Welcome 2011 Business Academy Copenhagen North
Welcome Welcome to Business Academy Copenhagen North Business Academy Copenhagen North A-Z is a practical guide in alphabetical order where you can find general information about the academy. When you need to find more specific information, you should consult the academy’s intranet portal, also known as Fronter, which you will have access to as a student. On Fronter and on the academy webpage (www.cphnorth.dk) you can also find information about your programme. Fronter is our communication tool for students and staff.
Gregers Christensen Head of Business Academy Copenhagen North
Business Academy Copenhagen North TrongĂĽrdsvej 44 2800 Kongens Lyngby Telefon: +45 88 52 66 00 E-mail: tron@cphnorth.dk
Access card • Address • Alcohol etc
Access card The Business Academy is open 24 hours a day for everyone with an access card. Your Student card works as access card if you enter a personal access code (see Student card). Your access card is personal. Do not let anyone else use it (see Student card)! Address Business Academy Copenhagen North Trongårdsvej 44 2800 Kongens Lyngby Phone: +45 88 52 66 00 Fax: +45 88 52 66 10 Homepage: www.cphnorth.dk E-mail: tron@cphnorth.dk Alcohol etc. If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs when participating in lectures or group work, you will be expelled from the school.
Bar44 • Before arrival • Bookstore • Bus • Bicycle/moped parking
Bar44 Bar44 is the students’ bar. It is run by students and it is students who work there as bartenders. If you are interested in a job please contact hbr@cphnorth.dk or sic@cphnorth.dk. You can find Bar44 either by using the stairs outdoors next to the swimming pool or the stairs inside the main entrance. Join Bar44’s facebook group: www.facebook.com. Group name: Bar44 & friends. Before arrival You can read about useful information on practical matters that are relevant to you when you plan to go to Denmark (visa, residence permit, living costs, accommodation etc.). Bookstore The Polytechnic Bookstore at the technical university nearby, “DTU”, sells all relevant books and office supplies. Phone: + 45 77 42 43 44. With your Student card, you get a discount of 10% on your books. You can also buy your books online. http://www.polyteknisk.dk/knord. Bus The following busses go to Copenhagen North: The busses no 183 and 388 leave from Lyngby train station. Bus no 150 S leaves from the Central Station (Hovedbanegården), Nørreport, and the Town Hall Square (Rådhuspladsen). Bus no 182 goes from Business Academy Copenhagen North to Lyngby train station. Bicycle/moped parking There is a covered parking area opposite the main entrance for bicycles and mopeds.
Canteen • Car parking • Cleaning • Copying • Computer • Counseling
Canteen Carsten is responsible for the canteen. In the canteen you can buy hot meals, sandwiches, cakes, drinks, sweets, coffee, tea etc. The canteen is open every Monday to Friday except during holidays. Monday – Thursday: from 8.00–14:00 Friday from 8:00 – 13:00 Tuesday – Thursday also: 16:00-19:00 Car Parking There is free car parking behind the academy. Please note that the car park in front of the Academy is a 2 hour limit parking. Caretakers (janitors) The caretakers are responsible for the physical facilities of the business academy. Janne Wied Madsen is responsible for the caretakers. Their office is in room 508. Report all defects to the caretakers. They can also be reached by phone + 45 88 52 66 45 Cleaning The premises are cleaned once a day. We expect you to share the responsibility of tidying up the rooms after the last lecture. In return, we’ll do what we can to make the environment as appealing as possible during your studies. Computer Students at Business Academy Copenhagen North must have their own lab top. We have wireless network at the academy and there is access to electricity in all rooms at the academy. Copying See Printing and copying. Counseling A student counselor is connected to each programme. Please see Student Guidance Centre for more information.
Danish culture and language course
Danish culture and language course We invite international students, not having any knowledge of the Danish language or culture to join a one-week introduction course in the last week of August.
E-mail • Evaluation • Examination projects
E-mail During the first week of your studies you will be asked to put your e-mail address into the school intranet. It is very important that you remember to update this if your e-mail address changes during your time at Knorth. We expect you to check your e-mail daily to be up-to-date with information from the business Academy. Evaluation We evaluate our programmes regularly. During the autumn, you’ll receive an invitation to participate in the evaluation of your education, the environment etc. We encourage all students to participate as we make changes in our programmes based on the results of these evaluations. Apart from this, we invite you to a personal interview for an evaluation. We want to make sure that you optimize your study opportunities at the Business Academy. Examination projects All examination projects are to be handed in at the reception and normally a digital copy must be up loaded at Fronter. It is NOT possible to hand in any projects later than at the appointed time.
Fax You can use the fax machine in the academy in connection with assignments and projects. The number is: +45 88 52 66 10.
Grants Each year, Business Academy Copenhagen North distributes a number of grants. You can apply for these. Find further information on the intranet under general information from the Business Academy.
Helpdesk • Holidays
Helpdesk (IT): The IT-department deals only with hardware problems. Report any problem to servicedesk@knord.dk, on http://service.knord.dk or by phone + 45 88 52 63 44. If you have any software problems, use the help function in the software programme or ask your lecturer. If you need to use the phone during the opening hours of the reception, you can use the one in the reception. As a special service to new students we offer IT help Monday – Thursday at 14:30 – 16:30 in room 208. Holidays The holiday plan varies from programme to programme. You’ll get information about your plan on the intranet (see Intranet).
Information board (electronic) • International study environment • Internet • Intranet portal • IT-facilities
Information board (electronic) You’ll find the electronic information boards by the main entrance, by the entrance from Hjortekærsvej (the car park area), in the canteen and next to office 409. The information ranges from changes in room numbers to where examinations take place. However, the intranet is our main source of information. International study environment At the Business Academy, we give you the opportunity to prepare yourself for the global society and build your own international network. There are about 250 foreign students at the Business Academy. There will be social as well as professional activities where Danish students and international students interact. In this way, you get to know each other better. Internet All students have access to the Internet at the academy 24 hours a day. Intranet portal: Fronter Fronter is the place where the Business Academy gathers all information relevant to our students. The Business Academy communicates with you through this. You’ll receive further information and instructions during your first days at the Business Academy. IT-facilities The open learning rooms are open 24 hours a day. You must use your Student card (see Student card) and your personal access code (see Student card) to enter the rooms.
Library • Literature • Lost and found Property • Lockers
Library The library is in room 406. Helena Ekelund is our librarian. The phone nr. is +45 88 52 66 52. Opening hours: Monday – Thursday 9.30 – 12.30 and 13.00 – 15.00. Friday till 14.00 Literature You can access the book list for the 1st year of your studies at http://www.knord.dk/information-til-nyestuderende. We expect you to buy all books before you begin your studies with us. As it is a higher education programme that you are about to enter, you must buy the books yourself. You will get a discount from the Polytechnic Bookstore. You’ll receive a new book list when you begin your 2nd year. Lost and found property If you find lost items, please hand them in to the reception. If you have lost anything yourself, contact the reception. Lockers You have the possibility of renting a locker during your study by paying DKK 200. The lockers are in the basement. See the janitor Jens Borup for this.
Open Learning
Open Learning On the premises, there are open learning areas with unlimited access 24 hours a day.
Part time job • Parking • Party Committee • Pay Station • Prints/ copies • Psychologist
Part time job Most students need a part time job while studying in Denmark. Most Danes work part time from a very early age. Thus, there are many part time jobs in Denmark. There were some problems during the recent financial crisis, but reliable sources indicate that the job-situation gets better now, especially in the Copenhagen area. If you are outgoing and flexible it is not difficult to find a part time job. In order to help you, The Academy has produced a job guide, which you can get in the international office. Parking See Car parking
Part time job • Parking • Party Committee • Pay Station • Prints/copies •Psychologist
Party committee/social committee At Business Academy Copenhagen North we have our own party crew: CNPC (Copenhagen North Party Crew). Everybody is welcome to join us, both students from Computer Science-, Multimedia design-, Marketing Management-, Financial management and Service Management programmes. There are five parties a year in the academy. If you are interested in taking part in planning and organizing these parties please join us at the info meeting where we will inform about the party committee. The meeting will take place shortly after the beginning of the semester. If you do not want to join the party committee on a regular basis you are welcome to join us at the parties and help us make them unforgettable. Join our group at www.facebook.com in our group: “Copenhagen North Party Crew CNPC”. Pay Station Just opposite the reception, you’ll find the pay stations. From the machines, you can transfer money to your print account (see Printing/copying). Prints/copies You will need your student card (see Student card) to print and make copies. You transfer money (cash or Danish credit card/Dankort) to your student card by using the pay stations (see Pay station). Follow the instructions. When the transaction is finished, your student card is active. Some of the printers can be used for scanning as well. If you want to print or copy in color you must use the printers in room 112 or 502. Prices Copy in black/white: DKK 0.30 Copy in color: DKK 1.00 Print in black/white: DKK 0.30 Print in color: DKK 1.00 You must pay DKK 100 for your Student card to cover the administrative costs. The Business Academy then gives you what corresponds to DKK 200 for printing and copying so you can print and copy from day one. If the printing or copying facilities do not work, contact the janitor in room 508. Psychologist The Academy has a psychologist whom you can contact during her opening hours, every second (odd weeks) Tuesday from 8.30 – 14.30, in the room by the canteen. Her name is Susanne Nørgaard. You may also contact her by e-mail: snorgaard@jubiimail.dk
Reception • Residence hall (Kollegium)
Reception The reception is open Monday – Thursday 8:00 – 15:30 Friday 8:00 - 14:00 The reception sells bindings for your projects and CD-ROMs. Residence hall (Kollegium) On the academy’s premises we have a residence hall with 80 rooms. For every 20 rooms there is a communal kitchen. Every resident share their own shower and toilet with a fellow student. The rooms Have a size of approx. 12m². The monthly rent is DKK 2,300 for a partly furnished room. In connection with taking up residence, you have to pay a deposit of 2 months’ rent. When allocating the rooms exchange students and international students coming directly from abroad have first priority.
Secretaries • Smoking • Sports • Student Council • Student card • Student Guidance Centre • SU • Swimming Pool
Secretaries The secretaries Charlotte Morell Jørgensen, Charlotte Wittrup Laursen and Annie Blichfeldt are available Monday – Friday from 08:00 – 13:30. Smoking Smoking is prohibited indoors. Sports facilities Every Tuesday from 21.00-22.00 and every Friday at 12.00-14.00 the students have access to an indoor swimming pool free of charge. There is no access during school holidays. There is a lifeguard present during opening hours. Students at the academy also have access to an outdoor sports field. We have access to the gym at Trongårdskolen (The girls’ gym) the following days: Monday 20:00 – 22:00 Tuesday 19:30 – 22:00 Booking in the Reception. Student Council (in Danish: DSR) The students have their own council. It has influence on many of the decisions made by the academy. Two representatives from each programme are members of the council and cooperate with management in many areas of the academy. The students are responsible for getting the Student Council to operate and work, as this is their chance to influence the daily life at the academy. Student card Your student card is handed out in the class by your teacher after you had your photo taken at the photo stand of room 421. Your student card is your personal ID and gives you access to the academy and open learning rooms (see Open learning). Your student card is also used when printing or copying material. You can activate your student card by putting it into the card reader by the main entrance outside the building. On the display, you choose your own 4-digit access code (not 1-1-1-1). You must confirm it.
Secretaries • Smoking • Sports • Student Council • Student card • Student Guidance Centre • SU • Swimming Pool
Student Guidance Centre You can meet our student counselors and the employees of the international office in the Student Guidance Centre in room 500C Monday to Thursday 8:30 – 14:30 and Friday 8:30 -14:00. They can also be contacted by calling +45 88 52 66 47. SU – Danish State Education Grant (in Danish: Statens Uddannelsesstøtte) Some international students can apply for SU. For further information please look at the SU homepage: www.su.dk where you’ll find all relevant information. If you want to apply for SU, you have to do it online with a NemID or a digital signature, see www.minsu.dk for more information. If you have any questions please contact the SU-counselors: Charlotte Morell Jørgensen and Charlotte Wittrup Laursen. They can be contacted Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9.30 – 11.30 by phone + 45 88 52 66 00 Swimming pool See Sports facilities.
Timetable If possible we try to give students lecture free days. These days are reserved for project work and group work. You’ll receive your timetable on one of the first days of your studies.
Wireless network • Webpage
Wireless network You should bring your own laptop and connect it to the Business Academy’s wireless network. You can get further information on Fronter and in the IT intro folder. Webpage The Business Academy’s homepage is www.cphnorth.dk. Here you can find general information about your programme and the business academy.
Practical information
Bus Lines Bus 183 Departs from Lyngby Station Bus 182 Departs from Hjortekærsvej Bus 388 Departs from Lyngby and Helsingør – stops on Klampenborgvej. Bus 150S from Kokkedal Station and Fisketorvet stops on the motorway.
The Secretariat
Head of Copenhagen North Gregers Christensen e-mail: GC@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 00
Secretary for Service Management and Sports Management Charlotte Wittrup Laursen, e-mail: CWL@cphnorth.dk Available: Monday – Friday, between 08:00 – 13:30 Office hours for SU counseling: Monday, Wednesday and Friday Between 9:30-11:30 Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 36
Secretary Computer Science, Multimedia Designer, Web Development and Software Development Charlotte Morell Jørgensen, e-mail: CHJ@cphnorth.dk Available: Monday – Friday, between 09:00 – 13:30 Office hours for SU counseling Monday, Wednesday and Friday Between 9:30-11:30 Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 40
Secretary Marketing Management and International Sales and Marketing Management Annie Blichfeldt, e-mail:ABL@cphnorth.dk Available: Monday – Friday, between 08:00 – 13:30 Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 39
Programme management
Programme Director Kirsten Ringgaard E-mail: KRI@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 14
Programme Director Kristian Tørning E-mail: KRTO@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 15
Librarian Helena Ekelund E-mail: HE@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 52
Student Guidance Centre
Student Counselor Elena Jam Pedersen E-mail: EPED@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 79
Student Counselor Søren Meyer E-mail: SME@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 50
International Counselor Hanne Thuesen E-mail: HT@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 16
Janne Wied Madsen E-mail: JWM@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 44
Togo Sørensen E-mail: TTS@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 45
Jens Borup E-mail: JBO@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 45
Jan Rottbøll Westrup E-mail: JRW@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 45
Bjarne Nielsen E-mail: BNI@cphnorth.dk Tel. no: +45 88 52 66 45
Business Academy Copenhagen North Trong책rdsvej 44 2800 Kongens Lyngby Denmark Tlf. +45 8852 6600 E-mail: tron@cphnorth.dk Internet www.cphnorth.dk