1 minute read

Message from Mrs Cody

Well done for getting through the mock exams with such an excellent attitude. We’re so impressed with you. Remember they are a practice and now we reflect on them. Let me know if I can help you with any issues arising from the mock exams.

Rewards and celebrations

From now on the Sixth Form will be getting reward points just like lower school Please hassle your teachers about this! There will be an end of term celebration assembly with awards as well and you might even get a postcard. It will go on your UCAS reference and prizes are being planned as well!


If you would like to be involved, there are some great charter options you might not have considered:

Blog – Interested in journalism or politics? Let your voice and ideas be heard!

LGBTQ+ Pride – working on a float to celebrate at IW Pride next year. Debate club - Trinity and Georgia are starting a debate club which will run on a Tuesday lunchtime in ED13 and will debate controversial issues. Great for those interested in studying Law or Politics and brilliant for the UCAS statement – please come along!

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