James Manning McKay - Publisher Tobie Pulliam - Office Adam Ross - Government Andrew Knowlton - Sports Correspondent.......

P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636

Guy Leonard - Community

News, advertising, circulation, classifieds: 301-373-4125

Eileen McDonald - Advertising

Letters to the Editor If you wish to send a letter to the editor, please include your name, address and phone number for confirmation purposes. We will only publish your name and city of residence. We can withhold your name by request if circumstances merit it. We must receive all letters by Monday morning for publication in the next issue. Any letter received later than Monday will be held for the following issue.

School Lunch Prices On the Rise By Adam Ross Staff Writer St. Mary’s County school lunch prices are going up next year, but not as much as originally anticipated, according to Bradley J. Clements, schools’ chief operating officer. What Clements and Supervisor of Food and Nutrition Services Lisa Brubacher expected to be a 30 to 40 cent increase, which they characterized as “very alarming,” ended up being a 15 cent increase per meal. Brubacher said the cost increase was unavoidable “due to the continuously increasing energy costs, food costs and supply costs of paper goods and everything else that goes into the program.” At the elementary and

secondary levels lunch will increase to $1.90, while at the high school level, the cost of a single lunch is $2.05. According to Brubacher, it costs the Department of Food and Nutrition Services close to $2.70 per lunch, and in order to continue operating with a loss, prices must be raised. “We rely solely on income of paid meals to fund [school lunches],” Brubacher said,” along with federal and state reimbursement.” St. Mary’s County Public Schools appear to be in the middle of the pack when it comes to the cost of lunch prices. Of the 13 counties that responded to a survey on school lunch prices, six were found to charge more than SMCPS.

Budget Aproval Continued from page A- intendent and board of education very well,” added Raley. Commissioner Lawrence Jarboe (R- Golden Beach) called this budget the toughest he has dealt with in 13 years, as the commissioners set lofty goals despite an economic downturn. In line with historically high gas prices, other post retirement benefits’ (OBEP) was also a monstrous cost the commissioners committed themselves to funding without raising taxes. This year the commissioners set aside approximately $10 million for retiree health benefits, a step that that Chief Financial Officer Elaine Kramer has called a

responsible move while most county government’s have yet to even address the cost. “It’s no glamorous,” said Raley of funding OPEB (DGreat Mills), “but it’s important and significant.” Meanwhile, the Office of the Sheriff received nearly a 16 percent increase in funding from fiscal 2007, bringing the county’s total appropriation to over $27 million. The increase will allow Sheriff Timothy Cameron to hire four deputies and part time Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcemnt Agenies (CALEA) coordinator. “What the commissioners have shows they support law

The school board approved the increase unanimously, and commended Brubacher for the program’s efficient staff and well-balanced meals. “Kids are receiving nutritious meals everyday,” said Superintendent Michael J. Martirano. “And we are doing our best to keep costs down, but other factors are driving this in our economy.” Clements said the program would continue to serve whole meals while limiting a la carte options in order to ensure the nutritional value of each meal. Breakfast and milk prices will hold at $1 and 30 cents respectively.

enforcement,” said Cameron Tuesday, “and helped us to establish an aggressive foundation for the future.” Cameron also said this was the lowest stress and least impact budget he or his staff have ever worked on. “We’re putting more deputies on the streets, which is what the people wanted,” said Raley. “Also, four more dispatchers over there at the emergency center so when our citizens call 911 they have experienced people over there to help them in need.” Public Safety on the other hand, saw a reduction of over $1.2 million, including cuts of $70,000 for portable radios. “That reduction was not done by anybody but us,” said Commissioner Thomas A. Mattingly Sr. (D- Leon-

The time and costs lost in this process are significant, according to Kessler. Superintendent Michael J. Martirano said he hopes to grow the $1.4 million program to about 50 students in each grade from four through 12 in years to come, but much of that will depend on the funding commitment from the state. “My vision is expansion of this program,” said school board member Bill Mattingly, “not just having three in the southern parts of the county, but so we can go and touch everybody, and it is fair and equitable for everyone.” Two million dollars is available at the state level for

the future growth of STEM, according to Martirano, who said the county has applied for additional money and should know next year’s funding level by the first of July. Meanwhile, Pax River assigned Kathryn Glockner to become the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division’s education partnership coordinator, meaning she will work directly with teachers in the STEM academies in facilitating events and internships. “It is extremely significant that [Pax River] put a person forward to coordinate this,” said Martirano. “For that to occur is incredible. It’s a historic occurrence.” The academies will feature extensive laboratory work, requiring students also to work in teams to answer difficult questions that encompass different academic

areas of discipline. At Spring Ridge Middle School, 52 students have enrolled for the 2007-2008 school year, and one of their first tests will be to act as testers and designers of a rocket designed by NASA to go to the moon in 2020, according to Dudderar. At Great Mills High School, 28 students enrolled, and will be looking at gas laws and analyzing atmospheric conditions on other planets, Dudderar said. “This is one of the most exciting things we have occurring right now,” Martirano said. “We are truly making a connection to our workforce and the needs of our community. This is our time and we are going to make this happen.”

ardtown) of the cuts for the radios. Mattingly blamed a negative balance in support services’ on the cuts. On the non-profit private entity side of the budget, the board appropriated over $1.6 million to 37 organizations. The Boys and Girls Clubs’ of Southern Maryland was the big winner after the BOCC had originally appropriated no money towards its $180,000 request in the recommended budget, but changed its tune after dozens of supporters showed up to the public hearing. The clubs received $125,000. Walden Sierra, a nonprofit organization specializing in crisis services, counseling and substance abuse treatment was given $345,447, the same as its fiscal 2007

appropriation. Sotterley Foundation received a $25,000 increase from the recommended budget amount of $50,000. In fact, the commissioners appropriated over $200,000 more to non-county agencies than it originally had set aside in its budget that went to public hearing. The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) was also approved Tuesday with over $51 million planned for improvements and acquisitions of public facilities, highways, land conservation, recreations and parks’ services, public utilities and public schools. Public schools’ alone captured nearly $30 million of the fiscal 2008 CIP, with over $12 million going towards SMCPS 0606 Elementary School in

Wildewood, nearly $7 million to additions and renovations in Leonardtown Elementary School and $7 million for land acquisition. “I believe this budget is sound,” said Raley. “I was hoping to cut the energy tax to extinction but we couldn’t do it, nobody at this table likes the solid waste fee, but you got to act responsibly. It’s not a perfect budget, but its sound fiscally.”

STEM Continued from page A-

The County Times

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ramblings of a Country Girl Photo by Adam Ross

Community Gospel Choir Terri Bartz Bowles Southern Maryland has many musical and choral groups, ranging from barber-

shop to chamber music but one genre is noticeably absent. Currently, there is no community gospel choir but Trinity Lutheran Church is aiming

to change that soon. Under the direction of Robert L. Jefferson, Trinity will sponsor a Southern Maryland Community Gospel Choir (SMC-

GC) that will meet regularly to “make a joyful noise and praise the Lord.” This will not be the first community gospel choir that Mr. Jefferson has

Mechanicsville Club Offers Drug and Alcohol Free Fun for Teens By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

this,” Baldauff said. The 7:30 club currently uses a building owned by the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church on Old Village Road and has some support from the church itself in the form of providing the free

Christ-centered and represent a broad cross section of musical genres from hard rock, soft rock and rap to hip-hop Baldauff said. Occasionally, parents stick around to see what their children are there to enjoy.

Last year Shelley Baldauff and her husband Robert started a Christian-themed nightclub for teens because they could not find activities for young people that they felt comfortable sending their own children to. The night time spot, called The 7:30 Club, has drawn Christian music bands from around the region and even those with a national following. And the young people who show up don’t have to pay a dime. Baldauff and her husband have paid for everything, including the soundstage equipment, hall rental and free pizza available to the teens when they come every other Saturday of the month. “We’d like to offer something every Saturday,” Baldauff said. “We’ve had as many as 204 teens here on one night, but we average about 50 or so and we’d like to see that grow, too.” The Baldauffs have incurred a considerable expense, about $20,000 Photo by Guy Leonard in their first year of opShelley Baldauff stands under the sign for her Christian-themed teen nightclub eration alone, and have taken a second mort- The 7:30 Club. Baldauff and her husband support the club entirely out of their own funds and provide free musical performances for area teens from Christian gage out on their home bands. to finance it all. “Some of the parents jump “We’ve maxed out pizza. right in with the kids and have “It’s a big blessing,” our home equity,” Shelley fun, but others just enjoy havBaldauff said. “But it’s not a Baldauff said. ing the evening off from their Catholic program, it’s open to It’s a big risk and expense, kids,” Baldauff said. everyone.” especially when you’re trying Parents who have had The club is non-denomito run a home with four children, but Baldauff said it is national, she said, and even experience with the 7:30 club worth effort to provide a posi- non-Christian teens aged 14 praise its mission of providing tive place for teens where they and older are welcome to at- an alternative to nightlife for teens in the county. can be free from the influenc- tend the performances. “There are so few places The bands Baldauff and es of drugs, alcohol and risky parents feel comfortable alher husband bring in, like nasexual activity. lowing their kids to go, and tionally known Apologetix, “We just thought God would provide, we felt like we and more locally known bands they’re happy to have this alwere being led by God to do like Under Command, are all ternative available,” said Rob-

ert Blizek, whose son attends concerts there. “You can’t say that about a nightclub.” Blizek said the atmosphere appeals to teens of all kinds and not just to those with religious convictions. “If you’re religious you’ll fit right in, and if not, you can still enjoy the music and a positive message,” Blizek said. For his son Ryan Blizek the 7:30 club was about the only place he could go for

Section A - initiated and he is excited to get the music flowing. He is currently the Music Director at Trinity and has an impressive musical background. He has played for and directed both church and community choirs for children and adults as well as cross-cultural musical groups. Mr. Jefferson has also had what he describes as “the great experience of directing the Billy Graham community choir” and cites one of his most memorable experiences as the training of an all-Japanese choir to sing Gospel Music. Japanese Gospel Choirs are now all over Japan. Mr. Jefferson holds a Master of Music degree and is currently a Doctoral student at the University of Maryland as well as a vocalist and pianist with the Soldier’s Chorus of the United States Army Field Band in Washington, DC. The Reverend Stephen Updegrave, pastor of Trinity, was excited when Mr. Jefferson approached him with the idea. Both men agree that music is a universal language and Rev. Updegrave sees this as an outreach to the community. Mr. Jefferson’s vision is for the choir to primarily sing Gospel Music. However, he

also envisions it singing classical, sacred, spirituals, and a vast selection of genres which will appeal to the community at large and most importantly, bring a community of people together to lift their voices and hearts in one accord. Gospel music is an American musical art form and is a means of spreading the Gospel to others. The Gospel means “Good News” and Gospel music is proclaimed through a most powerful medium, by the joyful and heartfelt convictions of the soul which express inner thankfulness to our Great Creator. There will be no formal auditions and practices will be held every Monday at 7:00 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church which is located at 46707 Shangri-La Drive in Lexington Park, just down the street from the library. The choir is open to everyone in the community who would love to sing and fellowship together. Those who are interested can call Trinity Lutheran Church at 301-863-9512 for more information or can contact Mr. Jefferson at 202-297-8134

positive entertainment in the northern end of the county. “I enjoy the music and the fellowship and the fact that it’s close by,” Ryan Blizek, 16, said. “There’s a lot to do in this county, but it’s down in the southern area [Great Mills and Lexington Park] and this gives us variety here. “And I enjoy the free pizza. Plus you’re not afraid anything [bad] is going to happen.” Alcohol and drugs are strictly forbidden at the 7:30 club, as are tobacco products and foul language. So far, Baldauff said, there have been no violations of these rules and the

atmosphere at the club has remained positive. “They’re such a good group of kids,” Baldauff said. Right now Baldauff is still looking for support to keep the club open. So far she and her husband have been able to get grants from The United Way and the health care company Pfizer to keep things running, but it’s only a fraction of what they’ve already spent on their own. She has toyed with the idea of charging admission, but that probably is not going happen anytime soon. “Parents told me we were crazy not to,” Baldauff said. “But I’m afraid we’ll exclude somebody if we do that.”

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Photo Courtesy of The 7:30 Club

Ashes Remain, a Christian rock band, performs for local teens at The 7:30 Club in Mechanicsville, located at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church.

The County Times

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Obituaries Jean Cecelia Mills Bush, 82

Jean Cecelia Mills Bush, 82, of Hurry, Md. died May 21, 2007 in Leonardtown, Md. Born Jan. 20, 1925 in Hurry, Md., she was the daughter of the late William H. and Mildred E. Young Mills. She was the loving wife of Robert B. Bush, Sr. who preceded her in death on Oct. 4, 1985. She is survived by her children: Charles L. Bush and Alice K. Briscoe, both of Clements, Md., Thomas D. Bush of Leonardtown, Md. and Brenda M. Barnes of Hollywood, Md.; siblings, Mary Settlers of Washington, D.C., Genevieve Carter of Mechanicsville, Md., Lillian Fenwick of Chaptico, Md., Katherine Kerrick of Clinton, Md., Helen Shade of Mechanicsville, Md., Ann Bowman of Clements, Md. and Juanita Chase of Hollywood, Md.. She was preceded in death by her children; Robert “Bobby” B. Bush, Jr., Bedelia A. Bush- Goldring, Michael W. Bush and Anthony S. Bush, siblings; Arthur Mills, William Mills, Jr., Aloysius Mills, Gantt Mills, Leonard Mills, Victor Mills and Bernice Baker. Jean was a life long St. Mary’s County resident where she graduated from Banneker High School. The family received friends on Saturday, May 26 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, Md. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Saturday, May 26 at 10 a.m. in Our Lady of the Wayside Church, Chaptico, Md. with Fr. Timothy Baer officiating. Interment followed in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Bushwood, Md.. Pallbearers were: Kevin Jameson, Terry Bowman, Timothy Price, Thomas Shade, Francis Mills and Darryl Clark. Honorary Pallbearers were Robert L. Bush, Brian D. Bush, Rodney X. Thompson, Jr., Marcus M. Bush, Wesley D. Bush and Alexis R. Bowman. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Bernice Lane Barrar, 78 Bernice Lane Barrar, 78, of Willow Grove, Pa. died May 22, 2007 at her daughter’s residence in Great Mills, Md. Born December 31, 1928 in Pennsylvania, she was the daughter of the late Samuel Lane and Beatrice Start Lane. Mrs. Barrar had worked as a secretary for an electrical contractor. She is survived by her daughter, Julie Switzer of Great Mills, MD and a sister, Beatrice Curtin of Fairfield, Ca. All services are private.

Brenda Joyce Garber, 60 Brenda Joyce Garber, 60, of Great Mills, Md. died on May 7, 2007 in George Washington University Hospital, Washington, D.C. Born April 25, 1947 in Reading, Pa., she was the daughter of the late William Dundore and Helen Harter Dundore. She is survived by her husband, David Leroy Garber, her daughter, Janet Cooper, both of Great Mills, Md., sisters, Anita Mehle of Florida, Darlene Edwards and Melissa Heffleberger, both of Reading, Pa., brother, Douglas

Dundore of Vienna, Austria and two grandchildren. A Memorial Service was conducted on Tuesday, May 15 at 6 p.m. in Leonardtown Baptist Church, Leonardtown, Md. Interment was private. Memorial contributions may be made to American Cancer Society, St. Mary’s County, Unit 350, P.O. Box 1032, Lexington Park, Md. 20653. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, Md. 20650.

June 5 at 2 p.m. in Maryland Veterans Cemetery, Cheltenham, Md. Memorial contributions may be made to American Legion Post #82, P.O. Box 441, La Plata, Md. 20646. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown, Md.

Henry F. “Whitey” Modrzakowski, 64

Richard Grau Horne, II, 41 Richard Grau Horne, II, 41 of Clements, Md., died May 11, 2007 in the Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C. Born April 30, 1966 in Camp Springs, Md., he was the son of Col. Richard Grau Horne (Ret. USAF) of Reno, NV and Ida Rosemary Horne of Chaptico, Md. He was a lifelong HVAC mechanic. He loved the Dallas Cowboys, the Baltimore Ravens and his vegetable garden. He was extremely proud of his son who recently joined the U.S. Army and his two daughters. In addition to his parents, he is survived by a son, Richard Grau Horne, III, of Clements, Md., two daughters, Jessica Dawn Horne of Clements, Md. and Abigail Mary Horne of Dundalk, Md., two sisters, Kristen Rosemary Kulp and her husband, John of Ft. Washington, Md. and Holly Hillary Kulp and her husband, Matthew of Chaptico, Md., uncle, James Horne, one grandchild, Conner Horne and four nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by a brother, William Emerson Horne, maternal grandmother, Elsie L. Hughey and his paternal grandparents, Ivan and Christine Horne. A Memorial Mass was celebrated on Thursday, May 24 at 10 a.m. in St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Morganza, Md. Reverend Keith Woods will be the celebrant. Interment will be private. Serving as pallbearers were Richard Grau Horne III, Matthew J. Kulp, Sr., Matthew J. Kulp II, John W. Kulp, Harry White, and Alexander Zion. Memorial contributions may be made to American Sepsis Alliance, 1865 Salem Court, Dunedin, Fla. 34698 or the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, attn: Lori A. Harmon, RRT, MBA, Society of Critical Care Medicine, Program Manager Paragon Critical Care, Staff Partner Surviving Sepsis Campaign, 701 Lee Street, Suite 200, Des Plaines, Ill. 60016. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown, Md.

Henry F. “Whitey” Modrzakowski, 64, of Avenue, Md., died May 22, 2007 at his residence. Born Oct. 14, 1942 in Nanticoke, Pa., he was the son of the late Henry Anthony Modrzakowski and Stephanie V. Standora Modrzakowski. Whitey served his country in the U.S. Navy from 1961 to 1965. He worked as a lineman for SMECO for 39 years. His hobbies were fishing, swimming, flying, boxing, music (musician), pigeons and teaching. He is survived by two daughters, Heidi M. Mattingly of Leonardtown, MD and Heather L. Norris of Upper Marlboro, Md. The family received friends on Saturday, May 26 from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown, Md. A Memorial Service was conducted at 11 a.m. in the funeral home chapel. Father John Mattingly will conduct the service. Interment was private. Memorial contributions may be made to HOSPICE of St. Mary’s, Inc., P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, Md. 20650 or the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 1032, Lexington Park, Md. 20653.

Mary Elizabeth Rustin, 93 Mary Elizabeth Rustin, 93, of Mechanicsville, Md. died May 17, 2007 at her residence. Born Sep. 5, 1913 in Oraville, Md. she was the daughter of the late Theodore Tobias and Hattie LaVona Thomas. For arrangement details please visit our website at www.mattingleygardiner. com. A full obituary will appear at a later date.

Juanita V. Sherman

Mary Ann Lyon, 76 Mary Ann Lyon, 76, of Clements, Md. died May 22, 2007 at Georgetown University Hospital. Born April 30, 1931 in Dentsville, Md., she was the daughter of the late James Carroll and Dorsey Belle Ward Rollins. For arrangement details please visit our website at A full obituary will appear at a later date.

John Alford Maddox, Sr., 82 John Alford Maddox, Sr., 82, of LaPlata, Md. died May 19, 2007 in St. Mary’s Hospital, Leonardtown, Md.. Born Oct. 30, 1924 in LaPlata, Md., he was the son of the late Thomas Wright Maddox and Hagar R. (Adams) Maddox. He is survived by his two children, John Alford Maddox, Jr. of Berlin, Md., and Sheryn E. Hughes of Grapevine, Tex. A Graveside service will be conducted on Tuesday,

Born in Dallas, Tex., Jan. 27, 1922, Juanita V. “Nita” Sherman died May 17, 2007 at her home in Hollywood, Md. Nita moved to Maryland in 2002 from her home of 52 years in Van Nuys, Ca. Her devoted and loving husband of 53 years, Robert C. Sherman, and son-in-law, Reuben C. Mack, Jr. preceded her in death. Nita is survived by her daughter Darlene Y. Mack, of Hollywood, Md. and singer/ actor son, Robert C. “Bobby” Sherman, Jr., of Encino, Ca. (In the late 60s and early 70s, Bobby starred in the television series, “Here Come the Brides.”) She also leaves behind

brothers-in-law, Herb and Bill Sherman of Oroville, Ca., and a very devoted “adopted” daughter, Mary Ellen Shunk, as well as her faithful feline companion, “Pixie.” Nita is also survived by six grandchildren; Debra Mack Huffman of Leonardtown, Md., Michael W. Mack of Lusby, Md., Mary-Ann Bruton and her husband, David, of Great Mills, Md., Robert C. Mack of Leonardtown, Md., Christopher N. Sherman of Los Angeles, Ca. and Tyler C. Sherman and his wife Amy of Post Falls, ID as well as 10 great-grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. A Memorial Service celebrating her life will be held Sunday, June 3 at 2 p.m. in St. John’s Catholic Church, Hollywood, Md. officiated by Rev. Raymond F. Schmidt. The family will be greeting friends at a reception immediately following the service at Monsignor Harris Hall. Contributions may be made to Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, 3550 North Central Avenue, Ste.300, Phoenix, Ariz. 85012-2127 and/or St. John’s Catholic Church, 43927 St. John’s Road, P.O. Box 69, Hollywood, Md. 20636. Arrangements provided by Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Shirley Ann Stamnos, 81 Shirley Ann Stamnos, 81, of Lexington Park, Md. died May 16, 2007 in Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C. Born Oct.25, 1925 in Arispie, Ill, she was the daughter of the late Lester MacDonald and Mildred Margaret Smith. She worked as a supply technician for the U.S. Government. She is survived by her husband, Paul C. Stamnos, four grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her son, Eugene Charles Stamnos. The family received friends on Monday, May 21 from 5-8 p.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home Chapel, Leonardtown, Md. Prayers were recited at 7 p.m. A Funeral Service was conducted Tuesday, May 22 at 10 a.m. in St. George’s Episcopal Church, Valley Lee, Md. Reverend Paula Robinson conducted the service. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 339, Lexington Park, Md. 20653-0339. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. in Leonardtown, Md.

Geraldine Elizabeth Stokel “Nee Long”, 54 Geraldine Elizabeth Stokel “Nee Long”, 54, formerly of Leonardtown, Md. died May 18, 2007 in Bayside Care Center, Lexington Park, Md. Born May 28, 1952 in Washington, D.C., she was the daughter of the late Thomas “Lester” Long, Sr. and Mary “Joan” Long. Gerri graduated from Chopticon High School in the class of 1970. She was the resident manager of the Greenwell apartments in Leonardtown, Md. for many years. Gerri was very active in the abled/disabled club in Leonardtown, Md. and the Disability Awareness Week, where she and other disabled people educated middle and high school students about different types of disabilities, through the Board of Education. She also attended the Ripple Center in Hollywood, Md. She is survived by her siblings, Ellen M. Long of Mechanicsville, Md., Thomas L. Long and his wife, Ruby of Chesterfield, Va., Sandra A. Eversberg and her husband, Michael of Hollywood, Md., Patricia Lewis and her husband, Richard of Richmond, Va., nieces, Joan West, Jennifer Long, both of Virginia, and Jessica Eversberg of Hollywood, Md., nephews, Thomas L. Long III of Chesterfield, Va., Michael F. Evers-

Thursday, May 31, 2007 berg II. William C. Eversberg, and Joseph “Marty” Eversberg, all of Hollywood, Md., great-nieces, Rachel West, Zoe Long, and Sophia Long all of Virginia, great-nephew, James Long of Virginia. In addition to her parents, Gerri is preceded in death by her brother, Michael J. Long. The family wishes to give a special thank you to Essie Mason who was Gerri’s in home health care provider for her devoted love and care for our sister. A Memorial Mass was celebrated on Tuesday, May 22 at 10 a.m. in St. John Francis Regis Catholic Church, Hollywood, Md. Father Raymond Schmidt was the celebrant. Inurnment will follow in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown, Md. Memorial contributions may be made to Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 79, Hollywood, Md. 20636 or HOSPICE of St. Mary’s, Inc., P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, Md., 20650. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, Md. 20650.

Betty June Thomas, 78 Betty June Thomas, 78, of Leonardtown, Md. died March 21, 2007 in Bayside Care Center. Born Nov. 4, 1928 in Washington, D.C. she was the daughter of the late John Edward and Edna Hattie Talbert Thomas. For arrangement details please visit our website at A full obituary will appear at a later date.

William Bruce Wright, 69

William Bruce Wright, 69, of Great Mills, Md. died May 23, 2007 at his residence. Born Aug. 22, 1937 in DuQuion, Ill., he was the son of the late William Wright and Lucille (Coffel) Wright. He is survived by his wife, Helen Elaine (Short) Wright, four daughters, Cynthia Wright, Deborah Welsh, Rebecca Warren, all of Great Mills, Md., and Sharon Morris of California, Md., sister, Wilma Troutman of DuQuion, Ill., nine grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter. The family will receive friends on Thursday, May 31 from 5- 8 p.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home Chapel, Leonardtown, Md. A Funeral Service will be conducted on Friday, June 1 at 12 p.m. in Lexington Park Baptist Church, Lexington Park, Md. Pastor Garrett will conduct the service. Interment will follow at 3:00 p.m. in Maryland Veterans Cemetery, Cheltenham, Md. Serving as pallbearers will be his grandsons, Edward Curly, Jarred Welsh, William Warren, Jordan Welsh, Wesley Morris, and Kyle Morris. Memorial contributions may be made to HOSPICE House c/o HOSPICE of St. Mary’s, Inc., P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, Md. 20650. Condolences to the family may be left at

James Edward Young, 67 James Edward Young, 67, of Lexington Park, Md. died May 16, 2007 at his residence. Born Aug. 27, 1939 in Leonardtown, Md., he was son of Joseph Oscar Holley of Lexington Park, Md., and the late Mary Elizabeth Curtis Young. He was the loving husband of the late Blanche Adams Young whom he mar-

ried in Leonardtown, Md. on April 15, 1971. He is survived by his children; James D. Butler, James J. Young, Mary E. Young, Michael J. Young, Annie D. Young, Jermaine Young and Agnes M. Young, all of Lexington Park, Md., siblings; Mary Fluellen and Catherine Fenwick, both of Lexington Park, Md., Margie Buie of Sanford, NC, Agnes Brooks and Ann Moore, both of San Diego, Ca., George Curtis, Jr. and Linda Green, both of of Phoenix, Ariz., Joseph Curtis of Forestville, Md. and Thomas Curtis of Lusby, Md. and 11 grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his stepfather George Curtis, Sr. A lifelong resident of St. Mary’s County, James was a graduate of Banneker High School and was employed with St. Mary’s County as a laborer. He enjoyed singing and playing the guitar. The family received friends on Wednesday, May 23 from 9-10 a.m. in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, Md., where a funeral service was held with Rev. Rudy Brooks officiating. Interment followed in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown, Md. Pallbearers will be John Maddox, George Biscoe, Ben Hebb, Danny Young, James Evans and James Barry. Honorary pallbearers will be Javonte Bonds, David Bonds and Bunny Bean. Arrangements provided by Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

The County Times

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hurricane Season Continued from page A- possibility of a hurricane affecting St. Mary’s County, preparing in advance for the unexpected is a smart move which can make a big difference in your ability to respond and recover,” Director of Public Safety David Zylak said. While hurricanes in Maryland are unusual, according to the Maryland Emergency Management Agencies preparedness website, the state in the past has sustained extensive damage and fatalities from the less destructive tropical storms that follow in the hurricane’s wake. Zylak urges residents to develop a family disaster plan, stay aware and updated and have money, gasoline, food and water stocked and easily assessable. As for the county, it too, according to Zylak, is learning all it can to properly warn and update residents of developing weather systems. “The biggest lesson we’ve learned is that we need to better communicate, and use other avenues to get messages out to the public,” Zylak said. “I think we are heading

in that direction with the code red system, emergency notification sign up system through the county website and the memorandum of understanding with the radio station 98 Star.” Ninety-Eight Star, an FM radio station, is working diligently with county government to purchase and implement emergency generators so it can broadcast through an electrical power outage. “The owner of the station assured us that they are working towards getting [generators] in place,” added Commissioner Thomas A. Mattingly Sr. “I talked to him directly some time ago and he assured some relief for us there.” The Board of County Commissioners sought other forms of emergency broadcasting in previous months, including the testing of AM transmitters that would broadcast tourism updates and emergency messages in time of need. However, during tests, the transmitters did not adequately cover some parts of the county, specifi-

cally the coastlines, which are the hardest hit during storms. Still, Mattingly and Zylak said they are comfortable with the resources and procedures currently in place. “A lot of systems are set in place to provide notification,” said Mattingly. “I think we can achieve what we need to achieve.” Of those systems, includes reverse 911 dialing system, a code red system, which is also telephone reliant and can target specific areas or the whole county depending on the breadth of the situation. On April 26, public safety hosted a hurricane drill workshop with representatives from multiple agencies across the county. A practice scenario was played out and discussion followed. When evacuating, residents were urged to evacuate to the home of either friends or family in a safe area within the county. If that is not an option, then a motel or an area shelter is recommended. Agnes in 1972, Floyd in 1999 and Isabel in 2003 are some of the hurricanesturned-tropical-storms that have caused extensive damage in Maryland’s recent history.

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Firefighter Grads. Continued from page A- Students went through courses not only in fire fighting and emergency medical techniques, but in managing fire grounds, operating fire and rescue apparatus properly, extracting victims form vehicles, how fire behaves in certain structures and responding to terrorism. In all they had 476 hours of training crammed into one school year, and this took three hours every morning starting at 7:15. And following their training, they went on to have normal school days. “That’s dedication,’ Wible said of his students. Wible was impressed with the class and how well they mastered the skills for their chosen craft. “It was a good class,” Wible said. “I really enjoyed the students this year.” As a trainer and member of the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department for the past 43 years, Wible has also come to know the parents of his most recent batch of trainees when they wanted to volunteer to fight fires. “I know most of their parents… it’s a wonderful feeling

it really is,” Wible said. The fire/EMS technical academy system has been used for the past two years in Calvert County and for 11 years in Charles County, Wible said, and the program’s inception in St. Mary’s will help to spark interest in volunteer fire fighting among the next generation. “This is a recruitment tool also,” Wible said. “We are hurting in the daytime for both rescue squad and volunteer fire personnel; it’s tough to get your training when you have to work eight hours a day as an adult.” David Facini, another volunteer at the Hollywood fire station and graduate of the course, said he will remember training with his classmates with fondness, through the tough times and good times. “It was a blast,” Facini said of the training. “The EMT part was pretty tough because there was a lot of test taking and book work.” But Facini said the advanced fire fighting training was the most fun, mainly because he and his classmates had to act as a team on a real burning training building on training

grounds in La Plata. “It was us doing what we had to do rather than the instructors telling us what to do,’ Facini said. “We had a couple of people get burned but nothing major.” Spalding said he and his classmates developed a strong camaraderie from their time together. “It was like a family; we joked and carried on but then you were serious when you needed to be,” Spalding said. “You always had someone to help you if you were struggling with a tough subject.” Their second instructor, Charlie Wills of Potomac Heights in Charles County, said teaching the class was an uplifting experience. “To be honest I had minimal expectations,” Wills said of the young men and women he taught. “But those eight young people renewed my faith in the next generation.” Wills, who has been a Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute instructor since 1968 said the students earned their place as fire fighters and rescue personnel. “I’ve got the greatest of respect for them,” Wills said. “They’re part of the future hope of St. Mary’s County volunteer fire and EMS.”

JUNE IS ADOPT-A-CAT MONTH Did you know that cats are the most popular pet in America? It’s true! And if you’re thinking of adding a feline to your family, join the Tri-County Animal Shelter as we celebrate June as national Adopt-a-Cat Month. In celebration of this event, our adoption fee for cats and kittens adopted in June has been reduced to $45.00. While the fee is reduced, the services included with that fee stay the same. Your new cat or kitten will receive a physical exam, a microchip, age-appropriate tests and shots, and will be spayed or neutered. Kittens are wormed for round worms. As an added bonus, anyone adopting a cat from the Tri-

County Animal Shelter during the month of June is eligible to enter our drawing for a free basket of cat supplies and gifts. Just our way of saying thanks! Late spring and early summer are some of the busiest times for animal shelters, as it’s puppy and kitten season, and we are no exception. We have many wonderful cats and kittens looking for homes. Adopting a cat saves a life and provides the affection of a loving companion. Despite popular belief, cats are incredibly loving companions, and enjoy interacting with their owners in many of the same ways as a dog. Many cats even love a game of fetch with their fa-

vorite toy! Cats are easy to please: simply provide them with a litter box that is cleaned daily, plenty of toys, a scratching post, healthy food and clean water, and daily attention and love from you. What more could a kitty ask for? (Well, maybe another kitty playmate if they’re left alone during the day!) If you’d like to open your home and your heart to a kitty companion, come visit the Tri-County Animal Shelter. Our knowledgeable and dedicated staff will help you find your perfect pet. We may just have your next best friend!

Celebrations Ebeling Celebrate 65th Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Ebeling celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on April 11, 2007. They currently reside in Sandgates, MD formerly of Carroll County MD. Mr. & Mrs. Ebeling have 4 children; JoAnne, Joyce, Jean and James: 13 grandchildren Steve, Dennis, Jim, Toni, Raymond, Dusty, Jim, Kelly, Kim, Andrew, Danny, Barry and Jim; 16 great grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. The Ebeling’s celebrated their anniversary with family and friends on April 14th at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. Vargo.

It’s Cat-A-Strophic Summer Adoption Special!!! All cats and kittens, two for one. Each and every cat/kitten has been tested negative for Felv-Fiv, neutered and vaccinated. Come and pick a pair today! Adoption Hours: Every Saturday 11:00 - 3:00 at the Well Pet Clinic in Lexington Park, MD

Animal Relief Fund 301-866-0305 Photo Courtesy of Rob and Toni Vargo

The County Times

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40-Years Continued from page A- Oakville Elementary School. In 1980 he returned to Greenview Knolls Elementary as principal, this time to stay. “It’s been a long time, it really has,” Hazuda said of his career. “But it was a pleasurable experience; being a principal there’s something new everyday. “When you walk through that door you don’t know what to expect.” Perhaps the biggest change Hazuda said he has seen is the way teachers instruct children; when he began his journey, teachers had more of a free hand in the classroom, while now their days are more regimented. The teachers also have to meet the demands of an everchanging world and teach more advanced technology to

younger students. “Teachers had more ability to choose on how to do and what to teach,” Hazuda said of education in yesteryear. “Right now it’s more about technology and the teaching is data driven.” Children in public school must now take standardized knowledge assessments and have to pass a battery of them in high school to earn a state diploma. These types of tests, in part, were mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 that mandated all children nationwide reach 100 percent proficiency in math and reading by 2014. Hazuda said a significant portion of his time goes to maintaining pace with the state’s voluntary curriculum that standardizes classroom learning in the grade levels and throughout all schools appropriate to that grade level. His biggest challenge, he said, was ensuring that instruction went along smoothly

and on schedule. “The biggest challenge is keeping up with the curriculum and staying on top of things that teachers need to be successful,” Hazuda said. “Teachers have to know the curriculum, know the children’s needs and be able to capture all of that.” In the 2002 to 2003 school year Greenview Knolls Elementary School was placed on the state’s needs improvement list because students in the free-and-reduced-meal subgroup did not make adequate yearly progress goals. The teachers and staff under Hazuda’s leadership set about to improve test scores and in the next two years met their performance goals and were taken off the list. It was one of the student body’s proudest achievements while he’s been there, Hazuda remembered. The children have changed in several ways from when he first started as well,

Academic Requirements Beefed Up for After School Activities By Adam Ross Staff Writer High School Students hoping to take up extracurricular activities next year will have to work a littler harder in school to meet the new academic standards set forth by St. Mary’s County Public Schools.

To remain eligible for interscholastic athletics, clubs or student government, students in grades 9-12 will have to maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0 at the end of each nine-week marking period, according to Dr. Andrew C. Roper, supervisor of instruction for Physical Education, Health, and Athletics.

Students with a 1.7 to 1.99 GPA in previous semesters were eligible to attend weekly study hall sessions in order to maintain their ext racur r icular

eligibility. “Emphasis being on trying to keep those grades up with a study hall every week,” Roper added. It is not clear whether study hall sessions will still be provided for struggling athletes and club members. Roper said the change

Healthy Lawn experts -Tips from our

Thursday, May 31, 2007

he said. “Kids are kids,” Hazuda said. “But they have more knowledge at a younger age now when they come to us and we expect more of them. Some of them know more about computers than I do.” Karol Wolgemuth, a teacher who has worked at Greenview Knolls with Hazuda for 27 years said that he was a strong instructional leader and not just a building manager. “He knows how to teach,” Wolgemuth said. “Underneath the principal he’s still a teacher. “He knows the curriculum inside and out… and he can offer suggestions to teachers on how to make it better.” Wolgemuth also credited Hazuda’s subdued management style and tight focus on details that made working there so attractive. “He knows the children, the parents and the grandparents; he’s so connected to

this community,” Wolgemuth said. “He hires teachers who fit in and he’s phenomenal at managing money— if it’s something we need we’ll find a way to get it.” His replacement, Assistant Principal Elizabeth Servello, who has only been at the school for five years, was a little conflicted about Hazuda’s retirement. “It’s bittersweet, he’s been a great mentor and friend,” Servello said, adding that Hazuda’s leadership had helped maintain a positive atmosphere at the school. “It’s a wonderful place to be. Everyone is totally committed to the students.” Debora MacConnell, PTA president, said the parents would likewise miss Hazuda’s support and caring attitude. “He’s very supportive, very open and very easy to work with,” MacConnell said. “He’s open to suggestions, he’s not stuck in a mode. We’ll feel his absence for sure.”

Hazuda, whose wife Sally and daughter Stacey are both educators in the school system, is looking forward to spending time with his family after retirement and traveling with his wife. He said he would also work as a bus driver for children getting intensive medical care at Shriner’s Hospitals in Philadelphia, Penn. Hazuda is a 32nd degree Mason. Looking back on his career Hazuda remembers all of the connections he’s made with people as a teacher and principal and has the fondest memories from working with staff, students and parents. “Whenever I go out to a restaurant or some other place, someone will step me and ask me if I’m Mr. Hazuda the principal… and they’ll tell me what they’re doing and how successful they’ve been,” Hazuda said. “I’ll always cherish and value that.”

was not because of a growing student population with academic problems, and characterized the number of students struggling academically while participating in after school activities as “single digits at each school.” Superintendent Michael J. Martirano made the final decision, with no action taken by the school board, according to Roper. “The change is to the regulation, the board has policies and regulations,” Roper said. “The Board of Education does not officially approve changes to the regulations, that is done by staff.” Semester GPA will not

be a determinant in the application of the eligibility code, nor will summer school, according to the new eligibility requirements. The new rules will become effective in the Fall of 2007, and according to Roper have been properly implemented, explained and communicated to county’s high school students. “The change was made at least 12 months ago, and it was communicated in the students’ handbooks that went out for the current school year,” said Roper. “Existing requirements were stated with a note saying it would be changing.” The eligibility of incom-

ing ninth grades will be based on the fourth marking period in eighth grade. Activities affected include, but are not limited to, interscholastic athletics, drama/theater clubs, world language clubs, sports clubs, performance groups, chess clubs, film clubs, student government and art clubs. Any exceptions or appeals to the student eligibility code must be submitted in writing to the high school principal within one week of the distribution of report cards, except for the fourth marking period when appeals must be filed by July 15.

Want to keep your lawn healthy all summer long? Proper watering is the Key. Not only will proper watering keep your lawn green, it will help reduce the number of broadleaf weeds. A healthy lawn doesn’t allow room for weeds to grow. Infrequent and deep watering is preferred over frequent and shallow watering because the roots will only grow as deeply as their available water supply. The “rule of thumb” is one inch of water per week. Inspect the lawn frequently to detect water requirements and avoid over and under watering. Use a timer or a rain gauge to provide consistency and prevent water waste. Water as early as possible in the morning to take advantage of reduced evaporation and the start of the grass’s normal growing cycle. Bill Gough -Landscape Designer and Certified Horticulturist

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