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The Biggest Contribution Of Virtual Office Space To Humanity The transitional phase- virtual office spaces The transition to a virtual office space is a big shift away from the cubicle of a traditional office. Still, companies are embracing this model and coming out with outstanding results. With advocates of this model ranging from Dell to Zapier, virtual office spaces have become a strong answer to the global demand for specialization, convenience, and mobility.
The idea that our traditional office space will be located at a specific place based on our professional lives has lost its value; it has become all the less important and less universal. All thanks to the growing number of online collaborative tools, unlimited network access, and mobile devices. We no longer need to worry about productivity and can show our skills from anywhere in the world. And wherever your office is located, better and wider use of data analytics, social networks, and smart technologies such as audio and voice recognition could be poised dramatically to increase the productivity of the employees- revealing that both virtual, as well as, real office spaces can exist.
Gradually transitioning into a 100% digital office space model Consider the situations where people have already handed the routine tasks to the computers rather than assigning them to an office employee. For instance, making an airline reservation, troubleshooting problems regarding the products owned, and buying products online and arranging deliveries for them, all is handled by the computers very well.
If there is a task involving a simple, predictable, and reliable form of communication style without much emotional involvement or nuances, computers can do just fine. Humans can be left to handle the usual questions or procedures. More or less, artificial intelligence has further added up to the concept of productivity in the organization. Social tools and software are boosting the productivity of humans. Even as technologies have revolutionized, proliferated, and removed the problems of offices- no matter how virtual they get- they will still remain the collections of people.
The meaning and concept of virtual office spaces Virtual office spaces are being preferred by the start-ups, freelancers, and business houses who are looking forward to drastically reduce their overhead expenses and expand into newer markets. With the recent developments in technology, virtual office spaces have gained momentum. They are also serving to be of great help during a pandemic situation where most businesses have to shut down completely and send their employees back to home.
Let’s discuss a few contributions of virtual office spaces to humanity• Virtual office spaces seem to be a reasonable alternative to the traditional office set-up as businesses need not rent out space or they will be saving on extra equipment cost. They are ideal for companies who are looking forward to lowering their overhead expenses.
• Working from the comfort of the home accompanied by a lot of flexibility offers a reasonable opportunity for the employees to work with greater freedom. However, the prospects of being successful can not be ignored. • Another advantage of virtual office space is that it requires less management. A traditional office requires proper management skills but a virtual office space requires lesser management. Employees have a greater capacity to build their products with greater flexibility, which leads to greater innovation, capacity, and creativity.
• Although, virtual offices pose big challenges for the business houses who can not entirely depend on online work. So, they are not meant for everyone. • Further, the benefits of work-family balance can not be ignored. The ability to work from home can help the employee to fulfill all the duties and responsibilities in the best possible manner. The employee can save on the transportation cost and instead devote that time to the company work. • Better mental and physical health
• How can we forget the fact that an employee can display his skills online and work from the home without losing his salary? • Last but not the least, the chances of entering into conflict are lesser once you are working in a virtual setup.
Embracing the psychology related to remote work Most of the managers agree that the limitations related to virtual office spaces are psychological, and not at all technological. As a team leader, how will you be able to judge if your team member is self-managing the time? How can you ensure the timely delivery of the orders when your employee is distantly located?
According to a research study conducted by Stanford, the company attrition rates are reduced by almost 50% if the company is operating virtually. Not only this, but there will also be a 10-50% rise in the productivity of the virtual teams. Sticking to the best evaluation methods, managers can meet the needs of their employees, motivate their team members, and at the same time benefit the company. Define the long-term goals of the company and you are all set to launch the most mechanical and operational virtual space office while saving on the office rent.
So, here goes the final verdict‌. At the end of the day, it all depends on the nature of the business that you operate. If your work does not demand a traditional office space, then you can save up that cost. In such a case, operating and connecting through a virtual office space will be an ideal scenario.
It is quite simple to survey the present business landscape and observe how a remote workforce can add advantage to your business. It can not be denied that a virtual office space can contribute a lot to your business. So, consider what your business needs right now and try to operate accordingly.
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