All Knowledge through VI S I O N
To faithfully serve in God’s plan to restore all things under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
To assist parents in the nurture of their children, by providing a Christ-centred, biblically grounded, culturally engaging and academically rigorous education to equip the children to live for God’s glory.
More information Our website provides more information including videos on a wide range of topics. Please visit
Welcome F R O M T H E P R I N C I PA L Thank you for your interest in Covenant Christian School. I invite you to explore why so many parents choose to partner with us in the nurture of their children. We are thankful to God for our non-denominational, co-educational school, covering Prep to Year 12. We have more than 900 students learning from skilled and passionate Christian teachers who are led by a highly qualified and experienced leadership team. Our vision and mission guide our teaching and learning. Our ability to teach our curriculum innovatively flows from our understanding that all of life comes from, and must be centred on, God and his plans to restore all things under Jesus Christ. The word ‘Covenant’ speaks of the covenant of grace, underlying the relationship between God and his people, which includes our children. In this covenant, God promises salvation through faith and invites a response of obedience, love and praise. At Covenant, we demonstrate our response by seeking to hold Christ at the centre of everything we do as we work in partnership with parents to equip our students to live for God’s glory.
Covenant is a place where there is opportunity for all children to be encouraged to grow in their knowledge, character, and especially in their love for God. Our school aims to support both those students who excel in areas and those who need learning support, reflecting the truth that each child has individual requirements, strengths and weaknesses. We are grateful for our high quality facilities and well-equipped classrooms which enable us to offer a diverse range of subjects and extra-curricular activities in the performing arts, sports and camps. I am very excited to have joined Covenant in 2020 and to see our school continue to flourish while holding to its Christian vision and mission. Please take the opportunity to visit our school so that you can experience it for yourself. We commit to support you in prayer as you make decisions about your child’s schooling. Melissa Brown Principal
Partnership S E RV I N G TOG ET H ER I N G OD ’ S PLAN Covenant Christian School was founded over 40 years ago by Christian parents who passionately believed that parents are responsible for bringing up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).
Covenant is intentional about involving parents in the life of the school and providing ways for parents to be part of our school community. For example: •
The founders’ vision was a school that provided a comprehensive education, taught to a high standard by Christian teachers, in which Christ was recognised as Lord of all. This education would not only prepare students for future study or work, but also for life itself. With the goal of operating as an extension of the Christian home, parents continue to be an active part of our school community. Parent participation ranges from being involved in day-to-day activities to being part of the school Association. Our Board consists of Association members who lead the school as a parent body and ensure that the original vision of the founding parents is upheld.
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Parents are welcome at school and encouraged to volunteer through the Parent Involvement Program. Our Covie Prayer Group invites parents to partner with the school through prayer. The school community provides extra support to families in times of need. Various initiatives are in place to build community among parents such as Café Covie, the Class Parent model, Community Freezer, Community Morning Teas, Working Bees and community events such as Grandparents’ Day, Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day, Christmas Markets and many more. Communication between the school, staff and families is encouraged. Parents are also invited to attend the various assemblies held each week. Ultimately, a culture of servanthood and partnership is embraced amongst staff and parents.
with Parents
“We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers.� 1 Thessalonians 1:2
“Our daughter joined Covie a year ago. We could not be more thrilled with what joining this community has brought to her - genuine friends, a vibrant presentation of what living as a Christian means, and staff that treat her with warmth, respect and teach her beautifully.� Bruce, parent
Spiritual & emotional
N URT U RE T H ROU G H PASTORAL C ARE At Covenant, emotional and spiritual support is a key focus as we extend God’s loving kindness to our students, and to each other. Pastoral Care is at the heart of everything we do at Covenant. It impacts every part of our school including the structure, teaching styles and learning environments, effectively meeting the personal, social, spiritual and academic needs of our students. To ensure a strong culture of pastoral care, our passionate teachers are equipped and encouraged to reflect Christ’s love with their interactions with each student. Pastoral Care - Junior School Students and their families are cared for from the very beginning of their school journey. The wellbeing of each Junior School student is catered for primarily by their classroom teachers. If needed, additional support is available from school counsellors who meet with students and families to address concerns, develop strategies or to provide referrals. The personal and educational skills of students are developed through programs such as resilience and ‘growth mindset’ training in the primary years. Junior School is a secure environment preparing children for a smooth transition to the opportunities and demands of Secondary School. Familiarity with and confidence about the start of Secondary School are developed throughout Primary School. For example, some Year 6 subjects are taught by Secondary teaching staff in their specialist facilities, and camps progress in duration and distance from home, gradually developing readiness. Pastoral Care - Secondary School Daily devotions are an important part of each day for staff and students. Secondary Students meet each day for devotions in a multi-age Home Class. Students support their peers under the guidance of an experienced teacher, who remains with the group from Year 7 to 12. Each year group also has a Pastoral Care Coordinator who is an expert in the specific needs of that particular stage. Students can also see one of our qualified school counsellors at any time. Wellbeing programs are provided to each year group including PeaceWise, anti-bullying, and ageappropriate health and life skills. Small group or lunchtime sessions on relevant topics are also provided as needed. Pastoral Care - Whole School Covenant is passionate about the wellbeing of our entire school community which is why we provide a strong, specialist Pastoral Care team, including trained counsellors to ensure staff, students and families are appropriately supported in times of need. By providing a consistent Christian worldview, a student’s identity in Christ is fostered. This strengthens their faith and promotes resilience, thereby nurturing emotional and spiritual growth. Ultimately, our students are taught their value in the unchanging love of God and are given many opportunities to demonstrate this love to each other.
The link between home and school
Why is Covenant Preschool so special? “Because we can hear Bible stories.” Jason, Preschool student
PRE P - 3 TO 5 Y EA R OLD S Covenant provides a warm, safe nurturing environment that allows our Prep children to stretch their creative thinking, practise their social skills, meet new challenges, build resilience and learn how to relate to God. We view each child as an individual, a member of a family, and a special part of the Covenant community. Covenant follows the Early Years Learning Framework, a play-based program which is used to explore the world which God has given us to enjoy. Teachers and parents work together in partnership. The goal is to provide the best possible foundation for children’s growth, development, love of learning and skills for life. Our program for early childhood education emphasises communication, early numeracy, early literacy, scientific exploration as well as the development of gross and fine motor skills. Our Prep space is designed to stimulate children’s interest through exploration, creative play, group work, music, drama and problem solving. Additionally, children extend their creativity with specialist teachers in Music and Dance. Visits to the Junior School library, Infants playground, music room, Kindergarten classes and other areas of the larger school grounds, enhance their learning opportunities. Prep teachers work closely with Kindergarten teachers to enable each child to be confident and ready for school. The transition program we implement during Term 4 ensures that Kindergarten is a familiar and welcoming place by the time Prep children start school. This greatly enhances the excitement and joy of this special milestone.
Prep at Covenant helps children to develop their: • Knowledge of God and understanding of the world around them • Emotional security and fun through exploration and social interactions • Social awareness skills that enable each child to exercise trust in others, to share, to cooperate and to develop positive relationships • Language and communication skills • Reasoning and problem-solving skills • Physical health through fine and gross motor activities • Creativity through self-expression, language and music. Our Prep program has two or three day options. It operates during school hours, however Care After Prep (CAP) extends these hours to 6.00pm.
Learning about God's world I N FA N TS - KI ND ERGART E N TO YEAR 2 At Covenant, we understand that starting school is a big step for all children and their families. When children begin in Infants, they will be entering a happy, secure and nurturing environment where passionate teachers work in partnership with parents to make the transition from home to school an easy one. With only two classes per grade, friends are easy to make and simple to find in our dedicated Infants playground areas. Climbing equipment, large sandpits, handball courts, and areas to run and play games such as soccer, encourage our children to be active. The infants years are where the foundations for future learning are established. At Covenant, a solid grounding in the Christian faith is an integral part of what is taught. Students begin our ‘Knowing God’ subject from Kindergarten, where they focus on the God who is revealed in the Bible. Specialist teachers provide instruction in Music, Sport, Library and Visual Arts. After School Care is provided each day until 6.00pm.
“I love Covenant because we make good friends and that makes me happy.� Savannah, Year 2
Training up in the way they s P RI M A RY - Y EA RS 3 TO 6 With spacious areas for play and access to specialist classrooms, students in Primary are offered an enriching and stimulating learning environment. As students enter this stage of schooling, they are prepared for a deeper understanding of each subject and encouraged to become increasingly responsible for their learning. Primary offers a dynamic and stimulating educational program where teachers guide our students to grow into confident learners. Teaching of the NSW Curriculum is shaped by our mission to provide a Christ-centred and biblically grounded education. In all subjects, students are steered towards a greater understanding of God’s character, especially in our ‘Knowing God’ subject which continues throughout the primary years. As they move into the upper primary years, students are encouraged to develop greater flexibility and self-discipline in order to prepare themselves for Secondary School. Extension and Enrichment opportunities include withdrawal groups, workshops, Outer Limits Day, FLIP projects in Year 6, as well as a variety of interschool competitions. The commencement of the training band program in Year 4 introduces students to both wind and string instruments, leading to opportunities to participate in various school bands. After School Care is provided each day until 6.00pm.
should go
“I love the way my students are keen to learn and have an interest in the deep things of God.� Heidi, Primary teacher
Maturity through Christ
“It is very encouraging and helpful to go to a Christian Secondary School at a time in life when values become a key part of our life.� Raphael, Year 9
S ECO N DA RY - Y E A RS 7 TO 1 2 Our teachers are highly qualified and have the expertise, personal conviction and training needed to teach their subjects from a Christian perspective. Care for students extends beyond concern for their academic achievement and general wellbeing; we also support and guide them to maturity in faith through their Secondary School years. A Christian education should not only approach learning through a biblical lens, but also aim to meet the needs of each student. For some students this will mean participating in extension and enrichment programs and for others it will mean receiving learning support as they progress through Secondary School. The purpose of biblical studies goes beyond knowing what the Bible says, it is about knowing God through reading and understanding His word. All classes at Covenant are taught from a Christian perspective – the perspective of ‘those who know God’. The ‘Knowing God’ subject, from Kindergarten to Year 12, helps students to deepen their understanding of God’s word and Christian faith (Rom 10:17). In this way, ‘Knowing God’ is like English, both a name for a course and a foundational element in other courses.
Years 7 to 8
Our Secondary School is a supportive, challenging and secure learning environment which allows students to transition smoothly from their primary school experience. Our passionate and experienced Christian teachers encourage, challenge and nurture students to prepare them for a life of faithfulness, and to encounter God in each subject.
The Year 7 camp is a highlight and provides challenging experiences to help develop teamwork, leadership and community. This camp is one element of our comprehensive Year 7 induction program.
Years 9 to 10
Students build on their education with core subjects as well as selecting from a broad range of electives. Classes are organised in a combination of mixed ability and graded classes. Teachers focus on assisting students to achieve their God-given potential and to work faithfully in each subject. Students have the opportunity to participate in a range of co-curricular activities including the Duke of Edinburgh Award, school musicals, and sport opportunities.
Years 11 to 12
Progressing through to the senior years, students are encouraged to become independent learners. Year 12 students have the use of their own Common Room and quiet study rooms to encourage responsibility for the effective use of their time. A wide range of subjects are offered for the Higher School Certificate (HSC) and students may choose to undertake courses either at school, through a TAFE College or by distance education options. In addition to the languages offered at Covenant, our students can also study through the NSW School of Languages. Showcase evenings throughout the year highlight students’ HSC major works in Industrial Technology, Textiles, Design and Technology, Music, Visual Arts, Drama, and Dance. The final years at Covenant are filled with choices, opportunities and challenge. While our students’ significant academic achievements are recognised, all students who have worked faithfully and with dedication are celebrated.
“The Passion Project has made me wonder what else I can do with this talent that God has given me.” Carlo, Year 8
Extend ACADEMIC RIGOUR Covenant provides an enriching and supportive learning environment that inspires students to work to the best of their abilities. At Covenant, the NSW curriculum is taught from a Christian perspective and in a way that meets the learning needs of all students. This includes teaching and learning practices in every classroom, as well as extension and enrichment, and learning support. Our motto ‘all knowledge through Christ’ is intimately connected to our mission to provide an academically rigorous education, through a well-taught integrated Christian curriculum. All students at Covenant are valued as having been made by God (Psalm 139). We recognise that students learn differently, at different rates and at different levels. Some students will need learning support, others will require extension and enrichment, or both. We celebrate the uniqueness that God intended for each child by knowing each student and understanding how to meet their needs.
In every subject, lessons are created to drive conceptual understanding and critical thinking, not just to convey information. Flexible teaching strategies and genuine care for each individual results in high levels of student engagement. As well as effectively differentiating the curriculum, teachers may use strategies such as setting open-ended tasks, and allowing like-minded or similar-ability students to work together. While applying a Christian lens to all subjects, a learning culture is created. Students are further challenged through extension and enrichment opportunities in areas of particular interest or ability. There are pull-out classes from Kindergarten to Year 10 which facilitate above-level learning. Enrichment camps that broaden the scope of a subject include Music Camp, Writer’s Retreat, Maths Camp and Coding Camp. Lunchtime clubs such as the Robotics Club, Chess Club and Science Club provide further opportunities. Extension and enrichment days such as Outer Limits (Year 3 to 6) and Pushing the Boundaries (Year 9) expose all students to deeper thinking. Major work projects such as FLIP (Year 6) and Passion Project (Year 8) allow all students the opportunity to create a major work which they are passionate about. It challenges and extends them while preparing them for major works in their senior years. Students can represent Covenant at inter-school academic programs and competitions including: • • • • • • • • • •
GATEway8 Da Vinci Decathlon Brainways Summer Camp GATEWAYS Journeys Debating Tournaments Public Speaking competitions University of Newcastle STEM Challenge Theatresports Schools Challenge Mosman Youth Awards in Literature Nexgen IoT Robotics Challenge
Educating for the future S T E M A N D T E C H N O LO GY Covenant’s mission to equip our students to live for God’s glory governs our approach to STEM (an integrated teaching approach to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), and the use of Technology in our school. STEM presents authentic learning opportunities, allowing students to enjoy God’s wonderful provision, and to be good stewards of His creation. Students’ skills in problem solving, collaboration and computational thought are developed through rich, multifaceted projects and design challenges. These tasks allow students to express their creativity and learn that apparent ‘failure’ is a valuable part of the learning process. Through STEM, students learn how careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics can be used to care for others and for the environment through sustainability. Covenant teaches that technology is a good gift from God and we seek to engage and use it in a way that honours God.
The benefits and risks associated with digital technology are carefully considered as we integrate technology into teaching and learning to enhance research, collaboration and engagement across the school. A range of technologies are used to foster creativity, problem solving, digital literacy and critical thinking which are all vital skills for the 21st Century. Our school employs a combination of school supplied iPads, computer labs, and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) laptops for the later years. Although digital technology will not be used in every lesson, our expectation is that every student from Year 7 to Year 12 has a device with them at school every day. In order to care for our students, the playground is a ‘screen free’ environment. During lessons students are required to make notes using pen and paper, as research indicates that the practice of note taking leads to improved understanding and better learning outcomes.
“I particularly enjoyed the Year 12 retreat. I took away many useful study tips and life lessons presented to us by great teachers� Michelle Year 12
“When you’re out on the field, you know that whatever happens, God will be with you and he will strengthen you, and you will glorify him.” Benj, Year 11
Participation Discipline
SPORTS AND P H YS I C A L D E V E LO P M E N T Sport is an important part of our offering at Covenant, and it is our desire to provide every student with an opportunity to participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. As well as supporting students in exploring, developing and using their God-given gifts and abilities, we hope to nurture a lifelong love of sport, and an appreciation of the benefits it offers. Physical Education (PE) is a compulsory element of the curriculum, and we provide a range of opportunities that allow students to increase their skills in a variety of sports, while learning valuable lessons about participation, commitment, responsibility and teamwork. Covenant is a member of the Christian Schools Sports Association (CSSA) and the NSW Combined Independent Schools Sports Council (CIS), which offer pathways to state and national level competition in a wide variety of individual and team sports. Students can progress from our swimming, athletics and cross country carnivals to represent our school at higher level interschool competitions. We also participate across a number of sports in the Peninsula Interschool Sports Association (PISA), Peninsula Cup, and state-wide knockout competitions such as the Bill Turner Cup. We encourage students to do everything in a way that honours and glorifies God, whether it be trying a school sport like rock climbing, developing netball and soccer skills in PE classes, trialling for one of our many sports gala day teams, or being encouraged as they represent the school at an elite level.
C R E AT I V E A R T S Creative arts are a wonderful gift from God and a way for students to express their faith and creativity. From classical music to modern dance, students learn how to express themselves through creative mediums, and are taught how to glorify God through expression and deeper thinking. These subjects are not just a creative pursuit but form part of an academically rigorous education.
Dance is available to students from Prep to Year 12 and caters for curricular (Stage 5, Preliminary and HSC Dance), co-curricular (school sport eisteddfod troupes) and extra-curricular dance through the Covenant Dance Academy. Dance is taught at Covenant in a culturally engaging, encouraging and Christcentred atmosphere. We are deliberately counter-cultural in the selection of age appropriate music, choreography and costuming. Classes include a variety of dance styles including Jazz, Ballet, Tap, Tiny Tots Dance, and Musical Theatre. Covenant Dance Academy classes are conveniently offered on-site after school. Students may work towards performing in dance concerts, assemblies and school events. Dance classes are held in a variety of spaces around the school, with most in the air-conditioned School Hall or Performing Arts Space.
Music is an integral part of life at our school from Prep through to the HSC. There are a wide range of opportunities for all students to participate in music ranging from individual lessons, to curriculum music, and corporately singing and giving praise to God in our weekly assemblies. In Junior School, students participate in weekly music classes with a specialist music teacher. During this time, they engage in singing, and learning fundamental musical concepts including music appreciation, music reading and writing, rhythm, aural training and instrument playing.
Students commence the Band Program in Year 4 which takes place during school time. They are provided with a string instrument for six months and a wind instrument for the following six months of the year to trial and learn on. In Secondary School, students seek to refine and perfect their expression, creativity and performance. Opportunities such as leading in the Worship Band and Music Tour exist to develop skills through service to others. Extra-curricular musical opportunities include the Junior and Senior School bands, Orchestra and choirs.
With an emphasis on creativity, students are encouraged to use skills and techniques they have learned through art classes in Junior School. Combined with a passion for arts and education, our staff take great pleasure in identifying talent and guiding and advising students. Every art subject challenges students to consider the way artists view the world and to engage with culture through a biblical lens.
Our professional and highly experienced staff create a holistic learning atmosphere; a safe and inspiring environment for students to express their creativity and to develop their skills. Drama students are encouraged to study as well as devise works that wrestle with worldviews while also giving them the opportunity to bring the Gospel to the Covenant community through storytelling.
Musicals are part of Covenant’s culture, history and educational offering. Every second year, all students in Kindergarten to Year 6 perform in the Junior School Musical. The alternate year is the Secondary School’s turn with students electing to be involved in the performance and production. Students learn to work together, express their gifts and bring great joy to their audiences.
“I love dance as it allows me to express how I feel through movement. I love to tell a story to the audience when I am performing a dance.” Charlotte, Year 12
C AM PS Camps at Covenant are closely tied to the school’s Pastoral Care Framework. Camps are designed to embed a positive school culture, grow relationships, and provide new experiences that are both fun and which build resilience in a supportive environment. Camps are introduced to our Year 3 and 4 students as an overnight sleepover on the school grounds, as a first taste of the joys of camp. Year 5 and 6 students enjoy a three day camp, and Year 6 travel to Canberra to visit Parliament House and other significant sites. Part of Covenant’s comprehensive program to introduce Year 7’s to life in Secondary School is the Year 7 camp. From Year 8 to 10, students combine across camps and choose camps based on their interests such as Christian service (urban camps), cooking, adventure, fishing, art, surfing and horse riding.
“I loved interacting and building friendships with the kids of Yarrabah. They showed us an incredible, unconditional Christ-like love that we could learn from” Alex, Year 11
Some Year 11 students venture as far as Indonesia to learn more about ecology in a jungle environment. Year 10 and 11 students may also have the opportunity to serve a Northern Queensland Aboriginal community as part of the Yarrabah program. Students in Primary and Secondary may also attend a wide range of extension and enrichment camps through the year, such as maths, robotics, ecology, creative writing, performing arts or debating camps. We also offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award program from Years 9 to 12.
LEADERSHIP THRO UGH SERVICE Covenant students are given opportunities to develop their leadership skills following the servant leadership of Jesus Christ. Leadership opportunities focus on serving within the school as well as the wider community. Students are challenged to put other people’s needs above their own and surrender every aspect of their lives to the Lord while trusting in His faithfulness. Leadership opportunities are provided to all students from Infants onwards. Whether it is leading a Junior School assembly with classmates, organising a special interest lunchtime group, being a buddy for new students, or leading student prayer or Bible study groups, a myriad of opportunities are available with the support and encouragement of staff. Students gain experience as leaders in the Student Council (starting in Year 3), Secondary School Pastoral Care classes, sport and school captaincy, the Year 11 Community Service Program, the Yarrabah Program, and participating in the World Vision Servanthood Global Leadership Conference.
C A R E E R G U I DA N C E A N D A LU M N I Throughout their time at Covenant, students are equipped to live for God’s glory. During the later years in Secondary School, attention is given to life after school and options that exist for them. Covenant’s careers guidance involves helping students make informed decisions based on careers information, self-knowledge and the opportunities available. Students are kept up to date with the latest information on careers and further study opportunities. Our Careers Adviser liaises with parents, teachers, employers, community agencies and training providers to facilitate the best possible solution for each individual student at Covenant.
“I am always thankful to the Lord for my time at Covie and the influence many of the teachers had on me. I am delighted it is still going strong after 40 years. Though it is so different in size and resources to when I was there, at its heart it is still seeking to educate and nurture students from the Christian world view.” Stephen, Class of 1986
When you enrol your child at Covenant, you join a Christian community that has been built-up over 40 years by passionate parents who love Christ and love their children. The essence of this community remains unchanged and so students, staff and families who have left our school stay connected as part of the Covie Alumni, to continue what was started in 1978. Being part of a community which aims to see everything restored under the Lordship of Jesus Christ is life-changing and worth staying connected to for generations to come.
To equip children to live for God's glory
212 Forest Way Belrose NSW 2085 (02) 8459 4200 To book a school tour visit