Hiring Strategies Sample Powerpoint

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Hiring Strategies

Module One: Getting Started

By learning how to utilize the information we have to find the best candidates and reviewing not only the job requirements, but the candidate’s attributes, you can hire the best people for your company.

Time spent on hiring is time well spent. Robert Half

Workshop Objectives

Develop a hiring strategy

Which candidate s to interview

Welcome newly hired employee s


What techniques or strategies did you use? What do you hope to learn from this course?

Module Two: Defining and Knowing the Position

If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

During interviews, you will need to be able to define and describe to the potential employee so that they are not surprised or left in the dark. Being prepared yourself can help prepare the employee as well.


Know the Position Skills needed?

New position? Was there a previous employee?

Needs Analysis Organizational needs


Staffing gaps

Job Analysis

Responsibilities Duties Skills Title

Task Analysis




Characteristic s

Case Study Brenda was preparing to hire a new accountant She was unfamiliar with the job duties

Took notes on the needed duties and procedures

She had enough information to form a detailed job description

Module Two: Review Questions 1.A new person cannot be hired for a position unless what? a)They pay an application fee b)The hiring manager knows the position c)The hiring manager conducts three interviews d)They have over fifteen references

3.Which of the following is a statement used to learn more about a position? a)“What time will they go to lunch?” b)“How much vacation will they have?” c)“What kind of skills will be needed?” d)“What size desk will they need?”

Module Two: Review Questions 3.What is the purpose of performing a needs analysis? a)Determine what a job position consists of b)Determine the amount of pay per employee c) Determine future employee needs d)Determine what kind of person to hire 4.A needs analysis can help detect what? a)An under-filled position b)A lack of office supplies c) An analysis of office furniture d)An over-qualified employee

Module Two: Review Questions 5.What is the purpose of a job analysis? a)Analyzing company spending b)Conducting a panel interview c) Determining the proper dress code d)Collecting demographics about a position 6.Which of the following is one process of a job analysis? a)Researching similar jobs b)Creating new job descriptions c) Determining what kind of supplies to buy d)Finding out what the competition is paying their employees

Module Two: Review Questions 7.What is one step of a task analysis? a)Determining the most accurate salary range b)Determining individual task difficulty c) Determining the number of employee needed in a job d)Determining if the position will have growth 8.Task analysis can help create what for the company? a)Employee retreats b)Job descriptions c) Training programs d)Interview protocols

Module Two: Review Questions 9.What position was Brenda preparing to hire a new employee for? a)Sales clerk b)Accountant c) Customer service d)Telephone clerk 10.What information did Brenda gather from the manager about the open position? a)The paying salary b)The amount of vacation time given c) The new starting date for the employee d)The included job duties

Module Two: Review Questions 1.A new person cannot be hired for a position unless what? a)They pay an application fee b)The hiring manager knows the position c)The hiring manager conducts three interviews d)They have over fifteen references

Before a hiring manager can find someone to hire for an open position, they have to know the position they are hiring for, including job responsibilities, duties and skills needed. 3.Which of the following is a statement used to learn more about a position? a)“What time will they go to lunch?” b)“How much vacation will they have?” c)“What kind of skills will be needed?” d)“What size desk will they need?”

When attempting to learn more about a position, one must ask questions regarding what kind of skills are needed or what kind of tasks will need to be performed in order to determine what kind of person will be needed to fill the position.

Module Two: Review Questions 3.What is the purpose of performing a needs analysis? a)Determine what a job position consists of b)Determine the amount of pay per employee c) Determine future employee needs d)Determine what kind of person to hire A needs analysis looks into the company and determines if a position will need to be moved/altered/changed based on its growth and skill sets. 4.A needs analysis can help detect what? a)An under-filled position b)A lack of office supplies c) An analysis of office furniture d)An over-qualified employee A needs analysis is a tool used to look at a department or position and determine if the needs of the position are being met. Sometimes the manager find the job is overfilled and while other times it can be under-filled and need more help.

Module Two: Review Questions 5.What is the purpose of a job analysis? a)Analyzing company spending b)Conducting a panel interview c) Determining the proper dress code d)Collecting demographics about a position A job analysis is a process that collects different aspects about a particular job, such as the skills needs, the duration or difficulty level. To perform this analysis, information about the job must be collected and examined. 6.Which of the following is one process of a job analysis? a)Researching similar jobs b)Creating new job descriptions c) Determining what kind of supplies to buy d)Finding out what the competition is paying their employees Although a job can be analyzed from the inside and researched individually, it is also a good idea to research similar jobs inside or outside the company to compare how the position is handled and managed.

Module Two: Review Questions 7.What is one step of a task analysis? a)Determining the most accurate salary range b)Determining individual task difficulty c) Determining the number of employee needed in a job d)Determining if the position will have growth A task analysis reviews the individual tasks of a job, including the duration of tasks, the difficulty level and what skills are needed to complete them. 8.Task analysis can help create what for the company? a)Employee retreats b)Job descriptions c) Training programs d)Interview protocols Tasks analyses are used to determine how to compete individual tasks and how employees can complete them. Performing task analyses are a great tool for creating training programs that instruct employees how to perform the task and job.

Module Two: Review Questions 9.What position was Brenda preparing to hire a new employee for? a)Sales clerk b)Accountant c) Customer service d)Telephone clerk Brenda was preparing to hire a new accountant for a position that had come open. 10.What information did Brenda gather from the manager about the open position? a)The paying salary b)The amount of vacation time given c) The new starting date for the employee d)The included job duties Since Brenda did not know much about the new position, she went to the department manager and asked questions about it, such as the job duties, responsibilities, and daily tasks.

Module Three: Hiring Strategy Developing a hiring ‘strategy’ may seem a little extreme, but it is actually a helpful tool when preparing to hire a new employee. When an opening comes available that you will need to fill, there are often several steps to take and follow in order to obtain the best workers.

You need to have a collaborative hiring process. Steve Jobs

Company Information

Future plans? Staffing needs Growth Short term vs. long term

Salary Range

Deciding factor

Research the position


Competitiv e

Top Performers

Great initiative Qualities? Skills? Observe them

Be Prepared Emergency hiring Know the job Team with managers Build a process

Case Study Adam was having a hard time hiring a new employee The few people he recently hired did not work out He reviewed all of the aspects of the position Made a note to adjust it before his next batch of interviews

Module Three: Review Questions 1.It is important to consider what when hiring new people? a)How your hair looks b)Previous company changes c)How many employees are on vacation d)The size of the department cubicles 2.Company surges and shortages can predict what? a)The menu in the cafeteria b)The amount of time off for each employee c) The company employment needs d)The assignment of parking spaces

Module Three: Review Questions 3.Why is it important to have a competitive salary range? a)It makes the company look good b)It is easier to maintain over time c) It can affect a candidate’s choice in employment d)It can make the company look cheap 4.When researching the open position, it is important to know what about salary? a)If it will increase or decrease in the future b)If the competition will find out your current range c)If the price of the US dollar will increase d)If the manager’s salary will change

Module Three: Review Questions 5.What is a characteristic of a top performer? a)They come to work even if they are sick b)They take a lot of vacation time c) They are liked by everyone d)They have a good work ethic 6.Hiring managers hope to hire employee that will do what? a)Mimic top performers b)Assist the top performers c) Commit to stay for several years d)Do what they are told

Module Three: Review Questions 7.One thing that should be included in an emergency hiring strategy is what? a)A list of back-up employees b)Information for a staffing agency c) Information for the unemployment office d)A notice regarding over-time pay 8.Why is it important to have an emergency hiring strategy? a)To finish hiring someone in a hurry b)In case too many employees go on vacation at once c) In case of short staffing d)To add to the emergency exit plan

Module Three: Review Questions 9.What type of company does Adam work for? a)A sales agency b)A law firm c) A hospital d)A bank 10.What did Adam discover about the salary of open position in his department? a)It was higher than other departments b)It was in the same range as the other departments c) It did not include any bonus offers d)It was lower than other departments

Module Three: Review Questions 1.It is important to consider what when hiring new people? a)How your hair looks b)Previous company changes c)How many employees are on vacation d)The size of the department cubicles When hiring new employees, the hiring manager should consider how the position and company have changed over time and the likeliness that they will change again. This is important for predicting job stability. 2.Company surges and shortages can predict what? a)The menu in the cafeteria b)The amount of time off for each employee c) The company employment needs d)The assignment of parking spaces As companies go through surges and shortages of employees and productivity over the years, individual job positions may change, including job titles and responsibilities.

Module Three: Review Questions 3.Why is it important to have a competitive salary range? a)It makes the company look good b)It is easier to maintain over time c) It can affect a candidate’s choice in employment d)It can make the company look cheap Salary range can play a big role in a candidate’s choice of places to work. Even if the candidate loves the job, if your company doesn’t have a competitive salary range, the candidate may choose to go somewhere else. 4.When researching the open position, it is important to know what about salary? a)If it will increase or decrease in the future b)If the competition will find out your current range c)If the price of the US dollar will increase d)If the manager’s salary will change Salary is an important aspect of any job, so when hiring a new person for it, it is important to know if the salary will need to increase, or even decrease, in the near future.

Module Three: Review Questions 5.What is a characteristic of a top performer? a)They come to work even if they are sick b)They take a lot of vacation time c) They are liked by everyone d)They have a good work ethic Top performers in a company are employees that have proven they can work hard, increase productivity and excel at their work. Some of their many characteristics include having a good work ethic and staying focused on their duties. 6.Hiring managers hope to hire employee that will do what? a)Mimic top performers b)Assist the top performers c) Commit to stay for several years d)Do what they are told When hiring new employees, managers hope to hire employees that will be able to adapt the characteristics and habits of the company’s top performers and become one of the company’s top performer themselves.

Module Three: Review Questions 7.One thing that should be included in an emergency hiring strategy is what? a)A list of back-up employees b)Information for a staffing agency c) Information for the unemployment office d)A notice regarding over-time pay Emergency hiring strategies are designed to quickly find qualified candidates for sudden staffing shortages and job openings. Information to local staffing agencies or recruiting offices can be a helpful tool when trying to find these employees. 8.Why is it important to have an emergency hiring strategy? a)To finish hiring someone in a hurry b)In case too many employees go on vacation at once c) In case of short staffing d)To add to the emergency exit plan An emergency hiring strategy is a system that helps the company find qualified candidates for an open position, and in a hurry! Short staffing can occur suddenly and managers will need help finding new employees right away.

Module Three: Review Questions 9.What type of company does Adam work for? a)A sales agency b)A law firm c) A hospital d)A bank Adam was looking for a new front desk person to work in his law firm company. 10.What did Adam discover about the salary of open position in his department? a)It was higher than other departments b)It was in the same range as the other departments c) It did not include any bonus offers d)It was lower than other departments When Adam reviewed the salary range for the position he was hiring for, he realized it was lower than the salaries for similar jobs in the other departments, which may be a factor as to why employees in these departments stay longer and are happier.

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