266 extra heavy duty, straight stitch and zig zag sewing machine

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9266Ex t r aheav ydut y ,s t r ai ghts t i t c handZi gZag s ewi ngmac hi ne,wi t hl ar gef r ont l oadi ngBar r el s hut t l ehookandbobbi nc apac i t y ,f orheav y&ex t r a heav ywei ghtmat er i al sandt hi c ks ewi ngt hr ead Theheav i es ti ndus t r i al z i gz ags ewi ngmac hi nei n t odaymar k et ! HI GHTEX9266i sanext r aheavydut yzi gzagsewi ngmachi newi t hl ar gebar r elshut t l ehookf orwel tseams,Zi gZag,st r ai ghtst i t ch andcoar sest i t chi ngoper at i ons,decor at i veseamsonheavyt oext r aheavymat er i al susedi nt hemanuf act ur i ngofboatsai l s,par achut es,car pet s,sof asandf ur ni t ur e,mar i neuphol st er y,qui l t s,t ar paul i n,cover s,t ent s,t r ampol i nes,l eat herandf oot weari ndust r i es. Ahi ghf ootl i f tcl ear anceofupt o20mm al l owsf orheavy&bul kymat er i alt obesewn.Thef ootl i f t ermechani sm i spneumat i cal l y assi st edandl i f t saut omat i cal l y. Theext r al ar geshut t l ehookandbobbi ncapaci t yr educest henumberofbobbi nchangesandof f erhi ghef f i ci encyi nsewi ngpr oduct susi ngext r at hi ckt hr eadupt osi zeV207( i ncl udi ngsi zesV69,V92, V138et c) . Theposi t i onoft heneedl ei scont r ol l edbyanel ect r oni cneedl eposi t i onser vomot or&cont r ol l er .Thi swi l laut omat i cal l yputt he needl ei nanUPorDOWNposi t i onatt heendofasewi ngcycl e:r educi ngt heneedt ouset hemanualhandwheel .Theel ect r oni cs al socont r olt heaut omat i cf ootl i f t i ng&r ever sedevi ces.

Adv ant ages : ▲Ext r aheavydut yZi gzagsewi ng

▲Lar ge204st yl eshut t l ehook

▲Upt o12mm l ar geZi gzagwi dt h

▲Upt o10mm st i t chl engt h

▲Thi ckThr eadupt oV207

▲Bi gNeedl eupt o#230

Ty pi c al I ndus t r i al Sewi ngAppl i c at i ons : ▲Sai l smaki ngandr epai r i ng:f orsewi ngheavysai l s,t hi ckcor ner s pat chesandheavywebbi ngr ei nf or cement ; ▲Par achut esmanuf act ur i ng:speci al i zei nsewi ngheavi ert hr eadusedi n t hemanuf act ur eandr epai rofpar achut ehar nesses.Adj ust i ngt hest i t ch r egul at oral l owst her i ggert odoanaccept abl ej obsewi ngbart acks; ▲Car pet sandr ugspr oduct i on:j oi ni ngcar pet sbyt hezi gzagst i t chand bi ndi ngcar petedges; ▲Shoesmaki ng:wel tseams,zi gzag,st r ai ghtandcoar sest i t chi ngoper at i onsi npr oduct i onsofshoesandf oot wear ; ▲Fur ni t ur euphol st er i ng:t hi ckt hr eaddecor at i veseamsonuphol st er y

Opt i onal Dev i c es : ▲El ect r oni cneedl eposi t i onmot or ▲Bui l t i nPul l erf eeddevi ce ▲Aut opneumat i cf ootl i f t erdevi ce ▲Aut opneumat i cr ever se/backt ackdevi ce ▲Hookl ubr i cat i onandcool i ngsyst em ▲Needl ecool er( avoi dneedl ebr eakage&t hr eadbur n) ▲Speedr educer( f orext r at or que&needl epenet r at i on)

l eat herandsof tf ur ni shi ngf abr i cs.

Maxsewi ngspeed:800r pm

Seam t ype:st r ai ghtst i chand1st ep( 2poi nt )zi gzag

Pr esserf ootl i f t :20mm

Hookt ype:HAD204/KSP204l ar geBar r elshut t l ehook

St i t chwi dt hmax.12mm

Needl ebarst r oke:50. 8mm

St i t chl engt hmax.10mm

Takeupst r oke:106. 8mm

Thr eadsi ze:V69V207

Pr esserf ootl i f t :20mm

Needl esi zes:794H/DYX3120230

Wor ki ngAr ea:320mm x185mm

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