Job Opportunity

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JobOppor t uni t y Duet oexpansi onCover edMagaz i nenow r equi r es

3xPar tTi meAccountExecut i ves Br i ght ,ar t i cul at epeopl er equi r edt osel ladver t i si ngspaceandmedi a pr omot i onst ol ocalandr egi onalSME’ s.Basedatourof f i cesi nLS16you wi l lber equi r edt obui l dandmai nt ai ngoodr el at i onshi pswi t hourcl i ent s. Mustbeabl et ocol dcal l .Of f i cebasedwi t ht heoppor t uni t yt owor ki nt he f i el d.Knowl edgeofmedi asal eshel pf ulbutnotessent i al .Par tt i mehour s t osui tbet ween9: 15am -5pm.

22. 5Hour sperweekwi t hopt i ont owor kf ul l t i me.

BASI C+GOODCOMMI SSI ON-OTE:£20, 000pa Pl easeemai lCVandcover i ngl et t ert o: chr i s@cover edmagaz i ne. net

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