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April Forecasts
Georgia Nicols M.A. Georgia’s book, You and Your Future is a best seller with international printings in 3 languages. georgianicols.com
Aries (March 21- April 19)
It’s that time again when the Sun is in your sign, which is your best chance to rejuvenate yourself and recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. Naturally, your focus of attention will be more personal and on yourself, and that’s exactly as it should be. You will project yourself with more forcefulness than usual, which is why this is a great time to make a strong impression on others. Because you are personally empowered, it’s best to work alone or run the show. (You’ll be less of a team player in the next few weeks.)
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Right now your personal year is ending because your birthday is a month away. This means that this month is the perfect time to keep a low profile and give serious thought to what you want for yourself in the year ahead. (Birthday to birthday.) Goals are important right now because this is a time of harvest in your life. Many cherished dreams are coming true. In addition, now you can now see clearly what is working in your life and what is not.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You’re heading into a lovely month that will increase your popularity and heighten your interest in groups, clubs and organizations. According to the Mayo Clinic, friendships enrich your life and improve your health. However, better to be alone than in bad company! This is because your friends will influence your mind and your thinking; and it’s your mind that makes the decisions that determine your future. In this way, your friends can actually affect your entire life! Therefore, hang out with people who want the best for you.
Cancer (June 21- July 22)
This month, the Sun will travel across the top of your chart. (This is the only time all year this happens.) This is wonderful news because it symbolizes that you are in the spotlight, and that others admire you. This will happen even if you don’t do anything different or special. It’s like magic. (Chalk it up to smoke and mirrors.) Nevertheless, this influence is a reality, which means you can use it to your advantage. Obviously, now is the time to go after what you want and make your pitch. Make hay while the Sun shines!
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Do what you can to broaden your horizons this month. Take up a new study. Explore new and unfamiliar experiences. Meet people from different backgrounds. Grab every chance to travel or change your surroundings so that you feel invigorated by something new and fresh. Even the most trivial encounter might be stimulating. Basically, the theme for this month ahead is that you want to break free from your usual routine and go somewhere where you can learn something new. For some of you, you might be more involved with the law or legal matters.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Count on feeling more intense and passionate about every aspect of your life this month. You might even notice strange compulsions surfacing. You might meet someone who causes you to do some serious soul-searching, which could force changes in your life. They might even challenge your values or make you rethink what you thought was important. You will also have a greater concern for finances, resources and property that is jointly held. Perhaps you are trying to borrow money or get financial backing? Stay chill.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
This month the Sun will be opposite your sign. In your chart, this means the Sun will be as far away from you as it can get all year. Because the Sun is your source of energy, this means that you will feel more tired than usual. Ergo, get more sleep. This polarized position of the Sun will also increase your focus on close friends and partners. The good news is it will give you more objectivity as you view these relationships, which means you will have a better chance to see how to improve the relationship.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You will be more competent, more energetic and driven to be more organized this month. Basically, you will strive to make every action count. You will refine your techniques and sharpen your approach to be efficient, effective and productive. Increased activity on the home front or within your family will create some speed bumps this week. You will also be into redecorating and making things look nicer at home. You might focus on your health more than usual including your interaction with a pet. “Wanna treat?”
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Oh joy! This month brings you happy times because the Sun is travelling through one of the most fun parts of your chart. You will want to get out and have a good time! You’ll feel lighter, happier and eager to explore amusing diversions. This is a great window to enjoy a vacation, as well as fun outings. You might be more involved than usual with children. Certainly, your attitude toward your relationships will be lighter and for some, new romance will begin.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Your attention will shift to home, family and your private life this month. Some of you will be more involved than usual with a parent. Grab every opportunity to go off by yourself and spend some time in contemplation. Cocoon at home because this will feel good and it will replenish you. Maybe memories of your past, as well as thinking about personal self-evaluation will occur. You’re keen to work hard to earn money, and you’re spending it on beautiful things as well.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
The pace of your days will accelerate this month. Suddenly, you’ve got things to do, places to go and people to see! This same window of time will be great to learn new things or explore new avenues through reading, writing and studying. You might also be more involved with siblings and relatives. However, be aware that with Mars in your sign, you’re coming on a bit strong and this is bound to trigger conflict with others. What’s more important? Being right or being in the relationship?
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Money and finances are on your mind this month. You might consider a new job offer or ponder moneymaking ideas? You will also be busy more than usual with your possessions. At a subtle level, you will be giving more thought to your values in life. In other words, what really matters? (So important to know.) Some angst might be triggered by something going on behind the scenes. “I’m going to have a serious shower argument with myself.” (Ah yes, those shower arguments when you have the perfect response to stun your opponent.) www.georgianicols.com