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Gray’s Sporting Journal

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Vice President / Publisher

John Lunn

Associate Publisher / Editor

Michael Floyd (706) 231-0826 / mike. oyd@morris.com


Wayne Knight, Art Director

Terry Wieland, Shooting Editor

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Contributing Editors

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Pete Fromm E. Donnall omas Jr.

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Write to the Editor editor@grayssportingjournal.com


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Back Issues: (706) 823-3526

A Publication of MCC Magazines, LLC a division of Morris Communications Company, LLC 735 Broad St., Augusta, GA 30901

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Morris Communications Company, LLC

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©2023 by MCC Magazines, LLC. All rights reserved. Gray’s Sporting Journal (ISSN 0273-6691) is published seven times a year in April, May/June, August, September, October, November/December, and January/Expeditions issues by MCC Magazines, LLC, 643 Broad St., Augusta, GA 30901. Subscriptions are $39.95 for one year, $68 for two years. Canada and Mexico add $20 per year (U.S. funds only). Outside North America, add $40 per year (U.S. funds only). Periodicals postage paid at Augusta, GA, and additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to Gray’s Sporting Journal, PO Box 37131, Boone, IA 50037-4131

Contributions in the form of manuscripts or photographs will be gladly considered for publication. A self-addressed, stamped envelope of the proper size must accompany each submission. Please write for editorial guidelines if submitting for the rst time, and enclose a SASE; this is very important. We cannot guarantee against damage or loss of materials submitted, but we take great care in handling all submissions.

Address all correspondence to Gray’s Sporting Journal, P.O. Box 1207, Augusta, GA 30903-1207. For subscription inquiries or if you do not wish to have your name provided to quali ed users of our mailing list, call 1-800-288-5892.

Gray’s Sporting Journal may not be photocopied or otherwise reproduced without express written permission from the Publisher. First published September 1975.

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