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Among the guests of Estonian ambassador Mart Laanemäe at a reception to mark his country’s independence day at Odd Fellow Palace on February 21 were (left-right) Nathalia Feinberg, the Chief of Protocol at the Foreign Ministry, Louise Schack Elholm, the minister for Nordic collaboration and church affairs, and US ambassador Alan Leventhal and his wife
Unlike other productions, most of the Southeast Asian actors in the ongoing production of ‘Miss Saigon’ at Det Ny Teater actually come from the region. Many accordingly took crash courses in Danish before undertaking their roles, which according to reviews was well worth the time and effort
Thai ambassador Sirilak Niyom was among the guests of Japanese ambassador Uyama Hideki at the reception to mark the birthday of the Japanese Emperor on February 23 at the embassy in Copenhagen
A ceremony to mark the transfer of the EU Presidency from the Czech Republic to Sweden was held at Europe House on January 18, where the respective ambassadors Radek Pech and Charlotte Wrangberg (centre right and left) were among those who took part in the formalities
Four new ambassadors were presented to Queen Margrethe II on February 22 (clockwise from top left): Mark Causon (Malta – based in Valetta), Grace Alfred Olotu (Tanzania – Stockholm), Milton Soto (Bolivia – Stockholm) and Abdulla Bin Faisal Al Doseri (Bahrain – Brussels)
And another five ambassadors were presented to Her Majesty on March 3 (clockwise from top left): Shahidul Karim (Bangladesh), Anton Niculescu (Romania) and Elizabeth McCullough (Ireland), who are all based in Copenhagen), along with Muhib Namerat (Jordan – Oslo) and Dr Faruk Ajeti (Kosovo – Berlin)