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British values and our curriculum
We strive every day to create an education that sees the young people of Cowes and our community beyond get the very best, not just academically but also in developing the skill set, confidence, attitudes and aspiration that will provide the catalyst for sustained success throughout their lives. Teaching the fundamental British values are at the core of our approach to achieve this.
Our innovative Everyone Matters (E1M) curriculum is a personal development programme which enables us to actively teach our students a range of topics which enable them to understand the British values and make appropriate choices within them. We help students learn more about the world and how to keep themselves safe, healthy and positive.
Students learn the ways to make a positive difference to their world through this curriculum. Each year children will take part in social action in the local and wider community. These projects are student driven and work to improve our environment and community in many ways.
The topics covered through Everyone Matters are:
◼ How do I keep myself safe? ◼ How do I keep myself healthy? ◼ How can I be the change I want to see? ◼ What is respect? ◼ How does Britain work? ◼ How can I prepare for life in our modern world?
We deliver the British values through our planned curriculum and also beyond this, through special events and other opportunities. The next few pages summarise some of the ways in which we educate our students through the British values. Please note that this list is not exhaustive but for the purposes of exemplification.