Invest in Cyprus (2016-2017)

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CountryProfiler 2016-2017 Edition


CYPRUS 投资塞浦路斯


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LEADING. EVOLVING. ACHIEVING. SINCE 1963. 矢志领先 • 矢志发展 • 成就非凡 • 始于1963年

Established in 1963, L Papaphilippou & Co LLC has grown to be one of the leading Law firms in Cyprus offering 24/7 quality legal services in • Real estate and Immigration • Corporate and M&A • Banking & Finance • Admiralty & Shipping • Litigation and Dispute Resolution • IT& Intellectual Property • International Tax Planning Our Immigration and Citizenship Department is well respected and renowned for leading by example in the field. In particular, L Papaphilippou & Co LLC is the first law firm in Cyprus to have successfully applied, secured and delivered Cypriot (EU) passports to Chinese high net worth individuals and their family dependents through the Citizenship by Investment programme.

L Papaphilippou & Co LLC 成立于 1963 年,目前是塞浦路斯首屈一指的 法律事务所,提供全天候的优质法律服 务,涉及业务包括: • 房地产和移民 • 公司组建和并购 • 银行和金融 • 海事与航运 • 诉讼和争议解决 • IT和知识产权 • 国际税务规划 我们的移民和入籍部门堪称业内典范, 深受客户的推崇。尤其值得一提的是, L Papaphilippou & Co LLC 是塞浦路 斯首家通过投资入籍计划为中国高净值 个人及其家人成功申请、取得并交付塞 浦路斯(欧盟)护照的律师事务所。

For more information about our activities in China visit our bilingual China Desk Website: or Contact us at Phone: +357 22 271 000 Fax: +357 22 271 111 • Email:

L PAPAP HILIP P O U & CO L LC A d v o ca t e s & L e g al C o n s u l t a n t s 有关我们中国业务的更多信息,请访问我们的双语中国事务部网站: 或通过以下方式联系我们:电话: +357 22 271 000 传真: +357 22 271 111 • 电邮:



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CountryProfiler 2016-2017 Edition

North America Suite 21, 2123 Walker’s Line, Burlington, Ontario - Canada L7M 4Z9 Tel: +1 905 616 3230


CYPRUS 投资塞浦路斯

Europe 7 Pericleous Ave, Suite 401, Strovolos 2020 Nicosia, Cyprus • Tel: +357 22 621 882 出版商信息

CountryProfiler有限公司是一家国家信息的专业出版商,协助从 事跨国运营的企业酝酿贸易、投资和搬迁决策。CountryProfiler 是企业高管、政府代表、研究机构以及全球机构公认的业内首屈 一指的国家信息提供商,提供各种详细、深入和实用的信息。. 编辑 Editor

Heidi Marttinen / 地区主管 Regional Director Kristina Ernst / 行政主管 Administrative Director Rick Martin / 研究与行政经理 Research & Administrative Manager

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专业 方案 价值


6 20 30 36 42 48 54

Foreign Direct Investment 外国直接投资

Invest in Cyprus 投资塞浦路斯

International Financial Services 国际金融服务

World-Class Services 世界一流的服务 Shipping 航运

A Flag of Progress 进步的旗帜 Real Estate 房地产

Luxury Living 奢华的生活

Living in Cyprus 生活在塞浦路斯

A Home in the Sun 阳光之家

Visiting Cyprus 访问塞浦路斯

Something for Everyone 满足每个人的期待

我们为您提供高质量的专业解决方案,协助您创建您的价值。根据您的个 人情况,我们为您提供专门定制的国际税务,法律,企业和家族监管,融 资,投资咨询,越境事务合规,以及移民和办理国籍的服务。我们并为您提 供行之有效的完整的一条龙式的财富管理方案。

Who’s Who in Cyprus

Business Directory 开业指导

© 2016 PricewaterhouseCoopers Ltd. All rights reserved


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investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

浦路斯经济近年来已取得了长足进 步,超越了各方的期待,投资者的 信心有了显著增长,因为我们看到来自美 国、亚洲、俄罗斯以及中东地区的投资开 始恢复。自国际信用评级机构连续调高塞 浦路斯的信用等级之后,岛国的信用状况 已得到改善,国内主要银行成功实现资本 重组以及不断出现的各类大型建设项目, 均有助于塞浦路斯恢复其作为顶尖外国直 接投资(FDI)目的国的地位。

Foreign Direct Investment 外国直接投资

Invest in Cyprus 投资塞浦路斯 Strategically located along China’s ‘New Silk Road’ economic belt and maritime routes, Cyprus is an ideal EU jurisdiction to bring together global investors and facilitate trade across three continents.

塞浦路斯位于被中国誉为“新丝绸之 路”的一带一路的战略地带,作为欧盟 司法辖区,塞浦路斯汇聚了全球各地的 投资者,推动着欧亚非三大洲的贸易与 交流。

塞浦路斯已经决定采取重要举措,增强与 中国的双边关系和经贸纽带。尽管塞浦路 斯的经济规模偏小,但有很大潜力在中国 的对外投资计划中发挥重要作用。这座海 岛恰好位于多条贸易线路的交汇点这一战 略地理位置,是有着中国“新丝绸之路” 这一称呼的“一带一路”发展战略的关 键节点,令塞浦路斯成为中国资本进入 EMEA(欧洲、中东、非洲)地区以及进入 塞浦路斯的理想起步点。 塞浦路斯是唯一一个参加2015年在北京 举行的首届“一带一路”发展战略大会的 欧盟国家,这充分证明了塞浦路斯对于发 展双边经贸关系的热忱。塞浦路斯凭借在 政治方面表现出的通力合作与支持而深受 投资者好评,并且为眼光独到的中国投资 者提供友好的环境和丰富的经验,不论是 在传统领域还是在新兴行业,例如碳氢资 源、可再生能源、旅游、农业、电信、民 航和教育。 塞浦路斯认识到投资者不断增长的兴趣, 因此大力精简业务流程以推动经济发展并 吸引更多的投资,而这些要求我们必须更 新法律制度、宣传开发项目、多元发展旅 游业、引入税务激励措施,并加快牌照的 审批流程。虽然这座地中海岛屿已是欧洲 公认的顶级度假胜地以及为国际企业跨国 运作提供服务的著名商业枢纽,塞浦路斯 正通过在其外国直接投资框架内推行更多 的激励措施,进一步增强自身的投资吸引 力,使之成为投资塞浦路斯市场的绝佳机 会。

Ayia Napa Marina


yprus has come a long way in the last few years, surpassing all expectations and seeing a boost in investor confidence with investments flowing in from the US, Asia, Russia and the Middle East. The island’s improved credit standing after consecutive upgrades by international credit rating agencies, the successful recapitalisation of its major banks, and its numerous largescale projects, have all contributed to the resurgence of Cyprus as a top foreign direct investment (FDI) location.

Cyprus has also been taking decisive steps in strengthening its bilateral relations and commercial ties with China. Although Cyprus is a significantly smaller economy, it has great potential to play an important role in China’s outbound investment plans. The island’s geostrategic location at the intersection of the various routes of China’s One Belt - One Road initiative, also known as the New Silk Road, has established Cyprus as an ideal springboard for Chinese investments into the EMEA region, as well as into Cyprus itself.

Proving its commitment in developing mutual economic opportunities, Cyprus was the only EU country to participate in the 2015 inaugural conference of China’s One Belt – One Road initiative in Beijing. Cyprus has received much praise for demonstrating excellent cooperation and support in the political sphere, as well as providing a welcoming and experienced environment for discerning Chinese investors in both existing and new sectors – including hydrocarbons, renewable sources of energy, tourism, agriculture, telecommunications, civil aviation and education.

Recognising the growing investor interest, Cyprus has focused on streamlining processes to boost its economy and attract more investment through modernising legislation, promoting development projects, diversifying tourism, introducing tax incentives and speeding up licencing procedures. Already recognised as a top European holiday destination and a reputable business hub servicing international companies with multinational operations, the island is growing its investment appeal with more incentives to its FDI framework – making this an opportune time to invest in the Cypriot market.



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With the pace of growth in the economy rapidly picking up, Cyprus presents a lot of opportunities for investment in areas of tourism, transport and infrastructure. Chinese investors have already invested in real estate and aviation with AVIC being a major investor in the recently approved airline company Cobalt Aero. Other opportunities currently open for investment include the joint development of the Larnaca Port and Marina, the technology park, the national lottery, the stock exchange and several prime location plots of land. All these follow the recent successful privatisation of the Limassol Port and the licencing process for the Casino that has entered its final stage. Marios Demetriades Minister of Transport, Communications and Works 随着经济增长速度的快 速反弹,塞浦路斯在旅 游、交通以及基础设施建 设方面提供了丰富的投 资机会。中国投资者早已 进入房地产和航空领域, 其中中国航空工业集团 (AVIC)是近期获批的 Cobalt Aero航空公司收 购案的主要投资者。目前 开放的其他投资机会包括 拉纳卡港与游艇码头、高 科技园区、国家博彩业、 证券交易以及多个黄金地 段房产项目的联合开发。 在所有这些投资机会之前 则是最近利马索尔港成功 实现私有化以及赌场牌照 审批流程进入最终阶段。 马里奥斯·迪米特里亚迪斯 塞浦路斯交通、通 信与工程部长

Large Scale Projects Improvements in Cyprus’ macroeconomic and financial environment are reviving international interest in around 30 major development projects on the island, and with the economy showing prospects of healthy growth, Cyprus’ FDI appeal is on an upward trajectory. Investment opportunities in Cyprus’ large scale projects span various sectors, including housing and tourist developments, projects with a special focus on golf courses and luxury marinas, as well as health, education and energy. A key development in 2016 is the launch of Cyprus’ first-ever Science and Technology Park (STP), which provides strategic investors with an interesting opportunity to finance, design, build and manage the landmark project. The planned STP will create applied research and development centres as well as office and support facilities tailored for science and technology companies, as well as promote business incubators to expand the range of opportunities for research and development investment. The project has already garnered international interest and to sweeten the deal for foreign investors, Cyprus also offers various incentives, such as tax breaks, greater flexibility in authorisation procedures and easier application process for residence and employment permits. In addition, investors will have tax-breaks for expenditure on acquiring patents or copyrights, buying shares in innovative businesses and start-ups, and additional breaks for the cost of buying fixed assets to be used in pioneering operations.

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 大型项目

塞浦路斯宏观经济形势和金融财政环境的 改善,重新燃起了外国投资者的兴趣,为 这座地中海岛国带来了近30个大型开发项 目。同时,随着塞浦路斯经济展现的健康 增长前景,塞浦路斯对于外国直接投资的 吸引力开始增长。塞浦路斯别具投资机会 的大型建设项目涉及多个领域,包括房地 产和旅游项目开发,以高尔夫球场和豪华 游艇码头为重点的项目,以及医疗健康、 教育和能源。2016年的一项重要进展就是 塞浦路斯的首个高新科技园(STP)正式 启动,为战略投资者在该标志性项目的融 资、设计、建造与管理方面提供了绝佳的 机会。这座规划的高新科技园将建立应用 研发中心以及为高科技企业定制的办公楼 和辅助设施,同时还将推广企业孵化器以 扩大研发领域的投资机会。该项目已经引 起国际投资者的浓厚兴趣,而为了进一步 吸引外国投资者,塞浦路斯还提供多种激 励措施,例如提供税收减免、提高审批流 程的灵活性、简化居留和工作许可的申请 流程。此外,投资者还可以就收购专利或 版权,或者购买创新公司和初创企业股份 的开支申请税收减免,同时还可以就购买 固定资产用于开拓性业务的费用获取额外 的减免期。

Emerging Regional Energy Hub Cyprus’ hydrocarbons find has attracted worldwide attention and serious international investment from several global energy companies, such as Eni, Kogas and Total, who have all secured exploration licences. The country’s energy sphere saw yet another boost in 2015, with British oil and gas company BG Group acquiring a 35% stake in Cyprus’ offshore Block 12. UScompany Noble Energy made the worldclass natural gas discovery in 2011, and confirmed reserves of 4.54 trillion cubic feet (tcf) in just one of the 12 offshore blocks. Geophysical data gathered so far estimate Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) blocks could hold deposits of around 60 tcf of natural gas. Further exploration is expected in 2016 and 2017, with oil deposit discoveries also a possibility. Following deepening cooperation with Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Greece and Italy, Cyprus is positioning itself as a convenient regional energy hub in the Eastern Mediterranean, which also opens up opportunities for more oil and gas related business in joint operating agreements with existing consortia and commercialisation options. As a safe and stable location in a turbulent region, Cyprus also provides an ideal base for ancillary and support services for investors with clients in the region. As the energy landscape develops, another interesting prospect is the potential to develop a petrochemical industry on the island.


塞浦路斯的碳氢资源发现引起了全世界的 关注和来自多家全球能源巨头的大笔投 资,例如Eni、Kogas以及道达尔均已经 获得勘探许可。塞浦路斯能源行业在2015 年再次实现重大飞跃,其中英国油气公司 BG集团收购了塞浦路斯12号海上作业区 域35%的权益。美资公司Noble Energy在 2011年探测到世界级的天然气矿脉,总共 12个勘探作业区域中单单一个区域的探明 储量就达到4.54万亿平方英尺(TCF)。 目前收集的地质数据显示塞浦路斯专属经 济区(EEZ)的天然气储量可达60TCF左 右。2016年和2017年将开展进一步的勘 探,而且有可能会发现石油矿脉。继深化 与埃及、以色列、约旦、黎巴嫩.希腊以及 意大利的合作关系之后,塞浦路斯有望成 为地中海东部地区便利的能源中心,这也 将为更多涉足油气业务的企业提供更多的 机会与现有财团达成合作开发协议和商业 开发方案。鉴于这一地中海岛国在周边动 荡不安的局势中始终保持着安全而稳定的 环境,塞浦路斯还可以作为投资者为本地 区客户提供辅助和支持服务的理想基地。



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Renewed Confidence in Banking Following Cyprus’ financial adjustment programme, the first priority was to restructure the country’s banks – and in less than three years, the sector was transformed and its largest banks fully recapitalised. Fresh cash injections and positive bank results in both 2015 and 2016 are restoring confidence and creating opportunities for more foreign participation in the sector. The island’s two biggest lenders, Bank of Cyprus and Hellenic Bank, have already garnered significant international investor interest, including US billionaire venture capitalist Wilbur L. Ross. New York-based hedge fund Third Point became a major shareholder in Hellenic Bank in 2013 and strengthened its position by purchasing €7.7 million worth of convertible bonds, with additional cash injections from Belarussian-owned international video game company Wargaming and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). With the still prevailing lack of liquidity, Cyprus is providing opportunities for new players to enter into the market and encouraging healthy competition and a wider scope of services. Investment opportunities that could be tapped into by international banks and financial groups are mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital projects as well as financing of large infrastructure projects.

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塞浦路斯推出金融调整计划之后,重组国 内的银行成为政府的当务之急,而仅仅不 过三年,塞浦路斯银行业就完成了改组, 各大主要银行均全部实现了资本重组。新 的注资以及2015年和2016年良好的银行业 绩让塞浦路斯银行业重获信心,同时为更 多外资银行参与该行业创造了机会。作为 塞浦路斯的两大借贷行,塞浦路斯银行以 及希腊国民银行已经引发了国际投资者的 极大兴趣,其中就包括拥有亿万身家的美 国风险投资人Wilbur L. Ross。2013年,纽 约对冲基金Third Point 成为希腊国民银行 的大股东,接着又通过购买770万欧元的可 转换债券巩固了其地位,而来自白俄罗斯 的国际视频游戏公司Wargaming以及欧洲 重建与开发银行(EBRD)则为该银行注入 了额外的现金流。由于流动性依旧十分缺 乏,塞浦路斯可以为意欲进入该市场的新 投资者提供绝佳的机会,并且鼓励各方开 展良性竞争并扩大金融服务范围。国际银 行与金融集团可以利用的投资机会在于并 购、私募股权、风投项目,以及大型基础 设施项目的融资。

China is tremendously important for Cyprus, and we offer many investment opportunities in various sectors of business, tourism and real estate. China has much to gain from doing business in Cyprus, as we fit well into its strategic initiative ‘One Belt, One Road’. Literally at the crossroads of three continents and with a wealth of expertise, Cyprus is a convenient and secure stepping stone into substantial markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Russia. As a trustworthy and friendly partner with deep knowledge of these markets, Cyprus can be the European face of Chinese business. Panicos Kaouris President, Cyprus China Business Association (CYCHIBA)

Rise in Tourism Tourism has long been a driving force of the Cypriot economy and arrivals as well as expenditure have seen record-breaking numbers in 2015 and 2016, with projections of international tourist arrivals reaching almost 4 million and generating expenditure of €3.5bn by 2025. Cyprus has attracted new interest thanks to efforts to diversify its product, by developing nautical, golf and wellness tourism and by extending the tourist season. The construction and investment in multipurpose projects such as luxury marinas, golf courses and more recently an integrated luxury casino resort – which attracted big global casino operators worldwide – are all part of the plan to upgrade Cyprus’ tourism offering. Marina projects in particular have seen a surge of investor interest, following the success of Limassol Marina, and plans are in place to establish new luxury yacht marinas in the country’s major coastal towns of Larnaca, Ayia Napa and Paphos. Tourism-related real estate continues to be one of the most attractive investment opportunities in Cyprus, evidence of this is the number of foreign investors closing multi-millioneuro deals in the last two years. These include the launch of a Radisson Blu Hotel and the sale of the seafront project ‘The Kimon’ in Larnaca, the €71 million deal on Amathus Beach Hotel in Limassol and foreign investors entering into a €20 million share capital increase agreement with the Le Meridien Limassol Spa & Resort. Other major international deals were the acquisition of ‘The Alexander the Great Beach Hotel’ in Paphos and South African Atterbury acquiring two of the country’s flagship retail outlets, the Mall of Cyprus and the Mall of Engomi, in the capital city of Nicosia.


旅游业长久以来一直是塞浦路斯经济的主要驱动力,2015 年和2016年的到访游客数量与花费均创造了记录,预计到 2025年,来塞浦路斯的国际游客将接近400万人,产生约 35亿欧元的消费。通过努力开发多元的旅游产品,例如开 发航海、高尔夫以及养生旅游,并延长旅游旺季,塞浦路 斯的旅游业引发了新的兴趣。投资建造用途广泛的旅游项 目,例如豪华游艇码头、高尔夫球场以及近期受到国际博 彩巨头关注的综合型豪华博彩度假村,均是塞浦路斯升级 旅游产品计划的重要举措。随着利马索尔游艇码头项目的 成功,同类的游艇码头项目尤其吸引投资者的兴趣,目前 计划在塞浦路斯的主要海滨城市阿伊亚纳帕、拉纳卡以及 帕福斯建造新的豪华游艇码头,其中阿伊亚纳帕的工程已 经开始。旅游相关的房地产业依然是塞浦路斯最具吸引力 的投资机会之一,外国投资者在过去两年购买的数百万欧 元级房产的数量足以为证。这些项目包括新开业的丽笙酒 店(Radisson Blu Hotel)以及拉纳卡的“The Kimon” 海滨项目开售,利马索尔价值7100万欧元的Amathus Beach酒店,以及外国投资者与利马索尔艾美温泉度假村 达成价值2000万欧元的增资协议。其它主要的国际交易包 括收购帕福斯的亚历山大大帝海滩酒店,南非Atterbury 在塞浦路斯首都尼科西亚收购了两家旗舰级零售网点、塞 浦路斯购物中心,以及Engomi购物中心。

中国对于塞浦路斯有着非 常重要的意义,我们可以 在商业、旅游业以及房地 产行业的多个领域为中国 投资者提供各种机会。中 国企业来塞浦路斯开展业 务将获得多重优势,因为 我们完全符合中国“一带 一路”的战略发展计划。 塞浦路斯位于亚非欧三大 洲的交汇处,并且可以提 供各种类型的专业服务, 因此可以成为中国企业进 入欧洲、中东以及俄罗 斯等主要市场的敲门砖, 不仅便利而且安全。作为 深谙这些市场规则、值得 信赖的友好合作伙伴,塞 浦路斯可以为中国企业进 入欧洲提供“身份”。 巴尼考斯·嘎吴里斯 塞浦路斯中国商会 (CYCHIBA)主席

Limassol Marina



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Boost in Real Estate Sales Property sales in Cyprus also marked a significant increase thanks to foreign buyers. Between January and August 2016, the number of sales to foreign buyers recorded an increase of 16.6% compared to the corresponding period of 2015. In September 2016, the overall sale of immovable property throughout the island recorded a remarkable increase of 44% compared to September last year, and the first three quarters of 2016 saw an annual increase of 32% in sales. The increase in sales to foreign buyers proves Cyprus continues to be high on the list for investors, holiday-home seekers, expats and retirees – a trend likely to continue throughout 2016 and 2017. This has partly been spurred on by the incentives offered in the country’s permanent residency and citizenship programmes, which require the purchase of property. The schemes have brought in well over €2 billion in revenue over the past two years, with most enquiries coming from China, Russia and the Middle East. Recent studies conducted by global immigration experts rank the Cyprus Citizenship by Investment programme amongst the top ten worldwide, and one of the strongest in the EU. The programme was revised in September 2016, making it even more attractive. The investment required is €2 million and a residential property worth €500,000. If an investor chooses to invest only in residential properties in Cyprus, their investment is limited to €2 million. Investment options include real estate, investment in Cyprus companies, investments in Alternative Investment Funds and bonds issued under the auspices of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), or a combination of the above.


得益于外国买家的涌入,塞浦路斯的房地 产销售情况出现了显著增长。2016年1至8 月外国买家的交易数量与2015年同期相比 创纪录地增长了16.6%。2016年9月,整个 塞浦路斯的不动产销售总额创下了同比增 长44%的纪录,而根据2016年前三个季度 的数据统计,全年销售增长达到了32%。 外国买家的销售增长证明塞浦路斯依然是 投资者、度假居所寻觅者、外国侨民以及 退休人士关注的焦点,而这种趋势预计将 延续到整个2016年和2017年。这种增长还 在一定程度上受到了塞浦路斯推出永久居 留权和公民权计划的刺激,因为这些计划 均有购买房产的要求。该移民计划在过去 两年中为塞浦路斯吸引了远超20亿欧元的 收入,其中的大部分申请来自中国、俄罗 斯和中东。国际移民专家近期的研究报告 将塞浦路斯的投资入籍计划评为全球十佳 投资入籍计划,也是欧盟地区最具吸引力 的计划之一。2016年9月,该计划再次修订 以进一步提高其吸引力。新计划的投资金 额要求仅为200万欧元,同时购买价值50万 欧元(不含增值税)的房产。如果投资者 仅选择在塞浦路斯投资购买房产,则只需 满足200万欧元的投资金额要求。投资形式 包括购买房地产、投资塞浦路斯企业、投 资由塞浦路斯证券交易委员会(CySEC) 批准发行的另类投资基金和债券,或者以 上投资产品的任意组合。

Invest in Cyprus Cyprus is a modern, cosmopolitan, transparent business centre offering opportunities for investment across a wide range of sectors. In Cyprus, laws and regulations, systems and infrastructures, are all continuously enhanced to ensure we remain one step ahead. Cyprus is committed to offering a high-quality service that is duly regulated in order to ensure the best possible experience for investors and business people worldwide.

Strategic Location

With its ideal geographical position at the crossroads of three continents - Europe, Africa and Asia - Cyprus plays a key role in the region of the Eastern Mediterranean. As a safe, transparent, modern business centre, the island is an ideal investment gateway to the European Union as well as a portal for investment outside the EU.

Tax System

Cyprus offers an attractive and transparent tax regime, fully compliant with EU, OECD and international laws and regulations. Its main features are: • One of the lowest corporate tax rates in the EU at 12.5% • Dividend participation exemption • Exemption on disposal of securities • No withholding taxes and no succession taxes • Attractive IP regime • Tonnage tax system for shipping companies • Notional interest deduction for new investments • Personal tax exemptions for new residents and non-domiciles

EU Member State and Member of the European Monetary Union

As a member of the European Union since 2004 and the European Monetary Union since 2008, Cyprus is committed to quality, efficiency and transparency in transactions. Its EU membership ensures safety and stability for investors, also offering them market access to 500+ million EU citizens.

Legal and Regulatory Framework

Based on English Common Law principles, Cyprus’ comprehensive and robust legal and regulatory framework is widely recognised as a business-friendly and effective system that ensures transparency and reliability in business practices.

Peninsula Villas - Limassol Marina

Offering foreign businesses a familiar and reliable framework within which to operate, Cyprus’ legal system is also fully compliant with the EU, the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF), OECD, FATCA, the Financial Stability Forum laws and regulations and EU AML directives.

Human Talent & Level of Services

Human talent, complemented by a broad range of high quality professional services, is one of Cyprus’ most compelling advantages. Cyprus offers an abundance of highly educated, multilingual individuals, ready to meet the needs of any business.

Advanced Infrastructure

Cyprus benefits from advanced and modern infrastructure, as well as an extensive telecommunications network, ideally suited for business people with demanding schedules. Thanks to its sophisticated road system, bustling port facilities and two international airports, travel and transport in and beyond Cyprus is fast, efficient and cost effective.

High Quality of Life

Cyprus residents enjoy an enviable lifestyle in a safe, clean and healthy environment with high living standards and a sunny climate all year round. Low crime levels, centuries of art and culture, and excellent gastronomy all contribute to a high quality of life. The island is ranked the safest small country in Value Penguin’s Safest Countries in the world (2015) and 5th globally.

About Invest Cyprus

Businesses and individuals considering investment into Cyprus have a partner on the ground at all stages of the investment cycle. Invest Cyprus is a non-profit national body, which, in close collaboration with the public and the private sector, takes the lead in attracting foreign direct investment in key economic sectors. Dedicated to continuously improving the business and regulatory environment, Invest Cyprus advocates reform while also providing investor support and aftercare services. Working with the investor, for the investor, Invest Cyprus is the investor’s single point of contact.

Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency T +357 22 441133, F +357 22 441134 E


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investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

China is a very dynamic market with vast potential, and is of great importance to Cyprus. We are fully committed to strengthening our links with China, as not only are we a secure gateway to European markets, but also offer the full range of services Chinese businesses and investors are looking for today. We are placing strong focus on enhancing and diversifying our product offering and attracting more investments of serious substance. Cyprus has many interesting investment opportunities and we have been very fortunate to see an increase in interest in our country from the Chinese market. Natasa Pilides Director General of Invest Cyprus

Education & Research Cyprus has ambitious plans to develop the island into a regional education centre and knowledge hub. The island has already attracted cooperation and synergies with international universities, most notably the University of Nicosia launching the island’s first degree programme in medicine in collaboration with St George’s Medical School at the University of London, and the University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus (UCLAN), being the first British university to establish a campus on the island. Since joining the EU in 2004, the number of foreign students studying in Cyprus has doubled and today around 30% of students are foreigners – a figure which highlights the great opportunities that exist in Cyprus for the establishment of new universities, colleges and research institutes. Over the past six years, Cyprus has also harnessed nearly €80 million in EU funding for Cypriot-led research projects. In this regard, opportunities are opening up for business angels and venture capitalists looking for innovative start-ups, and to invest risk capital in exchange for equity in promising business ideas and products with high market potential.


塞浦路斯制定了雄心勃勃的计划,希望将 该岛发展为本地区的教育中心和知识枢 纽。塞浦路斯已经吸引众多国际知名大学 开展合作办学与研究,其中最著名的项目 就是尼科西亚大学与伦敦大学圣乔治医 学院合作推出塞浦路斯的首个医学学位课 程,以及英国大学在塞浦路斯建立的首个 分校兰开夏塞浦路斯中央大学(UCLAN)。 2004年加入欧盟之后,来塞浦路斯就读的 外国学生数量已经翻倍,如今塞浦路斯的 海外留学生比例高达30%,这一数字充分 说明在塞浦路斯新建大学、学院以及研究 机构带来的巨大商机。过去六年中,塞浦 路斯还获得了欧盟高达8000万欧元的资助 以推动塞浦路斯主导的研究项目。在这方 面,天使投资人以及风险投资机构的机会 在于寻找新型初创企业,以及投资风险资 本,以换取具有高市场增长潜力的业务理 念和产品所带来的权益。

中国市场充满活力,而且 潜力巨大,因此对于塞 浦路斯有着非常重要的 意义。我们全心致力于 加强与中国的联系,这 不仅是因为我们是进入欧 洲市场的安全门户,更 是因为我们可以为中国企 业以及投资者提供他们目 前所需的各种服务。我们 正大力发展产品组合并实 现多元化,从而吸引更多 的实业投资。塞浦路斯拥 有丰富的投资机会,而 且我们十分有幸地看到 来自中国市场的投资意向 一直以来在不断增加。 娜塔莎·皮里蒂斯 塞浦路斯投资局局长

Shipping The maritime industry has been one of Cyprus’ most successful export services. The island is considered one of the top global hubs for ship owning and shipmanagement services and is home to some of the world’s most influential names in shipping. Today, Cyprus is the largest third party ship management centre in Europe and the largest crew management centre in the world, while the island’s international ship register is the third largest in Europe and the 10th largest in the world. The growth of Cyprus’ resident shipping sector over the past 40 years has also meant the development of a strong maritime cluster that caters to the needs of Cyprus-based companies (including banking, professional services, insurance and IT). The cluster has gone from strength to strength over the years, and is consistently attracting more quality tonnage and shipping-related companies to its shores. Natural gas finds within Cyprus’ EEZ and efforts to exploit it in cooperation with neighbouring countries are also raising expectations for the island’s already flourishing shipping sector.


航运业是塞浦路斯最成功的出口服务之 一。该岛被视为船舶拥有和船舶管理服务 的全球顶级航运中心,许多在航运业最具 盛名的航运公司均将总部设在塞浦路斯。 如今,塞浦路斯是欧洲最大的第三方船 舶管理中心,也是全球最大的船员管理中 心,同时,塞浦路斯的国际船级社在欧洲 排名第三,在全球范围内也能跻身前十。 塞浦路斯国内航运业在过去40年的大幅增 长同时也意味着塞浦路斯形成了强大的船 舶产业集群,能满足这些立足塞浦路斯的 企业的需求(包括银行业、专业服务、保 险以及IT)。这一产业集群多年来日益发展 强大,持续吸引着大量的优质船舶以及航 运相关企业入驻塞浦路斯。随着塞浦路斯 在专属经济区发现天然气资源并希望与周 边国家共同开发这一资源,塞浦路斯发展 良好的航运业有望获得进一步的增长。



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Expanding Opportunities Cyprus has shown the world its determination to get back on the fast track and reclaim its title as an economic outperformer, and the government is making staunch efforts to improve its FDI framework to better facilitate investment. These efforts are beginning to bear fruit, and Cyprus has seen an increase in both bank deposits and in the registration of new companies setting up on the island. The country’s open economy and established role as a regional business hub between three continents continue to appeal to investors. Cyprus is optimistic that Chinese investment could boost the positive momentum the country is experiencing and is confident it can offer investors interesting opportunities in an efficient business environment, attractive tax structures and a gateway to the European Union. The two countries have yet to capitalise on the enormous potential closer business ties could bring. More recently, the investment funds sector has seen more traction and could develop into a multibillion-euro industry, with funds under management already tripled in number and exceeding €3 billion. In addition, Cyprus’ plans to become a member of the Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) by early 2017, would enable both Cypriot and Chinese business to draw from the One Belt – One Road Fund and other specially set up Funds by China to launch projects and expand presence in the region. 不断扩大的投资机会

塞浦路斯已经向世界表明其恢复经济快速 增长的决心,夺回其经济增长“优等生” 的地位,为此,塞浦路斯政府采取了一系 列务实措施,力图改善外国直接投资框架 以更好地促进投资。这些举措已经开始结 出果实,塞浦路斯的银行存款数量以及新 开公司数量均出现了增长。该国的开放型 经济以及作为连接欧亚非三大洲的地区商 业枢纽的地位依然吸引着世界各地的投资 者。塞浦路斯相信中国投资能够进一步助 推目前良好的经济发展势头,同时也有信 心通过高效的商业环境、富有吸引力的税 收制度以及欧盟成员国的身份,为投资者 提供绝佳的机会。两国需要充分利用更紧 密的商贸关系可能带来的巨大发展潜力。 近来,投资基金领域出现了良好的发展趋 势,有望成为价值数十亿欧元的行业,其 中受塞浦路斯公司管理的基金数已经增长 三倍,总金额超过30亿欧元。此外,塞浦 路斯计划于2017年初加入总部位于北京的 亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB),这将让塞 浦路斯企业以及中国企业能够受益于“一 带一路”基金以及中国专门设立的其他基 金,以便在该地区启动项目或扩大业务。

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯


Investor Support and Incentives Cyprus provides grants and other forms of financial assistance to encourage the growth of higher-value sectors. Among these are government financial assistance to business start-ups in various areas of the economy including energy, technology, manufacturing, agriculture and e-commerce – as well as the provision of a 100% tax deduction until 2016 on expenditure for the acquisition of fixed assets related to innovation, research, information, communications and renewable energy sources. The Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus (HRDAC) also provides grant funding to support a wide spectrum of training needs for companies of any size registered in Cyprus, and the Research Promotion Foundation (RPF) promotes the development of scientific and technological research in the country, with a national framework programme for the financing of research, development and innovation projects. Cyprus’ investment promotion agency, InvestCyprus, is responsible for attracting foreign direct investment to Cyprus, and supporting investors through the entire process. With direct access to ministries, government departments and stakeholders, InvestCyprus can influence the fasttracking of set-up requirements and to provide investor aftercare services.

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Reasons to Invest in Cyprus 投资塞浦路斯的十大理由

EU member state compliant with EU laws and regulations 欧盟成员国地 位,符合欧盟 的法律法规

Strategic geographical location between Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa 位居欧洲、亚洲、中东 以及非洲交汇处的战略 地理位置的法律法规


Extensive range of excellent legal and accounting services

广泛而出色的法 律与会计服务


Eurozone member 欧元区成员

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Mature business centre with highly qualified professionals and sophisticated infrastructure 成熟的商业中心,拥 有高水准的专业人才 和良好的基础设施

Cost-effective setting-up and on-going operational services

成本高效的公 司注册和持续 的运营服务

投资者支持与激励 塞浦路斯提供补助以及其他形式的金融支持来鼓 励高价值行业的增长,这其中包括塞浦路斯政府 为各个经济领域的初创企业(包括能源、技术、 制造、农业和电子商务)提供金融支持,以及到 2016年底之前对于收购有关创新、研发、信息、 通信以及可再生能源企业的支出给予100%的税 收减免。塞浦路斯人力资源发展局(HRDAC) 还为在塞浦路斯注册成立的大中小型企业提供多 种拨款,支持广泛的培训需求,而研究促进基金 会(RPF)旨在推动塞浦路斯的科学与技术研究 的发展,为此制定了国家级的框架计划,为研 究、开发以及创新项目提供融资。InvestCyprus 作为塞浦路斯的投资促进机构,负责吸引外国 直接投资,并帮助投资者完成整个流程。凭借与 管理机构、政府部门以及利益相关者的良好关 系,InvestCyprus可以影响快速注册企业的要求 并为投资者提供后续服务。


Favourable EU and OECD approved tax regime

欧盟与经合组织 认可的优惠税制



Access to an extensive network of double tax treaties allowing for tax efficient structuring of investments

与众多国家签订了免除 双重征税协议,可对投 资进行高效的税务规划

Efficient and up-todate regulation, fully harmonised with related EU Directives

高效而先进的法 规,完全符合相 关的欧盟指令


Cyprus-based funds and asset managers benefit from low tax burdens levied on Cyprus-based corporations

位于塞浦路斯的基 金和资产管理公司 可以享受塞浦路斯 企业的低税赋优势

A Solid Future Cyprus’ liberalised Foreign Direct Investment Policy, both for EU citizens and investors from third countries, along with its favourable tax regime make it one of the most attractive centres for FDI in Europe. At 12.5% Cyprus’ corporate tax rate is one of the most competitive in the EU, and its extensive network of double taxation treaties with 60 countries has strengthened its position as a business gateway as well as a preferred location for corporate head offices for multinational companies from around the world – using the island as a regional base for centralised services. Cyprus’ current economic growth is presenting many opportunities and advantages for serious investors who can move in early; and first-in investors can reap the benefits of the efforts made by a pro-business government determined to succeed. Cyprus has established its status as a key business hub through its excellent infrastructure, the quality of professional services, EU-harmonised legislation and advantageous regulatory and tax regime. The fact that the EU and China enjoy one of the world’s most dynamic trade relationships, Europe stands ready to benefit greatly from the Belt and Road initiative and with Cyprus strategic position, foreign investors have certainly recognised the island’s competitive advantages. n 坚实的未来

塞浦路斯宽松的外国直接投资政策适用于 来自欧盟国家以及第三国的投资者,加上 优惠的税收制度,令这座地中海岛国成为 欧洲最具吸引力的外国直接投资目的地。 凭借低至12.5%的企业税率,塞浦路斯是 欧盟税率最为优惠的国家之一,同时塞浦 路斯还与六十个国家签订了免除双重征 税协议,这增强了塞浦路斯作为企业门户 的重要地位,也令岛国成为全球众多跨国 公司首选的总部所在地,因为塞浦路斯可 以作为其集中管理各项业务的地区基地。 塞浦路斯目前的经济增长为能够抢得先机 的理性投资者提供了众多的机遇和优势, 而首次来塞浦路斯的投资者可以借助重视 商业发展且决心获得成功的塞浦路斯政府 制定的激励政策而获取利益。塞浦路斯凭 借优良的基础设施、优质的专业服务、符 合欧盟规定的立法以及先进的法规和税收 制度,牢固确立了其地区商业中心的重要 地位。欧盟与中国有着全球最具活力的贸 易关系,欧洲已经准备好积极参与中国的 “一带一路”发展战略并从中获益,再加 上塞浦路斯的战略位置,令外国投资者清 晰认识到塞浦路斯的竞争优势。 n


Investment Opportunities The Shacolas Group is the largest and most diversified Cyprus-based business Organization with leading presence in various sectors, including Retail, Imports, Distribution & Logistics, Automotive, Real Estate and Infrastructure Projects (including airports), through public companies listed on the Cyprus Stock Exchange. Woolworth (Cyprus) Properties Plc, the Real Estate Arm of the Group, is one of the largest property holding and development companies in Cyprus, with main focus on the retail and commercial real estate sector. Woolworth is currently entertaining offers for strategic partnerships and/or disposals for its assets in its portfolio. Shacolas集团是塞浦路斯最大 的商业组织,旗下业务广泛,在 多个领域均占据领先地位,通过 在塞浦路斯证交所上市的多家 公司经营零售、进口,配送和物 流、汽车、房地产以及基础设 施项目(包括机场)等业务。 Woolworth(塞浦路斯)房地 产有限公司作为集团的房地产部 门,是塞浦路斯最大的房产控股 和开发公司之一,其主要业务是 零售和商业地产。Woolworth 目前已收到相关资产的战 略合作项目和/或方案。

For more information please contact: Shacolas Group T: (+357) 22 740 100 Christakis Charalambous Business & Strategic Development Manager 克里斯塔基斯·查拉朗布斯 业务及战略开发经理

Department Stores with secured rental income Department Store buildings and other major Retail Outlets in prime strategic locations in all cities of Cyprus which are licensed to Ermes Department Stores Plc and its subsidiaries, with attractive and secured rental income. • • • •

Debenhams: Central – Nicosia Zenon – Larnaca Olympia – Limassol Apollon – Limassol Shacolas Tower – Nicosia Korivos Shopping Center – Pafos Super Home Center D.I.Y. Strovolos – Nicosia

带来稳定租赁收入的百货商店 塞浦路斯各大城市的重要战 略位置均建有百货大楼以及 其他大型零售网点,这些商 店被授权给Ermes百货公司 及其分公司负责经营,带来 稳定而丰厚的租赁收入。

Prime plots ideal for commercial and residential development Akinita Lakkos Mikelli Ltd, an associated company of Woolworth, owns five plots of land in Nicosia of a total area of 64.011 m², situated in a privileged location, at the entrance of Nicosia, opposite The Mall of Cyprus. A building permit has been issued for the division of the land and the building coefficient can be vary between 120% - 140%. The property is ideal for the promotion of a mixed-use commercial and residential development.

• Debenhams百货: 中区 – 尼科西亚 泽农 – 拉纳卡 奥林匹亚 – 利马索尔 阿波罗恩 – 利马索尔 • Shacolas大 厦 – 尼科西亚 • Korivos购物中 心 – 帕福斯 • Super Home Center D.I.Y. 斯洛沃罗斯 分店 – 尼科西亚

最适合商业与住宅 开发的甲级地块 Akinita Lakkos Mikelli有 限公司是Woolworth旗 下的附属公司,在尼科 西亚拥有5个地块,总面 积达到64011平米,且地 理位置优越,均位于尼 科西亚的入口处,恰好 在塞浦路斯购物广场的 对面。土地分割的建筑 许可证已经颁发,建筑 系数在120%到140%之 间。该房产非常适合多 用途的商住开发项目。

Retail property in the heart of the capital with expansion potential The Ledra Arcade is in the heart of the old town of Nicosia and offers shops, restaurants and cafes such as McDonald’s, Starbucks, etc. The property has the potential to expand another 2.300 m², reaching in total about 3.500 m² on additional two floors.

位于首都市中心兼有扩张潜力的零售地产 Ledra 购物长廊位于尼科西亚旧城区的中 心区域,其中云集了各式商店、餐厅和咖 啡馆,包括麦当劳、星巴克等国际连锁品 牌。该地点有望通过增加两层楼面新增2300 平米的空间,令总面积达到3500平米。

‘Limni Bay’ Resort: Luxury beachfront tourist golf resort Cyprus Limni Resorts and GolfCourses Plc is the owner of the ‘Limni Bay’ project, which will be a high-quality sustainable, mixed-use resort destination, developed in a freehold land of about 3.30 million m², situated near Polis in the Pafos District, northwest of Cyprus. The site combines sea and semi-mountainous terrain with a beachfront of 750m and a 150m pier. The resort will consist primarily of an international 5+ Star luxury seaside Resort Hotel, a state-of-the-art branded Wellness Centre, two 18-hole Signature Golf Courses, 2 Clubhouses - one for each golf course, around 800 high quality residential units, sports facilities and other amenities. World leading designers and brands are involved throughout the project, including Foster + Partners (Architects), EDSA (Master Planners), Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player (Golf Course Designers). The Company has obtained the necessary Planning Permits for the Master Plan of the project.

林尼湾度假村”:豪华级 海滨旅游高尔夫度假村 “林尼湾”项目的所有者是 塞浦路斯林尼高尔夫度假 村有限公司。该项目是高品 质、可持续开发的综合性 度假胜地,以自由产权土地 的形式开发了约330万平米 的土地,均位于塞浦路斯西 北部帕福斯地区的波利斯附 近。这里结合了海洋和半山 区地形,拥有750米长的海 滩以及150米长的码头。 度假村主要包括一座国 际知名的超五星豪华海滨度 假酒店,一座设施先进的品 牌健身中心、两个18洞高 尔夫球场、两处会所(每个 球场一处)、约800套高品 质公寓住宅、运动设施以及 其他娱乐设施。世界知名的 设计师和品牌均参与项目的 整个过程,包括福斯特建筑 事务所(负责建筑设计) 、EDSA(负责主体规划) 、杰克·尼克劳斯和盖瑞· 普莱尔(负责球场设计)。 该公司已经为项目的主体 规划获得所需的规划许可。

Cyprus Citzenship • Minimum investment required is €2 million for properties and land for development or participation in the share capital of a Cyprus company, such as Cyprus Limni Resorts and GolfCourses Plc, plus minimum €500.000 + VAT for the purchase of a house or an apartment. In case the price of the house/ apartment is €2 million, then there is no need for the additional €500.000. •

Parents of the investor can also obtain the Cyprus Citizenship with an additional investment in a house or an apartment of €500.000 + VAT and Adult Dependent Children who are students up to 28 years old, can also apply for Cyprus Citizenship for free.

塞浦路斯入籍计划 • 最低投资额要求为200万 欧元,可购买房产和土 地进行开发或参股塞浦 路斯公司,例如塞浦路 斯林尼高尔夫度假村有限 公司,外加购买至少价 值50万欧元(不含增值 税)的一处房产或公寓。 若该房产/公寓的价格为 200万欧元,则无需额外 购买50万欧元房产。 • 投资者父母同样可以获得 塞浦路斯的公民权,只需 额外投资购买50万欧元 (不含增值税)的房产或 公寓。此外,经济未独立 的子女若是28周岁以内的 学生,也可以免费随投资 人申请塞浦路斯国籍。


investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

International Financial Services 国际金融服务

World-Class Services​ 世界一流的服务

Cyprus has established itself as a key European services hub in the Eastern Mediterranean, offering preferential and competitive access to markets in Europe, Russia, the Middle East and Asia. Having spent decades building an economy based on the provision of top-quality services, Cyprus has much to offer Chinese business.


he extensive offering of business services continues to be a cornerstone of the Cypriot economy. The island has established itself as a leading provider of corporate structuring, international tax planning and other professional and financial services. Since gaining EU and Eurozone memberships, in 2004 and 2008 respectively, Cyprus further enhanced its appeal and transformed from an outpost into a key services hub in the Eastern Mediterranean, serving as a business bridge between Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa and Asia. An added convenience is that English is the business language and the internationally-trained service providers – mostly educated in the UK or the US – have created a global outlook in the local industry to best serve their clients worldwide. With an EU and OECDapproved tax system and with one of the lowest corporate tax rates (12.5%) in Europe, Cyprus has become one of the most attractive international business centres in the region.

浦路斯是欧洲在地中海东部地区最 重要的服务中心,可以方便地进入 欧洲、俄罗斯、中东以及亚洲等周边市 场,因此极富竞争力。通过数十年来投 资建立以提供优质金融服务为目标的经 济体系,塞浦路斯可以在许多方面帮助 中国企业开展业务。 广泛的商业服务将继续成为塞浦路斯经济 的发展基石。如今,塞浦路斯是企业创 建、国际避税规划以及其他专业和金融服 务的主要提供者。自从分别在2004年和 2008年获得欧盟成员国地位以及欧元区国 家地位之后,塞浦路斯的吸引力进一步增 强,从地区贸易中心逐步转变为地中海东 部重要的服务中心,成为连接欧洲、俄罗 斯、中东、非洲以及亚洲的商业桥梁。这 里的另一项优势在于英语是塞浦路斯的商 业语言,许多接受过国际培训的专业服务 人员均有英美留学经历,这为塞浦路斯的 本地行业营造出良好的全球意识,从而更 好地服务世界各地的客户。凭借欧盟和经 合组织认可的税制以及欧洲最低水平的企 业税率(12.5%),塞浦路斯成为本地区最 具吸引力的国际商业中心之一。

Cyprus has proven to be a resilient and competitive economy and an attractive destination for new business and investment. International ratings agencies have also voiced their confidence in Cyprus with various upgrades, and today our economy is one of the fastest growing in the euro area. Although our tax system remains one of the main competitive advantages, we have also introduced further incentives to attract investors and professionals who choose to settle or do business in Cyprus. China is an important and strategic market for us, and we have a lot to offer Chinese business interested in accessing EMEA markets from a stable EU jurisdiction. Harris Georgiades Minister of Finance 塞浦路斯经济的竞争力和 韧性经受住了金融危机 的考验,成为对新兴企 业和投资最具吸引力的 目的地之一。许多国际评 级机构亦通过上调评级 表达了对于塞浦路斯的 信心。目前,塞浦路斯是 欧元区经济增长速度最快 的国家之一。虽然税制依 然是我们最主要的竞争 优势之一,我们还推出 了进一步的激励措施, 来吸引投资者和专业人士 选择在塞浦路斯定居或 者开展业务。中国对于我 们而言是一个具有战略 意义的重要市场,我们可 以为有意进入EMEA(欧 洲、中东、非洲)市场的 中国企业提供众多优势, 确保他们可以借助塞浦路 斯这一欧盟境内稳定的司 法辖区开展经营活动。 哈里斯·耶奥吉亚蒂斯 塞浦路斯财政部长

Wide Range of Professional Services With over 70% of the economy based on services, Cyprus has a wide range of expertise and experience to cater to the needs of international business. For companies and individuals requiring an ideal location to structure their investments into Europe, the Middle East and Africa, as well as Russia and Eastern Europe, Cyprus offers unique benefits that have already attracted thousands of companies. Key activities include international business structures such as holding and finance companies, shipping companies, forex and investment firms, trusts and investment funds. The most dominant activities include using Cyprus as a holding and finance company jurisdiction, thanks to the numerous tax benefits provided under Cypriot law. Cyprus has proven itself a resilient and dynamic business centre, and despite being one of the smallest economies in the European Union, it was the third fastest growing in the euro area in 2016 – offering one of the most business-friendly, international and cost-effective environments in the EU. A Trading Nation since Antiquity Cyprus’ geographical location and thousands of years of trading with its neighbours, has shaped the country into the strong contender it is today. Since gaining independence from Britain in 1960, Cyprus focused on laying the groundwork to establish a services-based economy. Over the years, its favourable regulatory regime, experienced law firms, accountants and professional services providers have further strengthened the country’s position as a key corporate location. International companies were quick to identify the opportunities of setting up corporate structures in Cyprus and using the country as a launch pad to manage their investments. As a jurisdiction, Cyprus has various unique characteristics. It has one of the most advantageous tax frameworks in the EU and its legal system is based on English Common Law. The island is part of the EU, the eurozone and the Commonwealth and has the advantage of being positioned strategically between three continents – Europe, Africa and Asia. The island already hosts hundreds of thousands of registered companies from across the world, attracted by its world-class business services and preferential access to international markets, its highly educated and multilingual workforce, advanced telecommunications and Double Tax Treaties (DTTs) with 60 countries. An added benefit for foreign business will be the launch of a One Stop Shop, which will make the process of setting-up and investing in Cyprus even more efficient.


凭借国民经济比重超过70%的服务行 业,塞浦路斯可以提供各种类型的专业 技能和服务体验,满足跨国企业的需 求。不论是企业还是个人,如果您希望 投资拓展欧洲、中东、非洲以及俄罗斯 和东欧市场,塞浦路斯都是您建立公司 的最佳地点,因为这里有着独特的商业 优势,至今已吸引了数以千计的跨国 企业来到这个地中海岛国。塞浦路斯提 供的主要商业服务就是创建国际企业, 例如控股公司和金融公司、航运公司、 外汇交易与投资公司、信托公司和投资 基金,其中最重要的就是将塞浦路斯作 为控股或金融公司的司法辖区,因为塞 浦路斯法律为企业提供了众多的税收福 利。此外,塞浦路斯早已证明自己是充 满活力和自我修复能力的商业中心。尽 管这里是欧盟最小的经济体之一,但在 2016年塞浦路斯是欧元区增长速度位列 第三的国家,可提供欧盟地区最利于经 商和极具成本效益的国际商业环境。 历史悠久的贸易古国

塞浦路斯的地理位置以及与邻国数百年 来的贸易历史,造就了今天这座地中海 岛国的非凡的竞争力。自从1960年摆脱 英国殖民统治获得独立以来,塞浦路斯 始终致力于为服务型经济奠定基础。多 年以来,这里宽松的法规制度、经验丰 富的法律事务所、会计师事务所以及专 业服务提供商进一步增强了塞浦路斯作 为重要企业建立地点的地位。跨国企业 迅速认识到在塞浦路斯建立企业以及利 用塞浦路斯作为跳板管理其投资的绝佳 机会。作为一个司法辖区,塞浦路斯有 着许多与众不同之处。塞浦路斯拥有欧 盟地区最为优惠的税收制度,其法律体 系基于英国普通法。塞浦路斯是欧盟、 欧元区以及英联邦的成员,地处亚非欧 三大洲的交汇处,地理位置优越。目 前,已经有数十万来自世界各地的企业 在塞浦路斯注册登记,希望借助这里世 界级的商业服务、国际市场的优先准入 权、经受过高等教育的多语言劳动力、 先进的电信设施以及60多项免除双重征 税协议(DTT)。此外,针对外资企业推 出的一站式服务将令在塞浦路斯建立企 业和投资的过程更具效率。



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Holding and Trading Companies Cyprus continues to be one of the leading jurisdictions used by blue chip corporations and corporate planners to establish holding, trading and investment companies to channel investments into key markets worldwide. The current double tax treaties include most major Western ‘high tax’ countries, China, Russia, the majority of Central and Eastern European states, Iran and India. The popularity of the Cyprus Company has seen the jurisdiction grow to be one of the largest single foreign investors in Russia, Ukraine and India, and is uniquely used by local and foreign investors as a key pillar in their investment planning and tax strategies. Regional Headquarters Although maintaining its pole positon as a top holding and trading company jurisdiction, Cyprus’ comparative advantages are also strengthening the country’s status as an attractive headquartering location – especially with the global changes in regulation and the increasing demand for companies to create business substance. An added benefit to the country’s offering is the launch of new legislation and tax incentives for high-networth individuals and high-earning expat executives, providing a 50% exemption on personal income tax for those earning more than €100,000 and a 20% exemption (subject to a maximum of €8,550 per annum) from income tax from any employment exercised in Cyprus by an individual who was not Cyprus resident before commencing such employment. Many multinationals already use Cyprus as an administration, sales and marketing centre to manage and launch their products or services into regional markets. Companies such as NCR, Kardex, Weatherford, AMDOCS, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement and Wargaming have all established headquarters on the island. Evidence of the appeal of Cyprus as an HQ location is also the thriving forex industry as well as the strong shipping sector. The success of shipping, an industry which contributes approximately €1 billion each year to the economy, has also developed clusters and auxiliary services – a model that could be successfully replicated for the burgeoning oil and gas sector.

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 控股和贸易公司

塞浦路斯将继续成为众多优质企业以及企业规划机构的首选司法辖区,用 于建立控股、贸易以及投资公司,从而在世界各大主要市场进行投资。 目前,与塞浦路斯签订免除双重征税协议的国家包括西方的大多数“高税 率”国家、中国、俄罗斯、多数中欧和东欧国家、伊朗以及印度。塞浦路 斯企业的受欢迎度见证了这里成为俄罗斯、乌克兰以及印度的最大单一外 国投资者之一,并被塞浦路斯本国以及海外投资者作为其投资规划以及纳 税策略的重要支柱。 地区总部

尽管塞浦路斯一直是建立控股和贸易公司的首选司法辖区之一,这里的竞 争优势还增强了在塞浦路斯做为地区总部所在地的吸引力,尤其考虑到 全球不同地区在监管方面的变化以及企业对于建立业务基础不断提升的要 求。塞浦路斯的一项额外优势在于为高净值个人以及高收入外国高管制 定的最新法规以及税务激励措施,为收入超过10万欧元的个人提供50%的 个税减免,并对任何在雇佣关系开始前非为塞浦路斯居民的个人在塞浦路 斯雇佣之人员提供20%的个税减免(年度免税总额不超过8,550欧元)。 许多跨国公司已经利用塞浦路斯作为其行政管理、销售以及市场营销方 面的总部,以管理其产品或服务并打入周边的地区市场。NCR, Kardex, Weatherford, AMDOCS, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement 以及 Wargaming 等国际知名公司均在塞浦路斯建立了总部。塞浦路斯外汇交 易行业的兴起以及塞浦路斯航运业的长盛不衰同样证明了塞浦路斯做为总 部所在地的巨大优势。航运业每年为塞浦路斯经济贡献近10亿欧元的产 值,其成功还推动了相关产业以及辅助服务业的发展,而这也为新兴的油 气行业树立了成功的典范。

Cyprus, an EU member since 2004, has built the capability, expertise and quality resources in servicing international corporations and high-net-worth individuals. Our top quality output, high calibre of people, and having a competitive edge in advisory and wealth management services, such as unique tax and pathfinder services for companies operating in Cyprus and independent citizenship services, makes our country highly competitive and very attractive to investors.” Theo Parperis Partner and Head of Tax & Legal PwC Cyprus “塞浦路斯自从2004年 成为欧盟成员国以来,在 服务国际企业以及高净值 个人方面建立了出色的能 力、专业知识以及优质资 源。我们优质的输出、高 素质的人才以及在顾问和 财富管理服务方面的竞争 优势,比如为在塞浦路斯 运作的企业提供的独特的 税收和指导服务,以及独 立的投资入籍服务,令塞 浦路斯对于投资者有着巨 大的竞争力和吸引力。” 泰奥·帕佩里斯 合伙人兼税收与 法务负责人 普华永道

Wargaming Headquarters - Nicosia

Banking Cypriot banks have demonstrated their resilience in the wake of the international financial crisis and most industry professionals believe the overhaul of the industry and its institutions has produced a more efficient banking sector. Successful recapitalisations, consecutive credit rating upgrades and positive 2015 and 2016 bank results have marked an end to the prolonged uncertainty and the sector is opening up to new opportunities and attracting significant foreign investors. Cyprus’ banking sector is comprised of two tiers: domestically-oriented banks and international banks. The main domestic credit institutions include Bank of Cyprus, Cooperative Central Bank, Hellenic Bank and RCB Bank. International banks have long been attracted to the island for its fiscal regime and to use Cyprus as a launch pad into high-growth markets. The list of banks of foreign origin in Cyprus consists of around 30 institutions, which mainly carry out international banking business and have limited interaction with the domestic Cypriot economy. Banking in Cyprus is regulated by the Central Bank of Cyprus and the European Central Bank, and is fully harmonised with EU legislation and directives, while commercial banking arrangements and practices follow the British model. At the end of July 2016, the total amount of deposits in the Cypriot banking sector, including banks and coops, reached just over €47 billion and in August 2016, the Aggregate Common Equity Tier 1 ratio was 14.03%. Favourable Trust Regime With an industry valued at more than €1 trillion globally, the importance of trusts in financial planning is undeniable. Cyprus has one of the most modern and favourable trust regimes in Europe and with an updated legal framework, the Cyprus Trust has become an instrument of choice for many wealth advisors. The Cyprus Trust can be used in a range of international structures, because it is flexible enough to accommodate the objectives of the most demanding client. These include: discretionary trusts, fixed trusts, trading trusts and purpose trusts. The main uses for Cyprus Trusts include: asset protection, estate planning, tax planning, charitable/purpose, confidentiality, wealth management/investment, share ownership/ pension fund, insurance and protection against exchange control. Cyprus has a liberal tax system, under which the income of an international trust is tax exempt as long as it is earned outside of Cyprus.


塞浦路斯的银行机构在国际金融危机中展 现了出色的恢复能力,许多业内人士相信 整个行业以及相关机构的全面改革已经造 就出一个更加高效的银行业。成功实现资 本重组、连续上调信用级别,以及2015 年和2016年各大银行取得的良好业绩,标 志着塞浦路斯银行业漫长的动荡期宣告结 束,迎来新的发展机遇并且吸引到重要外 国投资者的关注。塞浦路斯的银行业分为 两层:国内银行以及国际银行。塞浦路斯 主要的国内借贷机构包括塞浦路斯银行、 中央合作银行、希腊银行以及俄罗斯商业 (RCB)银行。一直以来,许多国际银行 受塞浦路斯财政制度的吸引,将塞浦路斯 作为进入高增长市场的跳板。目前进入塞 浦路斯的外资银行约有30家,主要开展国 际银行业务,因此与塞浦路斯国内经济并 无紧密关系。塞浦路斯的银行业务受塞浦 路斯央行以及欧洲央行的监管,且完全符 合欧盟的相关法律与指令,而商业银行规 范和准则遵循英国模式。截止2016年7月 底,塞浦路斯银行机构(含银行以及合作 社)的存款总额刚刚超过470亿欧元,而 2016年8月的普通权益股/一级资本的综合 比例为14.03%。 宽松的信托制度

鉴于塞浦路斯信托行业的规模已经超过1万 亿欧元,信托在金融规划方面的重要性无 可否认。塞浦路斯拥有欧洲最现代、最宽 松的信托制度以及新的法律框架,这令塞 浦路斯信托公司成为许多财富咨询师推荐 的投资工具。塞浦路斯信托可以用于各种 国际投资,因为其灵活性足以满足最挑剔 的客户的目标要求。这些信托服务包括: 全权信托、固定信托、交易信托以及目 的信托。塞浦路斯信托公司的主要用途包 括:资产保护、房产规划、税务规划、慈 善/特定目的、保密、财富管理/投资、共同 持有/养老基金、保险以及预防外汇管制。 塞浦路斯拥有宽松的税收制度,确保在塞 浦路斯以外国家获取的国际信托收入可以 享受免税待遇。



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Sophisticated Wealth Solutions An increasing number of high-net-worth individuals are discovering Cyprus as the ideal place to live and work through a number of flexible and competitively priced structures combining investment flexibility with tax advantages. Cyprus is also attracting wealthy individuals wishing to relocate to the island and take advantage of favourable citizenship and residency schemes. With an extensive banking network and with the availability of a variety of investment vehicles, Cyprus is a natural hub for wealth management and family offices. Investment Funds Cyprus’ investment fund sector is poised for growth with the modernisation of its regulatory framework and with updated legislation coming into play in 2016 the number of funds is expected to surge. This sector has the potential to develop into a multi-billion-euro industry, and the island is currently emerging as an interesting EUregulated jurisdiction for the global asset management industry. Today, the majority of alternative investment funds in Cyprus are of a small- and medium-size and focused on debt and equity securities, real estate and private equity. However, Cyprus has also attracted larger funds with assets of €500 million under management. The number of alternative investment funds has tripled in the last five years and foreign UCITS are now widely marketed in Cyprus, including ones promoted by international financial institutions such as JP Morgan, UBS and Julius Baer. Insurance Cyprus has 34 insurance companies offering a wide range of services and products for both individuals and international business. Considering the size of the country, this is a substantial number, and although this sector has traditionally been more focused on the local market, the industry is increasingly looking at expanding crossborder business and synergies to establish Cyprus as a gateway into neighbouring markets. There is room for growth in this sector and great potential for Cyprus to develop into an insurance hub and a convenient regional headquartering location for international insurance companies.


越来越多的高净值个人发现塞浦路斯是非 常理想的工作和生活地点,因为这里具有 非常灵活而且富有竞争力的金融结构,结 合了投资灵活性以及优惠的税率。塞浦路 斯还吸引着富裕人士来到塞浦路斯,享受 这里宽松的入籍和居留政策。借助广泛的 银行业网络以及丰富的投资工具,塞浦路 斯是财富管理以及建立家庭办公室的天然 中心。 投资基金

随着监管框架的现代化,塞浦路斯的投资 基金行业已进入增长态势,而借助2016 年生效的新颁法律,塞浦路斯的投资基金 数量预计会井喷。该领域有望发展成为价 值数万亿欧元的金融产业。塞浦路斯目前 是受全球资产管理行业广泛关注的欧盟监 管司法辖区。如今,塞浦路斯的大部分另 类投资基金大多为专注于债务和权益证 券、房地产以及私募股权的中小型基金。 不过,塞浦路斯已经吸引到资产管理规模 达5亿欧元的较大型基金。另类投资基金 的数量在过去的五年中已经翻番,而外国 UCITS目前在塞浦路斯广泛销售,包括JP Morgan、UBS以及Julius Baer等国际金融 机构推广的基金。 保险

塞浦路斯目前拥有34家保险公司,为个人 和国际企业提供各种类型的产品和服务。 考虑到这一地中海岛国的面积,这一数字 殊为可观。尽管该领域传统上更注重本地 市场,塞浦路斯的保险行业正越来越专注 于发展跨境业务以及融合服务,以便将塞 浦路斯打造成进入周边市场的门户。该领 域有着广阔的增长空间,塞浦路斯亦有着 巨大的潜力发展成为全球重要的保险枢纽 以及众多跨国保险公司建立地区总部的理 想地点。

Cyprus can be an ideal location for setting up offices and controlling outbound investments, in view also of the favourable tax regime and newly introduced tax incentives for corporations and individuals that relocate to Cyprus. Administrative procedures have been simplified and no limitations apply for foreign direct investment in most sectors of the economy, thus allowing Chinese companies to invest and establish business in Cyprus on equal terms with local investors. Stavros Pantzaris Country Managing Partner EY Cyprus 塞浦路斯是建立公司以及 管理境外投资的绝佳地 点,尤其是考虑到这里优 惠的税制以及专为入驻塞 浦路斯的公司与个人新 推出的税务激励措施。行 政管理流程已经简化,取 消了在大多数经济领域对 于外国直接投资的限制, 这让来塞浦路斯投资并建 立公司的中国企业可以与 本地投资者公平竞争。 塞浦路斯董事合伙人

everything you need to do business in CYPRUS



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯


Foreign Exchange For more than 20 years, Cyprus has been the jurisdiction of choice for Foreign Exchange (Forex) brokers and the country hosts a thriving industry and headquarters for many global giants. The last decade has seen particular growth in the number of retail forex brokers locating their operations to Cyprus, thanks to low corporate tax rates and the country’s excellent infrastructure. Another key advantage is Cyprus’ efficient regulatory framework under the supervision of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), which is fully aligned with EU directives and European MiFID regulations. Cyprus was the first in the EU to regulate the foreign exchange market and CySEC is credited with attracting foreign investors to set up Cyprus Investment Firms (CIFs). CySEC-regulated CIFs have multiplied from just 18 in 2003 to over 200 in 2015, while also expanding in size and types of investment services. The total volume of CIF transactions at the end of 2014, amounted to more than €7 trillion, and their total assets topped €21 trillion, which demonstrates the scale and growth of the sector. As a result, the contribution of CIFs to the Cyprus economy is substantial, providing valuable employment opportunities and enhancing local expertise in the provision of investment and ancillary services. With years of expertise and advanced infrastructure in electronic platforms, which have also contributed to the building of a successful binary options business, Cyprus offers strategic advantages that have positioned it among the most attractive destinations for international forex business.


20多年来,塞浦路斯一直是外汇交易中介 机构的首选司法辖区,许多外汇交易领域 的国际巨头均在塞浦路斯开展业务并设立 了总部。过去十年中,在塞浦路斯设立分 支机构的零售外汇交易中介机构的数量有 了巨大的增长,这得益于塞浦路斯较低的 企业税率以及这里出色的基础设施。塞浦 路斯的另一项重要优势在于塞浦路斯证券 交易委员会(CySEC)监管下的高效法规 框架完全符合欧盟指令以及欧洲MiFID法 规。塞浦路斯是欧盟最早对外汇交易市场 进行监管的国家,而CySEC也以吸引外国 投资者建立塞浦路斯投资公司(CIF)而闻 名。CySEC监管下的CIF数量自2003年以 来获得了成倍的增长,从当时的仅仅18家 发展到2015年已经超过200家,同样大幅扩 张的还有投资服务的规模与类型。2014年 底,CIF交易的总量突破了7万亿欧元,总 资产则超过了21万亿欧元,这充分证明了 该行业的庞大规模和增长速度。因此,CIF 对于塞浦路斯经济的贡献不言而喻,不 仅提供了数量可观的就业岗位,而且增强 了在投资以及提供辅助服务方面的本地专 长。凭借多年的专业经验以及电子平台方 面的先进基础设施,塞浦路斯同时建立了 行之有效的二元期权业务,其独特的战略 优势令其成为最受国际外汇交易企业欢迎 的目的地。


you need to do business in CYPRUS


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investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Binary Options Cyprus is the world’s top regulator of binary options with the best brokers in the business, such as 24Option, Banc de Binary and OXMarkets, operating from the country and licenced by the Cyprus Securities and Exchanges Commission (CySEC). The key to the country’s success in attracting binary options brokers to locate to Cyprus can be attributed to the fact that CySEC was the first financial regulator to include binary options in the MiFID definition of financial instruments and as a consequence regulate the investment firms offering this product. Today, Cyprus’ binary options laws and brokers are some of the best in the world, and the jurisdiction continues to attract increasing numbers of firms seeking a CySEC license. As part of its continuous effort to enhance information disclosure, investor awareness and to improve supervision, CySEC has decided to formally bring binary options under its supervision, with the purpose of ensuring the maximum possible degree of investor protection. An Attractive Package Companies have long been attracted to Cyprus for a number of factors, and not all are tax-related. Cyprus has a high-quality of life, excellent infrastructure and the lowest crime rate in Europe. Business service fees are competitive and the quality is internationally recognised. Thanks to its location, Cyprus also enjoys business-friendly time zones, enabling international companies to do business with the East in the morning, Europe throughout the day and with the West in the afternoon. The country has a fully digital national network and reliable, high-speed connectivity to other economies via satellite and fibre optic submarine cable systems. Its modern road network, extensive port facilities and two international airports, make travel and transport in and beyond Cyprus fast and economical. The country’s offering of specialised and globally recognised services, unrivalled access to key markets along with rewarding business opportunities has proven attractive for decades and continues to cater to the diverse needs of international companies and individuals. Its sophisticated business infrastructure, advantageous and transparent regulatory environment coupled with the current efforts to streamline bureaucracy is set to further boost Cyprus’ reputation as an international centre of business excellence. n


塞浦路斯是世界顶尖的二元期权监管机 构,拥有众多知名的交易中介机构, 例如24Option、Banc de Binary以及 OXMarkets。这些获得塞浦路斯证券交易 委员会(CySEC)许可的中介均在塞浦路 斯开展业务。塞浦路斯能够成功吸引到众 多二元期权交易中介机构入驻塞浦路斯要 归功于CySEC率先将二元期权纳入MinFID 的金融工具定义,进而对提供此等产品的 投资公司进行监管。今天,塞浦路斯的二 元期权法律以及中介机构在全世界有着数 一数二的地位,继续吸引越来越多的企业 来此申请CySEC的许可。作为增强信息公 开、投资者意识以及改善监管的持续措施 之一,CySEC已经决定正式将二元期权纳 入其监管体系,以便为投资者提供最大程 度的保障。 极富吸引力的套餐

国际企业纷纷进驻塞浦路斯有很多原因, 税率不过是其中之一。塞浦路斯有着高质 量的生活水平、卓越的基础设施以及欧洲 最低的犯罪率。企业服务费用具有竞争 力,而服务品质则深受国际认可。得益于 独特的地理位置,塞浦路斯还有着有利于 经商的时区,令跨国公司能够在上午处理 与东半球的业务,全天处理欧洲地区业 务,下午处理与西半球的业务。塞浦路斯 拥有覆盖全国的数字通信网络,还可通过 卫星和海底光缆可靠、高速地连接其他国 家的网络。现代化的公路网、齐备的港口 设施以及两座国际机场,确保您可以快速 而方便的出入塞浦路斯。这里还提供深受 国际认可的专业服务,进入周边主要市场 的优先权,以及回馈丰富的商业机会,数 十年来一直吸引着跨国公司以及个人并满 足其多元需求。完善的商业基础设施,先 进而透明的监管环境,加上当前消灭官僚 主义的各种努力,必将进一步提升塞浦路 斯作为国际顶级商业中心的地位。 n

In recent years, Cyprus has seen an increase in expat executives from Europe and beyond, relocating to the island for personal and business purposes. The country’s attractive residency and citizenship schemes, EU membership, tax benefits and lifestyle advantages have made it an ideal location from which to access the EU’s market of 500 million and take advantage of interesting investment opportunities in Cyprus.” Leandros Papaphilippou Managing Partner L. Papaphilippou & Co LLC “近年来,塞浦路斯来自 欧洲以及其他国家的外国 高管数量有了大幅增长, 他们出于私人和工作目的 来到塞浦路斯定居。塞浦 路斯富有吸引力的居留权 和公民权计划、欧盟成员 国的地位、优惠的税率以 及悠闲的地中海生活方 式,令其成为外国企业开 展业务的理想地点,以方 便地进入拥有5亿人口的 欧盟市场并充分利用塞浦 路斯绝佳的投资机会。” Leandros Papaphilippou Managing Partner L. Papaphilippou & Co LLC


investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯


A Flag of Progress 进步的旗帜 Firmly established as an international maritime centre, the strength, breadth and experience of Cyprus’ shipping sector is attracting quality tonnage and increasing numbers of first-rate shipping companies from around the world.


he maritime industry is one of Cyprus’ most successful export services, with the island considered one of the top global hubs for ship owning and shipmanagement services. The country’s maritime capital, Limassol, is home to some of the world’s most influential names in shipping. Today, Cyprus is the largest third-party shipmanagement centre in Europe and the largest crew management centre in the world, while the island’s international ship register is the third largest in Europe and the 10th largest in the world. 塞浦路斯是地位稳固的国际航运中心, 其航运业凭借非凡的实力、广泛的业务 以及丰富的经验,吸引到越来越多来自 世界各地的优质船舶与一流航运公司在 这里开展业务。

运业是塞浦路斯最为成功的出口服 务之一,也令该岛成为世界一流的航 运中心,同时提供各类船舶注册与管理服 务。许多在航运界呼风唤雨的国际公司均 在塞浦路斯的航运之都利马索尔建立了业 务机构。如今,塞浦路斯是欧洲最大的第 三方船舶管理中心,也是全球最大的船员 管理中心,而塞浦路斯船舶注册处在欧洲 可以排到第三,即使在全球范围内也能跻 身前十。

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 A Strong Maritime History Merchant shipping has long been of great importance to the island. A seafaring nation since antiquity and located along important trade routes, Cyprus has actively developed its shipping sector for decades. The international maritime industry began flocking to its shores in the early 1960s, when Cyprus introduced legislation providing ship managers and owners with a more taxefficient business environment. This paved the way for the expansion of an industry that now contributes approximately €1 billion each year to the economy, accounting for over 7% of GDP (including auxiliary services) and directly employing 4,000 shore-based personnel and 55,000 seafarers from around the world. Cyprus has built up an exceptional maritime infrastructure and a high level of expertise, particularly in the fields of surveying, ship-brokering and maritime insurance, while the country’s legal, accounting, tax and IT professionals offer high-quality support services to the sector. In addition, Cyprus’ low corporation tax of 12.5% and its extensive network of Double Tax Treaties (DTTs) with 60 countries, make it a tax-efficient business location. A Five-Star Flag The Cyprus flag is considered one of the highest quality EU flags available today, and ranks at the top of various Port State Control Agreement ‘white lists’ – including the Paris and Tokyo MOUs. An important factor in the development of the industry has been the support and lobbying efforts of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber (CSC) – essentially the voice of the resident industry – and the efficiency of the Department of Merchant Shipping (DMS). Through continuous evaluation of the opportunities and challenges facing the sector, the DMS is determined to establish Cyprus as a fivestar flag and to modernise its operations to better cater to shipping companies. Offering 24/7 support services and rapidly reacting to emergencies, while moving towards more sophisticated electronic and mobile communications as well as reinforcing its staff and supervisory ships in international ports, are all part of the DMS’ efforts to maintain Cyprus’ position as a key shipping hub. In order to combat the growing international threat of piracy, Cyprus also led the way as one of the first countries to approve detailed legislation allowing armed guards aboard Cypriot-flagged vessels in June 2012.


商船活动在塞浦路斯历来拥有非常重要的 地位。作为一个自古以海洋为生的国家, 塞浦路斯占据着地中海上的重要航路。因 此,塞浦路斯数十年来一直在积极发展航 运行业。上世纪六十年代初,国际船舶行 业纷纷来到塞浦路斯,因为当时塞浦路斯 推出的《商船法》给予船舶管理公司以及 船主更多的税收减免政策。这为该国航运 业的快速发展奠定了坚实基础,如今,航 运业每年对塞浦路斯经济的贡献将近10亿 欧元,约占塞浦路斯国内生产总值的7%以 上(含辅助服务),产生的岗位包括4000 位岸基工作人员以及55000名来自世界各 地的船员。塞浦路斯还建立了出色的船舶 基础设施与丰富的专业知识,尤其是在测 绘、船舶中介以及航运保险方面。与此同 时,塞浦路斯的法律、会计、税收以及IT 专业服务可以为航运业提供优质的支持服 务。此外,塞浦路斯的企业所得税税率低 至12.5%,并与六十多个国家签订了免双 重征税协议(DTT),因此是绝佳的避税地 点。 五星船旗

塞浦路斯船旗被认为是目前欧盟地区最好 的船旗之一,在多份《港口国监督协议》 的白名单(包括巴黎和东京备忘录)中名 列前茅。塞浦路斯航运业的发展壮大有 很大一部分原因在于塞浦路斯航运商会 (CSC)的支持与游说,尤其是代表本 土航运业发出心声,以及塞浦路斯商船部 (DMS)出色的工作效率。通过不断评 估航运业面临的机遇和挑战,DMS决定将 塞浦路斯打造成五星船旗国,并对其业务 流程进行现代化改革,以更好地服务航运 公司。全日全年无休的全天候支持服务以 及快速应对紧急事件,同时积极采用更加 精密的电子和移动通信工具,以及增强公 司的员工团队和国际港口的监管船只,这 就是塞浦路斯商船部采取的主要措施,以 确保塞浦路斯作为重要航运枢纽的稳固地 位。为对抗愈演愈烈的国际海盗威胁,塞 浦路斯还开创业界先河,在2012年6月成为 率先通过立法允许悬挂塞浦路斯船旗的商 船雇佣武装护卫队护航的国家之一。



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

Through its attractive legislative and operational shipping infrastructure, Cyprus has the relevant advantages to develop into an even greater pole of attraction for top shipping companies, both from countries within and outside the EU. One of only two ‘Open Registries’ in the EU, Cyprus provides ship owners with considerable advantages in terms of the legal framework surrounding ship operations, such as crew recruitment, training and safety of seafarers and environmental protection policies – advantages that have direct implications for shipmanagement operations. Cyprus’ low company set-up and operating costs and its advantageous tax framework continue to be a pull-factor for shipping companies. In a determined effort to ensure the industry’s competitiveness, the government introduced an upgraded, EUapproved, tonnage tax system (TT) in 2010, which enhanced the island’s reputation as a top location for ship managers, owners and charterers. A key benefit of the TT regime is the certainty it provides on the amount of annual payable tax. In addition, the regime covers a wide range of qualifying activities and vessels and crew members of qualifying Cyprus-flagged ships (including parallel in registration) are exempt from income tax.

通过这些极富吸引力的法律政策以及得力的航运基础设施,塞浦路斯占据 了有利位置,努力发展壮大成为世界级的航运枢纽,同时吸引到欧盟内外 的众多顶尖航运公司。作为欧盟仅有的两个开放式船舶注册国之一,塞浦 路斯可以在有关船舶运营的法律框架方面为船主提供众多优势,例如船员 的招聘、培训和安全,以及环境保护政策。这些优势对于船舶的管理经营 有着非常直接的影响。 塞浦路斯的低成本的公司建立和经营、优惠的税制框架,将继续吸引航 运公司来到这里。2010年,塞浦路斯政府还推出了经欧盟许可的升级版 吨位税制度(TT),这成为保障塞浦路斯航运业竞争力的决定性因素,令 塞浦路斯更富盛名,成为船舶管理公司、船主以及承租人建立业务的首选 地点。吨位税制度的一项重要优势就在于明确规定了每年应缴的税额。此 外,该制度还规定了各类符合税制要求的运营活动和船舶,而符合税制要 求的悬挂塞浦路斯船旗(含平行注册)船舶的船员可免缴个人所得税。

Origin of owners with ships managed by Cypriot companies

Curaçao 库拉索岛


船东来源国,限由塞浦路 斯公司管理的船舶 Germany 德国


Russia 俄罗斯

Netherlands 荷兰


Singapore 新加坡



Poland 波兰


Norway 挪威


Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛


Other 其他


China is one of the strongest economic powers of today and among the biggest capital exporters globally. It is extremely important for Cyprus to widen its business and shipping relations with China and attract more Chinese investors to the island. Cyprus Shipping offers a wide range of fiscal and economic incentives, it combines a legal system based on the English model, an efficient civil service, excellent business environment, EUharmonised legislation and membership, outstanding high level of professionalism in the legal and accounting sectors, and excellent telecommunication services that form solid foundations for shipping entrepreneurs to set up their business. The strategic location of Cyprus at the crossroads of Europe, Africa and Asia enables it to be a natural business hub for Chinese entrepreneurs. Ioannis Efstratiou Acting Director, Department of Merchant Shipping 中国是目前经济实力最强 的国家之一,也是全球数 一数二的资本输出国。因 此,塞浦路斯必须在商业 与航运方面加深同中国的 关系,吸引更多中国投资 者来塞浦路斯。我们的航 运业提供多种财政和经济 激励措施,并且整合了英 国模式的法律体系、高效 的民事服务、出色的商 业环境、欧盟认可的立 法机制和成员地位、能力 出众的专业法律与会计 人员,以及优秀的电信服 务,这些可以为航运企业 在塞浦路斯开展业务奠定 坚实基础。位于欧亚非 三大洲交汇处这一战略 地理优势,令塞浦路斯 成为中国企业进入上述 市场的天然商业枢纽。 约安尼斯·埃福斯特拉蒂乌 塞浦路斯商船部执行局长

Top Shipmanagement Location More than 130 shipowning, shipmanagement and shipping related companies maintain fully-fledged offices and conduct their international operations and activities from Cyprus. It is estimated that approximately 4% of the world’s fleet and around 20% of global third-party shipmanagement activities are controlled from Cyprus. From the companies established in Cyprus, around 87% are controlled by EU interests, including Cypriot. Cyprus has also become more attractive to Greek shipping professionals, with Greek shipowners and shipmanagement companies seeking to transfer part of their operations to Cyprus amid the uncertainty in the Greek economy. The share of revenue from Greece increased to 6% in the first half of 2015, from 2% the year before. An important benefit for shipping companies based in Cyprus is the ease with which they can source highly educated personnel. Shipping continues to be one of the highest paid industries in the country, providing a great opportunity to retain a highly trained workforce in a country still facing economic challenges and high numbers of unemployment. An added boost has come from new legislation providing tax incentives for high-earning expats, establishing Cyprus as a top location for foreign shipping executives – thus importing more expertise to the sector. A Global Player Signatory to numerous international maritime conventions and with bilateral cooperation agreements with 23 countries, including major labour supplying countries, Cyprus is a strong global contender. The island’s active participation in various shipping related fora, such as The International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the European Commission, ensure that the resident industry’s voice is heard internationally. The government has a continued commitment to the sector and fosters strong ties with industry associations, such as the Cyprus Shipping Chamber and Cyprus Union of Shipowners, and is determined to ramp up the promotion of this formidable sector. A pivotal element of these efforts is the biennial conference ‘Maritime Cyprus’, which was launched in 1989. The event has grown into one of the world’s most significant shipping conferences, placing Cyprus in a prominent position to offer international shipping executives a platform to influence international policy and global shipping trends.


超过130家涉及船舶所有、船舶管理以及 航运业务的公司在塞浦路斯建有完善的分 公司,并通过塞浦路斯开展国际业务和活 动。据估计,全球约4%的船队以及近20% 的全球第三方船舶管理活动均在塞浦路斯 进行管理。而在塞浦路斯注册的公司中, 约有87%由欧盟企业控制,包括塞浦路斯 本地企业。塞浦路斯对于希腊航运业的专 业人员来说更具吸引力,许多希腊船公司 以及船舶管理公司因为希腊经济的动荡不 安,正纷纷寻求将其部分业务转移到塞浦 路斯。2015年上半年,来自希腊的收入份 额从前一年的2%猛增至6%。 在塞浦路斯建立航运公司可以带来一项重 要优势,即可以在塞浦路斯找到高素质的 专业人才。航运业依然是塞浦路斯收入最 高的行业之一,这有助于在这样一个仍面 临着经济压力以及高失业率的国家留住经 过良好培训的劳动力。另一项有利因素是 塞浦路斯新的法律为高收益外籍人士提供 了更好的税收激励政策,这让塞浦路斯成 为外籍航运业高管首选的就业地点之一, 从而为塞浦路斯航运业吸引到更多的专业 人才。 参与全球竞争

作为多项国际海洋公约的签约国以及凭借 同23个国家(包括主要的劳动力输出国) 签订的双边合作协议,塞浦路斯是全球航 运市场的强势挑战者。塞浦路斯积极参与 各种航运相关机构和论坛,例如国际海洋 组织(IMO)、国际劳动力组织(ILO) 以及欧盟委员会,确保本国航运业的心声 能够传达到国际市场。塞浦路斯政府不惜 为航运业投入大量资金,促使企业与行业 协会建立紧密的联系,包括塞浦路斯航运 商会以及塞浦路斯船主联合会,并决心推 动这一强势领域的宣传工作。这方面的一 项重要活动就是两年一次的“Maritime Cyprus”(塞浦路斯航运大会),首届会 议召开于1989年。该活动已经发展成为全 球最重要的航运会议之一,充分展现出塞 浦路斯的重要地位,为国际航运领域的高 管们提供了一个平台来影响国际政策以及 全球航运趋势。



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investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯



largest ship register in Europe

shipmanagement companies

of the world’s fleet managed from Cyprus



全球4%的船舶在 塞浦路斯管理



130多家参与国际 航运业务的企业


international shipping related companies

largest fleet worldwide

Navigating the Future There is no question that global shipping was severely hit by the international financial crisis, but the fact remains that almost 90% of world trade is transported by the international shipping industry – and with recovery of economies worldwide prospects for the industry are set to grow further. Today, Cyprus has a robust shipping sector offering a solid tax framework and one of the widest scopes of coverage for shipping activities in Europe, through clear-cut separate inclusions of shipowning, shipmanagement and chartering. However, the key challenge for the industry remains the Turkish embargo on Cyprus-flagged vessels entering its ports. There are hopes that ongoing political dialogue will lead to a settlement in 2016, which would give a significant boost to the sector. There is also tremendous potential for positive developments in the shipping industry due to the discovery of hydrocarbons in Cyprus’ EEZ as well as the wider Eastern Mediterranean region. Through its attractive shipping infrastructure, Cyprus has all the key advantages to attract more quality tonnage and increasing numbers of first-rate shipping companies from around the world in the years to come. n


third-party shipmanagement centre in the EU 欧盟排名第一的第三 方船舶管理中心


毫无疑问,全球航运业曾遭到国际金融危 机的严重打击,不过,事实上,全球90% 的贸易活动仍需依靠国际航运公司进行运 输,而随着全球经济的复苏,塞浦路斯航 运业未来必将获得更大的发展。如今,塞 浦路斯有着健全的航运业,形成了稳定的 税收框架,并通过对船舶所有、船舶管理 和承租的分门别类的明确规定在欧洲提供 最为广泛的业务活动。不过,塞浦路斯航 运业面临的主要困难仍然在于土耳其禁止 悬挂塞浦路斯船旗的船舶进入其港口。这 一问题有望通过持续的政治对话在2016年 得到解决,进而为航运业带来显著增长。 随着在塞浦路斯的专属经济区(EEZ)以及 更大片的地中海东部地区发现碳氢燃料, 塞浦路斯航运业蕴含着巨大的发展潜力。 通过极具竞争力的航运基础设施,未来几 年内,塞浦路斯将借助所有这些重要优势 吸引到越来越多来自世界各地的优质船舶 与一流航运公司在这里开展业务。

Cyprus is a sustainable, competitive and modern Shipping Centre, offering unique and competitive incentive-based taxation for shipping companies, shipowners, charterers and ship managers. The sector has strong political support through the recent initiative undertaken by the Cyprus Government towards the creation of a Deputy Ministry for Shipping, and more shipping projects as well as investment opportunities are also opening up as Cyprus’ energy sector develops. Other exciting opportunities can be found in the development of maritime training and education, research and development, as well as technology and innovation. Thomas Kazakos Director General Cyprus Shipping Chamber 塞浦路斯是现代化的航运 中心,拥有出色的可持续 性与竞争优势,可为航运 公司、船东、租船公司以 及船舶管理公司提供独特 而富有竞争力的激励型税 收机制。此外,航运业得 到了有力的政治支持,包 括塞浦路斯政府近期推出 的一系列举措、设立专属 的航运副部长,以及推 出更多航运项目。与此 同时,随着塞浦路斯能源 行业的发展,还会有更 多的投资机会。其它令人 激动的机会主要涉及海 事培训与教育、研究与 开发以及技术和创新。 托马斯·卡扎科斯 会长 塞浦路斯航运商会

Successful Port Privatisation The 2016 commercialisation of operations at the port of Limassol, Cyprus’ maritime capital, is expected to bring in €2bn to state coffers over the next 25 years. A consortium comprising of EuroGate International GmbH, which has the majority holding, Interorient Navigation Company Ltd, and East Med Holdings S.A, was granted the concession for the port’s container terminal. The port’s maritime services were awarded to a consortium of one of the largest ports operators in the world, Dubai-based DP World Limited (majority holder), P&O Maritime and GAP Vassilopoulos Public Ltd. The successful port privatisation is set to further strengthen Cyprus’ status as a key shipping hub.

港口成功实现私有化 2016年,塞浦路斯航海之都利马索尔的港口通过实 现商业化经营,将在未来25年为国库带来20亿欧 元的收入。以EuroGate International GmbH为 代表的财团成为港口的主要控股机构,Interorient Navigation 有限公司以及East Med控股公司则获 得了港口集装箱码头的经营许可。该港口的海事服务 则被授予一个由国际大型港口运营商迪拜DP World 有限公司(大股东)、P&O Maritime以及GAP Vassilopoulos股份有限公司组成的财团。此次港口 私有化的成功将进一步加强塞浦路斯作为重要航运枢 纽的地位。



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 with the most favourable tax regime for new residents – particularly for high-net-worth individuals. Recent legislation, coupled with a drop in real estate prices, has also triggered new interest in the middle and lower end of the market, while sales of luxury, top-end developments have surpassed expectations.


Luxury Living 奢华的生活

Property Sales on the Rise Foreign investors are showing increasing interest in the Cypriot real estate sector, as the current situation offers the chance to acquire extraordinary properties at exceptional prices. Property sales have marked a significant increase over the last two years thanks to foreign buyers. Between January and August 2016, the number of sales to foreign buyers recorded an increase of 16.6% compared to the corresponding period of 2015. In September 2016, the overall sale of immovable property throughout the island recorded a remarkable increase of 44% compared to September last year, and the first three quarters of 2016 saw an annual increase of 32% in sales. It is expected that transactions in the property market will remain concentrated on prime assets while overseas buyers, encouraged by the government’s Citizenship and Residency Schemes, will focus almost exclusively on high-end residential properties in the over €300,000 bracket, while institutional investors are focused on producing income from their investments, such as grade A properties and sizeable plots of land with tourism development potential. Island Villas - Limassol Marina

The Cyprus real estate market is more attractive to foreign buyers than it has been for decades, making it an optimum time to invest in property on the island.

塞浦路斯房地产市场对于外国买家的吸 引力与过去几十年相比进一步加强,因 此这是投资购买塞浦路斯房产的绝佳时 机。


The 2013 Knight Frank Global Lifestyle Review ranked Cyprus as the fifth best place in the world to relocate, establishing the island as the only European location alongside Switzerland to make it into the top five – ahead of London, Madrid and Monaco. In its 2016 report, Knight Frank listed Cyprus as one of the top nine countries worldwide

2013年Knight Frank全球生活时尚评估报 告将塞浦路斯列为全球排名第五的首选定 居地点,令该岛成为除瑞士之外欧洲唯 一能够跻身世界前五的地点,超越了伦 敦、马德里以及摩纳哥。在2016年的报告 中,Knight Frank又将塞浦路斯列为全球对 新居民(尤其是高净值个人)提供税率优 惠幅度最大的九个国家之一。近期修订的 法律,加上房地产价格的回落,已引发对

yprus has established itself as an ideal location for property investment, thanks to its great natural environment of beaches and mountains, its highly developed infrastructure, growing tourism market and low property tax.

New legislation has been enacted providing additional benefits to investors in the property market, such as a 50% reduction in transfer fees for all sales and a 100% exemption from capital gains tax for profits on properties purchased by 31st December 2016.

浦路斯已经将自己定位为房地产投资 的理想地点,这是因为塞浦路斯拥有 优越的自然环境,不论是海滩还是山脉, 同时还有高度发达的基础设施,不断增长 的旅游市场以及较低的物业税。

Belvedere Residences - Imperio Properties

中低端市场新的关注,而高端豪华物业的 销售情况则远超期待。 房地产销售增长

外国投资者对于塞浦路斯房地产市场的兴 趣不断增长,因为目前的状况令买家能够 以更加优惠的价格购买到优质的房产。得 益于外国买家的涌入,塞浦路斯的房地产 销售在过去两年出现了显著增长。2016年 1至8月,外国买家的交易数量与2015年同 期相比创纪录地增长了16.6%。2016年9 月,整个塞浦路斯的不动产销售总额创下 了同比增长44%的纪录,而根据2016年前 三个季度的数据统计,全年销售增长已达 到32%。 预计房地产市场的交易将依然集中在高端 资产方面,而外国买家受塞浦路斯公民权 和居留权计划的激励,将把目光紧紧聚焦 在超过30万欧元这一门槛的高端住宅,而 机构投资者关注的是投资获益,因此A级物 业以及具有旅游开发潜力的大型地块才是 他们关注的目标。 新修订的法律还为房地产市场的投资者提 供额外的福利,例如所有房地产销售的交 易费用减半,对于在2016年12月31日前购 买的房产,其销售利润可享资本收益税的 全额减免。



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Moving Upmarket Traditionally, Cypriot developers have provided holiday homes for British buyers, due to the countries’ historical ties, strong tourist market and attractive tax treatment – particularly for expats and retirees. Today, the sector is pursuing a more innovative strategy, targeting top-end clients from around the world with a range of exclusive villas in five-star gated complexes, golf courses and seafront developments and luxury townhouses. Many buyers are non-EU nationals who have taken advantage of Cyprus’ residency and citizenship programmes to relocate to a European base. These programmes, which require the purchase of property, brought in well over €2 billion in revenue over the past two years, with most enquiries coming from China, Russia and the Middle East. Recent studies conducted by global immigration experts rank the Cyprus’ Citizenship by Investment programme amongst the top ten worldwide, and one of the strongest in the EU. The elite property market continues to do well, as illustrated by the recent launch of Limassol Marina, which has enjoyed significant success in sales. Other luxury developments approved in 2014 include a €25 million commercial construction project operated by Cybarco, called The Oval, which, at 75 metres tall, is set to become the highest commercial building in Limassol. Russian developers Lanomex are also reaching for the sky in Larnaca, where the new multimillioneuro Kimon project will include a state-ofthe-art 70 metre-high hotel, apartments, shops and offices on the popular Phinikoudes beachfront promenade. Meanwhile, outside Paphos, exclusive villas at the multi-million euro Minthis Hills sport and leisure resort are being snapped up, mostly by Russian and Chinese buyers purchasing off-plan.


传统上,塞浦路斯的房地产开发商主要为英 国买家提供度假屋,这是因为塞浦路斯与英 国的历史渊源、强势的旅游市场以及富有吸 引力的税收政策,尤其是对于外国侨民和退 休人士而言。如今,该领域正在追寻一种更 为创新的战略,将销售目标定位为世界各地 的高端客户,为此出现一大批高端别墅产 品,包括五星级综合开发项目、高尔夫球场 以及海滨开发项目以及豪华联排别墅。许 多买家是非欧盟居民,他们希望利用塞浦路 斯的居留权和公民权计划实现定居欧洲的 目标。这些计划由于要求投资者购买房产, 因此在过去两年创造了远超20亿欧元的收 入,其中大多数申请来自中国、俄罗斯和中 东。国际移民专家近期的报告将塞浦路斯的 投资入籍计划评为全球十佳投资入籍计划, 也是欧盟地区最具吸引力的计划之一。 近期利马索尔游艇码头取得的巨大销售成 功表明,高端房地产市场将继续保持强势 增长。2014年批准的其他豪华房产开发项 目包括一栋价值2500万欧元的商务楼开发 项目。这栋称为The Oval的大楼开发项目 由Cybarco运营,高75米,将成为利马 索尔最高的商务楼。来自俄罗斯的开发商 Lanomex同样在打造拉纳卡的天际线,其 投资数百万欧元的Kimon项目包含了一座 设施先进、高70米的大楼,内有酒店、公 寓、商店以及办公室,地点位于最为人喜爱 的Phinikoudes海滨步道。同时,帕福斯郊 外价值数百万欧元的Minthis Hills体育休闲度 假村的高端别墅项目正在热卖中,大部分以 期房的形式销售给俄罗斯和中国买家。

West Tower, Marina - Ayia Napa



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Protecting Buyers New property legislation was passed in 2015, ramping up protection for buyers in Cyprus, allowing owners to apply for their own title deeds. A contentious issue for years, the new property law is a welcome move, and aims to correct the failures of previous years of not issuing title deeds to people who have paid for property, either because the property was mortgaged by the developer, or the state could not go ahead with the transfer because of outstanding taxes. The new law grants the head of the land registry department the authority to exempt, eliminate, transfer and cancel mortgages and or other encumbrances, depending on the case and under certain conditions. Thanks to the new amendment, the process is set to become more efficient while giving prospective buyers more peace of mind and security. Regaining Momentum The real estate and construction sector is certainly making a comeback, with prestigious new developments in the pipeline and corporates investing in new ambitious premises. Landmark buildings have begun to spring up, such as the new global headquarters of Wargaming in the capital city Nicosia. The company, also a strategic shareholder of Hellenic Bank, bought the impressive 75 metre ‘President’ building from Rotos Developers for €20 million. An office building developed by Cyfield on Limassol Avenue, was sold for €3.7 million to a Belgian fund, which has also invested €7.4 million in other prime real estate, while the Embassy of Kuwait bought the ‘City Link’ building for €5.1 million. New investments in tourism infrastructure and hotels as well as projects with a special focus on golf courses and luxury marinas, such as the Ayia Napa Marina which began construction in 2016, have spurred new interest in large scale projects in Cyprus, and the country has seen a surge of investors looking into the acquisition of entire complexes and projects that are both in the planning stages and already under construction. Cyprus’ ongoing process of establishing its first-ever luxury casino resort, is set to boost tourism and fuel demand for holiday rentals. The varied range of excellent properties together with Cyprus’ 2016/2017 growth prospects, make this a golden opportunity to invest. n


style experience

Noble Centre - Imperio Properties


新的物业法在2015年获准实施,增强了对 塞浦路斯房产买家的保护,允许房产所有 者申请所有权凭证。这个争议问题已经存 在了好多年,因此,新推出的物业法受到 了广泛的欢迎,其目的在于保护那些在前 些年虽已付款却未能获得所有权凭证的买 家,这要么是因为房产被开放商进行了抵 押, 要么是因为税费没有结清导致无法进 行下一步交易。新的法律授权土地登记部 门的负责人,有权根据情况或在某些特定 条件下免除、消除、转让或取消抵押和/或 其他债权。由于新的修订,房地产购买流 程将会更加有效,同时为潜在买家提供更 多安全保护和信心。 恢复强势增长

房地产和建筑行业毫无疑问正在复苏,众 多新的顶级开发项目正在规划之中,而企 业也开始投资符合其目标的新场地。地标 式建筑开始不断涌现,例如Wargaming 公司将新的全球总部设在了塞浦路斯首 都尼科西亚。该公司还是希腊国民银行 的战略股东,斥资2000万欧元从Rotos Developers购入了名为“President”的 75米高大厦。Cyfield开发的一栋位于利马 索尔大街的办公楼,以370万欧元的价格卖 给了一家比利时的基金公司,后者在其他 高端房产方面还投入了740万欧元,而科 威特大使馆也出资510万欧元购买了“City Link”大厦。 旅游基础设施和酒店以及以高尔夫球场和 豪华游艇码头为重点的项目也迎来了新的 投资,例如2016年开始动工的阿伊亚纳 帕游艇码头。这些新的投资引发了投资 者对于塞浦路斯大型项目的浓厚兴趣, 因此我们看到越来越的外国投资者希望整 体收购综合型开发项目,不论尚处于规划 阶段,还是已经开工建设。塞浦路斯还在 打造首个豪华娱乐城度假村,这会进一步 助推旅游业并刺激度假屋的租赁需求。各 种不同类型的优质房产,加上塞浦路斯在 2016/2017年度的增长前景,令其成为最值 得投资的黄金机会。n

Imperio Properties


A refined boutique property, member of the Small Luxury Hotels of the World, the Londa indulges its guests with a blend of Mediterranean flair and modern lifestyle. The 68 rooms and suites are created for a truly relaxing experience, where guests, both on holiday or business, delight in their own private paradise. Stylish in design and with dazzling sea views, the Londa’s Caprice Restaurant has built its award-winning reputation by creating Italian cuisine with a Mediterranean twist. The Caprice Lounge Bar adapts its ambience and clientele to suit the time of day, serving espressos in the morning and fantastic cocktails at sundown! The Spa offers beauty, health and spa facilities, and an amalgam of treatments and therapies for a truly rejuvinating experience! Classic yet stylish, the Londa is setting a new fashionable standard and is, without doubt, the islands’ must-visit hotspot. The Small Luxury Hotels’ vision and brand value to extend outstanding quality, passion for excellence, top personal service and individuality, combined with Londa’s vision to create unique moments, fabricate the perfect setting for memorable experiences and exceeding guest expectations.

Londa Hotel, LImassol, Cyprus T: +357 2586 5555 • F: +357 2532 0040 • E:



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A Home in the Sun 阳光之家

Ianassa Villa - LImassol Marina

Akamas Bay Villas - Cybarco

A relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle in a modern European environment has established Cyprus as not only a popular tourist destination, but also as one of Europe’s top spots for expats, business professionals and retirees.


oasting 340 days of sunshine a year, a modern infrastructure and high quality of life, Cyprus has already attracted significant numbers of high-net-worth individuals and wealthy families worldwide looking for a permanent or secondary home. Established as a key regional business centre within the EU enjoying a cosmopolitan lifestyle, Cyprus is also attracting many business professionals to relocate to the island – especially following the recent introduction of new tax incentives for high-ranking managers and directors of companies.

悠闲的地中海式生活以及现代的欧式环 境令塞浦路斯不仅成为热门的旅游胜 地,更是外国侨民、商业人才和退休人 士首选的欧洲地区宜居之地。 一年340个晴天、现代化的基础设施以及高 品质的生活,这些都吸引了世界各地的众 多高净值个人和富裕家庭选择将塞浦路斯 作为其永久居住地或者第二家园。作为欧 盟境内重要的区域级商业中心,塞浦路斯 提供现代化的国际都市生活,因此吸引着 众多商业人才迁居到这座地中海小岛,尤 其是在塞浦路斯近期为企业高管与董事制 定了新的税务激励措施之后。

Although the warm climate, pristine beaches and fresh local produce are a large part of Cyprus’ allure, the country offers many additional advantages for globetrotting foreigners looking for their place in the sun. A safe and friendly environment within the European Union, a transparent and beneficial tax framework as well as a great range of excellent real estate options have all contributed to the rising appeal of Cyprus. The island’s residency schemes have seen an increase in applications over the last few years, with significant interest from China, Russia and the Middle East. Cyprus’ citizenship through investment programme has also seen a surge of interest from individuals looking to tap into investment opportunities in Cyprus and gain visa-free entry to 157 countries, including EU countries, Canada, Australia and many others. An EU passport continues to be one of the most coveted in the world as it offers the right to live, work and study in any EU member state.

尽管温暖的气候、原生态的海滩以及新鲜 的当地物产是塞浦路斯的主要魅力,这座 海岛可以为环游全球寻找阳光之家的外国 人士提供许多的额外优势。塞浦路斯拥有 欧盟境内数一数二的安全友好的生活环 境,透明而优惠的税制以及各种类型的房 产选择,这些均提升了塞浦路斯的魅力。 塞浦路斯居留权的申请数量在过去几年有 了大幅提升,尤其是来自中国、俄罗斯以 及中东的申请者。塞浦路斯的投资入籍计 划亦获得了投资者的高度关注,他们希望 不仅能抓住塞浦路斯的绝佳投资机会,同 时还可获得157个国家或地区的免签入境 待遇,包括欧盟国家、加拿大、澳大利亚 等。欧盟护照在全球范围内一直是最让人 梦寐以求的护照,因为它能提供在任何欧 盟国家生活、工作或者学习的权利。



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Residency in Cyprus Cyprus is a country where east meets west and through its long history has become an intriguing melting pot of traditions and cultures, always offering something new to discover. With its winning mix of a European atmosphere with a gentle pace of life, it is easy to see why Cyprus often features at the top of international lists of best countries to live, work or retire in.


The charm of this beautiful Mediterranean island and its rich historical legacy has captured the imagination of many and attracted record-breaking numbers of around 3 million visitors this year. The popularity of Cyprus stems from various factors, such as its stable political environment, its EU member state status, efficient taxation system, sophisticated infrastructure and the low cost of living. Thanks to its enviable lifestyle, low crime and English-speaking population, Cyprus has attracted foreign residents for decades. With its excellent healthcare and private schools, many families have found an ideal home away from home in Cyprus.

塞浦路斯是少数为投资者提供公民权(入 籍)计划的国家之一。该计划自2007年设 立以来,一直是欧盟境内公认最具吸引力 的投资入籍计划之一。2016年9月,该计 划又进行了修订以提高其吸引力。现在, 投资入籍计划的个人投资金额门槛已经降 至200万欧元,外加购买价值50万欧元的 房产。如果投资者选择单独投资购买塞浦 路斯的房产,则只需满足200万欧元的投资 要求。投资形式包括投资房产、投资塞浦 路斯企业、购买由塞浦路斯证券交易委员 会(CySEC)批准发行的另类投资基金/债 券,或者上述投资形式的组合。投资产品 应至少持有三年,而价值50万欧元的房产 应终身持有(可以出租)。此次的另一项 变化则是投资者的父母亦可申请塞浦路斯 国籍,只需额外购买价值至少50万欧元的 塞浦路斯房产,或者,只需全家购买的单 栋房产价值至少达到100万欧元。

The country hosts a large expatriate community, and has the third highest percentage of foreign citizen residents in the European Union, both from fellow EU member states and from third countries. As a former British colony it is no surprise that British nationals are the largest expat community, with Russian and other Eastern Europeans a close second. Paphos, which has become a key area of interest for Chinese real estate buyers, has seen a growing Chinese community settling in its villages and towns. Obtaining residency in Cyprus is relatively straightforward with a processing time of two to three months and no requirement for Greek language proficiency – expedited process of Category 6 (2). An applicant’s spouse and underage children and financially dependent children, 18-25 years old, can also obtain the Permanent Residence permit. As of February 2016, the parents of the investor and/or of his/her spouse can also obtain the Permanent Residence permit as dependants. Although many decide to relocate to Cyprus permanently, there is no legal requirement to stay in the country as long as you visit at least once every two years. The criteria for permanent residency in Cyprus are a secure and steady annual income of at least €30,000 derived from abroad and the purchase of real estate property worth at least €300,000, excluding VAT.

凭借新的激励措施与各种投资机会,塞浦 路斯公民权(入籍)计划越来越受到国 际关注,尤其是来自中国与俄罗斯的申请 者。依靠地中海东部的战略位置以及在该 地区日益动荡不安的外部局势中始终保持 稳定的国内形势,塞浦路斯已经成为中东 地区高净值个人在寻求获得第二国籍和确 保资产安全时可以选择的一个极有吸引力 的目标。

Beach Villas - Ayia Napa Marina


塞浦路斯是东西方交汇的地点,因此在漫长的历史上,塞浦路斯一直是东 西方传统与文化的熔炉,从而孕育出新的风俗习惯,等待人们去探索。凭 借欧州式的现代环境与慢节奏的生活方式,不难想见塞浦路斯为何经常被 许多国际组织评为最适合生活、工作或享受退休时光的国家。 这个美丽的地中海岛国的独特魅力与悠久的历史传承为人们带来了无限的 遐想,今年更创纪录地吸引到约三百万游客。塞浦路斯如此受欢迎源于 多种因素,包括稳定的政治环境、欧盟成员国地位、高效的税收制度、成 熟的基础设施以及较低的生活成本。得益于令人艳羡的生活方式、低犯罪 率以及国民的英语交流能力,塞浦路斯数十年来一直吸引着外国居民。凭 借出色的医疗服务和私立学校,许多家庭亦将塞浦路斯视为理想的第二家 园。 塞浦路斯拥有庞大的外国侨民社区,其外侨比例在欧洲高居第三,有些侨 民来自其他欧盟成员国,有些则来自第三国。由于塞浦路斯曾是英国殖 民地,因此英国人毫无意外地成为塞浦路斯最大的侨民团体,俄罗斯人与 东欧移民团体则紧随其后并列第二,而作为中国房地产买家重点关注的区 域,帕福斯众多村镇中的华人社区迎来了蓬勃发展。 获取塞浦路斯的永久居留权相对简单,申办过程只需约两个月时间,而且 无需掌握希腊语。申请人的配偶及子女同样有资格获得居留权,这其中包 括18岁以下子女以及25岁以下且经济尚未独立的子女。虽然许多人会决定 永久定居塞浦路斯,但塞浦路斯对于每年在塞浦路斯居留的时间没有法律 规定,仅要求每两年至少访问一次塞浦路斯。申请塞浦路斯永久居留权的 条件包括:年收入稳定,且至少有3万欧元收入来自海外,同时购买至少 价值30万欧元(不含增值税)的房产。

Cyprus Citizenship With new incentives and various investment opportunities, the Cyprus citizenship programme has seen increased international interest – most notably from China and Russia. With its strategic location in the Eastern Mediterranean and as a neutral and stable country in an increasingly unstable region, Cyprus has also become a very attractive option for high-net-worth individuals from the Middle East seeking a second citizenship and a means to secure their assets.

该计划的主要优势在于欧盟居留权和免签 入境机会,且无需宣布放弃现有国籍,也 没有希腊语能力要求。另一项优势在于, 无需在塞浦路斯永久居留,但申请人必须 先获得塞浦路斯居留权,才能被批准入 籍。因此,申请入籍的同时,必须申请居 留权。

Cyprus is one of the few countries to offer a Citizenship scheme for investors. This scheme is considered as one of the strongest in the EU and has been running successfully since 2007. The scheme was revised in September 2016, making it even more attractive. The investment required is €2 million plus a residential property of €500,000. If an investor chooses to invest only in residential properties in Cyprus, their investment is limited to €2 million. Investment options include real estate, investment in Cyprus companies, investments in Alternative Investment Funds/Bonds issued under the auspices of the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) and a combination of the above. Investments should be kept for three years, while the residential property of €500,000 should be kept for life (but can be rented). One of the recent changes is that parents of an investor can apply for Cypriot citizenship with the purchase of a residential property worth at least €500,000. Alternatively, the family can purchase one residence together with a minimum value of €1 million. The key benefits of the programme are EU settlement and excellent visafree travel possibilities, no obligation to renounce existing citizenship and no Greek language proficiency requirements. An added advantage is that there is no obligation to stay permanently in Cyprus, but the applicant must hold a Permanent Residence Permit before he/she is granted citizenship, thus a simultaneous application for both residency and citizenship must be made.

Imperio Properties



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Citizenship through Investment To gain citizenship through investment in Cyprus, one of the following financial criteria must be met with the €2 million direct investment:


Growing Appeal While traditionally Cyprus has been a popular tourist and holiday home destination, its economic growth, advantageous regulatory framework and investment opportunities have long attracted international companies to the island. These factors coupled with its geographical location at the crossroads of three continents, good air connections and its extensive network of double tax treaties, established Cyprus into an international business centre and an ideal gateway into Europe and other high-growth markets. For decades, Cyprus has had a strong track record for attracting foreign investment, with 2015 seeing a record rise of net direct investment to €4.7 billion, and forecasts for 2016 expecting more than 2% GDP growth – and with the country’s expanding scope of investment opportunities in tourism, real estate, energy infrastructure and other large scale projects, multinational investors are certainly keeping a keen eye on the island. Cyprus continues to attract both international business and affluent individuals seeking an ideal Mediterranean lifestyle, where business and pleasure coexist happily. The genuine hospitality of the Cypriot people, the safe and secure environment for family life and the sophisticated business-friendly infrastructure ensure that investors and visitors alike can enjoy the best of both worlds and make doing business both pleasurable and profitable. n


尽管传统上塞浦路斯一直是热门的旅游和 度假目的地,该国的经济增长、高效的法 律制度以及众多的投资机会长期以来吸引 着跨国公司来到这里开展业务。这些因素 加上地处欧亚非三大洲交汇处的地理优 势、四通八达的航空线路,以及与众多国 家签订的免除双重征税协议,令塞浦路斯 成为享誉国际的商业中心,是企业进入欧 洲以及其他高增长市场的理想门户。 数十年来,塞浦路斯在吸引外资方面卓有 成效,2015年净外国直接投资达到了创纪 录的47亿欧元,预计2016年的GDP增长率 将有望超过2%。随着塞浦路斯在旅游、房 地产、能源基础设施以及其他大型项目方 面的投资机会和范围不断扩大,全球投资 者必将密切关注岛国的动态。 塞浦路斯将继续吸引寻求完美的地中海式 生活的国际商业人才以及富裕个人,让他 们在这里实现工作与生活的和谐共存。塞 浦路斯热情友好的居民、安全稳定的家庭 生活环境以及成熟利商的基础设施,让投 资者和游客可以充分享受塞浦路斯的双重 魅力,让经商既充满乐趣又有利可图。 n

• Investment in real estate, land development and infrastructure projects • Purchase, creation or participation in Cyprus businesses and companies based and operating in Cyprus. Such companies are required to have a physical presence in Cyprus and to employ at least 5 Cypriot citizens • Investment in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) established in Cyprus and licensed by CySEC which invest exclusively in Cyprus. This criterion includes financial assets of Cypriot companies or organisations issued after approval by CySEC • Combination of the aforementioned criteria amounting to €2m. In the context of this criterion, the applicant may also purchase Cyprus government bonds of a maximum amount of €500,000 投资入籍计划 要通过在塞浦路斯投资获 得公民权(入籍),以下 任意一项金融条件必须达 到200万欧元直接投资的 要求: • 投资房地产、土地开 发以及基础设施项目 • 购买、创建或参股塞 浦路斯企业或者在塞 浦路斯设址并开展业 务的企业。此等公司 必须在塞浦路斯设有 实体并且至少雇佣5 名塞浦路斯籍员工 • 投资设在塞浦路斯并且 获得CySEC许可的另类 投资基金(AIF),且后 者仅在塞浦路斯进行投 资。此条件包括塞浦路 斯公司或组织在CySEC 批准后发售的金融资产 • 前述条件规定之投资 金额总计达到200万 欧元。若符合本条款 规定,申请人还可购 买最多50万欧元的 塞浦路斯政府债券

Top 10 reasons to live in Cyprus 在塞浦路斯生活的十大理由











Member of the European Union 欧盟成员国地位

Crystal clear seas and clean beaches 清澈的海水和 洁净的沙滩

English-speaking population 大部分人会 说英语

Fresh locallygrown produce 新鲜的本地农产品

High quality of life and low crime rates 高品质的生活 和低犯罪率

Excellent healthcare 出色的医疗服务

Temperate climate with 340 days of sunshine 气候温暖,每年 有340个晴天

High standard of education 优质的教育

Uncongested and unpolluted environment 不拥挤、无 污染的环境

Convenient airline connections and good telecoms 方便的航空线路和 良好的电信服务



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

Visiting Cyprus 访问塞浦路斯

Something for Everyone 满足每个人的期待

With long sunny days, sparkling seas, welcoming people and wonderful scenery, Cyprus offers visitors a superb holiday destination packed with unforgettable experiences, extraordinary sights and exquisite Mediterranean cuisine.

悠长的晴天、波光粼粼的海水、热情好 客的居民以及优美的风景,这些令塞浦 路斯成为深受游客喜爱的顶级旅游度假 胜地,带来令人难忘的丰富体验、魅 力非凡的景观以及精致诱人的地中海美 食。


nown as the legendary birthplace of Aphrodite, the ancient goddess of love and beauty, Cyprus certainly lives up to the standards of its legendary patron. A stunning Mediterranean island steeped in myth and romance that enjoys more than 340 days of sunshine a year, Cyprus is attracting visitors from across the world.

The country has a 648 km coastline of golden sands, secluded bays and rocky coves and ranks at the top of the EU for cleanest waters for swimming. Boasting 53 Blue Flags, the island has achieved three records: the most Blue Flags per capita in the world, the densest concentration of Blue Flag beaches and the most Blue Flag beaches per coastline. In addition to its pristine beaches, people have been drawn to Cyprus for centuries for its fascinating history and culture, its glorious pine-clad mountains, its fresh Mediterranean produce and verdant countryside – proving that Cyprus is much more than just a ‘sun and sea’ destination.

希腊神话中,塞浦路斯是爱与美之女 神阿弗洛狄忒的出生地,而事实上, 这个迷人的地中海岛国也不负美神之名。 塞浦路斯有着悠久的神话历史与浪漫传 奇,而且一年有340多个晴天,因此获得世 界各国游客的青睐。 塞浦路斯拥有648公里长的海岸线,其中散 布着无数的金色沙滩、幽静海湾以及岩石 峡湾,清澈透明的海水在欧盟数一数二, 非常适合游泳。塞浦路斯拥有53个蓝旗 海滩,这为该国创造了三项纪录:全球人 均蓝旗海滩数量最多的国家,蓝旗海滩密 度最高的国家,以及每公里海岸线蓝旗海 滩数量最多的国家。除了原生态的碧海金 沙,数百年来人们来塞浦路斯还因为这里 梦幻般的历史与文化、繁茂的松柏覆盖的 山脉、新鲜的地中海物产以及郁郁葱葱的 田园风光,这些均证明塞浦路斯绝不是仅 有“阳光和大海”的旅游目的地。

Colourful Culture Lying at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, Cyprus has long served as a major Eastern trading post. It is a small country, but the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and shares a maritime border with Egypt 300 km to the south, Lebanon 108 km to the east and Turkey 71 km to the north, while mainland Greece lies 800 km to the north-west. The island’s strategic location, rich agriculture and highly skilled craftsmen have long made it a jewel in the crown of the powers of the day. Cultural influences have come from all directions, with many civilisations leaving their mark on the island, contributing to the development of a rich and diverse cultural heritage. The island is like a large open air museum packed with evidence of its past and is a colourful mosaic of different civilisations and cultures. In the heart of the capital city of Nicosia, the old town is surrounded by a Venetian sandstone fortress with a moat and heart shaped bastions, where cathedrals and mosques call for prayers side by side. Visit St John’s Cathedral with its frescoes and adjacent museum of marvellous Byzantine icons, and the Cyprus Museum, where you can see the best collection of archaeological artefacts on the island. The ancient city-kingdoms of Kourion and Amathus, and the Mosaics of Paphos, are considered among the finest mosaic floors in the eastern Mediterranean. Other must-see historic sites include the Neolithic settlements of Choirokoitia and Kalavasos-Tenta, the Tombs of the Kings and the famous Sanctuary of Aphrodite. Cyprus is well known for its hospitality, a fact reflected in the Greek word, ‘xenos’, used for both stranger and guest, and an indication of the warm welcome that awaits visitors to the island. Cyprus is renowned for its excellent quality of life, with the emphasis on working to live, as opposed to living to work. Cafe culture predominates, with both business and social meetings taking place over a leisurely ‘frappe’ (iced coffee) in the numerous cafes of every town and city.


地处欧亚非三大洲的交汇点,塞浦路斯一 直以来都是东方贸易的重要据点。塞浦 路斯虽然是一个小国,却是地中海第三大 岛,与 300 公里以南的埃及、108 公里以东 的黎巴嫩、71 公里以北的土耳其以及西北 800 公里的希腊在海上接壤。塞浦路斯独特 的地理位置、富饶的农业以及技术高超的 工匠早已令其成为当时的强权国家垂涎的 一颗王冠上的宝石。岛上的文化受到了不 同方面的影响,许多古代文明在塞浦路斯 留下了自己的印记,造就了塞浦路斯丰富 而多元的文化传统。 塞浦路斯岛就像一座大型的露天博物馆, 到处都是过往辉煌历史的遗迹,是由不同 文明与文化镶拼而成的绚丽画卷。在首都 尼科西亚的中心,整座旧城被包围在由护 城河和数座心形堡垒构成的威尼斯砂岩要 塞之中,城区内的天主教教堂和伊斯兰清 真寺迎接着一队队的祈祷者。您可以去参 观塞浦路斯著名的圣约翰大教堂和那里的 壁画,还有其附近的博物馆中精美的拜占 庭时期的画像。在塞浦路斯博物馆,您可 以欣赏岛上丰富而全面的考古文物收藏。 古老的库里安(Kourion)和阿马苏斯 (Amathus)遗址值得一去,而帕福斯的 马赛克瓷砖认为是地中海东部最精美的马 赛克地砖。其他必到的历史景点包括乔伊 鲁科蒂亚(Choirokoita)和卡拉瓦索斯-天 泰(Kalavasos-Tenta)两处新石器时代人 类定居点、国王墓古遗迹,以及著名的阿 芙洛狄忒神庙。 塞浦路斯的热情好客享誉世界,这一事实 反映在希腊语(塞浦路斯官方语言之一) 词汇“xenos”之中。这个单词既可以指 陌生人,也可以指客人,似乎是暗示塞浦 路斯欢迎一切来访者。塞浦路斯也以出色 的生活质量而闻名,尤其强调工作是为了 更好的生活,而不是生活是为了工作。 咖啡文化在塞浦路斯非常风行,在遍布 各个城镇的众多咖啡馆中,不论是商务会 谈还是好友聚会,人们都会从容地来上一 杯“frappe”(冰镇咖啡)。



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 The long and winding history of the island offers a journey of discovery and anchored at the junction of three continents, Cyprus has always been a prized possession for the many civilisations that ruled it throughout history. From the earliest Greek settlers who gave the island its Hellenic identity in the second millennium BC, the island was then subject in turn to the empires of Assyria, Persia, Greece, Egypt, Rome, Byzantium, the Franks and the Venetians, the Ottomans and the British before Cyprus achieved its independence in 1960. Cosmopolitan Lifestyle Alongside its rich historical heritage, Cyprus enjoys a cosmopolitan lifestyle with trendy bars and restaurants in all of its major towns. The seaside cities of Larnaca and Limassol, as well as the inland capital city of Nicosia, have seen a surge of new and exciting establishments with fresh concepts to cater to a fun-loving visitor looking for a great time out. Cyprus is blessed with a temperate climate and has hot dry summers and mild winters, with average temperatures of 12°C in winter and 33°C in summer. Offering something for everyone, regardless of interests, age or budget, Cyprus is truly a year-round destination. Each season brings something new and wonderful for visitors to discover from swimming and diving in the warm blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, hiking in pine-scented forests and skiing on the snowy mountain peaks to cycling through the countryside and marvelling at the ancient archaeological treasures and Greek temples. When it comes to a place to stay, tourists are spoilt for choice. From budget-priced two and three-star hotels to a growing range of upmarket hotels with four and five-star status, Cyprus offers every conceivable type of accommodation. For tourists seeking peace and tranquillity off the beaten track, a growing number of villagers in rural Cyprus are opening up their homes. Agro-tourism houses are available for rent all over the island, often in the most picturesque villages, and give the traveller a unique opportunity to enjoy the famed local hospitality and experience authentic Cyprus village life.

塞浦路斯悠久而曲折的历史给您带来独特的探索之旅,而位居欧亚非三大 洲的交汇点使得塞浦路斯曾经成为历史上众多文明的战利品。公元前 2000 年,希腊定居者最早来到这里,赋予这座海岛独特的古希腊特色,随后 的日子里,塞浦路斯又先后臣服于亚述、波斯、希腊、埃及、罗马、拜占 庭、法兰克帝国以及威尼斯、奥斯曼和大英帝国,直到 1960 年塞浦路斯 获得独立。 国际化的都市生活

除了悠久的历史传统,塞浦路斯还有着国际化的都市生活方式,其主要城 市均开设有各种时尚酒吧与餐厅。不论是沿海城市拉纳卡和利马索尔,还 是位居内陆的首都尼科西亚,均见证了令人兴奋的高速发展,其全新理念 在于让每位游客在轻松而欢乐的氛围中充分享受每一刻度假时光。 塞浦路斯有着得天独厚的天气条件,全年气候温和,夏季炎热干燥,冬季 温暖和煦,冬季的平均气温为12摄氏度,夏季则为33摄氏度。每个人都 能在塞浦路斯找到适合自己的活动,不论你的兴趣如何、年龄大小或预算 高低,塞浦路斯是真正全年适宜的旅游胜地。每个季节都会带来新的精彩 活动,游客们可以在地中海温暖的蓝色海水中畅游或潜水,在飘满松木清 香的森林中徒步探险,在白雪皑皑的山峰上滑雪,在旖旎的田园风光中骑 行,面对古代珍宝和希腊神庙击节赞叹。 说到适宜居住的地方,众多的选择可令游客随心所欲。从价格实惠的两星 和三星酒店到数量不断增加的四星和五星高档酒店,塞浦路斯可以提供各 种您能想象得到的住宿服务。对于希望远离喧嚣、寻求宁静的游客,越来 越多的塞浦路斯农民家庭将打开家门迎接各方宾客。岛上到处都有可供出 租的农业旅游小屋,通常就位于风景如画的小村庄,令游客有独到的机会 享受当地居民广为人知的好客之情,同时体验原汁原味的塞浦路斯农村生 活。


investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Mediterranean Cuisine It is impossible to talk about Cyprus without mentioning the food. As with most Mediterranean cultures, food – both the preparation and the eating – plays a vital role and the famous Cyprus meze, a large selection of small, delectable dishes, is best enjoyed ‘sigasiga’ (‘slowly slowly’) al fresco, surrounded by friends and family and accompanied by a glass of excellent Cyprus wine. Cyprus is one of the world’s oldest grapegrowing and wine-making regions, with its fruits of the grape ranging from delicate whites and full-bodied reds to the rich sweet amber-coloured dessert nectar known as Commandaria. This Cypriot wine is one of the oldest in the world, documented back to 800 BC and has the distinction of being the world’s oldest named wine still in production.

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 地中海式生活和美食

谈到塞浦路斯,就不能不谈到这里的美食,因为在大多数地中海文化中, 美食的烹制和享用在日常生活中发挥着重要作用。塞浦路斯著名的梅泽 开胃菜(Meze)是各种可供选择的小份而美味可口的精致菜肴,特别适 合在露天餐桌上和家人与好友一起“sigasiga”地(意即“慢慢地”)享 用,再搭配一杯美味的塞浦路斯葡萄酒。 塞浦路斯是世界上最古老的葡萄种植和酿造地区之一,当地人采用岛上独 有的葡萄品种酿造出了甘爽雅致的白葡萄酒和浓郁醇厚的红葡萄酒,还有 名为卡曼达蕾雅(Commandaria)的口感丰润浓甜的琥珀色甜葡萄酒。 这种塞浦路斯葡萄酒是全世界最古老的葡萄酒之一,可以追溯到公元前 800 年,是世界上历史最悠久、有名可考而至今仍在生产的葡萄酒。 在塞浦路斯,生活的关键在于享受,生活中的美妙细节绝对不能匆匆放 过。塞浦路斯的美食则独特地融合了希腊美食、土耳其美食以及阿拉伯美 食的风味特点,深受地中海饮食习惯的影响,堪称是全世界最健康的饮食 之一。岛上盛产多种美味佳肴,是哈罗米奶酪和纯天然橄榄油的重要产 地。塞浦路斯以其肥沃山谷中出产的新鲜、无污染的农产品而闻名,全国 各地的超市中都有充足的本地产时令蔬菜和水果。塞浦路斯的柑橘和土豆 以其美妙的口味而尤为闻名,远销欧洲各国市场。 丰富的动植物

Life is about enjoyment in Cyprus and the finer things in life should never be rushed. Cyprus cuisine is a unique blend of Greek, Turkish and Arabic food heavily influenced by the Mediterranean diet, said to be one of the healthiest in the world. The island boasts many delicacies and is the home of halloumi cheese and the quintessential olive oil. Cyprus is known for its fresh and clean produce from its fertile valleys and supermarkets across the country are abundant with locally grown seasonal vegetables and fruits. In particular, citrus fruits and Cyprus potatoes have become renowned for their fabulous taste and are exported to markets all over Europe. Diverse Flora and Fauna Visitors can enjoy the scent of blossoms all year round, be it the heady fragrance of musky mimosa, balmy jasmine or the sweetly sharp aroma from the abundance of citrus trees. With nearly 2,000 flowering plants, including 20 rare species of orchid, 371 varieties of birds including flamingos, imperial eagles and griffon vultures, as well as sea turtles, snakes and lizards – not to mention the elusive mountain sheep moufflon, the island is a haven for any nature lover.

游客在塞浦路斯一年四季均可闻到别具特色的花香,例如麝香含羞草和芳 香茉莉的浓郁香气,或者众多橘树散发的甜蜜清香。这座海岛拥有近2000 种开花植物,包括20种珍稀兰花;有371种鸟类,包括火烈鸟、白肩雕以 及秃鹫,还有海龟、蛇以及蜥蜴等爬行动物,更不用说非常少见的野生山 绵羊。因此,这里可以说是所有自然爱好者的天堂。

Sports, Music and Culture Cyprus hosts various sporting and cultural events all year round. From music concerts and cultural performances with big name stars, sports events, religious festivals with all the pomp and circumstance of the Greek Orthodox Church, to informative conferences. Annual events, such as the Cyprus Rally, held every year since 1970 and forming part of the World Rally Championship and the FIA Middle East Rally Championship, attract hordes of car enthusiasts, while the annual Historic Cyprus Rally draws crowds of vintage car enthusiasts. Cultural events such as the Kypria International Festival, comprising music, dance and performance arts, and the ‘Thalassa’ International Festival, which includes photographic exhibitions, movie screenings and music performances, ensure there’s something to interest everyone on the annual calendar of events. With Paphos selected as the 2017 European Capital of Culture, the island is set to see a boost of exciting cultural experiences. Where to Stay When it comes to a place to stay, visitors are spoilt for choice. Cyprus offers every conceivable type of accommodation, from budget-priced two and three-star hotels to a growing range of boutique and upmarket hotels with four and five-star status. For visitors seeking something more unique and off the beaten track, a growing number of agrotourism hotels and agrotourism houses are available for rent all over the island. Often in the most picturesque areas of the island, these village houses give the traveller a great opportunity to experience authentic rural life, but with comforts. Dare to Discover Cyprus offers so much diversity and entertainment that you won’t waste a minute of your time on the island. From lounging on beaches, to discovering ancient settlements, hiking across forest paths or fine dining with a glass of crisp local wine, there’s a whole world of amazing experiences to fit in to your visit. Add to that the famed Cypriot hospitality, whether you’re exploring a mountain trail, a rural village or a city centre shopping street, and it’s easy to understand why most visitors start planning their return trip to Cyprus before they’ve even left the island the first time. n


塞浦路斯一年四季都会举行各类文体活 动,从明星参与的音乐和文化演出、激烈 的体育赛事、各种宗教庆典以及讲究气势 和氛围的希腊东正教节日,乃至信息量丰 富的各种会议。体育赛事包括一年一度的 塞浦路斯拉力赛,该站比赛自1970年开办 以来,已经成为世界拉力锦标赛(WRC) 以及国际汽联(FIA)中东拉力锦标赛的 重要组成部分,吸引了众多赛车爱好者, 而每年举行的塞浦路斯老爷车拉力赛则 是古董车爱好者的盛宴。文化活动则包括 Kypria国际艺术节,旨在展现各种音乐、 舞蹈以及表演艺术,而“Thalassa”国际 艺术节则结合了摄影展、电影欣赏以及音 乐表演等形式。这些丰富的活动确保全年 均有妙趣横生的节庆活动,让每个人都乐 在其中。此外,帕福斯被评选为2017年的 欧洲文化之都,这意味着届时会有一段令 人激动的体验。 选择居住地

谈到住的地方,选择之多绝对会让你眼花 缭乱。塞浦路斯提供各种您能想到的住宿 选择,从价格优惠的二星或三星酒店,到 数量不断增多的精品酒店与豪华酒店,后 者往往可以达到四星或五星级。如果游客 希望另辟蹊径,寻求某种更加独特的住宿 体验,岛上有许多农家乐型旅馆或度假屋 可供租赁。这些乡村小屋往往处在塞浦路 斯风景最为优美的地方,给予游客绝佳的 机会,在舒适的环境中体验原汁原味的乡 村生活。 勇于探索

塞浦路斯提供丰富多元的娱乐生活,确保 您在这里不会虚度哪怕一分钟时间。从漫 步于海滩,到探索古代的定居遗址、徒步 穿越林中小径,或者一边品着清澄的当地 葡萄酒,一边享受精致的晚餐,可以说这 里的整个世界都可以满足您对于梦幻体验 的渴求。更何况塞浦路斯人的热情好客闻 名遐迩,不论您是在探索山间小路、村庄 还是城市中心的购物街,您不难明白为什 么绝大多数首次来塞浦路斯的游客在行程 尚未结束之前就已经开始计划什么时候再 来塞浦路斯了。 n



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

Business Directory 开业指导 Who’s Who in Cyprus


ACCOUNTING & AUDITING / 会计和审计 EY Cyprus KPMG Limited PwC Cyprus

59 61 62



BUSINESS ASSOCIATION / 商业协会 Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry Cyprus Investment Funds Association (CIFA) Cyprus Shipping Chamber Cyprus-China Business Association (CYCHIBA)

56 57 57 58

CORPORATE SERVICES / 公司服务 Cyproman Services Ltd


DIVERSIFIED GROUPS / 多元业务集团 Prestige Group Shacolas Group

62 63

FUND MANAGEMENT / 基金管理 KMG Capital Markets Ltd




LEGAL SERVICES / 法律服务 Chryssafinis & Polyviou LLC Haviaras & Philippou LLC Kinanis LLC L Papaphilippou & Co LLC Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC

56 59 60 61 62

PROMOTION AGENCY / 推广机构 Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) Cyprus Tourism Organisation Department of Merchant Shipping

57 58 58

PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT / 房地产开发 Imperio Properties Kleanthis Savva Developers Pafilia Property Developers

59 60 61



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Chryssafinis & Polyviou LLC Chryssafinis and Polyviou LLC, one of the largest law firms in Cyprus, was established in 1903, it operates in Nicosia, Cyprus and specializes in Banking Law, Company Law, Insurance Law, Competition Law, Business Law, Employment Law, Aviation Law, Media Law, Arbitration Law, Taxation and other. It also provides to its clients experienced advice and assistance on wealth management structures, trusts and citizenships programs. The Firm’s extensive and powerful network of correspondent Law firms, which includes some of the world’s leading firms, allows it to provide an effective and efficient response to the needs of its clients worldwide. Stella Kammitsi Head of the International Corporate Department 斯黛拉·卡米蒂希女士 国际公司部负责人

Chryssafinis and Polyviou LLC是塞浦路斯规模数一数二的法律事务 所,1903年创建于塞浦路斯首都尼科西亚,专业从事银行法、公司 法、保险法、竞争法、商业法、雇佣法、航空法、媒体法、仲裁法、 税收等等业务。我们还为客户提供有关财富管理结构、信托和公民权 计划的建议与协助。我们建立了广泛而强大的合作事务所网络,其中 包括一些世界知名的事务所,可以为世界各地任何有法律需求的客户 提供高效而及时的优质服务。

* 37 Metochiou Street, ( 

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Costas Christoforou Chief Executive Officer 科斯塔斯·克里斯托弗 首席执行官

Cyproman Services Ltd CPM is a leading international professional services provider operating from Cyprus. We are dedicated to offering the best possible tailor-made multi-jurisdictional fiduciary, corporate administration, trustee, accounting and bookkeeping and fund administration services to institutional, corporate and private clients for the last 20 years. Our approach is relationship-driven which is why many of our clients have been with us for many years. We foster an internal culture of co-operation and teamwork across service groups to ensure an integrated service to our clients. CPM is organized into a customer centric structure with one point of contact and one service team dedicated to each client. We maintain a Chinese Desk and we speak Chinese. CPM is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission under license number 56/196. CPM是塞浦路斯首屈一指的跨国专业服务公司,创立二十多年来,始终 致力于为机构、企业以及私人客户提供特别定制的最佳解决方案,满足 其在跨司法辖区信托、公司管理、受托、会计和簿记,以及基金管理服 务方面的需求。我们的理念是一切以客户为本,因此我们的许多客户均 是与我们合作多年的老朋友。我们在不同服务部门之间树立了积极协作 和团队合作的内部文化,旨在为客户提供一体化的服务。CPM在组织结 构上完全以客户为中心,为每位客户设立专属的联系人以及服务团队。 我们设有一个中文平台,并且能用中文提供服务。CPM受塞浦路斯证券 交易委员会监管,许可证编号为56/196。

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Phidias Pilides President 菲迪亚斯·皮里德斯 主席

塞浦路斯工商会拥有超过8500家企业成员,占塞浦路斯企业总数的95% 以上。此外,工商会有140多家附属的职业协会,其中包括34家位于其 他国家的双边协会。塞浦路斯工商会提供各种类型的服务,包括咨询服 务、提供商业信息、参与外贸展会、组织贸易代表团和海外商业论坛 以推广塞浦路斯作为国际金融中心的地位、组织商业培训课程和研讨 会、提供有关欧盟问题的建议、处理劳动关系事务、签发原产地证书 和临时进口证、参与欧盟计划等等。塞浦路斯工商会是欧洲工商联合 会(Eurochambers)、国际商会(ICC)、欧洲手工业和中小企业同 盟、欧洲商会(Eurocommerce)、国际物品编码协会(GS1)以及众 多其它国际商业代表机构的正式成员。

4th Floor, CY-1087 Nicosia - Cyprus P.O. Box 22096, CY-1517, Nicosia, Cyprus (+357) 22 474 000 Costas Christoforou Chief Executive Officer 科斯塔斯·克里斯托弗劳 首席执行官 XiaoXue Ji 纪晓雪 Head of Chinese Desk 中国事务部

* 38, Grivas Digenis Ave. &

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3 Deligiorgis str. Chamber Building, P.O.BOX 21455, CY1509 Nicosia - Cyprus (+357) 22 660 066 Marios Tsiakkis Secretary General 马里奥斯·齐亚基斯 秘书长

CIFA是一家行业公会,其成员均是在塞浦路斯参与投资基金行业并提供 相关服务的专业人士、企业以及组织。CIFA致力于提高投资基金行业的 成熟度,解决行业相关服务提供商和企业面临的各类需求和问题。CIFA 的使命是帮助成员充分利用行业趋势;推进法规建设;加强职业精神、 个人诚信和服务品质;宣传塞浦路斯投资基金行业。CIFA的首届董事会 成员均为信誉卓著的行业专家,在该行业的各个领域均有丰富经验,包 括基金管理、财务咨询、银行、审计以及法律。

* Severis Building, ( 

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* Head Office: 12 Esperidon Street,

8 Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry The Chamber’s membership exceeds 8500 enterprises representing more than 95% of the business community of the country. More than 140 Professional Associations are also affiliated to the Chamber including 34 Bilateral Associations with other countries. Its wide range of services include advisory services, provision of business information, participation in foreign trade exhibitions, organisation of trade missions and business fora abroad for promoting Cyprus as an International & Financial Center , business training courses and seminars, advice on European Union issues, labour relations matters, issue of Certificates of Origin and ATACARNETS, participation in EU programmes, etc. The Chamber is a full member of Eurochambers, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Eurocommerce, GS1 and many other international business representative organisations.

Agios Andreas, 1101 Nicosia - Cyprus. (+357) 22 361 100 Stella Kammitsi Head of the International Corporate Department 斯黛拉·卡米蒂希女士 国际公司部负责人

Angelos Gregoriades President 安杰洛斯•格雷 高利亚迪斯 会长

Cyprus Investment Funds Association (CIFA) CIFA is the Association of professionals, businesses and organizations offering services and being involved in the Investment Funds Sector in Cyprus. CIFA focuses on enhancing the high level of sophistication of the Investments Funds Industry and addresses the broad range of needs and issues faced by service providers and businesses involved in the sector. The Mission of CIFA is to: Help its members capitalize on industry trends; Shape regulation; Enhance professionalism, integrity and quality and Promote the Cyprus Investments Fund Industry. The first Board of CIFA is comprised of highly reputable industry professionals experienced in all aspects of the industry, including fund management, advisory, banking, audit and legal.

Christodoulos E. Angastiniotis 克里斯托多罗思•安 加斯迪尼奥蒂斯

Thomas A. Kazakos Director General 托马斯·A·卡萨库斯 总干事

9 Makarios III Ave., 4th Floor, Lefkosia 1065 - Cyprus (+357) 22 441 133 Marios Tannousis Board Member & Secretary 马里奥斯•坦诺西斯 董事秘书

Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency Businesses and individuals considering investment into Cyprus have a partner on the ground at all stages of the investment cycle. Invest Cyprus is a non-profit national body and the government’s dedicated partner responsible for the facilitation of investments into Cyprus. In close collaboration with all government authorities, public institutions as well as the private sector and international experts, Invest Cyprus is the investor’s single point of contact. Invest Cyprus takes the lead in attracting and facilitating Foreign Direct Investment in key economic sectors, working with the investor, for the investor. Dedicated to continuously improving the business and regulatory environment, Invest Cyprus advocates reform while providing continuous investor support and aftercare services. Invest Cyprus is a member of the World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA) and the Mediterranean Investment Network, ANIMA. 考虑来塞浦路斯投资的企业和个人在投资的不同阶段均可以获得坦诚的合 作伙伴。Invest Cyprus是政府设立的非盈利组织,也是塞浦路斯政府指定 的合作伙伴,负责促进外国投资者来塞浦路斯投资。通过与塞浦路斯的不 同政府机构、公共机构、私营机构以及国际专家紧密合作,Invest Cyprus 是投资者的一站式合作伙伴。Invest Cyprus通过与投资者合作,致力于 吸引和便利重要经济领域的外国直接投资,为投资者发挥引领作用。为持 续改善塞浦路斯的商业和监管环境,Invest Cyprus在推动改革的同时, 为投资者提供持续的支持和后续服务。Invest Cyprus 是全球投资促进机 构协会(WAIPA)的成员,也是地中海投资网络(ANIMA)的成员。

* 9 Makariou III Avenue,

4th Floor, 1065 Nicosia - Cyprus

( (+357) 22 441 133 8 :

Cyprus Shipping Chamber The Cyprus Shipping Chamber is the trade association of the Shipping Industry in Cyprus. The main purpose of the Chamber is to promote the interests of Cyprus Shipping and to further the reputation of the Cyprus flag. The Chamber also acts as a lobbying group for the promotion and safeguard of the legitimate interests of its Member-companies, at national and international level. On the local front, the Chamber co-operates very closely with the Government in all shipping related matters. Moreover, the Chamber operates as a roving ambassador of Cyprus Shipping through its membership and active participation at the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) and the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA). 塞浦路斯航运商会是塞浦路斯航运业的行业协会。商会的主要职责是 提高投资者对于塞浦路斯航运业的兴趣,并进一步提高塞浦路斯船旗 的信誉。同时,商会还可以作为游说机构以在国内和国外推广并保障 成员企业的合法利益。在本地层面,商会就各类航运相关事务与塞浦 路斯政府开展紧密合作。此外,商会还凭借国际航运公会(ICS)以及 欧盟船东协会(ECSA)的会员地位并积极参与其活动,作为塞浦路斯 航运业的形象大使开展工作。

* City Chambers,

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6 Regas Fereos Str. P.O.BOX 56607, 3309, Limassol - Cyprus (+357) 25 360 717 Thomas A. Kazakos Director General 托马斯·A·卡萨库斯 总干事



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

Angelos Loizou Chairman 安杰洛斯·罗伊朱 主席

Panicos Kaouris President 先生 会长

Cyprus Tourism Organisation The Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) is a semi-governmental organisation under the responsibility of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. The Organisation’s objective according to the law is to organise and promote Tourism within the Republic by using all possibilities and resources available. CTO operates offices both in Cyprus and abroad. The Head Offices are based in Lefkosia (Nicosia) while there are Regional Offices in other cities and areas across the island - Lefkosia, Lemesos, Larnaka, Agia Napa, Protaras, Pafos, Germasogeia, Platres and Polis Chrysochous. Moreover, Cyprus Tourism Organisation has offices in fifteen major cities worldwide - London, Frankfurt, Berlin, Paris, Stockholm, Athens, Milan, Zurich, Amsterdam, Moscow, Tel Aviv, St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Dubai and Kiev. 塞浦路斯旅游组织(CTO)是塞浦路斯商工旅游部监管下的半政府机 构,该组织的法定目标是利用各种可能与可用资源组织并推广塞浦路斯 共和国境内的旅游业。CTO在塞浦路斯以及海外均设有办事处,总部 位于尼科西亚,在岛内的其他城市和区域则设有地区办事处,包括尼科 西亚、利马索尔、拉纳卡、纳帕古城、普罗塔拉斯、帕福斯、耶尔马 索亚、普拉特雷斯以及波利斯科利索朝乌斯。此外,塞浦路斯旅游组织 还在全球十五座大型城市设有办事处,包括伦敦、法兰克福、柏林、巴 黎、斯德哥尔摩、雅典、米兰、苏黎世、阿姆斯特丹、莫斯科、特拉维 夫、圣彼得堡、华沙、迪拜和基辅。

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 EY Cyprus EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services with more than 230,000 people in 152 countries around the world. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities. EY Cyprus’ origins date back to the 1930s, maintaining an excellent reputation amongst the local business community as a high quality provider of professional services.

* 19, Limassol Ave.,

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塞浦路斯中国商业协会(CYCHIBA)成立于1995年,由塞浦路斯工商 会与中国驻塞浦路斯(尼科西亚)大使馆共同创办。CYCHIBA旨在发挥 集体力量,充分利用协会170家会员企业的实力、经验与知识。协会致 力于提高并增强中塞两国的经贸关系,进一步强化双边合作。通过协会 活动,CYCHIBA协助政府建立牢固的商贸关系,同时向中国企业界宣传 塞浦路斯这一声誉卓著的国际金融、贸易和服务中心。

* Chamber Building

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38 Grivas Digenis Ave & 3 Deligiorgis Str. P.O.Box 21455, 1509 Nicosia - Cyprus (+357) 22 889 719 Panicos Kaouris President 先生 会长

Department of Merchant Shipping The Department of Merchant Shipping is responsible for the development of maritime activities which include: Registration of ships, Administration & continuous updating of the Merchant Shipping Legislation, Control of ships & enforcement of international conventions, Protection of the marine environment, Vessel traffic monitoring in the sea around Cyprus, Monitoring the conditions of living and work on Cyprus Ships, Registration, training & certification of seafarers, Coordination of the EU Integrated Maritime Policy, Administration of the State Aid Scheme for Maritime Transport & the Tonnage Tax System, Promotion of Cyprus as an International Registry and a base for international maritime operations. 商船部负责发展塞浦路斯的海事活动,包括船舶的注册;商船法的管 理和持续更新;船舶的监管与国际航运公约的执行;海洋环境的保 护;塞浦路斯附近海域船舶交通的监控;塞浦路斯籍船舶上船员生活 与工作环境的监管;海员的登记、培训和认证;与欧盟一体化海事政 策的协调;海洋运输国家援助计划及吨位税制度的管理;宣传塞浦路 斯作为国际船级社以及国际海事业务基地的地位。

安永是保险、税务、交易以及商业咨询服务领域的全球领导者,在全球 152个国家和地区拥有230000名专业人员。我们为客户提供专业洞察以 及优质服务,帮助他们在资本市场以及全球不同国家树立信誉和信心。 我们培养出色的领导者,他们相互合作来实现我们对于所有利益相关者 的承诺。为此,我们发挥着重要作用,为我们的员工、客户以及社区 建立一个更好的工作环境。安永塞浦路斯的历史可追溯到上世纪三十年 代,在当地企业界始终保持着良好的声誉,提供各类优质的专业服务。

Haviaras & Philippou LLC One of the leading firms of Cyprus, located right in the heart of Nicosia. Our founder is Andreas Haviaras, highly recognised for his forensically-detailed knowledge and approach to the law, practicing since 1977. The high ambition of our legal expertise is to deliver professional advisory and advocacy services to our clients through a cross-border prospective. Our legal practice experience is in the areas of corporate, commercial, shipping, banking, insurance, real estate, tax, trust, IP law and migration and neutralization law. We are a prestigious firm that you can trust, pursuing our ultimate value to “commit to your success”.

Cyprus-China Business Association (CYCHIBA) The Cyprus-China Business Association was established in 1995 under the auspices of the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chinese Embassy in Nicosia, Cyprus. CYCHIBA’s goal is to operate collectively, drawing on the strengths, experiences and knowledge of its 170 member companies. The Association aims to promote and enhance economic and trade relations between China and Cyprus and to further strengthen cooperation between the two nations. Through the Association’s activities, CYCHIBA supports the government in their efforts to establish strong business and trade relations and to promote Cyprus as a reputable international financial, trade and services centre to the Chinese business community.

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Ioannis Efstratiou Acting Director, Department of Merchant Shipping 约安尼斯·埃福 斯特拉蒂乌 塞浦路斯商船部执行局长

2112 Aglantzia, P.O.BOX 24535, CY 1390 Nicosia - Cyprus (+357) 22 691 100 Christos Moustras Tourism Officer A’ 克里斯托思·慕斯特拉思 旅游官

Country Managing Partner Stavros Pantzaris 斯塔夫罗斯·潘采利斯 塞浦路斯董事合伙人

Andreas Haviaras Managing Partner 安德里亚斯·哈维亚拉斯 董事合伙人

Yiannis Misirlis Director 伊扬尼斯·米希 尔里斯先生 董事

* Kyllinis street,

Mesa Geitonia, 4007 Limassol - Cyprus ( (+357) 25 848 100 8 :

我们是塞浦路斯首屈一指的事务所,位于尼科西亚的中心位置。我 们事务所的创始人是安德里亚斯·哈维亚拉斯,他自1977年开始执 业,以丰富的法庭辩论知识以及对于法律的深刻理解而闻名。我们的 法律专家的至高目标是以全球视野为客户提供专业的咨询意见和顾问 服务。我们法律执业经验涉及公司法、商业法、航运法、银行法、保 险法、房地产法、税法、信托法、知识产权法以及移民和归化法。我 们是值得您信赖的知名事务所,致力于践行我们“助您成功”的终极 价值。

* 6 Stasinou Avenue, P.O.Box 21656, 1511, Nicosia - Cyprus

* 27 Spyrou Kyprianou, Mesa Geitonia, 4003, Limassol - Cyprus

( (+357) 22 209 999  Savvas Pentaris, Partner,

Assurance - Financial Services 萨瓦斯·潘塔里斯 合伙人 保险 – 金融服务 8 :


HAVIARAS & PHILIPPOU L.L.C. Advocates & Legal Consultants

* 1, Constandinou Skokou 1061 Nicosia - Cyprus

( (+357) 22 764 001  Andreas Haviaras

Managing Partner 安德里亚斯·哈维亚拉斯 董事合伙人 8 :

Imperio Properties Imperio Properties is one of Cyprus’ most reputable and awarded property development and management firms. The Company specialises in the design, construction and marketing of contemporary apartments, maisonettes, townhouses, as well as office & retail developments. Imperio’s distinctive properties offer enhanced quality of life, superior design and incomparable value. With its remarkable properties, Imperio has achieved an enviable portfolio of success stories, which are the foundations of its reputation for delivering quality that is based on the high specifications built into every property. Since its establishment in 2004, the company’s goal has been unequivocal: to design and create properties that deserve their presence, each offering something unique and distinctive, for the benefit of society at large. Imperio Properties 是塞浦路斯最著名并曾获得过奖项的物业开发与 管理公司之一,专业从事现代公寓、独立公寓住房、联排别墅以及办 公楼和零售店项目的设计、建造与销售。我们独特的物业项目可以为 您改善生活品质,提供超凡的设计以及超值的性价比。凭借出色的物 业,我们创造了一系列成功的房产开发案例,这是我们信誉的基础。 我们交付的质量基于每一栋房产中内置的高质量标准。自2004年创立 以来,公司的目标始终非常明确,即设计并打造可以体现其存在价值 的房产,每一处都唯一而独特,从而造福整个社会。

* 131 Gladstonos Street,

Limassol 3032 - Cyprus

( (+357) 25 581 005  Christina Rousou

Business Development Manager 克里斯蒂娜·柔索乌女士 业务开发经理 8 :



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

Christos P. Kinanis Managing Partner 克里斯托斯 吉纳尼斯 总裁

Kinanis Kinanis LLC, a law and consulting firm, is one of the leading and largest business law firms in Cyprus and advises for over 33 years the international investor and private clients on all aspects of law, tax and accounting. Kinanis Fiduciaries Limited is a Maltese licenced corporate service provider specializing in corporate and tax advice excelling in providing the international investor with a one-stopshop solution in doing business through Malta. Kinanis (China) Limited has been successfully granted by the Shanghai Industry and Commerce Administration, the license to act as “Resident Representative Office of Foreign (Region) Enterprise” in China to conduct marketing and other non-transactional operations in the China market to attract foreign investors, and to do any activity within the business scope of the services of its Headquarters and its subsidiaries. Kinanis LLC 是塞浦路斯首屈一指的提供法律及咨询服务的商业法律 事务所。成立33年来,律所为诸多的国际投资者和私人客户提供法 律、税务、会计及移民等多项专业咨询服务。Kinanis Fiduciaries Limited 是Kinanis LLC 在马耳他的分支机构,提供公司注册和管理、 公司财会、税务及马耳他移民等一站式方案服务。Kinanis (China) Representative Office 是上海工商管理局批准设立的“外国企业驻沪 代表处”。代表处在中国开展市场拓展及维护客户关系等非购销类业 务,旨在吸引中国投资者到塞浦路斯和马耳他投资,开展符合当地法 律法规的各项业务和活动。

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 KPMG Limited KPMG is one of the largest Audit, Tax and Advisory firms in the world, with 174.000 outstanding professionals working together to deliver value in 155 countries worldwide. KPMG in Cyprus traces its origins back in 1948 and today it is one of the largest and most reputable audit and advisory firms in the Cyprus market. KPMG currently employs more than 770 employees. KPMG classifies the services offered into three functions: Audit, Tax, and Advisory. For each of these core functions, KPMG has specialized departments with highly skilled professionals, headed by board members with extensive experience.

* #4226, 42F, Citic square ( 

 8 :

1168 West Nanjing Road 200041 Shanghai, China +86 021 51178912 Marios Palesis - Chief Representative of Kinanis China 马里奥斯 帕勒西 斯 - 首席代表 沈辰 Scorch SHEN 业务拓展专员 Business Development Executive

Andreas Christofides Managing Director, KPMG in Cyprus 安德里亚斯· 克里斯托菲德斯 毕马威塞浦路斯总经理

Kleanthis Savva Developers We first began land and development activities as a small family business in the Paphos area in Cyprus. Advancing with the competitive era in order to meet customer needs and demands, Kleanthis Savva Developers Ltd was founded in 1997 having as its core axis the commitment to provide its customers quality in all aspects of the development of its properties. As one of the top Cyprus Property Developers we have a wide range of properties for sale in Cyprus, both in the Paphos and Limassol areas. Our properties range from apartments and townhouses to villas and self-styled configurations. Panagiotis Savva Managing Director 帕纳吉奥蒂斯·萨瓦 董事总经理

萨瓦集团最初是塞浦路斯帕福斯地区的一家小型家族企业,主要从事房 地产开发业务。随着公司在竞争中不断发展以及客户的需求,我们在 1997年成立了Kleanthis Savva 开发有限公司,其核心业务是为客户提 供房地产开发方面的各种优质服务。如今,作为塞浦路斯顶尖的地产开 发公司,我们在塞浦路斯销售各种类型的房产,不论是在帕福斯还是利 马索尔地区。我们的房产类型包括公寓房、联体别墅、独栋别墅,以及 自主设计风格的房产。

Leandros Papaphilippou Managing Partner

* Kleanthis Savva Developers ( 

8 :

Kevin Mudd Chief Executive Officer 凯文·穆德 首席执行官

133, Arch. Makariou Ave. 8221, Pafos - Cyprus (+357) 26 815 444 Panagiotis Savva Managing Director 帕纳吉奥蒂斯·萨瓦 董事总经理

KMG Capital Markets Ltd KMG Capital Markets is a fully licensed AIFM and UCITS management company which works in partnership with entrepreneurs to establish their own funds and with investment managers to convert their fund structures into fully compliant AIFMD and UCITS V funds. With over 25 years of international experience, our mission is to develop efficient, compliant and profitable fund propositions which align directly to investor needs. Our team of financial experts, specialises in providing high end management services and outsourced turnkey solutions for clients to satisfy all EU regulatory requirements. The business currently manages 18 funds with Assets Under Management circa USD 500 million and was recently named “Best Alternative Investment Fund Management Company Cyprus 2016” by International Finance Magazine. KMG Capital Markets是一家拥有完全许可的AIFM(另类投资基金管 理)和UCITS(可转让证券集体投资计划)投资管理公司,通过与企业 家合作为他们建立自己的基金,并与投资管理公司合作将其基金结构 转化完全符合规定的AIFMD和UCITS V基金。凭借超过25年的国际业务 经验,我们的使命是制定有效、合规并且盈利的基金方案,直接满足投 资者的需求。我们的团队由金融专家组成,专门为客户提供高端管理 服务和交钥匙外包解决方案,以符合各项欧盟法规要求。公司目前管 理着18支基金,托管资产约为5亿美元,近期还被《国际金融杂志》评 为“2016年塞浦路斯最佳另类投资基金管理公司”。

毕马威会计师事务所(KPMG)是全球数一数二的审计、税务以及商业 咨询事务所,通过位于全球155个国家和地区的174000名杰出的专业人 士,为客户提供独特的价值。毕马威在塞浦路斯的业务可以追溯到1948 年,如今,毕马威塞浦路斯已经是当地市场规模最大、声誉最好的审计 和商业咨询事务所之一,目前拥有超过770名员工。毕马威提供的服务 分为三类职能:审计、税务以及商业咨询。对于每类核心职能,毕马威 均设立了专门的部门并配备了能力出色的专业人员,在经验丰富的董事 合伙人的领导下开展工作。

( 

8 :

P.O. BOX 53817, Limassol 3312 - Cyprus (+357) 25 818 412 Kevin Mudd Chief Executive Officer 凯文·穆德 首席执行官

Nicosia - Cyprus

( (+357) 22 209 000  Demetris Vakis,

Board Member, Head of Sales & Markets 迪米特里斯·瓦基斯 董事合伙人 市场及销售负责人 8 :

L Papaphilippou & Co LLC L Papaphilippou & Co LLC offers legal services to businesses, individuals, public organizations and governments. We offer secure and compliant cross-border legal and wealth management solutions and co-ordinate international business structures, trusts and private banking matters of our international clients. Our Immigration and Citizenship Department is well respected and renowned for leading by example in the field and our high calibre and experienced lawyers and Chinese speaking personnel ensure first class service and results. In particular, we are the first law firm in Cyprus to have successfully applied, secured and delivered Cypriot (EU) passports to high net-worth Chinese individuals and their family dependents through the Citizenship by Investment programme introduced by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. L Papaphilippou & Co LLC 为企业、个人、公共机构以及政府部门提 供法律服务。我们提供安全而且符合规范的跨境法律和财富管理解决方 案,帮助客户协调国际业务结构、信托和私人银行业务。我们的移民 和入籍部门堪称业内典范,深受客户的推崇。我们经验丰富的高素质律 师以及能够熟练说中文的工作人员确保我们为客户提供一流的服务和结 果。尤其值得一提的是,L Papaphilippou & Co LLC 是塞浦路斯首家 通过政府实施的投资入籍计划为中国高净值个人及其家人成功申请、取 得并交付塞浦路斯(欧盟)护照的律师事务所。

* 17 Ifigenias Street,

(  8 :

Pafilia Property Developers Pafilia is the largest privately owned residential developer in Cyprus, dedicated to delivering the best in concept, design, quality and service. The company offers a diverse portfolio of property types and styles, each an exemplar of superior living, all built to the highest standards. Founded in 1977, Pafilia is renowned for innovative luxury properties working with internationally celebrated experts to bring dynamic projects, such as ONE – the tallest residential seafront tower in Europe and Minthis Hills -the islands most exclusive golf resort, to life. Our highly-qualified team offer professional personalised service, while our global presence enables us to serve our clients wherever they may be.

* Harmony House, 1st floor,

* 14 Esperidon Street 1087,

Evangelia Eliadou Executive Director 伊凡杰莉娅·埃立亚德乌 执行董事

Pafilia是塞浦路斯最大的私营住宅开发商,致力于在构思、设计、质 量以及服务方面为客户提供最佳体验。公司现提供多元化的产品组 合,包含各种类型与风格的房产物业,每处均以最高标准建造,堪称 优质生活的典范。Pafilia公司创立于1977年,以打造设计创新的豪华 物业而闻名,通过与众多国际知名的专家合作,打造出一个个充满活 力的项目,例如ONE项目——欧洲最高的海滨公寓大楼,以及Minthis Hills——塞浦路斯最高档的高尔夫度假村。我们的高素质业务团队提 供专业的个性化服务,而我们全球业务网络确保我们可以服务世界各 地的客户。

2007 Strovolos, P.O.Box 28541, 2080, Nicosia - Cyprus (+357) 22 271 000 Leandros Papaphilippou Managing Partner

* Beijing office:

( 

8 :

Room 3305, No.6 Building, Jianwai SOHO, No.39 East 3rd Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing - China 北京办事处:北京市朝 阳区三环中路东39号建 外SOHO,6栋3305室 (+86) 183 107 10529 Evangelia Eliadou Executive Director 伊凡杰莉娅·埃立亚德乌 执行董事



investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯

Stavros Pavlou Senior & Managing Partner 斯塔夫罗斯·帕夫 高级董事合伙人

investincyprus2O16-2O17 投资塞浦路斯 Saxo Bank A/S Saxo Bank Group is a leading multi-asset trading and investment specialist, offering a complete set of trading and investment technologies, tools and strategies for private and corporate clients. Founded in 1992 and headquartered in Copenhagen. CEE Head office established in Cyprus in 2012, it works with clients in Central Eastern Europe, Balkan countries, Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Switzerland as well as in the MENA region and employing a team of approximately 45 professionals, speaking over 21 languages in total.

Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC is a top-tier, multi-award winning law firm based in Cyprus with significant experience in the international legal market. Founded in 1963, the Firm has developed a distinguished dispute resolution department, handling cases at court and at local and international arbitration centers and a notable legal consulting department. Furthermore, in close cooperation with the associated Pagecorp Group, the Firm provides its clients with a comprehensive range of corporate and other related services. Investing continually in the skills and knowledge of its people, the professional client service and in the expansion of its international associations, the Firm today is recognizable as a top performer in respect of its distinctive legal advice and it is highly recommended by prestigious legal directories worldwide. Patrikios Pavlou & Associates LLC是塞浦路斯一家屡获殊荣的顶尖 法律事务所,在国际法务市场有着非常丰富的经验。自1963年成立以 来,事务所建立了杰出的争议解决部门和声誉卓著的法务咨询部门, 代表客户在法庭以及本地或国际仲裁中心处理各类案件。此外,与 Pagecorp集团的紧密合作,令我们能够为客户提供全面的企业筹建及 其他相关服务。通过持续投资发展员工技能与知识,提升专业客服水 平,以及扩大国际合作网络,本事务所已经成为法律咨询领域的顶尖 机构,并且获得了全球众多知名法律机构指南的大力推荐。

* Patrician Chambers, ( 

8 :

Elias Spyrou CEO and Co-Partner 艾里亚斯·斯派 Prestige集团首席执行官 兼共同合伙人

332 Agiou Andreou str., 3035 Limassol - Cyprus (+357) 25 871 599 Stavros Pavlou Senior & Managing Partner 斯塔夫罗斯·帕夫 高级董事合伙人

Prestige Group From its very inception, the vision of the Prestige Group has been to become a leader in the corporate and luxury services market, by adhering to the corporate mission of uncompromising quality and integrity in all business practices. The business divisions include: Prestige VIP Services, Prestige Publications, Prestige Investments, Unite Securité, Tokio Restaurant Bar and Prestige Fights. The Group has positioned itself as an essential resource for anyone seeking worldclass services and the connoisseurs of luxury lifestyle. The Group’s skilled team, coupled with the socially responsible company culture, are the main reasons for the successful establishment of strong relationships with local and international partners. 从创立伊始,Prestige集团的愿景就是成为塞浦路斯公司服务以及奢 侈品服务市场的领导者。为此,我们始终坚持公司的使命,即在各个 业务领域提供一丝不苟的服务品质以及诚实信誉。集团的业务部门包 括:Prestige VIP服务、Prestige出版服务、Prestige投资管理、Unite Securité、Tokio餐厅酒吧业务以及Prestige航班服务。集团的定位是 为客户提供各种资源,以满足其对于世界级服务以及奢华生活方式的 追求。集团才华出众的服务团队以及积极承担社会责任的企业文化, 是我们能够与众多国内以及国际合作伙伴建立牢固关系的主要原因。

* Residence Rodou Court

( 

8 :

Office No.1 and No.2 84 Amathus Avenue, 4532 Limassol - Cyprus +357 25 322 055 Mary Nicolaou Sales & Marketing Manager 玛丽·尼科劳乌 市场销售经理

Emmanouil Lemonakis Executive Director 艾曼诺伊尔•莱蒙纳基斯 执行总监

我们提供优质的专业解决方案,支持客户创造所需的价值。我们以信 任为基础建立合作关系,我们实事求是协助客户处理各种可能事关未 来成败的问题。依托我们在塞浦路斯的近1000名专业人员的知识以及 我们遍布157个国家和地区的208,000名专家组成的全球网络,帮助您 创造不同。在极富挑战的商业环境中,我们的多元专家团队可以共享 自己的广博知识与丰富经验。

* 43 Demostheni Severi Avenue,

( 

8 :

CY-1080 Nicosia. P O Box 21612, Nicosia, CY-1591 (+357) 22 555 000 Konstantina Logotheti Director - Marketing & Communications 康斯坦狄娜•洛格泰蒂女士 市场营销与传播总监

* Agias Fylaxeos Street,

Floor 1, 3025 Limassol - Cyprus

( (+357) 25 021 121  Olga Mavlianova

Marketing Manager 奥尔加•马福利亚诺娃 市场营销经理 8 :

Marios Shacolas Group Executive Chairman 马里奥斯·沙克拉斯 集团执行主席

PwC Cyprus We support you to create the value you are looking for by providing specialised solutions based on quality. Together we build relationships based on trust and we say things as they are, to assist you to deal with issues that tomorrow will prove important. We adapt the expertise of our almost 1000 professionals in Cyprus and the power of our global network of 208,000 experts in 157 countries to your specific needs, helping you make the difference.In a demanding and challenging business environment, our diverse teams of experts are sharing deep knowledge and experience. Evgenios C Evgeniou CEO PwC Cyprus 伊夫吉尼奥斯•C• 伊夫吉尼乌 首席执行官 普华永道塞浦路斯公司

Saxo Bank集团是业内首屈一指的多资产交易与投资专家,为私营机构 和公司客户提供各种类型的交易与投资技术、工具和策略。集团成立 于1992年,总部位于哥本哈根。集团的CEE总部2012年成立于塞浦路 斯,负责管理中东欧地区、巴尔干国家、塞浦路斯、希腊、波兰、瑞 士以及中东北非(MENA)地区的客户,其业务团队由45名投资专家 组成,能够以21种以上语言提供服务。

Andreas Theodorides Chief Executive Officer 安德利亚斯·希 奥多利迪斯 首席执行官

Shacolas Group The Shacolas Group is the leading and most diversified private Group in Cyprus. The Group’s significant presence and diverse operations are spread over 5 main Business Sectors: Retail, Distribution & Logistics, Automotive & Engineering, Real Estate and Infrastructure. The Group operates mainly through public companies listed on the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE). Its main holding and investment company is Cyprus Trading Corporation Plc which owns and controls a portfolio of companies each one specializing in a specific industry. Three of these companies are also listed on the CSE. The Group’s vision is to maintain market leadership in Cyprus and through existing and new strategic alliances and partnerships to create the right framework for continuous growth, profitability and shareholder’s value. 沙克拉斯集团 是塞浦路斯首屈一指的私营实业集团,有着极为广泛的业 务活动。集团的业务机构和多元服务主要分布在五大业务领域:零售、 物流配送、汽车与工程、房地产以及基础设施建设。集团主要依靠在塞 浦路斯证交所(CSE)上市的股份有限公司开展经营活动。集团的大股 东为塞浦路斯贸易集团股份有限公司,后者拥有并控制着一系列专注于 特定行业的企业。这些企业中有三家同样在塞浦路斯证交所上市: • Woolworth(塞浦路斯)房地产股份有限公司 – 集团的房地产分支 • Cyprus Limni高尔夫度假酒店股份有限公司 – 高尔夫度假村 • Ermes百货公司股份有限公司 – 集团的零售业分支 集团的目标是保持在塞浦路斯的市场领先地位,并通过现有以及新的战 略联盟与合作伙伴,为持续增长、盈利以及股东价值建立理想的框架。 USB Bank PLC Started in 1925 to evolve in 2009 to USB Bank PLC and in 2011 to become a member of the International BLC Bank – FRANSABANK Group, fourth-largest banking group in Lebanon with active presence in 11 countries. With an innovative and dynamic approach, USB Bank aims to support its customers with integrity and professionalism, offering flexible solutions tailored to their traditional and newly emerged market needs with efficient products and services. USB Bank focuses on growing its business locally and internationally, capitalizing on the opportunities arising from the Group’s wide network and leveraging on their know-how and expertise, while benefiting from the continuous support of BLC Bank. USB Bank offers a wide range of financial products and services in the Retail and Corporate Division as well through its International Division with International Business Units in Nicosia and Limassol and a representative office in Moscow, Russia. 创立于1925年的FRANSABANK银行集团是黎巴嫩的第四大银行集 团,2009年更名为USB Bank PLC,2011年加入International BLC银 行,目前在十一个国家和地区积极开展银行业务。凭借充满活力的创新 业务方式,USB Bank希望以诚信原则和职业精神服务客户,根据传统和 新出现的市场需求,利用高效的产品和服务为客户提供灵活的定制解决 方案。USB Bank致力于利用集团广泛的业务网络带来的机会,借助集团 广泛的知识和专长,同时充分利用BLC银行的一贯支持,大力发展本地 和国际业务。USB Bank还利用其零售和公司业务部门以及通过国际业务 部门(在尼科西亚和利马索尔均设有业务组)和位于俄罗斯莫斯科的代 表处,为客户提供各种类型的金融产品和服务。

* Shacolas House, P.O. Box 21744, 1589 Nicosia - Cyprus

( (+357) 22 740 100  Christakis Charalambous –

Business & Strategic Development Manager 克里斯塔基思·查拉朗布斯 – 业务及战略开发经理 8 :

* Moscow Representative Office: Presnenskaya Nab.10, Block C, Office 549, 123317, Moscow - Russia ( (+7) 4956516690

International Business Units

( Nicosia: (+357) 22883740 ( Limassol: (+357) 25314160

Customer Teleservice Centre: 8000 2323  Nicolas Yiannakas Manager International Business Division 8 :



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