5 minute read
Where Are They Now?
by CoxCollege
Burge and Cox College Alumni Association
Denise (Breen) Dickey, 1981
Worked 30 years in thoracic surgery as a circulating/scrub nurse and then as Nurse Practioner in the surgery clinic. Late in her career she switched to radiation oncology. She has been at Barnes Jewish Hospital location in St. Louis since 1986, working for the Washington University School of Medicine.
Amy Anderson, ASN 2016, BSN 2018, MSN 2020
Graduated in December with her Masters in Nursing Education from Cox College, and will be an assistant professor this Spring at the Monett campus.
Jasmine Bilotta, BSN 2019
Works at Aurora Medical Center in Grafton, Wisconsin, with specialty Cardio/Thoracic/DIEP flap (breast cancer survivors) post-op surgical patients and rotates between these patients and the Covid Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
Brittany Boyer, MSOT 2020
Started new position at BarnesJewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.
Matt Brewer, MSOT 2017
Started his own practice, Therafuntherapy, which helps children be more autonomous and adults adapt at home because of physical limitations due to a significant medical event.
Erin Britton, BSN 2019
Works on the cardiopulminary and cardiovascular stepdown floor at St. Luke's Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. The hospital's cardiopulminary floor has been the intermediate Covid floor since April.
Breanna (McCracken) Cantrell, MSOT 2017
Occupational Therapist at Kindred at Home based out of Osage Beach, Missouri, but she’ll be covering the Springfield area.
Monica Clement, MSOT 2020
Started new position as Occupational Therapist at The Arc of the Ozarks in Springfield, Missouri.
Mosha Clyma, BSN 2020
Staff RN on the Neurology floor at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri. She recently was engaged and hopes to continue her education next year by seeking an MSN in FNP.
Joanna Cruz, MSOT 2018
Works at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen, TX. Cruz and Pastor Joe Perez, M.Div, BCC, cofounded a Covid-19 peer group at Valley Baptist. The group meets weekly and is available for first responders that endured the hardships of caring for Covid-19 patients. All hospital peers/ employees are provided with refreshments, have a confidential space to share their experiences, support each other and learn new coping skills.
e are constantly working to maintain current contact information on alums and encourage you to provide current mailing information or submit news aboutyourself to alumni@coxcollege.edu.
Hailey Dunn, MSN 2019
Works at Lake Regional in Osage Beach, Missouri, as Nurse Practitioner in the Neurology clinic. Currently working on her Fellowship for a stroke certification
Annie Gaudin, BSN ‘20
Registered Nurse at North Kansas City Hospital working in Renal/ Telemetry.
Jessica Batemann Graff, ASN ’02, BSN ’18, MSN ‘20
Nurse Practioner at Cox Monett ED and Urgent Care. Adjunct professor at Cox College since 2020.
Anna Guzman, MNDI 2020
Started a new position as Clinical Dietitian at Cox South. She got married summer of 2020.
Cameron Hayter, BSN 2013
Graduated from Missouri State University in May 2020 with a Doctorate of Nurse Anesthesia (DNAP). Currently working at Freeman Hospital in Joplin, MO.
Ti any Renee Kirk, ASN 2012, BSN 2015, MSN 2017
Family Nurse Practioner at Ozarks Community Hospital (OCH) Wellpointe Family Medical Center in Marshfield, Missouri. Sees patients of all ages in a rural setting and makes home visits from time to time.
Mario Kasso, MSOT
Started new job February 2021 at Mercy Rehabilitation Hospital in Springfield, Missouri.
Cameron Hayter Bobby Lien Nicole Magers Carrie Miller Lisa Noelle Beth Richards Cara Sacca Casey Sample
Bobby Lien, BSN 2013
Received his Doctor of Nursing Practitioner (DNP) from Missouri State University in 2018. Currently working at CoxHealth/Ferrell Duncan Clinic Internal Medicine and hopes to teach part-time sometime in the near future.
Sarah Love, ASR 2012, BSDI 2014
Currently employed at Arkansas Children’s Northwest in Springdale, Arkansas, and is working on her Masters in Health Care Administration.
Nicole Norvell Magers, ASN 2002
Received her BSN from UMKC in 2008. Currently is a flight nurse on the Critical Care Transport Team at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.
Maxine (Davidson) McConnell, BSDI 2017
Received a Post Baccalaureate Certificate in DMS-EchoExt in 2018. Has worked at the Ultrasound/ Radiology department at Cox Branson and was Echocardiographer/ Vascular Tech at Cox South. She now works at a small hospital in Russellville, AR, working with a cardiologist, handling their ablations. Maxine plans to advance her knowledge in the ultrasound profession and hopes to become either an Ultrasound educator or a Physician Assistant.
Carrie Miller, MSOT 2019
Works at Mercy Inpatient Rehabilitation Hospital in Springfield, Missouri.
Lisa Nolle, BSN 2013
Graduated from Missouri State with a DNAP in May 2020 and started working at Mercy Springfield in July.
Allan Ocampo, MSN-PMHNP 2020
First graduate from Cox College’s PMHNP program. Started working for Cox Health/Ferrell Duncan Pain Management Center.
Beth Richards, BSN 2020
Emergency Room Nurse at Mercy Hospital in Springfield, Missouri. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE)/Forensic trained. Her team specializes in treating children that come into the ER, and will be helping open the new pediatric ER this Spring.
A Heart for Mental Health in the Ozarks
Crystal Hughlett-Lane BSN 2007
Currently enrolled in the Cox College Master of Science in Nursing program, pursuing her Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Degree (PMHNP). Works in acute inpatient psychiatry at the Marian Center, with the US Department of Homeland Security MO DMAT-1 emergency medical team, and was temporarily assisting with the COVID unit at Cox South. She plans on graduating with her PMHNP in the Spring of ‘22 and hopes to work locally to help improve access to mental health services for Southwest Missouri.
I started at Cox College the summer of 2016 as a newly single parent with two kids to support. Cox College is what got me to where I am now and I am forever grateful for every educator along the way.
Corinne Rinne, BSN 2019
Started in January 2021 as Labor and Delivery nurse at Mercy Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri.
Cara Sacco, DI 2020
Works as Registered Dietitian at Central Valley PACE in Stockton, California.
Casey Sample, BSN 2019
Working in the MICU at Cox South in Springfield, Missouri, and worked in the COVID ICU.
Heather Shackleford, ASN 2012 BSN 2014
Former professor at Cox College and now working as Associate Dean of Faculty at Chamberlain University. Currently completing her DNP from UMKC.
Brody Swift, MSOT 2018
Working at AnMed Health Rehabiliation Hospital in Anderson, South Carolina.
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