April Devotional Journal 2019

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Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. ISAIAH 53:4 (NIV)

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Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. ISAIAH 53:4 (NIV)

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Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? ISAIAH 53:1 (NIV)

FEBRUARY He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. ISAIAH 53:2 (NIV)

MARCH He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. ISAIAH 53:3 (NIV)

APRIL Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. ISAIAH 53:4 (NIV)


But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. ISAIAH 53:5 (NIV)

JUNE We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. ISAIAH 53:6 (NIV) 4 // Š 2 0 1 9 C O V E N A N T E V A N G E L I C A L F R E E C H U R C H

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J U LY He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. ISAIAH 53:7 (NIV)

AUGUST By oppression and judgement he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. ISAIAH 53:8 (NIV)

SEPTEMBER He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. ISAIAH 53:9 (NIV)

OCTOBER Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand. ISAIAH 53:10 (NIV)

NOVEMBER After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. ISAIAH 53:11 (NIV)

DECEMBER Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. ISAIAH 53:12 (NIV) Š 2 0 1 9 C O V E N A N T E V A N G E L I C A L F R E E C H U R C H // 5

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// B Y S E N I O R P A S T O R S //

2019 is the Year of Proclamation – That None Should Perish!


elebration of Hope (COH) which runs from 17 to 19 May is not mass evangelism on a large scale, but personal evangelism on a massive scale. In other words, unless we pray and sow the Gospel into as many people as possible on a personal basis, we will not see a massive conversion of souls. If we expect 2019 to be a year of harvest for our family and friends, then we have to prepare for it. When we were praying on the mountain during our annual Listening Retreat in July 2018, these verses from the book of Acts convicted us: Acts 8:8 “And there was much joy in that city” The context was the revival in Samaria under Philip’s ministry. Imagine the joy in Singapore when, under the preaching of the Gospel and the power of God, many people are healed of various sicknesses and delivered from spiritual oppression! Acts 13:44 “The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” Back then in Pisidian Antioch, huge crowds came to listen to Paul’s preaching. Imagine large multitudes turning up at the Sports Hub at each COH rally to hear the Gospel! Acts 13:47 (cf. Isa 49:6) “For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

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“Isaiah” means “The LORD is Salvation”. Preaching through the book of Isaiah in 2019 will challenge us to fulfil our calling to be a light to the nations! During that same retreat, we received news about a crisis in Northern Thailand. On 23 June last year, 12 teenage boys and their soccer coach were trapped 2.5 miles inside the Tham Luang cave complex after heavy rains flooded it and cut off their exit route. On 2 July, they were found by two British expert cave divers. A rescue operation was carefully planned. There were 1,800 rescue personnel from 18 countries. In the midst of the rescue preparation, a tragedy happened. Mr Kunan, a volunteer and former Thai Navy SEAL diver, died while transporting air tanks into the tunnels. Although it was an extremely difficult rescue mission, all 13 survivors were eventually rescued from the cave on 10 July. Many people did their part to rescue them. And one man even gave his life to save them.

So, dear brothers and sisters, let us use this 2019 Devotional Journal to spend daily, dedicated time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer ...

The Scripture verses and the cave rescue were a confirmation of 2019 as the Year of Proclamation. Here was a fresh picture of how the Saviour died on the Cross so that people everywhere can be saved from eternal judgement. Our Lord Jesus has given us the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. So, dear brothers and sisters, let us use this 2019 Devotional Journal to spend daily, dedicated time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer, so that we can know Him more, and be led and empowered by His Spirit to be faithful witnesses for a fruitful harvest in 2019! In Christ, Rev Tony Yeo and Rev Tan Kay Kiong

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Step One

Prepare your heart in God’s presence // Select a fixed time (preferably in the morning before you begin your day) and a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed. // Observe a moment of silence as you acknowledge God’s presence. Centre down. // Begin with a song of worship. Meditate on the lyrics even if you are unfamiliar with the tune. (Refer to the list of worship songs provided.) // Ask God to open your heart to hear Him.

SOMETHING TO PONDER ... Examining your life is essential in your faith journey. Your redeemed life as a disciple of Christ deserves careful examining. May you take root and bear fruit in Him!

The English Standard Version (ESV) is the default Bible version translation unless otherwise specified.

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Step Two

Allow God to S.O.A.P. you with His Word and Spirit // Scripture – Take your time to meditate on the Scripture passage for the day. Pause and mull over words and phrases that stand out to you. // Observation – Jot down significant insights and reflections from the passage you have read. You may use the guiding questions provided. The “Deeper Reflection” section is to aid your contemplation of the Scripture. It is not to replace your own observation, for the Holy Spirit illuminates the Scripture to you as you seek Him earnestly. // Application – Note down a specific and practical commitment to God’s Word for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow, or a principle to live out? Where appropriate, share your devotional entry with someone. // Prayer – Bring your heartfelt response to God in prayer.

P R AY E R P O I N T E R S F O R 2 0 1 9 Prayer pointers for Pastors and Staff are included every Tuesday. Every Thursday, a prayer pointer is included for Outreach/Missions/New Life Leaders. On each Friday, there is a prayer pointer for SGI Leaders (e.g. Zone Mentors, CG Leaders and Assistant CG Leaders). A prayer pointer for Church Board Members is included every Saturday. Please pray for each group as well as any specific individuals whom God may bring to your mind.

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A THOUSAND AMENS Verse Praise God from Whom all blessings flow Praise Him, all creatures here below Praise Him above, Ye heavenly hosts Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost Chorus Unfailing love comes with the morning It’s Your faithfulness we sing at night It’s Your kindness Lord that leads to our healing All glory to our Maker and a thousand amens Ending Amen, amen, amen Amen, amen, amen Amen, amen, amen All glory to our Maker Tim Timmons © 2009 Fair Trade Music Publishing (Admin. by CopyCare Singapore) CLCI Song # 5682346 CCLI License # 324618

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HERE I BOW Verse 1 Where would I run But to the throne of mercy Where would I kneel But at this cross of grace How great the love How strong the hand that holds us Beautiful, so beautiful Chorus So here I bow to lift You high Jesus be glorified In all things, for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours Verse 2 There is a King Who bore the scars of healing There is a Son who came in grace and truth How great the love That carries us to kindness Wonderful, You’re wonderful Bridge God here and now, be lifted high Right here and now, be glorified God of Heaven and Earth God who brought me back to life I am Yours, forever Yours Brian Johnson | Jason Ingram | Jenn Johnson | Jonas Myrin | Matt Redman © 2016 Capitol CMG Paragon (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Said And Done Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) sixsteps Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Son of the Lion (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Thankyou Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) worshiptogether.com songs (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Fellow Ships Music (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) So Essential Tunes (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) Bethel Music Publishing (Admin. by SHOUT! Music Publishing) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI Song # 7069335 CCLI License # 324618

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’TIS SO SWEET TO TRUST IN JESUS (TRUST IN JESUS) Verse 1 ’Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus Just to take Him at His word Just to rest upon His promise Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord!” Chorus Jesus, Jesus how I trust Him How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er Jesus, Jesus precious Jesus! O, for grace to trust Him more! Verse 2 O, how sweet to trust in Jesus Just to trust His cleansing blood Just in simple faith to plunge me ’Neath the healing, cleansing flood Verse 3 Yes ’tis sweet to trust in Jesus Just from sin and self to cease Just from Jesus simply taking Life and rest, and joy and peace Verse 4 I’m so glad I learned to trust Thee Precious Jesus, Savior Friend And I know that Thou art with me Wilt be with me to the end Louisa M. R. Stead | William James Kirkpatrick © Words and Music: Public Domain For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI Song # 22609 CCLI License # 324618

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HOLY SPIRIT (LIVING BREATH OF GOD) Verse 1 Holy Spirit, living Breath of God Breathe new life into my willing soul Let the presence of the risen Lord Come renew my heart and make me whole Cause Your Word to come alive in me Give me faith for what I cannot see Give me passion for Your purity Holy Spirit, breathe new life in me Verse 2 Holy Spirit, come abide within May Your joy be seen in all I do Love enough to cover every sin In each thought and deed and attitude Kindness to the greatest and the least Gentleness that sows the path of peace Turn my strivings into works of grace Breath of God, show Christ in all I do Verse 3 Holy Spirit, from creation’s birth Giving life to all that God has made Show Your power once again on earth Cause Your church to hunger for Your ways Let the fragrance of our prayers arise Lead us on the road of sacrifice That in unity the face of Christ May be clear for all the world to see Keith Getty | Stuart Townend © 2006 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.) CCLI Song # 4779872 CCLI License # 324618

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OUR GOD SAVES Verse 1 In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son In the name of the Spirit, Lord, we come We’re gathered together to lift up Your name To call on our Savior to fall on Your grace Pre-Chorus Hear the joyful sound of our offering As Your saints bow down, as Your people sing We will rise with You, lifted on Your wings And the world will see that Chorus Our God saves, our God saves There is hope in Your name Mourning turns to songs of praise Our God saves, our God saves Brenton Brown | Paul Baloche © 2007 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Leadworship Songs (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Thankyou Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI Song # 4972837 CCLI Licence # 324618

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FACING A TASK UNFINISHED (WE GO TO ALL THE WORLD) Verse 1 Facing a task unfinished That drives us to our knees A need that undiminished Rebukes our slothful ease We, who rejoice to know Thee Renew before Thy throne The solemn pledge we owe Thee To go and make Thee known Verse 2 Where other lords beside Thee Hold their unhindered sway Where forces that defied Thee Defy Thee still today With none to heed their crying For life, and love and light Unnumbered souls are dying And pass into the night Chorus We go to all the world With (His) kingdom hope unfurled No other name has power to save But Jesus Christ, the Lord Verse 3 We bear the torch that flaming Fell from the hands of those Who gave their lives proclaiming That Jesus died and rose Ours is the same commission The same glad message ours Fired by the same ambition To Thee we yield our powers

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Verse 4 O Father, who sustained them O Spirit who inspired Saviour, whose love constrained them To toil with zeal untired From cowardice defend us From lethargy awake! Forth on Thine errands send us To labour for Thy sake Ed Cash | Fionán De Barra | Frank Houghton | Keith Getty | Kristyn Getty | Samuel Wesley © 2015 Alletrop Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) De Barra, Fionan (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) OMF International (UK) (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Getty Music Publishing (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI Song # 7002026 CCLI License # 324618

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EVERLASTING GOD Verse 1 Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord We will wait upon the Lord (Repeat) Pre-Chorus Our God, You reign forever Our Hope, our strong Deliverer Chorus You are the everlasting God The everlasting God You do not faint You won’t grow weary You’re the defender of the weak You comfort those in need You lift us up on wings like eagles Brenton Brown | Ken Riley © 2005 Thankyou Music (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.) CCLI Song # 4556538 CCLI License # 324618

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BETTER IS ONE DAY Verse 1 How lovely is Your dwelling place O Lord Almighty My soul longs and even faints for You For here my heart is satisfied Within Your presence I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings Chorus Better is one day in Your courts Better is one day in Your house Better is one day in Your courts Than thousands elsewhere Verse 2 One thing I ask and I would seek To see Your beauty To find You in the place Your glory dwells Bridge My heart and flesh cry out For You, the living God Your Spirit’s water to my soul I’ve tasted and I’ve seen Come once again to me I will draw near to You I will draw near to You Ending Better is one day, better is one day Better is one day, than thousands elsewhere Matt Redman © 1995 Thankyou Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI Song # 1097451 CCLI License # 324618

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GOD IS ABLE Verse 1 God is able He will never fail He is Almighty God Greater than all we seek Greater than all we ask He has done great things Chorus Lifted up He defeated the grave Raised to life our God is able In His Name we overcome For the Lord our God is able Verse 2 God is with us God is on our side He will make a way Far above all we know Far above all we hope He has done great things Bridge God is with us He will go before He will never leave us He will never leave us God is for us He has open arms He will never fail us He will never fail us Ending For the Lord our God is able For the Lord our God is able Ben Fielding | Reuben Morgan Š 2010 Hillsong Music Publishing CCLI Song # 5894275 CCLI License # 324618

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SHOUT TO THE LORD Verse My Jesus, my Saviour Lord, there is none like You All of my days I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love My comfort, my shelter Tower of refuge and strength Let every breath, all that I am Never cease to worship You Chorus Shout to the Lord All the earth let us sing Power and majesty Praise to the King Mountains bow down And the seas will roar At the sound of Your name I sing for joy At the work of Your hands Forever I’ll love You Forever I’ll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have in You Darlene Zschech © 1993 Wondrous Worship (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. www.ccli.com CCLI Song # 1406918 CCLI Licence # 324618

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MONDAY // 01 APRIL 2019

Rejoice with Eyes of Faith S CRIPTURE 1 Peter 1:3-9

O B S E RVAT I O N What does the word “this” in the phrase “in this you rejoice” (v.6) refer to?



here is a popular view that “happiness” is short-lived and based on circumstances, whereas “joy” is abiding, deeper and irrespective of circumstances. Perhaps the better view is that there are varying degrees of both the heights and depths of joy that humans experience. The greater the heights, the more ecstatic; the deeper the depth, the more abiding. In the Old Testament, “happiness” means “a good thing, benefit or welfare” (e.g. Isa 52:7; Lam 3:17). In this passage, “joy” (v.8, Greek chara) means “delight”. The verb “rejoice” (Greek agalliao) occurs twice (vv.6, 8) and means “be overjoyed, exult or be exceeding glad”. The apostle Peter wrote this letter from Rome in A.D. 62-64 to Christians who were scattered over a wide area and living among unbelievers who misunderstood and mistreated them. Peter encouraged the Christians to see their temporary sufferings in the light of the coming eternal glory which was theirs through faith in Christ. Despite their sufferings, the sovereign God will guard and enable them by faith to have joy. Peter gave three reasons why believers can rejoice even during various trials. First, God has saved us – “caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (v.3). Second, God safekeeps our salvation – “an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading, kept in heaven for you” (v.4). Third, God secures us – by God’s power we are “guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (v.5). It is only by faith in God’s promises that we can “rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory” (v.8).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What promises of God do I need to remember as I go through current problems in my life?







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Father God, thank You for saving my soul through Your Son’s death on the cross and resurrection from the dead. Thank You that no adversary and no hardship can ever threaten my salvation in Jesus Christ. No one can snatch me out of Your hand. I praise You for the glorious inheritance that You will give to me at the return of Your Son. Amen.

Significant people




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TUESDAY // 02 APRIL 2019

Open Your Eyes S CRIPTURE

Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7

O B S E RVAT I O N What was the happiness that Eve and Adam pursued?



dam and Eve sought happiness outside of God’s rightful rule and authority over them. Happiness here means a good thing, benefit or welfare. The serpent distorted the words of God (vv.16-17 cf. Gen 3:1, 4) and deceived Eve and Adam into thinking that God was withholding a good thing from them, and that they would be better off disregarding God’s restriction and disobeying His command, indeed, rejecting His rule over them. In other words, the serpent tempted Eve and Adam to overstep God’s stipulated boundaries and enter into the divine domain. As a result, Eve and Adam chose to pursue self-rule and self-determination. They sincerely but erroneously thought that this deviant path would give them more happiness than what they already enjoyed under God’s provision and blessings. Blinded by the serpent’s deception, Eve saw that the fruit from the forbidden tree was good for food, the tree delightful to the eyes and the fruit desirable for acquiring wisdom (Gen 3:6). She fell for the serpent’s lies that eating the forbidden fruit would confer the benefits of new understanding (“your eyes will be opened”, Gen 3:5) and a new ability to determine what’s good and what’s evil (“you will be like God, knowing good and evil”, Gen 3:5). Eve ate of the fruit and offered some to Adam her husband “who was with her” (Gen 3:6) and he also ate. Their eyes were indeed opened, but as a result they lost their innocence and felt shame at their nakedness. Furthermore, they had to bear the effects of curses and were banished from the garden of Eden (see Gen 3:8-24).

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A P P L I CAT I O N In what way(s) have I recently been tempted to disobey God’s command in my pursuit of happiness in life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To willingly and joyfully submit themselves to God’s rule and obey His commands

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Whatever My Eyes Desired S CRIPTURE

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11, 24-25

O B S E RVAT I O N In what things did the writer of Ecclesiastes seek happiness?



he writer of Ecclesiastes referred to himself as “the Preacher” (Hebrew Qoheleth, first occurrence in Ecc 1:1). He was the son of David and a king over Israel in Jerusalem (Ecc 1:1, 12). Furthermore, he was a man of great wisdom, unsurpassed in the history of Jerusalem (Ecc 1:16). The Preacher sought to find meaning and good in all kinds of things that a man could do in the brevity of his life “under heaven” (v.3) or “under the sun” (v.11). That is, the existential meaning of a man’s life apart from God. The Preacher spared no effort in this endeavour: “whatever my eyes desired I did not keep from them. I kept my heart from no pleasure” (v.10). He sought meaning in pleasure, laughter and wine; in great projects of houses, vineyards, gardens, parks and agricultural works; in the acquisition of slaves, herds and flocks, silver and gold, treasures and singers; and in sensual delight through many concubines. All his work and toil gave him pleasure. However, the Preacher’s conclusion was that “all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun” (v.11). In other words, everything was meaningless, empty like vapour. No particular activity that had intrinsic meaning and good. For a person to find meaning and happiness in any activity, it needs to be done in the context of that person’s relationship with God. The only way to have enjoyment in life is to recognise that any blessing we have is from God’s hand and to acknowledge that our life is not to be lived apart from God (vv.24-25).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How can I help an unbelieving friend or relative find meaning and happiness in life?

P R AY E R Eternal God and Heavenly

Prayer Pointers

Father, I have many friends and relatives who seek to live their

// Give thanks:

lives apart from You. Please have mercy and grace upon them. Fill me with Your love and compassion for them. Help me

// Pray for leaders:

introduce them to You and Your Son Jesus Christ. Guide me in what to say and how to say it, so that it makes sense to them. In

// Pray for significant people:

Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Long to See You S CRIPTURE

1 Thessalonians 3:6-13

O B S E RVAT I O N What was one thing that gave the apostle Paul much happiness in life and ministry?



he apostle Paul wrote this letter to the Thessalonian Christians with much love and affection. They were his spiritual children. He shared with them the Gospel and led them to faith in Jesus Christ. Notice Paul’s longing to be in their presence: “we long to see you” (v.6); “we pray most earnestly night and day that we may see you face to face” (v.10); “may our God and Father Himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you” (v.11). Note how the news of their growth in faith and love (v.6) comforted Paul’s heart even as he went through trials and suffered much distress and affliction (v.7). Knowing that the Thessalonians were standing firm in their faith gave Paul renewed strength to endure suffering and live on for Gospel work to be done (v.8). He overflowed with thanksgiving and joy before God (v.9). Paul desired very much to visit them and encourage their faith. He prayed and asked the Lord to cause their love to abound for one another and people, and to enable them to live godly lives as they await the return of Christ (v.12-13). From this passage, we can clearly see that Paul derived much happiness and joy from knowing that his spiritual children were walking with the Lord Jesus and growing in Christ-likeness, particularly in love and faithfulness. Do you have spiritual children whom you long to see because of your close relationship with them? Do you have spiritual children, whose spiritual growth you deeply care about and earnestly pray for?

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A P P L I CAT I O N How can I have spiritual children and be a godly, loving and wise spiritual parent to them?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life Leaders To be godly, loving and wise spiritual parents to many people in Singapore and other Asian nations

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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FRIDAY // 05 APRIL 2019

Press on with Eyes of Faith S CRIPTURE

Hebrews 11:8-16, 35-40

O B S E RVAT I O N What was the happiness that the Old Testament believers pursued?



braham and the Old Testament heroes of faith persevered in their quest for a new homeland. They did not look back to the country they left. They looked forward to the country God had promised them. A future country. A better country. A heavenly country. It was a journey of faith. Although their physical eyes could not see the city of God, they held on to God’s promise. With eyes of faith they saw it from afar. Deep in their hearts they knew they were ultimately citizens of God’s heavenly city (v.10) and were temporarily strangers and exiles on earth (v.13). As such, they were able to press on through much persecution and hardship in life as believers in God (vv.35-40). Reading about those heroes of faith, we are inspired in our own day to press on with eyes of faith. We will face many trials and have trouble and suffering in this fallen world where evil and wickedness often have the upper hand. But by faith we see beyond the here and now. At the return of Christ, He will fully and finally do away with all evil and wickedness and destroy all who practise them. We hold fast to the promises we have in Christ, for example, our resurrection from the dead (Jn 11:25; Rom 6:2), heavenly dwelling (Jn 14:1-3; 2 Cor 5:1-2) and eternal life (Jn 3:16; 3:36; 5:24; 6:40; 1 Jn 2:25). Our ultimate happiness is not found in this present life, but in the life to come, when believers enter into the glory of the eternal state in a new heaven and a new earth (Rev 21:1-5, 22-27).

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A P P L I CAT I O N To what extent do I live my present life with a clear view of my future with God in glory?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To live a life of worship to God with the future glory in view

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Keep Our Eyes on the Prize S CRIPTURE

Hebrews 12:1-2; Psalm 16:11

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the ultimate reward that we should keep our eyes on?



ne day all believers will arrive in the heavenly city which God has promised (Heb 11:16; 13:14; Rev 21:1-4). Then we will rest from all our labour. There will no longer be any need to struggle for life and freedom. We will cease all striving for peace and security. Justice and righteousness will cascade down like an ever-flowing waterfall. Love will reign supreme. The fullness of joy will embrace us. God will dwell with His people forever. Before that great and glorious day, we must run the race set before us. As we run, heavy discouragements will seek to weigh us down and persistent sins will try to trip us up. The writer of Hebrews depicts a picture of throwing off all the discouragements and sins that cling so closely to us, in order to run the race unhindered and cross the finish line as a victorious champion. Furthermore, we are not running alone on the track without a soul in sight. Envisage a sports stadium with the stands filled with a great crowd of Old Testament believers cheering us on at the top of their lungs, shouting their encouragements: “Finish the race strong! Never ever give up! You can surely do it! God will help you! Keep looking to Him!” The Lord Jesus Christ is our greatest inspiration and ultimate example. He is the founder and finisher of our faith. Like Jesus, we shall in humility endure the respective cross that each disciple has to bear, persevere to the end and emerge victorious in the place where our heavenly vision is fulfilled in all its splendour and glory.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What are the weights and sins that I need to throw off in order to run my race to the finish line?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To lay aside every weight and sin that clings so closely

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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SUNDAY // 07 APRIL 2019

Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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WHO CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH?* There is only one God and He created man to worship Him. Scripture: Genesis 1-2 ACTIVITY BITE Get a big piece of paper and ask your family members to take turns drawing God’s creations (e.g. mountains, animals and humans) on it. Do this until everyone has contributed a few items to the drawing. CHAT TIME Q1: What does it mean to be made in God’s image and to be created to be like Him? Q2: How do you feel when you know that God created you and wants to have a close relationship with you? Q3: What can you do to build a close relationship with God every day? LEARNING POINT In the beginning, God was there. He was not a created being, but He created all things. He created the universe, the earth and all living things. He created men and women so that they can worship Him and have a close relationship with Him. There is no other god, but Him whom we worship. He is the loving God who loves and cares for us. He is the one and only true God. ACTION POINT Ask your family members to share three of God’s creations that they are thankful for. Encourage them to do something in the coming week that will help them know God better. Share with each other what you’ve done at the end of the week. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for creating this world and all that is in it. Ask God to help us be bold in telling our friends about Him, so that more will worship and believe in Him.

*Adapted from 252Basics, Sep 2018. www.ThinkOrange.com


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MONDAY // 08 APRIL 2019

Hope in the Anger of God S CRIPTURE Isaiah 12:1-6

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about God and His people in this thanksgiving psalm?



he motif of “that day” (vv.1, 4) – the Day of the Lord − runs through Isaiah 1 to 11 and climaxes with a thanksgiving psalm in Isaiah 12: “You will say on that day, ‘Give thanks to the LORD’” (vv.1, 4). “That day” refers to a day of divine retribution for sin (Isa 2:12, 20; 3:7, 18; 4:1; 5:30; 7:18-20, 23; 10:3), or a day of divine redemption of grace and glory (Isa 2:2-4; 4:2-6; 10:20-23, 27; 11:10-11). In “You will say on that day”, the “you” refers to God’s people suffering the “anger” of God and “that day” of “salvation” (v.2) is still in the future. God is slow to anger, but when God is angry, His anger does not last forever. There is the God-given hope of “Your anger is turned away, and You comfort me” (v.1). And while suffering divine “anger” with the hope of divine “salvation”, God’s people can say – not presumptuously, but as prescribed by God – “God is (present tense!) my salvation…my strength and song” and because of this “I will trust and not be afraid” (v.2), no matter what happens. In giving thanks to the God of our salvation, we “make known” “throughout the earth” His exalted name, His magnificent works and His holy greatness present in our midst, though weak and fallible we may be (vv.4-6).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me in my discipleship journey that God is my salvation, my strength and my song?

P R AY E R O righteous God, You

Prayer Pointers

have revealed Your wrath against all ungodliness

// Give thanks:

and unrighteousness of humankind.1 But in Christ I am saved from Your righteous wrath through the blood

// Pray for leaders:

of Your Son.2 For You have made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the

// Pray for significant people:

righteousness of God in Him.3 I thank You for such incredible grace of Yours!

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Romans 1:18 Romans 5:9 3 2 Corinthians 5:21 2

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TUESDAY // 09 APRIL 2019

God’s Sovereign Dealings with the Nations (1) S CRIPTURE Isaiah 13:1-22

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about “the day of the LORD” (vv.6-16)?



saiah 13 to 23 consists of ten “oracles” – “proclamations of judgement”4 – on the nations: Babylon,5 Philistia,6 Moab,7 Damascus,8 Egypt,9 “the wilderness of the sea”10 – Babylon (Isa 21:9), Dumah/Edom,11 Arabia,12 “the valley of vision”13 – Jerusalem (Isa 22:8-10) and Tyre.14 Each oracle contains God’s judgement on a particular nation on “the day of the LORD” (vv.6, 9) – “the day of His burning anger” (vv.9, 13). “The day of the LORD” is “the culmination and termination of history”15, when God “will punish the world for its evil” and “will put an end to the arrogance of the proud and will humble the pride of the ruthless” (v.11, NIV). While the Bible speaks as if the end of the world is imminent (v.6 – “is near;” v.9 – “is coming”), “the day” when the judgement-prophecies on these nations are fulfilled “is not the final judgment, but the moment when God’s ultimate purpose receives one of its periodic partial fulfilment in history, as pride is put down and the oppressed are delivered”16. “The day of the Lord” is both already here and not yet here. The history of the rise and fall of powerful nations from ancient times to today is witness to this theological pattern. So, we can in hope look to the already-here and not-yet-here “day of the Lord” in today’s geopolitical instability and uncertainty.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to live my life in view of the already-here and not-yet here day of the LORD”?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To live and serve in view of the day of the LORD

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Allan Harman, Isaiah, Focus on the Bible (Christian Focus, 2005), 134 5 Isaiah 13:1 – 14:27 6 Isaiah 14:28-32 7 Isaiah 15-16 8 Isaiah 17-18 9 Isaiah 19-20 10 Isa 21:1-10


Isa 21:11-12 Isa 21:13-17 13 Isaiah 22 14 Isaiah 23 15 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, Volume 20 (IVP, 1999), 129 16 John Goldingay, Isaiah, Understanding the Bible Commentary Series (Baker, 2001), 99 12

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God’s Sovereign Dealings with the Nations (2) S CRIPTURE

Isaiah 13:1-22; 14:1-23

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the significance of what God said to Israel (14:1-4a) being sandwiched by God’s judgement on Babylon (vv.1-22 and Isa 14:4b-23)?



he rise and fall of powerful nations in history happened mostly through wars. Terry Brighton’s book “Masters of Battle” is about three of World War II’s greatest war generals: Britain’s Bernard Montgomery, America’s George Patton and Germany’s Erwin Rommel. Babylon’s fall to the Persians in war in Isaiah 13 points to a theology of war: The start of the war and its outcome was not determined by human masters of battle, but by God. The war started when God would “stir up the Medes [Persians] against them [Babylon]” (v.17) and “commanded” the Persians to be His “consecrated ones” – “a human army dedicated to the task of fulfilling Yahweh’s purpose in the world by making war”17 and His “mighty warriors” (v.3). The divinely determined outcome was: Babylon “will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah” (v.19). But at the heart of this Persian-Babylonian war was God’s gracious redemptive purpose for His people, as the “sandwich” structure shows: Fall of Babylon (vv.1-22) / “When the LORD will have compassion on Jacob” (Isa 14:1-4a) / Fall of Babylon (Isa 14:4b-23). God judged His people for their rebellion through the rise of Babylon and restored them through the fall of Babylon.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to look at the nations in conflict with a theological perspective?

P R AY E R Almighty God, Your supreme

Prayer Pointers

sovereign hand holds every nation in all history. You will

// Give thanks:

destroy the pride of all beauty, like Tyre, the marketplace of the world and the prostitute of all earthly kingdoms. And in the

// Pray for leaders:

end, the ill-gotten profits and earnings of the economically powerful will be set apart for You18 who says, “The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine.”

// Pray for significant people:


// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

17 18 19

John Goldingay, Isaiah, 98 Isaiah 23:1-3, 8-9, 17-18 Haggai 2:8

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“Babylon, the Beauty of Kingdoms” S CRIPTURE Isaiah 14:3-23

O B S E RVAT I O N What does the taunt against the king of Babylon tell us about pride?



abylon is prominent in the oracles concerning the nations in Isaiah 13 to 23. Besides being first in the list of the nations (Isa 13:1), the oracle concerning Babylon is the longest, taking up 45 verses (Isa 13:1 – 14:23).20 Babylon is described as “the beauty of kingdoms, the glory of the Chaldeans’ pride” (Isa 13:19), whose king declared, “I will make myself like the Most High” (vv.10-15). The prophecy addresses the Babylonian king as “Morning star, son of the dawn” (v.12), “taking up titles of Canaanite gods”21. “Babylonian and Canaanite myths told of gods who tried to take over the power of the highest god”22 and Isaiah used “such stories as parables of the Babylonian king assuming to take God-like authority over the whole world”23. In Scripture, Babylon is theologically symbolic of any arrogant person or nation, attempting to oppose and dethrone God, to be independent from God, to become like God (e.g., Babylon in Rev 17-18). Let us be careful that our significance and confidence in life is not formed by a Babylonian worldview and value system. But Babylon, in whatever form it takes, will always fall (vv.4-11, 22-23; Isa 21:9; Rev 14:8; 18:2). John warns the seven churches and us today: “Come out of her [Babylon], my people, so that you will not participate in her sins” (Rev 18:4).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What do I see in this world as Babylon, as theologically symbolised in Scripture?

P R AY E R Prayer Pointers

Write a prayer to God as your response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To be kept from compromising with worldly values

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

20 21 22 23

Including Isaiah 21:1-10 will be 55 verses John Goldingay, The Theology of the Book of Isaiah (IVP Academic, 2014), 42 John Goldingay, The Theology of the Book of Isaiah, 42 John Goldingay, The Theology of the Book of Isaiah, 42

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FRIDAY // 12 APRIL 2019

Vain Resources for Success and Security S CRIPTURE Isaiah 19:1-15

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about Egypt’s resources for success and security (vv.5-15)?



gypt was Israel’s old oppressor, but Judah’s present “biggest temptation”24 as a resource for protection against the Assyrian threat (Isa 30:1-5; 31:1-3). The oracle concerning Egypt shows God destroying human and worldly resources for success and security. For Egypt, it was the Nile, which was central to life in Egypt, for irrigation of fields to produce crops, fishing and growth of flax for manufacturing linen. When God dried up the Nile, Egypt was in a devastating economic crisis (vv.5-10). Ancient Egypt was well-known for its wisdom “collected over the centuries”25 (cf. 1 Kin 4:30). Believing that all truth is God’s truth, Israel was open to learning from the culture and wisdom of other peoples and adapted them to what they knew of God (e.g., the Thirty Sayings in Prov 22:17–24:22 was adapted from an Egyptian prototype).26 This is not wrong, but it can be a dangerous path that leads to an excessive and undiscerning regard for and reliance on such human wisdom. Egyptian wisdom can be that “the advice of Pharaoh’s wisest advisers has become stupid” (v.11). And that was God’s doing (vv.13-14): “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise” (1 Cor 1:19). Are your resources for success and security from an “Egypt”?

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A P P L I CAT I O N Are my resources for success and security from an “Egypt” and what changes do I need to make regarding this?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To have God as their source of success and security

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

24 25 26

John Goldingay, Isaiah, 117 John Goldingay, Isaiah, 118 John Goldingay, Isaiah, 118

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Striking Egypt and Healing Egypt S CRIPTURE Isaiah 19:16-25

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about God’s judgement on Egypt?



ather abruptly, divine retribution on Egypt (Isa 19:1-17) is shifted to redemption of Egypt (vv.18-25). God is the God who “will strike Egypt, striking but healing” (v.22). Egypt will have its own salvation history parallel to Israel’s.27 They “will cry out to the LORD because of oppressors” (v.20), just like Israel crying out to God in their Egyptian bondage (Exo 2:23). And as God sent Moses to deliver Israel (Exo 2:24-25; 3:7-10), God “will send them [Egypt] a Saviour and a Champion, and He will deliver them” (v.20). And Egypt “will know the LORD” because “the LORD will make Himself known to Egypt” (v.21). Jewish communities were developed in Egypt from the time of Jeremiah during the exile (Jer 41-44). The Jews in Alexandria constituted “the largest and most important Jewish community of the entire diaspora”28. Certainly there were Egyptians converted to Judaism (cf. Acts 2:10; 13:43). When Israel cried out to God in their oppression, “God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” (Exo 2:24). This is also true for Egypt, because God’s ultimate purpose in the Abrahamic covenant is “in you all the nations of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12:3; 22:18; 26:4; 28:14). There is the missional dimension even in God’s judgement of the nations.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What is my response to the theological reality that there is the missional dimension in God’s judgement of the nations?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To be missional in orientation in living their lives // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

27 28

John Goldingay, Isaiah, 120 Jacob Neuser, editor in chief; William Scott Green, editor, Dictionary of Judaism in the Biblical Period (Hendrickson, 1996), 27

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SUNDAY // 14 APRIL 2019

Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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HOW DOES SIN SEPARATE US FROM GOD?* Sin causes us to reject God and not believe in Him. Scripture: Genesis 3 ACTIVITY BITE Get a mirror and some grease, mud or a whiteboard marker. Explain to your family members that the mirror represents how God sees them (beautiful, of course!) and that the grease, mud or marker ink represents sin. Smear or scribble on the mirror with the grease, mud or whiteboard marker. How does your reflection look now compared to when the mirror was clean? CHAT TIME Q1: Can you see, feel or hear from God when you sin? If so, what does this tell you about sin? Q2: Do you think it hurts God when you choose to disobey Him? Why or why not? Q3: What can you do to prevent yourself from sinning? LEARNING POINT Adam and Eve disobeyed God. This caused sin and misery to come into the world. Sin separated not just Adam and Eve from God, but all of mankind. Sin hurts our relationship with God. Sin separates us from God. However, God continues to love His disobedient children. He sent Jesus to rescue us from sin and bring us back to Him. ACTION POINT List down on a piece of paper the things you do that may not please God. Fold the paper in half and tell God that you are sorry for doing those things. Then throw the list into the dustbin to signify that God has forgiven your sins. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for loving us even when we sin. Ask God for an obedient heart that listens and follows His instructions.

*Adapted from 252Basics, Sep 2018. www.ThinkOrange.com


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MONDAY // 15 APRIL 2019

When Fear Underlies Bravado S CRIPTURE

John 13:36-38; Luke 22:31-34; John 18:10-11

O B S E RVAT I O N What adjectives would you use to describe Peter’s behaviour in these passages?



will go anywhere with you! I will do anything for you!” he declared (paraphrased). Even if it cost his life, proclaimed Simon Peter, his love for Jesus was undying. Sure enough, it was none other than Simon Peter, who took courage, took charge and took action to forcefully resist Jesus’ arrest. Peter really, really, loved his Master, or at least he must have believed so. Jesus never repudiated Peter’s affection. Rather, Jesus questioned the extent to which Peter truly loved him. Did he really love Jesus as much as he had believed? Neither Luke nor John recorded (and hence we can only speculate) how Peter responded when Jesus foretold his impending threefold denial. Embarrassment? Disbelief? Fear? And what caused Peter’s adrenaline rush that drove him to slice off Malchus’ ear? Hot-blooded courage? Zeal to prove Jesus wrong? Desperation and panic? Again, one can only speculate. Behind all of Peter’s swagger was certainly a significant measure of love for his Master. But perhaps, mixed with his bravado too was a sizeable dose of fear. When it came to the crunch, in spite of all that he believed and professed about himself, he too feared that harm might befall him – maybe imprisonment or even death. Oftentimes, the fear of suffering or harm overcomes our love for the Master. Our problem becomes bigger than our God; our fear of men transcends our fear of God. We may even arise to impetuous acts of courage, but deep inside, we are fearful more than we are faithful, because fundamentally, we fear suffering, even if it is for Christ’s sake.

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A P P L I CAT I O N Has my fear of men or my fear of suffering paralysed me from proclaiming Christ through my words and deeds?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, in this Holy Week

Prayer Pointers

leading up to Easter, open my eyes to see beyond the

// Give thanks:

immediate. Let Your Word, rather than my fears, lead me. Grant me courage to proclaim You at the right moment even when I am fearful of men,

// Pray for leaders:

because I want to fear You more than men. Teach me not to fear suffering. Amen.

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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TUESDAY // 16 APRIL 2019

When Fear Leads to Distancing S CRIPTURE

Luke 22:47-54; John 18:12-18

O B S E RVAT I O N What made Peter follow Jesus at a distance (v.54)?



learly, Peter was fearful. Yet, interestingly, he still followed behind Jesus and the small army that arrested and took him away, albeit at a distance. To describe Peter’s action, both the Gospel writers, Luke and John, used the characteristic Greek word akolouthei (v.54; Jn 18:15), which means “to follow as a disciple”. The same Greek word was also used by the Gospel writer Mark, where he wrote about how the disciples, upon hearing Jesus’ call, immediately left their fishing nets and followed Jesus (Mk 1:18). So, Peter still cared enough for Jesus to follow behind his Master, but no longer closely and intimately, and only from a safe distance away. Understandably, he feared for his own safety should his allegiance to Jesus be disclosed. What if he was recognised and arrested? And yet, to his credit, he actually entered the courtyard, which was not accessible to the public, even though that exposed him to greater danger. Trying hard to be a disciple while struggling with fear in the face of danger, the dissonance Peter faced must have been overwhelming. The solution? Distancing. When we follow at a distance, or distance ourselves from someone or something, we are probably fearful or doubtful. To overcome fear so that we can be better witnesses, we need to be aware of what triggers our fears and what happens when we fear. With discernment, we can grow to address our fears. It would also be suitable to ask ourselves, to what extent is there the fear of the Lord in our lives, so that we can seek to live more wisely (Prov 9:10).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What are my fears, if any, that keep me following Christ only “at a distance”?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your response from your meditation on and application of

Prayer Pointers

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To reduce the distance between each other and build stronger unity as a team

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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When Fear Leads to Denial S CRIPTURE Luke 22:54-62

O B S E RVAT I O N What progression do you notice in the three accusations before Peter’s denials?



he slave girl identified Peter to be “with Him”. She merely associated him with Jesus, in a relationship that apparently wasn’t too close, perhaps like an acquaintance. Peter denied it. Someone else said he was “one of them”. Now he wasn’t just loosely associated with Jesus, but was deemed to belong to the group, maybe even part of the inner circle. Peter denied it again. Then another person asserted with certainty, “This man also was with Him”, and referenced even his Galilean identity. This time Peter denied it with such emphasis that it communicated he wanted nothing to do with Jesus! It seemed almost like an admission of a relationship that was even closer than it appeared to observers! Despite his physical distancing measures, Peter had been positively identified, not once, not twice, but three times! Fear gripped him, causing him to deny his beloved Master (to whom he had earlier sworn his unwavering allegiance) not once, not twice, but all three times! Each denial progressively deepened the rift. No wonder he grieved when the rooster crowed. Because he was starkly awakened to how his fear had simply overcome him. Lest we wag an accusing finger at Peter, shouldn’t we stop to consider how we too, sometimes in our conversations and actions, have in some ways denied our faith? Peter’s denials show what we are all capable of and must guard against. When there is a growing gap between our faith and actions, is it because we have become more fearful? Or that our love has grown cold? Watch out for these little denials, because that slope is a slippery one.

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A P P L I CAT I O N In my discipleship journey, are there little ways that I am reluctant to make a stand for my faith?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, I may not even

Prayer Pointers

know it when sometimes, in my words and actions, I deny

// Give thanks:

You. Would You show and teach me? I want to become aware of any fears within that cause me to deny You. Please

// Pray for leaders:

help me to overcome them, so that I may be a faithful witness for You. Amen.

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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When Fear Leads to Remorse S CRIPTURE

Luke 22:61-62; John 13:1-11

O B S E RVAT I O N What simple daily event caused Peter to weep bitterly and why?



eter’s escalating fear led him from bravado to distancing to denial. And sure enough the rooster crowed, precisely as Jesus had foretold. But roosters crow every day. There really wasn’t anything special or significant about nature’s morning call per se. Yet the Lord used an everyday occurrence to speak to Peter about how full of himself he had been. Perhaps just then, Jesus had even turned to glance lovingly at him. The dreaded reveille jolted Peter to recall his vows of unwavering allegiance to his Master, as well as Jesus’ strong words, which had been unthinkable then, but were now fulfilled. Confronted by his own fallenness, Peter broke down, overcome by remorse. What does it take to jolt us to confront our own weaknesses and remind us of our human frailty? What does it take to so starkly awaken us to our depravity that remorse for our sins fills us, that in total brokenness and unreserved repentance, we cry out to God? For Peter, no words were necessary. On the contrary, the mundane fowl’s everyday croon poignantly penetrated deep into his soul. May our Lord reach gently, yet deeply into your spirit today in His own special way. That you may be awakened to your fears and fallenness, and be drawn to unreserved repentance before God. And just as today, being Maundy Thursday, we commemorate Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, may you experience God’s cleansing forgiveness. May you hear Jesus say to you – just as He had said to Peter earlier at the supper table knowing full well what he was about to do later – “you are clean” (Jn 13:10).

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A P P L I CAT I O N Listen to what the Lord is saying in His own special way to you and respond to Him in prayer with a tender heart.

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: That they will extend grace to people they interact with, so that they will experience God’s grace and be drawn to Him

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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FRIDAY // 19 APRIL 2019

When Fear Is Vanquished S CRIPTURE 1 John 4:9-18

O B S E RVAT I O N What vanquishes fear and why?



ear has to do with punishment” (v.18). While the apostle John refers to punishment at the final judgement (cf. v.17), Peter’s fear of punishment by human authority – for having been so intimately associated with Jesus – was no less crippling. It sent him on an emotional roller coaster, from bravado to distancing to denial to remorse. Nine of Jesus’ other disciples (except John) probably scattered into hiding immediately upon His arrest, out of the same fear. But take heart, says John, because instead of the fear of punishment by God, believers have confidence! “This confidence relates especially to the time of judgment (cf. 1 Jn 2:28), though John probably believed that ‘confidence’ was the mark of a believer in every relationship to God (cf. 1 Jn 3:21; 5:14)”29. This confidence springs from God’s love for us, because perfect love casts out fear! How is God’s love made known to us? “God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through Him” (v.9), and “…God loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (v.10). Today is Good Friday and we remember Jesus’ atoning sacrifice at Golgotha (or Calvary, from Latin). God’s love held our Saviour to the cross and by His resurrection He conquered sin and death, so that we may live. But not just that! God’s redemptive love, unequivocally demonstrated at Golgotha, has vanquished even the most terrifying of all fears – the fear of eternal damnation! Victory is assured! When we abide in God and He in us, His love is perfected with us. Perfect love, embodied in the Son of God, has vanquished fear.

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A P P L I CAT I O N Thank God for the precious sacrifice of His Son, and that by His death and resurrection you have victory over sin, death and fear.

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To be mindful of the victory they have in Christ and to share it with unbelievers

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Glenn W. Barker, “1 John,” in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary: Hebrews through Revelation, ed. Frank E. Gaebelein, vol. 12 (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1981), 345–346.

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Restoration for a Purpose S CRIPTURE

Luke 22:31-32; John 20:24-28

O B S E RVAT I O N Before even foretelling his denials, what had Jesus already reassured Peter of?



e go back in time again to when Jesus first revealed to Peter that “Satan demanded to have him” (v.31). How horrifying that must be! But Jesus not only foretold Peter’s future denials, He reassured Peter that He had already prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail. And in the same breath, Jesus promised post-denial restoration and new purpose upon restoration – all before Peter could even conceive that he would deny Jesus! “When you are restored,” said Jesus, “strengthen your brothers.” That was Peter’s new purpose. As we celebrate Easter tomorrow, remember that Jesus’ death and victorious resurrection not only restores us in our relationship with God, but also gives us a new post-restoration mandate. We are to strengthen our brothers- and sisters-in-Christ, even as we proclaim the Gospel to unbelievers. And like our Lord, we graciously make room in our hearts for doubters, so that we can gently strengthen their faith (Jn 20:24-28). The strengthened brothers and sisters are thereby encouraged to proclaim Christ to others. That is how multiplication happens in His Kingdom. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 tells us that we are comforted by God to be a comforter to others in affliction. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 tells us that we are God’s ambassadors for Christ in the ministry of reconciliation. All these teach us that the difficult and painful experiences we go through in life serve the purpose that Peter had been taught: Each time you are restored in your faith and trust in the Lord, go and strengthen others who are struggling with fear or doubt in their lives.

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A P P L I CAT I O N Is there someone I know who is struggling with fear or doubt whom God wants me to go to and strengthen?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To receive God’s grace and strength in order to encourage and strengthen our church members // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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SUNDAY // 21 APRIL 2019

Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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WHAT DOES THE CROSS MEAN TO YOU AND ME?* Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins. Scripture: Luke 23:26-49 ACTIVITY BITE Get a small wooden cross or draw a cross on a piece of paper. Then share with your family about the story behind the cross and why it is so special to Christians. CHAT TIME Q1: Why did Jesus choose to die on the cross? Q2: How does it feel to know that you are free from sin through Jesus Christ? Q3: Who will you share the Gospel with today? LEARNING POINT Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins. Jesus was crucified on a cross like a common criminal, even though He had done nothing wrong. Jesus had the power to stop the crucifixion, but he chose to obey God and went through it for us. There was darkness, a torn curtain in the temple and an earthquake when Jesus died. Because of Jesus, we can live a life free from sin and have a close relationship with God. Sin separates us from God and the punishment is death. Only Jesus can save us because he is without sin. He took the punishment of sin upon Himself and died on the cross for us. When we believe in Jesus and what He did on the cross, we are saved. ACTION POINT Share with someone about the true story of Easter this week. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for sending His one and only Son to die on the cross to wash away our sins. Seek forgiveness from God for our wrongdoings and thank God that we are not separated from Him.

*Adapted from 252Basics, Sep 2018. www.ThinkOrange.com


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MONDAY // 22 APRIL 2019

The Place of Healing S CRIPTURE John 5:1-7

O B S E RVAT I O N What was the crowd at the pool waiting for?



n ancient Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate, there was a pool called “Bethesda”. In Hebrew, it means “house of mercy”. Archeologists discovered that there were two neighbouring pools. The northern pool was built during First Temple period. The southern pool was built during the Greek Empire. Historians believed that the pool likely contained hot spring water possessing some medicinal properties. The original use was for sheep to be purified in the pool in preparation for the temple sacrifice. The Greeks turned it into a healing centre, one of many such establishments dedicated to Asklepius, the Greek god of healing. The legend was that when the pool water bubbled up, there was an angel stirring up the pool, indicating the time for sick people to enter the water and be healed. Multitudes of the sick and disabled would camp out around the pool of Bethesda, waiting for the pool water to bubble up. The Bible describes to us the scene in verses 1 to 7. Imagine you were there at the pool. Can you see the crowds of blind, lame and paralysed people? Notice their desperation, pain and sadness. They wait. The pool water bubbles and people jostle to enter the water to be healed. Notice the man with a 38-year infirmity by the side of the pool. See his despondent, tired face. Today, people still hold on to similar beliefs. For example, people believe miraculous healings take place at a spa located in Lourdes, France. It attracts six million visitors per year! People seek the healing. But they miss the Healer.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What healing are my friends and relatives seeking and how can I help them find the Healer?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, many of my

Prayer Pointers

friends and relatives are suffering from pain, sadness,

// Give thanks:

isolation, meaninglessness and hopelessness. They do not know love, acceptance, forgiveness, security and

// Pray for leaders:

significance. They have sicknesses of the body, mind and spirit. Remove their spiritual blindness so that they

// Pray for significant people:

will seek You, the One who is merciful and gracious, faithful and true. You are the One who alone can heal their sicknesses.

// Pray for those in need:

Help me to bring them to You for healing. Amen.

// Pray for self:

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TUESDAY // 23 APRIL 2019

The Power for Healing S CRIPTURE

John 5:1-9a, 12-13

O B S E RVAT I O N How did the disabled man expect Jesus to help him?



magine the disabled man’s account of his healing: “I’ve waited 38 years. But I can’t walk. I lie next to the pool. I am first in line for the angel to stir the waters. But every time, as I drag myself towards the steps, someone else comes along and cuts the queue. It’s just not fair. Then I met Him. Jesus. He asked me, “Do you want to be healed?” I told Him I wanted to be healed. I’ve tried to get into the pool so that I could be healed, but I lacked the ability. No one bothered to help me. I’ve given up hope. I wanted Him to pick me up and put me into the pool. I wanted to get well. But instead of carrying me, He commanded, “Get up, take up your bed and walk.” Immediately, I felt a strange sensation in my legs which I have never felt before. I got up! I picked up my mat! And I walked! Who was this man who healed me?” The disabled man thought Jesus would carry him into the pool for healing. But little did he realise that one greater than the pool was speaking with him. The power was in Jesus. His simple command was: “Get up...and walk.” The true source of healing was Jesus Christ, not the pool! How often people look to all sorts of “pools” – various impotent sources – for healing and breakthroughs! They rely on all kinds of wicked deceptions, false beliefs, empty rituals, fallen people and powerless idols. Yet the true power source for breakthroughs is Jesus Christ Himself!

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A P P L I CAT I O N What are the “pools” that I sometimes look to for my breakthroughs instead of looking to the Lord Jesus?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To always look to the Lord Jesus as their power source for breakthroughs

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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The Past and the Future S CRIPTURE John 5:5-15

O B S E RVAT I O N What could the disabled man’s bed or mat have meant to him before and after his healing?



he disabled man’s bed was a simple mat. The mat was his constant companion. It marked out his territory by the pool. It was his bed when he lay down to sleep. It was his cushion as he sat and waited day after day for the chance to be healed. It was his source of comfort. It absorbed his sweat in the day as the sun beat down on his body. It soaked up his tears on many nights of bitter disappointment, frustration and sadness. It was a symbol of his long-term pain and suffering. But when Jesus came and healed the disabled man, the mat was no longer needed for security or comfort. Now that the man could walk, the mat was rolled up and carried away under his arm. But the mat suddenly became a source of controversy. The Jewish leaders cited the Law prohibiting the man from carrying any object during the Sabbath. However, this controversy gave an opportunity for the man to tell the story of his healing and to testify of Jesus his Healer. Jesus’ command to the man “…take up your bed…” implied this: “Do not leave your mat at the pool. Do not come back to the pool, because you are completely healed.” It was a new beginning for the man! Later, Jesus would reinforce this fact by telling the man: “See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.” (v.14). When Jesus delivers us, do not go back to the past! Embrace your new life in Christ and press on towards the future!

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A P P L I CAT I O N What temptations do I face to return to certain past sins or a former unrighteous lifestyle?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, thank You that in

Prayer Pointers

You I am a new creation and I have a glorious future in Your Kingdom. Please help me

// Give thanks:

to decisively leave behind my sinful past practices and unrighteous old habits. Strengthen me against every

// Pray for leaders:

temptation to return to them. Keep my eyes fixed on You and Your promises. I want to pursue a closer fellowship

// Pray for significant people:

with You and embrace the great future You have in store for me. Amen.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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The Letter and the Spirit S CRIPTURE John 5:9-16

O B S E RVAT I O N What were these Jews primarily concerned about and why?



erhaps this was what went through these Jewish leaders’ minds when they realised that Jesus had healed the disabled man on a Sabbath and told him to carry his mat: “How dare he! Doesn’t he know this is against the Law of Moses? How dare this self-professed rabbi do such a thing! So what if the disabled man got well? So what if there was a miracle? We must always obey the Law! This is the Sabbath! How dare he tell the man to work on the Sabbath! This man Jesus! Nothing but trouble! We must punish him before he corrupts more of our people! We must make a stand for the LAW!” The Jewish leaders were truly outraged at Jesus. They failed to see Jesus’ compassion for the sick and his miraculous power to heal and make people’s lives better. Their misguided devotion to and misinterpretation of the Law blinded them from seeing that Jesus is the Son of God. And so they proceeded to persecute Him, the very One whom the Law testified about and pointed to. Jesus intentionally chose to heal the man on the Sabbath. He knew exactly what He was doing and that what He was doing was perfectly lawful from God’s perspective. We see that Jesus lived His life and ministered to people based on the spirit of the Law. In contrast, these Jews were focused narrowly on keeping the letter of the Law, that is, legalism. Which way does our life and ministry operate by and reflect?

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A P P L I CAT I O N What area(s) of my life and ministry reflect some degree of blind legalism and unfeeling rigidity?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To do ministry in a manner that fulfils the spirit and not just the letter of God’s laws

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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FRIDAY // 26 APRIL 2019

The Physical and the Spiritual S CRIPTURE John 5:2-24

O B S E RVAT I O N What do Jesus’ responses to the disabled man reveal about the man’s needs?



magine Jesus’ own account of His encounter with this disabled man: “There was a multitude of people in need. But among them, I saw one man. He was overlooked. Unseen. Ignored. I felt his despair, hopelessness and pain. I was stirred with compassion. I asked him, ‘Do you want to be healed?’ I felt his despair, hopelessness and pain. I commanded him, ‘Get up, take up your bed and walk.’ He was completely healed. But I was not done yet. I had a more important message. I later found this man in the temple and said to him, ‘See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.’” Jesus was able to see an individual in the midst of a multitude. Jesus commanded healing as one who has authority over sicknesses. But more than possessing the power to bring physical healing, Jesus had the love and compassion to tell him a more important message – the message of repentance. People must turn from their sins and turn to Him. Only then can they receive healing for their spiritual condition. Sinners are spiritually dead in that they are separated from the life of God. The apostle Paul described it as “you were dead in the trespasses and sins” (Eph 2:1). But through our faith in Jesus Christ, we were made alive by God (Eph 2:4-9). When the disabled man received physical healing from Jesus, it led to an openness to the more important message: Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus for eternal life (vv.21-24). How are you meeting the needs of the people around you?

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A P P L I CAT I O N What plans do I have to meet the physical and spiritual needs of my friends and relatives in this Year of Proclamation?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To see and minister to both the physical and spiritual needs of people

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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The Father and the Son S CRIPTURE

John 5:15-29; 6:37-40

O B S E RVAT I O N What did God the Father send His Son into the world to do?



he Jews were horrified at Jesus. How could any man claim to be equal to God? To them, He was a blasphemer on top of being a lawbreaker. In one striking statement, Jesus had both defended His actions of doing ministry on a Sabbath, as well as claimed to be the Son of God and therefore coequal with God: “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” (v.17) God the Father sent His only Son into the world. Jesus Christ revealed the Father to people, both Jews and Gentiles. Through Jesus’ life and ministry, we see clearly God’s redemptive plan for sinful humanity. Salvation cannot be gained by keeping the law. Salvation can only be received by faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus lived a perfectly good and righteous life unto God. That is the life we live but are unable to do so because we are part of fallen and sinful humanity. Left to ourselves, we face the certain prospect of God’s judgement for our sins. But Jesus died the death we should have died, so that whoever believes in Him “has eternal life” and “does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life” (v.24). People everywhere are invited to acknowledge Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself on the cross for our sins, honour Him as our risen Saviour and follow Him as our Lord. Jesus Himself declared: “For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him should have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.” (Jn 6:40)

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A P P L I CAT I O N Who is Jesus to me and what is my response to Him today?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To serve God’s redemptive purpose in Christ by faithfully proclaiming Him // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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SUNDAY // 28 APRIL 2019

Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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HOW DOES GOD SHOW HIS LOVE?* God is our heavenly Father who loves us. Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 ACTIVITY BITE Watch the movies Finding Nemo or An American Tail, where the main character is separated from his father. Relate the story to the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. Share with your family the similarities in the father’s response in these stories. CHAT TIME Q1: When the younger son returned in Luke 15:11-32, why did the father respond with love and not anger? Q2: If you were the older son, would you react differently towards the younger son’s return? Why or why not? Q3: How does this parable demonstrate who God is and His character? LEARNING POINT Jesus told a story about a man who has two sons. One leaves home and wastes all his money, while the older son continues to work hard at home. Soon, the younger son returns home repentant, while the older brother becomes very angry with his brother. Yet their father treats both with love. This parable tells us of God’s character. He calls us His children because He is our Heavenly Father. His love for us is far greater than what any human being is capable of. He cares for us. He helps us when we are in need. He corrects us when we are wrong. He loves us because we are His children, not because of what we can do to earn His love. ACTION POINT List down the things that show God’s love towards your family. Discuss with your family how you can show the same love towards God and the people around you. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for His unconditional love and for accepting us as His children. Pray that we will always have a heart of thanksgiving towards God our Father. *Adapted from 252Basics, Sep 2018. www.ThinkOrange.com


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MONDAY // 29 APRIL 2019

Exercising Faith S CRIPTURE

Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 8:1-4

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the significance of Jesus saying to His disciples, “Let us go across to the other side” (v.35)?



n verses 35 to 41, we observe six statements or questions. In the first statement, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us go across to the other side” (v.35). In Matthew 8:1-4, we see a picture of faith being exercised. A leper braved the crowds and their hostile reactions as he came into their midst. The leper knelt before Jesus and said, “Lord, if You will, You can make me clean.” Jesus stretched out His hand, touched him and said, “I will; be clean.” The leper was instantly healed. Throughout that whole process, the leper exercised faith in Jesus! In Matthew 17:20, Jesus told His disciples, “…if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” So even if the disciples’ faith was like a small grain of mustard seed, when they exercised their faith, they would accomplish great things by God’s power. When Jesus instructed His disciples to cross the sea (i.e. lake), He probably wanted the disciples to grow their faith muscles, because in the midst of a storm, they would need to exercise their faith in Him. We can know about faith and even have faith, but unless and until we exercise faith, we gain no benefit.

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A P P L I CAT I O N Why is it difficult for me to exercise faith?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, I thank You for

Prayer Pointers

teaching me about faith, giving me faith and showing me how

// Give thanks:

faith is to be exercised. I pray that in my discipleship journey ahead, not only will I grow in my faith, but that You would

// Pray for leaders:

help me to exercise my faith in You, so that I will be a blessing to many people. Amen.

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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TUESDAY // 30 APRIL 2019

Keeping Faith S CRIPTURE

Mark 4:35-38; Matthew 8:5-13

O B S E RVAT I O N What do you observe about the disciples when they said to Jesus, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” (v.38)



udden and violent storms were known to arise on the Sea of Galilee. During this great windstorm, the disciples were in terrible distress because the boat was beginning to fill with water. All of them (including some professional fishermen!) thought they were going to die. In fear and desperation, they woke Jesus and said, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” Although the disciples had followed and trusted Jesus, when they were overwhelmed with fear for their lives, they quickly lost their trust in Him. They lost sight of the divine Son of Man who had authority over sicknesses and demons. They operated by sight and not by faith. The circumstances blinded their eyes to who Jesus was and what He had done. In our discipleship journey, when we are faced with huge storms in our life, very often we cry out to God with similar questions: “God, don’t You care?” and “Where are You, God?”. In times of trials and suffering, we often lose sight of God and doubt His care and power to deliver us. Certainly, God cares (1 Pet 5:7) and is able to deliver us (Mk 10:27)! In Matthew 8:5-13, the centurion faced a crisis situation, but exercised great faith in Jesus. When Jesus offered to go and heal his servant who was paralysed and in terrible suffering, the centurion replied, “Lord, I am not worthy to have You come under my roof, but only say the word, and my servant will be healed.” (Matt 8:8) May we keep our faith in our all-powerful God who is mighty to save!

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A P P L I CAT I O N How can I keep my faith in God when I go through the storms of life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To not lose sight of God, but to keep their faith in Him when they go through the storms of life // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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© 2019 COVENANT EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH T (65) 6892 6811 • E mail@cefc.org.sg • W www.cefc.org.sg

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