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A Thriving Arts and Cultural Community
WILD COASTAL BEAUTY & SOFT BREEZY PALETTE Aquamaris Art Gallery upstairs in the historic Duncan Garage
In her newest artful journey to the southwestern edge of Vancouver Island, the awardwinning landscape artist Lisa Riehl (AFCA) captures more than a unique perspective of the swooping expanse of Tofino’s iconic Long Beach at low tide.
The artist delivers an immersive sensory experience as she reveals, through the rising mist, the wild coastal beauty in a soft morning light.
Employing the old masters’ techniques in acrylic medium by completing the piece in greyscale, followed by multiple layers of pigmented glazes, compelling transitions in values, visual texture and colour are achieved. From the grooves in scattered driftwood carved by hands of time, and backlit shoreline grasses, to countless footsteps in the sand, Lisa Riehl captures the very spirit of this wild coast and the promise of a bright new day.
Sublime and atmospheric, “Just Breathe” is a visual breath of fresh salt air, available at Aquamaris Art Gallery. Professional artist for 30 years, and a part of Aquamaris Art Gallery since our very beginning, Kristina Boardman (SFCA) is recognized across Canada and internationally for her realistic style and masterful use of neutral colours.
Through her impressive paintings of beach stones and pebbles, superbly rendered and arranged in a manner evocative of serene micro-landscapes, the artists pays homage to the beauty of our coastlines.
In choosing meditative titles for her larger pieces, she inspires us to consider the connection between different elements in a composition and the values and virtues we hold dear.

Just Breathe, Acrylic on Canvas (Wax Varnish) 20 x 40 by Lisa Riehl $1,925

Imagine Acrylic on Canvas, 30” x 48” by Kristina Boardman $4,700
IMAGINING THE POSSIBILITIES through art by Kristina Boardman
Our newest arrival by Kristina Boardman harmoniously intertwines diversity of colours, textures and patterns, inviting the viewer to imagine the possibilities.
Aquamaris Art Gallery Upstairs in the historic Duncan Garage Building (Level entry from the back) Suite 202 - 330 Duncan Street April Hours: Tuesday - Saturday 11am-4:00pm (250) 597-2798 aquamarisartgallery.com
Pebbles Painting #558, Acrylic on Canvas, 6” x 6” by Kristina Boardman $125
NIK SYLVAN – ILLUSTRATOR OF FAUX NATURAL HISTORY Excellent Frameworks Home of the EJ Hughes Gallery
There is a saying about how artists must wear a lot of hats. In the case of local artist, Nik Sylvan, this saying only begins to touch her artistic style. Nik has been formally trained in several areas – a few BFA’s under her belt plus a MA in Folklore. While her academic background has given her a strong base for knowledge, plus her disciplined dedication to creating, it is her imagination that flows into her works of art. From faeries and dragons, to the natural elements of our coastal forests, there is an underlying appreciation for all things real and faux.
“Natural historians from centuries past recorded what they saw and what they heard of, and so do I. And some of the spirits of my mind creep out through ink and paint to find life on the page...”

Like many artists and writers, Nik has been drawing and writing – making stories – since she could hold a pencil and make marks. Like a cat, she self-describes as being too curious for her own good (as a gallery owner, I disagree with this!) since she alternates periods of questing after new knowledge, and focusing intently on one thing, sometimes something only she can see. Be sure to visit Nik’s work at our new location. Excellent Frameworks Home of the EJ Hughes Gallery, 115 Kenneth St. Downtown Duncan 250746-7112 www.excellentframeworks.ca www.ejhughes.ca
Top Left; Sea Anenome letterpress and watercolour by Nik Sylvan $135 framed
Middle; Hand printed linen table runner 20” x 70” by Nik Sylvan $135
Bottom Right; Shooting Star letterpress on handmade paper by Nik Sylvan $165 framed
EJ Hughes Gallery & Excellent Frameworks
Over the last few months we have added more wall space to our EJ Hughes Gallery so we could feature more of his works of local island scenes. We carry over 100 reproductions by Hughes, including limited editions, open edition prints, calendars, small prints, and art cards. Stop by to discover or revisit your favorite West Coast scenes and learn more about Canada’s first, and longest serving, war time artist who called the Cowichan Valley home. Excellent Frameworks Home of the EJ Hughes Gallery 115 Kenneth St, Duncan 250-746-7112
Aquamaris Art Gallery
To view the artwork available through our gallery, visit our website anytime, or stop by our physical location during our regular hours. We look forward to assisting you with selecting and acquiring original works for your home and business. April hours: Tuesday - Saturday, 11 am - 4:00 pm. By appointment outside of these hours.

Join the KinPark Youth Urban Farm crew for weekly farm/ garden volunteer work. Open to youth 12-20 years old. Volunteers are provided with all necessary tools, training and supervision, and regular attendees receive letters of reference. Plus, snacks! Learn how to grow your own food, and contribute to food security in the community. Outdoor work only, dress appropriately and bring a mask. For more info contact laura@ cowichangreencommunity.org Thursdays, Teen Gardening, 3:00-4:30pm, 5789 Alderlea St. Duncan, FREE, www.instagram.com/kpyouth April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Heronwood Custom Cabinetry Inc. Is a local custom cabinetry shop located in the Cowichan Valley. Heronwood is know for its meticulous craftsmanship and creative design.

E4-4970 POLKEY RD. DUNCAN 250-597-4701
Over the past year, there has been a collective conversation around how we care for our elders as a culture. At the Garden Education Centre we have been thinking about this too, and we are excited to launch our Elder’s Gathering Garden program this Spring! This idea was sparked when a few seniors from the surrounding community, who were volunteering in the existing Inclusion Garden, were chatting and they all agreed they were loving their experiences. Since then, conversations followed on how they could work together to entice some of their friends to come and have fun and share learnings together at the garden.
Engagement in social and productive life activities are important factors in successful aging. A community garden for seniors offers opportunities for social fulfillment and a sense of purpose, through growing food with a community. This space will give members healthy food, physical activity, and a deepening of community.
The Gathering Gardening will be a community garden managed by an advisory committee of elderly gardeners and offer gardening plots for individuals to rent for the season. Advisory members will meet monthly to organize work parties, and plan for events (as possible with Covid protocols) such as harvest celebrations. The garden group will provide social support and members will be able to contribute to the life of others in a meaningful way. In addition to independent gardening beds, five garden beds are to be used as communally tended spaces where food produced will be donated to the Meals on Wheels program. The independent and communal garden beds will be built to provide accessible gardening to seniors with mobility challenges, including some wheelchair accessible garden beds. The Gathering Garden will be on the site of a shared space with an Inclusion Garden, a Seed Farm, and a Medicinal and Native plant Nursery- collectively known as the Garden Education Centre. These other on-site projects provide opportunities for intergenerational mixing and mentoring. Through involvement in the Gathering Garden, members will be able to experience a greater sense of belonging, community, and social support. Anyone interested in getting involved can visit the Garden Education Centre at 2431 Beverly St, or email gec@ cowichangreencommunity.org.
Tessa Stiven, Farmer and teacher with a passion for plants and community.
Tessa Stiven Supervisor, Inclusive Farming Program Garden Education Center