1 minute read
All dressed up
Where to shop for those final finishing touches
Who? Lover’s Rock
What? Award-winning, independent jeweller offering custom-made wedding and engagement rings.
Where? Oxfordshire
Shop the look: 0333 006 4411, www.loversrockdiamonds.co.uk www.facebook.com/loversrockdiamonds www.instagram.com/lovers_rock_diamonds
Who? Anne-Michelle Jewellery
What? Bespoke eco-luxury hand-crafted fine jewellery inspired by the natural world.
Where? Oxfordshire
Shop the look: 07824 611 033 or visit www.anne-michelle.co.uk; www.facebook.com/annemichellejewellery www.instagram.com/anne_michelle_jewellery
Turn to page 13 to take advantage of our exclusive offer with Anne-Michelle!
Who? ClipCo Designs
What? Clipflops floral flip flops and flower bags.
Where? Oxfordshire
Shop the look: https://clipcodesigns.com www.facebook.com/Clipcodesigns www.instagram.com/clipcodesigns
Who? Vintage Adornments
What? Hair accessories hand-crafted from original vintage jewellery.
Where? Oxfordshire
Shop the look: 01844 761 263, www.vintageadornments.co.uk; www.facebook.com/VintageAdornments; www.instagram.com/vintageadornments
For him
Who? Rosalyn’s Emporium Bespoke Jeweller
What? A bespoke jeweller who offers make-your-own wedding rings and jewellery classes.
Where? Buckinghamshire
Shop the look: 07967 203 868, www.rosalynsemporium.com; www.facebook.com/rosalynsemporium; www.instagram.com/rosalynsemporium
Who? Lucy Jade Sylvester
What? Jewellery inspired by the countryside and coastlines.
Where? Oxfordshire
Shop the look: www.lucysylvester.co.uk
Who? New & Lingwood
What? Luxury British menswear including ready-to-wear and made-tomeasure clothing with character plus loungewear, accessories and shoes. Where? Berkshire
Shop the look: 0800 083 5102, www.newandlingwood.com; www.facebook.com/newandlingwood; www.instagram.com/newandlingwood
Cl ipFlops ma ke a fa b u lous wedd ing favou r for you r bridesma ids. Bea utifu l ly g ift wra pped in a decorated ha ndbag style box they ma ke a perfect wedd ing day g ift - co mforta b le, u n ique a nd a dora b le.
With a n a rray of co lou rfu l cl ip on/cl ip off flowers in d ifferent des ig ns they ca n be matched to a ny bride’s or bridesma id’s outfit
Des ig ned by wo m en for wo m en (we know what its l ike to spend a n ig ht da ncing in stilettos!) w w w.cl ipcodes ig ns.co m info@clipcodesigns.com
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