1 minute read

Your sixth form application

 September to October Research. Read our prospectus, check out our website and speak with teachers and parents about your future subject and career options.  November Visit our open event to experience what life as a Cowes Sixth Form student could be like. Gain information and advice by contacting our inspirational sixth form team.  December Complete application process by visiting our website and reading our prospectus.  January to March Attend guidance interview meetings with our enrolment team. Discuss your application, predicted grade profile and future aspirations beyond sixth form.  May Receive your conditional offer and start the exam season.  July Attend our induction day and experience what life as a sixth form student will be like, make new friends and discuss course options with our highly talented subject teachers.  August Results and enrolment day! Celebrate your success and complete the enrolment process by meeting with our enrolment team for a bespoke one-to-one guidance interview.  September Begin your sixth form adventure – your path to a brighter future. Final enrolment available for students by prior arrangement.

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