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Cove Lotto
Cove Rangers FC is relaunching and revamping the club lottery.
We have linked-up with OUR CLUB LOTTO, an organisation which runs highly successful lotteries for various clubs, to come up with a new game which offers big prizes, and will benefit the club every time you play.
Cove Rangers FC Lotto will be drawn for the first time on Wednesday, November 2nd 2022.
Each entry costs just £1.00 per week, but you can buy as many lines as you wish up to a maximum of twenty-five lines. The aim is to match all four numbers, selected from 1-25.
Players choose their numbers, or go for the Lucky Dip option, online, and for your convenience, there is the option to buy for up to fifty-two weeks in advance. The weekly prize starts at £500, with a second prize of £50, but it rolls over in the same way as the UK National Lottery does, rising in £50 increments each week it is not won, up to a maximum of £20,000.
To help launch the new project, there will be a bumper first weekly prize for the November 2nd draw, beginning at £2,000.
This is an important area of fundraising for Cove Rangers FC, and crucially, all proceeds go directly to the club.
Further details can be found at Cove’s Our Club Lotto website: ourclublotto.co.uk/play/coverangersfc
We hope you will join us in this exciting new venture.
The existing scheme will be wound up when we next have a winner for the current weekly draw.
Good luck, and please spread the word!