Falcons Update Autumn 2018

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Blessing young people facing disadvantage with life-changing holidays full of fun, friendship and faith

Winter 2018-19

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The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18

Fun activities Team games and outings.

New friends Building relationships.

Meeting Jesus Knowing God’s love.

Creative crafts New gifts and skills.

Growing together Gaining confidence.

Joy and hope To last a lifetime.

During a visit to a Falcon hol iday this summer, one girl I chatted with was fair ly mature looking and I wondered if she was a lea der. As she began talking, it became clear that she was much younger. She told me about her fam ily: ‘I’ve got an older sister; she’s not my real sister but I call her my sister; and I’ve got a dad; he’s not my real dad but I call him my dad…’ and the list of ‘not real’ siblings and relatives went on. Having only just met me, she wanted to follow me around, attachin g herself to an older male very quickly. She was clea rly a vulnerable child. A leader later told me how much abuse she’d suffered before being pla ced with her new family. I’m so sad that some children in our country go through such tough times and are let down by those who should care for them the most. But I’m also so pleased tha t they can go on a holiday that is set up to provide a fun week, amongst leader s who know how to take gre at care of them and find suitable ways to introduce them to the God who draws close to the crushe d and broken-hearted. Of course, not all children on a Falcon come from such a disadvantaged pos ition but all of them face challenging circumstance s and are massively helped by Falcons. Thanks so much for your prayerful support.

Please contact us for extra copies of Falcons Update (or to unsubscribe from mailings). CPAS Falcons, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T: 0300 123 0780 E: falcon@cpas.org.uk

Tim Friend Ventures and Falcons Prin cipa


Church Pastoral Aid Society Registered charity number 1007820 A company limited by guarantee Registered in England no 2673220 Registered office at address above.

Children’s names have been changed to protect their identities

Discover more at falcons.org.uk or call 0300 123 0780

MY FAVOURITE THING ‘The water park and the beach and all of it!’ Leah, 10

At the end of a Falcon holiday, the children and young people are asked what they loved doing the most. For some, it’s all about the adventures and sports whilst others love the crafts, baking or simply spending time with others.

‘Chocolate brownies and making new friends.’ Maisie, 15

‘Making slime and picture frames.’ Sky, 10

‘Learning how to swim in the deep end and jump in.’ Georgia, 9

‘Teamwork, having fun, journeys, adventures and having a great time.’ Ryan, 10

‘The funniest thing was the messy games.’ Rashele, 17

‘Bowling, archery and canoeing.’ Nathaniel, 9

‘Climbing trees.’ Emily, 8

AN INCREDIBLE JOURNEY The teaching theme at Carroty Wood 2 took the 8-11 year olds all over Luke’s Gospel… and the world!

‘An Incredible Journey’ involved travelling to a new terrain each evening and hearing a Bible story which linked to that place. Each Bible story had a key message which the children then talked about the next morning in their small group time. The Parable of the Lost Sheep: The children learnt that Jesus cares about every person’s journey and longs for them to be on his path. Jesus Calms the Storm: The leaders talked to the 8-11s about how life isn’t always easy, but Jesus will be with us on our journey. Zacchaeus the Tax Collector: The children learnt how Jesus can turn anyone’s life around to the right path if they are sorry for their mistakes. The Cross and Resurrection: Everyone heard about what Jesus has done for them and was invited to continue their journey with him beyond the holiday. They also sang the ‘Jesus on My Journey’ theme song (they even sang it twice on the last night!). Leader Charlotte said: ‘A big highlight for me was hearing 30 kids singing to Jesus at the top of their voices. I saw the children becoming happier and more outgoing. The difference a week on a Falcon can make in a difficult year in a young person’s life is amazing.’

Overall leader Joy Johnson said: ‘We loved our “incredible journey” on the Falcon this year. Thank you so much to everyone for their support and prayers. It was an amazing, challenging week where the children giggled a lot and had a brilliant time. Our hope and prayer is that they will not forget what they have heard about Jesus and all the fun they have had. ‘For eight of the children, this summer was their final year with us as they are now 11. We prayed for them all and gave them a Bible to take away with them. As they move on and start secondary school, we’d love them to continue having links with Christians and we hope they are able to attend another holiday for an older age group next year.’

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE EIGHT CHILDREN AGED 11 WHO ARE MOVING ON AFTER THIS SUMMER. ASK GOD TO BLESS THEM AS THEY START SECONDARY SCHOOL. Devin whose favourite thing about the Falcon was ‘all the new friends you make the second you walk into the room’. Logan whose funniest moment was a leader falling in the water. Michael who gave the holiday 5 stars

and the food 5 spoons!

Louise who learnt that God is always with us even in hard times. Aaron who enjoyed time at Carroty Wood 2 Falcon this summer. Isack who liked ‘all the great leaders’ and even pretended to be one after an evening meal time! Toby whose favourite things were capsizing a canoe and making funny jokes. Brendan who said ‘I would love to come back as a young leader when I’m 16’.

Thank you for praying

First-time Falcon leader Jade Flett shares her experiences on Dallam Falcon, which took place in Cumbria this summer for 11-14 year olds.

SEEING THE DIFFERENCE Why did you decide to help lead a Falcon holiday? It was a last minute decision as I didn’t know Falcons existed until a few weeks before! I’m a teacher and love being able to make a difference in children’s lives. I wanted to find something to do over the summer that would have an impact on children. My husband mentioned Falcon holidays, and when I researched it I thought it would be a fantastic opportunity. And it was! How did you find the experience? I hadn’t done anything like it before, and I was challenged. I definitely felt out of my comfort zone, but by the end of the week I was sad to go home. It was such a privilege to see the young people get a much-needed chance to relax and feel loved. It was inspiring to see them grow in a brand new relationship with God.

‘You could see something change in the young people as they listened, which was really moving.’

What was the most significant moment? I was surprised at how engaged the young people were in the Bible studies and the worship – you could see God opening their hearts to him. As the week went on, they became more willing to get involved and wanted to stay later after the evening meetings to ask questions. One evening, some of the leaders gave their testimonies and you could see something change in the young people as they listened, which was really moving. What advice would you give to those considering becoming a Falcon leader? Do it! The opportunity is worth it. And once you’re there, go with the flow and get stuck in. Try everything. It will be an emotional experience, you’ll be more tired than you’ve ever been before and everything will ache, but you will come away with memories that will be with you forever.

Want to be a leader? We are always looking for more volunteers to help in a variety of roles. Please do get in touch if you would like to find out more.

A FANTASTIC YEAR OF FALCONS We’ve had a fantastic year! The final Falcon TOOK place in October half-term, bringing the total numbers up to...



Christ-centred, fun-packed, muchneeded breaks in inspiring locations. Boats, boarding schools and activity centres among hills, lakes and beaches with activities galore.



Dorm leaders, Bible teachers, cooks, activity co-ordinators, treasurers and junior leaders, some of whom began their Falcons journey as youngsters themselves.

Young people


Thriving and growing in ways that reach far beyond the holiday. They’ve made new friends, had amazing new experiences and learned about the God who loves them.

As one of several grant-making trusts supporting Falcons this year, we’d like to thank The Fellowship of St John (UK) Trust Association for their kind gift.








To give a gift to Falcons: Please visit cpas.org.uk/falcons or contact us using the details below.




If you already support Falcons, or give the wonderful gift of your time through serving as a leader, THANK YOU.


Falcon holidays are only possible with the financial support of churches and individuals who share our vision for blessing young people facing challenging circumstances with affordable, exciting, transformational holidays.


Falcon holidays are part of the ministry of CPAS CPAS Falcons, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T: 0300 123 0780 (option 2) E: falcon@cpas.org.uk Church Pastoral Aid Society Registered charity no 1007820 A company limited by guarantee Registered in England no 2673220 Registered office at above address


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