September Devotional Journal 2019

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He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. ISAIAH 53:9 (NIV)

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He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. ISAIAH 53:9 (NIV)

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Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed? ISAIAH 53:1 (NIV)

FEBRUARY He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. ISAIAH 53:2 (NIV)

MARCH He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. ISAIAH 53:3 (NIV)

APRIL Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. ISAIAH 53:4 (NIV)


But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. ISAIAH 53:5 (NIV)

JUNE We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. ISAIAH 53:6 (NIV) 4 // Š 2 0 1 9 C O V E N A N T E V A N G E L I C A L F R E E C H U R C H

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J U LY He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. ISAIAH 53:7 (NIV)

AUGUST By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. ISAIAH 53:8 (NIV)

SEPTEMBER He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. ISAIAH 53:9 (NIV)

OCTOBER Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand. ISAIAH 53:10 (NIV)

NOVEMBER After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. ISAIAH 53:11 (NIV)

DECEMBER Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors. ISAIAH 53:12 (NIV) Š 2 0 1 9 C O V E N A N T E V A N G E L I C A L F R E E C H U R C H // 5

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// B Y S E N I O R P A S T O R S //

2019 is the Year of Proclamation – That None Should Perish!


elebration of Hope (COH) which runs from 17 to 19 May is not mass evangelism on a large scale, but personal evangelism on a massive scale. In other words, unless we pray and sow the Gospel into as many people as possible on a personal basis, we will not see a massive conversion of souls. If we expect 2019 to be a year of harvest for our family and friends, then we have to prepare for it. When we were praying on the mountain during our annual Listening Retreat in July 2018, these verses from the book of Acts convicted us: Acts 8:8 “And there was much joy in that city” The context was the revival in Samaria under Philip’s ministry. Imagine the joy in Singapore when, under the preaching of the Gospel and the power of God, many people are healed of various sicknesses and delivered from spiritual oppression! Acts 13:44 “The next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord.” Back then in Pisidian Antioch, huge crowds came to listen to Paul’s preaching. Imagine large multitudes turning up at the Sports Hub at each COH rally to hear the Gospel! Acts 13:47 (cf. Isa 49:6) “For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.”

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“Isaiah” means “The LORD is Salvation”. Preaching through the book of Isaiah in 2019 will challenge us to fulfil our calling to be a light to the nations! During that same retreat, we received news about a crisis in Northern Thailand. On 23 June last year, 12 teenage boys and their soccer coach were trapped 2.5 miles inside the Tham Luang cave complex after heavy rains flooded it and cut off their exit route. On 2 July, they were found by two British expert cave divers. A rescue operation was carefully planned. There were 1,800 rescue personnel from 18 countries. In the midst of the rescue preparation, a tragedy happened. Mr Kunan, a volunteer and former Thai Navy SEAL diver, died while transporting air tanks into the tunnels. Although it was an extremely difficult rescue mission, all 13 survivors were eventually rescued from the cave on 10 July. Many people did their part to rescue them. And one man even gave his life to save them.

So, dear brothers and sisters, let us use this 2019 Devotional Journal to spend daily, dedicated time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer ...

The Scripture verses and the cave rescue were a confirmation of 2019 as the Year of Proclamation. Here was a fresh picture of how the Saviour died on the Cross so that people everywhere can be saved from eternal judgment. Our Lord Jesus has given us the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. So, dear brothers and sisters, let us use this 2019 Devotional Journal to spend daily, dedicated time with the Lord in His Word and in prayer, so that we can know Him more, and be led and empowered by His Spirit to be faithful witnesses for a fruitful harvest in 2019! In Christ, Rev Tony Yeo and Rev Tan Kay Kiong

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Step One

Prepare your heart in God’s presence // Select a fixed time (preferably in the morning before you begin your day) and a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed. // Observe a moment of silence as you acknowledge God’s presence. Centre down. // Begin with a song of worship. Meditate on the lyrics even if you are unfamiliar with the tune. (Refer to the list of worship songs provided.) // Ask God to open your heart to hear Him.

SOMETHING TO PONDER ... Examining your life is essential in your faith journey. Your redeemed life as a disciple of Christ deserves careful examining. May you take root and bear fruit in Him!

The English Standard Version (ESV) is the default Bible version translation unless otherwise specified.

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Step Two

Allow God to S.O.A.P. you with His Word and Spirit // Scripture – Take your time to meditate on the Scripture passage for the day. Pause and mull over words and phrases that stand out to you. // Observation – Jot down significant insights and reflections from the passage you have read. You may use the guiding questions provided. The “Deeper Reflection” section is to aid your contemplation of the Scripture. It is not to replace your own observation, for the Holy Spirit illuminates the Scripture to you as you seek Him earnestly. // Application – Note down a specific and practical commitment to God’s Word for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow, or a principle to live out? Where appropriate, share your devotional entry with someone. // Prayer – Bring your heartfelt response to God in prayer.

P R AY E R P O I N T E R S F O R 2 0 1 9 Prayer pointers for Pastors and Staff are included every Tuesday. Every Thursday, a prayer pointer is included for Outreach/Missions/New Life Leaders. On each Friday, there is a prayer pointer for SGI Leaders (e.g. Zone Mentors, CG Leaders and Assistant CG Leaders). A prayer pointer for Church Board Members is included every Saturday. Please pray for each group as well as any specific individuals whom God may bring to your mind.

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LET THERE BE LIGHT Verse 1 There’s no darkness in Your eyes There’s no question in Your mind God almighty God of mercy There’s no hiding from Your face There’s no striving in Your grace God of mercy God almighty Chorus 1 Let there be light Open the eyes of the blind Purify our hearts in Your fire Breathe in us we pray (Jesus have Your way) Verse 2 There’s no borders in Your love No division in Your heart God of heaven God of freedom There’s no taking back the cross No regret in what it cost God of freedom God of heaven Chorus 2 Let there be light Open our eyes to Your heart Desperate just to know who You are Shine in us we pray Jesus have Your way

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Bridge Good news embracing the poor Comfort for all those who mourn For the broken hearted we sing louder Release from prison and shame Oppression turning to praise For every captive sing louder Restoring sight to the blind Breaking the curse of the night For all in darkness sing louder Proclaiming freedom for all This is the day of the Lord Beauty for ashes Verse 3 Let the light that shines above Become the light that shine in us There’s no darkness in Your way So have Your way Lord have Your way Brooke Ligertwood | Joel Houston | Jonas Myrin | Matt Crocker | Michael Guy Chislett | Scott Ligertwood © 2016 Hillsong Music Publishing For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 7069096 CCLI Licence # 324618

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HOW GREAT YOU ARE Chorus How great You are How great You are You are the mighty King And You’ve come to reign in me How great You are How great You are I give You all the praises of my heart Verse You are deserving Of all the praises Lord And I am yearning to be In Your presence once more Deep inside my heart is burning I want to give You more For You’re the only one That I adore Shannon Wexelberg © 1993 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)); Christ For The Nations Music (Admin. by Maranatha! Music (Capitol CMG)) CCLI Song # 1185909 CCLI Licence # 324618

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TURN IT UP Verse 1 You are here as we lift you up You are riding on our praise Be enthroned over everything You are seated in our praise Pre-Chorus This is prophetic, I can feel it in the air We lift our praise and You change the atmosphere With hearts open now Everybody singing out, whoa! Chorus Turn it up, this sound of praise Make it louder than any other Lift Him up and shout His name over all Verse 2 As we praise, well I can feel the change As your presence now invades Hear the sound of the broken chains Prison doors are giving way Bridge 1 Our praise goes up Your rain comes down Our praise goes up Your rain comes down Bridge 2 With shouts of praise we celebrate King of glory enter in You are riding on our praise Oh Lord Andy Harrison © 2012 Planetshakers Ministries Int. Inc. (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 6621485 CCLI Licence # 324618

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YOU ARE GOOD Verse Lord, You are good And Your mercy endureth forever Lord, You are good And Your mercy endureth forever People from every nation and tongue From generation to generation Chorus We worship You Hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You for who You are We worship You Hallelujah, hallelujah We worship You for who You are For You are good Vamp Yes You are yes You are yes You are So good so good Yes You are yes You are yes You are Bridge You are good all the time All the time You are good You are good all the time All the time You are good Ending For who You are, for who You are You are good, You are good You are good, good, good Yes You are, yes You are, yes You are Yes You are, yes You are Israel Houghton © 2001 Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Sound Of The New Breed (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 3383788 CCLI Licence # 324618

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HERE I BOW Verse 1 Where would I run But to the throne of mercy Where would I kneel But at this cross of grace How great the love How strong the hand that holds us Beautiful, so beautiful Chorus So here I bow to lift You high Jesus be glorified In all things, for all my life I am Yours, forever Yours Verse 2 There is a King Who bore the scars of healing There is a Son Who came in grace and truth How great the love That carries us to kindness Wonderful, You’re wonderful Bridge God here and now, be lifted high Right here and now, be glorified God of Heaven and Earth God who brought me back to life I am Yours, forever Yours Brian Johnson | Jason Ingram | Jenn Johnson | Jonas Myrin | Matt Redman © 2016 Capitol CMG Paragon (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Said And Done Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) sixsteps Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Son of the Lion (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Thankyou Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) songs (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Fellow Ships Music (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) So Essential Tunes (Admin. by Essential Music Publishing LLC) Bethel Music Publishing (Admin. by SHOUT! Music Publishing) For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 7069335 CCLI Licence # 324618

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FOREVER (WE SING HALLELUJAH) Verse 1 The moon and stars they wept The morning sun was dead The Saviour of the world was fallen His body on the cross His blood poured out for us The weight of every curse upon Him Verse 2 One final breath He gave As heaven looked away The Son of God was laid in darkness A battle in the grave The war on death was waged The power of hell forever broken Pre-Chorus The ground began to shake The stone was rolled away His perfect love could not be overcome Now death where is your sting Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated Chorus Now forever, He is glorified Forever, He is lifted high And forever, He is risen He is alive He is alive Bridge We sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah We sing hallelujah the Lamb has overcome We sing hallelujah we sing hallelujah We sing hallelujah

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Ending And now death where is your sting Our resurrected King has overcome He’s overcome oh Brian Johnson | Christa Black Gifford | Gabriel Wilson | Jenn Johnson | Joel Taylor | Kari Jobe © 2013 KAJE Songs (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Worship Together Music (Admin. by CopyCare Asia Ltd (Singapore Branch)) Bethel Music Publishing (Admin. by SHOUT! Music Publishing) For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 7001228 CCLI License # 324618

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IN JESUS’ NAME Verse 1 God is fighting for us God is on our side He has overcome yes He has overcome We will not be shaken we will not be moved Jesus You are here, oh… Verse 2 Carrying our burdens covering our shame He has overcome yes He has overcome We will not be shaken we will not be moved Jesus You are here Chorus 1 I will live, I will not die The resurrection power of Christ alive in me And I am free in Jesus’ Name Chorus 2 I will live, I will not die I will declare and lift You high Christ revealed and I am healed in Jesus’ Name Bridge God is fighting for us pushing back the darkness Lighting up the Kingdom that cannot be shaken In the Name of Jesus enemy’s defeated And we will shout it out shout it out Ending In Jesus’ Name In Jesus’ Name In Jesus’ Name, oh… Darlene Zschech | Israel Houghton © 2013 EWI (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.); Integrity Worship Music (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.); Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.); Sound Of The New Breed (Admin. by Crossroad Distributors Pty. Ltd.) CCLI Song # 6454638 CCLI Licence # 324618

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JESUS LOVES ME Verse 1 It was just three words But it changed my life Just a childlike truth That consumed my mind From my life’s first breath Till the day I rise All I need to know Is this age old line Chorus Jesus loves me this I know Jesus loves me this I know I won’t forget the Bible says That He loves me so Verse 2 It was just three nails That held Him on that cross But God was not restrained For He was there by choice As He gave His life For a world He loved So the earth replied In this age old song Bridge Yes Jesus loves me And His love won’t forsake me I know Oh yes Jesus loves me Oh He loves me so Verse 3 It was just three days But it changed our world For when there seemed no way From the grave He rose

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Tag Oh He loves me so How I love You Lord Aodhan King | Benjamin Hastings | Marty Sampson © 2018 Hillsong Music Publishing For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 7109512 CCLI Licence # 324618

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GOD YOU’RE SO GOOD Verse 1 Amazing love that welcomes me The kindness of mercy That bought with blood, wholeheartedly My soul undeserving Chorus God, You’re so good Oh God, You’re so good God, You’re so good You’re so good to me Verse 2 Behold the cross age to age And hour by hour The dead are raised, the sinner saved The work of Your power Bridge I am blessed, I am called I am healed, I am whole I am saved in Jesus’ name Highly favored, anointed Filled with Your power For the glory of Jesus’ name Verse 3 And should this life bring suffering Lord, I will remember What Calvary has bought for me Both now and forever Brett Younker | Brooke Ligertwood | Kristian Stanfill | Scott Ligertwood © sixsteps Music (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) songs (Admin. by Capitol CMG Publishing) SHOUT! Music Publishing For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved. CCLI Song # 7105729 CCLI Licence # 324618

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COVER THE EARTH Verse 1 Let me be an instrument To exalt and to extend Jesus’ name globally As the waters cover the sea Open the heavens, O Lord Pour out Your Spirit Chorus 1 Cover the earth with Your glory Cover the earth with your glory Cover the earth with the sound of heaven Cover the earth with Your glory Cover the earth with Your glory Cover the earth with sound of heaven Cover the earth Verse 2 Let me speak what You say Let the sound prepare the way Kingdom come globally As the waters cover the sea Open the heavens, O Lord Pour out Your Spirit Chorus 2 Cover the earth with Your glory Cover the earth with Your glory Cover the earth with the sound of heaven All of the earth is Yours All of the nations adore You Cover the earth with the sound of heaven Cover the earth Open up the heavenlies Let a new sound be released As the waters cover the sea Cover the earth

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Bridge Open up the heavenlies Let a new sound be released As the waters cover the sea Cover the earth Open up the heavenlies Let a new sound be released As the waters cover the sea Cover the earth Cover the earth Cover the earth (Repeat Chorus 2) Cindy Cruse Ratcliff | Israel Houghton | Meleasa Houghton © 2003 Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing); Lakewood Ministries Music (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing); My Other Publishing Company (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing); Sound Of The New Breed (Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing) CCLI Song # 4194299 CCLI Licence # 324618

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HALLELUJAH HERE BELOW Verse 1 We are an altar of broken stones But You delight in the offering You have the heavens to call Your home But You abide in the song we sing Verse 2 Ten thousand angels surround Your throne To bring You praise that will never cease But hallelujah from here below Is still Your favorite melody Chorus We sing Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Verse 3 And should the fire that once burned bright Become an ember my eyes can’t see I will remember Your sacrifice I will abide in Your love for me Bridge Jesus Christ our King enthroned All the praise is Yours Forevermore Hallelujah Here below All the praise is Yours Forevermore Verse 4 Oh what a wonderful day to come When every knee bows before Your Name But we will not wait until it does For here and now shall Your Kingdom reign Chris Brown | Steven Furtick

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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God can help us be content no matter what. Scripture: Philippians 4:11b-13 ACTIVITY BITE Play a stacking game using plastic cups with your family. Stack the cups on top of each other to build a tower and try to reach at least five levels. See who can stack the highest cup tower. CHAT TIME Q1: Were you happy to reach the five levels or did you want to go higher? Q2: Do you feel dissatisfied with what you have when you see others having more? Why or why not? Q3: How would you describe a person who is content? Think of someone who fits this description. LEARNING POINT In Philippians 4, Paul was beaten and put in prison because he believed in Jesus. Nobody wants to be in a situation like him. Yet he knew how to have joy even in troubled times. He learnt how to be satisfied and content because he believed that Jesus would be with him and take care of everything. So, he wrote to the church in Philippi to help them understand that they could be content regardless of their situation in life because Jesus was in their hearts. ACTION POINT Discuss with your family about the things that you should be content with. Take turns filling in the blanks to complete this sentence: “I can learn to be content with ________________ because ________________ .” FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Pray that God will help us know that He will be with us all the time. Ask Him to help us be content with what we have.


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Relationship and Mission: the Foundations of Life and Destiny S CRIPTURE

Matthew 22:37-40; 28:18-20

O B S E RVAT I O N What are these two passages commonly called?



n verses 37 to 40, our Lord Jesus spoke about loving God with all our being and loving those around us as ourselves. Love, then, is the essence of the Great Commandment, which is all about our relationship with God and one another – the first foundation of our lives and destiny. Then in Matthew 28:18-20, our Lord gave us the Great Commission to disciple all the nations. That is our mission, the second foundation. How are the two related? First, both are necessary for life. We are called into relationship with God and in that relationship, to live our lives for our King. Second, there is always the danger of swinging to either extreme. On the one hand, we can be so mission-focused that we forget our essential nature and eternal life. Our lives are not found merely in the doing, but in the moment-by-moment living with the Lord. We end up so task-oriented, so business-focused and so driven that we lose the life in our living. On the other hand, we can be so self-absorbed in our relationship with God (i.e. therapeutic deism – e.g. it’s all about me and my walk with Jesus only) that we forget that He has given us a purpose, destiny and calling. We are to reach out with His love so that others may likewise come to know His love. As we come to the end of our 41st year as a church and start our 42nd year, God is directing us back to these two foundations. It is not either-or, but both relationship and mission that must be the foundations of our lives and destiny.

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A P P L I CAT I O N Where am I in my relationship with God and His mission for my life (take a few minutes to reflect on these foundations of your life)?

P R AY E R Thos e in Se



Significant people


Heavenly Father, You have called me to love You with all of my being and to go and disciple all the nations. These matters are so huge and overwhelming. I confess that I often do not know where to start. Gi vin gt Please start with my heart, Lord. This ha nk s week, as we celebrate Covenant EFC’s nd 42 anniversary, bring me back to first love You with all my heart, with all my soul and with all my mind. Answer this prayer, dear Father. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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Growing Our Relationship with the Lord S CRIPTURE

John 17:3; Matthew 22:37-40

O B S E RVAT I O N According to verse 3, what does eternal life involve?



great danger of discipleship in a fast-paced, modern city like ours is that discipleship becomes an event, a programme, a service and a form…in other words, an idea. We believe that if we go to church, read our Bible daily, attend small group meetings and serve in church, then we are disciples of Christ. Of course, I do not discount the benefits that such activities may provide to our spiritual growth. However, many of us simply stop there. The essence of life is not primarily found in the doing, but in the knowing, the relating and the loving. The “know” mentioned in verse 3 comes from the Greek word ginosko. It has to do with the intimate experience of a person, rather than a casual knowing, as perhaps in the case of some of our Facebook or Instagram friends. So the question is this: Is God merely a nice idea to us or is He really a person to us? In order to tell whether God is merely an idea to us, consider two simple questions: (1) What do you think about when you do your devotions each day? (2) What does heaven look like to you? Pause and write down your responses. If Jesus did not feature in either of your responses, then Jesus might be more of an idea to you than a “real” person. Eternal life is not a thing. Eternal life comes when we live with God Himself. How do we live our lives such that the Lord is not merely a good idea, but our greatest treasure? That question is surely worth our fullest consideration.

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A P P L I CAT I O N Living life with God is much like living life with a “real” person. What are the steps that help us to know another human being? Consider how you can apply these steps towards knowing God.

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To relate better to God and to know Him more

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Growing Our Relationship with One Another S CRIPTURE

Matthew 22:37-40; John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:20

O B S E RVAT I O N What dimensions of love do you notice in those passages?



any of you would know that our Senior Pastors make an annual pilgrimage to Mount Kota Kinabalu (not to the top!) for undistracted listening to God. They graciously invite the four Senior Pastors’ Office members to join them partway to listen along with them. Over the years, this shared pilgrimage in learning to discern God’s voice has also bonded us. We discovered that as we grew in awareness of the voice of the Lord, we also grew to know one another better through the process of listening, sharing and praying together. There was this wonderful mutuality in that as we grew in knowing God, we grew in knowing ourselves and one another. We believe that this is probably what Jesus had in mind when He added the “second” commandment (v.38) to the great commandment. These are all interrelated: Learning to love God, learning to love ourselves and learning to love another person. Knowing God, knowing ourselves and knowing others. This communal dimension, this relational reality, makes our discipleship all the more real and enriching. That is why Christians who say they don’t need to go to church for their discipleship are greatly mistaken. The mutual knowing and loving is a vital expression of the reality of our God. As we enter our 42nd year as a spiritual community, how are we making space not just to know and experience God, but also to know and experience another person? Let us begin that with the members of our own families and then with people in our small groups. When that relational dimension is deepened, our discipleship is likewise deepened.

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A P P L I CAT I O N The best way to get to know another person is to be present and pay attention. Consider who you can get to know better today and do so using this method.

P R AY E R Dear Lord Jesus, You combined

Prayer Pointers

loving God with loving myself and loving those around me.

// Give thanks:

Help me to receive Your love so that I may in turn love myself and those around me. Help me to be present and pay full attention to people, that I may

// Pray for leaders:

know them and love them. Allow me to do so with at least one person today. I ask this in Your name. Amen.

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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The Missional Church S CRIPTURE

1 Peter 2:9-10; Ephesians 3:17-19; John 17:17-18

O B S E RVAT I O N What does it mean to be called, chosen and sent by God?



aint Augustine insightfully noted that the Church is one trinitarian people that reflects one God who is Lover, Beloved and Love itself (1 Jn 4:7-10).1 Simultaneously, this one trinitarian people also reflects one God who is the Sender, the Sent and the Sending (Jn 17:18).2 Our triune God is both relational and missional! Authentic discipleship is not simply about Christians having a relationship with Christ and nothing more. No, Christ has called and chosen His people to abide in the triune God. Discipleship is only as authentic as disciples loving God and, flowing from that love relationship, loving others (Matt 22:37-39). At the heart of true discipleship is abiding in Christ’s love, thereby bearing much fruit and being filled with the fullness of God (Jn 15:8-10; Eph 3:17-19). Missions is not merely Christians’ obligation to God’s Great Commission. Rather, we have been included in God’s mission! The Church exists because of God’s mission, not vice versa. The Church is God’s sent messengers and the means for further sending. The intentional disciple making church (IDMC) is not a church with a written mission statement or with some missions work being done. Rather, the IDMC is at the very core of God’s mission to bring about His Kingdom in Christ (Eph 1:9-10)! We are a called people in God’s love and mission, a chosen priesthood to represent God to a world in need of Him and sent messengers to proclaim the Gospel that saves sinners. Each of us is called, chosen and sent by Christ our Master to be an authentic disciple and intentional disciple-maker in the world.

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A P P L I CAT I O N How does being called, chosen and sent by Christ look like, tangibly and practically, for me in the context of my life, family and workplace?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To be authentic disciples and intentional disciplemakers of a Christ-mastered kind

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

1 2

Jurgen Moltmann, The Trinity and the Kingdom, Reprint edition (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1993), 58, citing from Saint Augustine’s writings on the Trinity. R. Paul Stevens, The Other Six Days: Vocation, Work, and Ministry in Biblical Perspective, 1st edn. (Grand Rapids, Mich.; Vancouver, B.C.: Eerdmans, 2000), 194.

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Our Missional Identity S CRIPTURE

Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Peter 2:9-10

O B S E RVAT I O N How does our understanding of who we are define what we are to do?



ar too often, our sense of Christian identity and calling is too low, too lame and too ashamed. Jesus used the metaphors of salt and light not to compare with or describe Christians, but to personify and identify what it means to be His disciples. To the early Christians, Jesus’ metaphors and Peter’s too (1 Pet 2:9) are powerfully missional metaphors. Jesus’ followers are not like salt, like light, like a chosen race, like a royal priesthood, like a holy nation or like God’s precious possession… No, we are all those things! They are our identity in Christ! In an era without refrigeration, salt retarded decay in food, preserving it for people’s benefit. Christians are the salt of the earth, retarding the moral decay in a world going increasingly wrong and awry, thus preserving life! Ancient cities are often set on a hill and the light emitted from oil-lit lamps in homes and streets can be seen from far away. To travelers, those lights represented life-giving hope since it meant lodging, water, food and other replenishments for the onward journey. God has called His people to be a light to the nations, so that salvation may reach them (Isa 42:6; 49:6; 60:3). God’s people are the light of the world, shining Christ’s life-giving hope to all the nations! Singapore is sheltered by an upright government, but moral decay is already germinating and spreading in our society. Being a Christian can never be about wearing a nondescript religious label. No! We are the “salt-of-the-earth-light-of-the-world” and “chosen-race-royal-priesthood-holy-nation-possession-of-God” kind! In other words, authentic disciples and intentional disciple-makers of “a certain kind”!

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A P P L I CAT I O N What are some things I can start to do now as a Christian in my workplace in order to be salt and light for Christ?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To be salt-of-the-earth-light-of-theworld disciples in all places and seasons // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Our Missional Calling S CRIPTURE

Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9-10

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the central mission of verses 18 to 20 and 1 Peter 2:9-10?



t takes disciples to make disciples. That’s just the way God intends His Church to do His mission! Being “salt-of-the-earth-light-of-theworld” and “chosen-race-royal-priesthood-holy-nation-possessionof-God” disciples is our identity – who we are as disciples of Jesus. Making other disciples of the same kind is our calling – what we do as disciples of Jesus. In short: authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking of “a certain kind”. We make disciples by “proclaim[ing] the excellencies of Him…”, “baptising them…” and “teaching them...”. Here’s the biblical disciple-making process one person at a time: Win a Soul, Change a Life, and Send a Mentor (“Go therefore and make disciples…”). But we seriously miss the mark if our disciple-making is only about making disciples for its own sake. The “end game” of our mission as disciples of Jesus is ultimately about anticipating the return of King Jesus and ushering in His Kingdom on that day. Peter spoke of a realised Kingdom of a redeemed and royal people belonging to the King (1 Pet 2:9-10). Matthew spoke of the Kingdom as already here (in the person of the King at His first coming, Matt 4:17; 12:28) and yet still in the future (Jesus’ second coming, Matt 24-25). The Kingdom of God has both a present manifestation and a future consummation.3 After Jesus’ resurrection and before He ascended into heaven, He assured His disciples, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (v.20). So, in this already-and-not-yet meantime until our King returns, our Kingdom mission is to authentically live Christlike lives while intentionally reaching others and discipling them to follow Him.

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A P P L I CAT I O N Who are 10 people you can B.L.E.S.S. in this Year of Proclamation? Faithfully pray for their salvation and conscientiously disciple those who receive Christ.

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To faithfully make disciples for Jesus Christ our soon-returning King and His Kingdom // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Michael Green, The Message of Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven, The Bible Speaks Today (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2001), 43.

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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DO YOU REALLY TRUST GOD? We can be content when we trust God’s goodness. Scripture: Exodus 17:1-7 ACTIVITY BITE Give each of your family members a piece of paper and a marker pen. Then, ask them to draw what they consider to be the coolest invention − something that helps us do things that we could not do before − for example computers, planes, cars or peanut butter, among others. Ask everyone to share what they drew. CHAT TIME Q1: How do these cool inventions make our lives better? Q2: While man invented these things, who really gave man the creativity to invent them? Q3: If you believe that God gives us all these good things, how should our response be towards Him? LEARNING POINT In Exodus, we read the story where God brought the Israelites out of Egypt so that they would not have to be slaves anymore. But along the journey, they grumbled against God, accusing Him of bringing them out to die in the desert. They failed to see that God is good and cares for them. When we fail to trust God’s goodness, we won’t be able to see the good things that God has given us. We will start comparing with others and thinking that they have better things than us. It’s hard to be content if we have this attitude. But when we trust that God is good, we will learn to be content, knowing that He will provide all that we need, just like how He provided water for the Israelites in the dry desert. ACTION POINT Take turns as a family completing the sentence: “God is good for giving us ___________________ (fill in this blank space with a cool invention) because ___________________ .” FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Pray for everyone to see God’s goodness in everything that we have and to always have a grateful heart.


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Even to Your Old Age … S CRIPTURE Isaiah 46:1-7

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about God carrying His people?



saiah 46 to 48 focuses on God’s demolition of Babylon and His deliverance of Israel from exile (Babylon specifically mentioned in v.1; Isa 47:1, 5; 48:14). Three Hebrew words of the same root, “carry”, are repeated six times to show the contrast between the Babylonian idol-gods, “Bel” and “Nebo” (v.1), and God. Lifeless idols must be carried by others (vv.1, 2, 7), but the living God carries His people (vv.3, 4). Sometimes we think we can carry God by certain “effective” religious formulas and practices. But God cannot be carried. In the context of this theological contrast, God assures His people of security in Him carrying them. God calls us, His children, to look at our whole life theologically. Each one of us was “borne by Me from birth” and “carried [by Me] from the womb” (v.3b). And God’s promise is: “I will be your God throughout your lifetime” (v.4a, NLT). When we grow old, we can feel insecure, undervalued, sidelined, useless, unwanted and abandoned – within ourselves, or be perceived this way by society. But, God who “carried” us “from birth” (v.3) “will carry” us “even to” our “old age”… “to” our “graying years” (v.4a). With His promise of “I will carry you” is the twice repeated assurance, “I will bear you” and “I will deliver you” (v.4). What an emphatic fourfold assurance of God! How secure we should be in this God-security!

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A P P L I CAT I O N What changes do I need to make in my perspective and attitude regarding security in life?

P R AY E R God, I thank You that You knew

Prayer Pointers

me even before You created the universe. And You watched

// Give thanks:

me as I was being formed in my mother’s womb and have cared for me since I was born. You are my God throughout my lifetime and You will carry

// Pray for leaders:

me until my old age. My times are in Your hand. I trust in You, my Salvation, my Strength, my Security and my Shepherd.

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Dealing with Bewilderment and Disappointment S CRIPTURE Isaiah 46:8-11

O B S E RVAT I O N What did God say to Israel about Himself in relation to Cyrus king of Persia (v.11) and why did He do that?



ewilderment and disappointment plagued Israel when they wanted a Davidic restoration but they got Cyrus instead4 (Isa 45:9-13). It was God’s unalterable will: “Calling a bird of prey from the east, the man of My purpose” (v.11a; Isa 44:28; 45:1-5). How does God want us to deal with bewilderment and disappointment? Hear God’s fourfold call: “Remember this, keep it in mind, take it to heart…remember” (vv.8-9a, NIV). The way through a problem is to think about God, recalling and reflecting on four aspects. Who God is: “I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me” (v.9). Do we monotheistic Christians need this reminder? We can be so overwhelmed by problems that what we believe is drowned. We truly believe in this theological truth when we “be” and “live” by what we believe. What God has done: “the former things long past” (v.9a). Look back at God’s track record of His grace and faithfulness. What God has spoken: “Truly I have spoken” (v.11b). All things from “the beginning” to “the end” (v.10) are at the dictate of God’s Word. We “be” and “live” by God’s Word, because God will bring it to pass (v.11b). God will certainly “establish” and “accomplish” His “purpose” for our lives (vv.10-11) as long as we are God-centred.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to think about God when going through problems in my life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your response from your meditation on and application of

Prayer Pointers

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To keep God as the centre in every problem

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries, Volume 20 (IVP, 1999), 333

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Another Unbelievable Divine Redemptive Grace! S CRIPTURE Isaiah 46:12-13

O B S E RVAT I O N How did God show His redemptive grace to Israel?



he divine word “Listen to Me” (v.12) was addressed to “the remnant” of Israel (Isa 46:3a). The “remnant” here is God’s fulfilment of His promise of a “surviving remnant” to Hezekiah (Isa 37:31-32). The “remnant” is that group of God’s people who has undergone, survived and been purified by divine judgment, inherits the promises of God afresh, and becomes the nucleus for the continuation and future existence of God’s people.5 It sounds like the “remnant” is God’s “hope” in continuing His purposes. But the “remnant” is described as “stubborn-minded”, “far from righteousness” (v.12) and “transgressors” (Isa 46:8). “Righteousness” is being and walking right with God. Israel refused to align themselves with God’s righteous paths and purposes.6 But will God’s purposes be thwarted? No. What we see next is another unbelievable demonstration of God’s incredible redemptive grace. When His people are “far from righteousness”, God “will bring near My righteousness” and “My salvation” (v.13). Mark the triple emphasis regarding God’s righteousness and salvation: “bring near”, “it is not far off” and “will not delay” (v.13)! More than that, God will “grant My glory” to His people (v.13) – “to make them a lovely thing He desires them to be”7. What God is this?

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I respond to the God who will bring near to me His righteousness and salvation when I am far from righteousness?

P R AY E R Lord Jesus, You loved Your

Prayer Pointers

Church by giving up Your life for her to cleanse and

// Give thanks:

sanctify her, so as to present Your Church to Yourself as a glorious Church, without a spot or wrinkle or any other

// Pray for leaders:

blemish. Indeed, Your Church will be holy and blameless. Thus, You keep lovingly restoring and rebuilding

// Pray for significant people:

Your Church in her many and frequent setbacks and shortcomings.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Tremper Longman III & Raymond B. Dillard, An Introduction to the Old Testament, Second Edition (Zondervan, 1994, 2006), 313 6 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 334 7 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 334

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Babylon: “I Will Be a Queen Forever!” S CRIPTURE Isaiah 47:1-7

O B S E RVAT I O N How does Babylon perceive herself and how does God respond to her?



abylon was an ancient kingdom “with advanced cultural and scientific learning”, elegant, extravagant, impressive and “the defining generative power in international affairs”8 as “the queen of kingdoms” (v.5). Babylon had been too long established, seemingly safe and guaranteed forever, that she boasted with such arrogant selfconfidence: “I will be a queen forever” (v.7). Babylon is found in every generation, which “calls for a mind of wisdom” (Rev 13:18; 17:9) to discern theologically through the Scriptures, just as John saw “Babylon the Great, the Mother of harlots” in Rome (Rev 17-18). In his book Out of Babylon, Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann sees Babylon in “the deeply problematic power of the U.S. empire”9. Babylon devalues human beings under their power in oppressive injustice: “You did not show mercy to them, on the aged you make your yoke very heavy” (v.6b). In Revelation, Babylon’s list of 21 cargo items begins with “gold” and ends with “human lives” on the list (Rev 18:11-13). Two things are certain. Babylon is always in God’s hand to accomplish His purpose: God “gave” Israel into Babylon’s “hand” for His judgment (v.6a). Babylon will eventually perish under God’s hand (vv.1-3). And our theological anchor is who God is and what God is to us (v.4).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I live in the world of Babylon?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To anchor in God in the world of Babylon

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:



Walter Brueggemann, Out of Babylon (Abingdon, 2010), 2 Walter Brueggemann, Out of Babylon, 1

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Babylon: “There Is No One Besides Me!” S CRIPTURE Isaiah 47:8-11

O B S E RVAT I O N How does Babylon perceive herself and how does God respond to her?



abylon was “a hegemonic power whose goal was to be alldefining for life in the world. It is the work of such hegemonic powers (empire) to exercise total governmental control, and where possible, total economic and cultural control as well. Empires like Babylon lack both patience and tolerance toward those whose ultimate loyalty belongs to someone or something other than the empire itself. In response to such resistant loyalties, the empire will move beyond total control into totalitarian ‘final solutions”10. Do we see this in geopolitics today? Such a power says “in her heart”, even if not declared publicly, but certainly through its conduct: “I am, and there is no one besides me” (vv.8, 10). It is a claim of deity. This runs in the face of many such self-declarations of God: “I am God, and there is no God besides Me” (Isa 46:5, 9; 45:5, 6, 14, 21, 22; 44:6-8; 43:10-13; 40:18, 25). Along with the claim of “no one besides me” is “no one sees me”, which makes Babylon feel “secure” in her unbridled “wickedness” (v.10a). But God can destroy Babylon “suddenly in one day” “in full measure” (vv.9, 11). The dangers that God’s people face from Babylon are opposition, persecution, deception and corruption, where we either are “faithful until death” (Rev 2:10) or fall in compromise (Rev 18:4).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What religious and non-religious entity in the world do I observe to be claiming deity and in what concrete ways is the claim made?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To guard against compromise with the world of Babylon

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


Walter Brueggemann, Out of Babylon, 10

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Babylon: “There Is None to Save You!” S CRIPTURE Isaiah 47:12-15

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the significance of the words “save” and “deliver” in verses 13, 14 and 15?



he key words in this passage are “save” and “deliver”. Humans feel secure when they can control everything and protect themselves against anything. Babylon relied on its conventional practices of control and protection through their imperial learning and technology (Isa 47:10 – “wisdom and knowledge”), and their well-advanced astral religion and astronomy (Isa 47:9b, vv.12-13). But we all, Babylon or not, will have to face the fire of God’s judgment (v.14), now or on Judgment Day (Rom 2:16). With regard to Babylon, God mocked her: “Let now the astrologers…stand up and save you” (v.13). But what Babylon relied on “cannot deliver themselves” (v.14); so, how could they “save” Babylon? What was precious and treasured in Babylon will be burned by God’s fire. And God pointed Babylon to reality: “There is none to save you” (v.15). We are saved by grace through faith in Christ, not by good works but for good works (Eph 2:8-10). How we build our lives in Christ the foundation – with gold, silver and precious stones, or wood, hay and straw – will be “revealed with fire” (1 Cor 3:11-13). And what are “hidden” in our “hearts” the Lord will “disclose” when He comes (1 Cor 4:5). What gives you security, both now and in the future until the Lord comes?

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A P P L I CAT I O N What gives me security, both now and in the future until the Lord comes?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To live life with God’s judgment in mind // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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WILL THINGS MAKE US HAPPY FOREVER? Only God can give us real joy that lasts forever. Scripture: Hebrews 13:5 ACTIVITY BITE List down the toys that you received over the last few Christmases or birthdays. Share with your family why you were excited when you first received them. Next, list down the toys that you are still playing with and those that you have stored away for a long time. CHAT TIME Q1: Why do we often lose interest in the things we own after some time? Q2: Are there any good reasons for wanting more and more? Q3: Why does God want us to be content? LEARNING POINT Do you remember feeling really happy when you received new toys? How long did you play with most of them before the excitement was gone and they were packed away? Getting something new or having lots of money can be exciting and even make you happy for a period of time. But as we know, that feeling of happiness doesn’t last forever because what we own was never meant to do that. Only Jesus knows what will satisfy us. He will meet our needs. But even if we don’t own the things that others have, Jesus can still give us joy that the world cannot. ACTION POINT Consider giving away one of your favourite toys to someone and share with your family how you can be still be content. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for all the good things that He has given your family. Pray that He will help us be content with what we have and do not have.


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Doing Right and Being Real S CRIPTURE Isaiah 48:1-2

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about the religious life of Israel?



he “remnant” of Israel in exile (Isa 46:3) were supposed to live their lives worthy of their “Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel” (Isa 41:14; 43:14), who had “chosen” them to be “My servant” (Isa 41:8-9; 43:10; 44:1-2). But God called them “transgressors” and “stubborn-minded” (Isa 46:8, 12). But then, they seemed to be doing the right things. They “swear by the name of the LORD” (v.1), declaring their religious allegiance to God. They “invoke” their God (v.1) by engaging in the whole ceremony of religious practice by which they called on the name of God.11 They “rely” on God: personal trust in God – the hallmark of genuineness in religion that turns all other spiritual and religious activities into gold.12 But it was all hollow, empty and unreal. For they did all these “not in truth” – not with genuineness, “nor in righteousness” – and not satisfying the standard of God (v.1). And they “call themselves after the holy city” (v.2), claiming for themselves a holy identity. We strive to be “A Certain Kind” of disciple and church, but do not call ourselves as such, for we can be presumptuous or proud. Even when others call us so, we may not be so. If we truly are, let God call us. Doing right is not necessarily the same as being real. We need a reality check.

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A P P L I CAT I O N How will I go about conducting a reality check on my life?

P R AY E R God, man looks at the

Prayer Pointers

appearance of things, but You look at the heart, where

// Give thanks:

ultimate reality is. Be gracious and merciful to me, and help me to be vigilant and diligent to pay close attention to my

// Pray for leaders:

heart, and to see things as You see them, through the Holy Scriptures and by the Holy Spirit. Save me and keep me from

// Pray for significant people:

presumptuousness and pride.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

11 12

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 339 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 339-40

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Dangerous Responses to God’s Word S CRIPTURE Isaiah 48:3-8

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about Israel’s spiritual condition?



od spoke to Israel in two ways that were appropriate to their spiritual condition: He “declared the former things long ago” and how He acted “suddenly” and “they came to pass” (v.3), and He proclaimed “new things from this time” (v.6). God knows our fault lines: “because I know that you…” (v.4) and “because I knew that you…” (v.8). And thus, God speaks to us to keep us from falling: “so that you would not say…” (vv.5, 7). It is one thing that God speaks to us appropriately, but it is another thing altogether that we respond to His Word appropriately. Through this divine speech encounter of Israel with God, we are warned against certain dangerous responses to the Word of God. Obstinateness towards God’s Word: Israel was incapable of submission − self-confident and closed-minded13 (v.4). Misinterpretation of God’s Word: God’s acts were interpreted as acts of idols (v.5). Rejection of God’s Word: Having heard how God had fulfilled what He had spoken, Israel refused to admit it (v.6). Arrogance towards God’s Word: The attitude of “I know it all” even before God speaks (v.7) and thus seeing no necessity for God’s Word. Indifference towards God’s Word: “from of old your ears have not been open” (v.8, NIV). This happened to Israel. Can this not also happen to us?

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A P P L I CAT I O N What are some dangerous responses to the Word of God that I need to guard against?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To guard against dangerous responses to God’s Word // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 340

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It’s All About God’s Glory S CRIPTURE Isaiah 48:1-11

O B S E RVAT I O N How did God respond (vv.9-11) to His people who were so grossly sinful (vv.1-8)?



e look at ourselves and realise that we are doing the right things before God but not being real (vv.1-2) − “obstinate” (v.4), misinterpreting God through our idolatrous ideas of God (v.5) and with a “I know better than God” mentality (v.7). Then in this condition we look at God. What do we see? Certainly, not a God who will do nothing. God responds with divine restraint: “I delay My wrath…I restrain it for you” (v.9a). Reason? “Not to cut you off” (v.9b) – which we justly deserve. Delayed and restrained wrath of a holy, righteous and just God is not just divine mercy, but God persevering with His desperately undeserving people. God will not leave us alone as we are. He will put us into “the furnace of affliction” (v.10) for divine refining: “Behold, I have refined you…I have tested you” (v.10). The divine refining is divine redemption: We are purified from our transgressions to our transformation. Why does God “act” in this way? “For the sake of My name…for My praise” (v.9), “For My own sake, for My own sake…My glory” (v.11). Do we see this in our “furnace of affliction”? God jealously and attentively cares about His honorable reputation and disallows His name to be “profaned” by His sinful people (v.11). It is all about “My name”, “My praise” and “My glory”!

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I see God and His glory in my furnace of affliction?

P R AY E R Pardon me, O God, for seeing

Prayer Pointers

only the fire of the furnace and the pain of my affliction in the furnace of affliction, and failing to

// Give thanks:

see Your redemptive grace and Your refining work in my heart. Open my eyes to see Your glory in the purifying fire, which is so

// Pray for leaders:

hard for me to see or believe. And grant me to seek the glory of Your name in that holy fire.

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Knowing the God Who Called S CRIPTURE Isaiah 48:12-15

O B S E RVAT I O N What is the significance of the thrice repeated word “call/called” with God as the subject, but with three different objects, in verses 12, 13 and 15?



he verb “call” (Hebrew: qara) with God as the subject, but with three different objects, is repeated thrice (vv.12, 13, 15). The focus is on God “called” Israel, as reflected in “Listen to Me, O Jacob, even Israel whom I called” (v.12). What did God want the grossly unfaithful Israel (Isa 48:1-8) to hear? The God who “called” Israel is Lord of the universe and history. God is “I am He” (v.12): He is the unchanged and unchanging God.14 As He is “the First”, God is not under any external compulsion to do what He does; and as He is “the Last”, He stands at the end unchallenged by any force that may try to oppose Him, bringing to triumphant conclusion what He started (v.12).15 God “calls” to “heavens” and “earth” and “they stand up” (v.13). By His calling, God “masters the whole universe and gives it stability and continuance”16. And God “called” Cyrus to “carry out His good pleasure on Babylon” (vv.14-15). What God has called, it will come to pass. Israel’s unfaithfulness does not nullify God’s faithfulness: Israel failed in their calling, but God affirmed His calling of them. We are to understand God’s calling of us in knowing the God who called us, so that we may find assurance and confidence in answering God’s call and in God fulfilling His call for us.

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A P P L I CAT I O N How important is it for me to know God in His calling of me?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To know God in His calling of them

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

14 15 16

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 342 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 342 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 342

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Our Holy God, Our Redeemer S CRIPTURE Isaiah 48:17-19

O B S E RVAT I O N What contrasts can you observe between verse 17 and verses 18 to 19?



od spoke these words to His grossly sinful people (Isa 48:1-11): “If only you had paid attention to My commandments! Then it would have been…” (vv.18-19) How abundant would God’s blessings of all-round “well-being” – Godward, manward, selfward,17 “righteousness” and posterity − have been on Israel; and how Israel would not have been “cut off from My presence” if Israel had been obedient. Here’s a discipleship reality of what we have missed when we failed God. But, if we live by “If only I have…” we have only regrets with the inability to relive our past. However, we have hope in God who is “our Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel [the Church]” (v.17a). And with this God, our failures need not be final. “Redeemer” and “the Holy One of Israel” are linked together six times in Isaiah (41:14; 43:14; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5). God as “Redeemer” makes possible for holiness to meet sinfulness. That “the Holy One” should draw near as the “Redeemer” is “a truly overwhelming display of grace and condescension”18, which is most gloriously displayed on the Cross! Whatever blessings that we have missed for our disobedience, our Holy Redeemer will replace with “what is best for you” as we submit anew to His teaching and directing us “in the way we should go” (v.17, NIV).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I relate with God who is my Redeemer and the Holy One?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To know God as their Holy Redeemer

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

17 18

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 345 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 344

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The Hope of New Exodus S CRIPTURE Isaiah 48:20-22

O B S E RVAT I O N Why did God give the warning in verse 22 after a positive description of Israel’s departure from Babylon in verses 20 and 21?



saiah 46 to 48 focuses on God’s demolition of Babylon (Isa 46:1-2; 47:1-15) and His deliverance of Israel from exile through Cyrus (Isa 48:14-15; cf. 44:28; 45:1-13), concluding with verses 20 to 22. Because God is our “Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel” (v.17), the disorientation of exile will not last forever, however long and dark it may be. There will be the reorientation of a new exodus: “Go forth from Babylon! Flee from the Chaldeans!” (v.20a). There is always the hope of a new exodus in our discipleship journey that results in celebration: “declare with the sound of joyful shouting” (v.20b). This was very significant for Israel who lamented in exile: “How can we sing the LORD’s song in a foreign land?” (Psa 137:1-4). The new exodus is divine redemption: “The LORD has redeemed His servant” (v.20c). We are redeemed to be “His servants”. What must be first in our heart and mind is not the act of serving, but “You are not your own, for you have been bought with a price” (1 Cor 6:19-20). God assures us of His physical and spiritual provision of “water” as He leads us “through the wilderness” (v.21). Following God’s redemptive words (vv.20-21) is a warning of “no peace for the wicked” (v.22). Why? In their exodus from Babylon, Israel might remain “wicked” (Isa 48:1-19).19 Here’s a call for self-examination.

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A P P L I CAT I O N In what ways do I need a new exodus in my discipleship journey?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To walk with the hope of a new exodus

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 346

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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NOT HAPPY THAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS BETTER THINGS? God can give us all that we need. Scripture: 1 Kings 21:1-19 ACTIVITY BITE Get everyone in your family to take turns completing this sentence: “My friends have some things that I don’t have:_________________ ____________________” (fill in the blank space with items such as a swimming pool, a puppy, an Xbox or new sneakers, among others). CHAT TIME Q1: Have you ever wondered, “Why didn’t I get a better gift?” when you saw someone having something that you do not have? Why or why not? Q2: What did you learn about jealousy and envy from the story of Ahab and Naboth in 1 Kings 21? Q3: What are some ways that God helps us overcome these feelings and give us contentment? LEARNING POINT King Ahab found a plot of land that he wanted more than anything. But there was a problem, Naboth owned the land and this land had been in his family for generations. King Ahab and his wife Queen Jezebel planned for Naboth to be killed to take that land for themselves. In the end though, King Ahab was miserable because of God’s judgment. Getting jealous and desiring things that belong to others can cause one to do bad things. The secret to contentment is focusing on God. It’s about trusting that His plans are right and good, even if they are different from what we would like. When we trust that God knows what is best for us, we will learn to be content. ACTION POINT Repeat the above activity, but end the sentence with: “…but I am content because God will supply everything I need.” FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Ask Jesus to forgive us for our jealousy and envy and thank Him for giving us what we need when we need it.


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Marks of a Servant of God (1) S CRIPTURE

Isaiah 48:16; 49:1-3

O B S E RVAT I O N What marked the Servant of the LORD?



n God’s confrontation of Israel’s gross sinfulness (Isa 48:1-19, 22) there is an unexpected interjection from the Servant of the LORD (v.16). This Servant and His redeeming work is now revealed in Isaiah 49 to 5520 with increasing clarity. God had chosen and redeemed Israel to be His servant (Isa 41:8-9; 42:19; 43:10; 44:1-2, 21; 45:4; 48:20), but Israel failed to be God’s Ideal Servant. Jesus the Messiah is God’s Ideal Servant (compare: Matt 12:15-21 with Isa 42:1-3; Luke 4:16-21 with Isa 61:1-2; Acts 8:30-35 with Isa 53:7-8), whom God called “My Servant, Israel” (Isa 49:3). And now in Christ and with Christ, the Church – the new covenant Israel (Eph 2:11-22; 1 Pet 2:9-10), is to be God’s servant like Christ in His worldwide Gospel mission (Isa 49:1a; cf. Isa 42:1, 4). God “called” us to be His servant “from the womb” (Isa 49:1b; cf. Jer 1:5; Gal 1:15). This call is God’s sovereign act before any indication of ability to fulfil the God-assigned ministry. The servant’s ministry is speaking the Word of God (Isa 49:2 – “My mouth”) with power like a “sharpened sword” and “polished arrow” (Isa 49:2). It is we speak in Christ and Christ speaks in us (2 Cor 12:19; 13:3). God prepares us (Isa 49:2 – “He has made”) as we devote ourselves to learn His Word and live by it. As we serve Him, God protects us by hiding us “in His quiver” (Isa 49:2).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I understand myself as a servant of God?

P R AY E R O Servant God, fill my heart

Prayer Pointers

with the vision of the Son of Man who came not to be

// Give thanks:

served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many, of the Son of God who existed in the form of God, but

// Pray for leaders:

disregarded it and emptied Himself to take on the form of a bond-servant and walked the path of the cross, that I

// Pray for significant people:

may know what it means to be God’s servant.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:


J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 347; the Servant of the LORD is first introduced in Isaiah 42:1-9

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Marks of a Servant of God (2) S CRIPTURE Isaiah 49:4-7

O B S E RVAT I O N What characterised the Servant of the LORD?



e look at Jesus in this portrait of the Servant (vv.4-7) and follow in His steps as His servants. Jesus’ mission was the restoration of God’s people – “to bring Jacob back to Him” (v.5), so that God’s “salvation may reach to the end of the earth” (v.6; cf. Gen 12:1-3). Jesus came first for “the lost sheep of Israel” (Matt 10:5-6; 15:21-24) before calling the New Israel to “make disciples of all the nations” (Matt 28:19). As the Church strives to be “a light of the nations” like Christ (v.6; cf. Matt 5:14-16), restoring and rebuilding God’s people is still an ongoing critical necessity. Servants of God do get hit by despondency: “I have toiled in vain” (v.4a). Throughout the Gospels, Jesus faced rejection, unbelief, prejudice and misunderstanding. Not least of which were His frustrations with His disciples: “Do you not yet see and understand?” (Mk 8:17-21) and “How long…?” (Lk 9:41). But despondency finds security in God Himself: “Yet I will leave it all in the LORD’s hand, I will trust God for my reward” (v.4b, NLT). Suffering humiliation as “the despised and abhorred One” was the portion of Jesus the Servant (v.7a). Remember, “A disciple is not above his Teacher, nor a slave above his Master” (Matt 10:24-25). Quite strangely, status, titles and credentials of God’s servants matter to today’s Church. After humiliation comes exaltation from the “faithful” God (v.7b).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does it mean for me to follow in Jesus’ steps as His servant?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for pastors and staff: To be increasingly a servant like Jesus // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Salvation of God Through the Servant S CRIPTURE Isaiah 49:8-13

O B S E RVAT I O N What are the blessings of God’s salvation through the Servant?



he Servant depended on God to answer His prayers and help Him accomplish God’s “salvation” of Israel and the nations (v.8a), just as “the Son can do nothing of Himself ” (Jn 5:19). In this “salvation”, God made the Servant “a covenant of the people” (v.8b). The Servant embodies in His person all that God has intended in the covenant.21 And Jesus fulfilled this through “My blood of the covenant” (Mk 14:24). In this “salvation” is a sixfold blessing. Restoration of what are broken and lost through our sins (v.8c – “to restore the land”). We are restored through our confession and God’s cleansing of our sins (1 Jn 1:9). Possession of inheritance from God (v.8c – “to make them inherit”). In Christ, our possession is “every Spiritual blessing” that God “has [already] blessed us with in Christ” (Eph 1:3). Liberation from being “bound” by sin and “darkness” (v.9a). Provision of the Shepherd who “will feed” His sheep “in green pastures” (v.9b), found even in unexpected places like “the bare heights”. Protection from “the inner weakness of ‘hunger’ and ‘thirst’, and the outer threat of ‘heat’ and ‘sun’”22 (v.10a). Direction: God will “lead” and “guide” us to “springs of water” for refreshment and renewal (vv.10b-11). God assures us of this sixfold salvation blessing as the God who “has compassion” on “His afflicted people” (vv.10, 13).

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A P P L I CAT I O N Which of the sixfold salvation blessings are of relevance to me and what do they mean for me?

P R AY E R Prayer Pointers

O God of all grace,23 how incredible and unfathomable is Your grace! Grace full

// Give thanks:

of Your glory!24 Grace of surpassing riches!25 When Your people failed You greatly in covenant

// Pray for leaders:

unfaithfulness and suffered the affliction of exile which they justly deserved, You called them “My Afflicted Ones” as You entered their

// Pray for significant people:

affliction with Your presence of compassion.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

21 22 23 24 25

Allan Harman, Isaiah, Focus on the Bible (Christian Focus, 2005), 389 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah, 352 1 Peter 5:10 Ephesians 1:6 Ephesians 2:7

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A Divine Impossibility to Anchor In S CRIPTURE Isaiah 49:13-16

O B S E RVAT I O N How did God assure His people that He had not forgotten them?



he prophet’s exuberant words of “The LORD has comforted His people and will have compassion on His afflicted” (v.13) are followed immediately by a “tragic anticlimax”26: “But Zion said, ‘The LORD has forsaken me, and the Lord has forgotten me’” (v.14). Do you, like Zion, doubt God despite His promise and assurance, as you struggle through those moments of seemingly divine silence, absence and distance in your discipleship journey? God did not respond to doubting Zion with rebuke. Instead, being who He is, a compassionate God, He responded with compassionate assurance. God showed His maternal heart by highlighting a double impossibility. Firstly, it is impossible for a compassionate mother to forget her child (v.15a – “Can a woman forget…?). The expressions “her nursing child” and “the son of her womb” underscore the inseparable intimate relationship between a mother and her child. And secondly, even if the humanly impossible becomes possible, it is still impossible for God to forget His children (v.15b). God’s “unforgetting love transcends even earth’s best”27. And our compassionate God gives us a triple assurance: “I will not forget you”, “I have engraved you on the palms of My hands” and “your walls in ruins are ever before Me” (vv.15b-16).

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A P P L I CAT I O N What does God’s promise that He will not forget me mean to me in my discipleship journey?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for Outreach/Missions/ New Life leaders: To anchor in God’s unforgetting love

// Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

26 27

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 353 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 354

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Hope for Waste and Desolate Places S CRIPTURE Isaiah 49:16-23

O B S E RVAT I O N What characterises the redemptive hope from God for His people in exile?



he state of God’s people in exile is described as “waste and desolate places” (v.19). Is this your spiritual condition? There is hope in God! God remembers us: “I have engraved you on the palms of My hands” and “your walls in ruins are ever before Me” (v.16). When our “walls in ruins” are too awful and painful for us to remember, God remembers us in them. God rebuilds us: God called Israel’s “builders” to “hurry” to rebuild the “walls in ruins” and simultaneously Israel’s “destroyers and devastators” “will depart” (v.17). God restores us, just as He regathered to Israel her children dispersed in exile to other nations (v.18a). And God rejuvenates us, just as He made Israel to wear her restored children “as jewels” “as a bride” (v.18b). Ponder on this image of grace: God making a woman living in shame for a long time wear jewels as a bride. Israel had been “bereaved of my children”, “barren” and “left alone” as “an exile” and “a wanderer” (v.21). But now, Israel’s restored children were so numerous that they found their home “too cramped” to live in (vv.19, 20). God reverses our fortunes! Israel in shock asked, “Who has begotten these for me?” (v.21). The God who reigns over everything has done it (vv.22-23): “know that I am the LORD” (v.23c). And this God promised: “Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame” (v.23c).

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A P P L I CAT I O N How do I see hope from God for the “waste and desolate places” in my life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for SGI leaders: To hopefully wait for God in down and dark moments // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

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Two Questions About God’s Saving Power S CRIPTURE

Isaiah 49:24-26; 50:1-3

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about the saving power of God towards His people?



wo questions about God’s saving power were asked, the first by Israel, the second by God: “Can the prey be taken from the mighty man, or the captives of a tyrant be rescued?” (v.24), and “Is My hand so short that it cannot ransom? Or have I no power to deliver?” (Isa 50:2a). Israel’s question (v.24) was their response to God’s promises of deliverance from exile (Isa 49:8-23), focusing on outer physical powers – “mighty man” and “tyrant” who took them as “prey” and “captives”. Are you like Israel who keeps doubting and questioning God’s promises and power to deliver? In reassuring Israel again, “I will save your sons” (v.25), God called Israel to “know” His character and His commitment to them: “I, the LORD, am your Saviour and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob” (v.26). The backdrop to God’s question concerning His saving power (Isa 50:2) has to do with Israel’s inner spiritual problems. When Israel was banished to exile, it was not that God divorced her or sold her as a slave, but she was sold for her “iniquities” – “inner perversion of heart”28 − and sent away for her “transgressions” – “wilful rebellion”29 (Isa 50:1). Moreover, when God called them through His prophets to return to Him (2 Kin 17:13-14), “not a single individual…no one at all”30 responded (Isa 50:2a). When God is far away from us, who moved away?

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A P P L I CAT I O N How will I deal with my questions and doubts about God’s promises and power of deliverance in my life?

P R AY E R Write a prayer to God as your

Prayer Pointers

response from your meditation on and application of

// Give thanks:

the Scriptures.

// Pray for church board: To stand unwaveringly on God’s promises // Pray for significant people:

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

28 29 30

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 356 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 356 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 357

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Sunday Journal





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THE PAST WEEK Review What was my high point and my low point for the week?

What gave me life and what drained me?

How was the Spirit of God at work?

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THE PAST WEEK Reflect What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light of what has happened?

Respond What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying? Commit in prayer.

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WHAT ARE THE GOOD THINGS IN YOUR LIFE NOW? God have given us all that we need now. Scripture: Exodus 16:1-21, Philippians 4:19 ACTIVITY BITE Assign someone in your family to be the leader for this game and ask him or her to list down the words “hungry”, “thirsty”, “storm”, “cold” and “love” on a piece of paper. Then distribute five blank cards each to the rest of your family members and ask them to draw one of these objects − bread, water, house, clothes and love – on a card. Get the leader to randomly shout out words from the list, while the rest compete to be the first to show the correct card that matches the word. The matching pairs are: hungry/bread, thirsty/water, storm/ house, cold/clothes and family/love. CHAT TIME Q1: Do your friends complain about things that they don’t have? What do they complain about? Q2: What are the differences between the things that we must have and the things that are nice to have but which we can do without? Q3: What does Philippians 4:19 tell us about who God is? LEARNING POINT God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and continued to meet their needs in the wilderness, providing things such as food, water and protection the whole time. Yet they kept complaining that God didn’t care for them and even longed to return to Egypt. Often, we lack contentment because we’re either looking forward to something we want or looking backwards to a time where we thought life was better. To find contentment, we need to be aware of what God has given now because He cares for us. ACTION POINT One way to build contentment is to give thanks. Ask your family members to give thanks to God for the objects they have in the house. FAMILY PRAYER POINTS Thank God for providing us with everything we need. Pray for everyone to be thankful for what they have.


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God’s Word in God’s Servant’s Life S CRIPTURE Isaiah 50:4-5

O B S E RVAT I O N What observations can you make about the Word of God in the life of the Servant of the Lord?



ight after God’s indignant confrontation of Israel’s spiritual deficiency (Isa 50:1-3), a new voice cuts in – the Servant’s voice (v.4). Isaiah 50:4-11 is the third Song of the Servant in Isaiah – the first in Isaiah 42:1-4 and the second in Isaiah 49:1-7. When God called Israel, “not a single individual…no one at all”31 answered (Isa 50:2a), but in great contrast, the Servant listens and responds to God (vv.4-5). The Servant is a “disciple” (v.4), one who has been taught.32 Taught by who? God Himself – “The Sovereign LORD has given…has opened…” (vv.4-5). Taught about what? The Word of God. The Servant’s ministry is a ministry of the Word: God “has given” Him “the tongue of disciples” (v.4) and “has made” His “mouth like a sharpened sword” (Isa 49:2). His ministry is “to sustain the weary one”, who faints under life’s demands,33 “with a word”. “To sustain with a word” means to console, respond to needs, shepherd, and care for with a timely word.34 It is knowing what, when and how to apply the Scriptures to a life situation in the wisdom and power of the Spirit. But the word spoken is first the word heard: “He awakens My ear to listen as a disciple” (v.4b). Setting aside regular time (“morning by morning”) for hearing God speaking in the Scriptures is not a special provision for a unique Servant, but standard curriculum for every disciple.

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A P P L I CAT I O N What changes do I need to make in my life as a servant of God regarding the Word of God?

P R AY E R Lord, I will never have the

Prayer Pointers

privilege of taking the initiative to spend personal time with

// Give thanks:

You, for it is always that You are already there waiting for me. In the communion with You, awaken my ear to listen as Your

// Pray for leaders:

disciple, that You may teach me Your Word. Open my mind to understand the Scriptures. Open my eyes to see You.

// Pray for significant people:

Open my heart to respond in obedience.

// Pray for those in need:

// Pray for self:

31 32 33 34

J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 357 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 358 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 358 J. Alec Motyer, Isaiah 358

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© 2019 COVENANT EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH T (65) 6892 6811 • E • W

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