Introduction to the IT-systems
Addresses ............................................................................................................................................. 1 Log on network .................................................................................................................................... 1 Study portal - Fronter: .......................................................................................................................... 2 Fronter App to smartphones................................................................................................................. 4 E-mail at Fronter .................................................................................................................................. 5 Connecting to printer ........................................................................................................................... 6 Servicedesk .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Studsys / password administration ....................................................................................................... 8 Brugerweb guides ................................................................................................................................ 8
Addresses Study portal / Fronter: The Academy’s homepage: Studsys: You logon by opening a browser and typing the address in the address field
Log on network 1. You must make sure that your browser(i.e. Internet explorer) is not activated 2. Turn on the wireless network on your laptop 3. Double click at the wireless network connection icon in the process bar to the bottom right
4. Double click at the T_NET network (You will get a warning – but don’t mind that)
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5. Click at ’Connect to network’ anyway. After a short period of time your laptop will be logged on the wireless network (there will be written Connected to the right of T_NET) 6. Start your browser (you are on the net). Be aware that it can take up to a minute the first time your browser uses this connection. 7. You will get a warning – there is an error with the website’s safety certificate. Choose Continue to website anyway. 8. You are now at the log on page to the schools wireless network. When you log on you must write efif\username and your password – The character pressing down ’alt gr’ and clicking the > < \ key.
you find on the keyboard by
Study portal - Fronter: The study portal is accessed at:, where you logon with username and password.
You can change the language already here be choosing the preferred language in ‘Sprog’ (Danish for language). ‘Engelsk’ is Danish for English.
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At Fronter you will find your schedule, news, materials for the classes, exercises, links relevant to your study and you can create group room for group projects. Today Today is your entrance to Fronter. In this room you find news from the school, your personal calendar plus reminders for pending hand ins. You can customize today to fit your needs. It is a good idea to create Favourites (short cuts) to rooms and folders that you use often
Content from room at Today To be able to see news, calendars from the rooms you participate in at Today you must choose ‘Customise today’ underneath the North logo.
Here you can under ’View from room’ choose the rooms from which you want to see content at Today. Be sure to choose your class’s room plus your information room i.e. ‘info DAT (students) UK’ or ‘FINSTUD 2011’, where you will get information from the administration concerning examination. In the menu you also find
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Links to Helpdesk and the schools intranet.. Just below the menu you can change language choosing the preferred language in the box ‘dk’. ‘Engelsk’ is Danish for English. ‘your name’ is a link to your profile. Class room and subject/semester rooms Each class has its own room plus a number of subject- or semester rooms. You find your class’ room be choosing ‘class xxx’ in the room selector and pressing ‘Go’.
Where xxx is the name of your class e.g. tr09mil02. You find your subject- or semester rooms in a similar way. At the class’ room as well as at the subject- or semester rooms you have news for the class and subject or semester, relevant links schedule and perhaps RSS feeds.
At Members you can find links to your co students’ and teachers’ profiles with information and perhaps pictures depending on what they respectively have registered. At Hand-in you find your exercises and projects. Exercises and project are set, handed-in and evaluated electronically. Finally you can at Discussion start and participate in discussions with your fellow students and teachers.
Fronter App to smartphones A free Fronter App is available at App Store or Market. You get it be searching for ‘Fronter’. The App gives you access to news, your calendar and notifications for hand-ins.
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Be aware that you have to use our own domain: and not Fronter’s standard domain follow the instructions on your smartphone. You log on with your username and password just as you do on your laptop.
E-mail at Fronter Register your e-mail address Register your e-mail address at Fronter by clicking at your name (your profile)
Register your e-mail-address and choose ,Save’.
Standard E-mail-client or Fronter webmail Fronter gives you the possibility to choose between using your standard e-mail client i.e. Outlook or Fronter built-in webmail. Your standard e-mail client has full functionality. Fronter webmail uses your registered e-mail-address as sender-address. You can’t see sent emails (remember to put yourself as recipient) To choose e-mail client click at your name (your profile) and choose ‘Personal settings’
Choose whether you want to use your standard e-mail client or Fronter’s webmail. Press ‘Save’.
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Send e-mails You can send e-mails to the members in your rooms at Fronter by choosing ‘Members’. Here you can choose to send til ‘all’ – check the box at the top, or you can select the members you want to send an e-mail – check each member individually.
. Press ‘Send e-mail to selected’. If any of the selected hasn’t registered their e-mail address you will get a warning.
Press ‘OK’ if you want to send the e-mail to those registered Aanyway.
Connecting to printer There are to types of printers: Color and black-and-white. Called respectively: \\kn-tr-print\kn-tr-blackwhite - Only Black/White prints \\kn-tr-print\kn-tr-color - Only Colour prints * Guide: 1. Go to: 2. Login with your login and password 3. Choose the ”printer” you want to use 4. Follow the instructions Copying and Printing Instructions Insert your study card in the card reader in the copying machine Press ”Print” for printing your documents Press “Copy” and start copying If you press “More” and then Press “Document list” you will find all the pages you have sent to printing. Now you can choose to print all the pages desired Do not forget to remove your study card and take it with you.
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Copy machines as well as printer can be used for printing and are located:
Copy Machines/printers with a card reader: Room: 101: Black/White Room: 422: Black/White Room: 502: Colour * Room: 112: Colour * Printers with a card reader: Room: 420: Black/White Room: 400: Black/White Room: 211: Black/White Room: 300: Black/White Room: 207: Black/White
Servicedesk If you experience a problem with theschool’s PCs, network or others technical facilities it is important to report it to the servicedesk. Reporting is on line at: or through the link ’Service desk’ at the top menu in Fronter. Here you can:
- Create a case and send it to the service desk - Follow the status of the case - Receive clarifying questions to the case - Get a solution to your problem
When you have created a case you have to select a case type (Danish: Sagstype) and write a description of the problem. It can be a good idea to specify in which room the problem has occurred (i.e. 419). If it is a specific PC or printer each piece of equipment has a unique number which also is a good idea to state. If we do not report errors the service desk cannot correct the errors. So remember to report errors!
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Studsys / password administration You must start out with changing your password You have to change password every 12 month (You get a warning 2 weeks before your password expires if you enter your school mail) A password must consist of a least 8 characters (can also be numbers) It is not possible to reuse the last 5 passwords At the page: you can (Remember to login using efif\username): • •
See when your password expires (in danish: udløber) Get an e-mail before it expires
Change your password (in danish: Skift password) • Nuværende password: Existing password • Ny password: New password • Bekræft password: Confirm password
Brugerweb guides At Fronter you find the room North intra which is the Academy’s intranet. Here you can find guides for using Brugerweb under 'Guides, forms and IT’. Be sure to register your cell phone using the ‘Guide SMS-service in BrugerWeb’. Registering your cell phone in Brugerweb will enable you to receive a sms if for instance a class is cancelled.
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