March-April Devotional Journal 2013

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2013 Special Edition


25 February - 30 April





Meet an irresistible God Live an irresistible life Be an irresistible church

FOREWORD BY SENIOR PASTORS MEET THE IRRESISTIBLE GOD! At the annual listening retreat in September last year, we distinctively heard the passionate call of God for His people to walk in intimacy with Him. There is nothing radical about this invitation. Since the Garden of Eden, God has not stopped issuing this call for us to walk closely with Him. It’s the modern man who has often worked God out of the equation and subtracted Him from our daily lives. Hence in 2013, one of the primary expressions of our redeemed life is to meet the irresistible God through our in-house devotional. We will not only walk through the book of Exodus as our devotional but we will also include 35 days of the Lent season to prepare us for Good Friday and Easter. Other important topics will be included to enhance our spiritual intimacy with God. This special edition of the Devotional Journal is divided into two parts: 1. 25 February–31 March: 35 Days Of Prayer during Lent Lent is a prayer season of humbling, repentance, fasting and self-denial as we journey with Jesus during His years on earth. The theme of these 35 days is Meet The Irresistible Jesus. Using the Gospel of Matthew, we will walk with Jesus through significant moments of His life and ministry, beginning from His baptism and ending with His death and resurrection. During this season, there will also be dawn prayers in the final week leading up to Good Friday. Good Friday and Easter Sunday outreach services will be integrated as part of the 35-day prayer experience.

2. 1–30 April: Exodus Devotional Exodus is about meeting with God. Israel reached the foot of Mount Sinai after leaving Egypt. There, God renewed His covenant made with Abraham, with Israel as a nation (Ex 19). The covenant renewal took place when “Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God… at the foot of the mountain” (Ex 19:17). The God whom we shall meet in Exodus is an irresistible God. Throughout the whole Exodus narrative, the people of God faced various situations and obstacles en-route the Promised Land. But God proves Himself as the great Redeemer! He is the irresistible God—“There is no one like Me in all the earth.” (Ex 9:14) May you meet and experience the irresistible God this year, and find Him too irresistible not to follow!

Ps Tony and Ps Kay Kiong

“Throughout the whole Exodus narrative, the people of God faced various situations and obstacles en-route the Promised Land. But God proves Himself as the great Redeemer! He is the irresistible God.

GUIDE TO USING this devotional journal Prepare your heart in God s presence Select a fixed time (preferably mornings before you begin the rest of your day) and a quiet place where you can be alone and undisturbed. Observe a moment of silence as you acknowledge God’s presence.

Worship God with a song or hymn. (Refer to the list of worship songs provided) Offer a prayer to God as you prepare to listen to His word. (A sample prayer you can use is the morning prayer by John Stott found on the next page)


Allow God to S.O.A.P. you with His Word and Spirit

Each daily devotional entry is divided into four parts: Scripture1 — take your time to meditate on the Scripture passage for the day. Pause and mull over words and phrases that stand out for you. Observation — jot down significant insights and reflections from the passage you have read. Use the guiding questions provided. Application — note down a specific and practical commitment to God’s Word for you. Is there a command to obey, a sin to avoid, an example to follow, or a principle to live out? Where appropriate, share your devotional entry with someone. Prayer — bring your response to God in prayer using the suggested prayer for the day.

1 All scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from the New American Standard Version of the bible (NASB).

Morning Prayer by John Stott

good morning heavenly father, good morning lord jesus, good morning holy spirit Heavenly Father, I worship You as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Lord Jesus, I worship You, Saviour and Lord of the world. Holy Spirit, I worship You, Sanctifier of the people of God. Glory to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I may live this day in Your presence and please You more and more. Lord Jesus, I pray that this day I may take up my cross and follow You. Holy Spirit, I pray that this day, You will fill me with Yourself and cause Your fruit to ripen in my life—love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity, three persons in one God, have mercy upon me. Amen. Prayer Before Opening The Bible Blessed Lord, who has caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning—Grant that we may in such wisdom hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience and comfort of Your holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which You have given us in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. Book of Common Prayer














CG Alpha 3





8 CG Alpha 4





25 Dawn Prayer

13 20

14 21



CG Alpha 5 Men’s/Marriage BTW

Men’s/Marriage BTW



CG Alpha 6 Women’s BTW

Women’s BTW

Women’s BTW







Dawn Prayer

Dawn Prayer

Dawn Prayer

Good Friday Service

Ownership Events (The Non-Negotiables)

17 Men’s/Marriage BTW



APRIL 2013















CG Bible Guide Series 1








CG Bible Guide Series 2







CG Bible Guide Series 3





26 Prayer & Praise



Ownership Events (The Non-Negotiables)

14 Baptism 2 Baby Dedication 1

21 Board Dedication Pastor Installation Service


28 Membership Acceptance 1

CALENDAR OF EVENTS 25 Feb: Start of 35-day Prayer Journey 1, 8, 15 & 22 Mar: CG Alpha sessions 25-28 Mar: Dawn Prayer 29 Mar: Good Friday Service 31 Mar: Easter Outreach Services

5, ary 2 u r b e F y Monda


Seeing The End From The Beginning

SCRIPTURE Matthew 3:1–17 Of all people, Jesus should be the last to need baptism. John the Baptist was baptising people who confessed and repented from their sins (v 6). That was what the baptism was for (see also Luke 3:30). Jesus was the sinless Son of God, after all. Why in the world was He getting baptised? Even John the Baptist thought it was wrong for a sinner like him to be baptising the sinless one! But Jesus wanted to identify with the sinners He came for and He wanted for His water baptism to be a rich symbol and enactment of a more excruciating baptism that He would undergo on the cross (Luke 12:50). For that was how the righteousness would be fulfilled and imparted to sinners who repent. Jesus was beginning His ministry by seeing the end from the beginning!

OBSERVATION What contrast(s) do you see between the condition of John the Baptist’s heart (v 11, 14), and those of the Pharisees and Sadducees who came to be baptised (v 8–10)?

APPLICATION What changes would I like to see happen in me, by God’s help, as I begin this 35-day prayer journey?

PRAYER Sinless, matchless One, here I am a sinner. Have mercy on me, O Lord. For my righteousness is like filthy rags before You. I can come only by Your grace, receiving by faith a righteousness that I can never achieve but that is earned for me through the cross. Let me worship you with awe, for You are the consuming fire, baptising and filling Your children with Yourself. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

6, ary 2 u r b e F ay Tuesd



Just When I Thought I Was Ready

Matthew 4:1–11 Jesus had just been baptised by John the Baptist (Matthew 4:13–17). In the normal scheme of things, we would expect that He would launch His ministry with much enthusiasm and fanfare. Wouldn’t that be the right thing to do, especially in the activity-driven and performance-oriented world we live in? After all, He had already been waiting and training for a good thirty years. Surely He had waited long enough and now would be the time to show the world what He could really do! Yet, the baptism of Jesus was followed by 40 days of testing. The fasting brought Him to a point of extreme physical weakness. He was all by Himself and a potential target for the wild animals (Mark 1:13). Yet, it was in this very place and state that God the Father wanted Him to be in for that season.

OBSERVATION What do you notice about God’s and Satan’s involvement in the temptation (v 1, 11)?

APPLICATION How do I respond when God leads me through a season of weakness when He is more interested in who I am becoming in Him rather than what I can do for Him?

PRAYER Almighty God, I confess that I don’t often understand how You work. Just when I think I have it all together and am raring to go, I am brought to my knees to realise who I really am. Lord, I am still a work in progress and I am far from arriving. Please take all the time you need. I give You total freedom to do what You wish in me. Let my greatest desire be to be more like You in every way. For Your name’s sake I ask, Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

7, ary 2 u r b e F sday Wedne


Victory One Temptation At A Time

SCRIPTURE Luke 4:1–13 Satan was given free rein to tempt Jesus for those 40 days in the wilderness and he tempted Jesus where it hit Him the hardest. Jesus was directed to His physical need as Satan suggested indirectly that Jesus’ fast could end prematurely (v 2–3). After all, no one would see and measure Jesus’ spirituality! Satan offered Jesus a way to take back dominion from him the easy way rather than through the cross (v 5–6). Dominion was what Jesus wanted after all, wasn’t it? Why not take the easy way out? Satan also tempted Jesus to walk by sight rather than by faith by questioning whether God the Father would really be faithful to Jesus, and suggesting that Jesus test it out for Himself (v 9–12). Jesus’ 40 days of temptation in the wilderness was meant to mirror Israel’s 40 years of temptation in the desert. While Israel failed as God’s son, Jesus came as the second Israel to prove that He could not fail! These three temptations were simply a preview of the many temptations that Jesus would continue to face (v 13).

OBSERVATION How did Jesus deal with temptations in a way that ensured victory, one step at a time (v 4, 8, 12)?

APPLICATION What temptations hit me the hardest? How can I deal with them victoriously?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me that I don’t have to fail when tempted. I recognise once more that these (name the temptations) are the Achilles’ heel in my life that I cannot claim complete victory over, until I see You face to face. But thank You that victory is possible, one step at a time. Impress upon me the Scriptures that you want to use to renew my mind and set me free in those moments. Let your Spirit strengthen me in this fight because by myself, I can’t. In Jesus’ name I ask. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

8, ary 2 u r b e F day Thurs


Repent And Sit No More

SCRIPTURE Matthew 4:12–17 Jesus started His ministry after His 40 days of temptation. But what launched His ministry was something more significant than just the fact that those 40 days were over. It ‘so happened’ that John the Baptist’s ministry came to a premature end when he was locked up (v 12). Jesus thus took the baton that was handed to Him and ran with it. Notice that Jesus didn’t bring a new message when He started His ministry. What He shared was in essence what John the Baptist had already been preaching (Matthew 3:2). The heart of His message was not just “Believe in me and you will be saved”, though that would have been true! Rather, it is that we can only truly believe and be saved if we repent. To repent means to have a change of mind, to think differently about sin, and see it the way God sees it. It is only then that deep lasting change can take place!

OBSERVATION What do you notice about how the people in the darkness (v 16) were described?

APPLICATION What darkness is there in my life that I need to think differently about and thus repent from, so that Jesus’ kingdom may be enlarged in my life?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, I don’t know how dark my darkness is until I see how bright Your light is. You are the one who lives in unapproachable light, yet chooses to draw near to me. Shine Your light on me, that it may dawn upon me what I have been missing all this while. Let me sit no more, and wallow in my darkness no more. My groping around will lead me nowhere, until and unless Your light shines. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

1, Marchy Frida


Follow Before You Fish

SCRIPTURE Matthew 4:18–25 Here was Jesus calling His first disciples to follow Him when He started His earthly ministry. We sometimes miss the dramatic tension of the moment. These two pairs of brothers had good enough reasons not to follow Jesus when He called. When Jesus saw Simon and Andrew (v 16), we can conclude safely that it must have been daytime. Fishermen in those days usually fished during the night (when the water is cooler and the fish would surface upwards) and not during the day. It appears that the two brothers didn’t catch enough the night before and had to work overtime. James and John had a father rich enough to have extra hired help (Mark 1:20), which was rare in those days as fishing was a family business. They would be heirs of a business empire if they had stayed on! Yet all four followed immediately and without hesitation (v 20, 22).

OBSERVATION What was it about Jesus’ invitation (v 19) and mission (v 23–25) that made the four early disciples drop their nets immediately and follow Him?

APPLICATION What reasons, legitimate as they are, hinder me from following Jesus?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, here You are calling me to something so much bigger than what I had asked or dreamt for myself. Help me look beyond the daily grind of life to see the difference You want me to make in this life, for the life that is to come. You see it necessary that I abide in You before I can advance for You, so that when you call, my response will be without hesitation. Let me follow You as fully as I know how, and witness You making me all You want me to be. In Your name I pray. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

2, March day Satur


Putting First Things First

SCRIPTURE Matthew 4:23–5:11 Jesus did something unthinkable and seemingly heartless. Here were large crowds who followed Him. Some had travelled miles and for days to hear this authoritative preacher and see this miracle healer. But when Jesus saw the crowds coming, instead of welcoming them, He went up on the mountain and sat down. His disciples came to Him and the crowds were left behind. How could Jesus do that? Didn’t He know that it would cause His opinion polls to drop? However, Jesus had a different agenda, a divine one. Sitting on the mountain, He portrayed Himself as the Second Moses who reinterpreted the Law to His disciples, who have then become the new Israel. It was through these trained disciples that the needs of the world, beyond that of the physical, would be met.

OBSERVATION Which paradigm shift in v 3–12 do you see as most striking, that would be deemed unfortunate in the eyes of the world yet considered blessed in God’s sight?

APPLICATION How would I act on the paradigm shift that is most striking to me, so that my character is changed as a result?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, You are not here to pander to my needs. You are God, and I am not. Sometimes, my needs are all that I see. My circumstances are what I want changed most of all. Give me eyes to see what You want to change in me. I submit my needs to You. You know best how to meet them. But let me desire first to have You meet me more than You meet my needs. In Your name. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

3, March y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

4, Marchay Mond


Raising The Bar

SCRIPTURE Matthew 5:17–48 Just when the crowds wished that Jesus would lower the standards of righteousness for them after they had been burdened by the Pharisees, He came to raise it beyond that of the Pharisees (v 20)! The Pharisees had 613 laws that they expected their followers to keep. How many did Jesus expect? 1,000? 10,000? The Pharisees thought they were doing more than okay, because they measured themselves against the common denominator of the irreligious people. But it was the wrong benchmark! Jesus wanted their benchmark to be the righteous God Himself (v 48), who possesses a righteousness that cannot be earned but given to His children through the finished work of Christ on the cross.

OBSERVATION What do you notice about how Jesus reinterpreted the laws of righteousness?

APPLICATION How have I settled for a lower standard of righteousness in my life, whether consciously or subconsciously?

PRAYER Holy God, no wonder you say that there is no one righteous, not even one. With You as the standard, no man can boast. Not even the best of us. We can only fall prostrate and say—”You alone are righteous.” Yet, your call of righteousness to us has not changed. Forgive us Lord, that we have compromised. Forgive us Lord, that we live with a false sense of superiority. Show us where you want us to grow. Give us a holy dissatisfaction with the status quo and a humble dependence upon Your Spirit to raise us to where you want us to be. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

5, Marchay Tuesd


Clean! Clean!

SCRIPTURE Mark 1:40–45 According to Jewish Old Testament law, a leper had to live alone for the whole of his life. He had to tear his clothes, loosen his hair, and shout “Unclean, unclean!” so that people from far could recognise him, hear him and steer clear of him for fear of catching his disease (Leviticus 13:44-46). Talk about being an outcast. But Jesus did the unthinkable. He stretched out His hand to touch the leper. You can hear the crowd gasp in horror as they followed and watched Him from afar because Jesus would have become unclean! Yet with that one act, instead of being tainted, Jesus made the unclean leper clean!

OBSERVATION What other dimension(s) of healing would showing Himself to the priest have on the leper (Leviticus 14:2–8)?

APPLICATION Where is cleansing needed in my life?

PRAYER Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean. I know You are more than willing, for You are a God moved by compassion when you see the hurting. Help me in my cleansing to be prepared to do anything You command, so that Your cleansing in my life may be complete and whole, and Your work through my life may continue unhindered. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

6, Marchsday Wedne


Out of the Comfort Zone

SCRIPTURE Matthew 9:35–10:4 Like an eaglet pushed out of its nest, this would be the first time the 12 disciples would do ministry without Jesus by their side. They had watched Him preach to the crowds, heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. Now it was their turn. Could they really do it? There were many factors that would have automatically disqualified them. They didn’t have any theological degree nor were they taught by well-known rabbis. For some, their only training was fishing. For one, it was collecting money. For another, it was fighting. Of what use would these skills be? None of them had the resources needed for a long trip away. And how were they to work together, when they came from such diverse backgrounds and sometimes wanted to kill one another? Yet for some reason unknown to them, Jesus believed in them more than they believed in themselves. That’s the God we have!

OBSERVATION What do you notice about Jesus’ intention when He asked the disciples to pray for workers to be sent out and then sent them out after they had prayed?

APPLICATION How is God leading me out of my comfort zone?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, coming out of my comfort zone can often be a scary thing. It leaves me very naked and vulnerable. It strips away everything I can depend on, leaving me hanging on for dear life. Yet what an adventure it can be with You! You already see the end from the beginning. You believe in me more than I believe in myself because You believe in what You can do in me and through me. So here I am Lord. Send me. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

7, Marchsday Thur


Keeping The Sabbath Principle

SCRIPTURE Matthew 12:1–14 The Sabbath was instituted for Israel after being slaves for 430 years when they had no day off. Imagine! That would come up to more than 22,000 day offs that they had missed! It was meant to signify to the people of God that they were no longer bound, but free. Free from the tyranny of slavery. Free to worship. Free to be who God made them to be. The irony is that we can be religiously following the Sabbath, yet still be in bondage like the Pharisees were. Jesus was more concerned about keeping the Sabbath principle than the Sabbath precept. Though the Pharisees kept the Sabbath strictly, they missed the principle behind it!

OBSERVATION What Sabbath principles did Jesus emphasise (v 6–8, 11–12), that helps us govern how the Sabbath should be kept?

APPLICATION In what ways can I keep the Sabbath principle in the midst of a busy modern lifestyle?

PRAYER Lord of the Sabbath, You have set me free. Yet I realise that I can be bound by fatal attractions that I find hard to let go. Let me not worship You with a heart that is divided. Turn my work into worship, and my play into an enjoyment of Your blessings. Let me not simply follow the rules and miss the Law-giver. Let me not enjoy the blessings and miss the Blesser. For You are the God who created me and owns me. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

8, Marchy Frida


The Heart Of The Matter

SCRIPTURE Matthew 13:1–23 The parable depicts how out of four types of ground, only one type was fruitful. In those days, the farmer dealt not with four different locations, but one location with different ground conditions. Yet the farmer doesn’t give up sowing, even though he knows that not all seeds will fall on good soil. The fault lies neither with the seeds nor with the sower. The sower has done his job. The seeds have done theirs, and they are all the same. But the seeds can only grow as much as the ground allows it. Even for a fruitful ground, there are various degrees of fruitfulness (v 23)!

OBSERVATION What makes the difference in our response to God’s word such that we move from hearing to understanding, from seeing to perceiving (v 14–15)?

APPLICATION How do the different grounds describe the condition of my heart? What do I need to do to allow God to turn my heart to greater fruitfulness?

PRAYER Lord, let my heart be good soil that is open to the seed of Your Word. Lord, let my heart be good soil where love can flow and peace is understood. When my heart is hard, break the stone away. When my heart is cold, warm it with the day. When my heart is lost, lead it on Your way. Lord, let my heart be good soil. – Handt Hanson Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

9, March day Satur


Who Do You See?

SCRIPTURE Matthew 13:53–58 Jesus must have been looking forward to be reunited with family and friends. He had been away from home for way too long. He must have missed them. They must have wondered too how He was doing. After hearing all the miracles that He did elsewhere, we would think that the people in His hometown would welcome Him with red carpet and champagne, throw Him into the air and sing ‘For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow’? Instead, what skepticism He was greeted by! What a sharp contrast to the other towns who rushed to welcome Him so eagerly and gladly!

OBSERVATION Which dimension of Jesus’ life were they focusing on (v 55–56), that caused their disbelief in Him (v 58)?

APPLICATION What do I need to rediscover about Jesus to stay fresh in my walk with Him and my work for Him?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, I have to confess that my relationship with You can get mundane when I think that I know You, especially after walking with You for a while. There is so much more to discover about You that I have barely scratched the surface. Give me the curiousity of a child. Let me find the simple joys of knowing You. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

10, March y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

11, Marchay Mond


They Couldn’t Have Picked A Worst Time

SCRIPTURE Matthew 14:1–14 Imagine how Jesus must have felt when He lost His cousin and friend, John the Baptist. The two of them must have played together since childhood. They were kindred spirits in the ministry. Jesus didn’t even have the chance to say goodbye when John went so quickly and violently. He didn’t even have time to find closure for Himself when the crowds came. Why couldn’t the crowd have come later? Couldn’t they have cut Him some slack? Yet, we are told that even in the midst of Jesus’ own loss, He felt compassion (literally, His bowels were deeply stirred) for them.

OBSERVATION Notice what Jesus wanted to do most when he heard the news about John the Baptist (v 13). What gave Him the strength to carry on ministering to the crowds?

APPLICATION When there are human interruptions in your life that are possibly divine interventions that must be carried out by God’s strength, how will I respond to them?

PRAYER Lord, you are not unfamiliar to being thrown off by last minute changes in schedules. Honestly, I don’t like them, especially unpleasant interruptions. But I realise they are not just part of life, but part of my growth and Your work in me. Whatever my state of mind, soul, body or spirit may be in those moments, Lord help me grow. If You have put those circumstances in my path, only You can give me the strength and wisdom to deal with them. So grant that to me, O Lord. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

12, Marchay Tuesd


Bread No Enough

SCRIPTURE Matthew 14:15–23 Talk about lack of resources. This event could go down in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest picnic ever in those days. The disciples did not expect that Jesus would take so long. Perhaps He had a lot to say. Perhaps there were many who were sick and needed healing. Neither did the crowd expect to stay behind till so late. To feed such a huge number of people was next to impossible. The disciples decided on Jesus’ behalf that the easiest and simplest way out of the problem was for the crowd to find their own food. Calling in the caterer at such late notice was simply out of the question! This proposed solution was not a bad management strategy at all, don’t you think? But in doing so, the disciples would have missed a divine and teachable moment.

OBSERVATION What was the tone of the disciples’ ‘suggestion’ to Jesus (v 15)? What was Jesus’ reply (v 16) and lesson to His twelve disciples when they were each made to carry one basketful of bread each (v 20)?

APPLICATION Reflect on the circumstances that happen most often—the ones which you tend to rely on conventional wisdom to deal with. How can I approach them differently, in a way that allows God to work?

PRAYER So take my five loaves and two fishes, do with it as You will. I surrender. Take my fears and my inhibitions, all my burdens, my ambitions . You can use it all, to feed them all. So I’ll give You every breath that I have. Oh Lord, You can work miracles. All that You need is my “Amen” — Corrinne May Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

13, Marchsday Wedne


Beyond Human Logic

SCRIPTURE Matthew 14:22–36 “What, again?” Jesus’ disciples must have been baffled by the things that Jesus instructed them to do which defied human logic. First, it was feeding five thousand men (besides women and children) with five loaves of bread and two pieces of fish. And then now this! He led them into a storm without Him! It was a storm so fierce that even with seasoned fishermen like Peter, Andrew, James and John in the boat, the disciples couldn’t manage. To make things worse, they were ‘abandoned’ by the Master. What was Jesus thinking? This turned out to be another divine and teachable moment when Jesus revealed Himself at the right time—Take courage, I Am! (literal translation of verse 27).

OBSERVATION Notice the verb used in v 22 and imagine Jesus’ tone to His disciples. Why would Jesus use such a tone? (Hint: Notice also in v 32 that the wind stopped after they got into the boat, when Jesus could have easily commanded the wind to stop earlier!)

APPLICATION Reflect on the circumstances that the Lord is leading me into, that I are perhaps resistant to. My mind may be screaming “No”. My resources may be depleting. Yet His leading is clear. How will I turn my doubt (v 31) to a declaration that “You are certainly God’s Son!”? (v 33)

PRAYER Lord over the storms, as you lead me into the unknown, turn my doubt into faith. You want to calm not just the storm you are leading me into, but the storm in me. I confess I struggle with Your will when my understanding and resources for the situation tell me otherwise. Yet you say to me, “Take Courage, I Am.” You are the Son of God and the Great I Am. Lord, don’t just save me from the storm. Reveal Your glory through it. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

14, Marchsday Thur


Blessed Are You But Get Behind Me

SCRIPTURE Matthew 16:13–28 Some of Jesus’ replies could sound so bizarre that His disciples would probably go “What?”. Here He was, blessing Simon Peter who declared that He was the Christ (v 16). Then He ended up rebuking him and calling him Satan (v 23)—all in one sitting! Why the sudden change of mind? It was not Jesus’ understanding of Peter that was out of whack, but Peter’s understanding of Him. Even though God had already revealed some things to Peter (v 17). Peter’s understanding of Him was tainted because Jews assumed that a Messiah would not die (much less on a cross!) but would defeat Rome completely. No wonder He warned them not to tell others that He was the Christ (v 20). They had not grasped what that REALLY meant.

OBSERVATION Jesus declared to Peter his destiny (v 18-19) though Peter had not understood Jesus’ destiny fully. What does that tell you about God?

APPLICATION In what ways do I follow God for my own interests (no matter how noble they may be), rather than His’ (v 23)? What does taking up my cross in those instances look like, so that God’s destiny might be fulfilled in me?

PRAYER I am no longer my own, but Yours. Put me to what You will. Rank me with whom You will. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed for You, or laid aside for You; exalted for You, or brought low for You. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things; let me have nothing. I freely and wholeheartedly yield all things to Your pleasure and disposal. And now, glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are mine and I am Yours. So be it. And the covenant which I made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen. —Wesleyan Covenant Prayer Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

15, Marchy Frida


Whiter Than White, Brighter Than Light

SCRIPTURE Matthew 17:1–13 Imagine the most awesome thing you have ever seen that took your breath away and left you speechless—the Niagara Falls, Mount Everest, or whatever that may be. Wouldn’t you want to stay there as long as you can, to enjoy the view? That was probably how the disciples felt when they saw Jesus transfigured (literally, transformed) into what He would look like when He is risen and ascended into Heaven. This was a glimpse of what the prophet Daniel saw in the days of old (Daniel 7:9). The disciples had never seen Jesus like this before. This was the rare once-in-a-lifetime chance, given only to the three inner circle disciples. No wonder they wanted to pitch tents to stay on! Yet Jesus instructed them to tell no one about the vision until after His resurrection (v 9). They had to wait till the right time. In the meantime, they had to go back down the mountain to do ‘the usual ministry’.

OBSERVATION What was God the Father’s command to the disciples (v 5) to take them beyond just the spiritual high of gazing at the post-resurrection glory of Jesus?

APPLICATION What has God revealed to me (about Himself, yourself, others, etc) that is awaiting the right time to unfold? In the meantime, how does listening to Jesus work out in my daily life?

PRAYER Immortal and glorious One, who lives in unapproachable light, You drew near to us that we may see who You really are. Captivate us once more with Yourself. Help us do Your bidding, and faithfully follow You with a listening ear. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

16, March day Satur


Small Faith In A Big God

SCRIPTURE Matthew 17:14–21 (see also Mark 9:14–29) Up on the mountain when Jesus’ glory was revealed, Jesus’ three inner circle disciples were transfixed by such a sight. However, down in the valley below when a boy was demonised, the other disciples were in a fix! Perhaps the disciples thought demons could be cast out by a certain formula they uttered, and asked why it didn’t happen even when the formula was used. Jesus says the secret to it is prayer (Matthew 17:20)—that is, calling upon God and depending on Him alone who can do it! That’s the essence of faith. It is not about the words or formulas used, but about who the words are addressed to. That way, even if our faith is small like a mustard seed, God can use it to work wonders (Matthew 17:21). Jesus simply needed to speak the word (Matthew 17:18, Mark 9:25) and the boy was free!

OBSERVATION How did the demonised boy’s father express faith in Jesus? (Matthew 17:14–16, Mark 9:14–24)

APPLICATION What am I believing God for in my life, family, ministry, workplace, etc? How would I express my faith in Him, regardless of how small or large my faith is?

PRAYER God Almighty, in the exceeding greatness of Your power, You spoke and the world came into being. You spoke and healing took place. You spoke and demons fled. Nothing is impossible for You. Lord, I do believe that you can do anything. Help my unbelief in (name the situation). Grant that I may lay hold of the working of Your mighty power which You demonstrated in Christ as You raised Him from the dead and set Him at Your own right hand in the heavenly places. Amen.—Adapted from A W Tozer Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

17, March y Sunda


1. Review —­­look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

18, Marchay Mond


The Greatest In Heaven

SCRIPTURE Matthew 18:1–14 Jesus’ answer to the disciples’ question stumped them. They asked an honest question and hoped that He would name one of them as the greatest in heaven. “Of course it’s you, (name of disciple)!” But wait... a child? Did they hear it correctly? How could it be! Children in those days were nobodies. They were considered insignificant in Jewish society. In the Jewish tradition, only if they reached 12 years old and underwent a religious ceremony would they be considered fully grown. But what Jesus was referring to was not the person’s physical maturity, but spiritual maturity—“Whoever humbles himself as this child…”(v 4). We can be physically mature but spiritually immature. Let us learn to be like a child and receive the kingdom with nothing to prove, nothing to lose and nothing to hide!

OBSERVATION Note the repeated verb in this passage. What does that reveal about how seriously Jesus regards our choices and their influence on the next generation?

APPLICATION How will I model kingdom values for the next generation and be used by God to receive them into His kingdom? Who can I begin with?

PRAYER Everlasting God, you are Lord of all the generations. Forgive me if I have stumbled the next generation by how I live and what I say. I recognise I need your grace to live in a manner worthy of the calling I received. Lord, the next generation is precious to you. What I neglect, they will reject. Help me therefore not to neglect Your Word, but pass it on as a worthwhile legacy to them. Show me who I can influence, one person at a time. Let me begin with those whom you have already placed in my life. For your sake, may You be pleased to use me. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

19, Marchay Tuesd



Forgiveness From The Father, Son And Holy Spirit

Matthew 18:15–35 Peter must have felt smug. He thought he had the right answer and Jesus would be proud of him because rabbis expected people to only forgive others up to three times. But Jesus superseded what even Peter could not do himself! Seventy times seven. In other words, infinitely. Only the Heavenly Father who is extremely and infinitely rich in mercy could do that! Any other father would have slapped his son silly. Only the absolutely sacrificial Saviour could utter on the cross, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” when the soldiers drove the nails into Him. Any other person would have found it so much more natural to swear at them and call down a curse from Heaven. Only the Holy Spirit could have enabled Stephen the first martyr of the church to cry out, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them” when stones were hitting at him from every direction without mercy (Acts 7:60). This is forgiveness coming from the Father, Son and Spirit!

OBSERVATION If God were to behave as the King did to the slave who could not pay (v 25), how would you approach Him?

APPLICATION Who is someone I need to release forgiveness to, or receive forgiveness from? Do it today.

PRAYER Holy Father, Your wisdom excites our admiration, Your power fills us with fear, Your omnipresence turns every spot on earth into holy ground. How shall we thank You enough for Your mercy which comes down to the lowest part of our need to give us beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the spirit of heaviness for a garment of praise? We bless and magnify Your mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Let this mercy so fill our hearts to overflowing, that it may be poured forth unconditionally to others in a way that is beyond our ability. Help us, O God. For Your name’s sake. Amen.—Adapted from A W Tozer Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

20 , Marchsday Wedne


Going Back To The Beginning

SCRIPTURE Matthew 19:1–12 The Pharisees thought that they had trapped Jesus. There were two Rabbinic camps that had differing stands on divorce. One held that divorce can happen on any grounds, such as if a woman burnt her husband’s toast. The other said it can only happen on grounds of adultery. If Jesus had sided either party, he would have showed favouritism and also incurred the displeasure of the other party. Jesus masterfully brought the Pharisees back to what was originally intended, “Have you not read… from the beginning…” (v 5), “…but from the beginning it was not so.”(v 8) God has much higher standards than even the best of Rabbinic tradition! The problem was not with how the Law should be interpreted, and thus who was right or wrong. The problem was with how the hardened heart has twisted the law for its own convenience! It is important to live by overarching principles rather than just overt precepts.

OBSERVATION How did Moses approach the prevailing practice of divorce (v 7–8)? Write it in your own words.

APPLICATION Think back on some of the ‘permissible’ sins in my life. What is God’s intention about this from the very beginning, and how might that change the way I see it?

PRAYER Faithful God, You instituted covenantal relationships on earth as a mirror of Your covenantal faithfulness to us. We confess that our hearts can be easily hardened by sin. We excuse ourselves from doing the right thing by rationalising what we should not be doing. Make our hearts tender, Lord. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours that we may stand for what You have intended from the very beginning. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

21 , Marchsday Thur


Rich In Things But Poor In Soul

SCRIPTURE Matthew 19:13–30 The rich man could have been one of the first to get in line when it was time to go to Heaven and people would have thought that he would surely be let in with no questions asked because he had kept most of the ten commandments. But yet he felt something was missing — “What do I still lack?” (v 20) There was unrest in his soul for eternal life certainly has to be more than these things. Jesus answered not only the question, but the questioner. He saw the heart of the rich man’s problem—an unchanged heart! It is possible for us to do the ‘Christian’ things faithfully without addressing the true condition of our hearts. We can still be holding on to unhealthy soul ties with things and people in our lives, that we find hard to let go. Jesus comes to speak and bring light into our souls and reveal them for what they truly are. The heart of the problem is truly the problem of the heart.

OBSERVATION Which of the ten commandments did Jesus leave out, and what did He include outside of them? (see also Ex 20:1–17)

APPLICATION What or who attracts my heart in a way that God is pushed to the periphery?

PRAYER To keep Your lovely face ever before my eyes This is my prayer, make it my strong desire That in my secret heart, no other love competes No rival throne survives and I serve only You – Graham Kendrick Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

22 , Marchy Frida


Leveling The Playing Field

SCRIPTURE Matthew 20:1–16 We would think that those who work more should get more rewards. Isn’t that how the world works? Meritocracy is not a bad system. In fact, it is often needed to bring about objectivity in assessing work performance in our world. But this is not so when it comes to entrance into the kingdom! Jesus levels the playing field. That sounds so unfair, doesn’t it? How can it be that those who work for only one hour get the same pay of one denarius as those who worked for a good nine hours? Jesus certainly would not make a good and impartial manager in our modern world. But if Jesus wanted to be fair, none of us would deserve a chance to get into the kingdom. If Jesus wanted to be fair, we should have been made to pay for our own sins. Jesus is much more than fair!

OBSERVATION Note the different times and number of occasions that the master of the vineyard hired workers (v 1–7). What does this reveal about the heart of God (v 15)?

APPLICATION How would I need to re-orientate my heart to appreciate this God who is generous to all, even to those whom I feel are undeserving?

PRAYER God of utmost generosity, You lavished Your love upon me without measure when You gave Your Son Jesus Christ. Not a single ounce in me deserves what You have done because every part of me has been tainted by the Fall. Yet when I see others whom I think are less deserving than I am of You, I forget how undeserving I am. Help me Lord, to remember that I am a sinner saved by grace alone. And in that remembrance, to bring these people to You and ask for Your grace to be made known to them in an even greater measure. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

23 , March day Satur


The Men Still Don’t Get It

SCRIPTURE Matthew 20:17–33 If Jesus wanted to strangle His disciples, now would be a good time. He had just predicted His suffering, death and resurrection not just once, but thrice (see also Matthew 16:21, 17:22–23). We would have thought that the disciples would have finally gotten it. If they were a bit slow to pick up on things, that might still be a forgivable mistake. But along came James and John with their mom and her request. Not only did the two men miss the seriousness of what Jesus had once again foretold, they failed to understand what they were really asking! (v 22). To top it off, they thought the cup they would drink from was a golden vessel that kings and princes would use when dining, when in fact Jesus had something much more excruciating in mind for them—being killed for their faith!

OBSERVATION How did Jesus define greatness (v 26–28)? Write it in your own words.

APPLICATION How can Jesus’ idea of greatness be demonstrated in my family, workplace and ministry?

PRAYER Jesus, You descended to greatness when You took the form of a servant. You were meek, yet not weak. You walked in submission, yet exercised Your will completely. You roar as the Lion of Judah, yet you also keep silent as the Lamb of God. Lord, only you can live as both the king and the servant. Let my heart descend to that great lifelong position of serving that I have been called to, and whatever other roles I have at home and at work as a function of that calling. Let Christ, the Servant King, be seen in me. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

24 , March y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

25 , Marchay Mond


Make Peace, Not War

SCRIPTURE Matthew 21:1–17 Jesus finally entered His city of destiny. All thirty-three and a half years of His life reached its pinnacle as He rode into Jerusalem. The crowds were shouting “Hosanna” (Save Us)! It was a time of massive anticipation—“Jesus is finally here! Hurray! No more oppression from the Romans!” But do you see the twist in the story? Kings don’t usually ride on donkeys, but war horses. This is what we would expect Jesus to do if He came to overthrow the Romans. But this king intentionally rode on a donkey. Jesus wanted to re-enact the coronation of King Solomon (see 1 Kings 1:44–45) who fought no wars during his 40-year reign. Like King Solomon, Jesus had come not as a King of war, but a King of peace as He entered into the City of Peace (the literal meaning of Jerusalem). At His coronation ceremony five days later, He would not be sitting on a golden throne, but hanging from a wooden cross. Instead of a crown of gold, He would be wearing a crown of thorns.

OBSERVATION What are the different responses from the people in Jerusalem, as seen in v 8–11? How did this same crowd respond in Matthew 27:20–26?

APPLICATION How would I respond to this King, who wants to bring peace in my life though He may not bring change to my circumstances?

PRAYER King of peace, You rode into Jerusalem 2,000 years ago and was welcomed by a crowd who not only misunderstood You, but turned their backs against You. Lord of glory, You came to do something greater than just to release me from my circumstances. King of peace, come into my heart. Keep me in perfect peace. Let my heart be steadfast, because I trust in You when I don’t understand. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

26 , Marchay Tuesd


Putting His House In Order

SCRIPTURE Matthew 21:12–17 The crowd would have expected that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, His first order of things would be to round up the Jewish men in the city who would be interested to become part of His band of rebels, and then march straight to the residence of Pontius Pilate. Perhaps in the same fashion as Moses, He would declare, “Let My people go! If you do not let my people go…” Can you sense the heightened political fever and excitement? But being intentional as He always was, He went first to the temple that had been corrupted by commercialisation. The greatest tragedy was that the temple had been like this for as long as people could remember, and no one seemed to think that there was something wrong with it. The revolution that Jesus came to bring was spiritual, not political. It had to begin first with His house. Only when His house was put in order, could the watching and waiting world be transformed. A W Tozer remarked that in his era, he saw the world changing the church instead of the church changing the world. Perhaps not very much has changed since then!

OBSERVATION What are the different responses from people who saw Jesus cleanse the temple (v 14–16)? See also Mark 11:18 and Luke 19:45–48

APPLICATION What needs to be put in order in God’s house? What can I do about it?

PRAYER O Lord, the clouds are gathering and the fire of judgment burns. How we have fallen! O Lord, you stand appalled to see Your laws of love so scorned and lives so broken... O Lord, let love reclaim the lives that sin would sweep away and let Your kingdom come…. Have mercy, Lord. Forgive us, Lord. Restore Your church, revive us again! Let justice flow like rivers, and righteousness like a never failing stream! —From “O Lord, The Clouds Are Gathering” by Graham Kendrick Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

27 , Marchsday Wedne


Fruit Is Evidence Of The Root

SCRIPTURE Matthew 21:18–22, Mark 11:12–14, 11:20–26 An innocent fig tree became the object of Jesus’ chastisement when He could not find any fruit on it. It was not the season for fruit to appear! Was Jesus moved to anger because, as the common saying goes, “a hungry man is an angry man”? The truth is, trees are often symbols of nations in the Bible. And the fruitless fig tree gave not only Jesus, but the disciples a picture of Israel then. However, why should Israel warrant such a stern rebuke from Jesus, especially when she was elated that Jesus had arrived in her capital? Considering that God had chosen Israel and given her the covenants, promised her that she would multiply until her descendants could not be counted, and given her every resource needed; she remained a pale shadow of what she was supposed to be. She was in the Promised Land but was still not free. She was a slave again, just like in Assyria and Babylon. Centuries after centuries had gone by to demonstrate her unfaithfulness and therefore fruitlessness. Jesus had to say to her—enough is enough! He, as the Second Israel would now come and bring forth much fruit through the spiritual Israel (The Church), the way the first Israel was supposed to.

OBSERVATION What was key to Jesus’ fruitfulness in what He did (Matthew 21:21–22, Mark 11:22–26)?

APPLICATION How can I take greater root downward, so that I can bear greater fruit upward?

PRAYER Lord of the harvest, I did not choose You but You chose me to bear fruit that will last. Let my delight be in Your word, on which I may meditate day and night so that I may become like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in its season. Lord, I am not meant to be spiritually barren. Give me roots to grow, and fruit to show. I ask this by faith, for Your glory. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

28 , Marchsday Thundry Thursday) (Mau


Carnality and Ability

SCRIPTURE Matthew 26:14–56 When it comes to the spiritual life, we can sometimes underestimate our carnality and overestimate our ability. Take Judas for example, who was busy plotting the betrayal game plan and demonstrating his bondage to greed, while observing the festival that was meant to celebrate his deliverance. Take Peter and the other disciples, who wanted to prove that they could each outdo the other 11, while commemorating an event from centuries past when Israel acknowledged that she could not outdo the Egyptians. That’s why Jesus had to initiate and institute a new covenant—one that shows grace and gives grace. Grace can only be received when we come to the end of our rope and say, “God, I really can’t. But You really can.” When that grace is received through the finished work of the cross, every promise from Him to us, even when it is beyond our carnality and ability, is “Yes and Amen” in Him!

OBSERVATION What are some situations or future scenarios that Jesus mentioned, which could only come about by God’s ability? (v 17–18, 29, 32, 41, 42)

APPLICATION What area(s) in my life am I entrusting to God to give me the ability to do what I can’t?

PRAYER Lord, my spirit is willing. But my flesh is weak, really weak. The best of me cannot fulfill what You intend for me. Thus, You call me to watch and pray. My life in my own hands is a pain and a problem, but my life in Your hands is a power and a possibility. Keep me alert to the schemes of the evil one and the condition of my own fallen heart. Grant me a spirit in constant prayer, knowing that You are on my side. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

29 , Marchy FridFraiday) (Good


Eli = Elijah?

SCRIPTURE Matthew 27:27–61 What an irony that the Jews, who should have known better, thought that Jesus was calling for Elijah when Jesus cried out, “Eli, Eli…” (v 46-47). As pious Jews, they would have realised straightaway that Jesus was quoting from Psalm 22:1 by King David—“My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?”, thus demonstrating that He was really the King who has come as the Son of God, as foretold by King David’s life. In contrast, the centurion, who assumedly had little or no background to Judaism, could see this sinless One suffer in a way totally unlike the many criminals he had witnessed who were nailed on crosses, and declare—“Truly this was the Son of God!” (v 54). If we are not careful, our religious background or tradition can sometimes become a hindrance rather than a help, in knowing and experiencing this irresistible Jesus. Come to Him in simple awe!

OBSERVATION How else did the different people regard Jesus on the day He was crucified? (v 27–31, 33–35, 39–44, v 57–61)

APPLICATION What traditions and spiritual practices help me to rediscover Jesus, especially on Good Friday?

PRAYER Son of God, You were forsaken so that I can be forgiven. You were condemned so that I can be accepted. You were like a lamb silently led to the slaughter, so that I can be Your child who can loudly proclaim You to the world. Let me come back to ground zero again, and rediscover this God who has won my heart. Win it again, Lord. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

30 , March day r y) Satu a Saturd (Holy


See, I Told You

SCRIPTURE Matthew 27:62–28:20 If you were Jesus and you wanted to impact the world, who would be the first person you would appear to, such that you would make global headlines and have the whole world at your feet in no time? If I were Jesus, I would have appeared to Caesar, the Emperor of Rome the ruling empire. With Caesar converted, he could declare to his citizens the risen Christ and the news would spread. Wouldn’t that be the most efficient and effective way to broadcast the Gospel? Apparently not. That was what Emperor Constantine did years later when he apparently saw a vision from God. He made his citizens convert to Christianity, but it led to only nominal faith. God chose to reveal Himself first to women, who were not even legally allowed to bear witness in court and were regarded as gossipers in those days. Furthermore, He commissioned 11 insignificant disciples. Yet Christianity took the world by storm.

OBSERVATION Note the feelings of the women after they heard the news from the angels but had not seen Jesus yet (28:8) in contrast to some disciples after they had already seen Him (28:17). What does this show us about faith and sight?

APPLICATION What has God spoken or revealed to me, which I have not seen yet, but am trusting Him for?

PRAYER Lord, You were risen on this very day! The women believed Your word and therefore saw with eyes of faith. Help me rise to newer levels of faith, even when I do not see. Because You have spoken, that is enough for me. Let today mark a new journey of me walking with You by faith, not by sight; until I see You face to face. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

31 , March y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

1, Aprilay d Mon


One Thing

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:1–3; Psalm 27:4–6 Clearly, God’s purpose for Israel’s departure from Egypt was one thing: Worship—“that they may celebrate a feast to Me” (Ex 5:1). Worship involves the worship, the worshipper, and the One worshipped. The starting point is the One worshipped. It starts with the answer to the question, “Who is the Lord?” (v 2). He is the Lord who speaks as Lord— “His voice” (v 2). He is the Lord who should be obeyed—“that I should obey” (v 2). Worship is a response to the person of God. We can have worship without God; but we cannot truly have God and not worship Him. The worshipper is “My people” (v 1), who worships God in covenant relationship with Him. The worshipper knows God, in contrast to Pharaoh: “I do not know the Lord” (v 2). God first seeks worshippers—true worshippers (John 4:23) and it is only true worshippers who can truly worship God. Therefore, let us pay more attention to ourselves as worshippers.

OBSERVATION What is the psalmist’s understanding of his life purpose (“one thing”) in Psalm 27:4–6?

APPLICATION Is my life purpose similar to the psalmist’s? What are my thoughts on this question?

PRAYER Worthy are You, O God, to receive glory and honour and power; for You have created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created.1 I want to worship You in a manner worthy of who You are. I want to be a true worshipper of God who worships You out of my very being, my spirit, my true self, in the pursuit of truth, in adoration.2 Teach me and help me to be such a worshipper. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 1 Revelation 4:11 2 John 4:23-24

2, April ay Tuesd


Two Lordship Questions

SCRIPTURE Acts 22:4–10; Luke 5:1–11 Paul was on the road to Damascus with the mission of persecuting the followers of Jesus. Suddenly, Jesus revealed Himself to him in a very bright light (Ac 22:4–7). In his life-changing encounter with Jesus, Paul asked Him two questions. The first is, “Who are You, Lord?” (v 8). This is a question for knowing the Lord. The second is, “What shall I do, Lord?” (v 10). This is a question for following the Lord. They are lordship questions and Paul addressed Jesus as “Lord” in both questions. They are also life purpose questions. The questions Paul asked are fundamental and we must ask them too in our life. When you read God’s Word, prayerfully ask these two lordship questions, seeking to know and follow the Lord.

OBSERVATION What do you observe in Peter’s lordship encounter with Jesus in Luke 5:1–11?

APPLICATION How do my observations affect my relationship with the Lord?

PRAYER King of kings and Lord of lords,3 You died and rose to life that You may be the Lord of the living and of the dead. Therefore, if I live, it is for You, the Lord, that I live; and if I die, it is for You, the King, that I die. Whether I live or die, I belong to You. I want to enthrone and exalt You as Lord of my life. Help me so that in all things I do, I honour You as Lord.4 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

3 Revelation 19:16 4 Romans 14:6-9

3, April sday Wedne


What Draws You?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:4–5; Colossians 3:22–25 When Moses spoke to Pharaoh the words of God, one of Pharaoh’s responses was, “Why do you draw the people away from their work?” (Ex 5:4). The question is—Draw away from what to what? Verse 1 and 3 gives us the answer—from work to worship. The reverse seems to be a common trend in believers in Christ today. Work draws God’s people away from worshipping God. We are talking of worship in terms of a life dedicated and devoted to the Lord to walk in His will. Work becomes more important than worship, for whatever reason. It may be pursuing a career or trying to fulfill the high expectations the bosses are demanding. Understandably, there are those who find it difficult to make a choice or to keep the balance. Each of us faces different situations, which may involve many factors. Nevertheless, the principle must be—we may have to work hard; but above all, there must always be a heart of worship.

OBSERVATION What can you learn about work and worship in Colossians 3:22–25?

APPLICATION What changes do I need to make in my life concerning work and worship?

PRAYER Creator King, You have created humans to work in the Garden of the Lord, as worship to You.5 It’s so easy for me in a busy world to worship work, consciously or subconsciously. Teach me and help me to see my workplace as the Garden of the Lord and to present my work as an offering of worship to You, with a heart that always seeks to honour You. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

5 Genesis 2:15; Isaiah 51:3

4, Aprilsday Thur


When the World’s Powers Prevail

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:6–19 16 out of 22 verses in Exodus 5:6–19 are about what Pharaoh did to oppose God’s word, “Let My people go that they may worship Me.” Instead of being provided with straws as they were previously, the Israelite slaves had to look for straws to make bricks. The demand was unreasonable and made life more difficult as the daily quota remained the same as before. Daily, the people faced the desperate situation of trying to meet the target. Is your boss like Pharaoh? Are the demands of this world as tedious as like Pharaoh’s? Pharaoh’s power is underscored by “the king of Egypt” (v 4), “Pharaoh commanded” (v 6), and “Thus says Pharaoh” (v 10). But, “Thus says Pharaoh” (v 10) has its counterpart in “Thus says the LORD” (v 1).

OBSERVATION What are your thoughts on the “Thus says the LORD” versus “Thus says Pharaoh” contrast in Exodus 5:6–19?

APPLICATION How do my thoughts above help me to follow Jesus faithfully in a world of Pharaoh’s demands?

PRAYER Most High God, You know how the culture, philosophy, values, lifestyle of the world predominate humankind. The temptation to compromise and conform is so great. But, the earth is Yours, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.6 Strengthen me to follow You faithfully, single-mindedly, and courageously in this challenging world, not turning to the right or to the left.7 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

6 Psalm 24:1 7 Joshua 1:7

5, April y Frida


Isn’t It God’s Fault?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:22–6:1; Psalm 44:17–26 The people of God responded to His promise of deliverance from bondage with belief in God and worship to Him (Ex 4:31). What follows was their first experience of the God who “was concerned” about them and “had seen their affliction”. But, it wasn’t a good experience. God didn’t get a good first impression from His people, including Moses himself. Moses protested to God, as anyone else would probably have—“Why have You brought all this trouble on Your own people, Lord? Why did You send me? Ever since I came to Pharaoh as Your spokesman, he has been even more brutal to Your people and You have done nothing to rescue them!” (Ex 5:22–23, NLT). We may ask the same question as Moses and the text doesn’t answer the question. Rather, all we know is that God never intended for the greater affliction to be the end. It is followed by “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh” (Ex 6:1).

OBSERVATION What can you discover about God in Psalm 44:17–26?

APPLICATION Am I going through a similar experience as in Psalm 44:17–26? How would I respond to God?

PRAYER Lord Jesus, I thank You for the fellowship with You; when in my dark trials I cry, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from saving me, so far from my cries of anguish? I cry out by day, but You do not answer; by night, but I find no rest.”8 Hold my hand, and lead me to walk closely with You, until I reach the light and glory of the Resurrection. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

8 Psalm 22:1-2; Matthew 27:46

6, April day Satur


Don’t Jump To Conclusion

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:22–6:1; Ruth 1:19–21, 4:13–17 Moses’ questions and charge to God was his conclusion about God. Otherwise, he would have said, “Lord, even though Pharaoh didn’t release Your people; I believe in You, the faithful sovereign God, that he will do so eventually.” Moses’ conclusion reflects a sense of disappointment. He seemed to have expected that Pharaoh would obey God’s words in an instant. Perhaps, he thought that he would have gotten immediate success. What God said to Moses in Ex 6:1 seems to imply that Moses had forgotten His words in Ex 4:21. God seems to be telling Moses in Ex 6:1 to remember His words, and realign to His plan that “under compulsion he [Pharaoh] shall let them go.” Remember His Word that reveals to us the kind of God He is. Even though you may not know His plan for you, trust in Him.

OBSERVATION What can you learn from Naomi’s experience about jumping to conclusions about God (Ruth 1:19–21 and 4:13–17)?

APPLICATION Do I have the tendency of jumping to conclusions about God? What would I do about that?

PRAYER Lord, You are my light and my salvation.9 You know the plans You have for me— plans for good and not for disaster, to give me a future and a hope. According to Your will and wisdom, You lead me one step at a time; until the end of my “seventy years of exile in Babylon”.10 Your steadfast covenant love endures forever.11 I trust in You, and wait for You.12 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

9 Psalm 27:1 10 Jeremiah 29:10-11

11 Psalm 138:8 12 Psalm 27:14

7, April y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

8, Aprilay Mond


Return To God

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:20–22; Psalm 32:1–5 In carrying out his divine assignment, Moses faced a triple blow. He was rebuffed by the hostile and outright refusal of “the most powerful of all living men in his day”13 to let God’s people go (Ex 5:2). Instead of delivering God’s people from oppression, Moses brought them increased affliction and greater trouble (v 7–9). Because of this, he was renounced by his people with venomous accusations (v 21). Moses must have been hurt to the core by these cutting words of misunderstanding. How did Moses respond to all these? “Moses returned to the Lord” (v 22)—“a crucial action” of returning to “where he belonged. He went to the only source of life and light.”14 When situations are too difficult for us to bear and we do not know what to do, the one thing—the best thing—we can do and must do is to return to the Lord.

OBSERVATION We need to return to God for various reasons. What can you glean from Psalm 32:1–5 about returning to God?

APPLICATION What is an area in my life that I need to return to God? How will I do that?

PRAYER Lord, my Shepherd, like sheep I have gone astray, walking my own way.15 Even though I have strayed so far away from You, You have, in Your grace and mercy, made it possible for me to return to You, however sinful I am. I return to You now. Restore my soul. Guide me and guard me along right paths, and bring honour to Your name.16 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 13 Maxie D. Dunnam, Exodus, The Preacher’s

Commentary (Nelson, 1987), 82

14 Maxie D. Dunnam, 89 15 Isaiah 53:6 16 Psalm 23:3

9, April ay Tuesd


Real Before God

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:22–23; Jeremiah 15:15–18 Moses returned to God with confusion and frustration over what he didn’t expect to happen. He flung his questions in God’s face and seemingly charged God with failure—“You have not delivered Your people at all.” Isn’t that an act of irreverence? Had Moses forgotten that he was standing on holy ground (Ex 3:5)? Or, had Moses’ “faith utterly given way”?17 It was “no casual or profane movement”18 on Moses’ part. Moses was real before God because he had “an honest relationship with God.”19 The psalmists often pour out their feelings openly and honestly before God with full assurance that God understands them, listens to them, and will answer them. In suffering persecution for speaking the truth, Jeremiah expressed how he felt in these words, “O LORD, You have deceived me and I was deceived”. (Jer 20:7)

OBSERVATION How does Jeremiah show himself real before God in Jeremiah 15:15–18?

APPLICATION What is an area in my life I think I should be real before God? What would I do about it?

PRAYER God who sees and knows all things, nothing in my life escapes Your notice. I feel that my trials are too much and too great for me to bear. I humbly bow before You, and honestly bare my heart to You—my human feelings and thoughts about You and what’s happening in my life. I know You will receive and accept me graciously for You know that I am not defying You, O Righteous God. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 17 Maxie D. Dunnam, 91 18 Maxie D. Dunnam, 92 19 Maxie D. Dunnam, 89

10, April sday Wedne


God Reminds

SCRIPTURE Exodus 6:2–5; 2 Peter 1:12–15; 3:1–2 When Moses flung his honest questions in the face of God, God did not answer the questions. He “simply reminded Moses of who He is20—I am the LORD” (Ex 6:2). That wasn’t new to Moses; but he did not say, “I know that. You don’t have to tell me again.” God saw the necessity to remind Moses of this fundamental foundational truth by a renewed revelation of Himself. God also reminded Moses that He is a faithful covenant-keeping God, the God of “Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” (v 3–4), who “have heard the groaning” of His people and “have remembered My covenant” (v 5). We need to get back to this vital truth on a daily basis. We need this daily theological and spiritual renewal—“I am the LORD.” By doing so, we guard ourselves from falling into the trap of familiarity that breeds contempt.

OBSERVATION What can you learn about the reminders in 2 Peter 1:12–15 and 3:1–2?

APPLICATION What are some truths that I need to be reminded of?

PRAYER Faithful God, You remember me in all things at all times;21 but remember no more my sins that You have graciously forgiven.22 Yet, so often I fail to remember who You are, what You have done for me, and what You require of me. Help me to remember this, through the Holy Spirit, who brings to remembrance what Your Word has taught me.� 23 Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

20 Maxie D. Dunnam, 94 21 Isaiah 49:14-16

22 Jeremiah 31:34 23 John 14:26

11, Aprilsday Thur


God Restores

SCRIPTURE Exodus 6:6–8; Hosea 14:1–8 “You have made us stink before Pharaoh and his officials. You have put a sword into their hands, an excuse to kill us!” (Ex 5:21). This was Israel’s expression of having no confidence in Moses, and in turn God Himself; because Moses represented God. That was Israel’s perspective, verdict, and attitude. God sought to restore Israel’s shattered faith. He did it by His Word—“Say, therefore, to the sons of Israel” (6:6a). When we are in situations where God’s Word seems to fail, the best way to go is to the Word of God. Apart from God’s Word, there is nothing else firm and lasting for us to stand on. The Word of God is usually associated with the faithfulness of God. God restored His people by His Name— “I am the LORD.” The words that God spoke to Israel (Ex 6:6–8) begin and end with “I am the LORD” (v 6, 8). This points us to the sovereignty of God.

OBSERVATION What can you discover about God’s heart in Hosea 14:1–8?

APPLICATION How does what God’s heart is like affect my relationship with Him?

PRAYER God, this is Your heart—“Oh, how can I give you up, Israel? How can I let you go? How can I destroy you like Admah, or demolish you like Zeboiim? My heart is torn within Me, and My compassion overflows. No, I will not unleash My fierce anger. I will not completely destroy Israel, for I am God and not a mere mortal. I am the Holy One living among you, and I will not come to destroy.”24 Your heart is my hope when I fall, however great the fall is. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 24 Hosea 11:8-9

12, April y Frida


Don’t Call It Quits

SCRIPTURE Exodus 6:9–11; Romans 4:17–21 When Israel heard the good news that God was concerned for them, and that He would deliver them from slavery, they “believed” and “bowed low and worshipped” God (Ex 4:31). Then, because of God’s order to Pharaoh to release His people, Pharaoh increased his oppression of them (Exodus 5). This was not how they understood God’s concern for them. While they expected good things to happen, worse things happened instead. Understandably, when God spoke to them again (Ex 6:6–8), their response was “they refused to listen anymore,” because “they had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery” (v 9). However, God remained faithful. He continued to work towards fulfilling His promise (v 10–11). Are you feeling disappointed and despondent? Don’t call it quits!

OBSERVATION What can you observe about God and faith in Romans 4:17–21?

APPLICATION What can I do to build my faith in God?

PRAYER Lord, when disappointments overwhelm me, or when disillusionment overpowers me and I’m tempted to quit following You, hold me firmly in Your hand. When my prayers are not answered for years, or when my service to You seems so unfruitful and I wish to quit serving You, keep me safely in Your hand. You have promised that You will never fail me nor forsake me.25 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

25 Deuteronomy 31:8

13, April day Satur


Was Pharaoh’s Demand Removed?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 5:15–19; 1 Peter 2:18–23 Did Pharaoh stop his malicious demand on God’s people to make bricks without providing any straw, after Moses’ protest to God and God’s assurance to him (Ex 5:22–6:1)? Neither the text nor the rest of the story tells us anything about that. But certainly, Israel was put into a very precarious situation (Ex 5:21). Knowing the kind of king Pharaoh was, we can be quite certain that his demand remained until he eventually released Israel from Egypt. He would do anything to prevent the Israelites from leaving. That kind of treatment continued even in the midst of God sending His plagues on Egypt. It remained even when the Israelites were miraculously protected from the plagues (Ex 8:22; 9:3–4). But how could Israel survive that on a daily basis? One thing we do know is that God’s presence was with Israel throughout (Ex 3:7–8); and He must have in His own ways sustained them until the end.

OBSERVATION What does 1 Peter 2:18–23 teach us about suffering?

APPLICATION How does 1 Peter 2:18–23 shape my thinking concerning suffering?

PRAYER Lord, there seems to be no end to what I am going through. When will it be over? But I thank You that I am not alone in this journey; You are present with me. In all my suffering, You also suffer. Lift me up and carry me through all these trying times. Help me to rest in Your love and mercy, and trust in You that salvation will certainly come; for You are my Saviour.26 Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

26 Isaiah 63:8c-9

14, April y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

15, Aprilay Mond


How Do You See God?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 6:5–8; Revelation 1:4–8 God speaks to His people to reveal Himself to them (Ex 6:5–8). God reveals Himself to us that we may see Him and we cannot see God unless He reveals Himself. See what God has done for His people—“I have heard” and “I have remembered” (v 5). See what God will do for His people—the divine “I will” is repeated seven times in three verses (v 6–8). See who God is—the divine declaration “I am the LORD” is repeated twice; and it begins and ends at the divine speech (v 6, 8). We are to emphasise seeing who God is; to see Him throughout our lives, from the beginning to the end. Our lives are to be enveloped by God; such that we see Him at every point of our lives. How then do we see God? Look backwards to see what God has done for encouragement. Look forward to see what God will do with confidence. Look upward to see who God is for assurance. Are you seeing God? How do you see Him?

OBSERVATION What do you see of Jesus in the revelation of Himself in Revelation 1:4–8?

APPLICATION What is/are my response(s) to the majestic revelation of Jesus?

PRAYER Grant me, Lord, the desire and delight to see You—the length, breadth, height and depth of Your greatness, Your goodness, Your grace, and Your glory. Grant me, Lord, the devotion and discipline to meet with You in Your Word and in Your presence. It is only when I meet with You that I can see You. Help me, Lord. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

16, April ay Tuesd


So Great A Salvation!

SCRIPTURE Exodus 6:6–8; Romans 5:1–2, 6–11 The seven divine “I wills” of redemption (Ex 6:6-8) show “the absurd extravagance, the staggering nature of this promise of God, which is seen best only in contrast with the condition of Israel at that time. Nothing could have been more unlikely than the fulfillment of these promises. The nation had descended into the valley of the shadow of death. The dreaded sentence of destruction and extinction was hanging over them. Pharaoh’s heart was being hardened more and more. You can imagine how strange it seemed to them, to be told by God that He was going to deliver them, and that He was going to bring them out of that land of bondage into freedom. It seemed absolutely incredible that they could rise from that low level of degradation and move to a land that was ‘flowing with milk and honey.’”27 Indeed, so great a salvation is our salvation in Christ! (Heb 2:3)

OBSERVATION What does Romans 5:1–2, 6–11 reveal about our salvation in Christ?

APPLICATION What aspect of my salvation in Christ do I need to pay attention to?

PRAYER My Lord and Saviour, I fear that when it comes to my salvation in You, I allow the familiarity of it to breed contempt in my heart. Grant me, through the Holy Spirit, to have a fresh appreciation of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. Help me to declare afresh that “it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.�28 Lead me to a deep adoration of the God of my salvation. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

27 Maxie D. Dunnam, 94 28 Galatians 2:20

17, April sday Wedne


What Is Our Salvation?

SCRIPTURE Exodus 6:6–8; Ephesians 2:1–10 Exodus 6:6–8 is a text loaded with the salvation theme. What is our salvation? God saves us from our plight—the “burdens” and “bondage” of our Egypt (v 6a). God saves us by His power—“with a powerful arm and great acts of judgment” (v 6b). The “gospel is the power of God for salvation” (Ro 1:16) through God’s “great acts of judgment” on the cross. “God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sins, so that we could be made right with God through Christ” (2 Co 5:21, NLT). God saves us to be “My people, and I will be your God” (v 7)—a covenant relationship with God. God saves us for a “possession” (v 8). Indeed, God “has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph 1:3). Those who receive His new life will no longer live for themselves but for Christ, who died and was raised for them” (2 Co 5:15).

OBSERVATION What does Ephesians 2:1–10 reveal about the salvation in Christ?

APPLICATION What aspect of my salvation in Christ do I need to pay attention to?

PRAYER Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise. Take my will and make it Thine; it shall be no longer mine. Take my heart, it is Thine own; it shall be Thy royal throne. Take my love, my Lord; I pour at Thy feet its treasure store. Take myself and I will be ever only all for Thee. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

18, Aprilsday Thur


“The LORD Your God”

SCRIPTURE Exodus 6:7; Deuteronomy Chapter 1 “I will take you for My people, and I will be your God” (Ex 6:7). In Deuteronomy, the expression “The LORD your God” is repeated 284 times. The great emphasis on covenant lordship (“the LORD”) and covenant relationship (“your God”) is plain and clear in Deuteronomy. At the heart of the covenant relationship is to know God—“and you shall know that I am the LORD your God” (Ex 6:7). Exodus is “essentially a book about knowing God through personal experience. The plot centres on the relationship, which develops between the LORD God and the Israelites. Throughout Exodus, God always takes the initiative—revealing Himself not only in words but also through signs and wonders. In differing ways, He reveals His sovereign majesty, His holiness, His power to perform signs and wonders, His awesome glory, His righteousness and His compassion.”29

OBSERVATION Identify the times when “the LORD your God” and “the LORD our God” in Deuteronomy appears in chapter 1. What does each occurrence say in reference to the covenant phrases?

APPLICATION What does “the LORD your God” mean to me in practical ways?

PRAYER O Lord my God, I want to long for You as the deer longs for streams of water. I want to thirst and yearn for You, the living God;30 that I may seek to be in Your presence of love, to drink from You—the living water.31 Renew my mind and revive my heart, that I may see You clearly, walk with You closely, and love You dearly. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

29 T. Desmond Alexander, From Paradise to the Promised Land:

An Introduction to the Pentateuch (Baker, 2012), 187

30 Psalm 42:1-2 31 John 4:10

19, April y Frida


God Is God

SCRIPTURE Psalm 105:23–36 The plagues God sent upon Egypt “are at the heart of the Lord’s redemption of Israel.”32 God worked through His creation as Creator (Genesis 1–2). God “uses His own creation, that which occurs in nature—either natural and orderly or that which we might consider to be an aberration or evil—to achieve His divine purpose; in this case [the Plagues], to deliver Israel and makes God’s power known in Egypt and throughout the world.”33 As Creator King, God can, in His sovereign freedom, choose to do whatever He wants, with, and through His own creation. In His sovereign power, He can cause His creation to move and act in whatever way He pleases and in His absolute sovereignty, He is in total control over His own creation. The plagues remind us through Creation that God is GOD!

OBSERVATION What do you observe from the choice of verbs used in Psalm 105:2336 to describe what God does?

APPLICATION How can Psalm 105:23-36 help me to know God?

PRAYER O Lord my God, You are very great and clothed with splendor and majesty! You wrap Yourself in light as with a garment. You stretch out the heavens like a tent. How many are Your works, Creator King! In wisdom You made them all; the earth is full of Your creatures. You look at the earth, and it trembles. You touch the mountains, and they smoke. May Your glory endure forever!34 Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

32 Max D. Dunnam, 101 33 Max D. Dunnam, 101

34 Psalm 104:1-2, 24, 31, 32

20, April day Satur


Hardening Of The Heart (1)

SCRIPTURE Exodus 7:1–7; Psalm 95 When God sent Moses on a divine mission, He added “a very perplexing word—“I will harden Pharaoh’s heart” (Ex 7:1)35. Twenty references are made to Pharaoh’s hardened heart in Exodus chapters 4–14, expressed in three different ways—God hardened Pharaoh’s heart, Pharaoh hardened his own heart and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened. What is happening here? Consider this perspective—“the biblical paradox of the sovereignty of God set against the freedom of man. While a person is free to accept or to reject the will of God for his or her own life, God’s purposes are going to be accomplished regardless of that person’s decision. In the context of the sovereignty of God and the freedom of man, people are responsible and accountable for what they do.”36 Be concerned that your heart will not become like Pharaoh’s heart!

OBSERVATION What do you observe about the hardening of the heart in Psalm 95? Consider the psalm as a whole.

APPLICATION How does Psalm 95 challenge me concerning the hardening of the heart?

PRAYER Infinite sovereign God, You have declared, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be; and as I have purposed, so it will happen.�37 But, You have also given me freedom of choice, and hold me accountable. So, I humbly ask of You to fill me with the knowledge of Your will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding, that I may live a life worthy of You.38 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

35 Max D, Dunnam, 76 36 Max D. Dunnam, 77

37 Isaiah 14:24 38 Colossians 1:9-10

21, April y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

22, Aprilay Mond


Hardening Of The Heart (2)

SCRIPTURE Romans 1:18–32 Through the plagues, the work of God would be presented to Pharaoh again and again, “even the wrath of God from heaven against his ungodliness, but the pride of Pharaoh’s heart would keep his heart hardened”39 (Exodus 7–10). According to Romans 1:18-32, Pharaoh continued to harden his heart. “When Pharaoh came to know God, he did not give Him the glory, nor render Him thanks, but yielded himself to his own self-will, so that his senseless heart became darkened; and he refused to have the perfect knowledge which the Divine Spirit endeavored to impart. God, after nine proofs of His power and grace—power towards Egypt and grace towards His shielded people—gave him up to learn the terror of the Red Sea [Exodus 14] the lessons which he refused to learn in an easier school.”40 Be careful that your heart will not become like Pharaoh’s heart!

OBSERVATION What can you discover about the process of the hardening of the heart in Romans 1:18–32?

APPLICATION What aspect of the process of the hardening of the heart in Romans 1:18-32 is relevant to me?

PRAYER Holy God, the heart is deceitful above all things. Guard my heart and keep it from hardening against You. Guard my heart against self-deception. Guard my heart against rationalizing my sins. Guard my heart from pride that does not see my sinful ways. Help me, through the Holy Spirit, to be sensitive to my sins, and be willing to confess my sins to You in repentance. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

39 Max D. Dunnam, 83 40 F. B. Meyer, Devotional Commentary on Exodus (Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1978), 90

23, April ay Tuesd


Don’t Harden Your Heart (1)

SCRIPTURE Hebrews 3:7–19 The writer of the Book of Hebrews solemnly warns his readers—“Do not harden your hearts” (Heb 3:8, 15; 4:7). He uses Israel’s wilderness journey towards the Promised Land to teach them. Hebrews 3:10 shows us that when we go astray in our hearts, our hearts become hardened as in the case of the Israelites (Heb 3:10b). Our hearts become hardened when we go astray from God and His Word. Jeremiah warns us—“The heart is hopelessly dark and deceitful, a puzzle that no one can figure out” (17:9, MSG). Our hearts go astray as a result of not knowing God’s ways (Heb 3:10c and the most important safeguard is to make sure that we understand God’s ways. God reveals His ways in the Scriptures and we constantly need His Word to be “a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Ps 119:105).

OBSERVATION What can you pick up from Hebrews 3:7–19 concerning the hardening of the heart?

APPLICATION Is there an area in my life that is in danger of being “hardened�? What am I going to do about it?

PRAYER O high and exalted King, You live forever, and Your name is holy. You live in a high and holy place; but You desire and delight to live with one who is contrite and lowly in spirit; so as to revive the spirit of the lowly and the heart of the contrite.41 I desperately need such a heart. It is only the contrite and humble heart that will not become hardened. Give me such a heart, Lord! Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

41 Isaiah 57:15

24, April sday Wedne


Don’t Harden Your Heart (2)

SCRIPTURE Hebrews 4:1–13 “Let us fear” (Heb 4:1)—“a fear of disobedience and of its consequences.”42 Disobedience is an act of hardening the heart; and hardening of the heart is a result of disobedience. “Each time a person is confronted with an opportunity to respond to the truth of God, refusal of that opportunity results in a hardening of the heart. Though God does not arbitrarily decide to precondition human minds and hearts so that they cannot openly and freely respond to Him; yet in the process of responding (or refusing to respond), our hearts are set and conditioned with each response we choose to make. God never deals unjustly or arbitrarily with us; our own actions are always the cause of our downfall and punishment.”43 Let us fear hardening our heart. We all need this prayer frequently—“I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek Your servant, for I do not forget Your commandments” (Ps 119:176).

OBSERVATION What does Hebrews 4:1–13 teach us about safeguarding ourselves from hardening the heart?

APPLICATION Which is the safeguard I need most at the moment?

PRAYER Gracious and merciful God, my heart is vulnerable to becoming hardened. I do not want this to happen to me. Indeed, who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults. Keep Your servant from willful sins; do not let them rule over me. Then, by Your grace and mercy, I will be blameless, innocent of great transgression.44 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

42 Alan Cole, Exodus, Tyndale Old

Testament Commentaries (IVP, 1973),

43 Max D. Dunnam, 86 44 Psalm 19:12-13

25, Aprilsday Thur


Humble Weak And Hardened Heart

SCRIPTURE Hebrews 4:14– 5:5 It is an honour and glory to be called by God to be a high priest (Heb 5:4). And so great is such an honour and glory, that not even Christ Himself could become a high priest, unless He was called by God (5:5). What kind of person would God choose to be a high priest? One who “himself is subject to weakness”—weakness to fall into temptation and sin (5:2b). Why? So that he “is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray” (5:2a). And Jesus, the perfect “merciful and faithful High Priest” (Heb 2:17), is able “to sympathize with our weaknesses” (4:15); that weak as we may be, we are “to draw near with confidence to the Throne of Grace” (4:16). The context of all these is—“Do not harden your hearts.” The humble weak who constantly approach the Throne of Grace stand a very good chance of not hardening their hearts.

OBSERVATION What does Hebrews 4:14–16 tell you about God?

APPLICATION How can what I have come to know about God help me in my relationship with Him?

PRAYER Lord, Your Word that keeps us from sinning against You,45 also recognizes that “we all stumble in many ways.”46 I thank You, that “if one does sin, we have One who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”47 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

45 Psalm 119:11 46 James 3:2

47 1 John 2:1-2

26, April y Frida


At Every Point He Is There

SCRIPTURE Psalm 147; Exodus 7:1–7 Psalm 147 is a celebration of the Creator and Covenant God. It begins and ends with “Praise the LORD” (v 1, 20). It is theocentric through and through. There are 27 occurrences of God as the subject of the verbs in the psalm to show the personal involvement and activity of the Sovereign God in everything. Verses 8–9 illustrate a cause-effect chain in the law of nature—The clouds produce rain, the rain makes the grass grow, and grass becomes food to animals. But the psalm insists that in this natural process, it is God Himself “who covers” the heavens with clouds, “who prepares/provides” rains in the clouds, “who makes” grass to grow, who “gives” food to the beast. In the world of Psalm 147, at every point God is there. Psalm 147 serves as a theological paradigm of one’s entire life—at every point of our lives, God is there.

OBSERVATION How does Exodus 7:1–7 present a picture of God being present at every point?

APPLICATION How does the picture of God in Exodus 7:1–7 encourage me in my walk with God?

PRAYER Lord, where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I flee from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me; Your right hand will hold me fast.48 What a caring God You are!49 Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

48 Psalm 139:7-10 49 1 Peter 5:7

27, April day Satur


Is God Under Threat?

SCRIPTURE Daniel 1:1–2; Exodus 7:8–13 Daniel 1:1–2 may be called “A Tale of Three Kings.” The three kings are King Jehoiakim of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, and the Lord. When Nebuchadnezzar, king of the most powerful empire on earth then, besieged Jerusalem; he took some vessels from the temple of the God of Israel, and brought them “into the treasury of his god” (v 2). In those days, battles were considered as battles of gods behind the kings. Looking at the looted holy Temple, defeated Israel questioned if Marduk, the god of the Babylonians, was more powerful than Yahweh of Israel.50 Judging by what was seen, felt and experienced, it would seem that Marduk was more powerful. But the ultimate reality in all that happened was that “The Lord gave” (v 2). Whatever culture, philosophy, religion and powers (political, military, economic) it is that dominates the world, God is never under threat. Neither are the Church and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. However man rules, God always overrules!

OBSERVATION What does Exodus 7:8–13 reveal about God?

APPLICATION How does my understanding of God in Exodus 7:8–13 help to strengthen my faith in God?

PRAYER Most High God who lives forever, Your rule is everlasting and Your kingdom is eternal. All the people of the earth are nothing compared to You. You do as You please among the angels of heaven and among the people of the earth. No one can stop You or say to You, “What do You mean by doing these things?”51 To You be the glory forever and ever. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

50 Tremper Longman III & Raymond B. Dillard, An Introduction 51 Daniel 4:34-35

to the Old Testament (Zondervan 1994, 2006), 182

28, April y Sunda


1. Review — look back at your past week using the Examen (modified) a. What was my high point?

b. What was my low point?

c. What gave me life?

d. What drained me?

e. How was the Spirit of God at work?

2. REFLECT — What is one key thing that God said to me this week in light

of what has happened?

3. RESPONSE a. What is one thing I need to do in light of what God is saying?

b. Journal your prayer

29, Aprilay Mond


I Can Do Too

SCRIPTURE Exodus 7:14–24 God turned the water in the Nile to blood, such that “the blood was through all the land of Egypt” (Ex 4:20-21). Pharaoh’s immediate response was to have his magicians perform the same miracle with their secret arts (v 22). In effect, Pharaoh was mocking God, “So, what’s the big deal? What You can do, I can do too.” There are many things in life that we can, by our own human efforts and the world’s abundant resources, undertake without having to turn to God. Most of us today no longer need to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Mt 6:11). We can, gradually and insidiously, take God out of the picture of our life. We must in all things, at all times, “know that I am the LORD” (v 17). Recognise and acknowledge that all we are and have are gifts from God. What we can do is itself a gift from God. God is God enough to take back what He has given. Let “honour Him as God and give thanks” (Rom 1:21) be in your dominant consciousness.

OBSERVATION What can you learn from the character of God and/or the heart of Pharaoh as shown in Exodus 7:14–24?

APPLICATION What aspect(s) of God’s character would I want to embrace in my life, and what aspect of Pharaoh’s heart would I want to avoid?

PRAYER Creator and possessor of heaven and earth,52 no one can receive anything unless God gives it from heaven.53 What do I have that is not given by You? As everything I have is from You, keep me from thinking or boasting as though it were not a gift of God.54 I give You thanks and honour for all that I have. Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self:

52 Genesis 14:22 53 John 3:27 54 1 Corinthians 4:7

30, April ay Tuesd


Thank God, It’s Over!

SCRIPTURE Exodus 7:25–8:15 God answered Pharaoh’s entreaty through Moses’ intercession. All the frogs from God in Egypt died (Ex 8:8, 12–13). When Pharaoh “saw that the problem was solved, he hardened his heart again! (v 15); and refused to let Israel leave Egypt. Oftentimes, we turn to God only when we are in need. But in times of peace, we live life in our own ways, doing our own things, fulfilling our own plans. When we seek God in this way, we are not depending on Him. We are simply manipulating Him. We expect God to do our bidding as if God is our servant, and we His master. Yet, God in His grace and mercy, may allow Himself “to be manipulated” into answering our prayers. Is this your way of viewing and treating God? Is this the way you live your life? Can you continue living life like this, with God still following you?

OBSERVATION What can you observe about Pharaoh’s heart in Exodus 7:25– 8:15?

APPLICATION What do I need to do to guard my heart from becoming like Pharaoh’s heart?

PRAYER Lord, You have warned about how easy it is for my heart to become proud and forget You, after You have blessed me with good things, and I have eaten and am satisfied.55 Give me a humble heart that will not forget You, but be always grateful to You, surrender to You, dependent on You and seeking to honour You. You are God. You are Lord. You are King. Blessed be Your glorious name! Amen. Prayer Pointers Give thanks: Pray for leaders: Pray for significant people: Pray for those in need: Pray for self: 55 Deuteronomy 8:11-14

WORSHIP SONGS A BROKEN SPIRIT A broken spirit and a contrite heart You will not despise You will not despise You desire truth In the inward parts A broken spirit and a contrite heart Lord, my heart is prone to wander Prone to leave the Lord I love Here’s my heart Lord, take it and seal it Seal it for Your courts above A broken spirit and a contrite heart You will not despise You will not despise You desire truth in the inward parts A broken spirit and a contrite heart Lord, my heart is prone to wander Prone to leave the God I love Here’s my heart Lord, take and seal it Seal it for Your courts above

Be Thou My Vision Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art Thou my best thought, by day or by night Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord Thou my great Father, and I Thy true son Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise Thou mine inheritance now and always Thou and Thou only, first in my heart High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art High King of heaven, my victory won May I reach heaven’s joys, O bright heaven’s Sun! Heart of my own heart, whatever befall Still be my vision, O Ruler of all

Come To The Table Come to the table of mercy Prepared with the wine and the bread All who are hungry and thirsty Come and your souls will be fed Come at the Lord’s invitation Receive from His nail-scarred hand Eat of the bread of salvation Drink of the blood of the Lamb

Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below Praise Him above ye heavenly host Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen

Faithful One Faithful One, so unchanging Ageless One, You’re my rock of peace Lord of all, I depend on You I call out to You, again and again I call out to You, again and again You are my rock in times of trouble You lift me up when I fall down All through the storm You love is the anchor My hope is in You alone

How Great Thou Art O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder Consider all the works Thy hands have made I see the stars, I hear the rolling thunder Thy power throughout the universe displayed Chorus Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee How great Thou art, how great Thou art Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to Thee How great Thou art, how great Thou art And when I think, that God His Son not sparing Sent Him to die, I scarce can take it in That on the cross, my burden gladly bearing He bled and died to take away my sin When Christ shall come with shouts of acclamation And take me home, what joy shall fill my heart Then I shall bow, in humble adoration And there proclaim, my God how great Thou art

Saviour King Verse 1 Let now the weak say I have strength By the spirit of power that raised Christ from the dead Let now the poor stand and confess That my portion is Him and I’m more than blessed Pre Chorus Let now our hearts burn with a flame A fire consuming all for Your Son’s holy Name And with the heavens we declare You are our King Chorus 1 We love You Lord We worship You You are our God You alone are good Verse 2 Let now Your church shine as the bride That You saw in Your heart as You offered up Your life And now the lost be welcomed home By the saved and redeemed those adopted as Your own Pre Chorus Let now our hearts burn with a flame A fire consuming all for Your Son’s holy Name And with the heavens we declare You are our King

saviour king (Cont,d) Chorus 2 We love You Lord We worship You You are our God, You alone are good You asked Your Son to carry this The heavy cross our weight of sin Chorus 3 I love You Lord I worship You Hope which was lost now stands renewed I give my life to honour this The love of Christ, the Saviour King

REFINER’S FIRE Purify my heart Let me be as gold And precious silver Purify my heart Let me be as gold Pure gold Chorus Refiner’s fire My heart’s one desire Is to be holy Set apart for You, Lord I choose to be holy Set apart for You, my Master Ready to do Your will Purify my heart Change me from within And make me holy Purify my heart Cleanse me from my sin Deep within

Thank You For Loving Me What love the Father has lavished on us That we should be called His sons and daughters Precious in His sight Greater love this world had never seen When He hung on that tree O why would He do such a thing For dirty sinners like you and me Chorus O God thank You for loving me When on the cross You made history Lord You died for me Forever my praise will go to Thee O God thank You for choosing me To be Your child and bear Your name O Jesus I will never cease to sing Your praise Verse 2 Your love is patient and humble and kind It’s greater than all my sin It always protects and trusts and hopes And will have no end It’s Your love that lifted me up from the depths Set my feet on a solid rock With a firm place to stand Lord I always will trust in Your loving hand End Thank You for loving me

The Potter’s Hand Verse 1 Beautiful Lord, wonderful Saviour I know for sure all of my days are Held in Your hand Crafted into Your perfect plan Verse 2 You gently call me into Your presence Guiding me by Your Holy Spirit, Teach me dear Lord. To live all of my life through your eyes Bridge I’m captured by Your holy calling Set me apart, I know You’re drawing me to Yourself Lead me Lord, I pray Chorus Take me, mould me, use me, fill me I give my life to the Potter’s hand Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me I give my life to the Potter’s hand

You Are Faithful You are faithful I believe Your Word is true You have never left Your children begging You are faithful And my heart ascends to You As I lift my voice To praise your name Chorus Oh I love you, no matter what I see No matter what I hear No matter what may seem to be Oh I love you, no matter what I know No matter how the winds Of life may blow This one thing I know, this one thing I know That you are faithful

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