Team Building for Managers Instructor Guide
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ..............................................................................................................................................6 What is Courseware? ................................................................................................................................ 6 How Do I Customize My Course? .............................................................................................................. 6 Materials Required ................................................................................................................................... 8 Maximizing Your Training Power .............................................................................................................. 8 Module One: Getting Started ........................................................................................................... 10 Housekeeping Items................................................................................................................................ 10 The Parking Lot ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Workshop Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 11 Module Two: What Are the Benefits of Team Building? .................................................................... 12 Better Communication and Conflict Resolution...................................................................................... 12 Effectiveness ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Motivation .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Camaraderie ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 16 Module Two: Review Questions.............................................................................................................. 17 Module Three: Types of Team Building Activities .............................................................................. 20 Games ..................................................................................................................................................... 20 Activities ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Education ................................................................................................................................................ 22 Social Gatherings .................................................................................................................................... 23 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 24 Module Three: Review Questions ........................................................................................................... 25
Module Four: Games........................................................................................................................ 29 Games for Introductions ......................................................................................................................... 29 Games to Build Camaraderie .................................................................................................................. 30 Games for Problem-Solving .................................................................................................................... 31 Games to Stimulate Interaction .............................................................................................................. 32 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 33 Module Four: Review Questions ............................................................................................................. 34 Module Five: More Team Building Games ......................................................................................... 37 Games to Build Trust .............................................................................................................................. 37 Games to Motivate ................................................................................................................................. 38 Games to Build Communication ............................................................................................................. 39 Games for Conflict Resolution ................................................................................................................ 40 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 41 Module Five: Review Questions .............................................................................................................. 43 Module Six: Activities ....................................................................................................................... 46 Activities to Build Camaraderie .............................................................................................................. 46 Activities for Idea Sharing ....................................................................................................................... 47 Activities to Build Trust ........................................................................................................................... 48 Activities to Stimulate Interaction .......................................................................................................... 49 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 50 Module Six: Review Questions ................................................................................................................ 52 Module Seven: More Team Building Activities .................................................................................. 55 Activities to Motivate.............................................................................................................................. 55 Activities to Improve Working Together ................................................................................................. 56 Activities to Build Communication .......................................................................................................... 57 Activities for Conflict Resolution ............................................................................................................. 58
Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 59 Module Seven: Review Questions ........................................................................................................... 60 Module Eight: Social Gatherings ....................................................................................................... 63 Singing/Karaoke ..................................................................................................................................... 63 Dinner/Potlucks ...................................................................................................................................... 64 Physical Activities.................................................................................................................................... 65 Meetings ................................................................................................................................................. 66 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 66 Module Eight: Review Questions ............................................................................................................ 68 Module Nine: Common Mistakes When Team Building ..................................................................... 71 Allowing Cliques to Develop ................................................................................................................... 71 Not Delegating Tasks .............................................................................................................................. 72 Rewarding in Private/Criticizing in Public ............................................................................................... 73 Disjointed Plans of Grandeur .................................................................................................................. 74 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 75 Module Nine: Review Questions ............................................................................................................. 76 Module Ten: Formatting a Team Building Plan .................................................................................. 79 Define the Goal ....................................................................................................................................... 79 Consult Team Members .......................................................................................................................... 80 Research and Create Structure ............................................................................................................... 81 Keep It Fun .............................................................................................................................................. 82 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 83 Module Ten: Review Questions .............................................................................................................. 84 Module Eleven: Evaluate .................................................................................................................. 87 Was the Goal Met? ................................................................................................................................. 87 Was the Team Building Cohesive? .......................................................................................................... 88
What Did the Team Think of the Team Building? ................................................................................... 89 How Can the Team Building Be Improved for Next Time? ...................................................................... 90 Case Study............................................................................................................................................... 91 Module Eleven: Review Questions .......................................................................................................... 92 Module Twelve: Wrapping Up .......................................................................................................... 95 Words from the Wise .............................................................................................................................. 95 Review of Parking Lot ............................................................................................................................. 95 Lessons Learned ...................................................................................................................................... 96 Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations .......................................................................................... 96
Management is nothing more than motivating people. Lee Iacocca Preface What is Courseware? Welcome to, a completely new training experience! Our courseware packages offer you top-quality training materials that are customizable, user-friendly, educational, and fun. We provide your materials, materials for the student, PowerPoint slides, and a take-home reference sheet for the student. You simply need to prepare and train! Best of all, our courseware packages are created in Microsoft Office and can be opened using any version of Word and PowerPoint. (Most other word processing and presentation programs support these formats, too.) This means that you can customize the content, add your logo, change the color scheme, and easily print and e-mail training materials.
How Do I Customize My Course? Customizing your course is easy. To edit text, just click and type as you would with any document. This is particularly convenient if you want to add customized statistics for your region, special examples for your participants’ industry, or additional information. You can, of course, also use all of your word processor’s other features, including text formatting and editing tools (such as cutting and pasting). To remove modules, simply select the text and press Delete on your keyboard. Then, navigate to the Table of Contents, right-click, and click Update Field. You may see a dialog box; if so, click “Update entire table” and press OK.
(You will also want to perform this step if you add modules or move them around.)
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If you want to change the way text looks, you can format any piece of text any way you want. However, to make it easy, we have used styles so that you can update all the text at once. If you are using Word 97 to 2003, start by clicking the Format menu followed by Styles and Formatting. In Word 2007 and 2010 under the Home tab, right-click on your chosen style and click Modify. That will then produce the Modify Style options window where you can set your preferred style options. For example, if we wanted to change our Heading 1 style, used for Module Titles, this is what we would do:
Now, we can change our formatting and it will apply to all the headings in the document. For more information on making Word work for you, please refer to Word 2007 or 2010 Essentials by
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Materials Required All of our courses use flip chart paper and markers extensively. (If you prefer, you can use a whiteboard or chalkboard instead.) We recommend that each participant have a copy of the Training Manual, and that you review each module before training to ensure you have any special materials required. Worksheets and handouts are included within a separate activities folder and can be reproduced and used where indicated. If you would like to save paper, these worksheets are easily transferrable to a flip chart paper format, instead of having individual worksheets. We recommend these additional materials for all workshops:
Laptop with projector, for PowerPoint slides
Quick Reference Sheets for students to take home
Timer or watch (separate from your laptop)
Masking tape
Blank paper
Maximizing Your Training Power We have just one more thing for you before you get started. Our company is built for trainers, by trainers, so we thought we would share some of our tips with you, to help you create an engaging, unforgettable experience for your participants.
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Make it customized. By tailoring each course to your participants, you will find that your results will increase a thousand-fold. o
Use examples, case studies, and stories that are relevant to the group.
Identify whether your participants are strangers or whether they work together. Tailor your approach appropriately.
Different people learn in different ways, so use different types of activities to balance it all out. (For example, some people learn by reading, while others learn by talking about it, while still others need a hands-on approach. For more information, we suggest Experiential Learning by David Kolb.)
Make it fun and interactive. Most people do not enjoy sitting and listening to someone else talk for hours at a time. Make use of the tips in this book and your own experience to keep your participants engaged. Mix up the activities to include individual work, small group work, large group discussions, and mini-lectures.
Make it relevant. Participants are much more receptive to learning if they understand why they are learning it and how they can apply it in their daily lives. Most importantly, they want to know how it will benefit them and make their lives easier. Take every opportunity to tie what you are teaching back to real life.
Keep an open mind. Many trainers find that they learn something each time they teach a workshop. If you go into a training session with that attitude, you will find that there can be an amazing two-way flow of information between the trainer and trainees. Enjoy it, learn from it, and make the most of it in your workshops.
And now, time for the training!
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Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower Module One: Getting Started Your organization’s people are its greatest asset, and when they work together as a team they accomplish even more. But teamwork doesn’t just happen. Teams have to be created, developed, and continuously nurtured. A solid team building strategy can create an environment of greater collaboration and collegiality, which is good not only for the bottom line for your people themselves. There are many different ways to build a team, and to continue fostering a sense of teamwork. Developing a diverse team building tool kit helps your people grow at every stage.
Housekeeping Items Take a few moments to cover basic housekeeping items.
If you need an opening or a way to introduce the participants to each other, utilize the Icebreakers folder to begin or between breaks during the day.
Let participants know where they can find washrooms, break facilities, and fire exits.
Ask participants to turn off their cell phones or at least turn them to vibrate. If they must take a call, request that they do it outside.
Take this time to encourage the group to ask questions and make this an interactive workshop.
Write the words Respect, Confidentiality, and Practice on a piece of flip chart paper and tape it to the wall. Explain to participants that in order to get the most out of this workshop, we must all work together, listen to each other, explore new ideas, and make mistakes. After all, that’s how we learn!
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The Parking Lot Explain the concept of The Parking Lot to participants.
The Parking Lot is a visible place where you will “park” ideas that arise which are not on the agenda, may be off topic, or are better addressed outside of the program.
At the end of the session, we will review parked ideas and follow up, or make suggestions for your own investigation when you are back at work.
Suggestions for the trainer: 1. If you are working with a large group of participants, you may wish to nominate a recorder to park items as you are facilitating. 2. It’s a good idea to note the name of the contributor along with the parked item. 3. Items noted on the parking lot can be useful to you later as you plan future training sessions.
Workshop Objectives Research has consistently demonstrated that when clear goals are associated with learning, it occurs more easily and rapidly. With that in mind, let’s review our goals for today. At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to:
Discuss the benefits of team work
Understand the importance of intentionally fostering teamwork
Determine strategies your organization can take to build teams
Understand the benefits of games and social activities in building a team
Apply the principles of team building to your own organization
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Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Vince Lombardi
Module Two: What Are the Benefits of Team Building? Team building has many benefits, to both the organization and the individual employees that make up the tam. Team building helps to create a sense of cohesion, reinforce shared goals and values, and greater camaraderie. Team building also helps teams be more effective, as they communicate more openly and are more motivated to pursue shared goals. An investment in team building activities is an investment in success.
Better Communication and Conflict Resolution One of the greatest benefits of team building is better communication. People who have a sense that they are on a team, with shared values and goals, are more likely to be personally invested in one another. This facilitates communication because people want to reach shared goals, and have a shared sense of purpose or vision. Team building helps team members develop strong communication skills, and also helps the team establish communication systems. Improved conflict resolution is another benefit of team building. Clearer communication in and of itself helps to facilitate better conflict resolution. The shared goals and values of a team, along with the increased personal investment and stronger personal relationships that form in a team, also helps to foster an environment in which conflicts are addressed openly and productively.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce the concept of better communication and conflict resolution as benefits of team building
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Communication Topic Summary
Discuss the concept of using team building to improve communication and conflict resolution
Materials Required
Flipboard/chart and markers
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
As a group, discuss ways in which team building can improve communication and conflict resolution. Brainstorm ideas and list these on the board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal or relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Invite individual participants to share their nightly routines.
Review Questions
How can team building help create better communication and conflict resolution?
Effectiveness Team building helps to create more effective teams. Team building activities create a sense that team members are pulling together toward a common goal or set of goals. This sense of shared purpose tends to foster effectiveness and productivity. Team building also helps the team find greater effectiveness through developing skills in delegating tasks, collaborating, communicating, and creating processes that leverage each team member’s skills. A team that has a sense that they are working together, and in which the team members trust each other to honor their commitments, works more efficiently and effectively.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce the concept of team building fostering effectiveness. Effectiveness
Topic Summary Discuss the concept of team building fostering effective teams. Materials Required
01: Effectiveness
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Complete the worksheet individually. Share answers with the class if desired.
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Stories to Share
Share any personal or relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How can team building lead to higher effectiveness?
Motivation Team building activities can be a powerful source of motivation. Spending time together as a team is a chance to reinforce shared goals, set new shared goals, and strengthen relationships with team members. A sense of shared goals and values serves as valuable motivation. When infused with a spirit of healthy competition and camaraderie, team building activities also motivate team members because there is a sense of not just working for one’s self but for the good of the entire team. Team building activities help remind your team what they’re working for and why, which can be a valuable boost to motivation.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Explore some ways that team building can be motivating Motivation
Topic Summary Explore some ways that team building can be motivating Materials Required
Flipboard/chart and markers
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
As a class, discuss ways in which team building can serve as motivation. Brainstorm ideas and list these on the board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How can team building activities be motivating?
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Camaraderie One of the most powerful benefits of team building is a sense of camaraderie. The reinforcement of shared values and shared goals which goes along with team building helps create a sense of camaraderie and collegiality. Team building activities help to strengthen the interpersonal relationships between team members. Team building gives team members a chance to get to know each other beyond just their work functions, and helps to foster a sense of shared identity. Taking the time to create relationships that go beyond simply interacting over work responsibilities helps team members to invest more in each other emotionally and personally. This creates a sense that team members aren’t just pieces of a process, but people with feelings and needs. When team members have a sense of camaraderie, they are more likely to want to collaborate, help each other, and support each other.
Estimated Time
8 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce the concept of camaraderie Camaraderie
Topic Summary Consider ways in which team building can create camaraderie. Materials Required
Flipchart/board and marker
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Have the class discuss ways in which team building can create camaraderie. Brainstorm ideas and list them on the board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How can team building help foster camaraderie?
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Case Study Gayle’s team was effective enough in their jobs, but she couldn’t help but notice that they didn’t communicate very well. People did their jobs and met deadlines, but there was no sense of shared purpose or real sense of camaraderie. She decided that they needed to spend some time together that wasn’t focused on projects. She blocked a day off and worked with someone in training to choose some team building activities they could do together. The company catered in lunch so that the team could spend the day working on building their sense of team work. At first the team was a little resistant, as they were busy with projects. However, as the day went on, Gayle noticed that people became more comfortable. At the end of the day, Terra, one of the team members, said, “I am so glad we did this. I feel like I actually know my team members know. I didn’t realize how funny Sheldon was! It will be so much easier to work together now.” Over the next few weeks, several team members commented how much easier it was to communicate, and Gayle noticed that the team seemed much more cohesive.
Estimated Time
5 minutes
Topic Objective
Outline the Benefits of Team Building case study. Case study
Topic Summary Discuss the benefits of team building. Materials Required
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Discuss the outcome of the case study.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
What benefits did Gayle’s team see from the team building?
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Module Two: Review Questions 1. Which is true of team building and communication? a) b) c) d)
It is not necessary on a team with good communication It undermines communication None of these It can improve communication on a team
Team building has many benefits. Improved communication is one of them. 2. Which of the following is true of team building and conflict resolution? a) b) c) d)
It can help team members avoid conflicts All of these It can help team members resolve conflicts more effectively It can help build stronger relationships which can lead to fewer conflicts
Improved conflict resolution is a benefit of team building. Conflicts may be less common and tend to be resolved more effectively. 3. How can team building increase effectiveness? a) b) c) d)
All of these It reinforces shared goals It reinforces shared values It can improve team members’ ability to delegate and share tasks
Increased team effectiveness is another benefit of team building. Team building reinforces shared goals and values and helps team members delegate and share work. 4. What does team building foster that can build effectiveness? a) b) c) d)
A sense of competition Conflicts A sense of shared purpose None of these
Team building helps to foster a sense of shared purpose. This can improve effectiveness.
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5. How can team building activities serve as motivation? a) b) c) d)
They reinforce shared goals All of these They foster camaraderie They foster a sense of fun
Team building can infuse work with a sense of fun and camaraderie. They also help to reinforced shared goals. All of this can improve motivation. 6. Team building activities can improve motivation when infused with what? a) b) c) d)
Healthy competition Focus on building relationships Camaraderie All of the above
Team building can be motivating when infused with camaraderie and healthy competition. The focus on building relationships can also be motivating. 7. Which is NOT true of camaraderie? a) b) c) d)
All of these It helps motivate a team It helps the team invest in each other It helps reinforce a sense of shared purposes
Camaraderie is one of the benefits of team building. It helps to motivate the team, encourages the team to invest in each other, and reinforces a sense of shared purposes. 8. How does a sense of camaraderie benefit the team? a) b) c) d)
It fosters a sense of shared goals and purpose It encourages team members to see each other as people It encourages collaboration All of these
Camaraderie helps to encourage collaboration and stronger relationships. A sense of shared goals and purpose is also a benefit of camaraderie.
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9. What did Gayle notice about her team? a) b) c) d)
They didn’t’ seem to communicate well Sales had dropped off slightly Team member turnover had risen dramatically None of these
Gayle noticed that her team did not communicate all that well. She decided they needed to do a team building to help them communicate better. 10. Who told Gayle that the team building helped? a) b) c) d)
Her boss Her secretary Several team members None of these
Several team members told Gayle that the team building had helped them.
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It takes a lot of people to make a winning team. Everybody’s contribution is important. Gary David Goldberg
Module Three: Types of Team Building Activities There is a wide variety of team building activities that you can use in developing your team. Using a mix of games, activities, and social events helps keep your team building plan interesting and engaging. Each team will respond to different activities, so be open to switching up the type of team building you do. Also seek input from your team about which activities they enjoy and find valuable.
Games Studies show that fostering a sense of play is a great way to foster camaraderie and team work. Using games also infuses a sense of fun and, depending on the game, a sense of friendly competition that can help people open up and form strong relationships. There are a variety of types of games you can use in team building, including:
Icebreakers or “get to know you” games Shared task games Problem-solving games Interaction games
No matter what type of game or games you chose for a team building session, there are several key components to any effective team building game:
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Focus on learning and remembering names Focus on the game itself Focus on strengthening relationships Cheers and pats on the back
Estimated Time
7 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce the idea of using games to build teams Let’s Play
Topic Summary Consider how to use games in team building. Materials Required
02: Let’s Play
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Complete the worksheet individually.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How can games help build a team?
Activities Group activities can also be a great way to build a team. Activities that are created specifically for team building are one option. Your training department can be a great source of information for team building activities, and there are a variety of excellent books and workbooks to draw from. Activities which are not specifically “team building” activities, but which encourage your team to interact with each other, are also valuable for building your team. Simply engaging in an activity together, whether a recreational activity or a community service activity, can give your team members a chance to take the focus off of work and instead focus on getting to know each other.
Estimated Time
7 minutes
Topic Objective
Explore the use of activities in team building Team Activities
Topic Summary Discuss ways to use activities in team building. Materials Required
Flipchart/board and marker
Planning Checklist
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Recommended Activity
Have the class discuss different activities that can be used in team building. Brainstorm ideas and list these on the board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How can shared activities build a team?
Education Training, development, and education also offer opportunities for team building. When your team builds a new skill together, learns a new technology or process, or otherwise engages in professional development as a group, this reinforces shared goals. Include some education in your training plan about team building specifically as well. Engaging in education about how to function better as a team has clear benefits, as team members build a set of skills together that they can then apply to working with each other. However, any shared learning experience has the potential to create a stronger team. When people learn together, they support each other’s development and can find a shared sense of purpose in learning something new or building a new skill. Take time to ask your team what they’d like to learn. You can also focus on the team’s strengths and development areas in planning education.
Estimated Time
7 minutes
Topic Objective
Introduce idea of using education to build a team. Education for Team Building
Topic Summary Consider ways to use education to build teams. Materials Required
Flipboard/chart and markers
Planning Checklist
Bring in some examples of educational or training experiences that can be used with teams.
Recommended Activity
Have the class discuss ways to use education to build teams. Brainstorm ideas and list these on the board.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Page 22
Review Questions
How can education be used to build teams?
Social Gatherings Don’t underestimate the power of social gatherings to build your team. While it’s always important to recognize that family and other commitments can make it difficult for some team members to engage in social time outside of work, gatherings can still be a valuable tool in your team building kit. Whether you have regular team lunches where the topic of conversation is anything but work, an annual holiday gathering, or period get together after work for dinner, drinks, or other fun, social gatherings help to take your team out of their work environment so they can focus on each other. Ask your team what type of gatherings they would enjoy. Be wary of gatherings that center on alcohol, both for liability reasons and because it excludes those team members who do not drink. Vary the type of social gatherings so that those who may not enjoy one type of gathering have other options. Encouraging your team to spend time together as colleagues helps to further foster camaraderie and relationships.
Estimated Time
7 minutes
Topic Objective
Consider the importance of social gatherings in team building. Social Gatherings
Topic Summary Discuss the ways we can use social gatherings in team building. Materials Required
03: Social Time
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Complete the worksheet individually.
Stories to Share
Share any personal, relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How can we use social gatherings to build teams?
Page 23
Case Study Sylvia’s team had been working very hard on a project. They were doing well, but she noticed that there were some communication breakdowns and people seemed to be getting short with each other. This was a team that had not worked together on a project of this scale before, and some of the members had never even met face to face until the project started. She decided that the team should take a day where the focus was just on them, as a team. With the help of her colleague Xochi, Sylvia arranged for the team to spend the day at their city’s zoo. She had them break up into groups of three that would spend the day together, and gave them a simple zoo scavenger hunt to complete. At the end of the day, the team went over the scavenger hunt handout while they had ice cream to cool off. “You know, I haven’t thought about the project all day,” David, one of the team members said. “All I can think about it how funny it was when one of the chimps stole Sarah’s sunglasses.” There was a lot of laughter. But Sylvia also noticed that her team seemed to be closer in the following days.
Estimated Time
5 minutes
Topic Objective
Outline the Types of Team Building Activities case study. Case Study
Topic Summary Discuss the ways in which Sylvia used different team building activities. Materials Required
Planning Checklist
Recommended Activity
Discuss the outcome of the case study.
Stories to Share
Share any personal relevant stories.
Delivery Tips
Encourage everyone to participate.
Review Questions
How did team building activities help the team?
Page 24
Module Three: Review Questions 1. Which of the following can be used to build teams?? a) b) c) d)
All of these Games Social Gatherings Activities
There are many different ways to build a team. Games, social gatherings, education, and activities are all good options. 2. Which is true of games and team building? a) b) c) d)
They help add an element of fun They promote healthy competition All of these They can be used to help the team focus on a shared goal
Games add an element of fun and healthy friendly competition. They also are useful for focusing on a shared goal. 3. How can activities help build a team? a) b) c) d)
They offer a chance to have a shared experience All of these They can add an element of fun or relaxation They offer chances to build relationships
Activities are another way to build a team. Activities add an element of fun and relaxation, offer a chance to build relationships, and provide shared experiences. 4. What type of activities should you use for team building? a) b) c) d)
Only activities that are specifically about team building Only activities that are not specifically about team building None of these A variety
Use a variety of activities to build you team. You can use some that are specifically for team building and some that are focused on other areas.
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5. Which is true of education? a) b) c) d)
It is not effective in building a team It is an effective way to build a team It undermines teams None of these
Education is another effective way to build a team. Education lets team members build a skill or learn something new together. 6. How should you choose educational activities? a) b) c) d)
Focus on the team’s strengths Focus on the team’s development areas Ask the team what they’d like to learn All of these
Education can be chosen based on the team’s strengths and development areas. Also ask what the team would like to learn. 7. Which of the following is true of social gatherings? a) b) c) d)
All of these They offer a valuable chance to build relationships They can be a time to focus on the team rather than the project You should offer a variety of social gatherings
Social gatherings are key to team building. They offer a chance to build relationships and focus on the team. 8. Which is true when planning a social gathering for your team? a) b) c) d)
Avoid gatherings that focus on alcohol. Create a variety of social gatherings All of these Be mindful that gatherings outside of work hours may be difficult for some team members
Be mindful when planning gatherings. Choose a variety of types of gatherings, and remember that some team member may have difficulty attending after work gatherings. Avoid centering gatherings on alcohol.
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9. What was Sylvia attempting to do? a) b) c) d)
Increase the number of people on the sales team Get her team to communicate better and have more camaraderie Get a new position Nothing
Sylvia wanted her team to work together more smoothly. She thought better communication and have more camaraderie. 10. Where did the team go? a) b) c) d)
Happy hour Lunch None of these The zoo
The team went to the city zoo. They had an outing and played a scavenger hunt game.
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