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All you need to know about Danish schools
If you have school-age children, you may be wondering what the Danish educational system is like. There are a number of questions that will spring to mind if you are a family with young children that have just arrived in Denmark. You may want to know about day-care and what the different options are. For those with older children, the question might be how does the education system function? Is it compatible with the one back home? Is it as good? Then you may need to decide whether to go state or private. All importantly, if my children don’t speak the language, how well will they integrate and will they make friends? It may also be relevant to ask what opportunities there are for higher education and will a degree or qualification taken in Denmark be recognised abroad?
High Standards
The Danish school system is considered one of the best in the world and traditionally, Danish governments have always prioritised education highly. Denmark is a small country with few natural resources, so an educated population is vital in our globalised world. The National Reform Program adopted in 2013 was designed to get more young people to complete their education quickly, as well as ensuring high quality and efficiency within the educational system.
All children are entitled to free tuition at Danish municipal primary and lower secondary schools, as are adult students living in Denmark, depending on the level and nature of the institution. However, private schools are also fairly common and as these are heavily state-subsidised, the fees are not as high as they might be in other European countries. Private schools may be faith-based or following particular educational precepts, such as Rudolf Steiner schools. There are also schools for the German minority in Denmark. International schools exist where the curriculum, which often follows a UK, US or French model, is taught in English, French, Spanish, German or Japanese. Although there may be some Danish students, the student body is typically international. These schools are private and approved by the Ministry of Education to teach in languages other than Danish, either for the whole school or parts of it.
Language Assessment And Training
Children whose mother-tongue is not Danish and are enrolled in a daycare facility may be given a language assessment if there are linguistic, behavioural or other grounds to suggest that the child may be in need of language stimulation. The language assessment is compulsory for all children aged 3 who are not attending a day-care facility. If the assessment shows that language stimulation is needed, the local council must provide it. In primary and lower secondary schools, bi-lingual children can take ‘Danish as a second language’. If basic instruction is needed, the child will be assigned to a reception class, a scheme for teaching in teams, or individual instruction. Bilingual children can participate in ordinary teaching but those who need extra support are referred to supplementary teaching. The number of lessons is tailored to the needs of the individual. A limited number of bilingual children in primary and lower secondary schools are offered tuition in their mother-tongue.
Keep On Learning
Denmark has a long tradition of lifelong learning and many Danes participate in adult education. It is also common for workplaces to expect staff to upgrade their skills through educational schemes throughout their working careers.
There are so-called folk high schools in Denmark: they offer a broad range of courses lasting from 4 days to 36 weeks. No particular educational or professional qualifications are required to attend these and most students are between 18 and 24 years old. You sleep, eat, study and spend your spare time at the school. There are no exams – but you get a diploma as a proof of your attendance.
As for language schools, though studying Danish has recently become an expensive quest (unless you’re a refugee), some organisations offer free Danish courses – Red Cross and Bethesda church are two examples. Red Cross also does other relevant volunteer work such as their couples’ integration program, which provides help managing your relocation. As for digital means of language learning, you can start by checking out duolingo. com.
The Six Stages
There are six stages of education in Denmark:
1. Pre-school
2. Primary and lower secondary education
3. Upper secondary education
4. Vocational education and training
5. Higher education
6. Adult learning.
Before they start pre-school, most Danish children have attended day-care, either in a nursery school or kindergarten.
After preschool, which is optional, children go on to do nine years of compulsory education in primary and secondary school, with an option to take a tenth year.
Pupils are divided into year groups by age, and progression from one year to the next is automatic. The same pupils stay together for all the 9 years. Classes usually consist of between 16 and 26 children.
The tenth form can be taken in the existing school if it is offered there, but is also available at an efterskole, ungdomsskole or frifagskole. As well as providing academic programs allowing entry into higher education, upper secondary education can offer programmes of a more vocational nature.
These are aimed at giving direct entry into the labour market and are often in conjunction with internships in various top Danish companies.