Prayer Diary, Autumn/Winter 2013

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Autumn – Winter 2013


I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

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prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2013. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 1:3


t is noticeable how many times Paul opens his letters with the words ‘grace and peace’ (e.g. 1 Corinthians 1:3, Philippians 1:2 and 1 Thessalonians 1:1). These are not just convenient words of greeting. Rather, they indicate what it is that his readers need to know, and his prayer for them – each and every day. Christian leadership has its tough moments. There are the obvious ones in which the busyness of life is added to by the responsibility of our calling such that leaders can begin to feel worn out. Other times it is the weight or pain that is brought about by opposition of one sort or another. For some it is the struggle of a difficult relationship or a family issue which – despite repeated prayers – doesn’t seem to be resolved. And for all of us, there’s the daily battle against ‘the world, the flesh and the devil’.

an amazing and merciful gift), but the daily strengthening and resourcing of our souls and bodies as we live in him. Similarly, Paul’s ‘peace’ can be too easily watered down. I don’t think Paul is simply referring to a quiet life. He is longing for his readers to know the steer of God in their daily lives, for disputes to be resolved by mutual submission, for whole communities to be shaped by reference to God’s law and for the Christian community to be filled with the unmatchable joy of the Spirit. This is what Christian leaders across the UK and Ireland need to know each and every day: whether lay or ordained, in city churches or the countryside, in church leadership or in the workplace.

As you use this Prayer Diary to support the ministry of CPAS and as you pray for the many different Christian leaders and churches I’m not saying that Christian leadership doesn’t referred to within, why not pray that they have its joys! There is great joy in seeing would know – like Paul’s readers – the Lord’s someone become a Christian, a young person ‘grace and peace’. get confirmed as a result of a Venture or a Thank you for your prayerful support for CPAS. student maturing through involvement in a Bible study group. But I want to suggest that – as you use this edition of our Prayer Diary – it would be good to continually remember in your prayers leaders who are facing tough moments and need God’s grace and peace. I was taught in Sunday School that grace is ‘God‘s riches at Christ’s expense’. Not just forgiveness of sins and the assurance of eternity with God (though that in itself is

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

13-19 October

vocations lifecall, Coventry

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit – fruit that will last – and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. John 15:16


PAS partner, associate vicar and mum of three Nicola Moy is speaking at a lifecall young vocations day this Saturday, run in partnership with Coventry diocese, for those aged 16-25 who are considering a call to authorised ministry. ‘My own path to ordination began when I was around 8-11 years old, and I was eventually ordained when I was in my twenties, so I am keen to help other younger people explore God’s call on their life. I passionately believe we need people of all ages in our church leadership. It’s been suggested that leaders are most effective in reaching people ten years either side of our own age group, and so we really need clergy close in age to those in their teens and twenties. ‘God delights in using younger leaders (just think of David defeating Goliath!) and is no doubt calling young people today too! lifecall offers time and space to listen to God and ask questions. I’d love to see God at work speaking and encouraging folk into the ministry they are called to, whether that’s ordination or serving in other ways.’

For your prayers: Sun 13: Leadership: James Lawrence, as he writes sections of the November edition of Lead On this week. Mon 14: St John’s Houghton and St Peter’s Kingmoor (Carlisle): Steve Allen, chair of the CPAS patronage trustees, is on the interview panel for the new incumbent today. Tue 15: lifecall: For Nicola, as she prepares the material for Saturday. Wed 16: Leadership: Leading Edge – Moving On is taking place in Bristol today for clergy considering a move, led by John Fisher. Thu 17: Mentoring: James Lawrence, who is speaking to clergy in the Willesden episcopal area about mentoring this morning. Fri 18: Mentoring: Our first Mentoring Matters training day in Ireland is taking place tomorrow at Christ Church Lisburn. Pray each of the churches represented grows through their investment in mentoring. Sat 19: lifecall: God’s guidance and wisdom for each young person as they attend today, and consider their future ministry.

Nicola Moy

There have been five CPAS lifecall days so far, helping over 100 under 25s to consider if God is calling them into authorised ministry. 04

developing leaders

The National Larger Anglican Churches Consultation

20-26 October

Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.’ John 3:3


his week sees the biennial National Larger Anglican Churches Consultation (NLACC) take place at High Leigh, Hertfordshire (2123 October). With the title ‘Taking the brakes off’, the conference will explore how to maximise growth in larger churches. Discussions will cover the themes of the challenges involved in leadership, discipleship, overseeing change and growing the kingdom as well as the Church. The Rt Rev Andrew Watson, Bishop of Aston and formerly vicar of St Stephen’s Twickenham, will give the daily Bible readings. Other contributors include Paul Harcourt, Paul Langham, Ruth Hassall, Mark Baker, Sheila Porter and others who are involved in ministry in larger churches.

For your prayers: Sun 20: NLACC: Ask God to use the ministry of larger churches meeting today to grow people as disciples and equip them for reaching more people with the gospel.

Wed 23: NLACC: Pray for practical application from seminars to help larger churches grow in spiritual depth and numerical size.

Tue 22: NLACC: Pray for Bishop Andrew as he continues to unpack Scripture for delegates through the daily Bible readings.

to mentor others, and pray for far-reaching effects.

Thu 24: Leadership: James Lawrence is leading a 36-hour Mon 21: NLACC: Today’s residential for Carlisle diocese, main session is about the training clergy to be mentors challenge of leadership of other clergy. in larger churches, led by Fri 25: Leadership: Delegates John Dunnett. Pray for at the Carlisle diocese clergy Spirit-inspired input and mentor training residential. fruitful discussions. Praise God for their willingness

Sat 26: Ventures and Falcon Camps: The Autumn Falcon Camp (11-16s) and Bridgwater Venture (14-18s) begin today.

Larger churches (with a usual Sunday attendance of 350+) include about 13 per cent of the total Church of England membership. (The Brierley Consultancy)


27 October – 2 November

ventures and falcon camps Autumn holidays

Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8

For your prayers: Sun 27: Autumn Bridgwater: For all the activities and conversations to help the young people worship God, and learn more about his deep and wonderful love for them. Mon 28: Exeter diocesan leadership course: Over the next four days, two new cohorts of students will begin the leadership course with session 1, which considers foundations for Christian leadership.


his week, around 40 teenagers will be developing their creative worship skills at the Autumn Bridgwater Venture at Hill House Christian Centre in Somerset. The 14-18 year olds will have chance to explore their gifts and develop their skills through participating in one specialist area from: ACZ (drama) DAZ (dance) EFX (film-making and all things technical) MUZ (music) VIZ (visual arts) There is also a Falcon Camp for 11-16s taking place at the Rock UK Frontier centre in Northamptonshire, led by James Aidoo and others from the Tollington Parish team ministry in North London.

Tue 29: Autumn Falcon: For each young person to feel loved on the Falcon Camp, as they have fun, make friends and learn about faith away from the difficulties many experience in everyday life. Wed 30: Autumn Bridgwater and Falcon: Both holidays end today. Pray God’s blessing on all the young people who took part as they go back home today, and back to school next week. Thu 31: Exeter diocesan leadership course: Charles Burgess and Graham Archer, who are leading the last day of session 1 today. Fri 1: Bernwode (Oxford): Interviews recently took place for the second time for a new vicar for this multi-parish benefice in rural Buckinghamshire, made up of seven village parishes. Sat 2: Arrow: The current Arrow Leadership Programme ends today with a ‘Moving On’ day in Knowle, West Midlands.

Each year, around 90 Ventures and 20 Falcon Camps take place, giving over 4,000 children and young people a life-changing Christian holiday. 06

developing leaders

3-9 November

Arrow Leadership Programme But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. Luke 8:15


’m excited to be off to Denmark this week for three days, to deliver teaching as part of the second residential week of the country’s first Arrow Leadership Programme. The topics I’ll be speaking on are leading well with others and personal evangelism. The programme director is Jesper Oehlenschlager, who took part in Arrow in the USA, with Peter Sode Jensen from our own Arrow programme also on the leadership team. ‘We’d really appreciate prayer for the 13th Arrow Leadership Programme in the UK, which begins in 2014. Applications are open at the moment and we’ve contacted around 300 people to ask them to consider doing Arrow. Please pray for them as they weigh this up and decide whether to apply. Pray also for those who have just finished Arrow 12, as they work out ways to continue growing as leaders beyond Arrow.’ James Lawrence, CPAS leadership principal

For your prayers: Sun 3: Arrow: For Jesper Oehlenschlager and the rest of the Arrow Denmark team as they lead the programme for the first time. Mon 4: Leadership: Charles Burgess, leading a day on developing teams for clergy in Truro diocese tomorrow. Tue 5: Arrow: Safety in travel and good rest for James as he flies out to Denmark today. Wed 6: Arrow: For each of the 20 participants on the Arrow Denmark residential as James delivers sessions on leading well with others. Thu 7: Patronage: The patronage trustees are meeting in London today to shortlist for vacant incumbent roles at CPAS patronage churches. Fri 8: Arrow: For the Arrow 12 ‘graduates’ who completed the programme last week, as they think through how to be Jesus-like leaders beyond Arrow. Sat 9: Arrow: Everyone who is considering applying for programme 13. Ask God to surround them with godly people who will help them as they consider this investment in their ministry.

There are now nine countries running the Arrow Leadership Programme: England, Ireland, Australia, Canada, USA, Poland, Norway, Denmark and New Zealand.


10-16 November

mentoring matters

Nurturing disciples and developing leaders

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:7-8


n the two years since CPAS Mentoring Matters was published, this resource has been purchased by around 500 church leaders exploring how mentoring can nurture disciples and develop leaders in their contexts. The resource features introductory material about the importance of Christian mentoring, as well as an eight-session training course for mentors and material to help sustain mentoring relationships. Last month we introduced leaders in Ireland to the resource at an event hosted by Christ Church Lisburn, near Belfast, which is a CPAS training centre. Future training includes an event on 25 January at Christ Church Ware in Hertfordshire.

For your prayers: Sun 10: CPAS: Pray for Graham Archer, CPAS director of ministry, who is preaching at St Nic’s Church in Nottingham today. Mon 11: Mentoring: Mentors give their time and energy to support others in their faith, so ask God to protect them as they serve in this way. Tue 12: Mentoring: Pray that those churches grappling with how to implement mentoring will discover what they need in this resource. Wed 13: CPAS: The council of reference meets in London today. Please pray for this group as they discuss how CPAS can best enable mission across the UK and Republic of Ireland. Thu 14: Developing leaders: James Lawrence is leading a training session in Bristol today on the important topic of engaging Gen Y. Fri 15: Mentoring: Pray for mentoring relationships to be fertile ground for developing a new-found joy in reading and discussing the Bible. Sat 16: Mentoring: Ask God to use mentoring in local churches to extend his kingdom.

Visit for the latest dates and venues for Mentoring Matters training events. 08

church in vacancy? Navigate 15 practical steps to a healthy vacancy

Growing Through a Vacancy Developed in partnership with Diocese of Birmingham, Diocese of Lichfield, St John’s Nottingham Centre for Church Growth and Saltley Trust

w e ne urc so e r

17-23 November

the church of england General Synod

Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, watching over them – not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be. 1 Peter 5:2


his week, the General Synod will meet at Church House in Westminster to consider and approve legislation affecting the Church of England, formulate new forms of worship, debate matters of national and international importance, and approve the annual budget for the work of the Church at national level. The General Synod is made up of 52 bishops, 201 clergy and 213 lay people. CPAS general director John Dunnett is one of six clergy representatives for Chelmsford diocese, and also leads the Evangelical Group of the General Synod (EGGS), made up of around 100 Synod members from all three houses. Please join us in praying for John and all the other clergy and lay people on General Synod who long to see the good news of Jesus Christ shared with men, women and children through the ministry of local churches.

For your prayers: Sun 17: General Synod: For those in positions of influence to support efforts to prioritise evangelism. Also, for all those who are chairing debates this week. Mon 18: General Synod: Supernatural wisdom, Spirit-led decisions, unity, humility and grace in all the discussions and decisions. Tue 19: Synod: The CPAS patronage incumbents who are members of Synod. Wed 20: General Synod: John Dunnett and the members of EGGS as they seek to make a contribution in debates which promotes mission. Thu 21: Leadership: The Grove Leadership Series editorial team meet today to discuss upcoming titles. Fri 22: General Synod: Good resolution of the ongoing debate around legislation for women bishops. Sat 23: Spitalfields Christ Church (London): Praise God for the ministry of vicar Andy Rider, who celebrates ten years in post this week.

Visit to find out more about the Evangelical Group of the General Synod (EGGS). 10

patronage church Crich with South Wingfield (Derby)

‘Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the Lord. Isaiah 54:10


PAS is patron of the benefice of St Mary’s Crich with All Saints South Wingfield, on the edge of the Derbyshire Dales. Crich is a former quarry and textiles town, famous for being the location of the National Tramway Museum, the TV series ‘Peak Practice’ and the Mercian Regimental Monument. South Wingfield is a former mining village. The vicar is Philip Brooks, who is also rural dean of Alfreton.

24-30 November

For your prayers: Sun 24: Crich: The monthly family service is going really well, led by Martin Shortland and his daughter Suzi. Please pray for the growth of links with these families. Mon 25: Crich: Pray for the growing ‘Stay and play’ group for carers and their children (aged two and under) which meets in the South Wingfield church hall. Tue 26: Old Ford (London): Interviews for the new vicar take place today. CPAS patronage vicar Andy Rider, who we prayed for last week, is on the interview panel in his role as area dean. Wed 27: Crich: The benefice recently formed Care Line, run by a team of volunteers who telephone isolated people on a regular basis.

Patronage secretary John Fisher is visiting St Mary’s on Sunday 24 November to preach, as well as thank the church for their support for CPAS.

Thu 28: Crich: Pray for the various activities planned for Advent, including a service for the bereaved on Advent Sunday and a Christingle Service in the local community centre on 15 December.

Philip Brooks

Fri 29: Crich: There are plans for re-ordering the back of the church early next year, so please pray for the relevant permissions, agreements and finance.

John Fisher

Sat 30: Crich: Pray for the development of ministry with children and young people, including a children’s orchestra group.

See a map showing all 512 CPAS patronage churches at 11

1-7 December

ventures and falcon camps 2014 holidays

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. Titus 2:11

For your prayers: Sun 1: Ventures: As bookings open, pray many children and young people book their places on a Venture or Falcon Camp in 2014. Mon 2: Leadership: James Lawrence joins a three day leadership practitioners’ consultation with those involved in leadership development around England. Tue 3: Leadership: The deadline for applications for the next Arrow Leadership Programme is today. Praise God for everyone who has applied as they wait to hear if they have been selected.


he Ventures and Falcon Camps management committee, made up of CPAS trustees, staff and overall leaders of the holidays, meets this Wednesday at the CPAS office in Coventry. Ventures principal Tim Friend said: ‘We are looking forward to finding new ways to make Ventures accessible to even more young people in 2014, particularly those who are not familiar with the gospel. Please pray for us as we discuss plans for next year, as well as talk through policy and procedures for running the holidays.’ Elsewhere in the world of Ventures and Falcon Camps at the moment, promotional materials for 2014 are being finalised, and volunteer leaders will soon begin to process bookings, which open on 1 December.

Wed 4: Ventures: The management committee meet today. Pray for good conversations, inspired ideas and wise decisions. Thu 5: Patronage churches: Pray for the lay people and clergy who are leading churches in vacancy and seeing their parish through the appointment process for a new vicar. Fri 6: Ventures: Tim Friend, as he leads and directs the ministry of Ventures and Falcon Camps. Sat 7: Ventures: Jane Stephenson, our Falcon Camps development manager as the 2014 programme is finalised.

Free Ventures brochures and DVDs are available online or from the CPAS office. 12

From ber 1 Decemes Ventur re a bookings


To book visit, or call the office on 0300 123 0780 (option 2).

8-14 December

patronage church Newburn (Newcastle)

‘Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me.’ Mark 9:36


arlier this year, the CPAS patronage trustees were delighted to appoint the Rev Rick Fillingham as vicar of Newburn, a semi-rural parish on the outskirts of Newcastle. We caught up with Rick and asked him what we can pray for as he ministers in this parish. ‘It’s wonderful to have your prayer support for St Michael and All Angels, Newburn and its daughter church St Mary the Virgin, Throckley. Both churches have around 50 people in the congregation, and I lead the parish along with our OLM curate, the Rev Margaret Ledger. In particular, we’d love prayer for our Sunday school (we’d really like it to grow!), the Noah’s Ark baby and toddler group and our regular coffee morning, which is largely attended by older people both from the church and the wider community. ‘Please also join us in praising God for the many couples we have coming to the church to have their children baptised, and pray that they would grow in their own faith, and more fully understand the gift of God’s grace offered to them through Jesus Christ.’

For your prayers: Sun 8: Newburn: Growth in the Sunday school, and for more younger people to become involved in the life of the two churches. Also, for more people to get involved with leading worship. Mon 9: Patronage churches: As the Christmas season gets busy, pray for joy, energy and a good balance of work and time spent with friends and family for all our patronage incumbents. Tue 10: Newburn: For the Holy Spirit to continue working in all those who recently attended an Alpha course at Newburn. Wed 11: Newburn: For church members to get excited about finding new ways of drawing outsiders into the church family and into faith in Christ. Thu 12: Newburn: Rick as he leads the church, and OLM curate Margaret Ledger. Fri 13: Newburn: God’s blessing on the children who are baptised at Newburn, and all those who attend the Noah’s Ark baby and toddler group. Ask that these families would come to know more of Jesus’ love for them. Sat 14: Newburn: Those attending the Saturday coffee morning today. Pray this regular event would be a place of laughter, friendship and spiritual growth for all who come.

This year, the CPAS patronage trustees have appointed around 50 clergy to incumbency posts at our patronage churches. 14

developing leaders


Grove Leadership Series Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. 2 Corinthians 11:28


PAS is working in partnership with Grove Books to produce the Grove Leadership Series, with more than a dozen titles published so far. With four new books written each year, this growing collection ensures the difference that leaders make in churches is biblical, thoughtful, practical and kingdomfocused. Early next year, a book on the topic of clergy morale based on Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians will be published, written by Graham Archer, CPAS director of ministry. In the latest edition of the CPAS Catalyst magazine he writes: ‘Few Christian leaders in this country can claim that they suffer “beatings, shipwrecks, stonings and imprisonment” but like Paul they experience sleeplessness, anxiety, rejection and “daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches”.’

For your prayers: Sun 15: Grove books: Pray for James Lawrence, CPAS leadership principal, and his role on the editorial group for the Grove Leadership Series. Mon 16: Grove books: Ask God to grow leaders as disciples, especially through those books in the series about character and the ‘inner life’. Tue 17: Grove books: Ask God to guide and shape CPAS’ work on increasing the morale of church leaders, including the book by Graham Archer in this series. Wed 18: Grove books: Ask God to guide the editorial group as they discuss potential future titles. Thu 19: Grove books: Pray for books being written and edited at this time. Topics include measuring performance in churches and leaving well. Fri 20: Grove books: Pray for opportunities for leaders needing encouragement or refreshment to discover books in the series which equip them for biblical, Christcentred leadership. Sat 21: Grove books: Other Grove series, including pastoral, worship, evangelism and biblical. Please pray for all these series to have a positive, far-reaching impact.

Discover more about the books in the Grove Leadership Series at 15

22-28 December

patronage church Barnsbury Team (London)

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed. Luke 2:17-18

For your prayers: Sun 22: Barnsbury Team: God’s blessing on plans to plant a new church on the Bemerton estate, following many years of children’s work and other outreach activities. Mon 23: Barnsbury Team: The clergy team – Michael Learmouth (team rector), Ted Fell (team vicar), Jessica Swift (associate vicar), Mark Fletcher (minister in charge). Tue 24: Barnsbury Team: The Christingle service will take place tonight, attended by many children from the local area. Pray each child hears about God’s love.


t Andrew’s Islington: Serving the affluent district of Barnsbury as well as the Bemerton estate where many residents struggle with financial and social difficulties, St Andrew’s is a diverse, traditional, evangelical Anglican church serving the local community. Church on the Corner: A network Anglican church in Islington which meets in a converted pub. It is a vibrant, inspiring church community with young professionals making up a large proportion of the congregation. All Saints Islington: Often ministering to those on the edge of society, All Saints is very much involved in social justice ministries. During the winter months, the church hosts those who would otherwise be homeless as part of the Islington churches winter night shelter project.

Wed 25: Local churches: Pray that many will hear and discover Christ in local churches around the UK and Republic of Ireland today, as his coming to earth is celebrated. Thu 26: Falcon Camps: For peace, joy and hope for Falcon Camp members and their families, as they spend time together over the Christmas break. Fri 27: Barnsbury Team: The areas of ministry where the three churches join together, including the children’s and youth work, and social outreach programmes. Sat 28: Barnsbury Team: All those who are helped by the Islington churches winter night shelter project.

Barnsbury is one of 29 CPAS patronage benefices in London diocese. 16

CPAS Pray for a mission-focused Church

Then the master told his servant, ‘Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full.’ Luke 14:23


he above verse from Luke’s gospel was used in a sermon at the first CPAS annual meeting in 1836. It speaks of our founders’ desire to see God’s kingdom grow, with more men, women and young people discovering the good news of Jesus for themselves. That same motivation drives our missionenabling work into 2014 and beyond. Join with us in praying for the Church across the UK and Republic of Ireland, so the year ahead may be a time of spiritual breakthrough in our nations. Thank you.

29 December – 4 January

For your prayers: Sun 29: Mission-focused Church: Local churches in your area have the potential to transform your local community. Pray for all congregations meeting today. Mon 30: Mission-focused Church: May those leaders with prophetic gifts have the courage to speak godly wisdom into their churches, communities and nations. Tue 31: Mission-focused Church: Youth and children’s work. Pray for more young people to come to faith and be nurtured as disciples. Wed 1: Mission-focused Church: Archbishops Justin and John, and all the bishops, as they provide leadership for the Church in the year ahead. Thu 2: Mission-focused Church: The start of the year is a time when many new evangelism initiatives will be starting in churches across the country. Pray these plans will be fruitful. Fri 3: Mission-focused Church: For church leaders to have their passion for mission and evangelism renewed for the year ahead. Sat 4: Mission-focused Church: That people are won for Christ through pastoral care offered by churches, as they encounter the love of God.

During 2014, we will celebrate CPAS’ 178th birthday!

5-11 January

developing leaders Exeter diocesan leadership course

I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statutes. Psalm 119:125

For your prayers: Sun 5: Exeter: Pray for people in churches across the diocese of Exeter to grow as disciples of Jesus through services taking place today. Mon 6: Exeter: There are 24 clergy in the two ‘Servants and stewards’ groups tackling the topic of ‘strategies for growth: leading change’ this week.


n early 2013, CPAS began a new leadership development programme in partnership with the Diocese of Exeter. This now includes four groups totalling more than 50 male and female clergy who are at different stages of a 10-session training programme called ‘Servants and stewards’. The programme is being delivered by CPAS staff James Lawrence, Graham Archer and Charles Burgess, with a focus on reframing leadership for mission communities. The four main themes covered in the programme are the character of the leader, leading well with others, sustaining yourself in leadership and strategies for growth. This week the initial two cohorts of clergy have reached session nine, while a further two cohorts will be completing their third monthly session.

Tue 7: Exeter: Each session includes time for worship and personal reflection, so pray for God’s Spirit to be at work in each person during these times. Wed 8: Exeter: The other two groups comprise of 30 clergy who are looking at ‘leading well with others: building teams’. Thu 9: Exeter: Contextual application is a key part of the ‘Servants and stewards’ programme. Ask God to help all participants apply their learning to their roles. Fri 10: CPAS staff: James Lawrence is preaching at Christ Church Woking on Sunday, so pray for his final preparations today after a busy week in Exeter. Sat 11: Developing leaders: Ask God to open up the right opportunities where CPAS can impact leaders in other dioceses this year.

This programme in Exeter is part of our leadership development work in partnership with dioceses across the country. An article about our work in 18 Gloucester diocese can be found in the latest edition of Catalyst magazine.

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

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‘The CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme has been a great source of wisdom for me. Whatever my need is, there seems to be a principle, model, paradigm or resource from Arrow to help me.’ The Rev Lucy Cleland, bishop’s chaplain CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


Want to develop as a leader? Arrow is a transformational 18-month leadership programme for those aged 25-40 working in full-time Christian leadership who want to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus. Applications for the next programme close on 1 December 2013.

Find out more at

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