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Learning from Wildflowers
Economic Development Cowichan and Community Futures have partnered with the Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) to offer local producers a free Island Good licence. VIEA developed the Island Good brand program as a way for shoppers to easily identify local food products on grocery shelves.
Looking for outdoor entertainment? Ready for some innovative, socially-distanced live theatre? The Shawnigan Players are excited to bring you a special “Sneak Preview” of the 2021 Cowichan Valley Shakespeare Festival! This August, come and enjoy selected scenes from “The Winter’s Tale” at beautiful Gem o’ the Isle Farm in Cowichan Station.
Before the arrival on scene of the Great Plague of 2020, the Players had been preparing two new shows for our annual
“There is a growing demand for locally made food and products, and we know it can be hard for small producers to standout. To help them be seen, and hopefully increase their sales, we will support these businesses to take advantage of the successful Island Good program,” says Cathy Robertson, General Manager of Community Futures Cowichan.
Barry O’Riordan, Manager of Economic Development Cowichan added, “Awareness of the need to support Cowichan and Vancouver Island businesses has come into sharp focus, but identifying Island produced or grown products is no easy task. Economic Development Cowichan is delighted to support Cowichan businesses leverage the Island Good branding to
summer theatre festival: “Little Women” and Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale.” Our ambitions of merry ensemble scenes and standing-room-only audiences quashed, we took to Zoom to read our scripts together, connect with each other, and brainstorm strategies to keep our shows fresh and alive. Now, with the blessing of the Island Health Authority, we are proud to present a unique and memorable community experience – a limited “pandemic edition” performance!
Director Alex Gallacher has chosen several key scenes from “The Winter’s Tale” to give you a generous taste of this
boost sales and support economic recovery in the region.”
According to BC Buy Local, for every $100 spent at a local business, $63 is re-circulated back into the BC economy. VIEA notes that every one per cent increase in sales of local products equals 50 jobs.
Cowichan businesses that generate products on Vancouver Island or sell their products from the island may qualify for this free licensing opportunity – available on a first-come-firstserved basis until the funding is spent.
To fill out an application form, please visit the Island Good website at https://islandgood.ca/
“More and more Island
extraordinary tale of love and loss, redemption and grace.
This special preview performance will feature special Covid-safe staging, with modified blocking and reduced numbers of actors. Our audiences will be limited to fifty patrons in distanced “bubbles” of up to six people. Seating is on the grass, so please bring your own chair or a blanket to sit on. Picnic lunches are welcome! The performance will be approximately an hour long and will take place August 8th and 9th at 1:00pm and again at 4:00pm at Gem o’ the Isle Farm, 2465 Koksilah Rd. in Cowichan Station
producers, manufacturers, and retailers are using the power of the Island Good brand, and it’s now available to all products made on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands. Everything from potatoes to airplane parts!” said VIEA President George Hansen. After launching the pilot program, the Island Good branding led to increased sales of food and beverage products by an average of 16% in 45 grocery stores over a six-month period. The success of the brand has translated into an expansion from food to now include all Vancouver Island made products.
Barry O’Riordan, Manager Economic Development Cowichan
All audience attendance must be reserved in advance. To reserve your spot, please email shawniganplayers@gmail.com. Admission is by donation.
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