Liz Lake Associates : Heritage Landscapes Liz Lake Associates has been involved in heritage
or the proceeds of enabling development.
landscape projects for over twenty-five years and in that time recognition of the value and scope of
Whatever the source of funding, we can identify
work on heritage assets has grown considerably.
opportunities, reveal the significance of a heritage
Whether they are designed landscapes on the
asset and help move a heritage project forward
English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of
right through to implementation.
Historic Interest, Scheduled Ancient Monuments, local archaeological sites, public parks, historic towns and villages or landscape associated with
Liz Lake Associates work in the following areas:
a listed building these complex landscapes often encapsulate many layers of history, as
∞ Restoration and conservation
each generation leaves its own unique mark.
∞ Landscape/Townscape Assessments
Unraveling the key periods and significance
∞ Enabling development
of an individual site is becoming increasingly
∞ Individual houses in heritage landscapes
∞ Cultural heritage
While some private clients have funds for restoration, others rely on loattery funding, agri-environmental grants, inheritance tax exemption schemes
∞ Designing for Access for All ∞ Refurbishment and monitoring implementation ∞ Impact assessment ∞ Preparation of design guidance ∞ Policy development
Heritage Assests - Our Skills The Conservation Management Plan
We would also consult with stakeholders like
Our heritage landscape work has been carried out
English Heritage, the local authority, the Garden
in collaboration with a number of recognised
History Society, the County Gardens Trust, the
heritage specialists including archivists,
Wildlife Trust and local people who have an
archaeologists, audience development advisors,
interest in the site.
conservation architects, engineers, ecologists, hydrologists, lake experts and cultural heritage
The final report is a Conservation Management
specialists. Our task has been to interpret their
Plan or a shorter Conservation Statement which
research or survey findings and with their help to
would include the presentation of the archival
develop appropriate management and proposals
documents, a timeline, condition survey, analysis
for modern-day uses.
and Statement of Significance identifying what is of value and why. This is followed by policies and
Whatever the project, conservation of the heritage
proposals using plans and written text.
asset is a key objective. Common to all projects but to a degree appropriate to the budget and end
Enabling development
objective, we undertake archival research to
Enabling development is an English Heritage
understand the historical development of the
policy that allows for development associated with
landscape, review the planning context, assess the
heritage assets, provided certain criteria are met
ecological interest and undertake a condition
and the profits are used to restore the asset. It has
survey of the historic fabric including the water
helped many historic buildings and landscapes to
regime, vegetation, earthworks, hard surfaces,
have a secure future, but the capacity of a site to
buildings and structures. A preliminary cost
absorb development varies greatly.
estimate is usually prepared with an outline of future maintenance/management and likely costs.
Research at an early stage could make a
considerable difference to investment planning;
for a small budget we can organise a Historic
∞ Archival research
Landscape Appraisal to identify the key issues and highlight opportunities and constraints relating to the heritage asset. These need not
∞ Field work ∞ Historic tree surveys
be a limitation, as research often reveals
∞ Archaeological overview
opportunities for development.
∞ Public consultation
We can facilitate early discussions with
stakeholders to test their views. Only if the
∞ Statement of Significance
project is deemed financially viable will the
∞ Heritage and Conservation Statements
detailed survey and analysis take place but as the project will be subject to a planning application a comprehensive and convincing
∞ Historic Landscape Appraisals ∞ Conservation Management Plans ∞ Access for All plans
study will be required.
∞ Restoration strategies and plans Impact assessment
∞ Tree and Woodland Plans
If the setting of any kind of heritage asset is affected by development we can prepare an assessment of the effects. We consider whether key elements identified in the Statement of Significance are enhanced by the proposals and any adverse effects are adequately mitigated with appropriate solutions.
∞ Heritage planting plans ∞ Management and maintenance plans ∞ Funding advice
Individual houses in heritage landscapes Previously, policies in PPS7 were used by people wanting
applications affecting
to build an isolated house in the countryside. Clause 55
a heritage asset.
of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) now covers this issue. It states that local planning authorities
Access for All
should avoid new isolated homes in the countryside
Under the Equalities Act 2010 it has
unless there are special circumstances such as ‘where
been unlawful to treat disabled people
such development would represent the optimal viable
less favourably than other people for a reason
use of a heritage asset or would be appropriate enabling
related to their disability.
development to secure the future of heritage assets’. We
Liz Lake Associates can help provide
have been involved in several individual dwelling proposals
dignified access and a range of routes to suit
in the countryside and can provide practical, informed
different user groups without compromising a
advice on how to proceed.
landscape’s special interest.
A Heritage Statement
Design guidance and policy development
The NPPF asks local planning authorities to develop
Our extensive experience with heritage landscapes
positive strategies for the historic environment and in
has enabled us to prepare guidance and advice on
assessing applications to take into account the desirability
policy related issues. We have prepared guidance
of sustaining and enhancing the significance of heritage
for the War Memorials Trust and provided training
assets and putting them to viable uses consistent with
sessions for English Heritage landscape officers. Liz
their conservation; the wider social, cultural, economic
Lake regularly lectures on the Landscape Architecture
and environmental benefits that conservation of the
courses at Writtle School of Design and we have also
historic environment can bring; the desirability of new
presented workshops on Landscape and Visual Impact
development making a positive contribution to local
Assessment for landscape architects and planning
character and distinctiveness; and opportunities to draw on
officers. Please contact us if you have an idea for a
the contribution made by the historic environment to the
publication or a training need.
character of a place. To illustrate this we can help prepare a Heritage Statement which is required for all planning
Client Shuttleworth Trust
Location Old Warden, Bedfordshire
Architect Christopher Garrand Consultancy
Hydrology OHES Environmental
HLF Project Manager Ruby Tiger
Ornamental ponds to be dredged
The delightful Swiss Garden was created in the
visitor experience whilst retaining the intimate
1820’s by Lord Ongley. It covers approximately
sense of a private garden that the historic design
3.7 hectares and is open to the public through the
encompasses. Working with Debois Landscape
Shuttleworth Trust. The design was renovated
Survey Group & Haydens Arboricultural
and added to by Joseph Shuttleworth in the 1870’s
Consultants, Liz Lake Associates undertook
and it was saved from dereliction by Bedfordshire
archival work, a full survey of the trees and other
County Council in the 1970’s and 80’s. Liz Lake
planting and prepared proposals for restoration,
Associates was appointed to prepare the current
access for all paths, a new education facility and
set of renovation plans for landscape elements to
form part of applications for planning permission Rhododendrons to be cut back on the Broad Walk
and a Heritage Lottery Fund grant.
Outcome In 2012 planning permission was obtained for the
restoration proposals and a Heritage Lottery Fund
The Garden is full of raised earthworks, mounds
grant for £2.8 million was awarded to the trust.
and hollows, ponds and islands. These are
Implementation work is planned to start in 2013.
complemented by thirteen listed buildings and structures and a large collection of mature trees, rhododendrons and interesting shrubs. It was important that the proposals improved the
Shrubberies cut back to reclaim lawns
DEN SWISWSardeGn,ABR edfordshire Old
The Swiss Cottage is one of 13 structures that complement the earthworks, ponds and mature planting that make the Garden magical
Client Essex County Council
Location Brentwood, Essex
Historic Landscape Debois
Long views across the park
Weald Country Park is 220 hectares of mixed
there was record for the future. A documentary
woodland and grassland, two lakes and a number
and field survey were carried out which included
of ponds. Originally a 12th-century deer park, it
earthworks and trees. The analysis was presented
developed over the years to reach a peak in the
both chronologically and by character areas.
18th and 19th centuries with an immense formal
Trees help tell the history of the landscape
landscape of water, avenues and a Belvidere –
a tower built on rising ground at the south end
The report is both a good reference of the
of the Park. Essex County Council acquired
Park’s history and a useful starting point for the
the estate in 1953, but by this time many of the
Conservation Management Plan. Each character
buildings had been lost from the Park. Liz Lake
area is provided with an assessment of the
Associates was commissioned to produce a
current condition and an outline approach to its
Historic Landscape Survey and Assessment Report
management for the future. Weald Country Park
that could be used to inform the development
is open to the public and close to the M25 and M11,
of a Conservation Management Plan.
but you would never guess it if you were to walk around the delightful, serene and tranquil large
open spaces and historic trees that make up the
It was important to establish what had been in
the Park throughout its history, not necessarily so that it could be replaced or restored, but so that
The lake
TRY PldA, EsRseKx
N WEALD COU The history of the park was unfurled with the help of field survey work; the information was shared with those who care for it by a guided walk.
Client The Highclere Estate
Location Highclere, Hampshire
Historic Landscape Debois
Taxonomist Lear Associates
Archaeology Wessex Archaeology
Forester Wessex Woodland
Jackdaw’s Castle, one of the stunning follies in the Park
Highclere Park is a stunning Capability Brown
topography, land ownership, planning policy,
landscape, overlying archaeologically rich
current land uses, access, recreation and future
parkland. As part of a HMRC tax exemption
management. We prepared all the plans for the
scheme, Liz Lake Associates was appointed with
final document, contributed to the creation of
the Debois Landscape Survey Group to coordinate
policies for the Park and edited the Conservation
and edit the production of a Landscape and
Management Plan.
Conservation Management Plan. This complex
Highclere Castle, better known as Downton Abbey
project included input from archaeologists, a
The proposed development sites were individually
conservation architect, an ecologist, forester and
evaluated as to their capacity to absorb change,
taxonomist. As a second part of the work we were
the likely visibility of proposals and any possible
asked to assess over twenty potential development
impact on the historic landscape.
sites for an enabling development project. Outcome Approach
The final Conservation Management Plan
Debois undertook the archival work, historic tree
became part of the Heritage Management Plan
survey and field archaeology; the taxonomist was
that contributed to a successful Inheritance Tax
needed to identify the numerous rhododendron
Exemption application. The enabling development
hybrids that the first Lord Carnarvon created; he
proposals were not pursued by the estate and since
was the first person to import rhododendrons and
the study Highclere has achieved even greater
these plantings form a very significant collection.
significance as the setting for the TV series
Our role was to pull all the work together and to
Downton Abbey.
address the core landscape issues of geology,
One of the many vistas in the Park
HIGHCLNEewRbuE ry A stunning Capability Brown landscape
Client Uttlesford District Council & English Heritage
Location Saffron Walden, Essex
Historic Landscape Debois
Summerhouse with decorated ceiling
Originally designed as a private Victorian garden,
£150,000 from other bodies. We have subsequently
Bridge End Garden is now a popular and well-
prepared proposals for the walled garden which
used public park close to the historic centre of
has also received a grant from the Heritage Lottery
Saffron Walden. When Uttlesford District Council
and English Heritage planned to restore the garden and address the problems of neglect and vandalism, they invited Liz Lake Associates to help. Approach We were employed to prepare a full historic landscape survey and a costed conservation New planting to complement the scheme
management plan. Our findings contributed to a submission to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Outcome This work contributed to the council’s successful submission for significant external funding with a grant of £387,000 from Heritage Lottery Fund and
Topiary regenerated over a number of years
GARDEN BRIDGE ENSaDffron Walden, Essex A restored Victorian gem voted as best picnic spot in East Anglia
Client VSM Estates
Location Stanmore, London
Architect ADAM Architects
Engineer Halcrow Yolles
Planning Consultant GVA Grimley LLP
Statues in the Italian garden
Liz Lake Associates was part of a comprehensive
landscape-related documents and plans for
design team including ADAM Architects,
submission to the Local Planning Authority.
GVA Grimley and Halcrow Yolles to achieve a successful planning consent for major
redevelopment of the historic RAF site.
Following extensive consultations, the planning committee of the London Borough of Harrow
approved the application prepared by Liz Lake
As Bentley Priory is part of a major picturesque
Associates and the rest of the design team.
landscape with a Victorian-era Italian garden,
A reminder of the past
we played a key role in locating new buildings
The site has been sold to developers and the next
and infrastructure on this landscape-led project.
stage of detailed design has
Proposals for the restoration and long-term management of the historic landscape were prepared as a setting for the proposed residential development and the new use of the listed mansion as a museum. Liz Lake Associates was responsible for the preparation of a Landscape Conservation Management Plan and all
The mansion has become a museum
IORY EY PR ore, London
RAF BENTL One of the most stunning sites in London is opened up for public use
Client Barratt North London
Location Stanmore, London
Architect Clague
Engineer Halcrow Yolles
Planting to the new areas of the site
Private spaces are created within the park
The historic landscape of Bentley Priory is
at the previous RAF Bentley Priory site on behalf
registered Grade 2 on English Heritage’s Register
of Barratt North London. The detailed planting
of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest
designs reflect and reinforce the historic setting
in England. The Bentley Priory parkland forms
whilst providing valuable, useable green space
part of a major picturesque landscape influenced
for modern living. We have produced detailed
by Uvedale Price. Liz Lake Associates led the
landscape designs and planting plans for the show
landscape team that produced the Landscape
home, sales office, walled garden podium terraces
Conservation Management Plan and all
as well as the individual gardens and the wider
landscape-related documents and plans that
parkland. We have also produced a landscape
formed part of the planning permission granted
management plan for the public spaces and BRE
in July 2008 on behalf of RAF Bentley Priory.
homes assessment.
The RAF have now vacated the site and it has been purchased by two developers.
Outcome The landscape works are currently being
implemented and residential units are open
Liz Lake Associates is part of a comprehensive
for viewing and purchase.
detailed design team including Structa and Clague implementing the planning permission for the residential aspects of this major redevelopment
Houses on Clarence Park Crescent
IORY BENTLEYStanPmR ore, London This historic park will form part of the landscape around new homes and once more be enjoyed by many
Client Private
Location St Osyth, Essex
Architect Brewster Bye / City & Country
The Rose Garden
St Osyth Priory is one of the most important
have been undertaken and reviewed over the
collections of historic buildings in East Anglia
last ten years. The proposals are based upon
but is in a poor state of repair after years of
the protection, conservation and restoration of
neglect. Our client’s aim is to find a sustainable
remaining historic features complimented by new
future for a Scheduled Ancient Monument, 22
proposals to improve the financial and ecological
listed buildings and 154 hectares of land which
long-term sustainability of the estate.
includes 93 hectares designated as Grade II
Darcy House
on the English Heritage Register of Parks and
Gardens of Special Historic Interest where at least
In spring 2011 seven planning applications
a third of the park had been ravaged by mineral
were submitted to Tendring District Council for
extraction. As part of a multidisciplinary team
new residential development, the rebuilding of
Liz Lake Associates role was to contribute to
follies and lodges, a visitor centre and function
proposals for enabling development that would
room and the restoration of the park. The
help to fund the restoration of the buildings and
application included a statement of significance,
the parkland.
a comprehensive Conservation Management Plan for both the park and the Priory precinct, extensive
ecological and tree surveys, a Landscape and
The project was landscape led with early
Visual Impact Assessment that formed part of the
involvement in the siting of new residential
Environmental Statement and landscape proposals
development and replacement buildings in the
for each area of development. The outcome of the
park. This was informed by extensive ecological
applications is expected in autumn 2011.
surveys and historic landscape studies which
The Chapel and the Ruins
RIORY ST OSYTH StPOsyth, Essex The new proposals are aimed at ensuring development which will help to fund the restoration of these unique historic buildings and surrounding parkland
Client Private
Location Hungerford Park, Berkshire
Architect Fitzroy Robinson
Planning Savills
Historic Landscape Debois
Archaeologist Kirkdale Archaeology
Landscape masterplan
Woodland had obscured a designed Elizabethen landscape
Liz Lake Associates formed part of a
handful of grand new houses to achieve planning
multidisciplinary team invited to prepare a
permission without going to appeal. Our work for
planning application for a new country house in
this project, carried out with Fitzroy Robinson, was
a sensitive Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
exhibited at an exhibition of PPG7 houses at the
on the edge of Hungerford.
Royal Institute of British Architects.
PPG7 is now superseded by the National Planning
Working with the historic landscape advisors and
Policy Framework but this allows for isolated
archaeologists, Liz Lake Associates was able to
houses in the countryside to be considered where
show that the proposed site of the house and the
it would represent the optimal viable use of a
surrounding area was a neglected Elizabethan
heritage asset or would be appropriate enabling
park and garden with a bowling green and deer
development to secure the future of heritage
race. We argued that restoring the house would re-
assets. Houses of contemporary design need to
establish the meaning of the designed landscape
be truly outstanding or innovative, helping to
and create a new focal point.
raise standards of design more generally in rural areas, reflect the highest standards in architecture,
The historic entrance was reinstalled
significantly enhance its immediate setting and
Planning permission was granted under the PPG7
be sensitive to the defining characteristics of the
planning policy and this house is one of only a
local area.
RK ORD PBA hire ks HUNGERFHun er d, or gerf Permission for a unique isolated house in the countryside
Client Colchester Borough Council
Location Colchester, Essex
Engineers ISG Jackson Ltd
Norman ruins
As part of a programme of public realm
to paths and dark and overhanging vegetation was
improvements Colchester Borough Council
removed to bring light into the church yard.
appointed Liz Lake Associates to help prepare proposals to make the grounds of St Botolph’s
Priory more welcoming by improving access for
The work was tendered and we monitored the
all and enhancing the setting of the Norman ruins,
implementation by ISG Jackson Ltd. The project
which are a Scheduled Ancient Monument and the
was opened to the public in June 2011 with a
Georgian Grade 2 listed St Botolph’s church.
rededication of the war memorial in August. The site is now one of the links in the Colchester
New Quadrangle
New path from the Quadrangle to St Julian Grove
Heritage Trail. Councillor Lyn Barton, Portfolio
We helped organise a public consultation exercise
Holder for Planning and Sustainability said: ‘The
canvassing and interviewing local people about
work which has been completed at St. Botolph’s
how they used the area and what changes they
has included restoring the war memorial to its
would like to see. The major change was the
former glory and the place looks fantastic. The
relocation of a war memorial to provide a more
improvement works to the Churchyard and Priory
usable space by the church that is a setting for
grounds have rejuvenated the area and increased
local theatrical groups to stage productions
accessibility for all. We hope this will encourage
and concerts, small markets, church events and
more people to come and enjoy the area, which is
community activities. Improvements were made
a highlight of Colchester’s rich heritage.’
'S PRIORY ST BOTOLPH Colchester, Essex The new paths improve the connectivity with Colchester town centre and it’s historic trail; making this wonderful architecture more accessible to the general public
Client War Memorials Trust
Location Various
Plymouth Devon
The War Memorials Trust works for the
Society, Tim Moya Associates (arboriculturists),
protection and conservation of war memorials
Susan Deakin Ecology in conjunction with the
in the UK. They provide advice and information
War Memorials Trust who edited the guidance. Liz
and run grant schemes for the repair and
Lake Associates managed the project, structuring
conservation of war memorials. In the lead up
and writing the guidance and bringing all of the
to and during the centenary of World War I, War
text and images together with graphic design
Memorials Trust anticipates that the landscapes
and planting around memorial structures will
Philips Memorial Godalming
be prime candidates for local projects. Liz Lake
Associates was delighted to be asked to prepare
The ‘Conservation and management of war
landscape guidance to inform projects and give
memorial landscapes’ helpsheet was introduced
suggestions for best practice. The guidance is
at the War Memorials Trust AGM in the summer
available from the War Memorials Trust website.
of 2012 and is available as a free download on their website: www.warmemorials.org/uploads/ publications/359.pdf
Approach The project included specialist advisors; English Heritage, Historic Scotland, The Garden History
Duxford Cambridgeshire
ST LS TRU London
RIA WAR MEMO We hope that conservation and management of war memorial landscapes will be raised in the public’s conscious as we draw towards 2014 and the 100th anniversary of World War I.
Client Saffron Walden Town Council
Location Saffron Walden
Garden is enclosed by beautiful historic wall
Close Garden is located adjacent to the historic
resurfaced and historically sensitive ramps
centre of Saffron Walden and the Town Council
created, but the garden itself needed to have
wanted it to be accessible to all. However there
a greater presence in the town. Existing over
were significant challenges as a result of marked
mature vegetation hid it from passers by and
changes in levels between the garden and the
made it unwelcoming to potential visitors.
surrounding footways. Moreover the garden
Seating and planting refurbished
is enclosed by Listed walls and is within the
setting of a Grade 1 Listed church. The brief
The design solution was to open up Close Garden
was to devise a solution that would meet DDA
both physically and visually. As well as providing
regulations, make the gardens more welcoming
access to the garden itself the improvements have
to visitors and at the same time be sensitive to
created a new, attractive and accessible route
the historic setting. Naturally all this needed to
to the Church. Existing materials were reused
be achieved within a tight budget.
where possible; the project tendered and brought in within budget. The results have been greatly
Approach Working closely with the town council and with the local Access Officer Liz Lake Associates identified that not only did paths need to be
New paths improve access for all
appreciated by local people and the Town Council
EN CLOSE GSaAffrRonDWalden This public green oasis in the centre of Saffron Walden has been revitalised
With 11.7m disabled people in the UK Access for All is vital
In 2012 Liz Lake was part of the initiative to
defined the aims as the creation of a range of
encourage organisations to participate in the
routes to suit different user groups providing
celebration of the tercentenary of Capability
dignified access for all without compromising a
Brown’s birth in 2016. In June over 150 delegates
landscape’s special interest. Advice was provided
visited the Brown landscape at Ampthill Park
on parking, types of visitor routes, what people
in Bedfordshire and the purpose of the day was
value, identifying barriers and creating accessible
to look at the practical issues that might face
routes for all kinds of disabilities.
owners opening their Brown landscapes for varying periods of time.
Outcome The advice sheet was very well received by both
Pushchair users need consideration too
owners with existing arrangements in place and
On behalf of the Landscape Design Trust our
those with no experience seeking to open for a
contribution to the day was to prepare an advice
short period of time. The advice sheet can be
sheet on Access for All. Since 1996 it has been
downloaded from www.landscape.co.uk.
unlawful to treat disabled people less favourably than other people for a reason related to their disability. Previously called DDA, compliance is now required with the Equalities Act 2010. We
Disability takes many forms
ACCESS FOR The Capability Brown legacy should be enjoyed by everyone
ents i l c r s. r ou ntie o f Cou n tern o s a tE rrat ve w ’ r Ba a – s fo h d y r r a n . o ties esig ateg e Aw we
c eD zin oun ent cap nC aga rds lopm Easter nds eM a eve t La om t w t s D H a e n rr A for ‘B ur New d Urba r Ba ry – o s fo e ner
s. ntie Cou
rd in ego –Y scap Awa ign cat ry W n raph and ego ster rden st L es eleg a e D T Cat . G B s e y tt Ea l – ie es ap Dai arra ard om unt B dsc o w H r n C A o a The f n ew ilt rds ’ est L ster –N er G Awa sign ties for B rratt Ea Silv . ress nt e De ner zine oun ties a e Exp p a n B i a y m g l r c i a p s o rn C n Coun f o e l d M dw t Da r s e n s e a v a a r rd e m w L E e a t t o D A t s w t s H d Ea eA arra ew rban r ‘Be Gol ratt ous for B ur N er fo ed U Bar at H inn – Yo nt scap Awards ing for Wh W e d h y n p m r a ra rn ego st L den scap ove eleg Cat Gar r Be land ly T al G rd fo Homes Dai ard ies. . Loc a t h e e n w h y h l ties t T ou ilt A ain oun New y of nC er G rn C for m ategor ster ss – e a e d t Silv r E r s p t c a t x e w tt Ea ly E arra pac en al A arra Dai for B al Gard an S tion for B rds Urb I Na s n a es L e d u r w h A m A B om of t Awa om ign aH ner Des rden erse est C t a B M e Win e G e r e r o ry h ap es s St ds f ego dsc om for t ent g. war New pm ’ cat ard ivin wH /Lan lace ral A velo re L den r Aw ss – Ne e P u r o e l t a f D v c p l o x te lG ld Si nse xpre rchi for E ownfie una ly E e ‘Se AA g. rds r mm Dai RIB –B ivin of th Awa t Co L & e r s n e p e e 0 e r a n B 2 d o c l r r n 0 s i p a 2 o d f x W es G ster Lan ner for E che Win Hom Garden rds Col ard ew t Awa w s N e n A – e B d r ss ard Gol er fo xpre es G inn ly E Hom Dai rd W w a e w N dA ss – Gol xpre ly E Dai Liz Lake Associates Stansted Office: Western House | Chapel Hill | Stansted Mountfitchet Essex | CM24 8AG T: +44 (0)1279 647044
E: office@lizlake.com
Bristol Office: Kestrel Court | Harbour Road Portishead | Bristol | BS20 7AN T: +44 (0)1275 390425
E: office@lizlake.com