Prospecting and Lead Generation Instructor Guide
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ..............................................................................................................................................7 What is Courseware? ................................................................................................................................ 7 How Do I Customize My Course? .............................................................................................................. 7 Materials Required ................................................................................................................................... 9 Maximizing Your Training Power .............................................................................................................. 9 Module One: Getting Started ........................................................................................................... 11 Housekeeping Items................................................................................................................................ 11 The Parking Lot ....................................................................................................................................... 12 Workshop Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 12 Module Two: Prospecting................................................................................................................. 13 Make It a Priority .................................................................................................................................... 13 Identify Your Ideal Prospect .................................................................................................................... 14 Choose Prospecting Methods ................................................................................................................. 15 Make It a Habit ....................................................................................................................................... 16 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 17 Module Two: Review Questions.............................................................................................................. 18 Module Three: Traditional Marketing Methods ................................................................................ 21 Cold Calling ............................................................................................................................................. 21 Direct Mail .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Trade Shows............................................................................................................................................ 23 Networking ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 25 Module Three: Review Questions ........................................................................................................... 26
Module Four: New Marketing Methods ............................................................................................ 30 Social Networking ................................................................................................................................... 30 Search Engine Marketing........................................................................................................................ 31 Email Marketing ..................................................................................................................................... 32 Display Advertising ................................................................................................................................. 33 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 34 Module Four: Review Questions ............................................................................................................. 35 Module Five: Generating New Leads................................................................................................. 38 Become a Brand ...................................................................................................................................... 38 Webinars................................................................................................................................................. 39 Blogs ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 Engaging Video ....................................................................................................................................... 41 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 42 Module Five: Review Questions .............................................................................................................. 43 Module Six: Avoid Common Lead Generation Mistakes ..................................................................... 46 Limiting Channels.................................................................................................................................... 46 Failure to Provide Value .......................................................................................................................... 47 Failure to Connect ................................................................................................................................... 48 Failure to Try ........................................................................................................................................... 48 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 49 Module Six: Review Questions ................................................................................................................ 51 Module Seven: Educate Prospects .................................................................................................... 54 Content Creation..................................................................................................................................... 54 Stand Out from the Competition ............................................................................................................ 55 Fill Customer Needs ................................................................................................................................ 56 Always Deliver on Promises .................................................................................................................... 57
Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 57 Module Seven: Review Questions ........................................................................................................... 59 Module Eight: The Pipeline............................................................................................................... 62 Contact.................................................................................................................................................... 62 Meet........................................................................................................................................................ 63 Propose ................................................................................................................................................... 64 Close........................................................................................................................................................ 65 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 65 Module Eight: Review Questions ............................................................................................................ 67 Module Nine: Follow up Communication .......................................................................................... 70 Know Your Leads..................................................................................................................................... 70 Move Quickly .......................................................................................................................................... 71 Know How to Respond ............................................................................................................................ 72 Set Future Meetings................................................................................................................................ 73 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 74 Module Nine: Review Questions ............................................................................................................. 75 Module Ten: Track Activity ............................................................................................................... 78 Use the Appropriate Tools ...................................................................................................................... 78 Assess Your Advertising Sources ............................................................................................................. 79 Record Information about Leads ............................................................................................................ 80 Assess ROI ............................................................................................................................................... 81 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 82 Module Ten: Review Questions .............................................................................................................. 83 Module Eleven: Create Customers .................................................................................................... 86 Develop Relationships............................................................................................................................. 86 Show Genuine Interest ............................................................................................................................ 87
Be Professional ....................................................................................................................................... 88 Show Reliability and Integrity ................................................................................................................. 89 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 90 Module Eleven: Review Questions .......................................................................................................... 91 Module Twelve: Wrapping Up ................................................................................................................ 93 Words from the Wise .............................................................................................................................. 93 Review of Parking Lot ............................................................................................................................. 93 Lessons Learned ...................................................................................................................................... 94 Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations .......................................................................................... 94
Everyone lives by selling something. Robert Louis Stevenson Preface What is Courseware? Welcome to, a completely new training experience! Our courseware packages offer you top-quality training materials that are customizable, user-friendly, educational, and fun. We provide your materials, materials for the student, PowerPoint slides, and a take-home reference sheet for the student. You simply need to prepare and train! Best of all, our courseware packages are created in Microsoft Office and can be opened using any version of Word and PowerPoint. (Most other word processing and presentation programs support these formats, too.) This means that you can customize the content, add your logo, change the color scheme, and easily print and e-mail training materials.
How Do I Customize My Course? Customizing your course is easy. To edit text, just click and type as you would with any document. This is particularly convenient if you want to add customized statistics for your region, special examples for your participants’ industry, or additional information. You can, of course, also use all of your word processor’s other features, including text formatting and editing tools (such as cutting and pasting). To remove modules, simply select the text and press Delete on your keyboard. Then, navigate to the Table of Contents, right-click, and click Update Field. You may see a dialog box; if so, click “Update entire table” and press OK.
(You will also want to perform this step if you add modules or move them around.)
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If you want to change the way text looks, you can format any piece of text any way you want. However, to make it easy, we have used styles so that you can update all the text at once. If you are using Word 97 to 2003, start by clicking the Format menu followed by Styles and Formatting. In Word 2007 and 2010 under the Home tab, right-click on your chosen style and click Modify. That will then produce the Modify Style options window where you can set your preferred style options. For example, if we wanted to change our Heading 1 style, used for Module Titles, this is what we would do:
Now, we can change our formatting and it will apply to all the headings in the document. For more information on making Word work for you, please refer to Word 2007 or 2010 Essentials by
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Materials Required All of our courses use flip chart paper and markers extensively. (If you prefer, you can use a whiteboard or chalkboard instead.) We recommend that each participant have a copy of the Training Manual, and that you review each module before training to ensure you have any special materials required. Worksheets and handouts are included within a separate activities folder and can be reproduced and used where indicated. If you would like to save paper, these worksheets are easily transferrable to a flip chart paper format, instead of having individual worksheets. We recommend these additional materials for all workshops:
Laptop with projector, for PowerPoint slides
Quick Reference Sheets for students to take home
Timer or watch (separate from your laptop)
Masking tape
Blank paper
Maximizing Your Training Power We have just one more thing for you before you get started. Our company is built for trainers, by trainers, so we thought we would share some of our tips with you, to help you create an engaging, unforgettable experience for your participants.
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Make it customized. By tailoring each course to your participants, you will find that your results will increase a thousand-fold. o
Use examples, case studies, and stories that are relevant to the group.
Identify whether your participants are strangers or whether they work together. Tailor your approach appropriately.
Different people learn in different ways, so use different types of activities to balance it all out. (For example, some people learn by reading, while others learn by talking about it, while still others need a hands-on approach. For more information, we suggest Experiential Learning by David Kolb.)
Make it fun and interactive. Most people do not enjoy sitting and listening to someone else talk for hours at a time. Make use of the tips in this book and your own experience to keep your participants engaged. Mix up the activities to include individual work, small group work, large group discussions, and mini-lectures.
Make it relevant. Participants are much more receptive to learning if they understand why they are learning it and how they can apply it in their daily lives. Most importantly, they want to know how it will benefit them and make their lives easier. Take every opportunity to tie what you are teaching back to real life.
Keep an open mind. Many trainers find that they learn something each time they teach a workshop. If you go into a training session with that attitude, you will find that there can be an amazing two-way flow of information between the trainer and trainees. Enjoy it, learn from it, and make the most of it in your workshops.
And now, time for the training!
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In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. Nikos Kazantakis Module One: Getting Started Prospecting and lead generation are essential to the success of any sales organization. Unfortunately, many people view the process as tedious and only engage in the bare minimum. By changing your personal perspective of prospecting and engaging in fun, new activities, your company will benefit from new enthusiasm and increase sales leads.
Housekeeping Items Take a few moments to cover basic housekeeping items.
If you need an opening or a way to introduce the participants to each other, utilize the Icebreakers folder to begin or between breaks during the day.
Let participants know where they can find washrooms, break facilities, and fire exits.
Ask participants to turn off their cell phones or at least turn them to vibrate. If they must take a call, request that they do it outside.
Take this time to encourage the group to ask questions and make this an interactive workshop.
Write the words Respect, Confidentiality, and Practice on a piece of flip chart paper and tape it to the wall. Explain to participants that in order to get the most out of this workshop, we must all work together, listen to each other, explore new ideas, and make mistakes. After all, that’s how we learn!
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The Parking Lot Explain the concept of The Parking Lot to participants.
The Parking Lot is a visible place where you will “park” ideas that arise which are not on the agenda, may be off topic, or are better addressed outside of the program.
At the end of the session, we will review parked ideas and follow up, or make suggestions for your own investigation when you are back at work.
Suggestions for the trainer: 1. If you are working with a large group of participants, you may wish to nominate a recorder to park items as you are facilitating. 2. It’s a good idea to note the name of the contributor along with the parked item. 3. Items noted on the parking lot can be useful to you later as you plan future training sessions.
Workshop Objectives Research has consistently demonstrated that when clear goals are associated with learning, it occurs more easily and rapidly. With that in mind, let’s review our goals for today. At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:
Identify prospects
Implement both traditional and new marketing methods
Use the pipeline effectively
Educate customers
Track activity and make adjustments as needed
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Sales are contingent on the attitude of the salesman, not the attitude of the prospect. William Clement Stone
Module Two: Prospecting Prospecting is essential to any sales endeavor, but is often overlooked or poorly implemented. In order for prospecting to be successful, it is essential that it become both a priority and a habit. Additionally, it is essential that you understand your prospect and choose your methods of communication appropriately. Implementing these steps will help to improve prospecting results.
Make It a Priority Although everyone knows that the prospecting is important to the success of any company that relies on sales, it rarely becomes a priority. It is often put off in favor of tasks that provide instant gratification. Prospecting must become a priority. This requires:
Scheduling: Choose a time for prospecting. Many experts advise people to schedule prospecting early in the day, but you need to choose the time that is effective for you and your prospects
Preparation: Prepare what you will say ahead of time, but be flexible. Do not simply read a script.
Professionalism: Remain professional throughout the process. Do not allow a negative attitude towards prospecting affect your communication.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce how to make prospecting a priority.
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Make It a Priority Topic Summary Discuss the importance of prospecting. Materials Required
Flipchart/board and marker
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
As a group, discuss when you choose to work on prospecting. Make a list on the flipchart/board of times that people have found to be effective. Additionally, share preparation techniques and list these ideas on the flipchart/board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal or relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
What is required in order to make the prospecting a priority?
Identify Your Ideal Prospect Prospecting is time consuming, which is why it is necessary to identify ideal prospects before beginning the process. Your ideal prospect is your ideal customer. Your company is able to fulfill the needs and wants of your ideal customer. Conduct research to determine who benefits from your product. The information that you must find beyond how your product meets client needs includes the following:
Values and priorities Budgets Age Gender Buying habits Profession Interests
Once you have identified the ideal customer, you will be able to focus time on prospects who are likely to become your customers.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce ideal prospects.
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Identify Your Ideal Prospect Topic Summary Explore creative problem solving. Materials Required
01: Ideal
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Complete the worksheet individually. Share your answers with the rest of the class.
Stories to Share
Share any personal relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
Who is the ideal prospect?
Choose Prospecting Methods There are numerous prospecting methods available, and we will cover them in greater depth in a later module. While you will probably choose multiple methods of prospecting, you must focus your energy on methods that your prospects will respond to when they are exposed to them. For example, younger prospects are less likely to respond to cold calling and more likely to respond to social networking and webinars. Prospecting methods that are commonly used include:
Cold calling Referrals Content marketing Email marketing Networking Seminars Social networking Webinars Advertising
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce prospecting methods.
Topic Summary
Choose Prospecting Methods
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Consider the different prospecting methods. Materials Required
Flipchart/board and marker
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
As a group, discuss your experiences using the different prospecting methods. List each method on the board along with the pros and cons of each.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How many prospecting methods are used at a time?
Make It a Habit It is not enough for prospecting to become a priority; it needs to become a habit. There is a common misconception that habits are easily made within 21 days. Recent studies, however, show that it takes roughly 66 to 200 days. When you first decide to make a new habit, the first few days are easy. After the honeymoon phase ends, it is easy to become disillusioned and fall back into old habits. When this happens, it is important to focus on the positive outcomes and follow your schedule of prospecting activities. After struggling through this phase, prospecting will become second nature. In order to truly make prospecting a habit, you need to ensure that you are working at it daily.
Estimated Time
7 minutes
Topic Objective
Consider habits. Make It a Habit
Topic Summary Discuss habits. Materials Required
02: Habit
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Complete the worksheet individually. Share your answers with the rest of the class.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
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Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
What should prospecting become?
Case Study Henry and Jim are both experienced at sales. Jim spends an hour each day prospecting. Henry spends half that time, but he continually makes higher sales than Jim does. Jim is frustrated that so much of his time seems to be wasted. He decides to discuss Henry’s strategy with him. Henry explains that he carefully screens people to find prospects that are most likely to become customers. By focusing on ideal prospects, Henry is able to close more sales. Jim realizes that he needs to focus on finding the best prospects rather than spending time contacting people who are unlikely customers.
Estimated Time
5 minutes
Topic Objective
Outline the Prospecting case study. Case study
Topic Summary Discuss the importance of finding the ideal prospect. Materials Required
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Discuss the outcome of the case study. How is Henry able to spend less time prospecting and make more sales?
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
Who are Henry’s prospects?
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Module Two: Review Questions 1.
What needs to be avoided in prospecting? a) Positivity b) Negativity c) Written communication d) Oral communication It is important to make sure that you remain positive when prospecting. This improves professionalism and communication.
2. What is NOT necessary for making prospecting a priority? a) b) c) d)
Schedule Professionalism Preparation Values
Values are necessary to determine the best prospect. The other answer choices help make prospecting a priority. 3. What is necessary to find the ideal prospect? a) b) c) d)
Research Objectivity Promotion All of the above
The ideal prospect requires finding the ideal customer. Research must be done to identify the correct prospect. 4. When should the ideal prospect be found? a) b) c) d)
During prospecting After prospecting Before prospecting It does not matter
The ideal prospect should be identified before the prospecting begins. This allows the sales person to focus on prospects who are likely to become customers.
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5. What will determine which type of prospecting methods should be the focus? a) b) c) d)
Interest The prospect Priority CEO
Different methods are used for different prospects. The prospect will determine the focus of the methods used. 6. What is less likely to be effective on younger prospect? a) b) c) d)
Seminars Webinars Social media Cold calling
Cold calling is more effective on older prospects that spend more time talking on the phone. The other answers are more effective for younger prospects. 7. When is it easier to attempt to make prospecting a habit? a) b) c) d)
At the beginning Never At 21 days After a week
New habits are always easier to attempt at the beginning. After the honeymoon phase ends, however, the process becomes difficult. 8. How often should prospecting be done to ensure that a habit forms? a) b) c) d)
Frequently Weekly Daily It does not matter
Actions that need to become habits should be practiced daily. This will help the action to become a habit.
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9. How long did Jim spend prospecting every day? a) b) c) d)
1 hour 30 minutes 2 hours 45 minutes
Jim spent 1 hour prospecting each day. Henry spent 30 minutes prospecting each day. 10. Why was Jim frustrated? a) b) c) d)
Henry spent less time than he did prospecting Jim Spent more time prospecting He had fewer sales than Henry All of the above
Jim spent more time prospecting than Henry, but Henry had more sales than Jim.
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I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.
EstĂŠe Lauder Module Three: Traditional Marketing Methods Traditional marketing methods are tried and true. They have been used for years, and they are still effective when done correctly. By blending traditional and newer methods of marketing to prospects, you will improve your chance of success as you approach prospects and generate leads. Never discount ideas such as cold calling, mail, and trade shows.
Cold Calling The success of cold calling often depends on the attitude of the caller. A sales person who does not believe in the effectiveness of cold calling is not going to project the confidence necessary for success. Maintaining a positive attitude will go further than you think. Cold calling has become increasingly difficult, but it is worth the reward. Do not expect to close a sale with a cold call. While it may happen, the purpose is to connect with the prospect. Successful cold calling requires extensive preparation. You need to understand the prospect and how your product relates to the prospect’s needs. You need to focus on: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Introducing yourself and your company Questioning the prospects about their needs Educating the prospect about how you can meet needs Maintain contact with the prospect
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce cold calling.
Topic Summary
Cold Calling
Page 21
Discuss cold calling. Materials Required
Flipchart/board and marker
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Break the group into pairs and discuss experience cold calling. Return to the group and discus strategies that have been successful. List these on the flipchart/board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
Why do so many people fail at cold calling?
Direct Mail Direct mail is a familiar marketing method that uses physical mail, making it simple and affordable. The effectiveness of direct mail requires choosing the mailing list carefully. You must create the list of prospects based on the niche that your company provides, your ideal customer. Once you have created your list, create the piece. Direct mail advertising is more effective when there is a call to action, such as a special offer. The direct mail piece should not be educational, make it playful or creative. You may test the direct mail on a sample of your mailing list before completing the direct mail campaign. This will help you make any adjustments you feel are necessary.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce direct mail. Direct Mail
Topic Summary Practice creating direct mail. Materials Required
03: Direct Mail
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Complete the worksheet individually. Share your answers with the rest of the class.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
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Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
What are benefits of direct mail marketing?
Trade Shows Many companies can benefit from trade shows. A trade show is a wonderful venue for meeting new prospects, but trade shows are typically crowded, which means that there is great competition. There are a few steps that you can take to ensure that you benefit from the experience:
Plan in advance: this includes finding the booth space and choosing how to decorate it, so that there are no surprises. You also need to choose highly energetic people to handle your booth.
Create goals: Do not simply show up. You need to create goals to keep you on track. This could include the number of prospects you wish to meet.
Advertise: Make sure that you advertise your presence and invite customers. You will enhance advertising if you are a speaker.
Follow up: Take the time to connect with prospects after the trade show is over.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce trade shows. Trade Shows
Topic Summary Consider ways to improve trade show experiences. Materials Required
Flipchart/Board and Marker
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
As a group, discuss your experiences with trade shows. What attracts you to different booths, and what techniques have you found effective. List ideas on the flipchart/board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
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Review Questions
What do trade shows create?
Networking Networking is a frequently used buzzword. Networking, however, is one of the most effective methods of prospecting. Networking requires more than simply meeting people; it requires the time to build relationships. The process is slow, and often begins at events. When going to a networking event, you need to actively work the room. Your focus should be to offer value and sell yourself. Network with different people. Once you meet new prospects, follow-up and connect with them. As you build relationships, your network will develop.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Consider networking. Networking
Topic Summary Discuss networking. Materials Required
Flipchart/board and marker
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
As a group, discuss networking strategies that you have found to be successful. List these on the flipchart/board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
What is a frequently used buzzword?
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Case Study Terry and Melissa are going to the same trade show. Terry plans for the event weeks before it begins. She finds the dimensions of the booth and takes time choosing decorations and placement for everything. She also interviews employees to find people with the right blend of knowledge and enthusiasm. Melissa, on the other hand, asked a few peers she was friends with to join her. She ordered decorations a week before, and when she arrived at the booth, she realized everything would not fit. She struggled to complete the booth before the trade show began. It looked half finished, and her friends spent more time talking to each other than prospects. At the end of the day, Terry had 150 prospects, while Melissa only had 20.
Estimated Time
5 minutes
Topic Objective
Outline the Traditional Marketing Methods case study. Case Study
Topic Summary Discuss the case study. Materials Required
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Discuss the outcome of the case study. What caused Terry’s success?
Stories to Share
Share any personal relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
What were Terry and Melissa doing?
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Module Three: Review Questions 1. What is necessary to maintain when engaging in cold calling? a) b) c) d)
Time Creativity Positivity All of the above
Cold calling is meeting prospects over the phone. This requires positivity to be effective. 2. What do you need to understand before cold calling? a) b) c) d)
The customer The product How the product benefits the customer All of the above
Cold calling requires extensive preparation. It requires knowledge of the customer and how the product will benefit the customer. 3. Who should make up the direct mail list? a) b) c) d)
Anyone within a 25 mile radius Ideal customer Past customers New contacts
The direct mail list requires research. The demographics should help you identify your ideal customers. 4. What makes direct mail more effective? a) b) c) d)
Education Adjustments Pamphlets Call to action
Direct mail should be fun and have a call to action. This may be a special offer.
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5. Who should handle a booth? a) b) c) d)
Calm people Energetic people Creative people It does not matter
Booths need to be manned by energetic staff. 6. What will enhance advertising at a trade show? a) b) c) d)
Nothing A booth Decorations Being a speaker
Advertising is necessary for a successful trade show. Becoming a speaker will enhance the effectiveness of advertising. 7. What is one of the most effective methods of prospecting? a) b) c) d)
Networking Direct mail Booths Calls
Networking is one of the most effective methods of prospecting when done correctly. 8. What is the focus when first networking? a) b) c) d)
Ask favors Work the room Offer value None of the above
Networking takes time. It is important to offer value at the beginning and sell yourself.
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9. Who did Melissa choose to work her booth? a) b) c) d)
Friends Employees Knowledgeable people All of the above
Melissa asked peers to work the booth with her. The peers were friends, not necessarily the most qualified people. 10. What did Melissa find when she arrived at the trade show? a) b) c) d)
Her workers did not come The booth cost extra There was no booth for her Her decorations did not fit
Melissa found that the decorations did not fit when she arrived at the trade show. She did not take enough time to prepare before the trade show.
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