1 minute read
BEST OF From Royal Ascot to From Roy British The Crown, there’s a lot to be inspired by there’s a when keeping your big-day look h k classically British
Black Leather Belt ‘Nieto’, £55, www.pampeano.co.uk
Classic Collar Marcella Bib Tuxedo Shirt, £59.95, www.ctshirts.com/uk Pocket Watch, £129, https://shop.westminster-abbey.org
Italian Luxury Twill Navy Jacket, £299.95, I www.ctshirts.com/uk w k ck t et e , £ £299.95, Highland Pocket Square, £38, https://roryhutton.co.uk
Silk Face Mask Navy, £30, Silk Face Mask Nav www.sweetpeaandwillow.com www.sweetpeaandw Fleur de Lys navy silk tie, £35, Fl F eu eur r d de e Ly ys navy silk tie, £35, https://foxandchave.com h https://foxandchave.com