November Devotional Journal 2019

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After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. ISAIAH 53:11 (NIV)

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After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. ISAIAH 53:11 (NIV)

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Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? ISAIAH 53:1 (NIV)

FEBRUARY He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. ISAIAH 53:2 (NIV)

MARCH He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. ISAIAH 53:3 (NIV)

APRIL Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. ISAIAH 53:4 (NIV)


But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. ISAIAH 53:5 (NIV)

JUNE We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. ISAIAH 53:6 (NIV) 4 // Š 2 0 1 9 C O V E N A N T E V A N G E L I C A L F R E E C H U R C H

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J U LY He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. ISAIAH 53:7 (NIV)

AUGUST By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. ISAIAH 53:8 (NIV)

SEPTEMBER He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. ISAIAH 53:9 (NIV)

OCTOBER Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand. ISAIAH 53:10 (NIV)

NOVEMBER After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. ISAIAH 53:11 (NIV)

DECEMBER Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. ISAIAH 53:12 (NIV) Š 2 0 1 9 C O V E N A N T E V A N G E L I C A L F R E E C H U R C H // 5

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// B Y S E N I O R P A S T O R S //

2019 is the Year of Proclamation – That None Should Perish!


elebration of Hope (COH) which runs from 17 to 19 May is not mass evangelism on a large scale, but personal evangelism on a massive scale. In other words, unless we pray and sow the Gospel into as many people as possible on a personal basis, we will not see a massive conversion of souls. If we expect 2019 to be a year of harvest for our family and friends, then we have to prepare for it. When we were praying on the mountain during our annual Listening Retreat in July 2018, these verses from the book of Acts convicted us: Acts 8:8 “And there was much joy in that city” The context was the revival in Samaria under Philip’s ministry. Imagine the joy in Singapore when, under the preaching of the Gospel and the power of God, many people are healed of various sicknesses and delivered from spiritual oppression! Acts 13:44 “The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” Back then in Pisidian Antioch, huge crowds came to listen to Paul’s preaching. Imagine large multitudes turning up at the Sports Hub at each COH rally to hear the Gospel! Acts 13:47 (cf. Isa 49:6) “For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

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“Isaiah” means “The LORD is Salvation”. Preaching through the book of Isaiah in 2019 will challenge us to fulfil our calling to be a light to the nations! During that same retreat, we received news about a crisis in Northern Thailand. On 23 June last year, 12 teenage boys and their soccer coach were trapped 2.5 miles inside the Tham Luang cave complex after heavy rains flooded it and cut off their exit route. On 2 July, they were found by two British expert cave divers. A rescue operation was carefully planned. There were 1,800 rescue personnel from 18 countries. In the midst of the rescue preparation, a tragedy happened. Mr Kunan, a volunteer and former Thai Navy SEAL diver, died while transporting air tanks into the tunnels. Although it was an extremely difficult rescue mission, all 13 survivors were eventually rescued from the cave on 10 July. Many people did their part to rescue them. And one man even gave his life to save them.

So, dear brothers and sisters, let us use this 2019 Devotional Journal to spend daily, dedicated time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer ...

The Scripture verses and the cave rescue were a confirmation of 2019 as the Year of Proclamation. Here was a fresh picture of how the Saviour died on the Cross so that people everywhere can be saved from eternal judgment. Our Lord Jesus has given us the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. So, dear brothers and sisters, let us use this 2019 Devotional Journal to spend daily, dedicated time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer, so that we can know Him more, and be led and empowered by His Spirit to be faithful witnesses for a fruitful harvest in 2019! In Christ, Rev Tony Yeo and Rev Tan Kay Kiong

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Step One

Prepare your heart in God’s presence // Select a fixed time (preferably in the morning before you begin your day) and a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed. // Observe a moment of silence as you acknowledge God’s presence. Centre down. // Begin with a song of worship. Meditate on the lyrics even if you are unfamiliar with the tune. (Refer to the list of worship songs provided.) // Ask God to open your heart to hear Him.

SOMETHING TO PONDER ... Examining your life is essential in your faith journey. Your redeemed life as a disciple of Christ deserves careful examining. May you take root and bear fruit in Him!

The English Standard Version (ESV) is the default Bible version translation unless otherwise specified.

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Step Two

Allow God to S.O.A.P. you with His Word and Spirit // Scripture – Take your time to meditate on the Scripture passage for the day. Pause and mull over words and phrases that stand out to you. // Observation – Jot down significant insights and reflections from the passage you have read. You may use the guiding questions provided. The “Deeper Reflection” section is to aid your contemplation of the Scripture. It is not to replace your own observation, for the Holy Spirit illuminates the Scripture to you as you seek Him earnestly. // Application – Note down a specific and practical commitment to God’s Word for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow, or a principle to live out? Where appropriate, share your devotional entry with someone. // Prayer – Bring your heartfelt response to God in prayer.

P R AY E R P O I N T E R S F O R 2 0 1 9 Prayer pointers for Pastors and Staff are included every Tuesday. Every Thursday, a prayer pointer is included for Outreach/Missions/New Life Leaders. On each Friday, there is a prayer pointer for SGI Leaders (e.g. Zone Mentors, CG Leaders and Assistant CG Leaders). A prayer pointer for Church Board Members is included every Saturday. Please pray for each group as well as any specific individuals whom God may bring to your mind.

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HOSANNA Verse 1 I see the King of Glory Coming on the clouds with fire The whole earth shakes The whole earth shakes, yeah... Verse 2 I see His love and mercy Washing over all our sin The people sing The people sing Chorus Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna in the highest Hosanna Hosanna Hosanna in the highest Verse 3 I see a generation Rising up to take their place With selfless faith With selfless faith Verse 4 I see a near revival Stirring as we pray and seek We’re on our knees We’re on our knees

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Bridge Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like You have loved me Break my heart for what breaks Yours Everything I am for Your Kingdom’s cause As I walk from earth into eternity Brooke Ligertwood © 2006 Hillsong Music Publishing CCLI Song # 4785835 CCLI Licence # 324618

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HEAL OUR LAND Verse 1 If My people will humble themselves Humble themselves and pray If they seek My face And humble themselves And turn from their wicked ways I will hear from heaven And forgive their sin I will hear from heaven And heal their land Chorus Lord heal our land Father heal our land Hear our cry And turn our nation back to You Lord heal our land Hear us O Lord and heal our land Forgive our sin And heal our broken land Verse 2 Lord we bow our knee we humble ourselves Humble ourselves and pray Lord we seek Your face We humble ourselves And turn from our wicked ways Father in Your mercy forgive our sin Father in Your mercy come heal our land Robin Brooks | Tom Brooks © 1988 Integrity’s Alleluia! Music (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.); Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.) CCLI Song # 5217 CCLI Licence # 324618

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TOUCHING HEAVEN, CHANGING EARTH Verse 1 We will seek Your face Almighty God Turn and pray for You to heal our land Father let revival start in us Then every heart will know Your Kingdom come Chorus Lifting up the name of the Lord In power and in unity We will see the nations turn Touching heaven, changing earth Touching heaven, changing earth Verse 2 Never looking back we’ll run the race Giving You our lives we’ll gain the prize We will take the harvest given us Though we sow in tears we’ll reap in joy Bridge Send revival Send revival Send revival to us (Repeat) Reuben Morgan © 1997 Hillsong Music Publishing For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 2317779 CCLI License # 324618

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THE LION AND THE LAMB Verse 1 He’s coming on the clouds Kings and kingdoms will bow down And every chain will break As broken hearts declare His praise For who can stop the Lord Almighty Chorus Our God is a Lion The Lion of Judah He’s roaring in power And fighting our battles And every knee will bow before Him Our God is a Lamb The Lamb that was slain For the sins of the world His blood breaks the chains And every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb Every knee will bow before Him Verse 2 So open up the gate Make way before the King of kings The God who comes to save Is here to set the captives free For who can stop the Lord Almighty Bridge Who can stop the Lord Almighty Who can stop the Lord (Almighty) Brenton Brown | Brian Johnson | Leeland Mooring © 2015 Meaux Mercy (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Thankyou Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) The Devil Is A Liar! Publishing (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Bethel Music Publishing (Admin. by SHOUT! Music Publishing) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 7038281 CCLI License # 324618

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SHINE, JESUS, SHINE Chorus Shine, Jesus, shine Fill this land With the Father‘s glory Blaze, Spirit, blaze Set our hearts on fire Flow, river, flow Flood the nations With grace and mercy Send forth Your word Lord and let there be light Verse 1 Lord the light of Your love is shining In the midst of the darkness, shining Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us Set us free by the truth You now bring us Shine on me, shine on me Verse 2 Lord I come into Your awesome presence From the shadows into Your radiance By the blood I may enter Your brightness Search me, try me, consume all my darkness Shine on me, shine on me Verse 3 As we gaze on Your kingly brightness So our faces display Your likeness Ever changing from glory to glory Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story Shine on me, shine on me Graham Kendrick © 1987 Make Way Music (Admin. by Make Way Music Limited) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 30426 CCLI License # 324618

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PREPARE THE WAY Verse 1 He has come To bring light into the darkness He has come To bring freedom to the captives He has come To restore the broken-hearted It’s time to proclaim The year of the Lord Chorus Prepare the way Prepare the way for our Redeemer Prepare the way Prepare the way for our Restorer Make ready your heart Make ready your home Make ready the people of God Prepare the way Verse 2 He has come To bring hope to the hopeless He has come To comfort all who mourn He has come To heal our every sickness It’s time to proclaim The year of the Lord Darrell Evans | Eric Nuzum © 1999 Integrity‘s Hosanna! Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI Song # 2791649 CCLI License # 324618

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SPIRIT TOUCH YOUR CHURCH Verse 1 Lord we need Your grace and mercy We need to pray like never before We need the power of Your Holy Spirit To open heaven’s door Chorus Spirit, touch Your church Stir the hearts of men Revive us, Lord With Your passion once again I want to care for others Like Jesus cares for me Let Your rain fall upon me Let Your rain fall upon me Verse 2 Lord, we humbly come before You We don’t deserve of You what we ask But we yearn to see Your glory Restore this dying land Ending Let Your rain fall upon me Kim Bollinger © 1990 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 451861 CCLI License # 324618

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MORE THAN AMAZING Verse 1 You’re the One who walked on water And You calmed the raging seas You command the highest mountains To fall upon their knees You’re the One who welcomed sinners And You opened blinded eyes You restored the broken-hearted And You brought the dead to life Pre-Chorus Forgetting all our sins You remember all Your promises Chorus You are amazing More than amazing Forever our God You’re more than enough (You are amazing) Verse 2 With authority You’ve spoken And You’ve set the captive free You’re the King who came to serve And You’re the God who washed our feet You’re the One who took our burdens And You bled upon the cross In Your kindness and Your mercy You became the way for us

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Bridge Oh, how marvelous Oh, how wonderful Oh, how glorious You are amazing Oh, how marvelous Oh, how wonderful Oh, how glorious You are (Repeat) Lincoln Brewster | Mia Fieldes © 2010 Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) SHOUT! Music Publishing For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 5808876 CCLI License # 324618

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YOUR LOVE AWAKENS ME Verse There were walls between us By the cross You came and broke them down You broke them down And there were chains around us By Your grace we are no longer bound No longer bound Pre-Chorus You called me out of the grave You called me into the light You called my name and then my heart came alive Chorus Your love is greater Your love is stronger Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me (Repeat) Verse 2 Feel the darkness shaking All the dead are coming back to life Back to life Hear the song awaken All creation singing we’re alive ‘Cause You’re alive Bridge And what a love we’ve found Death can’t hold us down We shout it out We’re alive ‘cause You’re alive

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Ending Your love awakens me Your love is greater Your love is stronger Your love awakens, awakens, awakens me Chris Quilala | Phil Wickham © Capitol CMG Genesis (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Jesus Culture Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Phil Wickham Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Seems Like Music (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) Sing My Songs (Admin. by Music Services, Inc.) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 7054720 CCLI License # 324618

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Seeking Worldly Security Is Hopeless S CRIPTURE Isaiah 57:1-13

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about the spiritual condition of the unfaithful Israelites in verses 9 to 13?



he unfaithful Israelites compromised their faith in God to seek worldly security through serving fertility gods (vv.3-8) and making political alliances (vv.9-10). When we seek worldly security, which has to be in worldly ways, we will be lured to do it at all costs, like Israel’s kings sending their envoys “a great distance” to seek political alliances (v.9). And having been “tired out by the length of your road,” we do not give up, refusing to recognise and acknowledge that “It is hopeless” (v.10). Underlying this “hopeless” pursuit is: We are “worried and fearful” (v.11). And when we hear the Word of God, it will be useless, because the “worries of the world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things” will “choke the Word, making it unfruitful” (Mk 4:18-19). What has happened to us and God? We are “far removed from” God (v.8): we do not “remember” Him, we are “not true” to Him and we “do not fear” Him (v.11). When God becomes less and less important, in time He will be no more in our consciousness. So, when we are in trouble, the divine response is the sarcastic “Let your collection of idols deliver you!” (v.13a). But God still extends His gracious invitation to us to “take refuge in Me” for the true security: His presence – “possess My holy mountain” (v.13).

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A P P L I CAT I O N In what ways do I tend to make God less important in my life and how can I guard against this?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To be kept from compromising their faith in God

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Grace of the Angry God S CRIPTURE Isaiah 57:14-21

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about the angry God?



et us first give attention to the thrice mentioned anger of God. God was “angry” with His people who “went on turning away” in their unfaithfulness and He “hid” His face from them (v.17). But God is a God who will not “always be angry” (v.16) – which He demonstrates in two ways. God’s gracious condescension to us: The Highest One reaches down to and resides with the lowest ones. God is “the high and exalted One…whose name is Holy” and “dwell[s] on a high and holy place” (v.15a). This transcendent majestic portrait of God in His exaltedness and holiness calls us to reflectively read each descriptive word again and again until we grasp the vision, and the vision grips our hearts. Closest to God are “the contrite and lowly of spirit” whom He will “revive” (v.15). Such “spirit” and “heart” cries out in God’s holy presence: “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man!” (Lk 5:8) and “God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” (Lk 18:13). Revival comes upon such spirit and heart. God’s gracious restoration of us: Having seen the rebellious “ways” of His people, God’s response is: “But I will heal him…and I will heal him” (vv.18-19). It sounds so incongruent. But that’s God’s grace. Unfathomable. So is the cross. The restoration to “Peace, peace” (v.19) points to “the blood of Christ” that makes it possible (Eph 2:13-14, 17).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to have a contrite and lowly spirit?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To possess a contrite heart and lowly spirit

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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WHERE CAN WE FIND HOPE IN TOUGH TIMES? Jesus is the hope-giver when we have lost hope. Scripture: John 11:1-45, 16:33b ACTIVITY BITE Ask your family to sit in a circle. Pass a ball around, while getting each person to say one word from the following memory verse: “In”…“this”…“world”…“you”...“will”...“have”...“trouble”. When it’s someone’s turn to say “trouble”, get him or her to state a problem that someone might go through, such as falling sick or losing a toy. Then get everyone to say, “Jesus said, ‘But be encouraged! I have won the battle over the world.’” CHAT TIME Q1: Share a troubling situation that you are going through or have recently experienced. Q2: How did you feel in those troubled moments? How do you wish things had turned out? Q3: How do you think Mary and Martha felt when their brother died? How do you think they felt after seeing Lazarus walk out of the tomb? LEARNING POINT Sometimes things don’t go the way we expect. In John 11:1-45, Mary and Martha expected Jesus to heal their sick brother, Lazarus. When he died, they thought Jesus was too late, but it turned out that God had a more amazing plan to show the world how powerful He is by bringing Lazarus back from the dead! When bad things happen, we may feel sad, angry or confused. But when we know God, we can have hope even when bad things happen. Hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad. ACTION POINT Share with your family about an experience when God turned something bad into something good. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God that He loves us and works all things for our good. Ask God to remind us that He can always make good things out of bad things.


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The Dangerous Self-Deceiving, Self-Centred “God-Centredness” S CRIPTURE Isaiah 58:1-4

O B S E RVAT I O N How was Israel’s spiritual condition shown to be ironical?



f we “seek” God “day by day” and “delight to know” His “ways” − (1) having a concern for truth as a priority, do “what is right” and “not forsake the commands” of God; (2) seeking a lifestyle that accords with the truth and are “eager for God to come near” to us (v.2); and (3) believing that we are drawing near to God, and so God will draw near to us (Jas 4:8) − can anything be wrong about us? Isn’t that Godcentredness? Then we are puzzled. Something seems to be amiss. God seems to “not see” and “not notice” what we think and believe is our Godcentredness (v.3a). This happened to Israel as they “humbled” themselves and “fasted” on the sabbath. With that “God-centredness”, there can be something very fundamentally wrong about us that we fail to see: our “transgressions” (v.1). Israel had so failed to see this, that God had to call His prophet to “shout it aloud, do not hold back” and raise your voice like a trumpet” to “declare” to them their “transgressions” (v.1). Mark the two divine commands to Israel: “Behold!” (v.3b), “Behold!” (v.4a). “See!” – God commands us to see the true reality about ourselves. We think we are all right, but in reality, we are all wrong. Israel’s eager devotion was actually manipulative and self-serving (v.3b). What a self-deceiving, selfcentred “God-centredness”!

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A P P L I CAT I O N How can I guard myself against having a self-deceiving, self-centred “God-centredness”?







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O God who sees and knows all things, I confess and acknowledge that the heart is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked. Help me by the empowering of the Holy Spirit to guard my heart with vigilance and diligence, and through Your Word to be able to discern the thoughts and intentions of my heart, that my heart may be what You intend it to be.

Significant people




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The Test of Authentic Discipleship S CRIPTURE Isaiah 58:5-9a

O B S E RVAT I O N What does God say about true spirituality?



od confronted Israel’s fast with four questions: “Is it…?, Is it…?” (v.5), “Is this not…?” (v.6) and “Is it not…?” (v.7). These divine questions challenge our spiritual assumptions and the authenticity of our discipleship. True spirituality comprises both the vertical and horizontal dimensions. But it is the horizontal spirituality that reveals the authenticity of the vertical spirituality. It is quite easy to see “godliness” in vertical spirituality, especially when measured by external behaviours (v.5). The real test of true spirituality is not in the vertical dimension, but in the horizontal dimension: the effects on people, positive or negative. We love God through loving people. Stop oppression (v.6): Do we exploit people, especially those under our employment or supervision (Isa 58:3b)? Do we treat people like animals put under a “yoke” and chain them with “injustice”? Is there consistency in how we treat people? Do we show partiality or favouritism (Jas 2:1-4)? Show compassion (v.7): by serving the needy, sharing with them the elemental resources necessary for life – bread, shelter and clothing. But we are not to neglect our own family (“your own flesh”) when we care for people. What follows are the “Then…” of God’s promised blessings: a fresh beginning like a new “dawn” (v.8a) with God’s presence, attentiveness and availability – “Here I am” (v.8b-9).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What areas do I need to pay attention to in pursuing authentic discipleship?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To be watchful for presumptuousness in pursuing authentic discipleship

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Aligning Our Lives to God S CRIPTURE Isaiah 58:9b-14

O B S E RVAT I O N What does God promise to those who practise self-giving love?



he God-chosen fast that is “acceptable” to Him is one that is marked by self-giving love – “give yourself to the hungry” (v.10a) and not selfishly hurting people (Isa 58:3-7, 9b-10a). The problem of Israel was their individualism and selfish preoccupation with their own needs, interests, passions and gains. And Israel broke the sabbath by not keeping it “holy” and “honorable” to God, in that they were going their own way and doing what they pleased (v.13). Keeping the sabbath is for “a cessation of feverish anxiety and control”1 and trusting God to provide sufficiently for our daily bread, as demonstrated by God’s provision of a double portion of manna on the sixth day (Exo 16:4-5). Keeping the sabbath is an act of trusting God. But Israel’s “feverish anxiety and control” created in them “a restless, aggressive and unbridled acquisitiveness that exploits neighbour for self-gain”2. The consequence of such a lifestyle is living in “darkness”, “gloom” and “scorched places” (vv.10, 11). When we align our lives to walk in God’s way, God will guide us constantly, meet our needs timely and sufficiently, strengthen us for durability in the face of harsh demands, and our lives will be like a wellwatered garden and an ever-flowing spring, filled with the abundance of fresh resources for living (vv.10b-11).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I deal with my preoccupation with self and anxiety over my life?

P R AY E R Save me and keep me, O God,

Prayer Pointers

from anxiety over and wanting to be in control of things in my

// Give thanks:

life, many of which, in reality, are beyond my control. Help me to trust in You and heed Your command, “Do not be anxious

// Pray for leaders:

about anything”, but to seek first Your kingship in my life and walk in Your righteousness, and find my security in Your commitment

// Pray for significant people:

to take care of me.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

1 2

Walter Brueggemann, Isaiah 40-66 (Westminster John Knox Press, 1998), 193 Walter Brueggemann, Isaiah 40-66, 193

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What Sinning Against God Means S CRIPTURE Isaiah 59:1-2

O B S E RVAT I O N What do verses 1 to 2 tell us about sin?



od’s confrontation of Israel (vv.1-2) must be understood in the light of the core of God’s covenant with His people: “I am your God, and you are My people, and I dwell among you” (Exo 29:45-46; Eze 36:27-28; 2 Cor 6:16; Rev 21:3) – as indicated by “the LORD” (v.1 – God’s covenant name), “your God” and God’s “face” (v.2 – God’s presence). God’s presence with us is His covenant promise in His covenant commitment to the covenant relationship. But now, there was a covenant breakdown: God had “hidden His face” from Israel (v.2). Who was responsible for this breakdown? Israel faulted God for this when they complained of God’s inattentiveness to their devotion to Him (Isa 58:3a). Do you fault the blameless God when things don’t go right or well in your life? For Israel, it was their “iniquities” and “sins” which “have made a separation between you and your God” (v.2) – which Israel failed to see (Isa 58:1-4). God’s “hand” is powerful enough to “save” us and His “ear” is always ready to “hear” us (v.1). We may break the covenant, but God never will. When we sin against God, there will be a breakdown in our fellowship with God, but not in our relationship with Him. When we confess our sins, God is “faithful and righteous” in His covenant commitment to forgive and cleanse us of our sins and restore our fellowship with Him (1 Jn 1:9).

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A P P L I CAT I O N Is there a breakdown in my walk with God and how will I deal with it?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/ Missions/New Life leaders: To be sensitive to any breakdown in fellowship with God

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Justice and Love that Humanise S CRIPTURE Isaiah 59:3-8

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about the sins and iniquities of Israel?



srael’s “sins” and “iniquities” (Isa 59:1-2) which separated them from God are particularised in verses 3 to 8, which are essentially the violation of the last six of the Ten Commandments (Exo 20:12-17) on how God wants human beings to treat their fellow human beings. Earlier on, God addressed at length about Israel’s breaking of the sabbath – the fourth commandment (Isa 58:3-14). There is the “humanising intent” and “loving purpose”3 in these commandments, which build on “two fundamental commandments for moral life”: “do justice and act in love”4. Justice is respect for people’s rights. Love is care for people’s needs. Israel sinned against God by dehumanising people in action and speech – “hands” and “fingers”, “lips” and “tongue” (v.3), and in “thought” (v.7; cf. Gen 6:5). Their sins include being “full of lies” (v.3, NLT) with “no one” caring “about being fair and honest” (v.4, NLT). The spiritual and moral condition of the supposedly “holy nation” (Exo 19:5-6) is summed up as “no peace-no justice-no peace” (v.8). Particular attention is given to “defiled with blood” (v.3), “act of violence” (v.6) and “shed innocent blood” (v.7) – which need not refer to murder, but to any action that diminishes or harms people.5 If only we see every human being as created in God’s image (Gen 9:6; Jas 3:9).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What negative actions and attitudes towards people do I need to change in my life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To live life with humanising intent and loving purpose // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

3 4 5

Lewis B. Smedes, Mere Morality: What God Expects from Ordinary People (Eerdmans, 1983), 13 Lewis B. Smedes, 13 Walter Brueggemann, Isaiah 40-66, 196

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When We Persist in Sin … S CRIPTURE Isaiah 59:9-13

O B S E RVAT I O N What do verses 9 to 13 tell us about sin?



ersistent sinning against God (Isa 59:1-8) with “stubbornness and an unrepentant heart” (Rom 2:5) will plunge us into a hopeless condition: “We hope for light, but behold, darkness” (v.9b) and “We hope for justice, but there is none” (v.11b). “Justice-righteousness”, “light-brightness” (v.9) and “justice-salvation” from God (v.11b) were what Israel hoped for. The “darkness” (v.9b) is spiritual “blindness” (v.10): the lack of understanding of God’s ways and inability to see where we are going. It is a covenant curse (Deut 28:28-29). We will be “like the dead”, without spiritual vitality. We will groan and moan in disappointment, sorrow, pain and misery (v.11a).6 And we are left with only one thing that we can do: humble confession. It must be a total admission of total failure: “transgressions, sins, transgressions and iniquities” (v.12); denying and turning away from God, oppression, revolt and conceiving lying words (v.13). We must not ignore, deny or blame others for our sins, but face them directly and take responsibility for them. Through it all, there is no petition to God for forgiveness or deliverance. It is like Ezra in confessing Israel’s sins: “Now, our God, what shall we say after this?” (Ezr 9:10). It is all up to the righteous and merciful God.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What is my attitude towards sin?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To be saved and kept from persistent sinning

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Gary V. Smith, Isaiah 40-66, Vol. 15B, The New American Commentary (Broadman & Holman, 2009), 595

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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WILL GOD KEEP HIS PROMISES? God keeps His promises. We can be certain about this hope. Scripture: Joshua 23:14, John 16:33b ACTIVITY BITE Divide your family members into pairs, with one being the artist and the other the thinker. Ask the thinker to describe the coolest house, car or robot to the artist. Then get the artist to draw what was described, without letting the thinker see it. CHAT TIME Q1: Share an incident when something didn’t turn out the way you imagined. Q2: Have you ever made a promise to someone or vice versa? Q3: How did you feel when someone did not keep their promise? LEARNING POINT The Jewish people had waited many years for God to send the Saviour. Some may have had lost hope after the long wait. Eventually, Jesus came just as God promised, to save us from sin. Often, we wish that God would fulfil His promises according to our ways and timing. But God knows what is best and when to let His promises come to pass. God keeps His promises. John 16:33 tells us that when we face troubles, we don’t have to be sad or discouraged. Instead, we can have hope. Hope is believing that something good can come out of something bad. We can have hope because Jesus always keeps His promises. ACTION POINT Use a pen to trace the outline of your hand on a piece of green construction paper and then cut it out. Write the memory verse John 16:33 on the cut out and tape it to a wooden craft stick. Then stick it in the soil of a potted plant so that you can remember the verse whenever you see it. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for always keeping His promises to us. Thank Him for coming to Earth to show us how to live and thank Him for the Holy Spirit who guides us.


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Security in “His Own Arm” S CRIPTURE Isaiah 59:14-21

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about God in times of a total absence of justice, righteousness and truth?



od “saw” in Israel a total absence of “justice”, “righteousness” and “truth” (vv.14-15 – summing up Isa 59:1-13), where individuals who avoided wrongdoing would be attacked as “prey” (v.15b) and “no one intervened to help the oppressed” (v.16a, NLT). This was “displeasing in His sight”. So, God decided to act by Himself in “righteousness” and for “salvation” with “His own arm” (v.16b). “His own arm” refers to God possessing within Himself all that is needed to solve a problem and He Himself acting in all His personal power.7 “His righteousness” refers to God’s determination to fulfil all His righteous purposes in full accordance to the righteous demands and standards of His holy character.8 Having put on the full uniform of a warrior (“breastplate” and “helmet”) as “garments of vengeance”, in “wrath” God sets to “repay” and “recompense” “His adversaries” and “His enemies” for their evil deeds (vv.17-18). God’s “enemies” here include His unfaithful and rebellious people. But in His “vengeance” in “wrath”, God seeks for the “salvation” of “those who turn from transgression”: “A Redeemer will come from Zion” (v.20). We can stay secure in God who acts with “His own arm” and in “His righteousness” in today’s chaotic world of instability and uncertainty.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to walk with a God who acts with His own arm and in righteousness?

P R AY E R O God, there will be times

Prayer Pointers

when the foundations of law and order collapse, with the

// Give thanks:

wicked shooting arrows at the hearts of the upright and mocking arrogantly, “What can the righteous do?” But in

// Pray for leaders:

such evil times, God, You still rule from heaven with Your sovereign presence still on earth, watching closely.9 You

// Pray for significant people:

who love justice will act with Your own arm.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

7 8 9

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, Volume 20 (IVP, 1999), 417 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 417 Psalm 11:2-4

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God’s Glory Rising upon Us S CRIPTURE Isaiah 60:1-3

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the significance of verses 1 to 3 when you compare them with Isaiah 59:9?



t a time when there was a total absence of justice, righteousness and truth in Israel (Isa 59:1-15a), there was this lament: “We hope for light, but behold, darkness, and for brightness, but we walk in gloom” (Isa 59:9). Then, God acted with “His own arm” to recompense the transgressors and redeem those who turn from transgression (Isa 59:15b-21). And right after that, God called His people: “Arise, shine; your light has come” (v.1a) – no more darkness. No more gloom, but “the brightness of your rising” (v.3b). “Your light” is “the glory of the LORD” that “has risen upon you” (v.1b) and “the LORD” Himself who “will rise upon you” (v.2). What is “the glory of the LORD”? What would come to the post-exilic Israelites’ minds? The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire that led their forefathers out of Egypt (Exo 13:21-22). The “glory of the LORD” that “filled the tabernacle” when it was erected (Exo 40:34). The “glory of the LORD” that “filled” the temple Solomon had built (1 Kin 8:10-11). The Presence of God! God’s presence is our light. In our darkness, God calls us to “arise” in His presence, as a new dawn, to which He has redeemed us. When we walk daily in God’s glorious presence, our transformed lives will “shine” and people will “come to” our “light” and “brightness” (v.3).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How is God’s call “Arise, shine; your light has come” relevant to my life now?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To walk in the light of God’s presence

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Living with an Eschatological Vision S CRIPTURE Isaiah 60:4-9

O B S E RVAT I O N What did it mean for post-exilic Israel to lift up their eyes round about and see (v.4) what God spoke about their future?



od exhorted post-exilic Israel to “lift up your eyes round about and see” (v.4) – to see things that will happen in the distant future, things that “will happen at the time when God establishes His eternal kingdom”10. The gathering of Israel’s “sons” and “daughters” “from afar” (v.4) is more than the restoration of the remnant, but as in the words of Jesus, who “was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel” (Matt 15:24): “I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also…and they will be one flock with one shepherd” (Jn 10:16). This has been happening through the preaching of the Gospel to the nations. Then, Israel was to “see” that “the wealth of the nations will come to” them in Jerusalem (vv.5-9). This prophecy was partially fulfilled when the temple was adorned by finances from the Persian royal treasury in Ezra’s days (Ezr 7:20, 27), but has not been fully fulfilled even till today. However, John saw “the kings of the earth…will bring the glory and the honour of the nations into” the “new Jerusalem” at Christ’s Second Coming (Rev 21:10-11, 24-26). And John saw this while he was imprisoned by the Romans in Patmos “in the tribulation and kingdom and perseverance in Jesus” (Rev 1:9). John certainly knew how to lift up his eyes to see from where he was.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to live with an eschatological vision?

P R AY E R Father, You protect me by Your

Prayer Pointers

power through my faith for the full salvation to be revealed

// Give thanks:

at Your Beloved Son’s Return. Empower me by Your Spirit to endure the many necessary trials for a little while, that my faith,

// Pray for leaders:

which is more precious than gold, may prove to be genuine and remain strong, that will result in praise and glory and honour at

// Pray for significant people:

the Lord’s Return.11

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

10 11

Gary V. Smith, Isaiah 40-66, 615 1 Peter 1:5-7

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Arising from Exile to Exaltation S CRIPTURE Isaiah 60:10-14

O B S E RVAT I O N Why did God exalt His post-exilic people with “the wealth of the nations”?



od called His people to “arise” from their exile among the nations (Isa 60:1-2) to exaltation by the nations (Isa 60:3-14). “Nations” and “kings” will bring to God’s people (mark the words “to you” repeated in Isa 60:4, 5, 7, 11, 13) “the wealth of the nations” (Isa 60:5, 11) – “gold and frankincense” carried by “a multitude of camels” (Isa 60:6), “silver” and “gold” carried by the “ships of Tarshish” (Isa 60:9) and “the glory of Lebanon” (v.13). The exaltation is all by God’s grace: “For in My wrath I struck you, and in My favour I have had compassion on you” (v.10). If God does exalt us by His sovereign grace, we have nothing to boast about. But rather, let us remember, and not forget, that we were “formerly…by nature children of wrath” and that it was “God, being rich in mercy because of His great love which He loved us” (Eph 2:3-4) who “saved” us “by the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness towards us in Christ Jesus” (Eph 2:7-8). And the exaltation is all for God’s glory. A key theme in Isaiah 60 is the glory of God. Three different Hebrew words are repeated a total of 10 times to underscore this theme (Isa 60:1, 2, 7, 9, 13, 19, 21). God’s purpose for exalting His people is: “I shall glorify My glorious house” (Isa 60:7), “to beautify the place of My sanctuary” (v.13) and “that I may be glorified” (Isa 60:21).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to live all by God’s grace and all for God’s glory?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To live life by God’s grace and for God’s glory

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Reversal of Fortunes from God S CRIPTURE Isaiah 60:15-18

O B S E RVAT I O N How does the prophet describe God’s reversal of fortunes for His people?



od promised His post-exilic people His reversal of their fortunes (vv.15-18). But this divine reversal is eschatological in orientation – like the Beatitudes (Matt 5:3-12), because Jesus says, “My kingdom is not of this world” (Jn 18:36). Are we, like Israel, in a state of being “forsaken” and “hated”, shunned and lonely “with no one passing by” us (v.15a)? Not forever. For God “will make you an everlasting pride” to Himself (v.15b), as we are in Christ, whose “suffering of death” is for “bringing many sons to glory” (Heb 2:9-10). Our lives, which are made of inferior materials, will be replaced (“instead of ”) by superior lifetransforming materials (v.17). In the eschatological already-and-not-yet state, it is “My power works best in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9, NLT). Are we not living in a world of “violence”, “devastation and destruction” (v.18a) that affects our lives physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, politically, economically and culturally? While awaiting the “new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells” to come (2 Pet 3:13), “peace”, “righteousness” and “salvation” with the response of “praise” (v.17b-18; cf. Eph 1:6, 12, 14) are already a present reality in Christ. What is most fundamental is that we “know” God as our Almighty Saviour and Redeemer, who saves us in, through and from all evil (v.16b).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I live by the principle of divine reversal of fortunes?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To hope in the God who reverses fortunes in life

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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God for an Everlasting Light S CRIPTURE

Isaiah 60:19-22; Revelation 21:1-2, 10-11, 22-23

O B S E RVAT I O N How will the promise in verses 19 to 20 be fulfilled according to Revelation 21:1-2, 10-11, 22-23?



od promised His post-exilic people that they “will possess their land forever” (v.21), where they “no longer” have the “sun” and the “moon” “for light by day” and by night, because they “will have the LORD for an everlasting light” (vv.19-20). Has that happened? No. But John saw how this promise will be fulfilled. John followed postexilic Israel’s understanding that this will happen when God will glorify Himself in the temple in Jerusalem (Isa 60:7, 13), but only in a fuller measure. John saw in the “new heaven and new earth” “the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God” (Rev 21:1-2, 10-11). Then, John “saw no temple” in new Jerusalem (Rev 21:22a). The temple – the centre of Israel’s life − must not be seen just as a physical construct. The temple must be seen in terms of its theological significance: the presence of God. Why “no temple”? Because “the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb are its temple” (Rev 21:22b). The very presence of the very person of God Himself is there! The new Jerusalem “has no need of the sun or the moon to shine on it” because “the glory of God has illumined it, and its lamp is the Lamb” (Rev 21:23) – “the LORD for an everlasting light”. We wait for that Day of “No Temple” when we “will see His face” (Rev 22:4). Come, Lord Jesus (Rev 22:20).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I show that I long for the return of Christ?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To hope in Christ’s return with eager waiting and perseverance

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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SO WHAT IF JESUS IS ALIVE? God’s power gives us hope. Scripture: Matthew 28:5-6, John 16:33b ACTIVITY BITE Get some playdough and sculpt it into three palm-sized crosses. Let them stand on the table side by side. Share with your family what story this reminds you of and tell it as accurately as you can. CHAT TIME Q1: Have you ever felt like you needed to have hope that something good would happen? Q2: If you had the power to change a situation in your life, what would you do? Q3: How does remembering that Jesus is alive give us hope? Think about how Jesus coming back to life gave the disciples hope. LEARNING POINT The Israelites were very happy that Jesus came to them. When He was crucified on the cross, all hope seemed lost. But God has the power to raise Jesus from the dead, to bring hope back to the world. We can have hope today because Jesus is alive. His resurrection shows us that nothing is too difficult for God. He can turn bad things into something good because He has the power to do that. That is why we can trust Him even when things go wrong, because He cares for us. Whatever happens, remember Jesus is alive. ACTION POINT Write down on a piece of paper the bad things that you are going through and the good things you wish for your family. Fold the piece of paper and keep it in your Bible. Tell God about the things you wrote down and wait for Him to show you what He will do. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Ask God to help you remember that no matter how dark things seem and whatever happens, Jesus is alive. Ask God to bring forth something good out of something bad in your life.


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The Gospel for Broken Lives S CRIPTURE Isaiah 61:1-3

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the Gospel as proclaimed by the Servant?



esus fulfilled the prophecy in Isaiah’s fifth Servant Song (vv.1-3) as the Servant-Messiah (Lk 4:16-21). His mission is to “bring good news” (v.1). This Gospel “is the power of God for salvation”, for liberation (vv.1-2) and transformation (v.3), “for everyone who believes” (Rom 1:16). God’s power for salvation is the effect of the Servant’s suffering of death for our sins (Isa 52:13-53:12) – what only the Servant, and no one else, could do and has done. The Servant is not only the preacher of the Gospel, He is the Gospel, because He is able to give what He proclaims. His words will accomplish what they speak of for the “poor”, “brokenhearted”, “captives”, “prisoners” and “all who mourn”. Having been delivered from these through the Gospel, have we lapsed into them again? Are we so broken by life that we have no more heart to try? Are we so bound up in our various addictions that liberty and release seemed so remote? Do we fear that we have committed unforgivable sins and will never again experience the favour of the Lord? Do we think that our lives hold nothing more than ashes, sackcloth and the fainting heaviness of despair? The Gospel – the Servant Himself – is our only hope, who stoops down to us to “bind up” our broken lives. Hear the Servant calling us: “Come to Me” (Matt 11:28).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What are the broken areas in my life that I want to bring to Jesus to bind up?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, I come to You

Prayer Pointers

at Your loving and gracious invitation, with my poverty,

// Give thanks:

brokenness, captivity, weariness and heavy burdens. I come to You, My Saviour who is gentle and humble at heart, who will not break a

// Pray for leaders:

bruised reed or extinguish a dimly burning candle like me. I come to You to receive from You the redemptive rest that

// Pray for significant people:

You want to give me.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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From Ruins to Living Stones S CRIPTURE Isaiah 61:4-9

O B S E RVAT I O N What did God promise His post-exilic people as they “rebuild…raise up…repair” the “ruins…devastations…desolations” of their lives?



hrough the Gospel, the Servant brings about liberation (Isa 61:1-2), the “instead of ” transformation (Isa 61:3) and reconstruction of our broken lives – “rebuild…raise up…repair” “ruins… devastations…desolations” (v.4). For God’s post-exilic people, the most important reconstruction was rebuilding the temple – the return of God’s presence (Ezr 1-6), that gave them the hope of rebuilding their ruined lives (Ezr 7-10). In this rebuilding was God’s promise of Israel’s preoccupation with holy things as His “priests” and His “ministers” (v.6). This recalls Israel’s redemptive calling to be “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exo 19:4-6). In terms of the new covenant, this means God rebuilding our ruined and devastated lives into “living stones” that “are being built up as a Spiritual house for a holy priesthood”, by “coming to Him” the “Living Stone” (1 Pet 2:4-5, 9). Serving God as His “priests” and “ministers” is “a special, honoured and privileged vocation”12. Therefore, in serving God, we are grateful for the privilege and not boastful over our performance. Our salvation-and-service (Isa 61:1-7) is grounded on God’s everlasting covenant faithfulness (v.8). For Israel, exile was not the termination of God’s long-term, unbreakable covenant commitment to them. God’s covenant faithfulness persists through all circumstances.

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A P P L I CAT I O N In what ways do I show that I value the privilege of being redeemed to serve God as a priest?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your response from your meditation on and application of

Prayer Pointers

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To serve in ministry as a privilege of grace

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Walter Brueggemann, Isaiah 40-66, 216

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Clothed with Robes of Righteousness S CRIPTURE Isaiah 61:10-11

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the great rejoicing of God’s post-exilic people about?



he response to the Servant’s preaching of the Gospel that effects salvation (Isa 61:1-3) and results in service (Isa 61:4-9) is celebration: “I [Zion personified13] will rejoice greatly…my soul will exult” (v.10a). It is important to note that the celebration is “in the LORD…in our God”. It is not a celebration merely over something that has been done, but over who has done it – God Himself. It is all from God and through God and to God, and to Him be the glory forever (Rom 11:36)! God “has clothed” us with “salvation” and “righteousness” (v.10b). Divine “salvation” is not just deliverance “from” – from guilt and bondage − but also deliverance “to” – to “righteousness” (see Rom 1:16-17; 10:10). “Righteousness” is an expression of God’s own nature that He has imparted to us14 in Christ through faith. And God expects the delivered to manifest His nature – His “righteousness”. Those whom God clothes with His “robe of righteousness” experience not only deliverance from unrighteousness and its effects, but also divine enablement – through His indwelling empowering presence, the Holy Spirit – to live out His righteousness.15 There is certainty of this divine accomplishment, that results in “praise” to God “before all the nations” – just as surely as, year after year, the seeds sown in the earth will sprout (v.11).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean to me to be clothed with God’s robe of righteousness?

P R AY E R Truly, O God, it is to the praise

Prayer Pointers

of Your glorious grace of surpassing riches that You have

// Give thanks:

lavished on us in Christ, that You made the sinless Christ to become sin on our behalf that we may become the

// Pray for leaders:

righteousness of God in Christ; that Christ redeemed us from the divine curse by becoming a curse for us, that You may

// Pray for significant people:

bless us with every Spiritual blessing in Christ.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


John N. Oswalt, The Book of Isaiah Chapters 40-66 (The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Eerdmans, 1998), 574 John N. Oswalt, Isaiah 40-66, 575 15 John N. Oswalt, Isaiah 40-66, 575 14

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God’s Commitment to Crowning Us S CRIPTURE Isaiah 62:1-3

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the significance of God’s words “I will not keep silent…I will not keep quiet, until her righteousness goes forth like brightness”?



o God’s people in exile, God “had kept silent for a long time” (Isa 42:14; 45:15; 57:11). But divine inactivity is itself a divine activity. Divine silence and inactivity doesn’t mean God is not aware or does not see. And now to His people God said, “I will not keep silent…I will not keep quiet” about delivering His people (v.1a). God promised to be “indefatigable”16 and work unceasingly. God acts for our glory. The “righteousness” and “salvation” of Israel, and ours in Christ, is “like brightness” (v.1b). Our “righteousness” is our “glory” (v.2a). In Christ, we “whom He justified” – imputed with God’s righteousness − “He also glorified” (Rom 8:30). The “brightness” and “glory” is the “righteousness” of God seen in our character through His “salvation” of us. In Christ we are “in the hand of the LORD our God”, “a crown of beauty” and “a royal diadem” (v.3). Do we see this? God acts for our sake: “for Zion’s sake…for Jerusalem’s sake” (v.1) – God’s double emphasis! As important as God’s name is to Himself, God is not delivering us for Himself, but for His love of us. God’s commitment to crowning us: “until…goes forth like brightness” (v.1b). God who “began” His “good work” of salvation and sanctification in us “will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil 1:6; cf. 1 Cor 1:8-9).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean to me that God acts for my sake and for my glory?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To find significance in God’s glorification of His people

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


John N. Oswalt, Isaiah 40-66, 579

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From Desolation to God’s Delight S CRIPTURE Isaiah 62:4-5

O B S E RVAT I O N What can you learn about God in His dealings with His people in verses 4 to 5?



hen we are unfaithful to God in persistent sinning, like Israel in exile, we will be “forsaken” by God and our lives will become “desolate” (v.4a). And it may appear that God has forsaken us forever, leaving us in our desolation for all time. Yet, unconceivable though it seems to be, there is still the redemptive hope in God’s unfathomable, immeasurable and inexhaustible grace. There can be a new beginning from God for us: “you will be called by a new name” (Isa 62:2b). Our “new name” will be “My delight is in you” (v.4a). The new name is reinforced by a twofold explication: “the LORD delights in you” (v.4) and “your God rejoices over you” (v.5). So, we see a picture of the triple emphasis of God’s delight in us who are “desolate” because of our unfaithfulness. From desolation to God’s delight! What two extreme poles of contrast! But that is God’s grace. And such divine grace must not be refused or abused. This change from desolation to God’s delight is a continuation of the earlier “instead of ” promises of God (Isa 60:17; 61:3), which express “God’s constant desire that ashes should give way to beauty, and deprivation to abundance”17. Undergirding this promise of grace is “the LORD…our God” (Isa 62:3, 4, 5): God’s covenant relationship with us is built on God’s covenant faithfulness.

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I respond to God’s delight in me when my life is in a desolate state?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To live life confidently under God’s delight in His people // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


John N. Oswalt, Isaiah 40-66, 580

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A Tale of Two “Untils” S CRIPTURE Isaiah 62:1, 6-7

O B S E RVAT I O N What do verse 1 and verses 6 to 7 tell us about prayer?



he “watchmen” whom God has “appointed” for intensity in prayer – “never keep silent…take no rest” (vv.6-7; cf. Eph 6:18; 1 Thess 5:17) − are “those who have received the Lord’s righteousness and salvation”18 (Isa 61:10; v.1). Intensity in prayer is built upon the certainty of answer from God. The imagery of “remind the LORD…give Him no rest” must not be read in an overly literal way,19 as though God must be persuaded. “They will not keep silent…until” (vv.6-7) is built upon “I will not keep silent… until” (v.1). The latter precedes the former. Perseverance in prayer (vv.6-7) is based on the promises of God (v.1). Prayer is not moving God to act. God’s action is not dependent on our prayer, but our prayer is an act of dependence on God according to His Word. Prayer begins with God’s Word. The place of eschatology in prayer: God making and establishing “Jerusalem” – God’s people – “a praise in the earth” (v.7b) began in God’s restoration of His people from the Babylonian exile, continued in their preservation through the perilous intertestamental period, blossomed in Christ’s first coming, matured in their faith in Christ (Eph 4:13) and will come to full flower in Christ’s return.20 We “ought to pray” “at all times” and “not lose heart” until “the Son of Man comes” (Lk 18:1, 8).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What is my understanding of God in relation to my prayer to Him?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To grow in praying in the Spirit at all times

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

18 19 20

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 432 John N. Oswalt, Isaiah 40-66, 585 John N. Oswalt, Isaiah 40-66, 585 Š 2 0 1 9 C O V E N A N T E V A N G E L I C A L F R E E C H U R C H // 73

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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DO YOU BELIEVE? God is with us in every moment of our lives. Scripture: John 11:17-44 ACTIVITY BITE Ask your parents to put an object in a pillowcase. Then ask them to let you and your siblings guess what’s inside by feeling it. CHAT TIME Q1: How do we know that God is real when we can’t see Him? Q2: What hinders us from believing that God is with us in every moment? Q3: Think of a question that you want to ask Jesus and share it with your family members. LEARNING POINT In John 11:17-44, the disciples felt that Jesus wasn’t with them when Lazarus was very sick. They also felt that Jesus was too late when He arrived because Lazarus had already died. But with Lazarus raised to life, God is telling us that He cares for us and is with us even though we don’t see Him. Oftentimes it’s hard to believe this when we face difficult situations. We may question God if He is really there for us. Yet He has never broken His promises – He is with us whether we see or feel Him. Jesus knows that we’ll have troubles in this world, so He wants to be there to help. He wants us to believe in Him. ACTION POINT God never gets upset with us for asking too many questions. Take time to ask God about anything, even the tough questions that none of us have answers for. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for allowing us to ask difficult questions. Pray that whatever happens, we will always believe that He is good and cares for us.


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A Discipleship Journey with Setbacks S CRIPTURE Isaiah 62:8-9

O B S E RVAT I O N How did God show His grace to His people who failed Him?



od gave the “grain” and “new wine” that His people had “laboured” for to their “enemies” (v.8b) as judgment for their unfaithfulness. Realistic biblical discipleship is a journey of three steps forward, two steps back. The God of all grace (1 Pet 5:10) will restore us from our two steps back, as He did to Israel. God restores us through His promises: “The LORD has sworn…” (v.8a). God’s promises entail God keeping His promises (His faithfulness) and us believing and waiting for God to fulfil His promises (our faithfulness). The greatest challenge in believing and waiting for God to fulfil His promises is divine timing, especially when it has been a long time and we have no idea when it will be. Waiting shows, shapes and strengthens our trust in God. God keeps His promises by His power: “by His right hand…by His strong arm” (v.8a) – God’s personal power and intervention to commit all that He is to fulfil His promises.21 Our trust in this power of God is severely tested when our circumstances shout to us loudly that there is no way for any change for the better. God restores us to His presence – “in the courts of My sanctuary” (v.9b), when we can say, “The nearness of God is my good” (Psa 73:28). And to His praise (v.9a), when all that matters in life is “Father, glorify Your name” (Jn 12:28).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I come to God to restore my two steps back in my discipleship journey?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, You bore our sins

Prayer Pointers

on the cross to redeem us, sheep that had gone astray in

// Give thanks:

lostness, that we may return to You, the Shepherd of our souls. But I still have the propensity to live my life in my own way.

// Pray for leaders:

So, I pray: I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments.22

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

21 22

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 432 Psalm 119:176

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Discipleship Journey Towards Ultimate Destiny S CRIPTURE Isaiah 62:10-12

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about Israel’s pilgrimage to Zion that God called them to take?



ere is a description of “the pilgrimage to Zion”23 (v.10). Our discipleship journey: How are we growing? We must pay close attention to smoothing the way we walk (“Go through…clear the way”), build up our relationship with God (“Build up”) and remove all offensive stumbling stones (“Remove”).24 Our ultimate destiny: What are we becoming? “Your salvation” that “comes” (v.11a) points to the eschatological finished salvation25 – the “salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Pet 1:5). Accompanying this “salvation” is “His reward” and “His recompense” (v.11b) for the work of salvation that God Himself has accomplished. What is the “reward” and “recompense” of God? God has “redeemed” us to become “the holy people” (v.12). And we, as “the holy people” “redeemed” by God, and no more “forsaken”, are God’s “reward” and “recompense”. Similarly, when God gives us His “salvation” and His “righteousness” (Isa 62:1) while we were in our “forsaken” and “desolate” condition, we become God’s delight (Isa 62:4-5). Our ultimate destiny in life is our God-given identity: “the holy people” of God, who “will be like Him” “when He appears” (1 Jn 3:2). So, in our discipleship journey, “God causes all things to work together for good” so that we may “become conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom 8:28-29).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I live my life in view of God’s ultimate destiny for my life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To increasingly serve out of a Christ-like life // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

23 24 25

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 433 Gary V. Smith, Isaiah 40-66, 653 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 433

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The Day of Divine Vengeance S CRIPTURE Isaiah 63:1-6

O B S E RVAT I O N What characterises the Lord’s “day of vengeance”?



uffering unjustly” from the evil world (1 Pet 2:19) is an inescapable discipleship lot that faithful followers of Jesus have to embrace. But there will be “the day of vengeance” (v.4a) when the Messiah “comes from Edom” in His majestic robes and great strength (v.1). And in “My anger” and “My wrath” (repeated five times in vv.3, 5, 6), He will tread and trample His enemies in His winepress of judgment such that their lifeblood will stain His royal garments all “red” (vv.2-3, 6). “Edom” (v.1) was Israel’s ceaseless foe who attacked them with continual “anger” and “fury” (Am 1:11) and also “typical of David’s victories”26 over Israel’s enemies (2 Sam 8:13-14); and thus, is representative of nations that are adversarial to God (Isa 34:2, 5), and “the final, eschatological enemy”27 – “Mount Seir” (Eze 35:1-4) − which is Edom (Gen 36:9). The “day of vengeance” is also “the year of My redemption” (v.4) and “salvation” (v.5). We may cry out, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood…?” (Rev 6:9-10). The Messiah “speak[s] in righteousness”, and is “mighty to save” (v.1). So, we wait with patience and perseverance by trusting in God’s righteous Word and relying on His saving power and say, “God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid” (Isa 12:2).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What significance does the Lord’s “day of vengeance” have in my life?

P R AY E R O God, You are the

Prayer Pointers

righteous God who has said, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.” Teach and help me

// Give thanks:

never to pay back evil for evil, but rather to give my enemies food and drink when they are hungry and thirsty, and in so

// Pray for leaders:

doing heap burning coals on their heads. And following Jesus in His footsteps, I keep entrusting myself to You who

// Pray for significant people:

judge righteously.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

26 27

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 434 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 434

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The Pains in God’s Presence S CRIPTURE Isaiah 63:7-10

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about God and His people in verses 8 to 10?



ere is a reflection on the salvation history of God’s people (Isa 63:7-14) whom God had “saved” and “redeemed” in “His love” and “His mercy” (v.9), and whom God hoped “will not deal falsely” (v.8). Particular attention is given to God’s presence with His people (vv.9, 11). God’s personal presence in our affliction: “In all their affliction He was afflicted” (v.9). This recalls God’s “I have surely seen…I am aware of their sufferings” in the exodus (Exo 3:7; cf. Judg 2:18; 10:16; 2 Kin 14:26-27). God is with us in “all” our sufferings, fully understanding and feeling our pains. Do we in our perplexing pains ask God, “Don’t You know and care how I feel?” God has already answered that question in His Word: “Yes, I do. In fact, I am suffering in Your sufferings.” God’s painful presence with our rebellion: when we “rebelled,” we “grieved His Holy Spirit” (v.10a; cf. Eph 4:30-31). The Holy Spirit is the presence of God (Psa 51:11; 139:7). Then, God “turned Himself to become” the “enemy” of His people and “fought against them” (v.10b). Our enemy is not always the devil. Let us be careful not to mistake our enemy to be the devil, when in reality it is God Himself. How can we tell the difference? By humbly and honestly checking our walk with God. When we grieved the Holy Spirit, do we hear God asking us, “Don’t you know and care how I feel?”

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I relate to the theological reality of pains in the presence of God in my life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To know the God who suffers in our sufferings

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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We Remember Through Divine Retribution S CRIPTURE Isaiah 63:11-14

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the significance of verse 11 − God’s people “remembered the days of old” − with regard to their reflection on their salvation history?



ivine retribution for human rebellion is redemptive in nature: to bring us to the point where we “remember[ed] the days of old” (Isa 63:10b-11). The word “remembered” implies “forgotten”. It is easy for us to forget God and all that He has done for us, especially when, ironically, God has blessed us richly (Deut 8:11-14). Have we strayed from God, in obvious ways or in subtle ways in the heart? And there is a profound sense of God’s absent presence in our lives where we find ourselves asking, “Where is He who…?” (v.11). This is the beginning of returning to God – to His leading presence: God “led” (v.13) and “guided” His people (v.14) with “His Holy Spirit in the midst of them” (v.11) – as seen in Israel’s memory. God “led” His people “through the depths” of the “waters” that He “divided” (vv.12-13a). When God leads and guides us, He allows no barriers to hinder His way. The uncrossable “depths” of “waters” are to God “as straightforward as a horse in open country”28, and we will “not stumble” (v.13) but will reach our God-given destination – the “rest” (v.14), which for Israel was the Promised Land. All this is for one purpose: “to make for Himself an everlasting name” (v.12b) and “a glorious name” (v.14).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What changes do I need to make in my life in relation to God’s leading presence?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To live life by God’s leading and guidance // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 439

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God’s Immensely Abundant Covenant Love S CRIPTURE Isaiah 63:7

O B S E RVAT I O N What does the prophet’s reflection on “all that the LORD has granted” Israel (Isa 63:8-14) tell us about God in relation to His people?



ere is a reflection on God in “all that the LORD has granted us” (v.7), as described in verses 8 to 14. God has “redeemed” us (Isa 63:9), but we still can rebel against Him (Isa 63:10a) – instead of “not deal falsely” as “His people” (Isa 63:8). Our rebellion will incur retribution from God (Isa 63:10b). But God intends that through retribution we will remember Him and His redemptive “love” and “mercy” and return to Him (Isa 63:11-14). But will God restore us? The answer is Yes. Verse 7 begins and ends with the word hesed, meaning “steadfast love”, and in the plural (“lovingkindness-es” in NASB). The plural underscores the multiplicity, immensity and intensity of God’s unfailing and unchanging covenant love. Then, as though God’s “steadfast love” in the plural is not enough to assure us, God adds to it the word “abundance” – “the abundance of His lovingkindness-es”! The theological point is: God’s first word and last word to us – even when we failed Him, however miserably and greatly – is the multiplicity, immensity and intensity of His “steadfast love” in abundance. It means that overarching and undergirding our lives is such a steadfast covenant love of God. And “all that the LORD has granted us” is His “abundance of goodness” given in “His compassion”.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does the abundance of God’s lovingkindnesses mean to me in my discipleship journey?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To find security in God’s abundant lovingkindnesses // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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© 2019 COVENANT EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH T (65) 6892 6811 • E • W

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