1 minute read
Elizabeth Stannard - Oracy resources
‘Teachers asking challenging questions—guiding pupils with oral feedback, prompting dialogue, and scaffolding productive ‘exploratory’ talk where appropriate—is an ideal way to share and develop effective learning.’ Mercer, N. & Dawes, L. (2008) The value of Exploratory Talk. In Mercer, N. & Hodgkinson, S. This year I have built on last year’s CPD oracy workshop that Moira Henderson and I ran exploring how to improve Oracy in the classroom and why it is important within literacy. I decided to adapt/ use as a starting point some of the resources we used in those workshops including ideas from Voice 21, to create a teacher planning kit for oracy in the classroom. My idea is to support improvements in the teaching of oracy with planning and assessment materials. The resources are:
➢ a planning chart laying out a range of skills that create successful oracy, ➢ a teacher flow chart to focus your planning of oracy skills ➢ an active listening poster to remind everyone of the skills needed ➢ a discussion poster with sentence starters ➢ an assessment grid that could be used by students or teachers to assess students oracy skills
T o s u p p o r t y o u r p l a n n i n g o f O r c a y s k i l l s s o m e u s e f u l we b s i t e a n d r e s o u r c e s :
Thinking skills planning:
Third space learning’s webpage: Metacognition In The Classroom: A 7-Step Practical Approach To Primary Maths Teaching. https://thirdspacelearning.com/blog/7-steps-eef-metacognition-primary-classroom-
An excellent resource is this pdf from Blooms taxonomy.org which has many ready made questions for your to use https://bloomstaxonomy.org/Blooms%20Taxonomy%20questions.pdf
For example Remembering:
Q u e s t i o n s :
• What is…? • Can you select? • Where is…? • When did ____ happen? • Who were the main…? • Which one…? • Why did…? • How would you describe…?
• When did…? • Can you recall…? • Who was…? • How would you explain…? • How did ___happen…? • Can you list the three..? • How is…? • How would you show…?