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From the NRCHYA
The Celebration of Champions kicks off another year for the Youth.
This year at the 2022 Kalpowar Quarter Horses Celebration of Champions, the National Reined Cow Horse Youth Association had many activities to keep us busy, including the annual Youth meeting, held February 18. We elected new officers and professional horseman Clinton Anderson gave an inspirational speech. He talked about hard work and how he found his career in life. It was a great speech and had many great points for the Youth to take away and apply to their own lives. The NRCHYA thanks Clinton for taking the time to talk to the Youth members and share some of his wisdom!
In addition to Clinton’s speech, we elected new officers and representatives during the meeting. All Youth members were invited to the meeting and to vote for the new officers. Your 2022 NRCHYA officers are:
More than 700 pounds of canned goods were donated to a Fort Worth area food pantry by the NRCHYA members.
President: Landri Lisac Vice-President: Cutter McLaughlin Secretary: Grace Gardiner Reporter: Tylor Todd Treasurer: Ainsley Stapelfeldt REPRESENTATIVES
Northeast: Hailey Saffert Southeast: Isabelle Gonzalez North Central: Chole Northwest: Landon Luce Southwest: Bryce Barkemeyer South Central: Boyd Wilson Canadian: Tyree Swales High School Rodeo: Cecelia Sanchez
Lastly, this year Youth members collected items for a local food pantry through a canned food drive. They brought in 10 canned food items, and in exchange they received a Youth stall reimbursed. The members have been doing this for the past couple of years, but this year the number of cans brought in totaled more than 700 pounds of food to donate!
We are so excited to start our new show season with new officers and regional representatives and can’t wait to share some of our projects! As always, we would like to thank our youth advisors: Elizabeth Ellis, Todd Crawford and Sarah Clymer. —Tylor Todd, reporter