5 minute read
Notes from Perry Street Digging In The Dirt Is Good For The Soul
Spring is here and Easter has come and gone. The beauty of nature is bursting forth all around us, which for most of us brings joy and hope. It can on the downside too - bringing lots of allergies. For me, I love digging in the dirt. It is one of the best things I can do for myself. There are times I just have to let the laundry, mopping and the stuff of life go and put on a good old pair of garden gloves and start digging.
We need to dig, dig, and dig in the dirt to our heart’s content. It feels good, really good. I do it when I need to think. I need to pray. I need to be alone. When I need to work something out in my heart and soul, I often dig in the dirt and it allows me to dig into my soul. The truth is that sometimes stepping into purpose and following our dreams requires us to dig deep in our soul.
There were two women in my life that pretty much taught me everything I know about gardening. My mom and Winters’ mom. And since then I have been determined to have a beautiful garden. Talent can only take you so far and then dedication, persistence and determination must make up the rest. The same can be said for gardening, our occupation and almost anything in life.
You can learn a lot in your garden while digging in the dirt.
One thing I have found very important is you must have the right tools. It will make gardening easier and the same goes for life. The right tools make life much easier. The wrong tools make your life much more difficult. You could probably cut a branch down with a pocket knife, but it will take a long, long time and lots of frustration. Or, you could use a chainsaw and knock it out in seconds. You also have to know the do’s and don’ts in a garden if you wish for the plants to last and to flourish and thrive. A great gardening book is also invaluable and full of tips you will need.
The same goes with life. You can get by using the wrong tools, but the right tools make everyday life so much easier. A must have is a great bible that you actually open and read like a Life Application Bible. And if you can’t apply it, you can’t live it. You also need to fill your life with prayer warriors and women that you can count on to pray with you when you need it and even when you don’t. Learn to forgive and forgive often. Watch out for weeds, the things that can choke the joy out of your life. Trust that the Lord will order your steps. And seek peace and pursue it.
Surround yourself with the right women, the ones I call the “Sacred Few,” the circle of friends that are there for you anytime, anywhere, anyplace. Ask God to help you find them and be one yourself.
Make sure you have plenty of fruit in your life. In fact, ask yourself, “am I fruity.” Plant the right fruit in your life and make sure it stays strong and is not choked out by weeds. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, steadfastness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23.
And best of all, at the end of the day I pray you can say, “I was able to say, I got my hands dirty and that I allowed my life to be transformed by the hands of the master gardener and used by HIM to help the world be a better place for others.”
Happy Spring!
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It took me a while, but in my 60th year or so I may have figured something out. That lightbulb went off and it’s sure saved me a bit of head scratching.
It’s this: our definition of what we expect from someone we love doesn’t mean they should, or will, live up to it.
Raising children may be the exception. Most of us provide very clear lines and boundaries that are rules for the kids to follow. Preteen and teens will often step over those lines, but we rule-setters have an eye on the situation and an ear to the ground. I was a helicopter mom and would like to think I was tuned in to the circumstances long before they had a chance to think they “got away” with whatever it was.
With that exception out of the way let’s take marriage, for example. A bride and groom look lovingly into one another’s eyes as they speak their vows. Then we fast forward to a bit of dissention among the ranks.
She may start thinking he doesn’t love her while he is thinking about car repair, fishing, hunting or a movie he is eager to enjoy. His demonstration of love for her might be fixing the part of the car to keep her safe on the road or bringing home some fresh caught trout. These things may be a huge give on his behalf. Maybe he isn’t acting within the parameters of her definition of love. She may not even realize she has set parameters of expectation.
Her definition may be vastly different. She may expect him to pick a good movie to watch together. She may even go to the lengths of suggesting a few while he is thinking it would be fun to watch the Die Hard series. He may cook a meal but not think of her preference for organic, or low carb, or whatever the latest “skinny” recipes call for. He’s showing her love just by cooking. He might leave a mess, but the Die Hard series is waiting. She sees a plate heaped with French fries and a piece of trout and a messy kitchen left behind while Die Hard is cueing up in the living room.
He cooked, he chose a movie. Her car is repaired and that fresh caught trout sure was good. He’s all about the movie now and would she mind making some popcorn?
She shoots daggers from her eyes, but he is looking for the remote. She might slam the cabinets and rattle the dirty dishes while he turns up the volume. She may feel unloved, misunderstood, ignored and taken advantage of. He might just be showing his love by doing the things he has done for her.
I’m speaking from the woman’s standpoint because, well, I’m a woman. And it took me a long time to realize the man I married 46 years ago adores me, in his own way.
He is retired and I’m still freelance writing. He takes out the trash, loads the dishwasher, does laundry, cooks and if I ask, he will whip up a dinner of vegetables. We’ve grown a lot and I love how he expresses love for me now. I’m glad I waited.
We gave our marriage to God on our wedding day. He has been our guide and our shelter in our storms. Check out 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 for more.
Kathy Bohannon is a freelance writer, Christian humorist and inspirational speaker. Kathy lives with her husband of 46 years, with two dogs and a messy kitchen.

I’m getting older... and as they say “that’s better than the alternative.”