CPAS Prayer Diary, Winter-Spring 2014

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Winter – Spring 2014


making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

prayer diary stay in touch @cpasnews prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2013. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Daily prayer points from the CPAS Prayer Diary are now also available through the PrayerMate app for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch devices. Visit or search in the App Store.

‘We do not make requests of you because we are righteous, but because of your great mercy.’ Daniel 9:18


et’s be honest – it’s not always easy to pray. It’s not that we need to be convinced of the place of prayer in God’s economy. Neither do we need to be reminded of the many biblical injunctions to be people of prayer. Rather, in my experience, our hearts need to be ‘fuelled’ to pray. And there is no better way to find this fuel than to read the prayers that are recorded for us in Scripture. So, in this Prayer Diary, I want to draw your attention to some of the Old Testament prayers that ‘fuel’ me and invite you to read and meditate on them as you pray for CPAS. Abraham’s ‘bargaining’ with God over Sodom (Genesis 18:22-33) is a prayer that points to how ready God is to show mercy. It’s a prayer that encourages boldness in the way we pray. One of my favourite biblical prayers is that of Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10-11). I am always impressed by the way she feels it legitimate to offer her pain and anguish to God. It’s good to be reminded that our heavenly Father is neither offended nor derailed by our tears and human concerns. Perhaps we should feel able to use less words and more tears. Daniel’s prayer is a template for our time (Daniel 9:3-19). It’s the prayer of a leader who confesses on behalf of God’s people. It’s the prayer of someone who knows that God is merciful. It’s the prayer of a man who appreciates that what ultimately counts is the

glory and name of God. It’s a model of how to plead with God and reminds us of the need to keep a perspective in which his glory, his name and his mission are paramount. One of the prayers that has fuelled me on innumerable occasions when praying for leaders and churches is that of Moses in Exodus 33:15: ‘If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here’. I love the fact that Moses saw this as critical to the life of God’s people. When Jesus breathed on his disciples as a sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence he was indicating just how fundamental this gift is to our spiritual life. Here at CPAS we are enormously grateful for your prayerful support. Without your prayers, all our efforts would be in vain. So thank you … and can I invite you in using this edition of our Prayer Diary to refer to the prayers mentioned above. Why not read them as you pray – and be fuelled by the faith and example of those who have gone before us. For Christ‘s glory,

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

12-18 January

ventures and falcon camps Promotion and planning For your prayers:

If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear. Mark 4:23


anuary is always a key time of year for bookings on Ventures and Falcon Camps, as many people make their holiday plans for the summer. The Ventures website ( has details of all the holidays taking place across the UK later this year, as well as videos and other promotional material to help you tell people in your church about the holidays. As well as praying, please help spread the word to any families you know who may be interested in a fun, safe and lifechanging week on a Venture or Falcon Camp this year.

Sun 12: Ventures: Pray for young people to be inspired and bold enough to invite their friends to join them on a Venture holiday this year. Mon 13: Ventures: Ventures take place thanks to the dedication and care of more than 3,000 volunteer leaders, who also play a large role in member bookings. Pray for their plans to promote the ministry of Ventures to churches and youth groups. Tue 14: Ventures: Pray for parents and carers who are having discussions about holiday plans, for wisdom about whether a faithbased residential holiday would be right for their children. Wed 15: Leadership: CPAS is leading a further two groups of clergy through a training programme in Exeter diocese. A group of 15 gather today and the other group will meet tomorrow. Thu 16: Leadership: Pray for the participants in Exeter, that the course may help them as they seek to enact the three training themes of leading well with others, sustaining yourself in leadership and strategies for growth. Fri 17: Falcon Camps: Many of the children on Falcon Camps are referred by social workers, youth workers and schools workers, so pray for good links with these professionals who work alongside young people. Sat 18: Ventures: Pray for families on the fringes of local churches to be invited to attend Ventures, and that they would also have the confidence to book places.

In 2013 more than 4,000 children and young people attended Ventures and Falcon Camps. Visit for this year’s holidays. 04

arrow leadership programme Selection for programme 13

19-25 January

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6-7


t CPAS we offer various types of training methods for church leaders, from one-day events to the 18-month Arrow Leadership Programme. The selection day for the 13th Arrow programme in the UK is taking place this week, to choose the 24 leaders aged 25-40 to embark on the next programme.

For your prayers:

Kirsten Rosslyn-Smith, who completed Arrow last year, said: ‘Arrow has been a huge gift: a gift of people, resources, habits, time, reflection, inspiration and worship. A true gift of God.’

Tue 21: Arrow: Give thanks for all those who have applied to participate in the next programme. Pray for peace and a sense of God’s good provision as they wait to hear the outcome of the discernment day.

Sun 19: CPAS staff: Graham Archer, director of ministry, is preaching at Holy Trinity Warrington, a church which has been supporting the work of CPAS for many years. Mon 20: Arrow: Please pray for those on the discernment panel to have diligence, insight and wisdom as they read the application forms for the next programme.

Wed 22: Arrow: Pray for God to continue working in those

who have completed Arrow in the UK since 2001, which includes nearly 300 leaders. Thu 23: Arrow: Today the discernment panel meet to discuss the Arrow application forms. Pray for wisdom as they seek to discern who should be offered places. Fri 24: Arrow: Please pray for all those who applied as they wait to discover whether they have been invited to join the next programme, especially for those not offered a place to know God with them in their disappointment. Sat 25: Mentoring Matters: James Lawrence is running a training day at Christ Church Ware, for those interested in setting up church-based mentoring networks.

Arrow develops leaders to be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus. 05

‘It was the best camp I have ever been to.’ Isaac, 9

thank you for growing churches

churches Thank you for helping us enable over to help every person hear and disc the good news of Jesus Christ.

erstand ‘Growing Leaders helped me und y is bilit onsi resp and ip ersh lead what nt all about.’ Jonny, participa

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patronage churches

26 January – 1 February

Fazakerley (Liverpool) So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, ‘On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.’ Genesis 22:14

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ur parish is made up of three churches – Emmanuel, St Paul’s and St George’s. At Emmanuel, praise God that we recently completed a re-ordering, and the church looks lovely. We are looking to appoint a parish administrator, now we have the office space. At St Paul’s, God’s provision has been extraordinary. Thanks to a £10,000(!) fundraising bid, we’ve been able to turn the wasteland behind the church into a lovely garden, which is used not only by the church but also by two special needs schools. ‘Sadly, St George’s is closed for worship at the moment as it had become unsustainable. However, we have worked hard to keep the building open as a community resource – with plans for 200 new homes, two schools and a row of shops in the pipeline, we’ve got a fantastic reason to stay. Various groups use the building at the moment for everything from a toddler group to a pensioners’ lunch. We even hosted the community consultation with the contractors for the new development!’ Marion Simmons, Vicar

For your prayers: Sun 26: Fazakerley: For Marion as she leads the parish and also team vicar Mike Hindley and NSM Bill Addey. Mon 27: Fazakerley: The development of leadership potential amongst the laity, which Marion and her team are keen to invest in. Tue 28: CPAS trustees: Meeting in Coventry today. The new trustees who were elected in December will be welcomed formally. Wed 29: Leadership: James Lawrence is speaking to ordinands at Wycliffe Hall today on the topic of ‘Understanding who you are as a leader’. Thu 30: Fazakerley: For the St George’s church building. Praise God that it is so well used during the week, and pray for its future. Fri 31: Fazakerley: The weekly youth club meets at Emmanuel tonight. Sat 1: Leadership: The smaller churches conference is taking place in Birmingham today, with input from CPAS leadership principal James Lawrence.

Marion is retiring this summer. Please pray God’s guiding hand will be over the appointment process for the new incumbent. 07

2-8 February

multi-parish benefices Learning communities

Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. Proverbs 9:9


ith an increasing number of parishes being made up of three or more churches (over 60% in some dioceses), equipping leaders working in multiparish benefices is one of CPAS’ key priorities. CPAS, in partnership with Lead Academy and the Arthur Rank Centre, is facilitating learning communities for lay leaders, influential lay members and clergy working in this setting. These will take place over a period of two years, during which the communities will meet four times, and implement an action plan between sessions. These learning communities are being piloted in York, Gloucester and Liverpool dioceses. This Friday and Saturday, the York diocese learning community will be meeting for the first time to share good practice and receive input from outside speakers on the first of the four overall themes – journey.

For your prayers: Sun 2: Fazakerley (Liverpool): CPAS leadership principal James Lawrence is preaching today and sharing news about CPAS’ ministry. Mon 3: Learning communities: Praise God for the growing partnership between CPAS, Lead Academy and the Arthur Rank Centre as we work on the pilots together. Tue 4: Grove books: The editorial group meets today to discuss new titles on topics including measuring performance and leading church-related community projects. Wed 5: Learning communities: For the other pilots that are taking place soon in Liverpool and Gloucester. Thu 6: Patronage trustees: Meeting today to shortlist for the incumbent’s role at vacant CPAS patronage churches, including Kinson and West Howe (Salisbury) and Shenstone and Stonnall (Lichfield). Fri 7: York learning community: For a great first learning community, with a good, positive, encouraging atmosphere.

Pam Macnaughton, CPAS leadership specialist, is involved in leading the learning communities for multi-parish benefices.

Sat 8: York learning community: The benefice teams attending. Pray this initiative will enable blessing and transformation in their situations.

Each leadership group is visited by a ‘supporter’ who will help evaluate the action so far and offer guidance on next steps. 08

diocesan training input

9-15 February

Training in the south-west In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. Philippians 1:4-5

For your prayers: Sun 9: Leadership: Pray for the curates in Bristol diocese, who are finishing a training weekend today. Mon 10: General Synod: Taking place in London from today until Friday. Pray for CPAS general director John Dunnett (member of Synod for Chelmsford diocese).


PAS is actively involved in delivering ministerial development training in 25 dioceses – over half the country. In the South-west, CPAS has established partnerships with Bath and Wells, Bristol, Exeter, Gloucester and Truro dioceses. Training events taking place over the next few weeks include:

Leadership training weekends for curates in Bristol diocese.

Diocesan leadership course, Exeter: Four

cohorts are currently taking part in this yearlong course, overseen by CPAS leadership specialist Charles Burgess. Discerning direction, Bristol: Taking place on 6 March. This is part of a series of training days in Bristol diocese, which have covered the topics of building teams, moving on well, engaging Gen Y and leadership development. Mentoring, Bath and Wells: Clergy took part in mentoring training last summer, and have the follow-up day in March, where they will evaluate their mentoring so far.

Tue 11: Leadership: Director of ministry Graham Archer is delivering an event about developing effective teams at St Nic’s Nottingham today. Wed 12: Leadership: James Lawrence is meeting with the senior staff team at Peterborough diocese to discuss how to work well with Gen Y leaders (those born after 1980). Thu 13: Kinson (Salisbury): Patronage secretary John Fisher is on the interview panel today for the new incumbent. Pray the right person is selected. Fri 14: Diocesan training: Pray for the establishment of more training partnerships with dioceses. Sat 15: Diocesan training: Clergy mentoring training has the potential to impact the leadership of thousands. Pray for the clergy mentors trained in Bath and Wells, Carlisle, Chelmsford, London and Truro dioceses.

CPAS contributes to dioceses’ IME / CME (initial and continuing ministerial education) programmes. 09

16-22 February

CPAS Praising God for 178 years

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8


hat have CPAS, Joseph Rowntree, the Diocese of Ripon, John Lewis, the University of London, Bristol Zoo, Thomas Crapper, the state of Texas, the first railway in London and Charles Dickens’ The Pickwick Papers got in common? They all began life in 1836!

For your prayers: Sun 16: CPAS: Give thanks to God for the ministry of local churches which have been resourced and equipped through the work of CPAS since 1836. Mon 17: CPAS: Praise God for the success of the Exeter diocesan leadership courses, and pray more clergy in other dioceses would benefit from this in-depth development.

Over the last 178 years, the way CPAS works has changed dramatically to meet the needs of many generations, but our original mission to enable churches to bring the gospel to men, women and children remains the driving force behind all we do.

Tue 18: CPAS strategy planning group: John Dunnett (general director), Graham Archer (director of ministry), James Lawrence (leadership principal) and Tim Friend (Ventures and Falcon Camps principal).

This Wednesday is the anniversary of CPAS’ founding, so please join us in praising God for his faithfulness and provision. We commit to God our plans for the year ahead, which include the establishment of more multiparish benefice learning communities and the launch of another in-depth diocesan leadership course, following the pilots run in Exeter diocese.

Wed 19: CPAS: Today is CPAS’ birthday! Praise God for 178 years of gospel ministry in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Thu 20: CPAS: Praise God for the many churches and individuals who support us generously. Pray God will inspire more people to support CPAS in the year ahead. Fri 21: CPAS: Our work with leaders in multi-parish benefices, including the new learning communities in York, Liverpool and Gloucester dioceses. Sat 22: CPAS: For the development and expansion of our Ventures and Falcon Camps ministry in 2014.

Giving box from 1958

CPAS was set up in 1836 with the vision to bring ‘the gospel to every man’s door’. 10

Ventures and Falcon Camps Leaders’ conferences The Lord your God has increased your numbers so that today you are as numerous as the stars in the sky. May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised! Deuteronomy 1:10-11


ne of the key aspects of Ventures and Falcon Camps is the development of the many volunteer leaders who run the camps. The annual conference for overall leaders of Falcon Camps takes place at the end of this week, with two events for Venture overall leaders following next month. Tim Friend, Ventures and Falcon Camps principal, said: ‘These conferences for our amazing volunteer leaders are really important as we aim to share the vision for the future of Ventures and Falcon Camps, and enable them to play their part in equipping and supporting each other for the 100+ camps taking place later this year.’

23 February – 1 March

For your prayers: Sun 23: Ventures: Many leaders on Ventures are also involved in the youth and children’s work at their local churches. Ask God to teach and develop them through those experiences. Mon 24: Church of Ireland: Bishop Graham Cray is delivering the Church of Ireland theological lecture at Queen’s University Belfast today and tomorrow. Tue 25: Ventures: The conference speakers as they prepare for equipping Venture leaders next month. Dan and Billy Thaw will be giving the Bible talks, with Venture leader Sami Watts sharing some leadership tools. Wed 26: Leadership: James Lawrence is speaking to ordinands at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford today about the responsibilities of Christian leadership. Please pray for these future leaders in the Church. Thu 27: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Please pray for more children and young people to book onto this year’s camps, giving them the opportunity to discover the good news of Jesus, have fun and make life-long friends. Fri 28: Falcon Camps: Many leaders will be travelling to their training conference today, so please pray as they meet each other and begin to network ahead of tomorrow’s busy programme. Sat 1: Falcon Camps: For the leaders to be fully involved in today’s training programme as they share ideas, pick up practical leadership tools and are reminded of why they pour so much into this ministry.

More than 3,000 men and women volunteered as leaders on Ventures and Falcon Camps last year. 11

2-8 March

vocations You and Ministry

Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’ Mathew 9:37-38

For your prayers: Sun 2: Vocations: CPAS vocations events give people the chance to hear from local clergy about their own experiences. Pray for the leaders who will be making a contribution next weekend. Mon 3: Vocations: The selection process for ordination or other authorised ministries can be misunderstood, so pray for You and Ministry to help people get a clear understanding of the process they’re considering entering.


PAS has been running You and Ministry weekends for more than 50 years, and the latest event to help men and women explore God’s call to leadership is taking place in Ilkley, West Yorkshire this week. Topics covered will include understanding vocation, ministry in the New Testament and the Church of England today, with local clergy offering their practical insights and wisdom.

Shanthi Thompson, a vicar in Carlisle diocese who attended a You and Ministry weekend in 2006 and has since spoken at other events, said: ‘The great thing about these weekends is that CPAS isn’t pushing people into ordination but genuinely helping them discern what God is calling them to do.’

Tue 4: Vocations: CPAS is also trying to encourage younger people to explore a call to leadership, so pray for fruitful plans for future lifecall events for 16-25s. Wed 5: Vocations: Pray for those who will be leading the You and Ministry weekend in Ilkley, including CPAS leadership principal James Lawrence. Thu 6: Leadership: An event for church leaders in Bristol diocese about discerning direction is being led by Charles Burgess today. Fri 7: Vocations: You and Ministry starts today in Ilkley, so please pray that all those attending will be open to God’s guidance from the very start. Sat 8: Vocations: One-to-one discussions with those leading the event are often a key part of You and Ministry weekends. Pray for godly wisdom to be shared during those times.

Since You and Ministry weekends started in the 1960s, more than 10,000 people have been on a CPAS vocations event. 12

equipping leaders CPAS offers a variety of training events to clergy, lay leaders and leaders-to-be. Amongst others, topics include: Leading well with others. Discerning direction. Missional leadership. Mentoring. Multi-church leaders. Self-leadership. Growing leaders. Vision to action. Moving on (for clergy changing roles). Vocations.

See details of all future training events at

9-15 March

leadership Arrow 13 preparation day For your prayers:

Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant. 2 Corinthians 3:5-6


his Saturday (15 March), the Arrow 13 participants meet for the first time, along with their spouses or friends who will support them through the 18-month programme. Thank you for praying for these 24 men and women aged 25-40, as they embark on this journey of leadership transformation. The 18-month Arrow programme includes four five-day residentials, monthly meetings with a mentor and meetings with other participants in peer cells, as well as guided reading, reflection and project work.

Arrow programme overview eighteen month programme residentials assessment mentors peer cells projects prayer base

Sun 9: Vocations: Pray as You and Ministry participants head home, that they continue to seek God’s guidance. Mon 10: Church of Ireland: Praise God for recent training events in Ireland on changemaking and mentoring. Pray his blessing on future events. Tue 11: Arrow: The long-term ministry of the 24 leaders participating in programme 13. Wed 12: Exeter diocesan leadership course: Pray for clergy taking part in sessions today and tomorrow on leading well with others and being clear about priorities and calling. Thu 13: Arrow: The spouses and friends who will be accompanying the participants over the next 18 months. Fri 14: Arrow: CPAS staff and partners involved in the preparation day tomorrow: James Lawrence, Carol Street, Jeremy Allcock, Tim Chilvers, Lucy Cleland, Steve Beak, David and Becky Widdows. Sat 15: Arrow: Programme 13 preparation day takes place today. Pray the group would gel well as they meet for the first time.

Thank you for being part of the essential prayer base for Arrow. 14

patronage Consultation and training summit

16-22 March

‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ At once they left their nets and followed him. Mark 1:17-18


PAS is the UK’s largest evangelical patron, with sole or shared responsibility for selecting the incumbents at more than 500 benefices which cover every English diocese. This week we are organising a patronage consultation and training summit, taking place at St Michael’s Chester Square, in central London. The day is being offered to trustees, senior clergy in the Church, and those who have an interest in the subject to share matters of common concern and receive some up-to-date training on recruitment processes.

For your prayers: Sun 16: Patronage: Those worshipping at CPAS patronage churches today, that the teaching and worship would help them reach more people with the gospel. Mon 17: Patronage: The consultation taking place on Thursday will be a rare opportunity for evangelical patrons to gather together, so pray for unity and harmony as they discuss important issues.

Tue 18: Patronage: The senior clergy, patrons and a recruitment training organisation preparing to make contributions at Thursday’s consultation. Wed 19: Leadership: For leaders in Truro diocese attending tomorrow‘s training day on discerning direction. CPAS leadership specialist, Charles Burgess, will be leading. Thu 20: Patronage: For today’s consultation to have a positive impact on the

CPAS patronage secretary, John Fisher

future work of the patrons who play a key role in the appointment of clergy. Fri 21: Patronage: Through our responsibilities in more than 500 benefices, CPAS is on average involved in appointing one incumbent each week, so pray for patronage secretary John Fisher in his work. Sat 22: Patronage: Pray for churches currently without a vicar, for a tangible sense of God’s provision throughout the period of vacancy.

Through our patronage work, CPAS is involved in around 50 clergy appointments each year. 15

23-29 March

leadership Ireland training centre

And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming. 1 John 2:28

For your prayers: Sun 23: Church of Ireland: Praise God the new relationships built between church leaders through the events at Christ Church, Lisburn. Mon 24: Church of Ireland: Paul Dundas, rector of Christ Church and CPAS partner. Tue 25: CPAS trustees: Meeting in Coventry today. Please pray for spiritguided, fruitful conversations and wise decisions.

James Lawrence, Paul Dundas and Bishop Ken (Fanta) Clarke at the ‘Mentoring Matters’ training day in Lisburn

Wed 26: CPAS training centres: For all the events across the UK and Republic of Ireland to help leaders ‘continue in him’ so they can lead healthy, gospel-focused churches.


Thu 27: Church of Ireland: Today’s Keeping watch over ourselves in leadership training day.

Following on from the Change Makers and Mentoring Matters training days in 2013, the first event of 2014 is taking place on Thursday this week. Keeping watch over ourselves in leadership will be led by Graham Archer, CPAS director of ministry.

Sat 29: Leadership: James Lawrence is speaking on leadership and making disciples at a conference in Birmingham for mid-sized churches.

hrist Church, Lisburn, the CPAS training centre for Ireland, is hosting three training events each year to develop leaders at all levels across local churches in both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Fri 28: Church of Ireland: For those who attended yesterday’s training to keep in mind what they have learned, and apply it to their lives.

Other upcoming training days are planned for later in the year on the topics of Sustaining oneself in ministry and Growing others in leadership.

Details of events happening at Christ Church, Lisburn can be found at 16

patronage churches St Ninian, Douglas (Sodor and Man) How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation. Isaiah 52:7


hank you for praying for us. Something we’d love prayer for is ‘Open the Book’, which we are doing in four local primary schools. This involves acting out Bible stories from the Lion Storyteller Bible. We also have strong links with secondary schools through Scripture Union’s ministries trust. Please pray God’s blessing on all the children and young people we encounter through these initiatives. ‘St Ninian’s has a well-established pattern of teaching and sending, partly due to our setting in Douglas, which is a place of transition for many people. Those who are new to the island often come to us first, and then after a time leave or move out of town. We have an ethos of encouraging people to be a blessing wherever they should be, and actively encourage people to get involved in the smaller parishes too.’ John Coldwell, vicar

30 March – 5 April

For your prayers: Sun 30: St Ninian’s: Praise God for the success of ‘Open the Book’ and other schools initiatives. Pray many young people and their families will come to know Christ. Mon 31: St Ninian’s: For the ‘Connected’ youth group for 11-18s, taking place this evening. Tue 1: CPAS staff: General director John Dunnett, at the Crown Nominations Commission today to nominate the next bishop of Liverpool. Wed 2: Arrow Ireland: James Lawrence is visiting the Arrow Ireland residential from now until Friday to deliver training on leading well with others and discerning personal vision. Thu 3: Leadership: John Dunnett is at Trinity College Bristol today, teaching on leadership: discerning vision and staying the course. Fri 4: St Ninian’s: Pray for good discipleship, including regular Bible studies and the Lent course which is running at the moment. Sat 5: St Ninian’s: All who attend the church for a short time of transition. Pray they would be those ‘who bring good news, who proclaim peace’ to other parts of the island and beyond.

St Ninian’s is currently celebrating its 100th birthday. 17

6-12 April

Ventures and Falcon Camps Broads Cruise Venture

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Colossians 1:15

For your prayers: Sun 6: Broads Cruise: Ask God to be at work in the hearts of the young people so they are willing to receive the gift of faith. Mon 7: Broads Cruise: For good relationships with people on the route around Norfolk, including village halls hosting evening gatherings.


he Broads Cruise Ventures is taking place this week, the first of four Ventures and Falcon Camps over the school Easter holidays. About 100 young people and volunteer leaders will spend this week sailing around the Norfolk Broads, talking about faith issues and reading the Bible. Paddy Gleave, main overall leader for the Broads Cruise, said: ‘We’re praying for a really fun week of sailing on the Broads. Last year was very cold which was a huge challenge, but it was great how people modelled the Christian life by bearing with one another despite the difficult conditions. ‘It’s a very special thing to be involved with. As leaders on a Venture we do our best to help create a memorable week, but God does the rest and it’s all about how the members respond to him.’

Tue 8: Broads Cruise: This Venture is a particular logistical challenge, with meals being cooked on all 16 boats and very few fridges. Pray for a smooth week as the leaders manage the practicalities. Wed 9: Church of Ireland: The CPAS Ireland steering group meets today in Lisburn. Thu 10: Broads Cruise: All Venture leaders have responsibilities for the young people in their care, but especially for a holiday based on the waterways. Pray for leaders on the Broads Cruise to find joy in their duties. Fri 11: Ventures: Please pray for those on the 18-hour coach journey to Switzerland for the Ski Venture. Sat 12: Broads Cruise: The members return home today, so pray for them to continue to grow in their knowledge and love of God, and to find new hope in celebrating Jesus’ resurrection next weekend.

The other camps taking place over the Easter holidays are the Easter Falcon Camp, Easter Haslemere and Ski Switzerland.


The vast majority of Ventures and Falcon Camps take place during the summer holidays, so please also pray for the leaders currently involved in planning and preparations.

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

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Church giving


You can give one-off or regular gifts to CPAS in a variety of ways. Send a cheque through the post, complete a ‘Supporting CPAS’ form or contact our finance team on the details below to make a donation over the phone or request a Standing Order form.

Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

‘I have made some of my best friends on this Venture, and have been inspired by the leaders. In the studies on John’s Gospel I learnt more about our need for a saviour.’ Jack, 17 CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


is church leadership for you?

CPAS You and Ministry weekends in 2014: 7-9 March, The Briery, Ilkley 13-15 June, Park Place, Fareham 7-9 November, Launde Abbey, Leicester

Find out more and access our free vocations resources at

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