The Classic - Spring 2020

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INSIDE: > > > >

#LionsKeepLearning Community Features Owning the Change New Alumni Council


The Classic is published twice a year for the Covenant Day community.


Don Moseley (Chairman), Rich Protasewich (Vice Chairman), Land Hite (Treasurer), Anne Rogers (Secretary), Danny Church, Kevin DeYoung, Josh Grissom, Grant Jordan, Caroline Kelly, Leslie Lindner, Jared Olshefski, John Vonder, Jerri Webb, Derek Wells



Megan Fair,


Mark Davis, Katherine Hetherington


Thank you to the faculty, staff, parents, alumni, students, grandparents, alumni parents, and friends who shared their stories and photos for this publication.


Daryl Tutton, Katie Spata, David Johnson, Michael Salamone


To assist the Christian family by providing an education marked by a biblical worldview, academic excellence, and affordability, so that students are equipped to be salt and light for God’s glory


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Fifth grade students decorated rocks in art class with words of encouragement.

Artists (left to right, top to bottom): Liv Coggins (12), Sara Carter (11), Bethany Ferguson (10), Rebecca Shires (11), Margaret Coburn (10), Maryrose Mitchell (6), Owen Pinch (7), Anya Livasy (10), Averi Proleika (9)


FEATURES 3 4 6 8 11 12 14

Getting to Know Dr. Kevin DeYoung Our Families Our Faculty Our Students Students in the Arts Owning the Change Meet our Alumni Council


DEPARTMENTS 2 From the Head of School 10 Arts 12 Athletics 14 Alumni News & Class Notes

Our Community

The Spring 2020 edition of the Classic was set this past winter to feature our community—the students, parents, siblings, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, staff, and friends who make Covenant Day special. The strength, selflessness, and loyalty of our school community became even more evident in March when we transitioned to distance learning. And although we were apart, it was as if our school community did not miss a beat. Teachers discovered creative ways to provide a Christ-centered and engaging learning experience for students; parents and students showed teachers appreciation in new ways; seniors were celebrated and shown that they were loved and missed; and students found new ways to spend their free time whether it was planting a garden, learning to cook, playing with siblings, or enjoying family games and meals together. While we have missed seeing the faces of those in our community every day, we pray that your time with the Lord and your family will be one that has strengthened and encouraged you. We look forward to seeing you back on campus soon!


FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear CDS Community, Welcome to this edition of the Classic. Since the beginning of our work on this edition, we have transitioned to distance learning as COVID-19 has come into our world. Ironically, our being together today looks far more like the Classic than ever before, for it is through pictures and videos that our community has remained connected for more than two months. We search for God’s purposes in and through this time of disruption and have found our triune God to be our rock in this time of trouble. The image-bearing qualities of God’s people in our community have come to light through the faces, stories, and in loving each other well. Join me as we look into the lives of God’s people at Covenant Day—the teachers, staff, administrators, students, parents, alumni, Christ Covenant pastors, alumni parents, grandparents, and Board of Trustees members. I hope you take delight in learning about each person and discovering their talents and passions, whether it is learning, acting, creating, running, competing, serving, playing, exploring, or singing. Enjoy their expressions of faith, and live and celebrate with them as they seek to give God glory in all they say and do. Sincerely, Mark Davis Head of School

GE T T ING TO KN O W R OS E DAVI S Rose Davis and her involvement at Covenant Day is an immense blessing to our community! Over the years, she has become known as one who welcomes others into her home, loves music, and encourages others in Christ. She has impacted our school community by leading a weekly bible study for our moms, teaching the sixth-grade choir, and hosting the senior class and Board of Trustees and their spouses in her home for meals. She encourages our students by simply showing up for sporting events, musicals, concerts, and has even given “Miss Rose” classes in her home for our elementary students where they learn to sew, bake, create, and sing. Rose also shared how our school community has blessed her family from the beginning. When her family first arrived, Coach Houseton invited their son, Nate, to assist with the baseball program. He is now employed on the Christ Covenant Operations Team and has become an integral part of the community. Whenever she is on campus, young people of all ages greet Rose enthusiastically. “Christian education is an important and challenging venture of which we all must be an active part,” she said. “I sense that in our school family.” When she has free time, you can find Rose traveling to France, Boston, or Chicago to keep up with her five grandchildren. At home, she enjoys reading, sewing, listening to music, and playing the piano. And if you happen to stop by Chick-fil-A on a Friday night or the Matthews Farmers Market on a Saturday morning, you may just run into her and Mark enjoying time together! 2


INTERESTING FAC TS ABOUT MARK DAVIS 4He enjoys writing poetry and oil painting. 4He likes reading fiction. The Count of Monte Cristo is one of his favorite books. 4He went to his high school prom with his wife, Rose. 4He is an avid player of competitive, strategic card games. 4He was a big brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. He and his little brother have had a 40-year relationship. 4He played golf for the Christian college he attended. 4He recently delivered a sermon at a local Burmese church. 4Wilt Chamberlain, Joe Frazier, and Kathy Sledge (lead singer for Sister Sledge) had godchildren/grandchildren/child at a former school where he served. 4He sang Sweet Home Alabama with his eldest daughter in Marseille at the home of the U.S. Consulate to France. 4He has three sisters, no brothers, three daughters, and a son. WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG

Getting to Know Dr. Kevin DeYoung he said. “It is such a blessing to have the school reinforce what our kids are learning at home and church.” In addition to his work as Senior Pastor, Dr. DeYoung travels the world for speaking engagements and has written more than a dozen books. Of these books, there are three that he especially enjoyed writing. For Dr. DeYoung, The Biggest Story was a dream come true as he was able to see the story he had developed years ago for a Christmas sermon come to life with such captivating illustrations. He shared that he was blessed most by writing The Hole in Our Holiness, and felt personally challenged to take holiness seriously while writing the book. And the dearest to his heart is The Good News We Almost Forgot. This book is an exposition of the Heidelberg Catechism, and having grown up with the Catechism, it was truly a labor of love for him.

As a husband, pastor, author, and father to eight, it is safe to assume that Dr. Kevin DeYoung was speaking from experience when he wrote Crazy Busy. Christ Covenant Church Senior Pastor Dr. Kevin DeYoung became interested in pastoral ministry at the young age of ten. He had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home with his parents working for a radio missionary organization. After graduating from high school, Dr. DeYoung began his journey toward becoming a pastor. He received his B.A. at Hope College and M.Div at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, where he met and married his wife, Trisha. After completing his M.Div, they moved to Iowa for two years for his first pastoral call before finding himself back in his home state of Michigan as the Senior Pastor at University Reformed Church in East Lansing. He has been busy since he arrived in Charlotte three years ago: welcoming his youngest child, teaching at Reformed Theological Seminary, and completing his Ph.D. from the University of Leicester. It was the people and their love for one another and the Bible that attracted Dr. DeYoung to Christ Covenant and Covenant Day, both of which have been a blessing to the DeYoung family. Although he left great friends in Michigan, the move to Charlotte was made easier by the church and school communities. With six children at Covenant Day ranging from grades K-10, the DeYoung family has been involved in many extra-curricular activities, such as track, cross country, and school musicals. They have also been greatly blessed by the godly teachers and quality Christcentered education. “I love that my kids learn Scripture at school and that their friends come from Christian families,” WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG

While we may know him for his impact as a pastor and author, perhaps Dr. DeYoung’s most cherished role is that of husband and father. As a father of eight, with one more on the way, Dr. DeYoung shares that although his family life is loud and chaotic, it is also a lot of fun. While watching his older kids grow up has been met with a mix of joy and sadness, it has been nice to have them help with the little ones. “Life is definitely challenging with such a big brood, but we are always surrounded by people—people who (often!) love each other,” he said. With more than a decade of parenting a small tribe, Dr. DeYoung has learned the importance of not sweating the small stuff. “Get the big things right,” he said. “Make church a fixed part of your family life, pray together, play together, laugh together, give hugs, and say I love you.” As Dr. DeYoung balances pastoral and family ministry, he emphasizes the importance of finding an excellent wife. “I am incredibly blessed to be married to Trisha,” he said. “She is a great mom, my helpmate, and my best friend.” When he gets a moment to simply be, Dr. DeYoung enjoys reading, spending time at the pool with friends and family, watching Shark Tank with his family, and playing almost any sport. He has been an avid runner since middle school but started triathlon training within the past five years and either runs, bikes, or swims, virtually every day of the year except for Sunday. “Exercise is a great stress relief,” he said. “I like the challenge of setting goals and participating in races when I can.” The church and school community have been significantly impacted in such a short time by Dr. DeYoung’s leadership. And while good pulled pork and nice weather have been a bonus in moving to Charlotte, Dr. DeYoung shares that it is the people that he has met at the church, school, and seminary that have been the best part. COVENANT CLASSIC | 2020







And then there were eight! Frank and Keiran Llaneza, already busy with five children of their own, welcomed Ifeanyi “Ify” Ufochukwu into their family last summer and say he has been a great blessing. Early in her career as a physician assistant, Keiran went on several medical mission trips to Africa and developed a love for the people. Fast forward: As the Llanezas learned more about the international program at CDS, they were excited to discover a new way to serve God’s people. “It is our belief that CDS should teach our children about different cultures in the United States and all across the world,” Keiran said. With such a large family, there is never a dull moment! On the weekends, you can find the Llanezas at the softball field or on the basketball court. They are also active in their church and enjoy introducing Ify to new foods like BBQ!

Meet 4


When Matt, a structural engineer, and Leslie, a physician and CDS Board of Trustees member, met at Christ Covenant in 1996, they had no idea the impact it would have on their lives. The Lindners married in 1998, and when the time came to find a school for their oldest child, they looked closer to where they lived. Ultimately, however, they were drawn to Covenant Day because of the emphasis on spiritual education and growth as well as on academic excellence. Sophie, now a sophomore at UNC-Chapel Hill, enrolled at CDS in 2005. Eva, now a senior, followed two years later, and freshmen twins Ian and Phoebe enrolled in the first TK class. Looking back on their years at CDS, Dr. Lindner said, “I believe the community of parents committed to Christ, the caring teachers, and the pursuit of academic excellence are what has drawn us to and kept us at CDS for many years.” During their time at CDS, the Lindner children have flourished and enjoyed many accomplishments, including qualifying for the Olympic trials in swimming, breaking cross-country records, playing with the Charlotte Eagles Club, and rowing with Charlotte Youth Rowing. As a family, they especially enjoy spending time together outdoors. Fun fact: you can follow their dog (a CDS cross country fan) on Instagram: @pearl_the_jackrussel.


At CDS, we love our grandparents! Jim and Suzi Kallam are proud grandparents to lower school students, James and John Wells Rodrigues. The Kallams are grateful for the healthy, nurturing environment CDS provides for their grandsons and the way the school integrates a Biblical worldview into all areas of learning. After 43 years of pastoral ministry, the Kallams started Tandem Spirituality as a way to care for the spiritual and emotional health of church and lay leadership. Pastor Kallam also serves on the Head of School Advisory Council at CDS. For fun, the Kallams enjoy sharing meals, having a dance party, and going on their annual family vacation!

When Pastor Derek Wells, a Christ Covenant pastor and CDS Board of Trustees member, and his wife Michelle, a part-time CPA, toured CDS, they knew they had found something special. Pastor Wells, a former teacher, has always been passionate about Christian education. Covenant Day’s commitment to the spiritual formation and the academic excellence brought them here, and today their three children, Kate, Caroline, and Drew, are all students here. “Education is ultimately about the maturation process of young people as they learn about themselves, the world around them, and the God who made them. CDS provides a unique, holistic vision and environment where these formational dynamics are cultivated and nurtured,” Pastor Wells said. In their spare time, the Wells family enjoys sports, outdoors, movies, and time in their backyard with neighbors.




You might be surprised to learn that Mark Helmer wasn’t always the lower school

THE HELMER FAMILY principal! Mark has worn many hats at Covenant Day since he and his wife, Andrea,

arrived in 1998. He has served as a middle school science and Bible teacher, the first varsity volleyball head coach and assistant athletic director, Science Olympiad coach, and lower school principal. Andrea has faithfully served our lower school as a teacher and now as an assistant teacher. This past year, Mark was named Associate Head of School. What Mark believes makes CDS unique is what drew him here more than twenty years ago: an academically strong and faith-infused Christian education. Mark said he senses a real unity and strength derived from staff and school families having a shared vision and purpose. Outside of CDS, Mark loves running with his two sons Matthew and Luke while they bike alongside him. The Helmers also enjoy spending time with Jessica Chen, CDS senior and international student, who has lived with them for the past four years. She has become part of their family and even helps the Helmers test out restaurants to see how authentic the local Chinese cuisine is (and in some cases, isn’t!). The Helmers also love to camp, hike, and spend time around their backyard fire pit.







“Be brave. Be strong. Let all you do be done with love.” When Joanna Reule, CDS mom of four, learned about the horrors of human trafficking, she created Brave Bone Broth. Using her passion for cooking and helping others, Joanna hopes to help heal the world by donating 20% of all Brave Bone Broth proceeds to fight human trafficking. When she’s not cooking bone broth, Joanna is busy with her four children Reese, David, Hannah, and John. Two years ago, Joanna and her husband, Dave, enrolled their school-aged children at CDS—but their history with the school goes all the way to its very beginning. If you see Dave, be sure to ask him what it was like to be part of Covenant Day’s inaugural class in 1989 as a fifth-grade student! The Reules don’t have much downtime, but when they do catch a break, they enjoy getting together with friends, staying active at their church, and of course, eating good food! WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG

The term “sight unseen” took on a new meaning last year for the Daffurn Family when they moved to Charlotte from the United Kingdom and enrolled their twins, Micah and Jonah, at CDS without ever stepping foot on campus. The first few months were a roller coaster ride as they looked for a home, waited on their belongings, and recovered from jet lag, but the routine of school and the care received from CDS made for a smooth transition. But that’s not to say there weren’t some adjustments. Christine Daffurn recalled that it took a while for the twins to get used to hearing a Southern accent and sorting out the different meanings for some common words such as football (soccer) and rubbish (trash), but after nearly a year here, everyone is well adjusted and happy. “In the UK, we do not have schools that offer a Christian education to the same extent as CDS,” Christine said. “We have found the staff to be incredibly nurturing and supportive of our boys. We feel the way that our children are loved and cared for at CDS is truly unique.”

We love staying connected with our alumni families! Joy Groves is the proud parent of three Covenant Day alumni, Brian (’08), Logan (’10), and Laura Grace (’15). She is also mother-in-law to two alumnae and sisters, Olivia Hyatt (’09) and Madeline Hyatt (’10). Joy and her husband Stephen reflected on their time at Covenant Day and were grateful for the impact the school has made on their family over the years. “We found that the CDS community, faculty, staff, as well as other families, were supportive of our mutual Christian faith and values,” she said. “Covenant Day has a way of coming alongside families and strengthening them. Parenting isn’t always easy, but we definitely felt the support of CDS, and it strongly impacted our family.” In her free time, Joy volunteers with the Augustine Project, a local non-profit that trains tutors to help students in low-income schools with literacy. She also has two grandchildren and is awaiting the arrival of her third grandchild in late May. COVENANT CLASSIC | 2020 5


u r C U LT Y oFA

Our faculty are more than educators. They are mentors, coaches, encouragers, and role models. They have a passion for teaching students and walking with them as they ask tough questions and grow in their relationships with Christ. They have families, hobbies, and talents. Check out their stories to learn more about four of our very own: Dr. Beca Burnett, Jake Schuster, Martin Molendyk, and Jennifer Coleman.

Our community welcomed a new face last August when DR. BECA BURNETT joined the staff as our first Cross Cultural Coordinator. Beca moved to Charlotte from Southern California last summer with her husband Brian, a professor at UNC Charlotte, and children Natalie (1st) and Dayton (5th). She was attracted to Covenant Day because of the balance between strong academics and Biblical integration. As an employee, Beca has been able to experience this firsthand. ”I believe the commitment that staff and faculty have made to honor the Lord in everything they do is a key to the uniqueness of CDS,” she said. In her role, Beca has the unique opportunity to work with parents and students in all grade levels. On the weekends, the Burnetts are a family on the go! They enjoy sports, music, being outdoors, reading, board games, and legos.

After teaching in public school, JAKE SCHUSTER loves that he is now able to talk about God with his students. “At Covenant Day, there is a bond beyond earthly things,” Jake said. “Our community of believers makes it easy to help each other get through things.” Since 2017, Jake has taught earth science, e-commerce, and strength and conditioning in the middle school. He has also coached baseball and track. When he’s not in the classroom or coaching, Jake enjoys playing games with his wife, such as Monopoly Deal and Settlers of Catan, reading, going to the movies, and watching sports (especially the Green Bay Packers). Jake is also a personal trainer. He enjoys working out with some of the middle school teachers, playing basketball and tennis, and roller blading.

Working with great people makes all the difference, especially when they love math, students, and teaching math to students! MARTIN MOLENDYK joined Covenant Day in 2018 to teach pre-calculus and AP Calculus BC. Additionally, he was selected as the TK-12 Math Chairperson in 2019. When asked what initially attracted him to Covenant Day, Martin said, “The opportunity to teach in an academically rigorous environment where the gospel is prioritized in the greater Charlotte area was what made CDS a wonderful fit for my family.” When they’re not at Covenant Day, the Molendyks love to watch movies, camp, hike, or get together with friends. Martin is also a self-professed “tinkerer” and enjoys working on carpentry or handyman projects around the house.

A lot has changed since JENNIFER COLEMAN joined the faculty at Covenant Day in 1991, but her motto “Fun in Fourth!” remains the same. Known for her funny faces and weird voices, Jennifer taught fourth grade for five years before moving away for a short season. When she came back, Jennifer was hired as the first teacher assistant for grades 3-5. Twelve years ago, the door opened for her to teach in fourth grade again. Jennifer moved back into her first classroom and has been there ever since! In her free time, Jennifer likes to read, scrapbook, be with friends, and play games with her family. Last summer, she and her husband Ron helped launch a church plant, Redeemer Church. Fun fact: Jennifer’s grandmother is 104 and taught for over fifty years. Even though Jennifer is competitive, she assures WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG us, “I am not planning on beating her record.”








FEATURES Our students play a huge role in making the Covenant Day community what it is. Each of our students has a unique story to share. Their stories of serving others, being salt and light, using their gifts, and making an impact on campus and in the community are encouraging and inspirational. Enjoy getting to know some of the incredible students who make up our student body. SENIOR JACK I E H AYN ES has made a profound mark on Covenant Day over the years while serving as a student leader in a variety of capacities. She has traveled to Haiti to build aquaponics systems, played a key role in planning the annual Sustainability Clay Shoot, served as the host of Covenant Day’s CDS Stories podcast for the past two years, traveled to South Dakota with ContainIt, and has played three sports each year at CDS since sixth grade. This past summer, she interned at an Immunology Lab at Stanford. Her servant’s heart for our school community, Charlotte, and the world is powerful.

CH RI S CU LP (7TH) is in his first year at Covenant Day and has already made his mark on our growing basketball program. He has been playing basketball since first grade and also plays for CP3 Elite 2025; a top nationally ranked basketball team. While Chris is determined and disciplined, he also understands the importance of simply enjoying the moments on and off the court with his teammates.

JUN I OR H A N N A H BE T H BROWN is using her gift of writing as a way to bless and encourage teenage girls. For her senior project, Hannah Beth is writing a devotional book with a hope that the girls who read it will grow in their relationship with God as they begin to know Him on a deeper level. Through this process, Hannah Beth has not only learned more about herself but has discovered more about God as she grows in her relationship with Him. Give E VA N S CH M I DT (6T H ) a word, and chances are, he can spell it on the spot! Evan placed first in Covenant Day’s Annual Spelling Bee before going on to finish fourth at the Charlotte Independent School Spelling Bee in January.

SOPHOMOR E EMERY VAN VO ORH I S recognized that middle school could be a tricky time for girls as they find themselves stuck in cliques, which prevents them from developing meaningful friendships with other girls. She responded by creating Meet Me in the Middle to open relationships and build community between girls in eighth grade and high school. She desires to help create a smoother transition to high school by providing a safe space for middle school girls to learn about high school, have fun, laugh, share personal experiences, study the Bible, and pray for each other. J U N I OR C ATH ERINE TANG began playing the flute as a student in China eight years ago. Two years ago, she brought her talents to Covenant Day. Catherine is a member of the symphonic band, played in the orchestra for Tuck Everlasting and Phantom of the Opera and was chosen to represent Covenant Day in the all-district and NCAIS honor bands. Catherine serves as the Vice President for Covenant Day’s Mosaic Multicultural Club and is a member of ContainIt, Beta Club, National Honor Society, and Tri-M Honor Society. 8


After seeing a modern take on The Nutcracker, S H AW M O R A N (8T H ) decided to put her dance skills to use in a unique way: performing in the air. As an aerial performer, Shaw has performed in multiple spring showcases at Carolina Calouche and Company and Covenant Day’s Tarzan Jr. and Frozen Jr. WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG

TR EY MERKEY (7T H ) loves all things science, especially chemistry! He enjoys experimenting with chemical reactions, such as watching when low voltage high current is applied through a pencil, the graphite heats up, and the pencil smokes and catches fire. After the pencil is burned away, the graphite can be used for making aluminum. “God is at work in chemistry because when you combine two or more elements from His creation, they turn into something else or something else happens,” he said.

Whether it’s swimming competitively or exploring by the creek behind his house, J O S H UA PE TE RSON (3RD) , loves being around water and nature. Joshua, who hopes to swim for Covenant Day one day, has been swimming since he was three and loves diving, playing in the woods, and climbing the cherry tree in his front yard. AMELI A JO RDA N (8T H ) has been taking ballet classes since she was two years old. As a member of The Charlotte City Ballet Company, Amelia performs in Prelude to the Holiday and a production in the spring each year. She has also brought her talent to the Lions Theater, having played roles in Covenant Day’s performances of Lion King Jr., Tarzan Jr., Phantom of the Opera, and Frozen Jr.

Instead of moving into dorms at the end of this summer, S EN I O R K AT H E R I NE N EI L will pack her bags for East Charlotte. Katherine will be taking a gap year to serve with Project 658 as an after school teacher. She will also spend two days a week in classrooms at two different local elementary schools and live in the very community that she serves every day. “God calls us to serve the nations, and the nations are right here in Charlotte,” Katherine said. “Continuing to walk alongside this community in relationships and spread the Gospel brings me so much joy!”

SOPHIE C R OUF ER (3RD ) is well on her way to building an impressive resume. At the age of eight, Sophie is fluent in three languages, a ballerina at Harris Dance Company, and spends summers riding horses at Leg Up Equestrian. At home, she has a library with books written in French, English, and Portuguese. She loves performing in The Nutcracker every year, and her favorite horses are Wait Ups and Riffraff. J U NI OR N I CK BASH loves bringing images to life through filmmaking. He is currently an independent study student under David Johnson, CDS Digital Storytelling teacher and founder of Silent Images. Last semester, he wrote and directed a narrative film that followed an aspiring painter who is struggling with the question, “What is the purpose of art?” Nick has wanted to pursue filmmaking as a hobby and profession since he was four years old. He desires to bring light into the world and leave a positive impact on his audience. WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG



Michael Eubanks joined the Covenant Day faculty last fall by way of the Children’s Theatre of Charlotte and will serve as the Theater Director beginning in the fall. One of his first impressions was how welcome he felt at the school. “I saw how teaching in a place of worship changes how people interact with one another, and it’s with compassion,” Michael said. Michael directed a play, alongside Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, that Covenant Day’s Auditioned Theater class performed at the North Carolina Theatre Conference play competition this past fall. He also was selected to direct the spring high school drama, Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles. During his short time at Covenant Day, Michael has already seen the beauty of the Covenant Day community. “The community at CDS is amazing. Everyone is friendly; everyone is kind,” he said. “When you walk through the halls, you are met with warm smiles and uplifted spirits. The students are respectful, intelligent, and extremely creative. The teachers care about the students, and the students care about each other. Everyone is so determined in their faith, and this school does a wonderful job of sharing the love of the Lord, and it is absolutely refreshing.” It has been inspiring for Michael to watch the creativity and talent of our theater students and see what ideas they come up with and how they adapt their scenes. When Michael is not living, breathing, and eating theater, he enjoys visiting family and friends and the occasional vacation. 10


Distinguished artist Michelle Long directed this year’s high school musical, Tuck Everlasting. She was joined by her husband and Broadway producer, Bruce Long, who did the light, sound, and set design. WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG

COMMUNITY THROUGH THEATER Inspired by theater from the moment she stepped foot on stage, Cami Waters ’16, got her start at Covenant Day performing in The Curious Savage, Seussical, Beauty and the Beast, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, and Fiddler on the Roof. At Covenant Day, she discovered the powerful community found in theater. “As the Arts Department grew, so did I,” she said. “It gave me the opportunity to envision a future in the arts.” After graduation, she brought her passions, talents, and willingness to grow to Anderson University. Her classes have given her opportunities to develop as she applies what she has learned to her auditions, class scenes, and performances while also developing an appreciation for other areas of theater. For Cami, her love for theater centers around community. “It allows people to come together, become vulnerable, and feel something out of each moment of a performance,” she said. After graduation, Cami plans to refine her craft at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts. She hopes to eventually use her gifts to work with underprivileged children, making an impact through Theater Therapy.

SHARING HER VOICE For Erin Molendyk (4th), singing brings her both happiness and joy, especially when she’s singing her favorite song, “Fight Song.” Through her involvement in Covenant Day’s Lower School Choir, Erin has learned that singing is a way to worship the Lord, and it should always be about the Lord, rather than ourselves. In addition to singing at Covenant Day, Erin previously used her talents as a member of the Christ Covenant Church Children’s Choir.

THE SOUND OF PASSION Through band, Michael Marcus, Jr. (8th) has learned the importance of pushing his limits as he tackles new pieces of music, develops creativity, and discovers the meaning behind different songs. Michael, who is in his first year at Covenant Day, started his musical journey on the flute two years ago. For Michael, different pieces of music serve as encouragement and reminders. “The Tempest” and “Salvation is Created” are two of his favorite pieces. “‘The Tempest’ reminds me of a battle, and I can relate that to the mental battles that I’ve had in my past,” he shared. “I also enjoy ‘Salvation is Created’ because it reminds me of the satisfying and calming feeling that salvation from God brings me.”


Her love for art was passed down at an early age by her grandfather, who loved painting and encouraged the pursuit of creativity. Today, senior Liv Coggins uses art as a way to share her thoughts and emotions and express her Christian worldview. “I have always loved creativity, but my art teachers at Covenant Day showed me how to cultivate that love into skills through experimenting and practicing techniques,” she said. This year, she focused on simplicity, showing that even through utilizing just pen and ink, complex emotion can be captured and understood. “I hope to inspire others to find their voice to express what they are feeling and thinking,” she said. “As Christians, it is important to empathize with those who are hurting. I hope that my art makes others feel understood and can serve as a basis for healing.” WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG




OWNING THE CHANGE If you weren’t there to witness it, it may be hard to believe that one basketball team could experience such a radical transformation in just two short years. Covenant Day varsity basketball finished the 2017-2018 season with only three wins. Many of the players felt defeated and discouraged “WE WORK HARD AND ARE and wondered DISCIPLINED ON AND OFF if it was worth THE COURT, AND WE MAKE it. Coach SACRIFICES BECAUSE THAT IS Parrish, who A NECESSARY PART OF BEING was in his first year at GREAT.” Covenant Day, - COACH MARTY PARRISH inherited a team that desired change and had an incredible amount of potential but was struggling to finish games with a win. During his second season, Coach Parrish tasked his team with owning the change that they wanted to see and making it stick. The players worked hard, made improvements, and began to grow hopeful. It was season three that would make school history. 12


With a mix of humble team veterans and some new talent, this year’s basketball season took off with an exceptional start, getting fans hyped and the town talking. With a total of 17 wins, including five conference wins, Covenant Day varsity basketball wrapped up the season tied for the most victories in school history. The team broke multiple records since moving into the CISAA conference, including claiming the most conference wins and highest regular season finish. Freshman Aden Holloway finished the season as an All-State and AllConference player and senior Thomas Hailey received All-Conference honors. “The willingness of these guys over the last three years has taken potential and turned it into realized success,” Coach Parrish said. “I’ve been congratulated at restaurants and gas stations, by people I don’t know, and by local coaches and athletic directors on the transformation and a great season.” The team culture certainly contributed to the success of this season. After years of making changes and trying to define the culture, the team reached a stage where it was finally able to focus on entrenching the one that had WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG

been created. The players stepped up and left their egos at the door to play as a team, creating a season to remember. The team veterans were steady and encouraging; the new players brought a refreshing energy; and the international students encouraged humility, reminding the team that there are people all over the world looking for an opportunity like they have. The bleachers also saw significant growth as hundreds of students, parents, grandparents, and friends showed up, decked out in CDS gear, to provide a new energy in the gym. “The Covenant Crazies ramped it up, providing electric game nights in the Lions Den,” Coach Parrish said. “We even gained a ‘Little Crazies’ crew of about 20 lower

school students who sat on the front row and made themselves heard the entire game. In short, the new atmosphere is amazing.” And while players, coaches, and fans have loved being a part of a winning season, it means more than that to our coaching staff. “My larger, long-term goal is to be a stepping stone along the path of these guys becoming great fathers, husbands, employees, business owners, and overall good Christian men,” Coach Parrish said. “We won’t remember too many games or scores, but we’ll remember the journey. That is where our process as men begins to take shape and will likely determine how we lead our families. I’d love to be at their weddings.”

JACOB DAHLBERG It would have been easy for three-year starter senior Jacob Dahlberg to step away from basketball after enduring dozens of defeats, but he remained committed and motivated by Coach Parrish and the thought of what the team could be. “It was tough playing for the team my first three years, but Coach Parrish kept telling us to change the culture, and we stuck with it,” he said. “I learned a lot about patience. There were times I could have stepped away from the program, but I stayed loyal and was blessed with this as my senior season.” As a four-year varsity basketball player, Jacob stepped up to the challenge of being a team leader with a willingness to be used in whatever capacity he was needed and committed to pushing and supporting his teammates. With new talent, Jacob knew he wouldn’t have as much action on the ball, so he met with Coach Parrish to see how he could make the most impact and determined to put his energy toward the defensive end and to keep his teammates focused and encouraged. He played an essential role in developing the new team culture. “This team didn’t have any big egos, and it was never an ‘I’ thing as much as a ‘we’ thing,” he said. “This team was much more of a family and everyone pushed each other to be as successful as we could.” Coach Parrish credits Jacob on keeping the team grounded. “He led with a spirit that took hold in the rest of the guys, so that we all worked with a collective purpose and stayed humble throughout.”


Freshman Aden Holloway was looking for a school where he could receive a strong academic education while making an impact on a growing basketball program with a competitive conference schedule. In his first year at Covenant Day, it is impossible not to see the exceptional impact he has already made as an incoming freshman. “Aden is a special kid—I mean SPECIAL,” Coach Parrish said. “It is hard to tell sometimes because he is very humble and carries a very kind, loving spirit along with him. There is not a player in the city of Charlotte that had the same level of impact on a team or program as Aden had on Covenant Day basketball this year.” Finishing the season as an All-State and All-Conference player, Aden learned a lot in his first season of high school basketball. “There were ups and downs throughout the season, but at the end of the day, I wouldn’t change a thing,” he said. “Coach Parrish has taught me a lot, helping me on and off the court. He has taught us about the importance of family, what it looks like to be a man, and to pay attention to the details.” In addition to the hard work and talent, it was the positive team culture that made an impact on this season. “We were together and never left anyone behind. We were always supportive of each other, no matter what. But if someone made a mistake, we would hold each other accountable. Those are my brothers. I am thankful for all of them.”





NEW ALUMNI COUNCIL Covenant Day is excited to introduce its first-ever Alumni Council. The council, which will help with alumni events and new initiatives, was formed with a desire to further the growth of our alumni in their pursuit of following Christ, serving others, pursuing wisdom, communicating effectively, learning purposefully, and engaging the culture. Meet the nine alumni who make up our first Alumni Council.

David Loman ‘11

Day Job | Master Trainer & Nutrition Coach at LifeTime Athletic Charlotte | Alma Mater | N.C. State | Why Behind the What | Adding value to people’s lives by uplifing and encouraging them | CDS Memory | Playing soccer and golf | Hobbies | Golf, tennis, hiking, and listening to podcasts | Involvement | Weekly Men’s Bible Study, Elevation Church, Messenger International

Kayla Osterhus Cherry ‘10 Day Job | Associate Director for First-Year Admissions at Wingate | Alma Mater | Wingate | Why Behind the What | A passion for helping families through the often overwhelming and confusing college search process | CDS Memory | Senior class cruise | Hobbies | Traveling, spending time at the beach, and hosting family and friends for meals and game nights | Involvement | Board Member for Butler High School Academy of Health Sciences, Church Small Groups

Katie Core Reid ‘10 Day Job | Resource Management Specialist at Deloitte | Alma Mater | Furman | Why Behind the What | A love for interacting with people every day, while also having the opportunity to learn and be challenged | CDS Memory | Senior class gatherings like the senior trip and graduation events | Hobbies | Traveling, being outdoors hiking and biking, cooking, and spending time with family, friends, and pets | Involvement | Young Adults at Uptown Church

Kengnjisu (KJ) Fon-Ndikum ‘13 Day Job | Investor Relations Consultant at IHS Markit | Alma Mater | N.C. State | Why Behind the What | Being part of a great team where everyone helps one another succeed to accomplish team goals | CDS Memory | Connections made during senior cry night at Windy Gap | Hobbies | Playing and watching sports, listening to podcasts, movies and comics, video games, and spending time with friends | Involvement | Alumni member of the N.C. State Cheer Team and the Interview Committee and Training & Development Committee at IHS Markit 14



Ashley Hargette Schroeder ‘11 Day Job | Corporate Events and Activation Senior Analyst at Lowe’s | Alma Mater | Elon | Why Behind the What | A love for planning behind-the-scenes details and seeing the joy attendees have when it has all come to fruition | CDS Memory | Senior year volleyball season | Hobbies | Hanging out with Cooper, her instagram-famous golden retriever, reading (12 books into her 2020 goal of 52), and traveling

Ryan Misenheimer ‘06 Day Job | Assurance Services Manager at GreenWalker LLP | Alma Mater | Grove City College | Why Behind the What | The opportunity to learn, teach, and solve problems | CDS Memory | Senior year soccer and going to London with a small group of students and the Regos | Hobbies | Rock climbing, hiking, biking, and reading | Involvement | Church

Mackenzie Moser ‘12 Day Job | Broker at The Moser Group Inc. | Alma Mater | Clemson | Why Behind the What | A desire to help create better places to live, work, and play | CDS Memory | Spirit week and athletics | Hobbies | Hiking, surfing, scuba diving, tennis, roller blading, and spending time with family and friends | Involvement | Young Life Leader

Michael Henry ‘14 Tom Crouch ‘16 Day Job | Project Manager at The Moser Group Inc. | Alma Mater | Clemson | Why Behind the What | The ability to work both outside and in an office | CDS Memory | Playing volleyball with teachers and friends at Windy Gap | Hobbies | Being at the lake, wake boarding, and surfing | Involvement | Church Small Group WWW.COVENANTDAY.ORG

Day Job | Project Engineer at JE Dunn Construction | Alma Mater | Clemson (BS & MBA) | Why Behind the What | The relational side of the industry and being able to see buildings you had a hand in getting from concept to finished product | CDS Memory | Baseball season | Hobbies | Real estate and real estate investing, aviation and flying, and exploring outdoors COVENANT CLASSIC | 2020





Bill Hawks and his wife, Jordan, welcomed their daughter, Audrey Joyce Hawks, on October 26. They reside in Charlotte. Whitney (Tapp) Jordan and her husband, Kyle, welcomed their son, Richard “Wyatt” Jordan, on February 24. The family of three resides in Charleston, S.C.


Madeline (Sullivan) Concepcion and her husband, Jose, welcomed their daughter, Harper Kelly Concepcion, on November 11. The family lives in Midland.


Megan Harrelson married Fergus Cheung on December 28. She is finishing her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at Kennedy Krieger Institute and Fergus is stationed at Ft. Bragg.

Brennan McCarthy married Rachel in Chicago on December 7. The couple resides in Colorado Springs.


Scott Hiller is engaged to his high school sweetheart, Madeline Bennett. Hannah (Ertel) Hodge married Sam Hodge on January 11. The couple lives in Memphis. Lexie (Moser) Crouch and Tom Crouch got married on December 14. There were 12 alumni in their wedding party from five graduating classes. The photographer and videographer were also alumni.


Maddie Coggins is engaged to John Paul Ogle.


Cory Ernsberger and Josh Davey are in the U.S. Marine Corps and recently completed cold weather training and are both stationed at Camp Lejuene.

CLASS NOTES We would love to know about the important milestones in your life - weddings, engagements, births, honors, and awards. Submit your class notes for the Classic at

Travis Pagels married Abbey on February 22. Travis works as the Director of Lighting Operations for Events/com. Natalie (Weir) Palmer and Duncan Palmer welcomed their baby girl, Olivia St. Clair Palmer, on April 2. Mary (Melton) Lockhart and her husband, Stuart, welcomed their son, Jack Stuart Lockhart, on February 10. The family lives in Simpsonville, S.C.

Hawks ‘07

Jordan ‘07

Concepcion ‘08

Harrelson ‘10


Josh Batson married Abby Diamond on February 29. They live in Charlotte. Ashley (Hargette) Schroeder married Brandon on March 29 in an intimate ceremony with their families in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Pagels ‘10

Palmer ‘10

Lockhart ‘10

Batson ‘11


Catherine (Crouch) Ness married Isaac Ness on Leap Day, February 29.


Schroeder ‘11

Ness ‘13

Hunkler ‘15

Langley ‘15

McCarthy ‘15

Chad Hunkler is engaged to Caitlin Wall and is planning an October wedding. Roni Langley started her own business and in a year has sold art pieces to all 50 states and 18 other countries. She uses her social media platform of more than 70,000 followers (@rll.designs) to spread awareness for ocean conservation. 16


Hiller ‘16

Hodge ‘16

Crouch ‘16

Coggins ‘17

Davey ‘18 Ernsberger ‘18



COVENANT | 2019 17 Artwork byCLASSIC Senior Emily Keefer



800 Fullwood Lane Matthews, NC 28105 (704) 847-2385


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