3 minute read
Wart did you Say?
Dr Bill Nielsen has been practising in Duncan for thirty years
Who hasn’t heard of Herpes Virus types I and II? You also must know about Covid with it’s half dozen new strains from Gamma to Omicron. But these viruses are only amateurs when it comes to having extended families compared to their second cousins, the HPV’s. Human Papilloma Virus has over 150 subtypes, and nine of them cause serious mischief to your gentleman and lady parts.
Unlike the family of Herpes viruses, which cluster in the nerves and periodically travel to your epidermis and make it tingle with blisters and sores, HPV’s live out their sullen lives silently in the skin or mucous membranes. HPV’s cause warts – the kind of warts that decorate witches’ noses and little boys’ grubby fingers. HPV’s also causes plantar warts.
Two specific HPV’s cause genital warts. Seven other strains of HPV can cause cervical, oral, anal and other genital cancers.
The common everyday skin and plantar warts are completely different subtypes of HPV and not going to turn into cancer, so don’t worry about that happening.
It’s true people: Herpes is forever. That’s because HSV I and II and Herpes Zoster, the cause of Shingles, hide in the nerve ganglia where your immune system can’t go root them out and eradicate them. HSV fortunately is not forever. Over 90% of the time you eliminate it. But sometimes it hangs around long enough to cause the warts we all detest and the cancers we all fear.
But fear not! A great vaccine called Gardasil-9 is available for girls in grade seven and boys in grade eight or nine. When your kids are dressed to the nines, so to speak, with Gardasil-9, you protect them from future genital warts and genital and oral cancers. It stops the nine most dangerous HPV’s. Skin warts and herpes will persist for now, but genital warts and cancers are preventable by vaccination.
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Glenora Farm
Glenora Farm
Glenora Farm is an intentional community based on a 96 acre farm, including a 2-acre mixed vegetable garden using organic and biodynamic practices. People of all abilities work and live together in a horizontal model that promotes selfefficacy, personal fulfilment through meaningful work, and responsibility to the earth. Join our 16-week CSA from June 13 to the end of September. Each week you will receive a mix of fresh, local vegetables grown, harvested and packaged by our community members. Don’t like a certain veggie? Want more of something else? Feel free to let us know and we will happily adjust your weekly share to meet your needs. June 13th to the end of September (with possibility of extension) $30/week for 16 weeks = $480. Can be paid in full or monthly. Contact gardener@glenorafarm.org
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