Diatometica - A Floating Marine Biology Lab with the Dual Function of Disaster Response Center

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DIATOMETICA Synergistic & Biomimetic Methodologies Using Diatoms as A Model for an Architectural Prototype

A Study presented to: The Faculty of NewSchool of Architecture & Design In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture By: Courtney L. Southwick San Diego, 2016


DIATOMETICA Synergistic & Biomimetic Methodologies Using Diatoms as A Model for an Architectural Prototype By: Courtney L. Southwick NewSchool of Architecture & Design Professor Kurt C. Hunker Director of Graduate Programs; Chair, Graduate Department of Architecture THE CONTEXT Our growing inability to cope with and manage our mass amount of interconnected ecological and glob-

al environmental sustainability issues leads to reevaluation of our typologies and design methodologies. While architects and designers have made efforts with biomimetic approaches in different areas, these solutions exhibit themselves through more isolated parts within the design (ie: responsive panels, or structural optimization only). There needs to be a new archetype with a synergistic design method for which designers back up, and re-examine how to approach design biomimetically on the whole with considerations on all fronts: systems, structure, program, and link to the surrounding environment and global positioning. METHOD This thesis develops a prototype for the type of design approach mentioned above that aims towards an

intensity and rigor that considers most aspects of biomimetic applicability and implementation in every design phase while utilizing the diatom as it’s biological guide or catalyst for design. The biological aspects and characteristics of the diatom such as the form and structural considerations and also functional and responsive considerations explores what is available to implement these characteristics into the design of a building, and what this building would do - to exhibit the most optimum prototype to date.

The research looks at basic biomimetic principles with a synergistic methodology, as well as researches as many of the physical and functional characteristics of diatoms as possible. Case studies inform programmatic (functional) concerns and structural (form) concerns. They examine the utilization of different design tools like Grasshopper (and how it serves as an approach towards this design method), and new materials such as ETFE and nano technology and how those aspects might inform design. Interviews were conducted with professionals who work with diatoms - Ariel Rabines, at J. Craig Venter Laboratory in La Jolla, California, and Mark Hildebrand, PhD. from Scripps Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, in order to ensure that the biological research and findings were accurate, and most methods towards applying what information was taken towards the design of a building were considered. Towards the end when structure and function of the building were decided, the latest advancements of structural design were explored in terms of “funicular columns” and how advanced a system could be envisioned with the capabilities that parametric modeling offers for the future. RESULTS

The design methodology proved very effective in informing the designer of thinking and researching in ways to consider as many biological elements as possible to inform a biomimetic approach towards a building design. This approach forces the designer to push the limits synergistic design thinking. Synergistic methodology coupled with biomimetic design gives hope towards a lot of many answers with design. The design project serves as a catalyst itself, offering a prototypical example of a center for innovation and research, as an informant to designers and biologists in the future - so innovation can continue, and the anticipation is that technology and industry will “catch up”, if it’s not already there.

DIATOMETICA Synergistic & Biomimetic Methodologies Using Diatoms as A Model for an Architectural Prototype A Study presented to: The Faculty of NewSchool of Architecture & Design

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture By: Courtney L. Southwick San Diego 2016

Copyright © 2016 by Courtney L. Southwick New School of Architecture & Design

DIATOMETICA Synergistic & Biomimetic Methodologies Using Diatoms as A Model for an Architectural Prototype NewSchool of Architecture & Design Courtney L. Southwick

Professor Kurt C. Hunker, Director of Graduate Programs; Chair, Graduate Department of Architecture Professor Vuslat Demircay, PhD., Studio Instructor/Thesis Advisor Professor Rajaa Issa, M.Arch, MSc. Thesis Advisor Professor Mitra Kanaani, D.Arch, MCP, AIA, ICC Thesis Advisor

Recognizing the following professors of NewSchool of Architecture & Design for their help, inspiration, belief in me and guidance: Vuslat Demircay Jorge Orzono Rajaa Issa Jorge Orzono Mitra Kanaani Joseph Kennedy Eric P. Farr Kurt Hunker

Acknowledging the following professors of The Architecture, Interior Architecture & Design Department at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago for their instrumental influence in the first year of my Architecture graduate studies: Peter Exley Ben Nicholson Douglas Pancoast Special thank you to Ariel Rabines at J. Craig Venter Lab and Mark Hildebrand, PhD. of Scripps Institute of Oceanography



his thesis is lovingly dedicated to Spaceship Earth and everyone on this planet trying to live a good life and preserve it. This is also dedicated to my parents, Gary and Debra Fromberg who put up with my very long academic career path. Dad, for being an extraordinary technical designer and engineer from building X-ray machines, to modeling every room in the house, and Mom - who can’t leave a room arrangement alone until every last detail and element is pleasing to the eye and perfect.. Thanks for making me crazy. Both of you. To Bucky Fuller: Though you are in the next life, I thank you for your illusive presence and influence in my life for the last 8 years. To My Husband, Ty: Thank you for injecting the spark I needed to revive my enthusiasm for thinking big. You are the definition of a rock, and you’ve kept my ship afloat through all of the stormy seas. Thank you for the support during the late nights, my delirium, the coffees, the hugs, and your loyalty. Love you. Most importantly, this is dedicated to God, who planted the seed of inspiration in me from when I was a child, and who drives me forward in all my pursuits.

CHA. 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

- - - - - - -

INTRODUCTION General Introductory Paragraph..............................................................3 Statement of the Challenge.....................................................................5 Importance of the Challenge...................................................................7 Background - Historical and Current Context of the Challenge...........9-13 Thesis Statement.......................................................................................15 Statement of the Method of Investigation............................................. 17-19

CHA. 2 2.1 2.2

- - -

RESEARCH STUDIES.....................................................................21 Theoretical Framework.............................................................................23 Review of Literature.................................................................................. 25-31

CHA. 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

- - - - - - - - - - -

DESIGN RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS............................................33 Design Research....................................................................................... 35 Theoretical.................................................................................................37-43 Psychological.............................................................................................45 Ecological.................................................................................................. 47 Socio-Economic/Political..........................................................................49 Case Studies..............................................................................................53-79 Interview.....................................................................................................80-83 Preliminary Building Systems................................................................... 85 Pre-Design and Field Analysis................................................................. 87 Programming.............................................................................................89-95


CHA. 4 4.1 4.2 4.3

- - - -

DESIGN PROCESS.................................................................. 97 Phase I................................................................................................. 98-105 Phase II................................................................................................ 106-117 Phase III............................................................................................... 118-133

CHA. 5


CONCLUSIONS....................................................................... 134-135

BACK MATTER APPENDIX A - FALL MIDTERM/FINAL.......................................................................136-137 APPENDIX B - WINTER MIDTERM/FINAL.................................................................138-141 APPENDIX C - SPRING MIDTERM/FINAL................................................................. 142-143 List of Figures ....................................................................................................................... 144-145 List of References..................................................................................................................146-149 Author’s Biography................................................................................................................151

“Synergistics is multi-faceted: it involves geometric modeling, exploring the inter-relationships in the facts of experience and the process of thinking. Synergistics endeavors to identify and understand methods that Nature actually uses in coordinating Universe (both physically and metaphysically).� -Buckminster Fuller, Synergistics: Exploration in the Geometry of Thinking, (1975).

Fig. 1 Fuller, R. Buckminster, https://bfi.org/ about-fuller/big-ideas


Fig. 2 73 Diatom SEM, Gschmeissner, Steven, http://healerdimitri.com/wp/symatics/diatoms/


Fig. 3 Kunstformen der Natur Haekel, Ernst. (1900), http:// caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/haeckel/kunst forme high/Tafel_004_300.html




LANET EARTH patiently awaits rescue and cleaning. As our planet stands under siege from the faults of human action, designers work tirelessly to come up with solutions. Biology’s design offers solutions. Let’s take diatoms, for example. If you ever drank water, you’ve probably drank diatoms. You’ve eaten diatoms. You breathe air produced by diatoms. Could such a tiny micro-organism hold answers to solutions through form and function within our built environment? Elaborate capabilities and clues towards the design of systems exist in countless areas around us woven into the form and function of nature. From the macro-scale of a giant blue whale to the micro-scale of unicellular organisms organizational patterns of geometry and functions within nature present apparent solutions. These solutions can exist in the literal physical form of creatures or the metaphysical patterns of movement and organization. For years architects and designers have taken inspiration from nature in one form or another. From Gaudi’s abstracted Templo Expiatorio of the Sagrada Família, to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Prairie Houses - to the organizational patterns found within the Metabolist Movement, to date design’s pursuit after nature has pushed forward to mimic to the best of it’s interpretive and technical ability. Architecture’s recent advancements in computational design have succeeded in integrating a synthesis with new material technologies and the ability to sort data and has led to the ability to invent multi-processing building systems that are responsive, active, multi-influential, and morphological. Through the biomimetic methodology of design coupled with the technological advances in computational design, the analysis and implementation of whole systems found in nature may hold the key to solving our world’s environmental issues through the truest and most optimal mimicry of biological processes.


“Lack of knowledge concerning all the factors and the failure to include them in our integral imposes false conclusions.” -Buckminster Fuller, Synergistics: Exploration in the Geometry of Thinking, (1975).


Fig. 4 “Space Station Flies Over Super Typhoon Mayack” ESA/NASA/Cristoforetti, Samantha (2015), http://www.nasa.gov/content/space-station-flies-over-super-typhoon-maysak

1.2 Statement of the Challenge


hough architecture continues to make great advancements towards energy conservation and efficiency through biomimetic processes, the industry tends only to focus on one part of a biological feature like structural systems or one responsive characteristic. Currently, parts are parts, yet not of the whole. The design must take into consideration the interconnectedness of nature and “architects can learn from this perspective to design elements that can become integral parts” (Mazzoleni, 2013, p.29). The design must consciously grasp the bigger picture from beginning to end and take all-encompassing systems into account all-encompassing systems in nature in both form and function to obtain a purer and more synergistic approach to design-thinking with a biomimetic methodology. Skins and wall systems tend to respond to one variable, such as solar, wind, smog, or water. They remain a separate component or enclosures system from the entire form and function of the building as a whole. (Mazzoleni, 2013). Furthermore, the layers of the envelope or wall system tend to focus on individual functions, and rarely respond to each other. Rarely do they inform the program of the building or become integrative within the entire form’s function as we see in nature. To address these challenges architects and designers must become more collaborative and cross-disciplinary, employing as ARUP calls it, “Unified Design.” Merrick & O’Carroll (2008, p.22) refer to “radical, pan-disciplinary, collaborative approach to architecture” - and pointed towards parallel exploratory studies that can find optimum solutions. (Arup Associates, 2008). If we are to embrace all of these concepts and principals, we may be able to make great progress and much-needed rapid solutions in moving forward.


“The opposite of nature is impossible.� -Buckminster Fuller, Public Lecture at Columbia University, (1965)

Fig. 5


Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 5 Children play in Central Java Jufri,Kemal/Greenpeace, http://www.theguardian.com/global-develop ment/2016/mar/21/half-world-cooking-stone-age-world-health-organisation-report-dr-maria-neira Fig. 6 Mutunga David, (2013), https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Water_in_Kibera_Slum.jpg Fig.7 Sanjeev Verma/Hindustan Times via Getty Images, (2015). http://www.vox.com/2015/2/24/8094597/ india-air-pollution-deaths Fig. 8 One Green Planet, (2015). http://ecochiccayman.com/2015/07/22/the-ocean-is-not-a-trash-can/


1.3 Importance of the Challenge “Architecture must not imitate nature, but should emulate its laws.” -(Zbašnik-Senegačnik & Kuzman as cited in Viollet-Le-Duc, 1854 -1868)


rchitects see the importance of rapid solution-finding to solve global problems. One can, as a designer or architect, assert that the role of design can be extended towards a greater means to an end other than a building. With the pressing issues faced in the world today: famine, the need for rapid disaster relief, drought, CO2, and pollution, solutions must be generated in more innovative means to clean up the mess. Until architects begin to take a more holistic design approach, to which ideas are kneaded and massaged in a cyclical manner through process and thought, we will continue on a linear-thinking path. Linear-thinking leads to the lack of a closed-loop system. One cannot achieve, for example, a net-zero design with a linear thought process. Michael Pawlyn, in his TEDSalon talk Using Nature’s Genius in Architecture in London (2010), mentions that there are three crucial challenges that designers need to emulate from nature’s processes and bring about first. These are: “radical increases in resource efficiency”, “shifting to a closed-loop model of using resources” and “changing to a solar economy” and that they are “not just possible, but critical.” The modern world has the technology to emulate nature on a profoundly complex scale, and the “Critical Path” (Fuller, 1965) is not only present today, but it is necessary.


Fig. 9 Dymaxion Map Fuller, Buckminster, (1943), http://basementgeographer.com/the-dymaion-map-projection-of-buckminster-fuller/

“The way we tend to use resources is we extract them, we turn them into short-life products and then dispose of them. Nature works very differently. In ecosystems, the waste from one organism becomes the nutrient for something else in that system.� - (Pawlyn, 2010, TEDSalon, 3:55) 8

1.4 Background - Historical Context Linear Design - Shifting Our Thinking


he linear way in which we design and use resources has existed for many moons. As Michael Pawlyn points out in his very pertinent TED Salon talk, there are three things that we as designers need to do to make progress with the goals towards truly being sustainable. One is the need for greater resources efficiency. Second is shifting to a closed-loop way of thinking and using resources. Third is changing from fossil fuels to solar. (stem.org.uk citing Pawlyn, TED Salon, 2010).

Synergistic Design + Thinking


t was over 50 years ago that Buckminster Fuller argued for the need for designers to become “generalists and not specialists” to approach design in a synergistic manner. “Synergy means behavior of integral, aggregate, whole systems unpredicted by behaviors of any of their components or sub-assemblies of their components taken separately from the whole.” (Fuller, 1965). As students and designers began adopting this idea of synergistics, they began to elaborate on the definition. Cheryl Clark describes the definition in her Ph.D. thesis as “the study of how nature works, of the patterns inherent in nature, the geometry of environmental forces that impact on humanity.” (Wikipedia citing Clark, 12 Degrees of Freedom, Ph.D. Thesis, p. xiv). As synergistics is an empirical study of “systems in transformation” and includes “humanity’s role as participant and observer”(Wikipedia), two parallels to contemporary design thinking can be observed. 9

First, “systems in transformation” can be seen as the parallel for parametric design. As parametric design is concerned with defining parameters through which variable design adjustments can be made, it is also concerned with how systems respond to varying elements in nature. This can be seen in parallel, therefore, to synergistics and “systems in transformation.” Secondly, one can observe many architectural experiments and design ideas shifting towards the user experience and interaction with the architecture - humanity’s role as the participant and observer. These ideas often require computation in that computational tools act as a “call and response” method for integrating the user into interaction with architecture. Similarly, as man plows the soil and waters the seed, this is synonymous with our interaction with nature. This idea can, therefore, be translated into buildings and technology and its interaction with nature. It is through mimicking nature (via form and processes), and learning about nature’s interactions and responses with its surrounding environment through which to establish the technology-nature relationship.

Biomimetics Today & Yesterday


iomimetics (also known as “Bionics”) is “Concerned with the transmission of principles and techniques from the eld of living nature with technology. It is an interdisciplinary area in which natural scientists as well as members of other disciplines like, for example, architects and engineers work together. The term derives from the military eld and is composed of the words biology and technics”. (Finsterwalder, 2011) In the present day, biomimetic design principles become more and more commonplace. In 2014 NASA proposed a prototype for a spacesuit for Mars that replicated the bioluminescence of fish. According to Scobey-Thal, a writer from foreignpolicy.com, today, “more than ever, biomimetics is generating product designs - not to mention hundreds of dollars of capital investment.” (foreignpolicy.com) Even in the past, though in a more literal sense, biomimetic design still had its place. In Leonardo Da Vinci’s sketches (1505-1506) in Codex on the Flight of Birds speculated that human air travel might one day be modeled based on the flight mechanics of birds. (Scobey-Thal, citing Da Vinci, 1505-06). The Wright Brothers proposed the invention of the airplane with the utilization of biomimetics concerning the study of birds and their flight. In architecture and design, it has become commonly accepted that nature offers vast fields of exploration regarding design inspiration. Merely using nature for resources only presents itself today as no longer being a viable option, as these resources are becoming depleted. Nature already can solve its problems. As Janine Benyus points out in Biomimicry (2002) nature already knows how to solve things that we are struggling with. If inspiration can emerge from nature’s form, systems, structures, and functions, and then “optimizing them under certain conditions, that’s when we have a few cards to play.” (Ternaux, 2012). Biomimetics (also known as “Bionics”) is “Concerned with the transmission of principles and techniques from the eld of living nature with


Bionics is systematic learning from nature and thus stands in contrast to the pure nature of inspiration.” -Rudolf Finsterwalder, Form Follows Nature

Advances in Biomimetics (Bionics)


ionics is the study of biological processes and systems and the application of them to design, engineering and modern technology. As our world climate difficulties become more challenging both environmentally as well as culturally, and resources become depleted, nature offers an example of design which can offer insight into solving these problems As the fields of design advance and merge with other disciplines we can already see architecture and engineering turning towards biology for answers. Biological processes solve problems.

Computation & New Materials


he aim is to use the existent methodology of biomimetics and do so in such a way which considers the utilization of the most advanced technologies known to date: computational design coupled with advanced building materials. The aim is to take a synergistic approach with holistic thinking and integrate multiple processes.

The common theme as well as the common bridge between biology and architecture (within the field of biomimetics) is the study of advanced materials. “Smart” materials, as well as materials commonly used in the aerospace industry, offer answers in how to mimic intricacies found in nature’s design. The common link between biomimetics and materials - is computation. As argued by Achim Menges in May 2015’s issue of AD: The investigation of multifaceted biological processes of material formation therefore provide a promising starting point for the further development of integrative approaches to design and making in architecture. Moreover the study of biological materials and structures that emanate from natural morphogenetic processes is particularly interesting, as many biological material systems show self – x properties, such as self – healing, self-adaptation and self-organization. (p.19)

Universities like the University of Stuttgart as well as MIT are engaging in advanced studies linking computation and materials. The reason for this engagement is because computational design programs like Grasshopper offer the ability to adjust to various mathematical parameters as well as to responsive environmental elements. Recently, as Helen Castle writes in her Editorial for AD’s May 2015 issue, “AutoDesk added innovative Brooklyn-based architecture studio The Living to its research group, only a year previously appointed synthetic biologist Andrew Hessel an AutoDesk Distinguished Researcher. It is clear materials and material science are now firmly within the sights of technology companies’ R & D.” She further points out that materials have typically assumed a passive role rather than a generative role. “Creativity has been assigned to the design or drawing, with materials most often being specified as a result of design rather than being considered the driver of it.” If approaching design in a synergistic manner designers will engage with the material at the smallest levels possible “engaging with their full range of characteristics to performative effect, which leads ultimately to the design of matter itself.” (Castle, 2015). The only way in which designers can do this is through material science and adjustable parameters (response) - i.e., computation. 11

Diatoms & General Background


iatoms are unicellular micro-organisms that exist in all marine, freshwater and soil on earth. They “fabricate finely porous silicate skeletons”. (Pohl, 2015). Their form is most often photographed using an SEM or transmission electron microscope (TEM).

ot only are they efficient in their biological functioning through their process and adaptability, but they also are architectural masters. Diatoms build themselves. They also will react to running out of resources by building silicon shells to survive. They can also supply other diatoms with nutrients and provide food for the majority of all ocean life. Without diatoms, the world would not exist. iatoms have the ability to solve many problems, and they function in many important ways. Diatoms account for every fifth breath of air that we breathe. (Hildebrand, citing Brian Palenik, 2005) They “fix” more CO2 than all of the rainforests combined. (Hildebrand, citing Field, Behrenfeld, Randerson, and Falkowski, 1998) According to Mark Hildebrand, PhD. of Scripps Institute of Oceanography, diatoms are one of the most efficient organisms on the Earth.


pplying diatoms’ overall form and functioning as a bionic study towards architecture, we can mimic (through both advanced materials coupled with computational processes of design) these processes and apply what we learn towards an overall façade design and programmatic function of a form. Overall, one can hypothesize that an architectural façade and program design can become symbiotic in through form, function and responsiveness through applying bionics towards the study of diatoms. On a larger scale a global perspective of how multiple structures that mimic diatoms can also mimic on a global level. Ultimately, the bionic studies of these creatures can be scaled through design on many levels to meet a global objective.

Form & Structure


he forms and structures of diatoms have been studied significantly and with their relationship to architecture, and numerous studies were conducted by architects, specifically Frei Otto and Pohl Architects.

As Roland states in his book on Otto: “On investigating the construction that sandwich or lattice panel structures should have in order to be particularly efficient, we arrive at hexagonal or quadrangular lattice structures comprising rods or thin walls consisting of a material having adequate compressive and flexural strength and a high elastic modulus - very similar in principle to the casings of diatoms!” (Roland citing Otto, 1965 p. 115.) Furthermore, Otto observed that diatoms are excellently able to withstand large compressive and flexural loads...” the strength of the casing is relatively so great that it is hardly conceivable how such minute organisms could ever be subjected to forces of comparable magnitude.”Otto also observed that in many different


“For every fifth breath you take you can thank a diatom for the oxygen in it.” -(Hildebrand paraphrasing Palenik, 2005, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, 2015)

“Whereas the electrical energy of solar cells is either consumed directly or has to be stored by complex means, micro-organisms (algae) -[or diatoms] function, in principle, as a living storage medium for solar energy.”

-(Klooster, 2009, p. 36)

diatom species, a hexagonal honeycomb structure can be observed. “Honeycombs are closed on one side by a perforated surface which apparently forms the external boundary of the organism and contains pores through which the metabolism takes place. (Roland citing Otto, 1965 p. 115.) That was in 1965. Other studies today, like the structural studies conducted by Goran Pohl of Pohl Architecture utilize various computational analysis tests to observe the structure of diatoms. While the translation to their built pavilions isn’t completely and directly clearly related as far as form (see CASE STUDIES), initial observations are worth taking note. Biomimetics as a process for design makes itself present as a necessary element. However, the implementation of “synergistics” seems to be lacking. In Goran Pohl and Werner Nachtigal’s Biomimetics for Architecture and Design - Pohl explains diatoms in an architectural manner. When diatoms expose themselves with much intense magnification the “apparent pores are covered with another mesh layer” and “one ultimately finds a system of up to three fine layers nested inside of one another.” (Pohl, 2015) Pohl then goes on to compare various diatoms in their relation to architectural buildings that include: the Arachnoidiscus with “radial ribs” and a “fine mesh layer in between” to the Plazzetto dello Sport in Rome, and the Thalassiorsira and the Renaissance church in Rome.



iatoms function in various ways, in benefiting themselves as well as the surrounding ecosystem. Diatoms capture CO2 (CO2 fixation) and hold on to it. They do this through the process of photosynthesis. As they use photosynthesis as one of their processes and functions, they can store solar energy. Another important thing that diatoms do is produces oxygen. Diatoms are responsible for producing more oxygen than the rainforests. (Hildebrand citing research findings of Field, Behrenfeld, Randerson, and Falkowski from Science, 1998, 2016) This is perhaps because diatoms cover more surface area of the planet - as they cover all of the oceans, and rainforests only cover a portion of land. They also are the main food sources for all of the sea creatures in the ocean (at the bottom of the food chain). They produce food for small marine life who are then consumed by larger marine life. (Waggoner, 1995)


Fig. 10 Diatom Alga, SEM, Gschmeissner, Steven, (2013),http://fineartamerica.com/featured/22-diatom-alga-sem-steve-gschmeissner.html

Fig. 12 Triceratium Dubium SEM, Kunkel, Dennis, (2009),http://www.denniskunkel.com/detail/11051. html

Fig. 11, Fuller, Buckminster, 1961,http://www.dexigner. com/news/image/22008/sfmoma_Fuller_Geodesic_ Dome


1.5 Thesis Statement


an design mimic a micro-organism such as a diatom through both form and function on a macro-scale? Can we emulate multi-responses in both the design of form and function to get a truer biomimetic design? If a synergistic way of thinking and methodology combines with biomimetic design principles (and couples with consideration of the possibilities of computation), can the way in which designers approach buildings be re-evolved? This approach may help to design a more encompassing biomimetic design prototype to better service and work with our environmental conditions. Furthermore, can this design prototype via example and program, both in its non-physical existence or if it were to be built, become a platform for learning thus spawning further applications of synergistic thinking as applied to biomimetics?


his thesis utilizes a biological and synergistic methodological approach exploring the intricacies of a Triceratium diatom in both form and function. While it does not utilize computational design strategies in all of the areas that would be needed, it utilizes some while acknowledging the absolute necessity for computation to further develop this design in multiple areas. The thesis aims to observe the characteristics of a diatom and express through the process of biomimetics, the thinking of synergistics, and through the consideration of the future implementation of the tool of computation to develop a survey of: how to embody as many all-encompassing biomimetic processes found within the diatom as possible and emulate these concepts generally, specifically, metaphorically and literally into a design prototype.


Fig. 14 Blueprint, Geodesic dome patent drawing (modified) Fuller, Buckminster,1965, https://www.aspireauctions.com/#!/catalog/327/1549/lot/59224

Fig. 13 Fuller, Buckminster, Synergy Sketch, http:// www.design-is-fine.org/post/46175201264/buckminster-fuller-sketch-synergy

Fig. 15 (author unknown), Portrait, Buckminster Fuller, Fig. 17 Fuller, Buckminster, 1927, Dymaxian http://spacecollective.org/a0013237932294 House Plan, http://www.womade.org/mondi-inediti-da-molteplici-prospettive-diorama/

Fig. 16 Anne Hewlett Fuller Dome Home, (modified),Heckman, Thad, 2011 (original) Fuller, Buckminster, http://www.architectmagazine.com/technology/the-restoration-of-buckminster-fullers-dome-home-kicks-off-saturday_o


1.6 Method Scope


he study involved a comprehensive overview of research on biomimetics, diatoms, (their form and function), advanced and cutting-edge materials studies, case studies and various projects utilizing biomimicry and computation. To narrow the focus on the heavy diatom research, the Triceratium Dubium (Triceratium category) was chosen. The Triceratium was chosen to specifically analyze form and functions will be analyzed (in a general sense as most diatoms function similarly). In order to apply synergistic design principles, site selection, local resources, use of the building, and how the building would be served and serve were greatly considered (although did not become the main focus). Ultimately, a biomimetic paneling system which could be developed using computational tools (Grasshopper) that could mimic the functions of a diatom in some manner, and serve the production of diatoms towards the aim of the function of the building was developed. The specific diatom functions/processes that were investigated: 1. CO2 fixing 2. O2 production 3. Sugar/food production 4. Solar energy harvesting 5. Possible biofuel options 6. Self replication of diatoms It was decided that the most important (and also that could capture the most functions, ie: 1-4) is photosynthesis, although 5 and 6 were implemented in a more direct manner into the building’s function. 17

Fig. 18 Triceratium sp., SEM image, Walker, M.I., (2014),http://fineartamerica.com/featured/triceratium-sp-m-i-walker.html


The research methods used were non-traditional methods. A “synergistic” methodology and a “biomimetic” methodology were the main methods used. It can be said that a qualitative research methodology was used as a sub-method to the synergistic methodology and the biomimetic methodology in that the qualitative research contributes to the two methods (that are underdeveloped methodologies in contemporary times.) Quantitative research methods were also employed (again as a sub-method under synergistics and biomimetics) with the collection of various quantitative data such as measurement of the amount of solar energy/light needed for optimal diatom growth. This data was collected from scientist Mark Hildebrand, Ph.D. and from scholarly articles published containing hard scientific data. The only correlational research conducted (which again, can fall under synergistic or biomimetic) was the comparison between data between various diatoms of similar quality, or various PV panels and materials. This research was not the primary methodology of research but occupied a small portion. Other correlational research occurred in the data input for various algorithms for comparison in Grasshopper when creating different experimental scenarios, and these were very limited. Limits of Study The greatest limits of the study were first and foremost, time. Time is a great limiting factor in the consideration of so many variables and subjects. It was recognized early on that this would cause great difficulty with the study. However, any headway in this methodological approach was deemed useful and valuable. Another limitation was resources. Access to experts in this field of study was limited. Times to meet with computational experts were very limited due to varying schedules. Another limitation was access to advanced materials. Where materials used for the prototype may have been more accessible at a school like MIT, our school’s limitations prevented access or development of such advanced or smart materials.


Fig. 19 Actinocyclus radiatus SEM, Gschmeissner, S., www.allposters.com


CHA 2 RESEARCH STUDIES 2.1 Theoretical Framework Fig. 20 Triceratium castelliferum marine, SEM, Gschmeissner, S., www.fineartamerica.com

2.2 Review of Literature


Fig. 21 Campylodiscus sp. SEM, Gschmeissner, S., www.fineartamerica.com


2.1 Theoretical Framework GEOMETRY + FUNCTIONS





ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATION Fig. 22 Theoretical Framework Southwick, Courtney, (2015), Illustrator

Diatoms (Biomimetic Study) -Triceratium Dubium Diatom (Centric, Marine) -Processes: -Photosynthesis -CO2 fixing -Solar intake -Food production -O2 production Skins -Computational Design Capabilities/Considerations/Strategies -Smart Materials -Integrated Systems Architectural Application -Synergistic Approach -Skin as function applies to program -Integrated systems into Skin System


Fig. 23 Triceratium Favus SEM, Biophoto Associates, http://fineartamerica.com/products/diatom-triceratium-favus-biophoto-associates-metal-print.html


2.2 Review of Literature A New Way of Design Thinking


fter exploring and sifting through many various texts of subjects ranging from “Biomimicry� to the science of diatoms, to the applications of computational design, to the advances in new materials, a determination is made that each of these subcategories of research leads to a threshold when it comes to a limit in the research. Each area of subject matter in the field of design seems parallel in ways with similar goals concerning biology. Diatoms seem intriguing with how biology may apply towards solutions using design and the integration of nano-technology and new materials. Overall, the conclusion asserts that a more synergistic design approach is necessary, and this approach requires a more cross-disciplinary exchange, communication, partnerships, and product development. The following states the different overviews found by delineation via different subject topics.


On Biomimicry in General


anine Benyus, author, biologist and innovation consultant on biomimicry asks the question, “How do we make the act of asking nature’s advice a normal part of everyday inventing?” (Baumeister quoting Benyus, 2013). In her book Biomimicry Resource Handbook, A Seed Bank of Best Practices, (2013), Dayna Baumeister, Ph.D. (co-founding partner of Biomimicry 3.8 with Benyus), discusses the predicament found in a bookstore, that biology and technology often exist as very separate subjects. The fusion between biology and technology has only become a more recent subject sought after by designers through the ever increasing hits found on Google for the term “biomimicry.” Biomimicry should be the technology of biology. Biomimicry should seek nature in all phases of the design process including determining the scope, during the creation and in the reflection of the design after being built. Seeking “blueprints” from nature is part of the process of biomimicry. However, further intent through this methodology should create products, policies, and processes to “fit seamlessly within the larger natural system.” The subject of beauty arises in the discussion on how biomimicry can reach people and designers as a strong argument for it. Overall, the driving point seems to be a pushing towards the advances and uses of biomimicry within the design industry as a whole. (Baumeister, 2013) While the Biomimicry Resource Handbook effectively pushes forward the agenda of the biomimetic movement and makes known the existent entities and resources that offer research on this design approach, a limitation or threshold in the subject matter of biomimicry seems to occur in that the methodology exists only within itself or in “biomimicry.” While the text suggests biomimetic methodology as a design approach, it can be suggested further that synergistics used as a methodology should make its presence as the overarching blanket methodology to unify the various disciplines. Biomimicry is evolving, however, towards the direction mentioned. Like the sciences, arts, and design field begin to merge new publications, and cross-disciplinary exhibitions begin to emerge. Design is beginning to transcend boundaries that once were traditional and aimed more towards a “moral core”. Terms like “Biodesign” recently present viewers with a new perspective - as seen in the Museum of Modern Art, New York’s 2008 exhibition, Design and the Elastic Mind. Important curators are beginning to collect different bio-art projects that involve organisms at various scales, including plants, animals, and bacteria to become incorporated as architectural, interior and graphic elements. As far as how cross-disciplinary collaborations can go, will “depend on societal priorities and an array of market signals.” The author also says, “Beyond growing structures with trees or integrating objects with bioreactors, biodesign includes the use of synthetic biology and thereby invites the danger of disrupting natural ecosystems.” (Meyers, 2013) Though making the leap between disciplines and pairing with non-traditional researchers and investors may impose a lengthy bridge of apparent disconnect, the human activity coupled with climate change, economic demand, along with urbanization and limited access to resources will raise the bar of standards for energy efficiency. “Models that meet such rigorous demands have been found only in nature, the emulation of which is now moving beyond stylistic choice to survival and necessity.” (Meyers, 2013)


“It will be soft and hairy.”

-Salvador Dali, in response to Le Corbusier, on the future of architecture, (Mey ers, 2013)


enerally, biomimicry followers typically point out that biological organisms embody technologies equal to greater than technologies invented by humans and in various cases have solved problems with greater economy of means. Another common theme among biomimicry advocates is that radical increases in resource efficiency, shifting from a fossil-fuel economy to a solar economy and transforming from a linear way of utilizing resources to a closed loop model in which all resources are “stewarded in cycles and nothing is lost to waste.” (Pawlyn, 2011). What Michael Pawlyn speaks of really points to one whom often gains mention when discussions occur regarding biomimetic design: R. Buckminster Fuller and his “synergy methodology.”

“Models that meet such rigorous demands have been found only in nature, the emulation of which is now moving beyond stylistic choice to survival necessity.”

-From Biodesign, Meyers, William, 2013

In almost every piece of literature written regarding biomimicry, R. Buckminster Fuller’s name gets mentioned, or the man gets quoted in some way. As architect William McDonough is quoted from by Meyers in Biodesign, (2013), “The Stone Age did not end because humans ran out of stones. It ended because it was time to re-think how we live.” The synergistic design approach, coupled with the methodology and act of biomimetic design will be the way in which we evolve the design industry and speed up all other industries to jump aboard.

Synergistic Design Methodology


iomimicry stops at its limitation and stigma of the category of “biomimicry.” It differentiates itself, and markets itself as a specialty, limiting the fusion between itself and the current industries of today. This is why the greater umbrella term of “synergistic design” needs to be reintroduced as a design methodology that works synonymously with biomimetic design. Though Buckminster Fuller’s name shows up countless times when discussing the theories of biomimicy, synergistic design is mentioned less. This may be because synergistic design was a term coined by Fuller during the environmental revolution of the 60’s. Whether “outdated” or not, surely it’s design methodology was ahead of its time. Buckminster Fuller defines synergistics as the“behavior of whole systems unpredicted by the behavior of their parts taken separately.” (Fuller, 1975).


New Material Technologies


ew materials are emerging everyday and most inspired by, or working with nature. The desperate environmental condition of the planet seems to force the industry to advance quickly. Many designers, architects, and engineers collaborate to produce new materials with biological potential.

“Engineers are devising new, self-healing construction materials.” (Antonelli via Meyers, 2012) A group called STEMClound v2.0 Ecologic Studio exhibited a project which was described as “an ecoMachine for breeding oxygen-producing micro-organisms.” Sensors are suggested as a way to transmit and communicate functioning information as “piezoelectric surface converters can be used as sensor-actuator material, or as energy generators, in surface building components.” This makes the suggestion that sensor-actuators can become part of the material, and thus become part of the surface-building itself. Solar cells make great advancement with dye-sensitized solar cells, and as Fraunhofer ISE shows, these dye-sensitized solar cells can be semi-transparent, and coloring can be specifically adjusted. (Klooster, 2009). Most importantly, research in literature on new materials technology finds:

Fig. 24 Fraunhofer ISE, 2008, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130194130.htm

“Whereas the electrical energy of solar cells is either consumed directly or has to be stored by complex means, micro-organisms (algae) function, in principle, as a living storage medium for solar energy.” (Klooster, 2009) This suggests multiple ways in which diatoms (algae) can be used in their application with new materials technology. When researching different fibers, polymers, and other materials from which to build lightweight structures, carbon fiber appears in applications in architecture, aerospace, and sports equipment. It’s flexibility, and extremely strong and fine fibers show potential for strong, lightweight structures. Other materials of interest appearing on the market are borosilicate glass, cork textiles, and carbon fiber composites. It seems that material technologies offer endless possibilities for design. General questions on how far the scale differentiates between elements and materials come up often and that the knowledge of the “science of stuff is essential.” (Howes, Laughlin, 2012). As one focuses in on the even smaller and base elements of materials - a nano-scale exploration of materials emerges into microscopic view. “Bottom-up approaches to the creation of materials with exactly specified atomic and molecular infrastructures have become more and more feasible...” and that materials science has shifted to an intrinsic chemical perspective. “Fullerenes” and “Buckytubes” gain mention as implemented terms (named after Buckminster Fuller) in the nano-tech field. Materials engineering coupled with molecular biology “may be considered ‘The Frontier Science of the 21st Century’” and “advances are vital” in developing 28

Fig. 25 Outdoor plant with five 30-liter flat-panel airlift reactors Fraunhofer IGB, http://www.lifesciences.fraunhofer.de/en/leuchtturmprojekte/geschaeftsfeld_4/lipidreiche-algenbiomasse.html



iatoms are micro-organisms that are unicellular. They are photosynthetic. All are colorless. The diatom contains the same organelles as algae. Its cell wall is made up of silica. Aside from silica, the wall also contains organic material. Diatoms survive on moist surfaces, ranging from ocean to freshwater. Diatom samples have been collected for over 100 years for study. Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) are used to photograph these micro-organisms for great viewing precision. (Round, Crawford, Mann, 1990). The frustules (or walls) of diatoms are porous. (Ternaux, 2012) It is further found that diatoms can collect CO2, and tend to bloom when carbon dioxide levels in the air have risen. They have fallen to the ocean floor due to the weight of the CO2 captured. (Pawlyn, 2011). Diatoms As Applied Toward Biomimetic Design


iatoms have already inspired design on various levels that include the large structural scale and the nano-scale. The optimization of the silicon shell construction techniques has intrigued Frei Otto. At the time, “presumptions about their functions and a direct implementation in technology were expressly ruled out of the scope of proceedings.” (Pohl, 2015)

Fig. 26 Wipeter,CC BY-SA 3.0, https://com mons.wikimedia.org/w/index. php?curid=5682386

Today research facilities dedicated specifically to phytoplankton research, such as Planktontech, an virtual online institute of the German Helmholtz Society, look at the principles of optimization capabilities of the structures of marine micro-organism to further this research in light of new technologies. (Pohl, 2015). In this book Biomimetics for Architecture and Design, Nature - Analogies - Technology (2015), Goran Pohl records one of the first books with extensive diatom referencing coupled with suggestions about computational design capabilities. He states that calculation and optimization tools make it possible to study the “biomechanical characteristics of the ocean organisms.” Again here, however, the only reference towards the optimization of structure is mentioned. Conclusions exist in the basic statement that diatoms offer lightweight structurally stable shell forms. (Pohl, 2015) 29

The studies Pohl mentions of Frei Otto’s discuss the shell structural stability and rigidity of the diatoms. Otto seemed fascinated by the capabilities in teaching that diatoms had to offer. Honeycomb-type structural patterns intrigued the designer and his apprentices. He hypothesized regarding the structural framework and referred to it containing a fibrous lattice system of “very low bulk density.”The area of focus for Otto was the ability for the diatoms to withstand large forces. (Roland, 1970). As applied on smaller scales (such as in nano-technology) the application of biomimetic design about diatoms exists abundantly so far within the scientific community and technology fields of design. Extensive research has been conducted within the scientific community that analyses the silica structure during cell wall formation as well (Hildebrand, Allison, Doktycz, 2006) and diatoms’ biomineralization processes and genetic applications (Hildebrand, 2008) which suggest intricate applications in nano-technology. Some of these applications can occur with use for light-bending in laser surgery technology. (Hildebrand, Interview, 2015). Diatoms have also been studied for their capability of an application to photovoltaic panels. (Hildebrand, 2015). In materials innovations, diatoms inform the development of “sol-gel” materials - a fabrication method of vitreous materials like glass minus a high-temperature fusion stage. Aerogel exists as one such material that is porous, solid and low-density, much like the material of a diatom. (Ternaux, 2012).

Computational Design’s Contribution


s D’Arcy Thompson highlighted how optimization frequently achieved in nature in his book On Growth and Form, 1917, (Meyers, 2013) we see that this has emerged as a major focus for designers who utilize computational design as a method for optimization of design. This tends to focus solely on structure, in a lot of cases, as most readings suggest. For example, in 2008, AD Journal released an issue titled Versatility and Vicissitude: Performance in Morpho-Ecological Design that was guest edited by Michael Hensel and Achim Minges in which Hensel and Minges elaborate on the term “performance” and bring to it new life, to suggest that form no longer should be defined by the shape alone, but determined by a multitude of effects, conditions, micro climates which emulate from something’s specific environment. “A synergistic employment of performance and morpho-ecological techniques combine to create integral design solutions that will render an alternative model for sustainability.” (Hensel, Minges, Weinstock, 2006). Here was one of the first mentions of a combination of a synergistic methodology of thinking, combined with computation. In the journal we find examples of beginning explorations of biomi-


metic design experiments. It raises the question why this methodology rarely appears in the greater discussion when it comes to computation, biomimetic design, and architecture. Just a couple of years earlier the discussion of materials and their performance, as they applied to this term “morphogenetic design” discussed the length by which materials perform, wear and tear and how materials become part of a complex body combined to form different energies, and “materials systems that have a lifespan, exist as part of the environment and other active systems...” (Hensel, Menges, 2015). This again is discussing the principles of “synergy.” Perhaps the innovation of this idea was introduced to the public at a time when technologies, computation (as more recent plug-ins for Grasshopper were not yet developed), and the idea of grappling a design approach on that level of thinking were not yet graspable. Only in recent years, with the greater incorporation of integrated systems technology and advancements and rapid exchange of discourse of computational design methods, have we seen the ability for the potential of this kind of approach actually to begin to start taking form. Surely, the pressing need - pushes the stretching of brains and evolutionary thinking, forward.


Fig. 27 Science Photo Library, (2010), Diatom, SEM, http://en.scanpix.no/spWebApp/preview/editorial/sy00e7ed


CHA 3 D E S I G N R E S E A R C H \ A N A LY S I S


Fig. 28 Science Photo Library, (2009), Diatom SEM image, https://thiswoo.wordpress.com/2009/07/09/ downsizing-right-down/




n order to embody this “synergistic methodology� design approach extensive research had to be conducted and digested in large quantities at a rapid rate. Cross-disciplinary discourse had to occur to further the learning in the limited experience area of biology and diatoms, and a better understanding of advanced systems integration, biology labs and clinics, the latest materials, and previous studies of structures with diatoms, radiolaria, and other similar structures had to be conducted. On the following pages is a small collection of some of the research done throughout this thesis.


Fig. 29 Syndetoneis amplectans dividing, SEM, Gschmeissner, S., http://www.sciencephoto.com/media/15912/view


3.1.1 Theoretical


s “practicing biomimetics means learning from nature for the improvement of technology� (Pohl, 2015) one must keep in mind that nature exists as the teacher, and humans and technology, the student. In Biomimetics for Architecture and Design, Nature - Analogies - Technology, which exists as perhaps the most complete overview of what is being discussed in this thesis, Goran Pohl further elaborates, citing Nachtigall (2010) that the approach to biomimetics exists in three steps: Research, Abstraction, and Implementation. He points out that Abstraction is a very important step in the design process as too direct interpretations of nature can lead to non-function. (Pohl, 2015). Non-function can be interpreted as when literal copying from nature regarding the pure form or even in the case of an isolated element (such as a feather about a building facade panel, for example), the entirety of the building can be left to suffer functionally. We see the adaptive capabilities in natural systems in their form and function. This can be seen in multicellular (and unicellular) organisms and complex communities within ecological systems.


On Blending (One Step Further) “...humans intrude instead of blend with nature”(Yen in Mazzoleni, 2013)


hat is needed is a greater emulation of the subtleties (and non-subtleties) of nature. “Humans may find where they fit by emulating natural interactions and balances, integrating complex functions seamlessly beneath the semi-permeable skin.” (Yen in Mazzoleni, 2013).

It is thereby through this “seamless” semi-permeability, this thesis approaches the thought and methodology for design. The path towards this has not been laid out in a formal nor academic manner, though various universities grasp like babies towards some unseen object in the air, this is not to be assumed a negative thing as it exists in the act of this grasping, with which designers will develop a more formalized discourse and systematic approach towards integrating biomimetic design into the architecture industry as regular practice. This “grasping like babies” method fits well into a synergistic approach in that though there may be a vague idea of what we are after, grasping at mass amounts of information along with not knowing many answers (experimentation through design) can be very useful. During his time at the University of Stuttgart from the 1960’s to the 1980’s when teaching material studies, Frei Otto did not use a “top down” approach to design a design a determination of form and space. The material was the driver for innovations. Therefore, through design experimentation and material studies as a driver, designers can reach innovations with design. Josef Albers “identified material behavior itself as a creative source for developing new modes of construction and innovation.”(Menges, 2015) So, in understanding as much as we can about material sciences and through experimentation - and “instead of employing established process of materialization rooted in professional knowledge, which [Albers] claimed stifled invention” (Menges, 2015), a design methodology that encompasses the initial consideration of materials and technology (and learning) can aid to inform a greater synergistic grasp for a biomimetic design. Specifically, however, a greater rigor in understanding biology (or the specific biological element of choice), should be practiced in a more methodical manner. Those writing on the subject of biomimicry do note that scholars attempting to teach biomimetic design practices have discovered various guidelines to assist in helping to make the development of the process more transparent. Clarity in the design process comes from a greater understanding of biology as “superficial skimming...reduces the complex elegance to mistaken functions.” (Yen in Mazzoleni, 2013). This is to say that biology (or a specific biological entity - like a diatom), can inform the designer through its intricacies of complex elegance.


“...humans intrude instead of blend with nature...”

-Yen in Mazzoleni, 2013

“One may indeed venture to speak of a new era in architecture - an era that is more natural, more true to life.” - Otto, quoted by Roland, 1970


hrough understanding Buckminster Fuller’s principles of synergistics, one can observe a small crack in a doorway with a gleam of light shining on the other side, as this term - more formalized in practice may hold the umbrella over all subjects towards trying to achieve such a lofty design approach. This thesis exploration attempts to keep this theme in mind - as research on the theory of the design approach exists as just as important as the design itself.

On Synergy (How to Think)


ynergistics is defined to a wide audience as “the empirical study of systems in transformation, with an emphasis on total system behavior unpredicted by the behavior of any isolated components, including humanity’s role as both participant and observer.” (Wikipedia, 2016)

Biology encompasses “systems in transformation”, and to understand biology and fully mimic biology’s capabilities and functions, one must observe biology and it’s total system behavior. Biology’s total system behavior includes how the biological element acts itself, as well as how it influences its surroundings, environment, and the greater food chain. How the environment affects the biology must also be considered. This is how synergistics can be applied to a biological element for biomimetic purposes. Synergistic methodology should not stop there - it should also be applied toward the idea of: If one is truly trying to mimic biology on the whole (synergistically), then one should also consider as many available technologies, research, systems, relevant industries, and processes as applied to that biomimetic design objective as well. Even further, one should relate back to the original biological element of study and re-relate it back to the affect that this biomimetic design will have on the whole - as applied globally. This kind of thinking can be observed by Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Map. (See Fig. 9). Synergistic methodology proves useful in today’s world of information. We observe the world on a synergistic level- browsing through excessive subjects and disciplines through the internet via threads, feeds, chains, and links. One can argue that we observe this way without the internet - taking in information via experience and observation in physical and metaphysical form as well. As synergistics has remained an “iconoclastic subject ignored by most traditional curricula and academic departments”, (Wikipedia, 2016), it can be argued that the methodology is greatly needed for rapidly solving today’s sustainability issues through design. “Diatometica” aims to utilize such an approach to “consideration of all things” as a practice for the design, and as mentioned before, the practice of the theory of the design approach becomes just as important - if not more in the context it is today, as the design outcome.

The Need for Expanded Knowledge/Interdisciplinary 39


t should be the industry’s objective “to match the complexity of nature with a complexity of expertise in an interdisciplinary team needed for bio-inspired design. We have the knowledge; we just need more practice using it.” (Yen quoting Mazzoleni, in Mazzoleni, 2013).

As Achim Menges mentioned in AD 2015, “Forging new alliances between the fields of design, engineering, and natural science will note only lead to new multidisciplinary and multifaceted design cultures, it will also enable the next generation of architects to exploit the emerging cyber-physical technologies as novel spatial, structural, social and ecological potentials to form their own unique material culture.” (Menges, p.15) It is within this understand of what Menges mentions that this design prototype’s application of synergistic methodology already contributes towards this cause. The very acts of engaging in discourse with Ariel Rabines of J. Craig Venter Lab and Mark Hildebrand, PhD. of Scripps Institute of Oceanography immediately opens up the lines of communication between the architecture academic arena and the biological arena. Immediately, new ideas begin to emerge as dialogue and research exchanges between the parties. Specifically, regarding the design prototype for this thesis, the understanding that biomimetic design requires a greater cross-disciplinary exchange between biologists and architects/engineers/designers informed the program of the building in that the architecture should be a state-of-the-art prototype and iconic model that can inform and serve it’s user in some manner. This is mimetic of the discourse between architects and biologists, and is, therefore, synergistic in character. If the building can be a “teacher” to the student that is the laboratory scientist, then a discourse between the user and the building (metaphorically) has already begun. From this understanding, the design settled on the typology of a marine research laboratory. In this way, the research taken from the biologists interviewed can be applied to a prototypical architecture project - and the closest exchange of display and exchange of information can occur. Architects who view the project will learn what diatoms and diatom researchers need. The theoretical laboratory inhabitants can learn from the building itself as they forcibly must interact with the building itself to collect samples.

A Multi-Responsive Building


ature continuously responds, transforms and regenerates. Earth’s natural systems exhibit an interconnectedness which is woven seamlessly, both visually and non-visually, (functionally). Interconnectedness is mentioned as a theme by many practitioners of biomimicry. Nature practices rapid innovation and adaptability, therefore so should designers and so should a building and so should industry. Just as biology has a network of internal systems interacting with the surrounding environment and even more, therefore, the surrounding world, (Mazzoleni, 2013), buildings should have internal systems that are interactive with the surrounding environment and greater still, the surrounding world. Buildings should always consider


their global context. Our environment currently cries out for this consideration, and human responsibility and design should be compared and analyzed with nature with greater discipline and rigor. In comparing biology with buildings several similarities exude almost too obviously: Biology has systems: circulatory, skeletal, immune, communicating, and sensory; and buildings have structural systems, circulation, water and energy use, communication, thermal and sensory. (Mazzoleni, 2013). All of the systems, all at once need to be considered when designing biomimetically - and to do so, the use of a “synergistic” methodology should be utilized. Biomimetics considers all of the systems when learning from nature. It is required to take this another step further and consider all factors at an even greater scale: site, culture, other players in the industry: users, owners, engineers, biologists, etc. D’Arcy Thompson’s well-known 1917 book, On Growth and Form, showed how structures of cells, snowflakes, crystals and holistic forms, in general, show no distinction between structure, decoration, and the thing itself. (Eryildiz, Mezini, citing Thompson, 2011) In living systems, structure is function and function is structure. (Eryildiz, Mezini, 2011).



o how can this be applied to the design of this thesis? The answer lies in the approach of considering all variables - and considering how they can be implemented in some way, into the design. During the design process it’s relieving to discover that by learning from a biological entity as a student would from a teacher, fluidity can be found in considering all of these variables in the design process. Nature exists cyclically. Therefore, the design process had to be cyclical, repeating, reiterating, re-tracking, etc. Nature also is intuitive - as humans interaction with nature exists as somewhat intuitive - as humans are part of nature - and initial guesses of what the design would incorporate after observing a diatom were later found to be strong and further supported through research in the diatom. It seems as though someone left clues to be found relatively easily, and once the pattern of practice began a fluidity emerges and seamlessness emerges as well.

How Further Applied Computation Can Help


ong ago in the 1960’s Frei Otto predicted the helpfulness of “electronic computers” and the role they would play in optimization in the future. Today computers optimize using form finding methods to achieve structural optimization, solar and shade optimization, ventilation, etc.

s synergistics discusses the idea that “systems are identifiable at every scale” and is “the study of empirical systems in transformation” (Wikipedia, 2016), one can begin to understand how this relates to computational design. Without computation and parametric design, designers cannot vary and control the amount of input that goes into a system - and actuate a response from that input as it applies to architecture. Sure, the amount of an electrical current can be varied via a switch, but this still encompasses some mechanical 41

adjustability. If designers want to emulate biology and multiple processes/functions of biology, computation offers the ability to implement multiple inputs and information. We don’t need to sort - computation can do that for us. It adjusts. It responds to input data and derives a result. This input data is variable. Therefore, if computation can sort biological characteristics’ data we can design an increased biomimetic and therefore synergistic system for buildings and design prototypes. As mentioned earlier in this book, computation today is utilized in most cases mainly to optimize for one variable: wind, solar, etc. Rarely can cases be found in which computation is utilized to serve multiple variables and functions. Though computation was not utilized for anything other than form for “Diatometica” due to various time/resource limitations, the thesis stresses the necessity for computation to be applied further towards the design project with the adjustable variable inputs including solar energy allowance, transparency, diatom bloom max notification, wind response, water response, and more.

The Building “Envelope”


building envelope “acts as an interface, allowing for interaction with the elements.” They have the possibility of acting as natural filters. (Mazzoleni, 2013). While in recent past, architects consider the building “envelope” to be the enclosure or skin that encompasses the bones and muscles (structure) of the building, the envelope and skin now have the potential to be envisioned more deeply regarding biomimetic design. Just as the skin has pores, and epidermal ridge, sensory receptors, and an entire subcutaneous layer, so should architects think of the “skin” of buildings on such multi-functional layers.


Fig. 30 Historic diagram of skin at high-magnification, http://www.webhealthsolution.com/skin/integumentary-system-anatomy Fig. 31 Media ICT by Cloud 9 Architects, http://www. elconsorci.net/files/MEDIATIC_05_1288.jpg

Biomimetic Structural Considerations


f one takes a square cross-section of solid material with a side dimension 24 mm (see fig ), it will have the same bending resistance as a solid circular section of diameter 25 mm with only 81.7 % of the material. Similarly, a hollow tube with only 20 % of the material of the solid square can achieve the same stiffness.” (Pawlyn, 2001). This information leads to the decision to utilize hollow steel tubing in the general canopy framework of the project. As diatoms build their structures as silicon shells, one can infer that these shell structures can be akin to have hollow or fibrous tube type formations.

Material Considerations + Nano-Technology

“In living systems... structure is function and function is structure.”

-Eryildiz, Mezini, 2011


s was so profoundly stated, “designers engaged with their materials at a granular level, engaging with their full range of characteristics to performative effect, which leads ultimately to the design of matter itself,” (Castle, 2015), speaking of the “design of matter itself” leads to the discussion of nano-technology. Nano-technology already exists within the field of design, gradually trickling into fashion, photovoltaics, and fiber-science in recent years. Josef Albers mentioned the material behavior itself “as a creative source for developing new modes of construction..” (Menges paraphrasing Albers, 2015). With this knowledge and the recent technological advancements, we can emulate nature itself at this granular level to simulate responses and performance at a more advanced level. When this is done at the micro-scale of nano-technology, and then at the macro-scale with structural performance - we are covering many bases with biomimetic design. Since nano-technology uses varying principles of computation, it changes our perception of the material, and “this will challenge the established relationship between the processes of design and the physical making...”(Menges, 2015). Taking all of this into consideration, learning from a biology as if it were a “material” or an assembly of materials can be the driver for a biomimetic approach. Diatoms’ genetic arrangements currently are being manipulated in that the patterns of their pores can be arranged as such to control the bending of light in fiber-optic technology. (Kieu, Li, Fang, Cohoon, Herrera, Hildebrand, Norwood, 2014) It has also been discovered that the use of diatoms could “help triple the electric output of experimental, dye-sensitized solar cells, according to researchers at Oregon State University and Portland State University.” (Johnson, 2009) If we can bend light on a nano-scale, and utilize diatoms in PV cells what does this mean for how we consider design? With such a question for consideration, we can begin to design on a synergistic level, considering many possibilities on both the micro and macro scales, and on the literal biology, manipulated biology, and mimicked biology subcategories and degrees for both form and function.


Fig. 32 Altered image by Southwick, C., unknown author, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/54/2002_CPR_Technique.jpg,http://img2. wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121212113719/dragonball/images/8/8b/Earth2(BoG).png


3.1.2 Psychological


hen designers consider as many options as possible, leaving “no stone unturned,” something rests well in knowing that all possibilities were exhausted in the design process. Less guilt of neglect, irresponsibility, lack of effort, or the feeling of “settling” can rest on the shoulders of the designer. The synergistic methodology makes the effort towards evolving, advancing, and progressing the goal of becoming more efficient and responsible, environmentally adaptable and harmonious and doing so through an act that mimics nature’s nature. As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” While now widely agreed upon that nature assists and restores humans mentally and physically, (Clay, 2001), perhaps designing in a way that emulates both nature’s form and function can help us feel even closer to nature.



Fig. 33 Intelesense - (Bing, 2013), https://d2uwiw6d5caku1.cloudfront.net/sites/collaborate.org/files/ kaneohe_bay.jpg Fig. 34 Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, Nautical Chart, NOAA, (2015), www.hawaii.gov

3.1.3 Ecological


n consideration of the ecology of the selected site research was conducted on a global, and local scale. Ecology is considered in the context of looking at the site as if it were a living organism and how it relates to its surrounding environments (the ecology locally, and to the ecology of the globe). Globally, Hawaii is positioned in the center of the Pacific Ocean, and it’s least paths of travel to other continents and countries and lines of trade and tourism include Japan, Australia, the Polynesian Islands, California and the Pacific Northwest, and Alaska (less prominently). Kaneohe Bay and Coconut Island - already a research laboratory site, is positioned within a globally connected network of other laboratory research facilities. Kaneohe Bay, a Marine military base is positioned as such for network operations to serve the island as well as a global positioning interface. Locally, the site that was selected near Coconut Island serves the island of Oahu as a driver for marine life research and protection. It is positioned in a protected area and somewhat removed from the density of Honolulu. The site was selected as it is within a “healthy range” of Honolulu and can serve Honolulu in the event of a disaster and exists in proximity to serve the West side and the North Shore. This is to optimize the prototype’s serving capacity. The existence of sugar cane as a main crop to the near north and along the east side of the island (though not part of this scope), can exist as a potential option to incorporate the use of sugar cane into the system of the design prototype (for disaster relief energy/food packets, for example). The idea is to position the design prototype in the best case scenario for present and future optimization and adaptation. This is such a way to conduct “ecological” research using a synergistic methodology.


Fig. 35 Sugar cane field, http://www.hawaiiactive.com/ blog/wp-content/images/2012/09/cane-field.jpg

Fig. 39 http://hawaiiturtletours.com/circle-island-tour/

Fig. 37 Glen Mahagnoy, one of the evicted residence of the plantation families of Oahu, http://countrytalkstory.com/?tag=turtle-bay-resort

Fig. 38 http://www.kualoa.com/wp/ wp-content/uploads/2010/12/ari el-shots-006.jpg


Fig. 40 Children graduating, https://21maile. files.wordpress.com/2012/05/nes-grad-2012a.jpg

3.1.4 Socio-Economic/Political


art of the research for this thesis stems from the experience of living on the east side of Oahu for over a year. There, political and social tensions can be observed. Local culture protests development often and stresses the need to keep traditional Hawaiian customs such as fishing and keeping up farming of family lands. A huge consideration in the placement of this design prototype utilized the consideration of the sensitivity of the area. Paying homage to something from the oceans of Oahu (the Triceratium Dubium diatom) while also considering a biological entity that can be found globally and is needed globally (diatoms) seemed correct in implementing this kind of design prototype. The ability for the addition of sugar cane into the program (for future studies) caters to the local Hawaiians who are already involved in the farming of sugar cane. The ability for the design prototype to assist the marine rehabilitation, as well as the locals in case of disaster relief and regarding serving the advancement of education, became important. If Diatometica can become a place for students of all ages to take field trips to visit, to become educated, all the better. If it can serve the local economy, an added bonus. If it can rehabilitate reefs and marine life through the production of diatoms and growth of additional reefs to grow fish population for local fishermen, the synergistic approach will prove effective. Leaving these options open for future implementation to the prototype is important for these reasons.


Fig. 41 Render of Interior, ecoLogicStudio, (2014), http://www.ecologicstudio.com/v2/project. php?idcat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137




Fig. 42


Fig. 46

Fig. 43

Fig. 44

Fig. 42 Triceratium Favus SEM, Biophoto Associates, http://fineartamerica.com/products/diatom-triceratium-favus-biophoto-associates-metal-print.html Fig. 43 Marine centric diatom frustule (Triceratium dubium), SEM, Kunkel, Dennis, (2009), http://www. denniskunkel.com/detail/11051.html Fig. 44 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._ craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Fig. 45 Bowoos Pavilion, Halbe, Roland, http://www. pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/62-bowooss-sommerpavillon-an-der-schule-fuer-architektur-saar Fig. 46 River City Plan, Goldberg, Bertrand, http:// bertrandgoldberg.org/projects/river-city/ Fig. 47 Halbe, Roland, http://www.pohlarchitekten. de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs

Fig. 45

Fig. 47



any different case studies were investigated in accordance with their subject area. Because the concept for DIATOMETICA is unique, the case studies had to be divided into various subdivisions. The subdivisions are as follows:

- TANGENTIAL / ANALOGOUS : Relating to the field of biology and related to diatoms, related to the field of biology and nano-technology, and nano-technology and new materials in general.

- PERFORMATIVE / BUILDING SYSTEMS: Have some sort of performative aspect, responsive system or sustainable building system already in place that can be applied to the DIATOMETICA concept.

- TYPOLOGICAL / METHODOLOGICAL: Having a suggested similar typology in terms of programmatic needs, or has an importance in the method in which the building was designed (ie: biomimetic).

- PHILOSOPHICAL: In some way shares a similar philosophy behind the design.

The following case studies are included in this section : • • • • • • • • • •

Diatoms- Various Diatoms + Specifically Triceratium Dubium - [Tangential / Analogous Case Study] Cocoon Pavilion, Germany, Pohl Arkitecten - [ Philosophic / Analogous / Performative /Tangential] J. Craig Venter Lab, La Jolla, California, USA - ZGF Architects, LLC - [Buildings Systems / Performative / Typological] Rush Medical Center (Floor 10), Chicago, Illinois - Perkins + Will - [Typological / Methodological] Bertrand Goldberg Floor plans, Various, -Bertrand Goldberg - [Typological / Methodological] ETFE: An Overview - [Performative / Building Systems] Beijing Watercube, Beijing, China, PTW Architects / ARUP - [Methodological] The Eden Project, Cornwall, UK, Grimshaw Architects - [Philosophical / Methodological] GreenPix Media Wall, Beijing, China, Simone Giostra & Partners / ARUP - [Performative / Building Systems] Urban Algae Canopy, EXPO Milan, 2015, ecoLogicStudios - [Performative / Building Systems / Methodology]


Fig. 48 Marine centric diatom frustule (Triceratium du- Fig. 49 Diatom, SEM colored image, Science Photo Li- Fig. 50 Diatom alga SEM, Gschmeissner, S., http://www. bium), SEM, Kunkel, Dennis, (2009), http://www.denni- brary, (2010), http://en.scanpix.no/spWebApp/preview/ sciencephoto.com/ skunkel.com/detail/11051.html editorial/sy00e7ed



iatoms, classified as algae, exist across all oceans and water around the Earth. They are eukaryotic, unicellular micro-organisms. Unlike other vascular plants and seaweeds, diatoms consist of complex geometric shapes that have fascinated biologists and even artists during the Victorian era. From 18441900, interest in diatoms was the highest that it has ever been. (Round, Crawford, Mann, 2007). Both the physical and functional characteristics informed decisions about the design for this thesis.

General Characteristics


iatoms are pigmented (though not the colors as the scanning electron microscopes depict - SEM), but mostly colorless and are photosynthetic. Like algae, their protoplast includes the same components (nucleus, dictyosomes, mitochondria, plastids, etc.) The cell wall is “highly differentiated” and is “almost always impregnated with silica.”Some of the wall characteristics that were taken into consideration for the design is that the wall is multiparti. This suggests a double-layered wall system.

Physical & Structural Characteristics


or their overall structure, diatoms consist of two parts (like two petri dishes, in some cases), that link together with girdle elements. The overall halves of the structure, called the frustule, is protected - (so the main functions and operations are protected, and mechanical elements of a building can be considered in this way.) More intricately, the wall contains a thin film of organic material, which surrounds the silica and other elements in the wall. (This is going into great detail - and not a lot of extensive research has been conducted on this organic material, however, the ETFE film can be considered perhaps analogous to this. See ETFE under Case Studies. Diatoms seemingly possess an indestructible silicon shell. (Pohl, 2013).



entric diatoms (similar to waterlilies) include radial branching. An example of a building structure that explored a radial type of branching structure (and included a diagrid) is Pier Luigi Nervi. Nervi studied natures structures. A look at the Palazzetto dello Sport in Rome offers a good example of earlier attempts to design and build a long-span structure “using ribs to give effective structural depth to a thin planar surface. The outer surface, in turn, connects all the ribs together, so loads are more evenly distributed.” (Pawlyn, 2013).

Characteristics for Future Design Considerations


hough these characteristics were set aside due to the scope limitation for this thesis, they exist as relevant and potentially very useful collections of information for future design considerations or implementation and should be thought about for other potential biomimetic applications. These include the fact that diatoms can literally build themselves and the cluster or link together.

Fig. 51 Actinocyclus radiatus SEM, Gschmeissner, S., http://www.sciencephoto.com/

It Can Build Itself


onsiderations of prefabricated parts and/or 3D printing are taken into account as diatoms can replicate and “build themselves.” Diatoms build their shells. For more information on this process see Interview. A way to apply this towards design-thinking may be the prefabrication of pieces so that the shell or canopy can be constructed ‘on site” as a ship would be in a shipyard. With existent technology, the building, in theory, could also have parts in which it 3D prints itself, thus emulating the act of the diatom building itself with silica. This saves time and energy regarding labor and the transport of materials (in terms of 3D printing).


Fig. 52 Diatom SEM image, Science Photo Library, (2009), https://thiswoo.wordpress. com/2009/07/09/downsizing-right-down/


iatoms can colonize or link together because of the formation of a substratum. They may be linked together by their spines or “other siliceous structures.” Some link up with “lock and key” systems of different grooves. (Round, Crawford, Mann, 2007). Additionally, when attaching themselves to one another, their chains can form a length that reaches and touches the ocean floor. (Pohl, 2013). They can do this to conserve resources. (Hildebrand, 2015). Information like this suggests design applications for buildings or floating buildings that can link and share resources, though this was not used as a design application for this thesis. 55

“Whereas the electrical energy of solar cells is either consumed directly or has to be stored by complex means, micro-organisms (algae-[or diatoms] function, in principle, as a living storage medium for solar energy.�


Fig. 53 Strawberrysleep on flick,r, diatoms, http://imgur.com/gallery/8U70W

-Klooster, p.36, 2009


fter great consideration on if actual diatoms should be utilized in the design, the decision came to a resounding yes after asking what is the closest a design can get to mimicking the capture of CO2 directly and multiply the diatoms for the building’s program - and that is to utilize the actual diatoms themselves. The diatoms themselves can do this directly. They can serve the building, the user, and the surrounding environment. They can serve the building’s program as this is a diatom lab, and the production of diatoms is needed to study them at an efficient rate without the use of having to collect outside samples. They can serve the building also by offering the potential to produce biofuel, or later, their silicon shells for water filtering or other applications. They can serve the surrounding site and environment by producing food for fish after study is completed and their redeposit to the ocean can be explored. This is not to discard the mimicking opportunities on the macro scale. The functions of the diatoms were thought out for the application on a physical and mechanical scale. This was done specifically with the columns and the system that occurred and transferred from the skin to the column. The skin and pores of the building act as the diatom in that they mimic photosynthesis, taking in the solar radiation, oxygen, and water, fixing CO2 as they do so, replicating themselves for the biologists and/or biofuel and food thus producing some initial degree of energy for the building (which can be evolved with future research, experiments and study.





ocoon_FS was built as a pavilion demonstration for the Frank Stella pavilion exhibition, though Pohl Arkitecten states that there are many different uses for the structure. The direct inspiration comes from the shells of diatoms which the firm cites are created from “biogenic silica”. Though diatoms are used as a biomimetic influence for the design of this pavilion, it seems structure alone was the primary focus with the material alluding to more formal qualities akin to silica.

Fig. 55 Pohl, Göran, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/ projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs

Architect: Pohl Architekten Client/Client Type: Alfred-Wegener Institute AWI, Bremerhaven/PLANKTONTECH Years Built: 2010 - 2011 Size/Area: 10 M2 floor surface area ~10 ft tall Weight: 1650 lbs (750 kg) Material: Panels of FRP (Fiber reinforced polymer), lightweight composite shell

Fig. 54 Halbe, Roland, http://www.pohlarchitekten. de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs



T Fig. 56 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1). pdf

he main take-away from this case study is that the shell-structure can support it’s own weight. The leaf-like panels were developed using computational methods after studying a diatom at the microscopic level. Fiber reinforced polymer exists as the main material of choice from which each of the panels are made of. Screwed together, 15 original base modules were designed. In total, 220 modules were manufactured to construct the pavilion. With lightweight material being of main concern, the structure only weighs 1650 pounds. In terms of height it is less than 10 ft tall. The walls (both interior and exterior) design of the structure and modules mimic (on a rough degree) the same ribs, pores, and spines of that of the diatom which was studied. (Gilliard, 2014) It is also windproof. METHOD


ike many other biomimetic design processes which incorporated computation, Pohl used form finding and optimization. In collaboration with PlanktonTech, an algae research group, Pohl obtained information and data gathered from micro-technology to scan and transfer the pattern of the shells of the diatom. Later, this was implemented into a 3D model. The biology and structure of the diatom were studied to implement the design. The precise method and in-depth research data findings are not provided publicly for the project. Jan-Ruben Fischer (a specialist, and consultant for Pohl) did the modeling with Rhino, Grasshopper, and T-Splines.

Fig. 57 Halbe, Roland, http://www.pohlarchitekten. de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs

Computational Design involved using emergent-Voronoi diagrams to achieve static stability. It simulated a “self-controlling static system.”Pohl deduces that because of this system - it allows for the opportunity for “functional diversity and the integration of adaptive subsystems” as theoretically possible.“ Considering technical and availability reasons, the variety of material, that theoretically could be implemented in the structures, was limited.” Pohl points out that in further research, one focus will lie on the “benefits of new material compounds, allowing for the addition of functions to the elements.” (Pohl, 2015) SPECIAL FEATURES:

A Fig. 58 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1). pdf

ccording to Pohl Architect’s website profile at pohlarchitekten.de/info: “POHL Architects develop holistic building concepts with integrated planning processes. Central focus rests upon the economics of construction, sustainability and resource efficiency, and the social aspects of architecture.” Here again, we see that holistic design-thinking becomes an important aspect of biomimetic design. Cross-disciplinary collaboration also proves important as one can observe that Goran and Julia Pohl are members of PlanktonTech - to ensure collaboration and cross-disciplinary exchange of information, without a doubt. 59


Fig. 59 Pohl, GĂśran, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs


he significance of COCCOON_FS is that the form and the paneling are integrated and therefore exist symbiotically and synergistically in manner. It is important to note that the FRP skin forms the skin and the structure all in one which is the main objective of this thesis project. This is what designers should strive for as a primary design concern early on in the biomimetic process. However, the focus doesn’t depart from structure, and this seems to limit. It is mentioned that the pavilion can be moved anywhere, the way the pavilion was installed (with a solid, flat base, stairs and glass door). It is significant because many different uses of the structure are possible. Meaning, though the structure was created for an artistic context, it can be moved and arranged for other uses. Dismantling, transportability, and reconstructing at various sites proves very useful regarding sustainability and biomimetic design. In the way that the panels were directly taken from the diatom structure, that signifies a start at exact replication of biomimetic processes. Though, this still only tackles a popular subject: structure and form. The need to create a raised platform for the use of the Stella exhibition, however, departs from the form itself. While the form is well implemented in the design, the function is still vague and unclear as it does not relate to


Fig. 60 Pohl Architects, digital model, 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1). pdf

Fig. 62 Pohl Architects, Digital Panels, pohlarchitekten.de

Fig. 61 Pohl Architects, panel pieces, 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1). pdf

Important information can be gained in the analysis of the design of the structure. The different panels adhere together. They are connected by nodes and joints and limited variation. In application to the design of Diatometica, the project might encompass some similar construction or paneling, or at least a consistency of parts. The parts may fasten with movable fastening components or nodes.

Fig. 63 Pohl Architects, digital model, 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1). pdf

It is important to take note of the use of fiber reinforced polymer - which admits daylight - for the potential that the designed structure for Diatometica may incorporate this consideration of daylight, and other aesthetic considerations as it pertains to light. The use of material (about lightweightness and transparency) can be suggested as a possibility or some similar material. Overall, this was purely a study on structures, strength, and weight. It was also a study on “functionality and the ability to adapt” which is important to note. The ability to “adapt” becomes a main focus in the study of bionics. (Pohl, 2015). 61



he J. Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla is a biology research lab. The study of diatoms specifically is conducted here in their relationship with genetic research and innovation. Other research is studied here, but for the purpose of this thesis, the author chose to focus specifically on the necessities for diatoms in a biology lab, as well as to gain information on diatoms themselves from this lab. This was done in collaboration with Ariel Rabines. Architect: ZGF Architects, LLP Client/Client Type: J. Craig Venter Years Built: 2010 - 2011 Size/Area: 44,607 sq. ft. 42,682 pkg. below grade Program: Lab Research/Dry Office Wing/ Central Courtyard Material: Panels of FRP (Fiber reinforced polymer), lightweight composite shell

Fig. 64 Merrick, N., http://www.aiatopten.org/ node/495


Fig. 65-66 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125



he design for the J. Craig Venter lab combines a general program of lab space and office areas for collaborative research, and private offices and formal meeting areas. In the visitor’s areas, there is open, modular seating. The lab spaces seem to be designed for open collaboration, based on their open layout with no stationary desktop computers - allowing for intercommunication between the biologist teams. Overall, the building is designed to be net zero and carbon neutral. The object was met by the firm applying a holistic design approach. This took into consideration many factors at once that included energy performance, water conservation + other sustainable objectives. Systems integration comes into play as a “work together perform together” design philosophy was adopted as a strategy. METHOD


his is done by a wet lab that is based on “Plug-and-Play” in that collaboration and interaction can be arranged quickly. After visiting the site several times, interaction occurred between biologists, but on a very formal basis. It seemed that the sterile and cold environment didn’t invite the casual discourse which was the design aim. Though reconfigurable furniture could be seen incorporated into the visitor’s areas, this did not seem to carry through into the lab and office spaces. The PV canopy above proved an effort towards sustainability. The PVs generate power, and also provide shading. This exhibits an example of basic integrated design. The shaded courtyard allows light in areas, due to orientation and shading arrangement, to penetrate in both wings. In total, there exists 26,124 sq. ft. of PV panels. The firm took into consideration the use of extra energy in that the 1,488 Sunpower E20 E27 Panels exceed the building’s need for energy. Further, when equipment is not in use, it can be plugged into a green strip that will automatically turn off at night. FEATURES


he integrated sensors in the building design detect when it is dark enough to prompt the need for artificial light. Other important design integrations include the freezers which utilize water cooling as opposed to air cooling, and active chilled beams (induction diffusers). While meeting the air exchange rate minimum for the Environmental Health and Safety for labs and offices, the design team kept this exchange rate as minimal as possible. The use of hot or cool water for the heating and cooling coil avoids having to re-heat the building. What could be considered one of the more environmentally conscious efforts for the region is that almost all of the building and site water collects into 3 cisterns (interconnected). The cisterns then UV -filter and recycle the water into non-potable water for use in the building. Furthermore the incorporation of native low-level landscaping as well as gardens on the roof help to collect the water and further keep the building cool. 63

Fig. 67-68 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._ craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125

DAYLIGHTING AND AIR FLOW The image at the right illustrates the integrated systems of the building. It shows the shading provided by the PV panels, while also showing the allowed sunlight reflecting into the work spaces (in this instance, the lab). Heated air leaves the building out of the central shaft, while fresh cool air enters the building. The image below shows the use of shad structures vertically and horizontally to protect offices from morning and afternoon glare.

WATER: COLLECTION AND CONSERVATION The image on the next page shows the methods used for the water collection and reuse via the rooftop and paved courtyard, followed by the collection into the cisterns, filtering, and recycling. Further, the graphic below on the next page shows all of the methods to integrate the water into non-potable uses. Though plans were provided for greywater collection, the client chose to wait to use more advanced systems for the future.



GF accomplished much with the integration of systems for the aim of a net zero/closed-loop building design. This seemed to be executed to the extent of possibility with consideration of possible budget and technology limitations. ome observations worth some criticism can be the mobility and collaboration opportunities within the lab and office space. With the bulky furniture and lab stations, these spaces didn’t appear


Fig. 69 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125

to offer as much collaboration as could be possible with lighter weight and more mobile partitions. This prompts the consideration of a lightweight and mobile material for lab collaboration and clinic use/privacy for the design of “Diatometica”. Another observation while visiting the lab space was that there seemed to be too much space. Not all spaces were being utilized, and this proves to be energy wasting and inefficient. The courtyard space also appeared vacant on multiple visits. The firm did not reach their design objective in achieving a collaborative and interactive courtyard space. Again, this seemed to be causing much-wasted space. The natural lighting proved effective in the design and the temperature within the building did create a pleasant and moderate climate. When the biologists in the lab were asked how they liked the space, overall they seemed happy, with the various mentioning of the need for more storage closets for supplies, and the disconnect to the office spaces seemed a bit distant. While recycled content for concrete was utilized in the construction, many stress cracks could be observed in various areas of the building. This leaves a designer to understand the importance of testing when designing with progressive and sustainable materials. Overall, the observation at J. Craig Venter lab did inform many of the design decisions of Diatometica which included the design of an open floor plan with movable partitions, the use of bamboo for a less sterile and more inviting social space, and the use of columns for gathering spaces, collection of samples, and incorporation of electronic, water-recycling, and HVAC systems. The J. Craig Venter lab didn’t seem to achieve much natural air cross-ventilation, which led to the design decision in “Diatometica” for movable louver door panels which allowed for open natural air cross-ventilation. 65



ronically, Perkins + will were responsible for the demo and remodel of the Prentice Women’s Hospital, originally by Bertrand Goldberg (see following case study), and it appears they took some great influence from it as seen in their floor plan to the right. Rush Medical Center was analyzed for it’s Critical Care Center floor plan, its geometric shape, and the light well incorporated into the courtyard.

Architect: Perkins + Will Client/Client Type: Rush Medical Center Years Built: 2012 Size/Area: 830,000 sq. ft. Program: Medical Hospital / Courtyard Material: Steel and glass

Fig. 70-71, http://www.archdaily.com/443648/ new-hospital-tower-rush-university-medical-center-perkins-will



s can be seen in Phase II of the design process (Chapter 4), Rush Medical Center’s Critical Care Center floor plan was traced over and analyzed in terms of use, square footage, and layout of space. It informed design decisions like total square footage, and how the clinic could potentially function.

Fig. 72 Perkins+ Will, http://www.archdaily. com/443648/new-hospital-tower-rush-university-medical-center-perkins-will Fig. 72a Author, Modified Tenth Floor Plan of Rush Medical Hospital, 2016




ertrand Goldberg, known for Marina City, utilized symmetrical geometry and organic shapes for his buildings and floor plans. These floor plans were studied to examine the arrangement of space for something comparable and akin to the geometry of the chosen diatom, (in the case of the Triceratium Dubium, triangular in plan). Focus was increased on the floor plans for hospitals and clinics, as well as a brief examination of Goldberg’s Floating City. Further analysis of this can be found in Chapter 4, Phase II. Architect: Bertrand Goldberg Client/Client Type: Various Years Developed: 1960’s - 1980’s Size/Area: Varies What: Various floor plans and arrangements.

Fig. 73 River City Plan, Goldberg, Bertrand, http://bertrandgoldberg.org/projects/river-city/


Fig. 74

Fig. 76 Fig. 74 Floating World’s Fair, Goldberg, B., (1984), http://bertrandgoldberg.org/works/gallery-by-name/ Fig. 75 River City Detail Plan, Goldberg, B., http://bertrandgoldberg.org/ projects/river-city/ Fig. 76 Prentice Women’s Hospital Model, Goldberg, B., http://bertrandgoldberg.org/projects/good-samaritan-hospital/ Fig. 77 Prentice Women’s Hospital Plan Floor Plan, Goldberg, B., http:// www.artic.edu/aic/collections/artwork/212487

Fig. 75

Fig. 77





TFE, or ethylene tetrafluoroethylene found many uses in the aerospace industry due to it’s strong and lightweight nature and only in recent years has it been taken to architectural applications. Several projects in the last 10-15 years have jumped on board the use of ETFE due to its strong, lightweight and aesthetically appealing nature. It can come in varying design options such as single layer membranes that can be implemented into a cable net system or as pneumatic cushions for which open and close and can be supplied with 2-5 layers per cushion. Due to its environmentally friendly nature and various capabilities, it surely will continue with further use for applications in the future. . General Characteristics: - 1% the weight of glass - Fluorine based plastic - Used in pneumatic Structures - Can have 98% transparency - Lightweight, economic transportation - Quickly deployable on site - Corrosion resistance - Strength over a wide temperature range - High radiation resistance properties - Recyclable - Can stretch 3x it’s length 6100 psi - Resistant to UV light - Can be arranged on metal frame

Fig. 78 Linden, J. (2016). Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center [Digital image]. Retrieved 2016, from http://www.archdaily.com/784723/etfe-the-rise-of-architectures-favorite-polymer


Fig. 79-81 Foster & Partners, (2014), Grand Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, http://inhabitat.com/normanfosters-grand-canary-wharf-crossrail-station-in-london-isalmost-finished/

ETFE pillows are kept continually pressurized by a small inflation system. The pressure gives the material and roof applications stability. ETFE is translucent in nature and allows for multiple mechanical implementations - sensors, LED’s, color, and PV frits to name some. As in the case with Norman Foster’s Grand Canery Wharf and Crossrail Station in London, (shown left), various openings were left in the framework of the ETFE pillows to let the rain fall into the gardens inside. The EFTE pillow arrangement can be adjusted dependent on where insulation and light are needed and can be arranged based on programmatic space. Foster’s example proves that a triangular latticed frame structure can be used. The ability to incorporate LEDs, PV frits, sensors and color into ETFE pillows, as well as it’s lightweight nature and ability to adjust to solar intake all make this material the perfect choice for the top layering of the canopy for Diatometica. The biomimetic process of photosynthesis can then be incorporated into multiple layers. A diatom panel layer can lie safely shielded underneath the ETFE pillow layer, and, as shown in the Eden Project (later in the case study section), a space frame can allow for the secondary frame to occur beneath. ETFE can also be staggered with PTFE - which is a less complex and less costly material which is similar to ETFE to save on cost.



t would be more environmentally beneficial if ETFE could be generated out of more environmentally-friendly, recyclable, or organic materials. Though it exists efficiently during it’s state of being part of a structure, one questions what will become of this plastic material later on after decades of weathering will warrant it unusable. Surely future development will solve that problem. 71



he Beijing Watercube maximized natural light captured solar energy through the use of its adjustable ETFE cushion pillows. Also incorporated into the system is rainwater harvesting, filtration, recycling, and backwash systems. The building did employ methods of biomimetic design by using advanced computation to generate an efficient, lightweight framework based off of the structure of soap bubbles. This is an example of a highly efficient and multi-functional facade design. Architect: PTW Architects/ARUP Engineers CSCEC + DESIGN Client/Client Type: Beijing State-Owned Assets Management Co Year Completed: 2008 Size/Area: 62,950 sq. m Program: Olympic Heated Swimming Pool Material: ETFE panels

Fig. 82 Ruogu, Zhou, http://www.e-architect. co.uk/beijing/watercube-beijing


The Beijing Watercube incorporated the used of a lightweight framework using soap bubbles for inspiration. This method can be analyzed in comparison to how one might develop a framework system by mimicking diatoms, as many diatoms have a varying hexagonal framework. Existing arguments debate whether triangular or hexagonal frameworks are stronger. The ability to incorporate triangles within hexagons leaves possibilities and testing open. (We can see this incorporation of a hex-tri-hex framework in the following Eden Project).



he most impressive and useful information taken away from studies of the ETFE framework of pillows is that they can open and closed by being filled with air, and therefore adjust the amount of sunlight that is being taken into the stadium - and therefore the overall amount of heat gain entering the building. This informs how this application can occur with a multi-layered cushion and paneling system in Diatometica. The shape of the building, however, lacks the typical rounded shell structure and doesn’t seem to suggest the most optimally efficient shape for the building.

Fig. 83 elkongraphia.com/?p=63.jpg

Fig. 84 http://www.water-cube.com/ en/venues/development/




he Eden Project exists as a series of geodesic domes which incorporate a hexagonal framework of ETFE cushions. The structure is a space frame, with the inner skin on a triangular and hexagonal framework. It holds ETFE cushion panels of up to 29.5 ft. across on the aluminum frame and holds an air supply system. The overall height of the domes is 10-15% the maximum span. The project’s ETFE and framework were analyzed to make design decisions for Diatometica. While Diatometica is based primarily on a triangular grid pattern, similar application with the space-frame portion is applied. Architect: Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners, London, and Ove Arup Client/Client Type: The Eden Project, LTD Year Completed: 2001 Size/Area: 23,000 sq. m Program: BIOME for planting food Material: ETFE and aluminum frame

Fig. 85 http://www.edenproject.com/visit/whatshere/rainforest-biome


Fig. 86 https://buildingskins.wordpress.com/category/plastics-etfe/eden-project/

Fig. 87 http://en.wiegel.de/why-wiegel/references/referenz-detail-en/article/eden-project-mit-mero-und-wiegel/

Fig. 88-91 http://www.solaripedia.com/files/260.pdf




he facade, designed GreenPix Media Wall in Beijing by Simone Giostra & Partners and ARUP, in 2008, is powered by a PV system which captures twice as much energy as it uses. Performing as a self-sufficient organism, it stores the energy by day, and uses the extra energy to light up at night. Custom software allows viewers to interact with the skin. (Arup, 2015). Architect: Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners, London, and Ove Arup Client/Client Type: Mr. Zhang Yongdou, Jigya Corporation Year Completed: 2008 Size/Area: 180,000 sf. (gross fl. area) Program: Entertainment / Sustainable Media Wall Material: Polycrystalline PV cell laminated glass responsive curtain wall Fig. 92 GreenPix Energy Media Wall, Exterior with LED’s in operation, http://www.archdaily.com/245/greenpix-zero-energy-media-wall


The GreenPix Media wall exists as the first project to integrate a PV system into a glass curtain wall. It also follows the climate and cycle of the sunlight throughout the day. In 2008, this exhibited the most sustainable example of a curtain wall system integration to date. The polycrystalline PV cells exist laminated within the curtain wall in that they are laminated in the glass. The placement changes density across the facade. It seems that this density is controlled initially. This case study shows again how actuators, can act as a “self-sufficient organism. The idea of storing energy in the PV’s from the day and utilizing extra energy to light up Diatometica Lab at night will be integrated into the column/skin/facade system. In the case of Diatometica, the actuators will occur on the nodes of the triangular grid frame at each layer of skin.

Fig. 93 Palmer, Frank GreenPix Energy Media Wall, Exterior, http://www.arup.com/projects/ greenpix_zero_energy_media_wall



critique of this is that this only considers one part of the building (the skin) and doesn’t incorporate more systems. It seems that the varying density pattern was determined prior, which limits the facade in it’s own ability to vary the density pattern. This makes a greater argument for light attenuating PV panels - technology that may not have been existent at the time. There is also no mention of taking direct inspiration from any specific biological element, though it refers to the project being “organic”. The idea of “only using the energy it needs” and the Fig. 94 GreenPix Energy Media Wall, Inte- “one main source” of energy being “solar” are 2/7 principle goals of biorior with Wiring Arrangement, http://www. mimicry mentioned by Janine Benyus. For 2008, it was a good progressive archdaily.com/245/greenpix-zero-energy-me- effort. dia-wall




s part of the Future Food District Project and the EXPO Milano 2015, which featured many algae integrated projects, ecoLogicStudios proposed a 1:1 built scale algae canopy system which incorporated 3-layer ETFE panels, filtering tubes, and biosensors. The team collaborated with Taiyo Europe to integrate the bio-digital systems. The team collaborated with Taiyo Europe to integrate the bio-digital systems. Architect: EcoLogic Studios: Claudia Pasquero and Marco Poletto Client/Client Type: None For the EXPO Milano 2015 Year Completed: 2014 Size/Area: not specified Program: Urban Algae Canopy Material: ETFE and metal cladding

Fig.95 ecoLogicStudio, Render of Interior, 2014, http://www.ecologicstudio.com/v2/project.php?idcat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137


Fig. 96-99 ecoLogicStudio, Section, Elevation, Detail, Bio-sensor detail, 2014, all http://www.ecologicstudio.com/v2/project.php?idcat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137

The Urban Canopy utilizes real-time cultivation to produce more algae for the system. The cultivation system of the algae is designed into the 3-layered ETFE system. The technology allows for the adjustment of the cushions of the ETFE pillows to work with the fluid behavior of the water within the panels. The flow of CO2, water, and energy respond to and adjust to weather patterns as well as visitor’s movement. The algae grow and respond, reducing the transparency as they bloom as sunlight intensifies. The bloom provides shading to visitors. The ideas of changing color and shading are explored, and this project exhibits a progression in many systems working together, as well as integrating biology.



hile small in scale, this project represents a large advancement in the areas of exploration with biology and advanced materials like ETFE. Detailed plans and online material, as well as the fact that it was physically built, prove that such a system could exist and operate in the real world. Applying the knowledge that diatoms are a more advanced version of phytoplankton than algae, diatoms can be applied in the panels in the same way. For further information see the Interview section in this book. Structurally, the system holds up, and the basis for this design informs the basis for the Diatometica column designs.


“Now if you could vary the amount of sunlight coming to the diatoms by attenuating the color of the PVs, that would really be something...”

- Hildebrand, 2016

C. “I wanted to know, what are the critical applications today that diatoms are being used for in the design industries?” M. “There’s endless possibilities, you know, in its geometric shapes. In terms of other design, I’m not aware of anything consciously being done. When I came out to Scripps there’s a man and he is very much artistic than more so scientific. He put together a series of slides of comparison of man-made architecture versus diatoms, like a polarized light image of a diatom and it’s really cool and a great idea and there is lots of parallels you’ll see, and if you don’t tell somebody what they are seeing they might not able to tell the difference between certain things though, I think sub-conscience maybe to people, they see that it is just design.” “The patterns can emerge between organisms and what people do.” C. “So I am in the very beginning stages of this thesis, just to let you know so it is a lot of brainstorming and research. Part of the thing that my professors and I discussed is narrowing down how I am going to do a design approach towards either the building or a system based on these things. So they asked, “ are you going to it purely based off of aesthetics or off of function? So I was actually more interested about the functioning of these things, so I wanted to ask you more, I mean I wrote down some things like the silicon shell they form and the fact that they capture Co2…” M. “Remind me to come back to this because one of the things that might be really interesting to think about is how we think these things are constructing and how you might relate to it architecturally, not only design but by actually making something.” “So the function is probably multi-functional. The fundamental function is protection for the cell. It’s light weight. It’s a solid material. There’s a paper published in NATURE in 2003 by Christian Hamm and basically it’s an element analysis on diatom structures. He made the analogy that this is the design that you would want to make a rigid, robust, and lightweight structure.” C. “Right! Which is why I am interested in them.” 80

3.3 INTERVIEW - MARK HILDEBRAND, PHD. M. “Yes exactly, and so one of the natural predators to diatoms are a small crustacean called copepods, and they eat diatoms basically. They crunch them and digest them that way. Part of the design has to do probably with crush resistance and that was highlighted in that paper. You can’t explain the variety of the design based on just that.” C. “I guess that’s what I am after of course, you know we’ve found out ways to make skins and louvers respond to one thing right, but now we’re interested in multiple influences on a structure, so you know seeing all the things that they do like photosynthesis, fixing Co2, which to me fixing Co2 kind of seems the most urgent and obvious element to pick. You know that when they run out of nutrients they begin to form a shell right?” M. “Well it’s actually the other way around, they begin to form a shell when they are growing.” C. “Oh, Ok.” M. “Especially they need to have silica in their medium to make the cell wall. If you remove silica in their medium they stop growing immediately. They sense that there is nothing there to make a new cell wall so they don’t even progress through the rest of the cell cycle. They just stop. What they do when they starve for nutrients is they make lipids or fats basically and that’s a precursor molecule for biofuels, and that’s one of the things we are working on. Diatoms are the coolest organisms, and not just because I’m working on them. They really are. One of the major projects in the labs here is working on diatoms for biofuel production for renewables. They are exceptionally good at making lipids which you can burn basically.” C. “Cool! There is a lot of algae architecture going on right, but what is the difference? See I’m thinking, okay everyone is doing algae walls. How are diatoms different from algae?” M. “It’s the scope of the shape they can make. Most algae make either a protein based or carbohydrate based cell wall and they are constrained, they’re not rigid. Okay those are organic materials and so the shapes often times of algae are little round green things and you can’t tell them apart because the forces basically shape them that way. Diatoms can make a shape and then shape the cell wall. They can make a rigid structure and then form to that structure. And what’s cool about that and just popped into my head that I never thought about before…when something is spherical, 81

the center is as distant from the edge as possible. So getting nutrients into the cell is an issue. If you got something that is flat the distance is a lot less. Diatoms are flattish so that’s pretty interesting. That’s why they can make a rigid structure as you know in any shape feasible pretty much and that probably helps them in terms of their productivity.” “The other thing about productivity is that, most cell walls are made of carbon based materials but the silica is based on very little carbon and serves as a catalyst between the cell wall. Because the organism doesn’t need as much carbon for its cell wall, that’s available for other things like growth and division. So that’s probably one reason also why they are so productive. They do not have to put so much carbon with associated energy with making the cell wall. They are so more efficient in doing that and which they have to once a generation. Which is a big thing when making a copy of yourself, you have to build another cell wall. That’s a big deal.” C. “See this is what I am after. When you learn about how they remake themselves. That whole process, I can see a parallel somewhere, and who knows where. This is going to be after a lot of thinking, but a system like that. How can we mimic a system through architecture? The interesting thing is that now there are so many different materials out there, even organic materials and Nano-materials. There are so many different things you could do to mimic a system like that. I wanted to get thinking about the system and what would be the steps in the system basically.” M. “One of the fundamental things is; if you live in a box, and you have to make a copy of yourself. How do you do that? Ha ha that’s tricky.” “There is some dogma in the literature that when a diatom makes a copy of itself it has to be smaller because it is confined by the box. There are many species that do that. What happens is that they reach a certain small size and it triggers them to divide vegetatively. There’s no sexual process involved. When they reach a certain small size, they can’t get any smaller for the species and it triggers asexual cycle. Then makes a very large pre cursor cell that can reduce in size again. The cell wall is flexible enough in the center that it can make another valve structure without getting smaller.” C. “See that’s a key.” M. “Yeah, so if you imagine these things are sort of cylindrical and they make a new valve in the middle of the cylinder. So that’s kind of a trick. I don’t know if you want to go ahead and do that for your building.” C. “Wells sounds fun! Crazy things have been done before. That’s the thing with this computer program, you can make things like that happen in the computer, and then if you wanted to demonstrate it physically you can hook up an Arduino circuit board with motors to do that. Yeah it sounds like it’s really far out there but at the same time I think it can be a metaphor or analogy to see what is possible.” “We were thinking of some sort of supply station or something that distributes supplies that float, and being a self-sufficient entity. If diatoms can take supplies and recreate themselves? That seems like a starting point for that. And one of the girls at J. Venture lab (PhD) she was like “well why don’t you put actual diatoms in the skin and then have them do photosynthesis?” M. “Yeah that’s feasible. There are diatoms that prefer to live on surfaces of thin layers, which might be ideal for this sort of thing. So instead of them being suspended in water, you can have a very thin layer with water flowing through it, very thin though, and they colonize surfaces. We can 82

grow them say in auger plates and some of these things when we plate them on one side they completely take over the other side within a few weeks.” C. “Oh yeah, cause I was reading something about how they move?” M. “Yeah they’re mobile, some of them are.” C. “So some of them have motors or something?” M. “Yeah what they do is they put a sticky substance on the substrate, and they have a slit in the middle of the silica, and they have tethers that go down into the substance, and they have intracellular motors that pull them along. They move very fast, you can see them in a microscope zipping around and it’s pretty amazing.” C. “Yeah I think these are the coolest things, and we watched about that guy that makes them into art.” M. “Yes, Klaus Kemp. Yes very cool and I asked to make a copy of the Scripps logo.” C. “I saw that!” M. “The idea of doing a thin layer where you can do in very little water is feasible. The only issue might be that diatoms are sort of a brownish gold color, they’re not green. So aesthetically people might not like the color. It’s not the bright green color you associate them as.” C. “Well you guys light them up with special lighting right?” M. “Well you don’t have to, we use florescent lighting in our culture room and different lighting for them to show up different colors. That kind of comes to another thing. The cell wall is one of the things that were looking at right now, and asking, does it select for certain wavelengths of light that are optimal for photosynthesis? We’ve got a little bit of data and other people have data suggesting that in Nano materials especially where you’ve got patterns where the spacing is on the order of wavelengths of light and they can select certain wavelengths. It’s called a “photonic band gap” and people have done this with synthetic materials. We have a colleague in the University of Arizona that has done some measurements…” The interview continued on for another hour or so. Further emails and phone conversations were exchanged in order to better understand the diatom and its processes. Mark Hildebrand, PhD was very helpful and the author extends gratitude for his knowledge and patronage for collaboration.


Fig. 100 Southwick, C., (2016), Drawing of detail canopy system




he primary structural system first addresses the overall geometry. Since the overall building form will be based on the Triceratium Dubium (and general diatom structure characteristics), it will be symmetrical and triangular. Since the diatom discusses a central nucleus or place in which it “builds itself,” this brings into question something to the effect of a “torus” concept. The torus shape is one of the most energy efficient. This should be considered. A combined triangular shape with a torus shape may formulate the basics of the building. As far as “spans” and a grid of structure go, triangulation can repeat for the canopy and facade. This is because energy can move across a triangular grid the most efficiently. This is taking the findings of Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome and using the least amount of energy covering the most amount of space. The hexagon and pentagon will also be taken into consideration as far as paneling goes on the interior, as these mimic the Triceratium Dubium’s frustules and also can become columns to transport samples and for human circulation to access the canopy. The exterior canopy/facade and maybe the interior facade will incorporate ETFE pillows for energy efficiency (optimal insulation), and for the adjustment of sunlight. Diatoms will also become integrated into between the ETFE pillows for growth and will respond to the adjusted sunlight. To harvest the excess solar energy that diatoms do not use, PV panels will be incorporated perhaps within the inner facade on the hexagonal grid. The reverse could also happen; the PV panels could be incorporated on the outer canopy on a hexagonal grid that attenuates the sunlight intake for the diatoms on the internal canopy.


Fig. 101 https://www.hawaii-aloha.com/ blog/2014/07/29/setting-sail-for-the-kaneohebay-sandbar/


3.5 P R E - D E S I G N A N D F I E L D A N A LY S I S


isiting the site can inform many things. Living near the site and observing it for three months can offer far more information than a traditional site visit. The site is near Coconut Island, which is already a marine research laboratory dedicated to the study of diatoms. It is owned currently by The University of Hawaii at Manoa, and the entire Bay is a marine wildlife sanctuary and reserved strictly for building that is dedicated to marine research. The depth of the bay reaches a mere 40-45 ft in most areas, and a large sandbar protects it from the oceans strong currents and elements. When the sandbar exposes itself at low tide, sailboats commonly travel the 15-minute boat ride to the sandbar for social gatherings. The bay is speckled with reef and giant coral heads in specific areas. Nautical navigation maps show boat routes and underwater obstructions, as well as military reserved access areas. Diatometic was designed at an appropriate width to which it could navigate through the bay’s channels and out to sea past Chinaman’s Hat to the north if necessary. The shallow depth allows for Diatometica to drop anchor in still waters.


Fig.102 By Author, program diagram, (2016)


3.6 PROGRAMMING The program of the Ocean Biology Research + Disaster Response Center off the shores of Oahu near Kaneohe Bay Marine Base and Coconut Island responds and is informed by a number of key stimuli that includes: A.

Triceratium Dubium Diatom- (formal, metaphorical, and functional influences – also compared to various Bertrand Goldberg clinics.)


Response to its position globally (based on Buckminster Fuller’s model of the Dymaxion map and concept of Synergy as a case study)


Response to the Site


The incorporation of a dual program of research lab and disaster response center which is informed by:

1. A lab research center informed by the case study of: J. Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla, California and its proximity to Coconut Island and global positioning. 2. A disaster response center/urgent care clinic informed by the following: a. Bertrand Goldberg Prentice Hospital and other project clinical floor plan layouts. b. The USNS Comfort Naval Disaster Response Ship. 89

c. The proximity to Kaneohe Marine Base. E. Dispatch/Shipping/Receiving: looks to helicopter landing pad requirements, small sailboat/vessel clearance and docking, and drone dispatch space. F.

Storage of Food/Supplies – will look to cargo ship hull’s SF to inform approximate storage needed.

G. Wall Function/Response – the functions of the wall and ceiling system (ie: solar panels/ algae/ biofuels will inform the delineation of the programmatic space in some ways – in which it is anticipated that the wall/ceiling system will become integrated with the columns in the building (which are informed by the physical form of the diatom). All in all there are 7 areas of Programmatic focus, although it is important to note that the marine research lab and the disaster response clinical areas will occupy the same spaces and overlap will occur for the majority. This is because labs and clinical programmatic spaces are very similar in scale and function, thus allowing for the opportunity to utilize the space for each program requirement. Some additional space will be needed for private rooms – although that’s not to say that some of the lab bays can’t be transferred into private rooms via passages/dividers. We can see many examples of how this can function in various examples of Bertrand Goldberg’s buildings which were designed to compact as much program into one space as possible (like Marina City – not shown here). For the purpose of this assignment, (to edit), only the main programmatic spaces will be elaborated on: The Marine Lab Research areas and the Disaster Response Command Center and Clinic. Dispatch/ Shipping/Receiving and Storage/Food Supplies will be touched on in their relationships to the former, and Wall Functioning Response will be elaborated on in the section (to be written) on the Triceratium Dubium. Some preliminary photos the Triceratium Dubium as analyzed programmatically will be included.

PROJECT PROGRAM: GOALS + OBJECTIVES The diagrams will begin to delineate the overlapping of the various programmatic spaces. OBJECTIVES: 1. To design a dual programmed center, off shore of Coconut Island in proximity to Kaneohe Marine Base. 2. To embody the methodology of biomimetic design and synergistics in order to inform how the program 90

overlaps and integrates into the overall building system, site, and global scale perspective. 3. To synchronize the marine research lab facilities and the disaster response centers together utilizing the same spaces so that they can be operable in either scenario: day-to-day research studies, and disaster responsiveness. 4. Integrate the wall system and columns into the program. Physical structure becomes integrated into program or function. GOALS: 1. Accumulate further data on urgent care clinic program square footages and speculate on the integration. 2. Clearly define a wall paneling system and the function that informs the circulation and the program. 3. Convincingly convey the argument for a dual program and show how it can happen.


Building’s Relation to Site

The building’s relationship to the site will be shown on the site maps that speak to natural occurrences. See I. Environmental Factors. B.

Specific Use of Building

Marine Research/ Disaster Responsiveness


Number of Occupants/User Groups

Approx. 300/ Scientists/Researchers/Disaster Response Personnel, potential military


Activities Housed

Lab 1: Marine/Coral Research, Lab 2: Diatom and Algae Research, Lab 3: Food Biology Research. Com-


mand center, Medical operations, biology meetings. Dispatch and delivery of goods. Helicopter landing, drone dispatch, small vessel arrival, dive study operations, biofuel sequestering, solar energy use. Back-up for Search and Rescue. E.

Building Massing and Interior/Exterior Characteristics


Light and Color, Other Aspects Relating to Environmental Psychology

Light and color will play an important role as the building will attempt to light itself with natural light during the daytime. This can be achieved with the light well that will be created from the central heli pad landing area which - majority of the time will be open to the sky. Light intake will occur on the peripheral of the building as well as through the side windows and potential ETFE pillows utilized on the canopy of the building. Color palette will stick to one that reflects a softness of the surrounding Hawaiian natural environment. It will be subtle and non-invasive. Pale blues and soft greens, whites. G. Layout Layout will be delineated by the diatom’s physical structure as influence as well as the program necessities. The layout will have 1 main floor, with 3 parts sectioned for each of the different 3 respective lab spaces. The clinic will become fully integrated into the lab layouts. A command center near the offices with data and communications will hug the center of the floor space and (potentially the central heli- pad) The other 3 points on the floor plan will serve as launching spaces for drones and helicopters (heli-pads). The bottom of the building (the underwater hull), will serve as storage as well as small water vessel arrival. Access to diving will be available in the lower hull as well. H. Circulation Circulation will aim to be fully invasive and fully integrated. Structure (based on the Triceratium Diatom) will delineate much of the circulation space- as well as notes taken from the Goldberg case studies. No traditional “hallway spaces” will be used. See Bertrand Goldberg case studies. I. Environmental Factors Environmental factors to be considered will include all natural disasters that could occur on the island mainly including tsunami or earthquake - as these are the main occurrences. Sunlight as it influences the solar energy intake will be considered. Rain, and surrounding ecosystem will also be considerations (marine life and coral.) 92

J. Sustainability Issues The project will aim to follow the Net Zero + Energy design concept. An example of this can be seen in the J. Craig Venter Lab case study. 1. Critical issues + features that might impact design strategies or concepts involved in the building, site and climate. A. Issues that might impact design strategies: hurricane/tsunami, and how that effects the water, roads, and people (access to food, shelter, medical). That it’s in the water. That the site requires that the only things be built in the area be devoted to marine research. Not so populated: so effects how much the public would visit. Protected waters/coral reef, so design has to keep that in mind. B. Features that might impact design strategies: Next to UH Manoa’s Coconut Island, is already a research facility, this backs up the use of a marine research lab. Somewhat “local” area, brings more attention to that side of the island. Calm bay, so building here is somewhat easy. Serene – can influence the aesthetics of the building. Next to Kaneohe marine base, so in the case of a disaster and emergency can work with the military if necessary. Search and rescue could increase on that side of the island because it is difficult to access. Near a boat harbor (Kaneohe Boat Harbor) so if there needs to be visitors, they can take a small sailboat close by. 2.

Written summary of the interior spaces in your project and their respective area allocations: Square feet.

A. Heli landing pad: this could be in the center (and/or on the 3 peripheries) -open to the sky.

B. Command/Communication Center – Opps – this should be located near the center, when receiving patients or communicating with helicopters. This should be connected with all data. -computer desks -wifi hookups in case of emergency -lan lines C. Marine Research Lab – The lab spaces should surround the peripheral of the building, and have access to sunlight, the walls, and the center when the heli-pad is not being used with movable carts to store, do experiments, and all the respective areas included. It should also have access to the sea, through dive ports, and also storage to store the food samples that are collected. The marine research lab will have 3 components: Marine wildlife and coral, diatoms and genetics, and algae, food production and biofuels. The Marine Research Lab will be synonymous with conversion into an ER Clinic in the event of an emergency. ADA compliant. 93

-lab tables and respective rooms -break room -bathrooms -dive room -locker room -rest beds -small library room 4. ER Clinic – will convert in emergency operations. Lab stations will convert into clinical tables. Lab workers will be evacuated onto adjacent Coconut Island to respective dormitories, or will assist with the food gathering during a natural disaster. Emergency exit P.O.T. is considered for ADA. The ER clinic will include: -triage -temp morgue -operating rooms (3) small -nurses/doctor’s station 5. Drone/Boat/ Dispatch/Deliver – The dispatch will operate ongoing on a global scale when emergency food packets are needed to be distributed. The delivery will operate on a daily basis for lab supplies/sugarcane and for emergency supplies during an emergency.

- will face the ocean outward.

6. The Wall/Skin/Ceiling – The wall will produce the food through solar energy (photosynthesis) 2 ways: 1 algae/diatom biofuel – and a vertical gardening system to incorporate some form of food (sugars). 7. Storage – Food will be stored here, emergency disaster shelters, extra medical supplies, battery and generators, blankets, etc., excess lab supplies, extra drones/defense. Wheelchair storage. 8. ADA Requirements - Since it is assumed that this is a public building, and that researchers could be handicapped, and during a disaster or emergency, people would need wheelchair assistance, or to get around the building in a wheelchair: -ramps: 5’x5’ unobstructed area at top and bottom, 48” wide per California Code, min 6’ in the direction of travel for turnaround. Slope= under 8% -Will need ADA compliant bathrooms (increase bathroom sq. footages, or make separate ADA bathrooms). -proper signage on doors and clearance area on doors. 94

Temperature for samples and Control cultures, Room flourescent lights, tubes Mini Culture Extra room for Lab Bay Lab (temp samples and controlled) culture, incubators Microscope Lighting controlled Lab Bay Room for microscope examination Fire Cabinet For flammables with fume and clear hoods (HVAC) Chemical For Chemicals Storage with fume and clear hoods (HVAC) Freezer Bay Larger area for storage of various biological substances

very small













Lab Bay, Chem Yes Storage, and Emerg. Flush Area





600 could be shared main space 300

Lab Bay, Fire Yes Cabinet and Emerg. Flush Area
















Lab Bay, near Yes Microscope Room, Other Temp Controlled Rooms Emergency To flush in case of Near Fire Cabinet, Yes Flush Area chemicals in eyes Chem Storage, Bathroom, Sleeping Room, and Lab Bay

Sleeping Room Dive Area

Lab Bay Bathroom, Sleeping Area, Dive Area For resting Lab Bay Bathroom, Dive Area For dispatch diving Lab Bay to collect marine Bathroom, samples in the Sleeping Area, bay, includes Dive Locker Storage, Storage Lunchroom


ADA? APPROX. SQ. TOTAL SQ. MODIFIED QTY. TOTAL SQ. FOOTAGE FOOTAGE SQ. FOOTAGE FOOTAGE Lab Bay Main lab space Microscope Yes 2400 2400 for 1 4000 for 3 12,000 area- study, laptop Room, Freezer Bay one study research, Bay, Emergency area conducting Flush Area, Fire experiments, Cabinet, includes shelving Centrafuge Area, Bathrooms, Mini Culture Lab, Main Temp Controlled Room Main Controlled temp Lab Bay Yes 150 150 but 200 3 600 Temperature for samples and very small Control cultures, Room flourescent lights, tubes Mini Culture Extra room for Lab Bay Yes 80 80 150 3 450 Lab (temp samples and controlled) culture, incubators Microscope Lighting controlled Lab Bay Room for microscope examination

Lunch Room Lunch/Breakroom Lab Bay Yes 300 300 300 1 300 Bathroom, Sleeping Area, Dive Area Bathroom Lab Bay Yes 100 100 75-300 4 300 Bathroom, Sleeping Area, Dive Area Centrafuge For mixing Lab Bay, Near Yes 300 300 300 3 900 Area cultures Temp Controlled (Gen Fig.103 ZGF Architects LLP, (2013). Rooms, Freezer eral, J. Craig Venter Institute Lab Bay. Retrieved from http://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Bay, Microscope Aisle) Room ADDED Locker Room For Employee storage














Total Modified Lab Area Sq. Footage: 44,550 SF. Total Modified Lab Area Sq. Ft. with Circulation: ~60,000 SF






Lab Bay, Chem Yes Storage, and Emerg. Flush Area





600 could be shared main space 300

Lab Bay, Fire Yes Cabinet and Emerg. Flush Area






Lab Bay, near Yes Microscope Room, Other Temp Controlled Rooms Emergency To flush in case of Near Fire Cabinet, Yes Flush Area chemicals in eyes Chem Storage, Bathroom, Sleeping Room, and Lab Bay











Lunch Room Lunch/Breakroom Lab Bay Bathroom, Sleeping Area, Dive Area Bathroom Lab Bay Bathroom, Sleeping Area, Dive Area Centrafuge For mixing Lab Bay, Near Area cultures Temp Controlled Rooms, Freezer Bay, Microscope Room













Yes 300 (Gen eral, Aisle)








Fire Cabinet For flammables with fume and clear hoods (HVAC) Chemical For Chemicals Storage with fume and clear hoods (HVAC) Freezer Bay Larger area for storage of various biological substances

ADDED Locker Room For Employee

Lab Bay



Fig. 104 Southwick, C. (2016) Triceratium Dubium drawing, pencil and watercolor




hough the scope and program outlined in the previous chapter lists an extensive integration of systems and a hefty scope the final design must save some further features for further development due to time constraints with the project. The design process successfully kept in mind the full scope and program with consideration of responsive skins, systems integration, and lightweight materials and structure at the same time. In this way, the design process incorporated synergistic-thinking while making several iterations and revisits back to trending ideas in a cyclical manner. The beginning of the process began with diatom research, visits to the J. Craig Venter Lab and Scripps Institute of Oceanography, and experimentation with the possibilities that Grasshopper and computational design could offer. In Phase II, computation was left by the wayside during the process of designing as the site and program were analyzed more in depth. By Phase III, a decision was made to leave computation out completely (other than in the development of the structure, using Kangaroo) and to embrace the manner of methodology that was synergistic design thinking and express the project as such. Detailed focus accompanied the multi-responsive wall and layered systems within the canopy as speculative for further development computationally in the future.


4.1 Phase I


hase I of the research and design process involved understanding Janine Benyus’s Biomimetic Principles and asking which of these char-

acteristics of biology can be emulated in the scope of the thesis project based on the study of diatoms. Many diatoms were analyzed, drawn, and diagrammed. Visits to J.Craig Venter Lab allowed for more detailed understanding.

Fig. 106

Fig. 105


Fig. 107 Fig. 105-107 Southwick, C. (2015). Southwick, Powerpoint Excerpt [Fall 2015].

Fig. 109 Southwick, C. (2015). Powerpoint excerpt, modified image [2015].

Fig. 108 Southwick, C. (2015). Southwick, Diatom study notes.

Fig. 110 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom design charette, pencil on bristol/collage.



art of figuring out what biomimetic principles could be designed for involved the synergistic-thinking applied to the program and integrated systems. Coming to that determination involved categorizing all of the research information to organize it for further study. (See right).

Fig. 111 (above) Southwick, C. (2015). Program and systems flow chart draft, Adobe Illustrator. Fig. 112 (left) Southwick, C. (2015). Program and systems flow chart draft, notebook illustration.


Fig. 113 Southwick, C. (2015). Research subjects organization, notebook sketches and tabs.



Fig. 114 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process illustrations, pencil on paper, for conversation with Rajaa Issa.

Fig. 115 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process digital translation, Adobe Illustrator


ate in Phase I it was still anticipated that computational design would play a large part of the process towards design. Some preliminary experimentation (shown left) included attempts to study, understand, and emulate the growth process of diatoms through the use of Grasshopper. There were somewhat successful, however due to limitations of time and the large amount that it would add to the scope, this process was set aside for future implementation.

Fig. 116 a,b,c,d (all images) Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process digital translation, Adobe Illustrator / Grasshopper


Fig. 117 a,b (left) Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process digital translation, Grasshopper experiments Fig. 118 (below) Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process, pencil on paper, for discussion with Rajaa Issa.






Fig. 119 (above) Southwick, Ty. (2015). photo, Interview with Mark Hildebrand, Phd. at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Fig. 120 (below) Southwick, C. (2015). photo, Visit to J. Craig Venter Lab with Ariel Rabines.

Fig. 121 (above) Southwick, C. (2015). Grasshopper definition experimentation of diatom growth process Fig. 122 (below) Southwick, C. (2015). Adobe Illustrator illustration of diatom growth process in Grasshopper 1




Divide Arcs


Interpolate Curves at u/v intersections


Hex Polygon at u/v intersections


To make a slice of the diatom growth process, a slice of the frustule can be modeled setting up an arc with a slider and a panel with varying distances for the arc. This is because the spacing of the pores tends to increase as they radiate outward in a centric diatom.

Hex Polygon at Grid Cell Center


View of all Hex’s

To begin to establish where the pores are going to lay, a grid must be created. In this case, the arc geometry is divided into 4. Divisions may be isolated and then curves can be run through the intersections of the divided arcs to finalize the grid. The Cull componenet isolates the 3 internal grid intersections for which the geometry can be added. This is because the pores do not form directly on the microtubules. Above shows the hexagons added to the centers of the cells of the grid. The size of the hexagons can be varied in size as the definiton is developed. The outer curves of the slice are piped to show the microtubules. .


4.2 Phase II


hase II involved extensive research and diagramming in four processes. These processes included: 1. Choosing a specific diatom, the Triceratium Dubium, which also happened to be found in proximity to the chosen site. 2. Choosing a site that represented the ideals of synergistics and would best accommodate a marine research lab and disaster relief center. 3. Drawing out several iterations of potential floor plans based on command centers and Bertrand Goldberg floor plans (due to their fluid nature and organic forms for the basis of space/programmatic arrangement). 4. Exploring the skin-system which would further inform the functional aspects and arrangement of the program and the structure while returning to the diatom for the biomimetic principles that would be incorporated.

Fig. 123 (left) Southwick, C. (2015). Triceratium dubium, illustration, pencil and watercolor Fig. 124 (above) Kunkel, D. (2009). Triceratium dubium SEM image,


Fig. 125 (above) Southwick, C. (2015). Triceratium dubium direct form for building mimick experimentation with program speculation, illustration, pencil and pen


Fig. 126 (above) Southwick, C. (2016). Modification of USGS map of regional world placement of Hawaiian Islands. Fig. 127 (below) tsunami aware, (2016), tsunami evacuation zone map, www.hawaii.gov


Fig. 128 (above) www.hawaii.gov, (2016) regional map of Oahu


he site analysis was observed on the macro-world scale and the micro-nano scale, meaning, it was imperative that as much analysis as possible be done to understand how all systems can work together globally and microscopically, The location of Kaneohe Bay, next to Coconut Island, a UH Manoa Marine Research Lab that was connected globally with other marine research labs surrounding, as well as it’s proximity to other countries in which it could serve in the case of a disaster, led to the choice of this site. Tsunami surge maps ensured that Kaneohe Bay would be one of the least affected areas in the case of a natural disaster, and its proximity to Kaneohe Marine Base would allow for an exchange of logistics and resources, if necessary. It also serves a less-served part of the island, the East side, which is located an hour from Honolulu.

Fig. 129 Group 70 International, (n.d), plan view of Coconut Island, http://hawaii.edu/himb/ index.html

Fig. 130 Bing, Harria Corp, Earthstar Geographica, LLC, (2013), https://d2uwiw6d5caku1.cloudfront.net/ sites/collaborate.org/files/kaneohe_bay.jpg

Fig. 131 Southwick,C. and T. (2016), Site sections and analysis for sizing and placement of Diatometica in the bay.


Fig. 133 (above) Southwick, C., (2016), notebook sketches

Fig. 132 (above) Southwick, C. (2016), dual program analysis notebook sketch


Fig. 134 (right) Southwick, C., Goldberg plan traces

Fig. 135 Southwick C., (2016), Goldberg plan traces (modified).

Fig. 136 Southwick, C., (2016), Goldberg plan traces and calcs.


Fig. 137 (above) Southwick, C., (2016), military control centers, and hypothetical space station case studies (various authors), board except Fig. 138 (below) Southwick, C., (2016), case studies (various authors), helipad, USNS Comfort, and hosueboat, board excerpt.


Fig. 139 (all this page) Southwick, C., (2016), Goldberg and space station floor plan concept trace-overs


Fig. 142 Southwick, C., (2016), form and paneling concept notebook sketches

Fig. 141 Southwick, C., (2016), schematic concept notebook sketch


Fig. 143 Southwick, C., (2016), rough pencil concept sketch of funnels and panels


Fig. 144 Southwick, C., (2016), rough pencil concept sketch of panel connections

Fig. 145 Southwick, C., (2016), concept notebook sketch of solar input and movement as related to ETFE and PV frits

Fig. 146 Southwick, C., (2016), Rhino model of hexagon layered panel prototype


Fig. 147 Southwick, C., (2016), Labeled Rhino exploded perspective of panel components

Fig. 148 Southwick, C., (2016), Preliminary concept render of interior space in site context with columns.


4.3 Phase III


hase III encompassed rapid design decision-making based on Phase I and Phase II, and further exhausted what became the multi-functional column/ paneling system. Phase III also explored the modeling of the main form - a lattice space-frame structure composed of catenary curves and arches, based on the readings and case studies that included analysis work of Frei Otto and the determination that light-framed shell-structures proved the way to construct a buoyant and structurally stable diatom-like floating building. Kangaroo in Grasshopper was used to generate a triangular-grid with funnel columns. The funnel columns house the integrated systems and take in the input from the paneled canopy of ETFE, PV frits, water, O2, CO2, diatoms, and biofuel from above. The system responds to, and runs on, sunlight, oxygen, and water - to emulate the most important biological function learned from understanding diatoms - photosynthesis. The drawings on the next few pages show that design analysis.


Fig. 149 Southwick, C., (2016), 3-layered ETFE, space-frame, and diatom panel grid system, finalized iteration.


three-layered frame system was developed. Much debate occurred about what was structural, and what was not. Conclusively, though the columns which become part of the overall canopy (and the three frames) are not “necessary� for structure, the designer insisted that they would aid in buoyancy and even distribution of load in a cyclical manner. Some of this hypothesis came from the observation of the shell structures of diatoms, in which both halves, which grow simultaneously together via a series of columns, are both structurally strong, and float.

Fig. 151 Southwick, C., (2016), 3-layered ETFE, space-frame, and diatom panel grid system, plan view, Rhino

Fig. 150 Southwick, C., (2016), Overall form drawings and diagrid discussion sketches with Mitra Kanaani


Fig. 152 Southwick, C., (2016), Notebook sketch working out traingular grid in Kangaroo, (with Ryan Stangl)


Fig. 153 Southwick, C., (2016), Sketch working out column placement on traingular grid


he interior frame became bamboo, for its lightweight properties, local provisions, ability to carry water, and friendly (and less sterile) indoor appeal.

Fig. 154 Southwick, C., (2016), Bamboo and steel connection detail at cutout in waffle slab floor, [Toyo Ito inspiration]

Fig. 155 Southwick, C., (2016), Integrated systems and panel sketches, ink on vellum


Fig. 156/157 Southwick, C., (2016), Research sketches on ETFE and design sketches for integrated system


Fig. 158 Southwick, C., (2016), ETFE and grid concept sketches

Fig. 159 Southwick, C., (2016), Render of space frame and systems

Fig. 161 Southwick, C., (2016), ETFE pillow and funnel system concept sketches, with V. Dimircay/M.Kanaani


Fig. 163 Southwick, C., (2016), Concept sketch

Fig. 164 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration of Rhino model, perspective view

Fig. 162 Southwick, C., (2016), Notebook concept sketches of overall building form, finalization of form


Fig. 165 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration of Rhino model, elevation view

Fig. 166 (above) Southwick, C., (2016), Site aerial view with building next to Coconut Island, orginal image http://coconutislandnews.blogspot. com/2012_02_01_archive.html

Fig. 168 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration of Rhino model showing 3 frame layers, exploded axon

Fig. 167 (left) Southwick, C., (2016), Site aerial view with building next to Coconut Island, orginal image by Douglas Peebles (modified)



Fig. 169 Southwick, C., (2016), Section cut trial, Rhino pen drawing

Fig. 172 Southwick, C., (2016), Bird’s eye view of section cut shown in Fig. 169

Fig. 170 Southwick, C., (2016), Final design elevation view, Rhino render

Fig. 173 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration, interior view, Rhino wireframe render view

Fig. 171 Southwick, C., (2016), Plan view Rhino technical drawing

Fig. 174 Southwick, C., (2016), Underside of the “hull” with view of reef lattices, Rhino render

Fig. 175 Southwick, C., (2016), Perspective view facing Chinaman’s Hat, Kaneohe Bay, Rhino render / Photoshop



he top layer of the canopy consists of triangular ETFE pillows with fritted PVS, a second layer of a diatom growing panel, and a third layer for LED lighting, the collection of diatoms and future implementation of systems. The bamboo interior framework also allows for an attachable hydroponic vertical garden system.


(clockwise from left to center) Fig. 176 Southwick, C., (2016), Detail drawing in plan view of diatom panel system, micron in vellum Fig. 177 Southwick, C., (2016), Detail drawing in section view of entire frame/panel/column system Fig. 178 Southwick, C., (2016), Notebook sketch of pvs and sunlight attenuation on frits Fig. 179 Southwick, C., (2016), Preliminary notebook sketch of multi-layerd system in columm Fig. 180 Southwick, C., (2016), Render of column and frameowrk, Rhino render

Fig. 181 Southwick, C., (2016), Interior render on typical laboratory operations day, Rhino / Photoshop


Fig. 183 Southwick, C., (2016), Rough programmatic floor plan, Rhino/Revit/Illustrator


he floor plan was left loose and open, with only the 3 columns in the central area as specimen collection spaces and gathering spaces. The movable translucent polycarbonate louver panel doors allow for breezes to pass through the open floor plan, as well as a stunning view of the bay. Cloth partitions and laptop stations on wheels allow for great mobility for cross collaboration. Movable cloth partitions will also allow for

the rapid transition to private rooms in the event of a natural disaster. Fig. 182 Southwick, C., (2016), Floorplan notebook sketch


Fig. 183a Southwick, C., (2016), Interior render of logistics and disaster relief, Rhino / Photoshop



he design of Diatometica integrates several systems, floats, is lightweight, and underwater frames assist reef rehabilitation. Dive hatches allow researchers to descend into the marine wildlife refuge and study turtles, fish, and reef sharks, and ensure that coral is growing healthy and actively to absorb the environment’s CO2. The building functions like the diatoms floating in the ocean surrounding it. Absorbing sunlight and CO2, storing energy, water, and regenerating itself succinctly with the resources that it takes. Diatometica aims to serve the surrounding environment and exist as a catalyst for learning, inspiration, the advancement of sustainable solutions and a new way of looking at the world.

Fig. 184 Southwick, C., (2016), Elevation render, exterior view, Rhino/ Photoshop







e know that we need rapid design solutions to aid in our massive environmental problems - now. To this end, we can no longer dabble in this or that; we have no more time to become specialists only. We must become the generalists that R. Buckminster Fuller suggested we become almost 60 years ago. More is more with our design thinking, and combining materials for efficiency to work with an array of processes and systems within a building. We must maximize and rapidly increase our learning, knowledge database, and cross-disciplinary interactions. Diatometica was a study on biomimetics, synergistic methodology, and an experiment of design-thinking. The end result attempted to become a visual representation of this process - with integrated systems and synergistic reflections of the biology (the diatom) being key. Through the practice of “biting off more than one can chew� information was gathered, sorted, edited, translated, consulted, compared, then regathered, sorted, etc. - again and again with the diatom as the guide. The design intuitively took form early on, with the more detailed and rigorous articulation coming only in short bursts towards the end of this process. OBSERVATION


bservations truly reflect the necessity for a cross-disciplinary approach towards design, and understanding of biology and a willingness to put new found parts together from lesser-known territories (i.e., microbiology, and newer materials and technology for this study). The information gathered from biologists Ariel Rabines, at J. Craig Venter Lab, and Mark Hildebrand, Ph.D. at Scripps Institute of Oceanography proved invaluable for informing important detailed nuances regarding microbiology and the diatom and a greater understanding of biological processes that could not be understood from readings and research alone. Parallels and commonalities between the industries proved the need for the greater collaboration between the field of architecture and biology. Some of these examples included commonalities with nano-technology: for biologists, this crosses over with the field of design in the area of PV panels and surgical applications. Other examples of commonalities include the willingness to incorporate algae (phytoplankton) to be used as alternative energy methods. Learning how effective diatoms could be (greater than algae), is currently not commonly known in the field of architecture based on research findings and case studies. An interest emerged from the biology side to pursue the design of a diatom panel prototype. Clearly, the experts notice the importance of such a concept for growing diatoms and integrating them into building systems. On the other front, as designers can understand the details of energy


and the use of microbiology better, systems and materials can be designed better. Having the perspective of people within the science community - to think about architecture, advances both fields as a whole. The aspects that proved most successful in this thesis study was the employment of synergistic design thinking, as it allowed for the grasping of many variables at once, and the sifting of what could be most important, and what could be discarded. Consideration of all possibilities proved useful over all, though challenging, in narrowing design decisions. The cross-collaboration and interdisciplinary aspect of the thesis also proved a very successful component and concluded to be invaluable. The exchange of dialogue between biologists and designer helped the design decisions to advance quickly - far more quickly than they could with isolation to one discipline. New ideas arrived through this exchange, both innovative and progressive. The usefulness of parametric design tools (in this case Grasshopper and Kangaroo) proved useful in a rapid generation of form - and allow the potential for the adjustable variables that will be needed in this design. No other modeling method could generate the geometry as rapidly with allowable room for further optimizations. The less successful aspects of this thesis lay in the ability to coordinate all committee members and keep everyone on the same page with the design thinking - as coordinated meetings between biologists and professors could not match up at the rate of the design thinking. The value of having consultants understand biological processes and vice versa proved of great value. SUGGESTIONS


he author recommends in the immediate coordination of all parties involved in the future to make sure that all thought processes and patterns between designers and biologists are on the same page from the beginning. The difficulty may be found in reasserting a common goal - and one leading such a project should be certain that every member can envision the same goal. “Too many cooks in the kitchen� as the saying goes, can lead to a great deal of side-tracking with research. The objectives for the building design should be laid out as clearly as possible from the beginning. This, of course, can be difficult if the designer has yet to understand the biology and all its processes. Therefore, even before the designer determines all of the building’s objectives, the author recommends individual consultation with the biologists first to fully understand the biology and then begin the collaboration with other designers, engineers, and consultants. Success from this can lead to a very enjoyable discourse, filled with exciting exchanges in ideas and hopeful advances for the future and our environment. 135




Below shows excerpts from the Fall 2015 Powerpoint Presentation. The presentation explored the initial thesis statement, the statement of the challenge, and other preliminary writings, as well as showcased some initial theoretical case studies and preliminary diatom research. The excerpts on the following page show a beginning attempt to integrate computation into the design process by attempting to emulate the growth of a diatom. Other preliminary concepts explored were integrated systems and B. Fuller’s Dymaxion map as a basis for a concept that several “Diatometica” buildings could be located globally and cluster together.

Fig. 185 (all this page) Southwick, C., (2015), Images taken from midterm Powerpoint presentation


Fig. 186 (all this page) Southwick, C., (2015), Images taken from final Powerpoint presentation



Fig. 187 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 1, diatom, analysis, method, winter midterm Presetnation



Fig. 188 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 2, Site analysis, and site sections, Winter midterm presetnation

Fig. 189 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 3, Cases tudies, Winter midterm presentation

Fig. 190 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 4, Case studies, Winter midterm presentation





Fig. 191 (all this page) Southwick, C., (2016), Images taken from winter final Powerpoint presentation

Fig. 192 (all this page) Southwick, C., (2016), Images taken from final Powerpoint presentation




Fig. 193 (all this page) Southwick, C., (2015), Spring midterm board


Fig. 194 Southwick, C., (2016), Spring final presentation and grad show board





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of F





p. Fig. # 0 1 2 4 6 6 6 6 8 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 18 20 21 22 23 24 28 28 29 32 34 36 42

p. Fig. #

Fig. 1 Fuller, R. Buckminster, https://bfi.org/about-fuller/big-ideas 42 Fig. 2 73 Diatom SEM, Gschmeissner, Steven, http://healerdimitri.com/wp/symatics/diatoms/ 44 Fig. 3 Kunstformen der Natur Haekel, Ernst. (1900), http://caliban.mpiz-koeln.mpg.de/haeckel/kunst forme high/Tafel_004_300.html Fig. 4 “Space Station Flies Over Super Typhoon Mayack” ESA/NASA/Cristoforetti, Samantha (2015), http:// 46 www.nasa.gov/content/space-station-flies-over-super-typhoon-maysak Fig. 5 Children play in Central Java Jufri,Kemal/Greenpeace, http://www.theguardian.com/global-develop 47 ment/2016/mar/21/half-world-cooking-stone-age-world-health-organisation-report-dr-maria-neira 48 Fig. 6 Mutunga David, (2013), https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Water_in_Kibera_Slum.jpg Fig.7 Sanjeev Verma/Hindustan Times via Getty Images, (2015). http://www.vox. 48 com/2015/2/24/8094597/india-air-pollution-deaths Fig. 8 One Green Planet, (2015). http://ecochiccayman.com/2015/07/22/the-ocean-is-not-a-trash-can/ 48 Fig. 9 Dymaxion Map Fuller, Buckminster, (1943), http://basementgeographer.com/the-dymax 48 ion-map-projection-of-buckminster-fuller/ 48 Fig. 10 Diatom Alga, SEM, Gschmeissner, Steven, (2013), http://fineartamerica.com/featured/22-diatom-al 50 ga-sem-steve-gschmeissner.html Fig. 11, Fuller, Buckminster, (1961),http://www.dexigner.com/news/image/22008/sfmoma_Fuller_Geode 52 sic_Dome Fig. 12 Triceratium Dubium SEM, Kunkel, Dennis, (2009), Triceratium Dubium SEM http://www.denniskun 52 kel.com/detail/11051.html Fig. 13 Fuller, Buckminster, http://www.design-is-fine.org/post/46175201264/buckminster-fuller-sketch-syn 52 ergy 52 Fig. 14 Blueprint, Geodesic dome patent drawing (modified) Fuller, Buckminster,1965, https://www.aspi reauctions.com/#!/catalog/327/1549/lot/59224 52 Fig. 15 Portrait, Buckminster Fuller (author unknown), http://spacecollective.org/a0013237932294 52 Fig. 16 Anne Hewlett Fuller Dome Home, (modified),Heckman, Thad, 2011 (original) Fuller, Buckminster, 54 http://www.architectmagazine.com/technology/the-restoration-of-buckminster-fullers-dome-home- kicks-off-saturday_o 54 Fig. 17 Dymaxian House Plan Fuller, Buckminster, (1927), http://www.womade.org/mondi-inedi ti-da-molteplici-prospettive-diorama/ 54 Fig. 18 Triceratium sp., SEM image, Walker, M.I., (2014), http://fineartamerica.com/featured/tricerati 55 um-sp-m-i-walker.html 55 Fig. 19 Actinocyclus radiatus SEM, Gschmeissner, S., www.allposters.com Fig. 20 Triceratium castelliferum marine, SEM, Gschmeissner, S., www.fineartamerica.com 56 Fig. 21 Campylodiscus sp. SEM, Gschmeissner, S., www.fineartamerica.com 58 Fig. 22 Theoretical Framework,Southwick, Courtney, (2015), Illustrator 58 Fig. 23 Triceratium Favus SEM, Biophoto Associates, http://fineartamerica.com/products/diatom-tricerati 59 um-favus-biophoto-associates-metal-print.html 59 Fig. 24 Fraunhofer ISE, 2008, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080130194130.htm 59 Fig. 25 Outdoor plant with five 30-liter flat-panel airlift reactors Fraunhofer IGB, http://www.lifesciences. 60 fraunhofer.de/en/leuchtturmprojekte/geschaeftsfeld_4/lipidreiche-algenbiomasse.html 60 Fig. 26 Wipeter,CC BY-SA 3.0, https://com mons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5682386 61 Fig. 27 Science Photo Library, (2010), Diatom, SEM, http://en.scanpix.no/spWebApp/preview/editorial/sy 61 00e7ed 61 Fig. 28 Science Photo Library, (2009), Diatom SEM image, https://thiswoo.wordpress.com/2009/07/09/ 62 downsizing-right-down/ 63 Fig. 29 Syndetoneis amplectans dividing, SEM, Gschmeissner, S., http://www.sciencephoto.com/me 63 dia/15912/view 64 Fig. 30 Historic diagram of skin at high-magnification, http://www.webhealthsolution.com/skin/integumenta64 ry-system-anatomy 65

Fig. 31 Media ICT by Cloud 9 Architects, http://www.elconsorci.net/files/MEDIATIC_05_1288.jpg Fig. 32 Altered image by Southwick, C., unknown author, https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia commons/5/54/2002_CPR_Technique.jpg,http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__ cb20121212113719/dragonball/images/8/8b/Earth2(BoG).png Fig. 33 Intelesense - (Bing, 2013), https://d2uwiw6d5caku1.cloudfront.net/sites/collaborate.org/files/ kaneohe_bay.jpg Fig. 34 Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, Nautical Chart, NOAA, (2015), www.hawaii.gov Fig. 35 Sugar cane field, http://www.hawaiiactive.com/blog/wp-content/images/2012/09/cane-field. jpg Fig. 37 Glen Mahagnoy, one of the evicted residence of the plantation families of Oahu, http://cou talkstory.com/?tag=turtle-bay-resort Fig. 38 http://www.kualoa.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/ariel-shots-006.jpg Fig. 39 http://hawaiiturtletours.com/circle-island-tour/ Fig. 40 Children graduating, https://21maile.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/nes-grad-2012a.jpg Fig. 41 Render of Interior, ecoLogicStudio, (2014), http://www.ecologicstudio.com/v2/project.php?id cat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137 Fig. 42 Triceratium Favus SEM, Biophoto Associates, http://fineartamerica.com/products/diatom-tricer atium-favus-biophoto-associates-metal-print.html Fig. 43 Marine centric diatom frustule (Triceratium dubium), SEM, Kunkel, Dennis, (2009), http://www. denniskunkel.com/detail/11051.html Fig. 44 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Fig. 45 Bowoos Pavilion, Halbe, Roland, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/62-bowooss- sommerpavillon-an-der-schule-fuer-architektur-saar Fig. 46 River City Plan, Goldberg, Bertrand, http://bertrandgoldberg.org/projects/river-city/ Fig. 47 Halbe, Roland, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs Fig. 48 Marine centric diatom frustule (Triceratium dubium), SEM, Kunkel, Dennis, (2009), http://www. denniskunkel.com/detail/11051.html Fig. 49 Diatom, SEM colored image, Science Photo Library, (2010), http://en.scanpix.no/spWebApp/ preview/editorial/sy00e7ed Fig. 50 Diatom alga SEM, Gschmeissner, S., http://www.sciencephoto.com/ Fig. 51 Actinocyclus radiatus SEM, Gschmeissner, S., http://www.sciencephoto.com/ Fig. 52 Diatom SEM image, Science Photo Library, (2009), https://thiswoo.wordpress. com/2009/07/09downsizing-right-down/ Fig. 53 Strawberrysleep on flick,r, diatoms, http://imgur.com/gallery/8U70W Fig. 54 Halbe, Roland, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs Fig. 55 Pohl, Göran, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs Fig. 56 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1).pdf Fig. 57 Halbe, Roland, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs Fig. 58 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1).pdf Fig. 59 Pohl, Göran, http://www.pohlarchitekten.de/projects/item/31-pavillon-cocoon-fs Fig. 60 Pohl Architects, digital model, 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1).pdf Fig. 61 Pohl Architects, panel pieces, 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1).pdf Fig. 62 Pohl Architects, Digital Panels, pohlarchitekten.de Fig. 63 Pohl Architects, digital model, 120131_1005-COCOON_D_web%20(1).pdf Fig. 64 Merrick, N., http://www.aiatopten.org/node/495 Fig. 65 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Fig. 66 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Fig. 67 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Fig. 68 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Fig. 69 https://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125

p. Fig. #

p. Fig. #

66 Fig.70 http://www.archdaily.com/443648/new-hospital-tower-rush-university-medical-center-perkins-will 66 Fig.71 http://www.archdaily.com/443648/new-hospital-tower-rush-university-medical-center-perkins-will 67 Fig. 72 Perkins+ Will, http://www.archdaily.com/443648/new-hospital-tower-rush-university-medical-cen ter-perkins-will 67 Fig. 72a Author, Modified Tenth Floor Plan of Rush Medical Hospital, 2016 68 Fig. 73 River City Plan, Goldberg, Bertrand, http://bertrandgoldberg.org/projects/river-city/ 69 Fig. 74 Floating World’s Fair, Goldberg, B., (1984), http://bertrandgoldberg.org/works/gallery-by-name/ 69 Fig. 75 River City Detail Plan, Goldberg, B., http://bertrandgoldberg.org/projects/river-city/ 69 Fig. 76 Prentice Women’s Hospital Model, Goldberg, B., http://bertrandgoldberg.org/projects/good-samari tan-hospital/ 69 Fig. 77 Prentice Women’s Hospital Plan Floor Plan, Goldberg, B., http://www.artic.edu/aic/collections/art work/212487 70 Fig. 78 Linden, J. (2016). Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal Center [Digital image]. Retrieved 2016, from http://www.archdaily.com/784723/etfe-the-rise-of-architectures-favorite-polymer 71 Fig. 79 Foster & Partners, (2014), Grand Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, http://inhabitat.com/norman-fos ters-grand-canary-wharf-crossrail-station-in-london-is-almost-finished/ 71 Fig. 81 Foster & Partners, (2014), Grand Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, http://inhabitat.com/norman-fos ters-grand-canary-wharf-crossrail-station-in-london-is-almost-finished/ 72 Fig. 82 Ruogu, Zhou, http://www.e-architect.co.uk/beijing/watercube-beijing 73 Fig. 83 elkongraphia.com/?p=63.jpg 73 Fig. 84 http://www.water-cube.com/en/venues/development/ 74 Fig. 85 http://www.edenproject.com/visit/whats-here/rainforest-biome 75 Fig. 86 https://buildingskins.wordpress.com/category/plastics-etfe/eden-project/ 75 Fig. 87 http://en.wiegel.de/why-wiegel/references/referenz-detail-en/article/eden-project-mit-mero-und- wiegel/ 75 Fig. 88 http://www.solaripedia.com/files/260.pdf 75 Fig.89 http://www.solaripedia.com/files/260.pdf 75 Fig.90 http://www.solaripedia.com/files/260.pdf 75 Fig.91 http://www.solaripedia.com/files/260.pdf 76 Fig. 92 GreenPix Energy Media Wall, Exterior with LED’s in operation, http://www.archdaily.com/245/grern pix-zero-energy-media-wall 77 Fig. 93 Palmer, Frank GreenPix Energy Media Wall, Exterior, http://www.arup.com/projects/greenpix_ zero_energy_media_wall 77 Fig. 94 GreenPix Energy Media Wall, Interior with Wiring Arrangement, http://www.archdaily.com/245/ greenpix-zero-energy-media-wall 78 Fig.95 ecoLogicStudio, Render of Interior, 2014, http://www.ecologicstudio.com/v2/project.php?id cat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137 79 Fig. 96 ecoLogicStudio, Section, Elevation, Detail, Bio-sensor detail, 2014, all http://www.ecologicstudio. com/v2/project.php?idcat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137 79 Fig.97 ecoLogicStudio, Section, Elevation, Detail, Bio-sensor detail, 2014, all http://www.ecologicstudio. com/v2/project.php?idcat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137 79 Fig. 98 ecoLogicStudio, Section, Elevation, Detail, Bio-sensor detail, 2014, all http://www.ecologicstudio. com/v2/project.php?idcat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137 79 Fig 99 ecoLogicStudio, Section, Elevation, Detail, Bio-sensor detail, 2014, all http://www.ecologicstudio. com/v2/project.php?idcat=3&idsubcat=59&idproj=137 84 Fig. 100 Southwick, C., (2016), Drawing of detail canopy system 86 Fig. 101 https://www.hawaii-aloha.com/blog/2014/07/29/setting-sail-for-the-kaneohe-bay-sandbar/ 88 Fig.102 By Author, program diagram, (2016)Fig.103 ZGF Architects LLP, (2013). J. Craig Venter


Institute Lab Bay. Retrieved from http://issuu.com/zgfarchitectsllp/docs/j._craig_ven ter_institute?e=5145747/7966125

96 98 98 98 99 99 99 100 100 101 102 102 103 104 104 105 105 105 105 106 106 107 108 108 108 109 109 109 110 110 111 111 112 112 113 114 114 115 116 116 116 117 118

Fig.103 ZGF Architects LLP, (2013). J. Craig Venter Institute Lab Bay. Retrieved from http://iszgfarchitectsllp/ docs/j._craig_venter_institute?e=5145747/7966125 Fig. 104 Southwick, C. (2016) Triceratium Dubium drawing, pencil and watercolor Fig. 105 Southwick, C. (2015). Powerpoint Excerpt [Fall 2015]. Fig. 106 Southwick, C. (2015). Southwick, Powerpoint Excerpt [Fall 2015]. Fig. 107 Southwick, C. (2015). Powerpoint Excerpt [Fall 2015]. Fig. 108 Southwick, C. (2015). Southwick, Diatom study notes. Fig. 109 Southwick, C. (2015). Powerpoint excerpt, modified image [2015]. Fig. 110 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom design charette, pencil on bristol/collage. Fig. 111 Southwick, C. (2015). Program and systems flow chart draft, Adobe Illustrator. Fig. 112 Southwick, C. (2015). Program and systems flow chart draft, notebook illustration. Fig. 113 Southwick, C. (2015). Research subjects organization, notebook sketches and tabs. Fig. 114 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process illustrations, pencil on paper, for conversation with Rajaa Issa. Fig. 115 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process digital translation, Adobe Illustrator Fig. 116 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process digital translation, Adobe Illustrator / Grasshopper Fig. 117 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process digital translation, Grasshopper experiments Fig. 118 Southwick, C. (2015). Diatom growth process, pencil on paper, for discussion with Rajaa Issa. Fig. 119 Southwick, Ty. (2015). photo, Interview with Mark Hildebrand, Phd. at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Fig. 120 Southwick, C. (2015). photo, Visit to J. Craig Venter Lab with Ariel Rabines. Fig. 121 Southwick, C. (2015). Grasshopper definition experimentation of diatom growth process Fig. 122 Southwick, C. (2015). Adobe Illustrator illustration of diatom growth process in Grasshopper Fig. 123 Southwick, C. (2015). Triceratium dubium, illustration, pencil and watercolor Fig. 124 Kunkel, D. (2009). Triceratium dubium SEM image, Fig. 125 Southwick, C. (2015). Triceratium dubium direct form for building mimick experimentation with pro gram speculation, illustration, pencil and pen Fig. 126 Southwick, C. (2016). Modification of USGS map of regional world placement of Hawaiian Islands. Fig. 127 tsunami aware, (2016), tsunami evacuation zone map, www.hawaii.gov Fig. 128 www.hawaii.gov, (2016) regional map of Oahu Fig. 129 Group 70 International, (n.d), plan view of Coconut Island, http://hawaii.edu/himb/index.html Fig. 130 Bing, Harria Corp, Earthstar Geographica, LLC, (2013), https://d2uwiw6d5caku1.cloudfront.net/sites/col laborate.org/files/kaneohe_bay.jpg Fig. 131 Southwick, C. (2016), dual program analysis notebook sketch Fig. 133 Southwick, C., (2016), notebook sketches Fig. 134 Southwick, C., Goldberg plan traces Fig. 135 Southwick C., (2016), Goldberg plan traces (modified). Fig. 136 Southwick, C., (2016), Goldberg plan traces and calcs. Fig. 137 Southwick, C., (2016), military control centers, and hypothetical space station case studies (various au thors), board except Fig. 138 Southwick, C., (2016), case studies (various authors), helipad, USNS Comfort, and hosueboat, board ex cerpt. Fig. 139 Southwick, C., (2016), Goldberg and space station floor plan concept trace-overs Fig. 141 Southwick, C., (2016), schematic concept notebook sketch Fig. 142 Southwick, C., (2016), form and paneling concept notebook sketches Fig. 143 Southwick, C., (2016), rough pencil concept sketch of funnels and panels Fig. 144 Southwick, C., (2016), rough pencil concept sketch of panel connections Fig. 146 Southwick, C., (2016), Rhino model of hexagon layered panel prototype Fig. 147 Southwick, C., (2016), Labeled Rhino exploded perspective of panelcomponents Fig. 148 Southwick, C., (2016), Preliminary concept render of interior space in site context with columns. Fig. 149 Southwick, C., (2016), 3-layered ETFE, space-frame, and diatom panel grid system, finalized iteration.

p. Fig. # 119 119 120 120 121 121 122 122 123 123 123 124 124 124 124 125 125 125 126 126 126 126 126 126 127 128 128 128 128 128 129 130 130 131 133 140 141 142 142 143 143 144 145 146 147 149

Fig. 150 Southwick, C., (2016), Overall form drawings and diagrid discussion sketches with Mitra Kanaani Fig. 151 Southwick, C., (2016), 3-layered ETFE, space-frame, and diatom panel grid system, plan view, Rhino Fig. 152 Southwick, C., (2016), Notebook sketch working out traingular grid in Kangaroo, (with Ryan Stangl) Fig. 153 Southwick, C., (2016), Sketch working out column placement on traingular grid Fig. 154 Southwick, C., (2016), Bamboo and steel connection detail at cutout in waffle slab floor, [Toyo Ito inspiration] Fig. 155 Southwick, C., (2016), Integrated systems and panel sketches, ink on vellum Fig. 156 Southwick, C., (2016), Research sketches on ETFE and design sketches for integrated system Fig. 157 Southwick, C., (2016), Research sketches on ETFE and design sketches for integrated system Fig. 158 Southwick, C., (2016), ETFE and grid concept sketches Fig. 159 Southwick, C., (2016), Render of space frame and systems Fig. 161 Southwick, C., (2016), ETFE pillow and funnel system concept sketches, with V. Dimircay/M.Kanaani Fig. 162 Southwick, C., (2016), Notebook concept sketches of overall building form, finalization of form Fig. 163 Southwick, C., (2016), Concept sketch Fig. 164 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration of Rhino model, perspective view Fig. 165 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration of Rhino model, elevation view Fig. 166 Southwick, C., (2016), Site aerial view with building next to Coconut Island, orginal image http:// coconutislandnews.blogspot.com/2012_02_01_archive.html Fig. 167 Southwick, C., (2016), Site aerial view with building next to Coconut Island, orginal image by Doug las Peebles (modified) Fig. 168 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration of Rhino model showing 3 framelayers, exploded axon Fig. 169 Southwick, C., (2016), Section cut trial, Rhino pen drawing Fig. 170 Southwick, C., (2016), Final design elevation view, Rhino render Fig. 171 Southwick, C., (2016), Plan view Rhino technical drawing Fig. 172 Southwick, C., (2016), Bird’s eye view of section cut shown in Fig. 169 Fig. 173 Southwick, C., (2016), 1st iteration, interior view, Rhino wireframe render view Fig. 174 Southwick, C., (2016), Underside of the “hull” with view of reef lattices, Rhino render Fig. 175 Southwick, C., (2016), Perspective view facing Chinaman’s Hat, Kaneohe Bay, Rhino render / Photo shop Fig. 176 Southwick, C., (2016), Detail drawing in plan view of diatom panel system, micron in vellum Fig. 177 Southwick, C., (2016), Detail drawing in section view of entire frame/panel/column system Fig. 178 Southwick, C., (2016), Notebook sketch of pvs and sunlight attenuation on frits Fig. 179 Southwick, C., (2016), Preliminary notebook sketch of multi-layerd system in columm Fig. 180 Southwick, C., (2016), Render of column and frameowrk, Rhino render Fig. 181 Southwick, C., (2016), Interior render on typical laboratory opperations day, Rhino / Photoshop Fig. 182 Southwick, C., (2016), Floorplan notebook sketch Fig. 183 Southwick, C., (2016), Rough programmatic floor plan, Rhino/Revit/Illustrator Fig. 183a Southwick, C., (2016), Interior render of logistics and disaster relief, Rhino / Photoshop Fig. 184 Southwick, C., (2016), Elevation render, exterior view, Rhino/ Photoshop Fig. 185 Southwick, C., (2015), Images taken from midterm Powerpoint presentation Fig. 186 Southwick, C., (2015), Images taken from final Powerpoint presentation Fig. 187 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 1, diatom, analysis, method, winter midterm Presetnation Fig. 188 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 2, Site analysis, and site sections, Winter midterm presetnation Fig. 189 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 3, Case s tudies, Winter midterm presentation Fig. 190 Southwick, C., (2016), Board 4, Case studies, Winter midterm presentation Fig. 191 Southwick, C., (2016), Images taken from winter final Powerpoint presentation Fig. 192 Southwick, C., (2016), Images taken from final Powerpoint presentation Fig. 193 Southwick, C., (2015), Spring midterm board Fig. 194 Southwick, C., (2016), Spring final presentation and grad show board Fig. 195 Southwick, C., (2016), selfie


Fig. #

149 Fig. 196 Burnett, K. (2011), Courtney L. Fromberg (Southwick) at V-Land, Oahu 149 Fig. 197 Burnett, K., (2011), Courtney L. Fromberg (Southwick) at Shark’s Cove





Fig. 195 Southwick, C., (2016), selfie, Fig. 196 Burnett, K. (2011), Courtney L. Fromberg (Southwick) at V-Land, Oahu Fig. 197 Burnett, K., (2011), Courtney L. Fromberg (Southwick) at Shark’s Cove

t started out with a dream, as most projects do. What’s different about this project than others is the branching out into other disciplines, and the allowing of other contributors to creatively contribute to the dream. It’s orchestrated, and when the creativity gets going, the music flows, the ideas flourish, and then everyone is contributing and excited about the same cause. The inspiration from R. Buckminster Fuller always drove this project from the beginning. Other big thinkers like Vincent Callebaut influenced the project with their consideration for all things integrated. Whether this project ever actually happens or not - I believe that just purely putting ideas out there to inspire others and generate new movement with ideas towards a greater good is worth the big thinking and the guts it takes to put it out there in the first place. Before you know it, it’s 3, 5 to 10 years down the line, and the idea isn’t so radical anymore. That’s what happened with vertical farming - the idea of plants covering cities and in the urban infrastructure seemed so alien in say - 2007. Well, it’s 2016, and now, the idea is common. Let’s see what happens! 151

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