5 minute read

Uniquely Situated


Growing up in urban Oakland, California, Mari Chinn never imagined a future intertwined with agriculture.


Before receiving her Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in biosystems engineering, her perspectives of farming primarily included highway views, Chinn said.

Now, Chinn heads the OSU Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering within the Ferguson College of Agriculture and the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology. She also serves as the interim director of the Biobased Products and Energy Center.

Since starting in January 2021, Chinn has used her specialized research knowledge along with her personal background to lead a complex department, she said.

“I would be on golf courses with nut trees, smell the cow pastures, and see the flooded areas going from Oakland to Tahoe as part of my unwitting knowledge of agriculture,” Chinn said. “I liked biology and math, so I did undergraduate research in the department of biological and agricultural engineering at the University of California, Davis.

“I received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship,” she said. “It allowed me to branch out into different spaces.”

As a master’s student and later a doctoral student at the University of Kentucky, she gained a deeper understanding for agriculture through her microbial research pursuits and the sheer proximity of farms, she said. California, Kentucky and North After completing her degrees, she pur- Carolina, Chinn brings a rich backsued a professorship at North Carolina ground to her position at OSU, said State University, where she stayed for Ron Elliott, BAE department head 18 years. emeritus. As the first woman and first

“Then, someone from Oklahoma person of color to lead the department, State called,” Chinn said. “I saw the she serves as an outstanding role modpotential to have a leadership role out- el, he added. side of my own research and teaching.” Danielle Bellmer, BAE professor,

Chinn has a said, 20 years ago widespread im- she was the first pact across BAE by SHE IS THE KIND OF female faculty assisting faculty and member in BAE. graduate students PERSON YOU WANT “When I started, with research and there were only grant applications, said Randy Raper, TO WORK FOR YOUR four female faculty members in OSU Ag Research assistant director. ENTIRE LIFE. the whole College of Engineering,

“The students JANA MOORE Architecture and faculty alike and Technology,” respect her,” Raper Bellmer said. said. “She is engaging and has been “Today in BAE, it is close to 50% fecreating a common vision for people to male in both faculty and students.” work toward.” A lot of people in leadership put

He said Chinn’s vision includes up walls or lose their personality, building up the agricultural systems but Chinn does not, Bellmer said. technology program, a new major Chinn’s leadership style is marked by housed within BAE. Although the transparency, honesty and communiprogram was in development before ty-building, she said. her arrival, Chinn spent time asking “It takes time to break through questions to solve problems before stereotypes and allow time for people they arose, Raper said. to see role models,” Bellmer said. “Dr.

“What is really engaging about Dr. Chinn is certainly one for a lot of peoChinn is she didn’t come from a rural ple these days.” background, but she recognized the Another hallmark of Chinn is being part of agriculture she could identify a good listener, Bellmer said. Making with,” Raper said. “She’s been able to sure to get input from everyone, espemake an impact and be a role model for cially those who typically might not other people who are similar.” speak up, allows for different perspec-

With academic experience in tives to be heard, Bellmer added.

Mari Chinn (left) and her three kids, Dakota, 12, Cody, 10, and Carson, 10, cheer on the OSU Cowboy Football Team during the 2021 season. Photo courtesy of Mari Chinn.

“I do recognize that even though it’s never my intent to be a model for anybody, it does help for many young women and young women minorities to see if I’m in this position, they can be, too,” Chinn said.

As someone who has worked in the department through multiple department heads, Jana Moore, BAE undergraduate academic program coordinator, remarked Chinn has a unique ability to connect with others.

“Dr. Chinn just has an energy that makes you excited to work for and alongside her,” Moore said. “When you feel seen and are working toward a common goal, it is a very comfortable environment.”

Chinn’s ability to put an emphasis on camaraderie for faculty and staff has been well received, Moore said.

“Watching her interact with longtime donors her first year was almost baffling because Chinn did it so well,” Moore said. “She shows you do not need to be an alumnus yourself to connect with the Ferguson family, and she showed the department’s deep appreciation with excellence.”

As someone not from a rural background herself, Moore said Chinn represents an accurate swath of students who are not rural either.

“When I meet with prospective students, they sometimes ask if they will fit in without a commercial agriculture background,” Moore said. “It is great to be able to let them know the department head grew up in the city and represents agriculture and engineering so well.”

Growing up a golfer, basketball player and involved community member, Chinn said she loved where and how she grew up.

“I don’t deny any one aspect of my identity and neither does the department,” Chinn said. “What I can offer with my cultural experiences and living as a mixed-race person is being open to everyone and anyone.”

The department is an integration of agriculture, life sciences and engineering, Chinn said.

The faculty, staff and students in BAE work together to make a difference in people’s lives, she added.

“Dr. Chinn really has brought a new life to the department,” Moore said. “She is the kind of person you want to work for your entire life.”

Chinn’s care for people, work-life balance, strong focus, impressive intellect, and passion for biosystems and agricultural engineering are just a few of her characteristics that inspire those around her, Elliott said.

“Why do I do what I do?” Chinn asked. “I always want to try to add value to people’s lives. That’s the one reason I do what I do.”


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