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Mercury Retrograde in 2022


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Mercury retrograde occurs three times a year. This is when Mercury appears to go backwards in relation to planet Earth. (In reality Mercury always moves forward.) During these so-called retrograde times, the areas that Mercury has domain over inexplicably suffer from errors and delays. These errors are small but frustrating!
Mercury has domain over everything that moves forward:
(1) All forms of ground transportation, (cars, trucks, motorcycles, bicycles, buses, taxis, trains) (2) The mail, parcels, packages (Post Office plus Courier and Delivery Services) (3) Communications – email, social media, phone calls, conversations (4) It also includes daily living (the people we encounter, the items we deal with, the transactions we make and how we relate to others.)
During Mercury retrograde, all the areas under the domain of Mercury tend to go “backwards.” (They certainly have trouble going forwards!) Expect transportation delays, missed buses and car breakdowns. Mail will be delayed or lost. Daily items like keys and papers will be misplaced. Communications with others will be confused and misunderstood. People from our past will pop up into our lives. “Boris?” “Natasha!” However, we can make good use of Mercury retrograde times to finish things, study the past, do research and reflect. But do not open a business or begin new projects. Mercury retrograde is also a bad time to buy cars, trucks, bikes, computers, printers and phones.
The dates below are the actual retrograde dates plus the buffer times. This is because Mercury starts to slow down before it goes retrograde. Then afterwards, it needs more time to catch up to where it was at when it first went retrograde.
The craziness (delays and errors) is most pronounced during the actual retrograde time. However, if you are buying a big-ticket item like a car or a computer, I recommend that you play it safe and avoid these purchases during the buffer times as well. You’ll be glad you did.
• January 13 – February 4 (Buffer times: January 9 – February 24) • May 9 – June 3 (Buffer times: May 2 – June 19) • September 9 -- October 2 (Buffer times: September 2 - October 17)
Georgia Nicols www.georgianicols.com