Wanstead Presentation.

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Wanstead Park Conservation Statement Julia Weaver LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

John Phibbs Debois Landscape Survey Group

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

LiZLaKe and Debois: 20 years at Wanstead

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Wanstead Park Project Support • Good systems and practices to provide efficient and effective services • Breadth and depth of experience • Five Senior Landscape Architects • Practice Manager and support staff e.g. - Document Controller - Graphic Designer • Network of specialists developed over the years; ecology, history, golf etc.

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Wanstead Park Conservation Statement and Management Plans Experience LiZLaKe : 25 years Debois : 30 years over 600 sites

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Bridge End Garden: Client: Uttlesford District Council and English Heritage Location: Saffron Walden, Essex Historic landscape consultant: Debois Landscape Survey Group Brief Originally designed as a private Victorian garden, Bridge End Garden is now a popular and well-used public park close to the historic centre of Saffron Walden. When Uttlesford District Council and English Heritage planned to restore the garden and address the problems of neglect and vandalism, they invited LiZLaKe to help. Approach We were employed to prepare a full historic landscape survey and a costed conservation management plan. Our findings contributed to a submission to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Outcome This work contributed to the council's successful submission for significant external funding with a grant of ÂŁ387,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and ÂŁ150,000 from other bodies. We have subsequently prepared proposals for the walled garden which has also received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Weald Country Park: Client: Essex County Council Location: Brentwood, Essex Historic landscape consultant: Debois Landscape Survey Group Brief Weald Country Park is 220 hectares of mixed woodland and grassland, two lakes and a number of ponds. Originally a 12th century deer park it developed over the years to reach a peak in the 18th and 19th centuries with an immense formal landscape of water, avenues and a Belvidere; a tower built on rising ground at the south end of the Park. Essex County Council acquired the estate in 1953 but by this time many of the buildings had been lost from the Park. LiZLaKe were commissioned to produce a Historic Landscape Survey and Assessment Report that could be used to inform the development of a Conservation Management Plan. Approach It was important to establish what had been in the Park through out history, not necessarily so that it could be replaced or restored but so that there was a record for the future. A documentary and field survey were carried out which included earthworks and trees. The analysis was presented both chronologically and by character area. Outcome The report is both a good reference of the Park's history and a useful starting point for the Conservation Management Plan. Each character area is provided with an assessment of the current condition and an outline approach to its management for the future. Weald Country Park is open to the public and close to the M25 and M11; but you would never guess it if you were to walk around the delightful, serene and tranquil large open spaces and historic trees that make up the space.

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Bushey Rose Garden: Client: Hertsmere Borough Council Location: Bushey, North London Conservation surveyor: Barker & Associates Historic landscape consultant: Kate Harwood Brief Bushey Rose Garden was created by the artist Hubert von Herkomer and designed by the British landscape architect Thomas Mawson. The Grade II registered garden is in a Conservation Area and contains several Grade II buildings, but has deteriorated over the years and suffered from vandalism. Our brief was to prepare a costed conservation management plan to accompany an application to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Approach Working with a conservation surveyor and landscape historian we identified the key features of the garden and developed proposals for restoration of all the Listed features, including a summer house and a pergola as well as the integration of new toilet facilities. Outcome The council was successful in getting a development grant for ÂŁ26,100 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund. This means that it will be able to move forward with plans for a ÂŁ1 million scheme to transform and regenerate this much-loved park.

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Highclere: Client: Private Location: Highclere Park, Hampshire Historic landscape consultant: Debois Landscape Survey Group Brief Conservation Management Plan and outline Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment for enabling development. Approach LiZLaKe co-ordinated the specialist reports on historic buildings, archaeology, rhododendrons, trees and ecology for the Conservation Management Plan. We managed the production of the text and plans and edited and produced the final documents. Outcome Conservation Management Plan with six appendices and two annexes.

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

RAF Bentley Priory: Client: VSM Estates Location: Stanmore, London Architect: Robert Adams Architects Brief Part of a comprehensive design team including Robert Adam Architects, GVA Grimley and Halcrow Yolles to achieve a successful planning consent for major redevelopment of the historic RAF site. Approach As Bentley Priory is part of a major picturesque landscape with a Victorian-era Italian garden LiZLaKe played a key role in locating new buildings and infrastructure on this landscape-led project. Proposals for the restoration and long-term management of the historic landscape were prepared as a setting for the proposed residential development and the new use of the listed mansion as a museum. LiZLaKe were responsible for the preparation of a Landscape Conservation Management Plan and all landscape related documents and plans for submission to the Local Planning Authority. Outcome Following extensive consultations the planning committee of the London Borough of Harrow approved the application in July 2008.

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

St Osyth Priory: Client: The Sargeant Family Location: St Osyth, Essex Historic landscape consultant: Debois Landscape Survey Group Brief Part of a multidisciplinary team for a major development project at this English Heritage Grade 2 historic park with 26 listed buildings. To provide landscape design, landscape and visual impact assessment, relevant chapters of the Environment Statement, Conservation Management Plan for the Park and Conservation Management Plan for the Gardens. Approach We have been working with the Client on this project for the last ten years developing proposals that will improve the historic landscape, retain the ecological features that compliment the adjacent SSSI and supply sufficient enabling development opportunities to fund the restoration of the Schedule Ancient Monuments and listed buildings. There has been considerable liaison with stakeholders including English Heritage, Natural England, RSPB, Garden History Society, Essex Wildlife Trust and Essex Gardens Trust. Outcome We are currently preparing landscape schemes to support the enabling development proposals, a landscape and visual impact assessment, the two Conservation Management plans and suitable documentation to support an application later this year.

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

HLF Experience

Hardwick Park, Sedgefield, Durham

West Park, Wolverhampton

Hestercombe, Devon

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Wanstead Park Our Proposal : Deliverables

Conservation Statement Information: • Understanding the Heritage and Statement of Significance • Risk assessment • Conservation management aims • Outline action plan and costs • Heritage impact assessment • Bibliographical timeline Plans: • Location plan • Ownership and land use plan • Green infrastructure plan • Golf and sports option plan • 10 no. Landscape Character Area plans • Analysis of condition plan • Strategy plan

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Wanstead Park Our Proposal : Deliverables

Consultation • Consultation Strategy • Prepare a Questionnaire • Eight no. consultation boards • Three no. guided walks • Three no. half day consultation sessions • Print 500 no. questionnaires • Report of the analysed results

LiZLaKe Chartered Landscape Architects | Urban Designers

Wanstead Park Our Proposal : Deliverables

Project communication • Liaison with Hydrologist • Liaison with Grotto Consultant • Liaison with Golf Course Managers and associated sports clubs • Full participation in the project team

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