Prayer Diary, Summer/Autumn 2013

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Summer – Autumn 2013


By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

prayer diary stay in touch @cpasnews

prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2013. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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So I say to you: ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Luke 11:9


ndrew Murray was a 19th century Scottish missionary to Africa who wrote extensively about prayer. In his exegesis of Luke 11 (the story of the man who has to disturb his neighbour in the middle of the night because he has no bread with which to feed an unexpected guest) he points out several factors which inspire and help us in our prayers – for CPAS and for the wider Church in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Firstly, he suggests, it is the need of the man’s guest that drives his quest to find food. He is concerned about his friend’s need – and will not allow it to go unmet. It is the depth of his desire to meet this need that leads him to hammer on his neighbour’s door and to persist in his asking. I wonder whether an appreciation of the real and desperate spiritual need of our nation is strong in our hearts. The Church in the UK and Republic of Ireland is bound to give its energy to many things (which I am sure are noble and important) – but what about the real and prevalent spiritual need of men, women and children. Without a recognition of this need, the importunity of our prayers will never match that of the man knocking on his neighbour’s door. Secondly, Murray notes the genuine love that causes the man to disturb his neighbour at midnight. He welcomes the unexpected friend into his home late at night (despite an empty fridge) and takes it upon himself to provide for him. This is a selfless and generous act which points to his friendship and concern for the man in need.

In the busyness of our lives it is all too easy for real compassion towards those in spiritual need to be lost. Can we make it our prayer for the leaders and churches mentioned in this Prayer Diary, that God would give them his heart for the spiritual need of men, women and children. The third observation that Murray makes is intriguing. He suggests that it is the man’s inability to feed his guest which is the driver for his persistence in pursuing bread from his neighbour. He describes this inability as ‘impotence’ and suggest that our prayer should be fuelled by a similar realisation – that we are impotent to meet the spiritual needs of our nation and therefore need to repeatedly and persistently call upon God to act. In your praying for CPAS, can I invite you in these months to keep in mind the very real spiritual need of our nation, the impotence of the Church without the presence of God’s Spirit, and to pray that the churches and leaders mentioned in this diary would be filled afresh with his missionary love for those in their communities. Thank you for your prayers for CPAS. Let’s go knocking on heaven’s door – day and night!

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

14-20 JULY

CPAS staff Discerning God’s will

To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27

For your prayers: Sun 14: CPAS: Two CPAS staff are preaching today. Charles Burgess is at Christ Church Swindon, and Graham Archer is at Darfield in South Yorkshire. Mon 15: CPAS: Praise God for those who are called to serve God through the ministry of CPAS, especially Tim Friend who joined this month as Ventures and Falcon Camps Principal. Tue 16: CPAS: The strategic planning group is made up of those with managerial responsibilities at CPAS. Pray for more Spiritinspired vision and wisdom.


PAS was formed in 1836 with a commitment to taking ‘the gospel to every man’s door’, and some 177 years later our mission remains true to that vision by enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus. However, equipping local churches for mission and evangelism across the UK and Ireland is quite different in 2013 than it was for our 19th century forefathers. At CPAS we are currently taking a strategic look at our plans for the next few years, to explore how we can best make an impact for Christ across our nations. These plans will next be discussed at a two-day residential meeting on 5-6 September.

Wed 17: CPAS: Ask for God’s blessing on CPAS’ more immediate plans, including equipping leadership in multi-parish benefices and on PCCs. Thu 18: The Allied Schools: As well as our 500+ patronage churches, the CPAS patronage department oversees the Allied Schools ministry. The patronage trustees are meeting today and hope to hear a report from these schools. Fri 19: CPAS: Praise God for his generous provision through local churches and individuals who give to support our work financially. Sat 20: Ventures: The first Venture holiday of the summer season starts today, with a group of 14-18s gathering at Brymore School in Somerset for the next seven days.

The process of discerning God’s vision is also vital for all local churches. Please pray for the future direction of your own church and its leaders. 04

pathfinder ventures (11-14s) Hope Valley Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’ Mark 8:34


his summer, 29 Pathfinder Ventures for children aged around 11-14 are taking place. Andy and Amanda Brewerton, along with Matt and Jacky Waldock, lead the Hope Valley Pathfinder Venture which begins this Saturday: ‘We love having the opportunity to be part of an authentic Christian community for our time away as the Hope Valley family, sharing our faith in Jesus and helping others get to know him too. We’ve got an exciting week planned, with the theme of “a year in a week”. Each day will focus on a particular celebration such as New Year, Christmas, Good Friday, Easter and birthdays. There will also be lots of outdoor activities like abseiling, climbing, caving, bike-riding, swimming and walking. ‘Please pray that the evening meetings and morning seminar times will be helpful in presenting Jesus faithfully. Over the years it’s been a wonderful privilege to see children and young people encounter Jesus for the first time and decide during camp they want to follow him. We’d love to see that again this year!’ Andy and Amanda Brewerton, overall leaders

21-27 JULY

For your prayers: Sun 21: Church of Ireland: New Horizon, the Christian conference which is taking place at the University of Ulster in Coleraine this week. Mon 22: Hope Valley: The teaching team – Andy, Matt and Benj. Pray their talks would be clear, faithful and helpful. Tue 23: Ventures: For members who will be going up to secondary school in September. Pray God uses their experience on Ventures to equip them for this transition. Wed 24: Hope Valley: Pray with the leaders that the 40 young people at Hope Valley would have a fantastic, lifechanging holiday. Thu 25: Hope Valley: The cooks, activities leaders, safety and medical officers, musicians and tech team. Fri 26: Hope Valley: The safety and wellbeing of the camp with such an active week in store. Sat 27: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Sixteen holidays start today and eleven tomorrow! Pray for safe journeys, joyful starts to holidays, and God’s blessing on leaders and members.

Pray for Ventures and Falcon Camps throughout the summer using our double-sided prayer poster. If you haven’t received this and would like to, please contact


falcon camps


Great Hucklow

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10


his year we are having a medieval theme on the Great Hucklow Falcon Camp. There will be plenty of jousting, knights, princesses, dragons and even Shrek might make an appearance or two! We will be learning all about King Jesus, from his birth, his early life, his death and resurrection and how we can be a follower of his.

‘We have a wide range of activities from trips out, swimming, crafts, team games, water fights and main meetings that help young people explore Jesus. Each year we tie some of our activities into the theme, so we will be making dragons, rescuing princesses, having a medieval fayre and putting leaders in stocks! ‘The 11-14 year olds are from a variety of backgrounds, with some facing financial, social and emotional problems and behavioural issues. Please join us in praying the young people feel loved, special and safe and that as a team we demonstrate God’s love to them through the activities, meal times, trips and teaching sessions.’

For your prayers: Sun 28: Great Hucklow: The team of volunteer leaders as they gather together from all over the country, that they bond quickly and work well together. Mon 29: Great Hucklow: Pray each young person feels special, enjoys trying new activities, sleeps well, engages in worship and responds to the gospel. Tue 30: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Praise God for the 35 holidays which are taking place today, and the 1,500+ children and teenagers who are having fun and learning about Jesus! Wed 31: Great Hucklow: Today, the leaders will be teaching the young people about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Pray they would be open to hear this powerful truth. Thu 1: Great Hucklow: Today’s trip to a theme park. Please pray for relationships to be developed and for great weather! Fri 2: Falcon Camps: For every Falcon Camp to be a place where young people can relax and enjoy a holiday away from their normal circumstances and hear about God’s love for them. Sat 3: Great Hucklow: Pray as the 11-14s go home today that they will follow through with choices they have made and carry with them the knowledge they are loved by God.

Jon McCowen, overall leader

Falcon Camps are specifically for children and teenagers who face some sort of disadvantage in their day-to-day lives. 06

explorer Ventures (8-11s) Lighthouse: Bourton Ventures I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Exodus 20:2


his week sees two Ventures taking place at Pinewood School in Bourton, Wiltshire. The Taster Venture is for 8-11s and runs for four nights from Tuesday to Friday, with a full week for 9-12s starting on Saturday. The talks for the Taster will be based on Exodus, looking at how God rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, and how he continues to rescue people today through Jesus. They are having a secret agents theme throughout the week. This year’s full Venture includes everything from fun games on the school field to taking time out for music, craft, drama and cooking. They will also be spending a day off-site visiting the Cotswold Wildlife Park.

4-10 August

For your prayers: Sun 4: Lighthouse: Both Ventures will have children who are staying away from home for the first time, so please pray that they will feel relaxed, welcome and safe. Mon 5: Lighthouse: As the Taster Venture begins today, pray that the brilliant team of volunteer leaders would be a united body for Christ which demonstrates his love in every aspect of the holiday. Tue 6: Lighthouse: That the children would be excited by how God rescued the Israelites from slavery, and how he has sent Jesus to be our rescuer and saviour. Wed 7: CPAS: We‘re exhibiting at New Wine in Newark this week, so please pray for good opportunities to speak to new and existing supporters. Thu 8: Lighthouse: Pray that both this week’s Ventures would run safely and for God’s protection over all the leaders and children. Fri 9: Lighthouse: As one Venture ends and the leaders prepare for the next one, pray that they will develop good relationships with the children and show them God’s love in all that they do. Sat 10: Lighthouse: The second Venture begins at Bourton today. Please pray that the leaders will teach the gospel clearly and in a way which is accessible for the children.

Tasters tend to be shorter than other Ventures, and are a great way for children to experience going away without their parents for the first time. 07

11-17 August

cyfa Ventures (14-18s) Sparkford 3

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: rejoice! Philippians 4:4


his Wednesday, Hazelgrove House in the rolling Somerset countryside will host around 60 14-18 year olds for eight days on the Sparkford 3 Venture. The teenagers will sleep in dorms of 4-10 people, and enjoy a vast array of exciting activities throughout the week. For the adventurous, there is climbing, caving, crafts, shooting, swimming and drama and for the even more adventurous there is a zip wire, zorb ball and giant catapult! This year’s theme is the French Revolution, so there will be plenty of fancy dress and some questionable French accents on display. The young people will also spend time exploring the Bible all together and in small groups. The structured and dynamic teaching programme is designed to engage both those who come knowing very little about Jesus, and those who have been Christians for a while and want to stretch their minds and deepen their faith.

For your prayers: Sun 11: Sparkford 3: Praise God for links which are developing with a few new church youth groups, and please pray for more. Mon 12: Lead On: Today, James Lawrence is writing the next edition of our free monthly leadership email, Lead On. Tue 13: Sparkford 3: As well as experienced leaders there are several newer team members this year, so pray that they will quickly pick up the ‘feel’ of the Venture. Wed 14: Sparkford 3: The Venture begins today. Pray for a great welcome for some of the new members who come from unsettled and un-churched backgrounds. Thu 15: Sparkford 3: Ask God to help all leaders pass on their knowledge, understanding and passion for Scripture from the front, in dorms and individually. Fri 16: Sparkford 3: That teenagers hearing the gospel outside of their home context, or for the first time, will have ears to hear. Sat 17: Ventures: Several other Ventures are taking place this week, so pray for more children and young people to discover the good news of Jesus across the country today.

Many CYFA members go on to become junior leaders when they are too old for their Venture. 08

mentoring matters Ireland training day Christ Church, Lisburn 19 October 2013

Identify, equip and resource mentors Find out more about the Mentoring Matters resource and training days at

18-24 August

Falcon Camps Ringsfield

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

For your prayers: Sun 18: Ringsfield: Transport for the children to Ringsfield today. Pray everyone has safe journeys, and there are no logistical challenges in bringing children from Huntingdon, Chelmsford and Maldon. Mon 19: Ringsfield: Pray for peaceful bed times, no homesickness, good sleep and physical, emotional and spiritual restoration during the week.


ark and Jo Brown are overall leaders of the Ringsfield Falcon Camp for 8-11s which is taking place this week at Ringsfield Hall in Suffolk. They share their hopes for the holiday: ‘I am looking forward to watching God work and am always amazed at watching the transformation from hardened anger into being children again. We want to tell of God’s great love for every child on the camp, and our prayer is that we will hear laughter and see fun, rather than shouting and hurt. ‘We will have a trip out every day, from swimming in Beccles Lido, to crabbing at Walberswick, a day at the seaside and a trip to a theme park. Back at the site, there will be games, camp fires, crafts and “Download @ 8”, our main meeting. Financial support from CPAS bursaries, local charities and churches is vital in enabling children to come on Ringsfield. It’s wonderful that this ministry is being supported in prayer also!’


Tue 20: Ringsfield: For ‘laughter and fun, rather than shouting and hurt’ among the 22 children taking part. Wed 21: Falcon Camps: For Great Wenham, Chepstow and Dean Forest also taking place this week. Thu 22: Church of Ireland: For the planning of CPAS’ ministry in Ireland in 2014 on ‘Sustaining oneself in leadership’ and ‘Leading in rural contexts’. Pray for strategic contacts to build our ministry and witness in Ireland. Fri 23: Ringsfield: For long-term transformation in the children as they go back home today. Sat 24: Falcon Camps: Praise God for the generous support of individuals and churches, which enables children and teenagers facing disadvantage to take part in these high-impact holidays.

If you’d like to receive news from Falcon Camps, you may like to receive our biannual Falcon Update. To subscribe for free, visit or phone 0300 123 0780.

growing leaders St Stephen’s Twickenham (London) There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 1 Corinthians 12:4-6


25-31 August

For your prayers: Sun 25: St Stephen’s Twickenham: Jez Barnes (vicar) and others in positions of leadership at this large church in west London. Mon 26: St Stephen’s Twickenham: The participants as they prepare to begin Growing Leaders next month. Pray also for the many other churches who are beginning the course this autumn.

ver 700 churches across the UK and beyond have used the Growing Leaders suite of resources to develop leaders within their congregations. The adult course was launched in 2006 and Growing Leaders – Youth Edition was published in 2009, with St Stephen’s Twickenham involved in piloting the material with a group of teenagers.

Tue 27: St Stephen’s Twickenham: Sonja Arnold and Graham Charkham, who are co-leading the Growing Leaders course this year.

St Stephen’s is now preparing to start the Growing Leaders course next month, for up to 24 people including leaders of life groups, worship and youth work, as well as some identified as being potential leaders. Led by associate vicar Sonja Arnold and Graham Charkham, the course includes ten monthly sessions covering the themes of character, competence and call.

Thu 29: St Stephen’s Twickenham: For all the participants to find appropriate mentors to talk and pray with throughout the course.

Wed 28: Church of Ireland: The CPAS Ireland advisory group, meeting 11am-1pm today at Christ Church, Lisburn.

Fri 30: St Stephen’s Twickenham: That during Growing Leaders the participants will grow in Christ-like character and understand more of the gifts God has given them. Sat 31: Growing Leaders – Youth Edition: For more teenagers to be invested in and feel valued by churches using the course material.

If your church is interested in running either of the Growing Leaders courses, please visit to find out more. 11

churches in vacancy 1-7 September

St Matthew’s and St Oswald’s (m2o), Rugby (Coventry)

The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58:11


his week, interviews take place for the next vicar of m2o, a parish formed five years ago from the churches of St Matthew’s and St Oswald’s in west Rugby. Richard Farnell and Marion Maclellan, parish reps at m2o, said: ‘In recent years, m2o has been through interesting times. The parish had two churches, but in 2011 the PCC requested that the diocese close the St Matthew’s building, as the boiler was condemned and much more work was needed. We subsequently moved to the St Oswald’s building, which is in the middle of the parish surrounded by early 20th century housing. ‘Through times of prayer and fasting God’s future for the new parish began to emerge. It was a call to focus more centrally on the parish and its communities, where people are often struggling with poverty, debt and relationship breakdown.’

For your prayers: Sun 1: m2o: As the church focuses on communities in the heart of the parish, pray for more people to be reached with the love and compassion of Jesus. Mon 2: m2o: The past few years have been a time of change for all at m2o. May God continue to shape their identity as they wait for a new vicar. Tue 3: m2o: As the candidates prepare for tomorrow’s interviews, please pray for peace and protection. Wed 4: m2o: Interviews take place today for the new incumbent. Pray for God’s guidance in finding the right person. Thu 5: CPAS: The strategy group meets today and tomorrow to discuss the big picture of CPAS’ work through our leadership development, patronage and Ventures and Falcon Camps ministries. Fri 6: m2o: That all at m2o would continue to walk in the footsteps of Jesus through this time of transition. Sat 7: Church of Ireland: Bishop Ferran Glenfield as he gets to know his diocese in Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh and builds on the ministry of Bishop Ken ‘Fanta’ Clarke.

This autumn, a new resource called Growing Through a Vacancy will be available from CPAS. 12

leadership 8-14 September

Applications for Arrow 13

For your prayers: Sun 8: St Mary’s Disley (Chester): James Lawrence is preaching today at this church near Stockport, which has been a supporter of CPAS over many years.

For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Proverbs 2:10

‘I’ve loved every moment of this multidimensional programme – times of deep challenge, of laughter, of practical application, illuminating teaching, new friendships, and patterns for life and ministry which will be valuable for many years to come.’

Fiona Poulson, Arrow 11 graduate


ince CPAS brought the Arrow Leadership Programme to the UK in 1999, almost 300 leaders aged 25-40 have been through this transformational 18-month programme.

Applications for Arrow 13 open shortly, marking the start of a discernment process to identify the 24 men and women who will be invited to join the programme which begins early next year. The panel involved in the discernment process includes CPAS staff, Arrow graduates and module leaders.

Mon 9: Arrow: That those who have already completed an Arrow programme and those who know of Arrow would recommend it to others. Tue 10: CPAS: All those who represent CPAS by preaching in local churches are meeting today, to discuss how they best communicate our work around the country. Wed 11: Arrow: For God to be at work in the lives of busy leaders to prompt them to apply. Thu 12: Arrow: We know from those who have been through Arrow that some people are unsure about applying because of time or cost. Pray they would find encouragement through others or by contacting Carol Street, Arrow’s programme manager. Fri 13: Arrow: Give thanks for all those on the discernment group. Pray for God’s wisdom and insight as they read through applications later in the year. Sat 14: Arrow: Praise God for his impact on the lives and leadership of men and women through Arrow over the past 14 years.

If you know anybody who may be interested in the Arrow Leadership Programme, please point them towards 13

15-21 September

patronage churches St Thomas’ Kidsgrove (Lichfield)

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6

For your prayers: Sun 15: St Thomas’ Kidsgrove: Patronage secretary John Fisher is visiting the church today to preach and give an update on CPAS’ ministry. Mon 16: Exeter diocesan leadership course: Each of the two cohorts on the CPAS resourced leadership course have a 36-hour session this week. Pray for Charles Burgess and James Lawrence as they deliver the sessions. Tue 17: Ventures and Falcon Camps: The management committee meet today. Pray for a Christ-centred, Spirit-led meeting where God’s will is discerned and followed.


nowing Jesus and making him known sits at the heart of the ministry of St Thomas’ Kidsgrove, a town-centre church in Staffordshire. As well as church-based activities such as the CYFA youth group, St Thomas’ Toddlers, dance group and weekly house groups, there is also a parish nursery and primary school. Plans for a parish secondary school are also underway. Vicar Iain Baker said: ‘Your prayers are much appreciated as we negotiate the inclusion of a secondary school in our ministry of Christian education. Please also pray that our recently-opened community hall would be used in a way which is gospel-centred, and for God’s guidance as we seek his will for new activities beginning at St Thomas’ in the coming months.’

Wed 18: St Thomas’ Kidsgrove: For Graham Higson, ministry trainee, whose placement ends this time next year. Pray God would have his guiding hand over his future ministry. Thu 19: St Thomas’ Kidsgrove: For St Thomas’ nursery and primary school, as well as plans for a parish secondary school. Fri 20: St Thomas’ Kidsgrove: Pray God’s blessing on all the groups using the community centre, and ask that the gospel would be proclaimed and Jesus made known. Sat 21: St Thomas’ Kidsgrove: Praise our heavenly father for all this church’s ministries, and pray for God’s divine direction on plans for new activities.

Vicar Iain Baker was appointed by the CPAS patronage trustees in September 2003, and celebrates ten years in post at the end of this month. 14

meet the trustees As a charity, CPAS is governed by a body of 11 trustees who are responsible for policy and oversight of our work and ministry.

The Rt Rev Andrew Watson (chair of trustees)

Please remember them in your prayers as they seek God’s will for the direction and nature of CPAS’ work, to fulfil our vision of enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus. Mr Nick Burt

The Rev Tim Crook

The Rev Flt Lt Geoffrey Firth

The Ven Christine Froude

The Ven Alan Hawker

Mrs Jane Jefferis

The Ven Dr Gordon Kuhrt

The Rev Stephen Pullin

Mr Colin Sheppard

The Rt Rev Paul Williams

CPAS also has patronage trustees, who are responsible for shortlisting candidates for clergy posts at our 500+ patronage churches.

22-28 September

developing leaders autumn training events

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

For your prayers: Sun 22: Chalk St Mary the Virgin (Rochester): Patronage secretary John Fisher is preaching today. Praise God for incumbent Nigel Bourne, and pray God’s blessing on him as he leads the church’s ministry. Mon 23: Training events: Pray for those involved in practical preparation and administration of the upcoming events: Kirstin Macdonald, Caroline Davenport and Linda MacDermott.


ith many church leaders (and everyone else!) taking holidays during the summer months, September tends to be the time when things get busy again, both for local churches and CPAS training staff as they seek to equip them. This weekend, You and Ministry will take place in Ilkley, giving people the opportunity to explore a possible vocation to authorised ministry. For younger people considering call, there is a lifecall young vocations day in November in Coventry. Other events coming up include The Buck Stops Here conference for new incumbents, Leading Edge – Moving On for clergy considering a move, a Mentoring Matters training day in Lisburn, and the National Larger Anglican Churches Consultation. Please pray for CPAS’ delivery staff and partners as they resource local churches for mission, both for today and long into the future.

Tue 24: CPAS trustees: Meeting today in Coventry. Turn to the previous page to pray for them by name, as they oversee CPAS’ ministry. Wed 25: Training events: Leading Edge – Self leadership is taking place today for clergy in Peterborough diocese, led by CPAS leadership principal James Lawrence. Thu 26: Church of Ireland: For a renewed sense of the calling of the Lord for ministry in the Church in filling vacant parishes and developing new ministries. Fri 27: Training events: This weekend’s You and Ministry, which begins this evening. Pray God speaks into the participants’ hearts, and they respond to his call. Sat 28: Training events: The current and future ministry of all new incumbents taking part in The Buck Stops Here.

CPAS training events are delivered by a combination of staff and partners with expertise in relevant leadership topics. 16

partner churches

29 September – 5 October

Christ Church Ware (St Albans) For your prayers: Freely you have received; freely give. Matthew 10:8


ohn Hookway, vicar of Christ Church Ware, has quite a history with CPAS! He came to faith on a Pathfinder camp as a teenager, explored his call on a You and Ministry weekend, was a leader on CYFA Ventures, took part in the Arrow Leadership Programme, and has seen over 150 people go through the Growing Leaders course. We’re delighted to be partnering with John and Christ Church Ware to deliver a series of training events for clergy and other leaders in the local area. John said: ‘It’s fantastic to have the opportunity to equip, release and support the ministry of others, and to be part of enabling churches to reach their full God-given potential.’ This week, we praise God for the partnership between Christ Church Ware and CPAS, and ask his blessing on the ministry of the church. Christ Church’s many mission activities include Messy Church, a community outreach initiative called ‘Love Ware, Live Ware’, toddler groups, schools ministry, Alpha and a new evening service for young adults.

Sun 29: Christ Church Ware: For many church leaders to be resourced for mission through the partnership between Christ Church and CPAS. Mon 30: Christ Church Ware: Praise God for the toddler groups meeting in the church centre every day this week, and pray more people come to know Jesus through them. Tue 1: The Buck Stops Here: CPAS’ biannual two-day conference for new incumbents starts today. Wed 2: Lead On: The monthly leadership email is being sent to 2,000+ church leaders today. Patronage secretary John Fisher will be sharing his thoughts on leading well during a vacancy. Thu 3: Christ Church Ware: Please pray for Alpha, Growing Leaders and the development of small groups. Pray for many new disciples of Jesus. Fri 4: Christ Church Ware: John Hookway (vicar), Keith Murphy (curate and worship leader), Paul Watson and Norman Richards (associate ministers), Martin Dudley (parish manager), Alison Jackson (community outreach worker) and Lindsay Moss (pioneer minister). Sat 5: Christ Church Ware: For the parish away day and harvest supper taking place today, and for the ministry of the ‘Love Ware, Live Ware’ initiative.

CPAS is working in partnership with a number of churches to deliver training events for leaders in their local area. 17

6-12 October

leadership Clergy moving on

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


his Thursday, CPAS’ third Leading Edge – Moving On day will take place at Holy Trinity Swiss Cottage in London. Around 12-14 clergy will be attending, from curates nearing the end of their curacy to incumbents who have been in post for over a decade and are considering a move. CPAS patronage secretary John Fisher will lead the day. John said: ‘We will begin by thinking about calling. Vocation doesn’t stop at ordination, and we want to help clergy discern God’s path for them with the gifts, skills, experience and capacity they can offer a church today. We will also cover the “nitty gritty” of the Church of England appointment process, and the practicalities of making applications, reading parish profiles and interviewing well. The day will end with a discussion on handling outcomes, closing with a reflection on ending and starting well.’

For your prayers: Sun 6: Clergy moving on: For courage and honesty for church leaders who are having a hard time accepting that it might be time to move on. Mon 7: Clergy moving on: CPAS patronage secretary John Fisher, Nick Wheeler at the Crown Ecclesiastical Office and national clergy appointments adviser John Lee. Tue 8: CPAS staff: The CPAS staff leadership group meets today. Pray for wisdom and good communication, which helps us to be more effective and efficient in delivering our ministry. Wed 9: Exeter diocesan leadership course: Charles Burgess is leading session 7 with the first cohort today, and James Lawrence is leading the second cohort tomorrow. Thu 10: Clergy moving on: Those attending the Leading Edge – Moving On day in London today. Pray each person hears God’s voice loud and clear, and comes away feeling informed and prepared. Fri 11: Leadership: Graham Archer, who is writing an article on ‘How not to lose heart as a leader’ for the next edition of Lead On. Sat 12: EGGS (Evangelical Group of the General Synod): Meeting today, chaired by CPAS general director John Dunnett.

Leading Edge forums take place around the country on a variety of ‘hot topics’ for church leaders. 18

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

giving to CPAS Ways to give Personal donations

Church giving


You can give one-off or regular gifts to CPAS in a variety of ways. Send a cheque through the post, complete a ‘Supporting CPAS’ form or contact our finance team on the details below to make a donation over the phone or request a Standing Order form.

Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

Following the CPAS ‘Change Makers’ day, my colleagues and I are looking forward to taking and using these tools in bringing direction to the life of our parish. The Rev Paul Dundas, rector of Christ Church, Lisburn CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


lifecall Aged 16-25?

Wondering if church leadership is for you? Saturday 19 October, Coventry

More information and booking details at:

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