Tender Document.

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Tender submission to Colchester Borough Council February 2009

St Botolph’s Priory, Public Realm

experience ST BOTOLPH’S PUBLIC REALM, COLCHESTER, ESSEX Experience LiZLaKe, Chartered Landscape Architects and Urban Designers have considerable proven experience in the design of historic landscape projects over a period of 25 years. We have worked on historic landscape schemes in collaboration with the Gardens Trusts, English Heritage and other historic landscape specialists. These schemes have ranged from walled gardens to regional parks for public authorities, some being pure restoration projects and others that have required the sensitive integration of enabling development or at the smaller scale new features such as disabled access ramps. With our wealth of experience in the design of signature public open space and our proven ability to oversee and deliver projects, we are keen to contribute to the successful delivery of this project. The St Botolph’s Priory Public Realm project offers an opportunity to build on our vast experience in engagement, design and delivery. LiZLaKe have previous experience of public realm projects which have often involved community consultation. From conceptual schemes for urban improvements to fully completed projects such as Bridge End Garden, a popular and well used Public Park in Saffron Walden, Essex. In addition LiZLaKe have experience on smaller scale interventions, such as the access improvements at Close Garden in Saffron Walden. Many projects have involved community and stakeholder consultation and included liaison with 'Friends of’ Groups, Parish Councils and statutory consultee’s. Projects have also required the presentation of ideas at public consultation events and LiZLaKe have experience in the organization of events and the preparation of illustrative display boards and questionnaires. Our skilled team of Landscape and Urban Designers are also involved in privately financed public realm projects which in themselves have similar strategies to publicly funded schemes. Balkerne Heights, Colchester; Well House Green, West Mesea; Foxhall Gardens, Ipswich; Church View Square, Laindon and Capital Square in Chelmsford are all examples of vibrant and robust public realm projects which have created a valuable legacy for the local community. Selected historic landscape projects for public bodies prepared by LiZLake include:

Amersfoot, Hertfordshire Bridge End Garden, Saffron Walden, Essex Bridge End Garden Walled Garden Bushy House, Teddington Bushey Rose Garden Close Garden, Saffron Walden The Swiss Garden, Bedford Wanstead Park, East London Walsall Arboretum Theydon Bois Green

The Herts Garden Trust English Heritage/Uttlesford District Council Uttlesford District Council Crown Estates Hertsmere Council Saffron Walden Town Council Bedfordshire County Council Corporation of London Walsall Council Epping Forest Conservators

example projects Example Projects Walsall Arboretum, West Midlands Walsall Arboretum is a much loved Victorian Park that has lacked investment over many years. We are working with project managers Lanarca on a Stage 2 Application to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Our role is to work up the hard and soft landscape aspects of the restoration proposals in the Conservation Management Plan to Landscape Institute Stages D and E. John Phibbs of Debois Landscape Survey Group is providing advice on the planting strategy to ensure a historically appropriate solution that is practical and economic for the council to maintain.

Bridge End Garden , Essex Originally designed as a private Victorian garden, Bridge End Garden is now a popular and well-used public park close to the historic centre of Saffron Walden. When Uttlesford District Council and English Heritage decided to address the problems of neglect and vandalism, they invited LiZLaKe to help. A comprehensive Conservation Management Plan was prepared and this became an essential tool in the restoration of the garden funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Bridge End Garden : Walled Garden The last phase of restoration at Bridge End Garden was the Walled Garden. Working with kitchen garden expert Susan Campbell and planting designer Barbara Lumsdem, LiZLaKe prepared planting proposals for the vegetable, fruit and cut flower gardens, the sensory area and the amenity areas. Also funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund the Walled Garden is now complete and establishing into a much loved addition to the Garden.

example projects Example Projects Bushey Rose Garden, Hertfordshire Working with a conservation surveyor and landscape historian for Hertsmere Council we identified the key features of the garden and developed proposals for restoration of all the listed features, including a summer house and a pergola. Thanks to grants of ÂŁ942,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund it is now possible to move forward with plans to transform and regenerate this much-loved park in a densely populated urban area.

Theydon Bois Green LiZLaKe prepared proposals for Public Open space enhancement work and presented them as options at a Public Consultation Event. LiZLaKe worked together with Epping Forest Conservators Officers to develop strategies for tree removal and replacement, and were in attendance at the consultation event.

Close Garden, Saffron Walden Close Garden is a small walled garden located in close proximity to the historic centre of Saffron Walden and within the heart of the conservation area. The garden is enclosed by listed walls and is within the setting of a Grade 1 listed church. The garden was difficult to access, was unwelcoming due to over shading and was subject to nuisance activity. Consequently it was an underused public space. Working closely with Saffron Walden Town Council, Friends of Close Garden and Uttlesford District Council Access Officer, it was agreed that paths required resurfacing and access to the garden required improvement. The design solution opened up Close Garden both physically and visually. As well as providing access to the garden itself the improvements have created a new, attractive and accessible route to the Church. Existing materials were reused where possible; the project was tendered and brought in within budget. The results have been greatly appreciated by local people and the Town Council and the garden itself now has a greater presence in the town.

recent appointments and personnel Recent Appointments LiZLaKe have recently been appointed to develop proposals for Saffron Walden Battle Ditches, a scheduled ancient monument in Saffron Walden, Essex and have been appointed by Essex County Council to conduct a historic landscape survey of Weald County Park in Brentwood.

Personnel It is proposed that the following personnel would work on this project. Please refer to individual CV’s that follow. Liz Lake

Practice Director, will oversee the delivery of the project.

Alistair Bayford

Chartered Landscape Architect, will be responsible for running the project.

Alan Pritchard

Graphic Designer, will be responsible for the design and production of the consultation material.

Andrew Budd

Graduate Landscape Architect, will assist Alistair Bayford in preparing the drawing outputs for this project.

Rachel Hemingway

Document Controller, will be responsible for the management and distribution of project documentation.

proposed scope of work Proposed Scope of Work The key elements of the Council’s Project Scoping document have been broken down in order to explain our methodology, and provide costs for each stage. The overall aim is to cover all of the key elements in such a way as to build up a series of documents and plans that will provide a robust platform for any further development of the project. Please refer to the enclosed Scope of Work for full costings. Stage 1: Initial Briefing LiZLaKe have allowed for one initial briefing meeting and allocated time to review existing project documentation. Stage 2: Consulation It is proposed that public consultation is carried out in two forms. Firstly through a full day public consultation workshop, which will allow members of the public to view exhibition boards and respond to a questionnaire. This will be achieved through a fixed exhibition as illustrated in the examples below.

The content of the questionnaire will be discussed at the initial briefing meeting and designed to inform the development of the project as shown in the example below.

The exhibition is to be manned for a full day and remain accessible for a period of one week (either digitally on the web or in a supervised public place such as the Council offices or local library). If there is capacity for a designated page on the Council website for the project it is possible to have an electronic version of the questionnaire which could be completed and returned on line.

proposed scope of work Additional consultation will be carried out with key stakeholders such as the church, local school etc, and it is proposed that this is carried out by letter of introduction in the first instance, followed by a telephone conversation. Stage 2 will conclude with a written report which outlines and analyses the consultation responses. This report will be supported by graphs as shown below.

Stage 3: Survey We have developed a method of site survey for recording the type and condition of existing site features and an example table is shown below. This stage of work is costed on the basis of the Council providing digital base mapping in dwg format. We will complete a site specific table of existing features which will accompany the survey plans. Where practicable, a digital photograph will be taken of each feature. Elsewhere this has been found to be an invaluable stock-taking and recording exercise. We shall use a combination of AutoCAD and Illustrator to prepare the survey plans.

Example access plan

proposed scope of work Stage 4: Analysis This stage of the project will analyse desktop and site survey information. The analysis will be in the form of A3 plans identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and constraints the Site presents. We shall use a combination of AutoCAD and Illustrator to prepare the analysis plans.

Stage 5: Options During this stage we will develop a series of options for the developing the Site. This will be presented in the form of A3 drawings supported by 3D sketches and cross sections.

proposed scope of work Stage 6: Proposals During this stage of work, options will be worked up into sketch proposals, which will be supported by 3D images to illustrate the proposals.

Project Meetings during Stages 1-6 The proposed Scope of Work has allowed for Alistair Bayford to attend four project meetings. It is anticipated that additional communication during the course of the project will be conducted electronically by email and by telephone.

output and timetable Output It is proposed that draft submissions would be in a digital format (PDF or word/excel documents where appropriate) and distributed by email. The final output would be in the format of: • hard copies of the final consultation material (quantities as indicated in Item 4); • hard copy of the consultation report; • hard copies of survey plans; • hard copies of analysis plans; • hard copies of options for the Site; • hard copies of sketch proposals for the Site; • unformatted word/excel documents of the consultation questionnaire and final consultation report; • Digital copy of all the above produced in hi-res PDF format and supplied on a CD/DVD ROM.

Proposed timetable There is currently no restriction on the availability of LiZLaKe personnel to meet the following proposed program. Meetings and site visit dates will be arranged following appointment. February 2009: • Appointment by end of February 2009. March 2009: • Week 1 – Meeting One (Stage 1 completed). • Week 2 – Stage 2 commenced (allowance of time for feedback from Colchester Borough Council). • Week 3 – Draft material checked by Colchester Borough Council. • Week 4 – Anticipated sign off of draft material. Item 4 commenced. • Week 5 – Final proofs of consultation material distributed for approval by Colchester Borough Council. April 2009: • Week 6 – Consultation event advertised (allows for 4 weeks between advertisement and consultation event). • Week 7 – Stage 3 commenced. • Week 8 – Stage 4 commenced. • Week 9 – Consultation event. May 2009: • Week 10 – Consultation report finalised and distributed prior to Meeting Two. • Week 11 – Meeting Two (Stage 2, 3 and 4 completed). • Week 12 – Stage 5 commenced. • Week 13 – Meeting Three (Stage 5 completed). June 2009 • Week 14 – Stage 6 commenced. • Week 15 – Meeting Four (Stage 6 completed).

Professional Indemnity Insurance As a registered practice of the Landscape Institute, LiZLaKe is obliged to hold Professional indemnity Insurance and currently cover extends to £2,000,000 for each and every claim (further details can be sent upon request).

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers Western House | Chapel Hill | Stansted Mountfitchet | Essex | CM24 8AG t +44 (0)1279 647044 f +44(0)1279 813566 e office@lizlake.com www.lizlake.com

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