“Always, everywhere God is present, and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one. A.W. Tozer
The Newsletter of Covenant Evangelical Free Church APRIL 2013 ISSUE NUMBER 13
Community In Covenant
MICA (P) 133/10/2012
As Covenant Groups (CGs) are our basic discipleship communities, CONNECT finds out what people in a CG have to say about joining and being in one. By Chan Sue Ming.
Ps Fabian Ghui
Community In Covenant
Up Close and Personal With the TNGs
To Bless and Be Blessed
Nepal 10 Ripe For Harvest
Discovering the Heartbeat of IDT
WIDE ANGLE Families First
Close Up Reaching Out for
the Lord with Worship
upcoming events 16 God At Work
Learning To Trust God
Covenant Groups
ovenant EFC has 145 CGs, spread across two worship centres. There are 11 districts, each headed by a District Mentor who is a pastor or ministry staff. Each district is further sub-divided into various zones, and Zone Mentors usually oversee a few CGs. In a growing church, CGs are vital in helping us become an Intentional Disciple-Making Church, as each individual is now plugged in to the body life of the church. CGs are found all over the island, and
people have the freedom to choose a CG they are comfortable with. Covenant’s CGs cater to young adults, singles, married couples with young children, and married couples with teenage or grownup children. About 50% of Covenant’s regular worshippers and members are currently in a CG. It is a vital way where they are connected to the church and each other, and many have found that being in a CG fosters a greater sense of belonging to the church. Many groups have also made many memorable memories together.
“Many have found that being in a CG fosters a greater sense of belonging to the church.”
Nicholas Tan’s CG aka Lovecube (Mixed group—couples and singles)
compiled by Edwin Khoo
The facts Cell leader Nicholas Tan Meeting venue BPJ Centre District Mentor and Zone Paul Samuel, Northwood, WDL Centre No of people 24 (10 men, 14 women; 5 couples, 7 singles) Age range 24–30
The quirks • Very diverse group of people, with entrepreneurs, healthcare workers (doctors, dentists, nurses—we have ‘em all!), church staff, teachers, technologists, students and two pilots.
“I was initially reluctant to join a CG, giving the excuse that I did not have the time. Joining this CG has been the best decision of my Christian walk. I now know that there is no better way to spend my time than at CG.”
• We have an oddly large number of couples in long-distance relationships (3 out of 5).
—Khaw Kaimin
• Furthest trip carried out as a CG: Kuala Lumpur (extension after Church Camp 2012)
“I am grateful to the CG for the complex questions that arise during our discussions, which help me better understand and live out my faith.” —Daniel Tan
• Craziest thing we ever did: Yabbying—it’s been some time. (For the uninformed, yabbying is catching crayfish) • CGL’s favourite question: “What do you think?”
• Furthest trip carried out within groups in the CG: Indonesia (mission trips in 2008, 2009 and 2010)
“I believe God puts things together for a reason. From the beginning, this CG has welcomed me and is still in the spirit of welcoming and ushering others into a closer fellowship with God and His people. I’ve been truly blessed by their love and presence and at times, their nonsense!” —Sarah Joseph
Changquan and Ivy’s CG aka The Almond-nites
(Mixed group—married couples and singles)
“I found this CG through the church office, and didn’t know what to expect. What I found was a very supportive and generous community, with wholesome friendships.” —Colin Sim
The facts Cell leaders Lai Changquan and Ivy Se Hoo Hosts Glynn Tan and Evelyn Soon District Mentor & Zone Ps Yam Keng Mun, Westside, BPJ Centre Meeting venue Depot Road No of people 19 (9 men, 10 women; 6 couples, 7 singles) Age range 25–45
“CG members helped me feel at home in CEFC when I first came here. The atmosphere was welcoming and friendly. Having been in CG for 3+ years, it has become both a family and community for me.” —Glynn Tan “CG has been a great source of support in times of need. I feel right at home here.”
The quirks
—Evelyn Soon
• No. of teachers/educators: 8 out of 19 (almost half!) • Favourite ice-breaker: “Tell us something no one here knows about you” • Most dangerous thing you can do in this CG: Accept a car ride from the CGL, because that’s how future CGLs are “selected” and “arrowed”! • Favourite CG activity: Eating
• Number of people who actually practice engineering: 2 • Why so few? See point above about teachers/educators.
• Number of people on a diet: Quite substantial • Number of people who studied engineering: 6 (almost a third!)
compiled by chan sue Ming
“Becoming the CG manager (God has always been the real cell leader) has really challenged my perception of what the church really is. Where I used to see distinct hierarchies (SPs, Pastors, DMs, ZMs, etc.), I have now learned that the church is actually just one big band of brothers and sisters committed to serve Christ. This change in perception has allowed me to embrace the church as my family rather than to see it as a religious corporation.” —Lai Changquan
“He said “Love... as I have loved you.” We cannot love too much. Amy Carmichael 3 • CONNECT APRIL 2013
Covenant Groups
Aaron and Catherine’s CG
(Family CG with young children)
compiled by aaron ho
The facts Cell leader Aaron Ho Assistant cell leaders Roger Loh and Andrew Chia Meeting venue Bukit Panjang District Mentor & Zone Ps Valerie Chan, Fields, BPJ Centre Number of people in CG 11 adults, 10 children Age range of adults 30–40 years old Age range of children 6 months– 9 years old
The QUIRKS • Quite a number of us love Japan and all things Japanese—food, culture, music, and dramas. Several of us have even been on mission trips there!
“I’ve had the privilege of leading this CG for a number of years, and the most awesome part is viewing the hand of God in the various stages of our lives: as singles, to married couples, to married couples with children. We’ve gone to church camps together. We’ve gone through a year of meeting up outside of CG to study a book of the Bible. We’ve grown as friends. We are family.” —Aaron Ho
• Children are a big part of our CG; we occasionally have simple Bible studies for them. Several of them attend/have attended the same kindergarten, so they are pretty good friends (seeing each other six days a week, including Sunday school, tends to do that!) • The core of this CG has done all sorts of evangelistic outreaches including performing a skit, doing the Alpha course (twice), parents’ appreciation, and Christmas parties (replete with a magic show!).
• A pretty tech-savvy and pro-Apple CG. Lyrics of worship songs are projected on a TV screen via an iPad. A common sight during Bible study is people using their iPhones/iPads to view their bibles. (And no, Apple is not paying us to promote their products!)
“I always look forward to meeting the ladies for our prayer time together during CG. It’s a time where we can safely share our concerns and lift up one another in prayer to encourage one another.” —Joy Loh
And what do the kids have to say? “I like CG because there are nice toys and nice people.” —Nathaniel Chia, 5
“I like CG because I get to play with my friends. I don’t get to play with them during recess.” —Samantha Ho, 7
Cheah Sin Hean and Pauline’s CG aka CG @ Blandford (Mixed group—married couples and singles)
The facts District Mentor and Zone Ps Edmund Wong, Woodlands Green, WDL Centre Age range 30s–50s Meeting venue Blandford Drive
Q: Who is God to us? A: And this is the testament from all of us in CG @ Blandford. That our God is a ‘God of the in spite of’. What makes us say this? Well, in the past 12 months, we have seen with our eyes and felt in our hearts this strong attribute of God. In 2012, we had a particularly difficult year as we saw the group divide through multiplication and we bade goodbye to the existing ACGL. Then within months, we had to release our two-monthold newly appointed ACGL—then known as Keng Mun, to a higher calling in CEFC. It was a dark period for the remnants as we grieved over our ‘losses’ (no AGLs, no guitarist, no old kawans & no chicken wings). BUT thanks be to God, in spite of starting all over with a small group of unfamiliar and relatively new members, God reworked the cell through the pursuit of the Word, prayer and outreach. Therefore, by Dec 2012, more new people were ushered into our group and even with the ‘3-visit-rule’ implemented by our dear CGL, the people continued to return and eventually settled in.
compiled by adrienne sng
Q: Who do we say we are? A: The recent climate survey of the cell group showed that the key factor which makes this cell unique is the space we give each other to grow to be transparent and real. This group is fun driven, with a high level of warmth, authenticity, acceptance, combined with a vibrant prayer support network. There is diversity, from age and character to talents and stations in life. It is this very diversity which enriches the group dynamics and taught us all important lessons in relating with one another. In addition, it was found that serving together for SST, ad-hoc church events and external charity events (i.e., Walk with Diabetes) have brought us closer in working towards a common purpose. These events also led us to appreciate the different gifting each has been given as a body of Christ. Finally, a hallmark of this cell is our belief that all life and good news are to be celebrated and what better way than through food and thanksgiving! This cell seeks to grow predominantly in depth and knowledge of God through His word and service to His people. The most important thing is we don’t claim to have totally gotten our act together but we are willing to learn from one another and grow as one. God willing, we want to be a certain kind of irresistible people group serving an irresistible God!
Up Close and Personal With the TNGs Covenant’s The Next GenerationS (TNG) ministry serves and reaches out to children and youths, from toddlers to undergraduates. Gail Tan chats with four youths to find out how it’s like being in the various TNG ministries.
Primary d) -10 years ol onths SUNBEAM (3 ears and 3 m y 3 r o f m a In Sunbe What makes Sunbeam fun? I like the activities because we learn about God in a fun way. Sometimes we draw or go to Vista Park (near Woodlands Centre) to look for leaves and twigs to form pictures of Bible stories. We also give out brochures to the residents near the church and invite them to KidzCamp. Our command of Mandarin is not very good and some residents speak Hokkien so our teacher would do the talking. It’s fun because we can reach out to the community and ‘get social’! Also, if we answer questions in the quizzes or bring our Bibles, we get stickers that can be exchanged for prizes. I have about 50 stickers now! I’m saving them for something big! For 80 stickers you get a board game!
Jonathan Foo (centre) with his parents and sibblings
Share with us something you learnt in Sunbeam. I learnt that we should be like Jesus and be righteous in all our ways, and that the Holy Spirit gives us the power to do what is right. Once, the boy sitting next to me in school bullied me. I really wanted to hit him in anger. Then I heard the Holy Spirit telling me not to, and I remembered that I should be righteous like Jesus, so I didn’t hit him and forgave him.
Leong Jann Enn (third from left)
How was your transition from Sunbeam to WEB? Sunbeam was more fun whereas WEB is more serious. It helped that during that period, my parents started telling me more about the Bible. I used to just listen to Bible stories for fun, but grew to really understand more about the Bible. My older sister also told me to dress more appropriately, for example jeans not shorts, and no slippers. They got me to realise that the minor things that I do reflect the attitude I have towards church.
Leong Jann En
Methodist G irls’ School Secondary 2 WEB (11-14 yea rs old) In WEB for 4 years CONNECT APRIL 2013 • 6
What do you do in WEB? We have icebreakers, sermon, worship (I really enjoy that!) and CG. We also organise community outreaches at the old folks’ homes or girls’ homes. During Chinese New Year we went to St Luke’s Hospital. We usually sing for them, of which one will be a Christian song. We also talk to them and just try to be there to bless them. Not everyone will respond, and some will just frown at us. I think it’s a good chance to help us experience the world more, to know that there are people in difficult situations, and to learn how to relate to different types of people.
Benjamin Peck
How are you involved in Momentum? I serve in the dance ministry, and we do stuff like hip hop and more performance-type dances. We performed at To The Max last June, as well as Love Is (Christmas programme in church). I don’t have a background in dance so it was tough initially. But I really enjoy it because not only do we learn to dance, we also learn more about God through how we dance. What do you like about Momentum? I like the structure; I like that there is worship every week (versus having worship once or twice monthly when I was in WEB) and the consistent CG meetings. We also have very caring CG leaders, who are mostly from CYAN (Covenant Young Adult Network). I’m looking forward to bonding more with my CG. The sermons are also very enriching and helpful. We usually watch video sermons and last few weeks’ sermons were by Pastor Francis Chan (Cornerstone Church, California).
Sarah Mownal Baccalaureate (IB)
School Internatio glo-Chinese n A t a e m m a r Prog ) (Independent ove) rs old and ab VOICES (18 yea 3.5 years In Voices for
Hwa Chong In stitution Yea r3 MOMENTUM (1517 years old) In Momentum for half a yea r
Benjamin Peck (left) with his parents and sister
What do you enjoy most about VOICES? The community. I am extremely thankful for my DG! DG sessions have always been very special, be it catching up over dinner, or doing Bible study. I am always encouraged by how we are there to support each other and this has helped me in my spiritual life, as well as my time at home and in school. Furthermore, it has taught me to care not only for people’s physical and emotional needs, but their spiritual needs as well—by praying for one another, and sharing encouragement and reminders from the Bible. Are you serving in any ministry in Covenant and how has the experience been? I serve in Sunbeam as a keyboardist. Initially, I often found myself focusing on the technical aspects. But I grew to realise that making little mistakes is alright, because the children will still worship and sing their hearts out, even if the worship team is out of tune. I have learnt that when I serve, it is for God and not for others or myself. Of course, it also makes me very glad when I see the kids worshipping God so enthusiastically and fervently, and it is fulfilling to know that I have been a part of it.
“Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.” Elisabeth Elliot 7 • CONNECT APRIL 2013
Covenant EFC
Search for people, places and things
To Bless And Be Blessed
News Feed Messages
Eight of us youths headed to East Timor for
a short-term mission trip from 22nd to 29th September 2012. We were there to bless the children by distributing stationery packs
at a minimal cost of USD 1 as part of the
Stationery 4 Timor project! In our time there, we also sought to build connections and
relations with the Nazarene Youth Centre as
well as the local school authorities in Maubisse.
Day 1 and 2: Arrived and met our Timorese friends, Gilberto and Celestino. Then, we drove to Maubisse. It took us three hours to reach the place, which was all the way up in the mountains! It was really cold there. We checked in to Pousada, a guest lodge and took amazing pictures. Thank God for creating these mountains, valleys and clouds! Day 3: The work begins! We had breakfast in the lodge after devotion and worship and set off to the school to bless them with stationery packs. The Catholic school was a five-minute drive from our lodge. We had the privilege
of going there because of the relationships built by a Singaporean missionary, Lydia. She has been a great help in our time here. It was a joy to see how the students have a genuine zeal to learn. Watching them, I was inspired to lay hold of the education that I have and use it for God’s glory. It is this kind of thirst and hunger for learning that we must have! Day 5: In the morning, we headed back to Dili where we prepared for the lesson with the kids from Shallom school, a school that we are building relationships with. We had a long chat with Pastor Sam, a Hawaiian pastor who has been in Timor for more than six years! I was very happy to be hearing firsthand from someone who has been in the field for such a long time.
By Lemuel Koh Home
1.3k Photos
Day 6: The time we spent with the children was fantastic. We played games, sang Christian songs like “God is Good”, and taught lessons that I adapted from our own Sunbeam sessions. After that, we treated ourselves to lunch, coffee and donuts. Then we travelled to Liquisa to meet up with a Singaporean missionary. Had a chat with them and prayed for the couple. Again, I was very inspired by their faith to stay in a foreign land.
This trip taught me that we have much to be grateful for here in
Day 8: Back to Singapore. I have learnt to appreciate the luxuries that we have and how God has blessed us as a nation. I’ve also been stirred to compassion for the Timorese. I believe that there are certainly greater things to be done in Timor.
their background, culture and present situation. The thing that I
Singapore. Many things that we might take for granted here—such
as public transport and round-the-clock electricity—weren’t always
available in Timor Leste and it was a good experience living without these amenities. We are undeniably blessed as a nation and should aim to be good stewards of our resources instead of expressing discontentment and being blind to what we already have. Jonathan Ng
The most significant lesson God taught me was how fortunate and
blessed we are back home in Singapore. He also taught me to have greater compassion and a heart for the people by understanding
am most thankful to God is the presence of a significant number of Singaporeans in Timor Leste. I am really thankful for these people
and their hospitality. Thank God that the locals were not hostile to us but were mostly warm and friendly. My objectives for this trip
were to bless and be blessed, to encourage and to be encouraged; and to walk in obedience to God’s Great Commission. Through
this trip, God is working on helping me to see others through a
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kingdom-minded perspective. Lemuel Koh
15–22 October 2012 Following • Categories • Everything • Popular • Gifts
This was a trip filled with much joy. We were very thankful for the presence of the Lord guiding us along. In all, there were six of us— Ai Li, Joshua, Malcolm (our only dentist), Vivien, Hannah and myself. Besides teaching the children to brush their teeth, we played games, sang and did craft work. 36 repins
Joshua Wong onto Children Of The World
Joshua sharing about God’s love! 16 likes
7 repins
Tay Ai Li via Vivien Tan onto Great Sharing.
Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world... 40 likes
Adeline Koh via Tay Ai Li onto Graphic.
Teaching the children to brush their teeth the right way! 16 likes
36 repins
21 repins
26 repins
Sarah Tan via Tay Ai Li onto Let’s Get A Real Life.
Sarah Tan onto Let’s Get A Real Life.
Putting what they’ve learnt into practice! 5 likes
10 repins
Hannah Liu onto Missions Is Great.
Malcolm Goh onto Faith Works.
18 repins
Calvin Lim onto Smashing Design.
Ripe For
God’s burden revealed in the golden harvest fields shimmering in the sun. Kristen Chua shares about the Lord’s heartbeat for the land of Nepal.
ruly, in our time in Nepal, we saw the goodness of the Lord and His overflowing love for the land. As we travelled from village to village, we saw over and over again padi fields ripe for harvest. As we prayed, claiming the promise of the Lord for the land of Nepal, it came to our attention that the harvest field had only two workers! Though there was a gleaming expanse of fields before us, ripe for the taking; the labourers were few. On the day that we departed from where we stayed and travelled into the city of Kathmandu, we witnessed a further promise from the Lord. We saw not two but several workers harvesting! This was God’s promise of a mighty harvest of hearts and lives that would be irrevocably transformed by His love! What a glorious sight and promise to behold!
IDT IDT Batch 8 participants with some teachers and leaders
Lee Chee Khiang, one of the many dedicated DG leaders
Melvin and Iris Pinto enjoyed a shared IDT journey as a couple
Discovering the Heartbeat of IDT Sylvia Huang embarks on a quest to find out what IDT is and how it has made an impact on the lives of past graduates and present trainees.
s a relatively new member of Covenant EFC, I’ve always been intrigued by the emphasis around authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking. What exactly does it mean to be an authentic disciple of Christ? And how do I become one? And so I aimed to discover the experiences of past and current IDT trainees. Lee Chin Seng, current Level 2 participant joined IDT because he wanted to learn how to better read the Bible and not just skim its surface. He has greatly benefitted from daily journalling, one of the distinctives of the programme. A recent graduate, Lee Chee Khiang, shares that daily Bible reading and scripture memory is difficult without accountability, and having a discipleship group to journey with is a
“It is wonderful to be able to spur each other in love.” “precious experience”. He elaborates, “It is wonderful to be able to spur each other in love.” Level 1 participant and new believer Karen Tsai shares that joining IDT was a tangible and simple way to learn the “basics of being a Christian”. She is learning the essential skills and importance of daily Bible reading, quiet time, and praying. She shares that this has helped her better appreciate what Jesus has done for her, and to become
more secure in her identity as God’s child. For married couple Melvin and Iris Pinto, being able to share in the simple act of daily thanksgiving through their devotional journals helped their souls find rest and keep things in perspective. It was initially challenging for Melvin to give thanks in small things, but with practice, it helped him get through several bad patches in life. “It’s through giving thanks in the tiniest things that revealed the faithfulness of God to me,” he reflects. Iris adds, “Daily journalling helped me become more reflective and made me pause and think about things to be grateful for. After a long day at work, it helps restore my soul and renew my physical energy.” The skills and godly habits developed along the way have certainly transformed these individuals’ lives. It might just be the jolt you (and I) need to realign our lives and walk with God!
Wide Angle
Families First Jeremy Koh, ministry staff for Families-in-Covenant, shares his heartbeat for families in today’s Church.
amilies-in-Covenant (FiC) is one of four arms under the Family Life Ministry (FLM), which comprises of Men-in-Covenant (MiC), Women-in-Covenant (WiC) and Carein-Covenant (CiC). FiC takes care of pre-marital events from Discovery Weekends and Marriage Preparation Courses to post-wedding events like Marriage Breakthrough Weekends and parenting classes and workshops. FiC hopes to build Christ-centred marriages and cultivate godly parenting towards Intentional Disciple-Making Families. Today, families are under tremendous pressure and face many challenges that threaten to tear down the basic unit of society. In a materialistic society such as ours, many parents desire to provide the best for their children financially. And in a society as competitive as ours, many parents go to great lengths to make sure their children excel academically, doing whatever they can to put them in good standing when they reach adulthood. Materialism also exerts a subtle yet strong influence on everyone. We need to be aware that this generation’s wants can easily become the next generation’s needs. For those of us who are parents, modelling the character of Christ and pointing our children to the sovereignty and loving authority of our Heavenly Father is our foremost duty and greatest privilege. Ultimately, the health of a couple’s marriage determines the wellbeing of the family, especially that of
their children. With marriage being the bedrock of society, a strong, healthy marriage is one of the greatest gifts parents can give their children. There is no better environment for children to grow up in than in a loving, nurturing home. A strong marriage is definitely a wonderful testimony of God’s love and mercy for us, the Church. With so much at stake, would you join us in prayer for couples to have Christcentred marriages?
We need to be aware that this generation’s wants can easily become the next generation’s needs.” 13 • CONNECT APRIL 2013
Close Up
Leading the congregation in singing to the Lord!
Reaching Out for the Lord with Worship Danesh Daryanani has a chat with Pastor Fabian Ghui, our pastor-in-charge of outreach, and discovers how music is so intrinsic to the man. With his older brothe
r, Bernard
his baptism Ps Fabian at 86 service in 19
orn on 3rd April 1964 to John and Mariam Ghui, Ps Fabian is the youngest child in a family of six. Yes, six! From the eldest to the youngest, their names are Dennis, Clarence, Anthony, Bernard, Evelyn and himself—Fabian. And when you include God in the family, their initials are D, C, A, B, E, F and G—the seven basic notes in music! It’s no wonder then that apart from God and family, music defines the man. Being the youngest, he was usually left to entertain himself and in his own words, was a “relatively good boy” who did not get into much trouble. Although Ps Fabian accepted Christ when he was in secondary two and regularly attended church, he admits that what attracted him to church back then was primarily the music. Yet, he continued to attend faithfully.
The real turning point came in 1984 when he was a young man of 20, and— you guessed it—God used music once again to capture his attention. He recalls, “I was listening to a Christmas music and drama performance by a church along Orchard Road when Jesus once again plucked the strings of my heart and I fell in love with Him again. My life turned around!” At 20, Ps Fabian was on fire and he was ready to dance with Jesus all over again. After completing his national service, Ps Fabian worked for a few years before enrolling at Tung Ling Bible School where he obtained his Diploma in Bible Studies. After graduation, Ps Fabian worked in a church before entering sales in the private sector. He eventually joined CEFC in 2003 as its worship pastor. Ps Fabian was finally in his element doing what he was called to do—reaching out to others
With Evelyn, his
older sister
Ps Fabian’s Favourite Things
With his beloved family
Worship is his form of personal expression, his way of reaching out to others, as well as his love expression to the Lord”.
Favourite Book through worship, or in his own words, “using the platform of the creative arts as a stepping stone to reach out to others for Jesus Christ”. Covenant was very blessed to have him serve as our worship pastor for the last 10 years. In January 2013, he took up the mantle of being our outreach pastor. His other most significant moment in life was meeting Sabrina, his wife of 24 years, in 1986. She caught his eyes and heart in a church where Sabrina was serving in the music and drama ministry. According to Ps Fabian he “chased her” but “she ran away”. But in reality, Sabrina admits, “He was so talented and played all sorts of musical instruments. What’s there not to like?” The couple got married in 1989 and Ps Fabian, true to form, composed and sang a song for her at their wedding. They now have two lovely daughters, Melodi, 22 who takes after her father musically and Natali, 19 who takes after her mother in dance and drama. Like many musicians, Ps Fabian is by nature reserved, but has a sensitive soul and deep compassion for people. Worship is his form of personal
expression, his way of reaching out to others, as well as his “love expression to the Lord”. Although often seen on stage leading the musicians, Ps Fabian eschews the limelight in favour of reaching out to those who are hurting and in need of prayer. Ps Fabian’s favourite Bible verse is from Mark 14:36, where the Word of God reads, “And He was saying, ‘Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.’” (NASB) This verse, specifically, “yet not what I will, but what You will” defines what living and finishing well means to Ps Fabian. For him this means doing God’s will come what may, to pass on the love of the Lord to the next generation and to do what is pleasing in the sight of the Lord. Whether carrying a soothing hymn to comfort, a happy melody to cheer or an exuberant song to worship, music will always be the gift that Ps Fabian will use to shine the light of Jesus to those around him. May the music play on for Him.
Growing Deep In God by Ps Edmund Chan
Favourite Music The Carpenters
Favourite Movie The Indiana Jones series
Favourite Food Mee Pok Tah, which he always eats upon returning from an overseas trip
“Beginning well is a momentary thing; finishing well is a lifelong thing.” Ravi Zacharias
Upcoming Events Credits
5 May
New Life Friends’ Day
MANAGING Editor Chan Sue Ming
10 May
Women’s GLOW 1
18 May
Men’s Summit 1
COPY editors Alythea Ho, Dennis Cheah, Silas Wee
22–25 May Global Discipleship Congress
God At Work
executive Editor Adeline Koh
CCF Manila
Maybel Tang
Learning To Trust God
y husband, Ronnie, and I decided to host an evangelistic Christmas party at our home. We invited my mum, my sister-in-law and her husband, and our neighbour, Mr Gan. I was anxious to reach out to my pre-believing mum who always seemed so “shut off” to Christianity. She doesn’t believe in God and thinks our lives are the result of choices we make. Due to a family gathering, my Covenant Group leader (CGL) was unable to make it for the party. My CG mentor, Sean, would take over instead. I was disappointed. My CGL is a natural evangelist, and I wasn’t sure whether Sean could do a good job because Sean is more serious and may seem unapproachable. However, God works in unexpected ways. The night before the party, Sean suggested I speak with my mum. I was apprehensive as I didn’t know how, and I hadn’t prepared any speech. Yet I realised Sean was right—I am the best person to speak with her. Prompted by God, Sean changed the video we were supposed to view to
Li Nan Xing’s testimony. The guests, including my mum, were captivated. Sean also helped kickstart conversations when we broke into small groups to pray for our pre-believing friends and family. By God’s grace, I found the courage to speak with my mum, and expressed my concerns for her future. My mum said that she’s contented with her two daughters financially supporting her. I reminded her that life on earth is temporary. I further shared about how I hope that she receives the eternal gift of life through Christ, and my desire to see our family again when we pass on. To my surprise, she said she would attend church in 1 to 2 years’ time. As for Mr Gan, he shared that his Japanese wife wants to send their daughter to Sunday school because she believes it will inculcate good values in her. He would also ask his wife to visit Covenant with him. After the party, I spent time reflecting and realised that we are to truly trust the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding; in all our ways we are to acknowledge Him, and He will direct our paths!
writers Chan Sue Ming, Edwin Khoo, Aaron Ho, Adrienne Sng, Gail Tan, Lemuel Koh, Kristen Chua, Sylvia Huang, Jeremy Koh, Danesh Daryanani, Maybel Tang PHOTOGRAPHERS Billy Low, Joshua Wong ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Christian Subrata CONTACT US publications@cefc.org.sg our office 167 Jalan Bukit Merah Tower 5, #17-10 Singapore 150167 T. +65 6892 6811 F. +65 6892 1502 www.cefc.org.sg PRINTER Yung Shung Printrade Pte Ltd CONNECT is a bi-monthly newsletter of Covenant Evangelical Free Church. We welcome advertisers in CONNECT. However, advertising in our publication does not necessarily imply editorial endorsement of either the advertiser or contents of the advertisement. Unless otherwise specified, Scriptural references are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB).
© 2013 Covenant Evangelical Free Church
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