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Toys Toiletries & Toques needs Donations

Toys Toiletries & Toques is underway for our 12th year of collecting NEW non-food items for those that need items for a better holiday season. This year we collect at 8 Drop Off locations across the Cowichan Valley in October and November or provide the opportunity to donate cash online on our website and distribute it to the Food Banks in late November.


Huge thanks to the donors right across the Cowichan Valley. From donations, including bicycles to beautiful Teddy Bears (complete with instructions on how to wash them!) and lovely little packets of Toiletries, much-needed toilet paper and sanitary products, handmade toques, sweaters, scarves, gloves and more. Any type of NEW nonfood donation is gratefully received. We have some awesome donors who have supported us with beautiful donations yearly.

Over the years, we have had some wonderful sponsors who have donated cash to our efforts for movie passes, skating tickets and more, and we have had many who have provided complimentary services like printing, signs, graphic arts, website design, social media marketing and maintenance, magazine advertising, and more! We are extremely grateful.

And all the way along, we have had some fantastic elves. Elves have come, and Elves have gone, and yes, a few have worked on this project for all 12 years.

Our Drop Off locations are throughout the Cowichan Valley from Ladysmith to Mill Bay. They help us to promote the program and encourage people to donate. Our website www.toystoiletriestoques.com have suggestions for what to donate, how to donate online (it’s easy), who the Elves and the Supporters are, who and where the Drop Off locations are, what type of tickets we buy, and more!

Our goal at Toys Toiletries & Toques has never changed. We collect and distribute NEW, non-food items to food banks in our region who distribute to those who need a boost to enjoy a better Christmas/ holiday season. Perhaps you could visit our Facebook or Instagram pages and share one of our posts? Our huge thanks to everyone involved. www.toystoiletriestoques.com

Submitted by Brenda Burch, Social Media is NOT Simple

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